Tommy and Joey

By Joey Williams

Published on Jun 1, 2007


Copyright 2005 Joey Williams,

DISCLAIMER: This story is for adults only. If it is not legal for you to read erotic stories, or you are not of legal age either where you reside or are accessing this page, or are offended by male to male sex, then don't read this story.

I have a few good stories that have happened to me over the years. Friends listen to me telling about my college roommate and have told me to write it down. One of the greatest times I had was back in college. To start the story, I had graduate from High School and felt good about being gay. I knew that I wanted to go to college in Louisiana, and I received a Louisiana Honors Scholarship. It covered full tuition at any Louisiana University. I was fairly certain throughout high school that Louisiana Tech was the place. I entered the school on a scholarship to take computer science classes.

A lot of my high school friends were going there and I was happy about leaving home. When it came time for a roommate, everyone that I knew was already taken and I did not have a boyfriend. So what the heck, I put down no preference on the admission card. That was a big mistake.

The dorm board assigned a fellow named Gary. I moved into the dorm on Friday and got my stuff sorted away. Every thing had its place and place for everything. I am not a total neat freak, but I do like to have books and supplies where you can find them. On Saturday morning, I am sitting on the bed when the door flies open and this guy bolts into the room pulling a trunk. Others are following him with his clothes. All of that was tossed either on his bed or in the middle of the floor. I am sitting there watching and they do not even acknowledge me. Within a few seconds the room looks like a storm hit it.

Soon enough he says "What a bitch, I am Gary and I am guessing you are living with me, huh?" He turns around and says to his buddies "It is beer and pizza time." Out the door they go, slamming it in the process and I am left there still on the bed. Over the next school year, his things and his side of the room looked the same as the day he blew into the room.

Dirty clothes found there way into the space behind the head board. His way of handling clothes was to smell them, if they past the test he put them on. I don't think he every washed the first thing. He would buy new underwear versus washing. Drinking and pissing in the sink was his favorite past time. He would unzip his pants, push his briefs under his balls and aim his dong. He stands there with his great looking dick hanging out pissing while combing his hair. It would splash all over the counter top. He knew that really made me sick because he would tell me to come over and lick it up. I could have gone on my knees for him, but that was not going to happen. I did not want to touch any part of him.

That was a shame too. Gary stood about 6'1'' and his was around 180 pounds. Jet black hair and had body hair to match. His face was strong and deep hazel eyes. His pecker measured out at 7" and was thick piece of cut meat. He had a flat butt and thick hair in his crack. Over time he ignored me since I did not go out drinking and whoring. I found out he hates faggots and thinks they all should be beaten.

Gray's language was foul. When he talked about girls, he used words I can not repeat in this story. He liked girls a lot and always managed to get a date. Many times I came back to the room and there was sock hanging on the doorknob. The first time I saw the sock I did not know what it meant. I had my key out and unlocked the door. As I entered the smell of raw sex hit me and I knew what was going on. Gary was fucking a girl good enough that either of them knew I was there. His bare ass was in the air; his nut sack was red; and water pouring down his crack. The cheeks of his ass bounced each time he pumped. I heard Gary moaning "Oh baby I love you". She had her blouse unbuttoned, the bra pulled up and her jeans on the floor with the panties tied in a knot. His pants and jockeys where down around his ankles. They did not even take the time to undress. That really turned me off. I meant, come on; take time to get comfortable. I knew there never would be anything between Gary and me. I left the room and closed the door behind me. I walked across campus to the student center.

I noticed this hot looking guy putting up a bulletin. He had big shoulders that tapered down to a smaller waist line. His package and his bubble ass looked so nice. My curious nature wanted to know what that was about. I wandered over to read it. It was an invitation to join the men's swim club. I really joined swimming and I wrote down the information. While I was standing there, the poster boy walks up beside me. As I turned to see who it was, he had his hand out and was saying "I am Jake. Are you are going to join us?" I answered yes. I told him about how I was on a team at the Y in Shreveport. Jake playfully took my arms and felt my muscles. He felt my chest and patted my belly. He was impressed with my upper body and legs. As I was starting to day dream about possibilities, this girl appears and gives my new found prince a hot kiss. Jake introduced me to his girlfriend.

