Together Forever

By Kay Black

Published on May 29, 2001


DISCLAIMER: I don't know any members of *N Sync, or their sexual preference, therefore this story is purely FICTIONAL and not meant to imply anything about them. If you don't like m/m relationships, then LEAVE. If you're breaking any laws by reading this then LEAVE. I think that covers everything. Please don't sue me for writing this!! NOTE: ACK! I did it again!! I'm SOOO sorry, but I have almost no time to post. I apologive to all who have been waiting, and I promise I will post A.S.A.P. And if the other chapters are delayed too, I'm sorry. Just be patient with me. I won't abandon this, there IS more to come!!!Now without further adue....

=========================== Together Forever By: Kay B. Email is: ===========================

Chapter 3

Three hours later Chris came back. As soon as JC heard the keys in the door across the hall he ran out. "I couldn't find him, sorry. But I don't blame him for leaving, you had no right to hit him JC! Hiw could you do that to someone you love? Give him time, he's probably just thinking and blowing off some steam. He'll ba back soon, I'm sure. In the meantime come in, I think we need to talk about earlier." JC said not a word while Chris spoke. He just hung his head ashamed and followed the older band member into his room. Finally able to explain and think about Lance's feelings got JC talking. "I love him. That's why I was so mad at Justin because an event like that could jeopardize our relationship. So I got mad. Then Lance started defending him, he just didn't see it the way I did. I felt that he didn't care if we break up, all that togethergot me even more upset. I don't know why I turned on Lance. I mean, whoops not like that, ha ha! But, well I just don't get it. It hurts so much that I could do that. I lone him Chris. I mean I REALLY love him. I just can't explain it" Chris smiled at JC. He was getting turned on looking at JC in his tight boxer-briefs whick emphasized the fact that he was very well-endowed. 'No wonder Lance brags about JC's energyin the bedroom' Chris was thinking but pushed it away. Afterall JC was with Lance and he definitely wasn't gay. At that moment Justin walked in to say management had called and they had better get their butts ready for the concert. ------------------------------------------- JC was a complete wreck, there was no way the show could go on, he was everywhere. Not to mention the fact that Lance still hadn't shown up, or even called and it was only half and hour before they had to be on stage!Finally there was no time left - thay had to get ready - so JC pulled himself together and headed for the dressing room when he saw he door open and Lance walk in. All of *N Sync ran for Lance whose face was tear-streaked, his hari was unruly and greasy, clothes all muddy and wrinkled, an he had huge bas underhis blodshot eyes. Despite looking like a drunk homeless man JC threw his arms around Lance's shouldersand tried to kiss him, but Lance pushed JC away and headed to his dressing room. He looked straight into JC's eyes. "This has nothing to do with you. This is for the music. Only the music. And the fans. I will NEVER forgive you for what you did. You really hurt me. And I can't forget that. Ever." Lance walked off leaving a speechless JC and a shocked *N sync. In his dressing room Justin caught up with Lance. "What was THAT all about? I've never seen you so cold-hearted. Even I've forgiven JC, so why can't you? Woah, hey, don't drop that towel, straight guy here remember?" Justin commented to Lance as he got changed. "Hey, um, Scoop, why won't you look at me? Ya know, I don't care if you're crying." " I don't want you to see my face, Just. I was wearing makeup before. I don't want you to see me without it. I was mean to JC because I love him." "Ha! That was no-" "Justin! Lemme finish! I was mean because I didn't want JC to feel bad about what he did. That's why I wore makeup. Now if I show you, you have to promise not to tell. Do you promise?" "Yes, show me, tell me why you're wearing makeup!" Justin practically screamed when Lance, now fully dressed for the concert turned to face him. The bags under his still-bloodshot eyes were even bigger, he had a small cut on his lower lip that hadn't been noticed before, but what really stood out most was the bruise. A horrible purple-blue it covered most of the right side of his face, the rough shape of a hand - JC's - slightly recognizable. Justin could tell that Lance's eye had most likely been closed last night as a result of it. "Holy shit, Lance. How the hell did you get that covered with makeup and still get it to look natural? Vicky will love you. You know how she's always complaining about our cover up not looking natural. I mean, oh god, Lance I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Justin put his arms around a now weeping Lance. Then he got up to get Vicky so Lance could get his stage makeup done in his room, away from prying eyes. ------------------------------------------- "Holy shit Lance! Did you run into a wall or something? There's no way I can hide this!" A wide-eyed Vicky prodded Lance for his answer. "Try running into JC's hand, and I used this cover-up. It works great. You should have seen how good the girl at the mall was at covering it." "JC!? But I though you two were together! He must have been drunk or something to do that to you. Trust me honey, Josh is beating himself for it. He loves you more than anything, he'd die for you. Talk to him, let him explain. But don't get mad. Waqit until you're ready to forgive him - I know you can, and I know he'll wait if it means he'll be with you."Lance nodded. Vicky was right, she always was when she gave him advice. But he still couldn't be with JC yet. Sure, they needed to talk, but Lance couldn't do that quite yet. He needed time, and if what Vicky said was true JC would let him have that time. But now they had a concert to perform. ------------------------------------------- 'The concert went off without any problems - I'm glad the fans enjoyed it.' Thought Lance as the five guys slumped onto the couches of Justin's hotel room.He had acted normal on stage with JC, and the bruise on his face was undetectable beneath Vicky's wonderous makeup job. After all, what would the fans think if they saw their precious Lance hurt. "Hey Joe what's up?" Joey was lost in thought, something unusual of the group's jokester. "Not much L, just thinking about how much my head hurts from getting hit so much tonight" He said glaring at Chris and Justin. " Don't look at me man you deserved it" Justin retorted " I mean the whole pole-humping thing during 'Just Got Paid' was a little extreme, and the only time I hit you was when you grabbed Lance's ass in 'Digital Get Down'. I mean I admit that I was a little hyper up there, but you could have at least saved for after. Besides I really doubt that Lance - or that mic-stand - find you attractive. If I remeber correctly it wasn't too long ago when Lance and Josh were an item." Justin turned red and his comments wer followed by an uncomfortable silence in which, one by one, the guys left. "Um, Justin, I hate to change the subject but JC seems to be getting kinda uneasy, and I was wondering, can I room with you tonight?" " 'Course, Lance. Arrangements have already been made.Your roomin' with me for the next month.Wouldn't have it any other way." There was a knock at the room door and JC entered with Lance's luggage. He tried to talk, but Lance pushed him out and closed the door in his face. 'What the hell? Why won't he at least listen to me? I love and miss him so much. I can't take much more of this. If he keeps doing this, well, I can't live without Lance. If he doesn't at least speak to me soon I swear I'll-' But Chris interrupted jC's thoughts. "C'mon Josh, let's get to our room , okay?"

UH - OH major conflicts! So, was it good? Hmm, JC seems to be getting unstable. What do you think he'll do if lance doesn't take him back? And what about Lance's bruise???What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear 'em. Sorry these chapters are taking so long. Its so hard to get on a computer lately and when I'm writing I keep geting blocks. Any opinions or suggestions are welcomed and embraced.Email is: Best stories to check out: My Suprise Romance Mirror Mirror Tale Of Two Boybands Friends and Lovers Deceiving Secrets argh, there's too many too name, but those are some of the best. Peace <3 Kay

Next: Chapter 4

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