I still wanted to join the club. Plus, there were all those hot bodies in the shower. I was there at the appointed time. There was going to be try outs and scoring. I had three weeks to prepare. If I was not swimming, I hit the weight room. I was already in good shape and I toned up my body. My best event was the breast stroke and the workouts put muscles in all the right places. My chest and stomach muscles showed hard definition. In college, I had a 28" waist line and good 42" chest; and I was 172 pounds dripping wet. The try outs came around and I made the team. It was set that I would be on two sub-teams, the individual breast stroke and the 4x4 relay.

All the guys looked dang hot and my dreams of a soapy shower time came true. Only problem was I was in a club full of straight men. Hiding my erection became difficult. Of course, I did not wear my "I am gay" shirt and I played the straight role. When Gary found out that I made the team, he called all of us pussy boys.

The end result of seeing Gary nude and working with the swim club made me as horny as hell. Some times I would drive back to Shreveport. With the local guys, I was able to be myself and have hot sex. But during the week, I needed relief from the pending pressure in my balls. I could not beat off in the room with Gary hanging around. I could only imagine what he would say and do if he was to catch me. The showers were all open heads and that did not seem to be good option either. I could have done it in one of the stalls, but that was not me.

The swim team was going good. After one of the big events, Jake arranged a picnic party. The whole group went out to the local lakeside park. There were tables, benches and grills. We spend all day just eating, relaxing and swimming. The lake was fed my several streams that ran back into heavy woods. There was good walking and biking trails. It was a very beautiful place.

Because of the school and swim club schedule, I had not returned home in weeks. Gary had been totally a jerk and I just needed to get out. I started thinking about the lake park and decided to return. When I got there, the place was empty. This idea popped into my head. I opened the truck and pulled an old quilt. Folded it under my arm and headed down one of the trails. The weather was nice and a breeze was blowing. The smell of wet wood and dirt was present. The sun streamed into the trees making distinct shadows. I walked until the trail had disappeared. I was looking around and thought this was the place. It was a small clearing with pines on each side. I unfolded the quilt and put it out on top of the grass and leaves. I kicked off my shoes and stepped onto the edge. It made a loud cracking sound. I knew someone was going to hear the echo.

When I was completely quiet, the birds started up. I felt the sun warming my back. The running water could be heard by the entrance to the clearing. I felt myself relaxing and this need came over came me. I pulled off my socks. I wanted to lay back and let the sun work on my face. I put my hands behind my head and stretched. My shirt rode up exposing my belly button. The breeze felt so good. It was then I noticed that I was starting to grow in my briefs. I reached down with my right hand and fondled my package. Yes, there was activity and I was passed the point of no return. I slowly started rubbing the side of my hip making my whole body responsive to being touched. I moved the other hand down and massaged the other side. I forced my package to make a mound by pushing the sides with both hands. My dick continued to expand. I was totally alone in the world.

I sat up and removed my shirt and T. The sun immediately attacked my bare skin. I put my fingers in my mouth and transferred some mouth juice. I took the wetness and placed it on both of my nipples. Using my thumbs, I made small circles around the nipples. They were rock hard and standing erect. The feeling raced through my body and made my toes curl. My back arched and I my muscles jerking. I was going crazy feeling my own nipples being touched. I moved my hand downward. The workouts and swimming had given me the desired results. My muscles were hard and smooth. I rubbed my belly button and playing with the top of the black hair trail that lead down into my pants. I had my eyes closed and the image of Jake was in my head. His sweet lips were kissing me. He had hot desire in his eyes. I felt his arms around me holding me tight.

The wind picked up at that time and I could tell I had a wet spot that was soaking through my briefs and into my jeans. I undid my belt and unbutton the snap of the jeans. My cock jerked in response. I ran my hand inside to check the amount of damage. Yes, I was leaking and it was sticky. I took my hand out and smelled the fluid hanging on my fingers. I put the liquid on my tongue. This did it for me and I became total hard. I tore my jeans and briefs down my legs. This let my dick spring free and it slapped my belly. It splashed more fluid. The wetness ran downward and into my thick dark pubic hair. The skin of my uncut penis was pulled back exposing me. I needed to be completely nude and did not care if I was in an open field. My six foot frame stretched from one end of the blanket to the other end.

Reaching with my right hand, I took two fingers with my thumb and placed them on my shaft just below the dick head. I took my left hand and put the fingers to my mouth getting them wet. I rubbed the wetness all over the end of my cock. I took my hand back to my left nipple and pressed it hard. I could not wait any longer. I started slowly jacking my uncut 6.5" cock with my foreskin pulling back down the head. I felt the skin as it rode the hard blood enriched shaft. With the sun beating down on me and the action I was taking, I became very hot. The sweaty moisture ran down around my balls and into my ass crack. I pulled my legs apart to let the air move over my ass. I was not going to last much longer. I felt the blast as it came up the pole. The first volley shot me square in the face and a fair amount landing in my open mouth. The second soaked my neck and started running down my shoulder. I heard the sound of sperm splashing on dry leaves. I continued to stroke my cock and felt the release coming.

The third was all over my belly. I continued to pump. This caused my belly button to become full. It had so much spunk that it ran down my side. The breeze made the fluid streams feel cold against my hot skin. I released my hand and my cock started jerking as it returning to it normal size. I was wet, happy and totally relaxed. I ran my fingers into the belly button and tasted my own spunk. The sun shone on my white milk hanging from my finger tips. As I came back to the real world, I had a problem. How do I cleanup? Sitting up I saw the briefs. I used them to clean my sperm and they got totally soaked. "I can not put these back on!" I stood up and put on the jeans over my naked butt; and finished dressing. I refolded the quilt and headed back down the trail. At the trail head, I took the briefs and tied them to a branch of a tree. Maybe someone else could use them or get all hot over seeing my whites. When I got back to campus, it felt good to be out without any underwear. I felt the movement of my dick inside those soft jeans and I became half hard. I had never done that before. I was ready for anything.

Gary came pouncing into the room and gave me shocking news. He was not coming back the next term and I needed to find new pussy boy roommate to keep me warm. I almost kissed him. I start looking for a new roommate, someone that I could like and someone that could like me. Anyone??? I could not think of anyone. So, I waited.

The dorm lounge on the bottom floor had a snack area. I had gone down there to get a drink and found out I did not have enough change. The machine would not take my dollar bill. This guy who had been watching TV hears my problem. He came over and touched my shoulder. I almost jump out of my skin. As I turned to see who it was, he reached into his pocket and gave me the coins. "Here you go buddy." I was really taken back and he was so handsome. After I got my drink, he sticks his hand out and says "I am Steve". You are Joey right? I shook my head yes. Though so, you are in my calculus class. It was then I remember taking notice of him. Steve had short blond hair, deep hazel eyes, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs, big shoulders and small waist line. Gosh, he could have been model. I wanted to pay him back for the drink. He said no problem.

He was standing there looking me over with a pleasant smile. I was beginning to feel like a piece of meat in a market. I know my cheeks turned red and I got this funny feeling in my stomach. "Did you do the bonus math problem?" I shook my head yes. Steve asked me if he could compare his solution against mine. My mind was in the gutter and I had to force myself not to laugh. "Sure, go get your paper and come up to 213." I went back to my room and as I opened the door, Gary's smell hits my senses. With the door standing open, I hear a voice saying "What kind of animal lives in here?" I laughed and said we can go elsewhere. I grabbed the assignment and we head back to his room. His room was very clean, neat and the books placed on shelves. His bed was made. There was good sweet smell coming from the candle he had been burning. I decided I like this boy. We sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the assignment. I felt the strength in his body being so close to me. I started getting hard and felt guilty.

After checking the class problem, he asked me what we going to do now? It was dinner time and we went together. Over the dinner table we talked about many things. I did not tell him about me being gay. I learned he like riding bicycles, playing chess and was taking electrical engineering. I could tell he was straight and just shy about telling me about his personal life. We discussed Gary and about me needing a new roommate. He told me he was not happy with his roommate. We both came to the same idea. "Let's room together." We shook hands and it was done. The spring term ended and it was summer time.

Steve had a job at a retail shop and I got my old job back at the Best Western Motel. I did room service and acted as a check in guy. The work had long hours and I worked for tips. In was the end of July already when Steve called. He had won two tickets to the local water park and wanted me to go. I was so tired of working and needed to have some fun; I jumped at the chance. He came by after getting off work and picked me up. When we got to the park, we were assigned a locker. I followed Steve like a puppy and found an empty spot. I was very curious about what he looked like naked. We taken off our pants and he had on red boxers. He pulled down his underpants and I got my first view of a hot looking ass. I could see that he had a great body. His dick and balls were perfect. He acted like he had changed in front guys a thousand times.

I was sitting on the bench butt naked and I had trouble with my dick wanting to grow hard. I stared at his cock and it was big even while soft. His penis pounced from side to side and I thought I saw it expand. He really was a natural blond. Nice bush around the base and a low hanging ball sack. I wanted to reach out and touch him. When he bent over to step into his swimsuit, I could see clearly the nice soft hair leading down to his butt crack. His skin was pale and smooth. His ass was two perfect round mounds of firm flesh. I had a total erection; and I forced myself not to reach out and touch him. I needed to leave; I pulled on my swimsuit and said to him I wait for you outside. I found a spot by the side of the pool house. I pushed my hand into my trunks and put my dick between my legs and waited. Steve found me there and asked "You feeling alright". I could not answer, but turned my head around and shook my head yes. "You go ahead and I will be there in a minute." We had fun horsing around and playing. I got to build more ideas for my night dreams. When I jacked off, I would see his face; his hair wet and matted down the side of his neck; his smile; those hot red lips; perfect white teeth; and those wet trunks hanging over his package and firm smooth bubble ass.

All too soon, school starts. Steve and I planned a few classes together. We became good friends and study partners. He would smile at me and laugh out loud. I am a happy little gay boy. Plus at shower time, I got a free show from my blond god. If no one else was there, he let me wash his back. I was really feeling comfortable around him. He would show off in nothing but a towel and his dick would be clearly visible. He dress and undress in front me without even a glance my way. Sometimes he would pounce and a wrestling match would start. He would always win being the stronger. I liked it very much having him straddle me and forcing me to say he was the best. We would go everywhere together, rode bicycles around the country side. I made many trips out to the lake park and beat my meat. When I had my cock in my hand, Steve's image would become clear and I would make love with him.

It was late fall and most guys would sign up for the intra- dorm touch football. I had no real interest; but, Steve did and he signed both of our names. I was stuck without even knowing it. The first few games went well. I could run and catch a football. Steve, of course, was a star and took chances. During one of the games it happened, he got hurt. He was running full out and was hit from the side making him fall hard. I went over to check on him. He had pulled a muscle and was bleeding. The boy was tearing up and his eyes were blood red. I got him to his feet and put his arm over my shoulder. Back in the room, I helped him get his shirt off. There was a big bloody scrape. I could tell his back was twisted. I asked him how bad it hurt.

"Not to bad, it just stings." I got the first aid kit and cleaned him up. At least the skin was not broken. He was lying on his stomach. I was thinking what else I can do. "Steve, I am going to massage your back? It would help with that back muscle." He said that would be really great. I got some body oil and sat beside him. I poured some in my palm and started rubbing his shoulders. Slowly working down his back, I felt the tightness. I worked it slow, deep and steady. I have never seen a muscle group actually jerk. He completely relaxed. I continued because I did not want to stop and I felt the intensity flowing from him. I wanted to bond with Steve in a loving and satisfying way. I rubbed his neck and sides. I pushed my hand up the back of his neck and massage behind his ears.

My head was spinning thinking about what I was doing. I took off his shoes and socks. I rubbed his feet and found he loves that. I also worked his calves and thighs. He was making little moaning sounds. He pulled a pillow under his head, buried his face and tore at the sides. I was getting bolder and hotter. I asked Steve to roll over so I could rub his temples and chest. Plus, I really wanted to see his package within those shorts. But Steve said no, he could not roll over. "Why? Are you hurting that badly?" I was very concerned. I was thinking I had to do something for him. I reached for the phone to call the campus medical number. As I was dialing, Steve reaches over; and takes my hand and puts the telephone receiver down.

His eyes had become wet and red with tears. "Joey, promise me you will not hate me. Please ." I replied that he could tell me anything. My heart started aching and I wanted to take him my arms. He said very softly "I can't turn over because it is embarrassing. I did not want you to know." Steve sat up, started trembling and wrapped his arms around my neck; taking me my surprise. "Joey, I think I am queer and I wanted to tell you for a long time now. But, I was so worried you would .." I stopped him and pushed him back so that I could see his face. I placed my hand behind his neck, pulled him forward and I kissed him. I was overcome with desire. His lips were salty from the tears rolling down his cheeks. He felt warm and soft. As we kissed, he parted his lips. I pushed my tongue into his mouth. I was on fire. I felt the softness of his mouth. He fell backwards pulling me down.

We lay there kissing with me on top of him. Steve had his hand on back of my head and a section of my hair firmly in his grasp. We were getting very wet with sweat and our kissing became aggressive. I had to pull back to take in air. When I looked at his face and his beautiful hazel eyes, they had changed. There was a total lack of sadness and new lust was there. He looked so innocence and sweet. I ran my hand down his cheek wiping the wetness that had formed. Steve pulled my head back to his face and turned it so that my ear was at his lips. I closed my eyes and heard him say "Do it". I popped my eyes open; and looked at him as if he was a new toy and this was my first time to play with it.

He had a great looking chest; and it was very compact and solid. His nipples were dark compared to his light colored skin. They were set like jewels on a well defined muscle group. The center skin tags were full and it was easy to see how hard they had become. Steve had a fine blond hair trail that lead down to the top of his waist band. He was lying there with his eyes closed and his muscular chest was barely moving. I start rubbing his nipples and they drew upright. Steve opened his mouth and starting gasping for air. I kissed and licked his nipples one by one. I placed my hand to his golden skin and squeezed. The smell of his arm pits was intoxicating. I pushed my face into his underarm and softy kissed his skin.

Steve had gotten a large erection and the outline of his penis was clearly visible. The cloth of the shorts had pushed up which opened the way for my hand to slip inside his briefs. I felt his soft hair. He was hot and wet. My fingers reached his shaft. His dick was like a steel pole with a soft rubber coating. When I touched his penis for the first time, he grabbed my shoulders, his fingers dug into my flesh, he pushed me downward and cried out the words "Please, do it!" I was going crazy with lust. So I moved between his legs and placed my hands on the sides of his shorts. I pulled them down, off his hips and over his legs. His dick was so hard that it was hung in the pouch of his briefs. There was a large visible wet spot at the end of his cock. I stared at his dick and the length of it as it stretched the cloth. I ran my fingers down the shaft and let them rest on his balls. I was becoming dizzy. Steve had risen up and was going to pull off his briefs. He had gotten far enough to expose the sides of his butt cheeks. He looked like he was going to be sick. I bent over and kiss him firm and hard. I forced him back down and his head hit the pillow. I could see the veins in the side of his neck pounding. I took his arms and threw them back over his head.

I pushed his head sidewise and I started kissing his neck. My lips felt the blood rapidly pumping just under his skin. I could taste the sweat and salt. I slowly moved downward to his nipple. I bit the skin tag and he starting moaning out loud. He was rotating his body upwards and pushing his chest into my face. He grabbed the back of my hair and tried to push me down to his crotch. I resisted and took my time biting him and giving him butterfly kisses. His grip became stronger and I felt the pain from him pulling my hair. I gave in to his desire and moved my face towards the final goal. When I got to his belly button, I placed my tongue deep inside the hole. Steve went totally stiff and it was like he was frozen in time. Once I finished licking him, he released my hair; and took both his hands and placed them on the side of my temples. I looked into his eyes and they were gazed. His mouth was moving but no words were being formed. I knew it was time to continue.

I felt his dick jerking beneath me. The wet spot had grown and I could smell was manhood. I wanted to take all of him. I wanted to feel him inside my mouth. I moved my face close to his crotch. His dick was standing straight up and his balls had contracted. The pouch of the briefs still covered the hidden treasure. I took my hands up to his sides and ran them downward while softly rubbing him. I finished by placing them at his waist band. I slowly started pulling the briefs from under his butt. Finally, I placed my mouth on the pouch his briefs and over his dick. I was going to tease him by biting him through the briefs. At that moment, he lifted his hips off the bed, pushed my head down, holds his breath and explodes inside his briefs. I misjudged the timing. I can taste the salty sweet mixture pouring out of him. His cock was doing a dance inside my mouth. Steve held my head firmly in place and I sucked all I could through the cotton.

Once he came down from his private space, I pulled off his briefs. They had become completely soaked with my spit and his sperm. I threw them onto the floor. As I lowered my head over him, the smell of fresh yeast bread hit my nose. I took his soft dick, placed it back into my mouth and start sucking. I could taste all his flavors. He reacts by totally going rigid and not moving a muscle. His dick grew and I found it hard to keep all of it in my mouth. I felt more sperm flowing from him. I cleaned him up good, but he was still sticky. So, I got a warm wash cloth and finished the job. I took notice of his harden penis, the soft golden bush and those perfect egg shaped nuts. As I recall he measured out with an 8" cut dick. I ran my hands down his belly and played with his dick. I did not want this experience to end.

Steve opened his eyes and we just stared at each other. Steve sat up and gave me a hug. The kind of hug that was bonding, friendly and gentle. I start rubbing his back and it was hot with sweat. I let my hands play with the matted hair that lead to his butt crack. He pulled my face to his and pushed his tongue into my mouth. He was massaging my neck, sides and back. I let his hand squeeze the inside of my thigh and move to my package. He flexed his fingers over my dick and balls. I really started getting hot. The heat inside my shirt was becoming unbearable. He removed the edge of my shirt from my pants and pulled it off of me. As our bare chests push together, I could swear sparks flew between us. I know I am sunk and would let him do whatever he wanted.

He placed his lips on my nipple and kissed. This made me shiver and I raised my chest higher. I grabbed his head pushed him hard against my skin. He took his teeth and tore into my flesh. It felt like he was going to break my skin and draw blood. I heard myself reacting by wailing "Oh fuck". Steve put his arms around my waist and pushed me to the side, pulled me to the middle and rolled me over. As my face hit his pillow, I felt the heat and wetness from where he had been. Steve pinned my legs together and straddled my butt. I felt his hot dick in the small of my bare back. I started to feel some fear rising inside of me thinking about what was going to happen. Steve went into hi gear kissing my back and neck. He bit me hard on the top of my shoulder. He moved down my back biting where he could find lose skin. When he reached my waist band, he stopped and grabbed my pants. Before I knew what was happening, he had roughly pulled my pants and briefs completely off me. He did this like he was in a race. I am naked except for my socks. He pushed my legs apart and got between them. I felt his naked legs push up against mine. He put his hands under my hips and lifted me onto his thighs. My butt crack was separated and my ass exposed. Something inside me was breaking apart and I felt totally vulnerable.

Steve placed his hands on my ass cheeks and pulled them even farther apart. I felt his hot breath blowing on my hole. He spit on my ass and I felt the water trailing down my crack. He bent forward and pushed his face into my valley. He used his tongue to stir me into a state of dream land. Using his fingers, he pushed them inside my entrance and pulled the skin of my ass hole even wider. He tried to get as deep as he could. He continued to push his tongue inside. Steve pulled back his head, but I did not want him stop. I turned to see what his going to do.

Steve slapped my ass cheeks and I feltthe sting of his hand print. This hit me like an electric shock. My ass was becoming red hot. Steve pulled my hips back and upwards making me get on my knees. Steve put his fingers into his mouth and then rubbed the slippery spit around my hole. He made small circles and spread the opening wider. I was going crazy with lust and pushed my ass backwards to meet his advances. After he got me totally wet, he inserted one finger as far as he could. He pushed hard and wiggled his finger inside my ass. He pushed two fingers in me. I feltthe inside of my ass expand. He reached around my thigh, ran his hand to my balls. He grabbed them and squeezed. I jerked in pain but I did not care. He took my dick and wrapped his fingers around my shaft. I was so hard that my dick had become like granite. The pre-cum was flowing from inside me. This made his hand slip over my skin. He started a combination of finger fucking and jacking my dick. He started slowly at first and then picked up speed. He was feeling the smooth inside wall of my ass and rotating his fingers just to make me moan. Steve rose up and placed his hips against my ass. I felthis hard dick under my ass and touching the backside of my balls. He took his shaft in his hand a pulled it up my ass crack. He played with my ass hole with his dick head. I wanted to cry out "Fuck me", but I did not do it. I bit my lower lip while feeling the pain and pleasure.

He pushed the tip his cock head into my hole and rotated his shaft. I could not last long at that rate. I tell him I am going to cum. He mumbles "OK", pulled his dick out, pushed me over and onto my back. He grabbed my hips and dragged me to the middle of the bed. He took my legs, pulled them up over his chest and spread them wide. I wanted him to fuck me, to feel his dick inside me and have him ejaculate. But he had other plans; he ran his fingers down the inside of my legs. He took my balls and cupped them. He played with my nuts feeling them one by one. Next, he took hold of my knees and pushed my legs up to my chest. He told me to place my arms behind them. This made my ass pull up off the bed. He reinserted his fingers of his hand into my open hole pushing hard and deep. Steve reached between my legs with his other hand and forced my penis back to his face. He placed his mouth on me and starting sucking. The feeling was so awesome I started to tremble. I began to stiffen even more and I knew I was really getting close, I recognized what all the signs that were racing through my body. I felt my sperm fill his mouth with warm liquid. My load was huge and the organism was intense.

With my cock deep inside his mouth, he swallowed spunk without stopping. He continued until I could not take it anymore and I pulled his mouth off me. I let my legs fall to each side of him. My ass was lying on top of Steve's thighs as he sat back on his heels. His hard dick was resting between legs and was rubbing the soft area below my balls. Because of the sweat, there was not a dry spot on either of us. He was running his hands up my chest. Steve was watching me and had the look of cat that caught a mouse. As I go limp, I wanted to get up and wash. But he pushed me back and climbed onto my chest pinning my arms with his knees and starts beating his meat. His ball sack was hitting my chin and his dick was above my face. I opened my mouth and let his balls fall into my mouth. All I could see was a flash of galvanizing light and hand movement. He shifted his hips backwards causing his balls to pop from my lips. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face upwards.

His body became frozen, his head was back, his eyes were closed, the fingers of his hand were digging into the back of my head, there was a deep groan building and I waited while looking at the crown of his manhood. It started: his spunk was in my hair, up my nose, on my lips and covering my face. The gooey stuff was running down my cheek and onto the pillow. I felt the stinging in my eyes. I try to resist him but he pushed his dick inside my mouth, passed my teeth and pumps more. It felt like it was hot enough to burn. He pushed his entire length down my throat. I tasted his sperm and it had become bitter. His public hair was pressed against my nose and his balls are on my chin. He held me tight and I felt him collapse on my face. Finally he had finished, I looked into his eyes and they are totally blank. I wanted to kiss him and at the same time punch him in the nose. As I was thinking, Steve slides down my chest pulling his soft dick from my mouth. He took his hand and put it behind my neck and shoulders; and pulls me gently forward. There was liquid dripping from chin hitting my chest. I have tears in my eyes from the reaction to his sperm. We kissed each other and let our tongues taste the spunk that covered me.

Steve took my briefs and tried to wipe up the mess. But I took the underwear from him and finished the job. I tossed the dirty briefs on the floor and they landed on top his. Steve turned me over on my side and took me in his arms. I felt safe and secure. He pulled the sheet up and arranged the blanket. We both held each other quietly. Both of us were caught up in our own thoughts. Sleep came quickly. In the morning we hit shower and went to breakfast, but we did not talk about what happened. He could not look at me directly in the eyes. I did not know what to do about what happen. I needed to fix it. To say something that would make this sad feeling go away.

The day was a normal classroom schedule. When I got back to the room, Steve had pushed the two twin beds together and had gotten a foam mattress pad to fit. He had made the bed and our covers were pulled back waiting to be used. He was standing behind me and placed his arms around my waist. He placed his head next to mine and kissed my neck. He pulled me back and held me tight against his body. I just wanted to melt into that man. Steve and I slept together for 3 years. Our sex was always good and he would generally start the love making. I did teach him to be gentler with me. We never did get around to having full intercourse. I know I fell in love with him, but he did not feel the same way about me. He once told me "sex is sex and love is love".

It was a bit of shock when I got a wedding invitation from Steve. I did go to support him and my hopes for us disappeared with the cake. But my love life changed when I got out of school, went to work and met Tommy. He was my first true love that loved me back.

This is my third story about my travels through life. I will be telling more as time goes on. Turning 30 has gotten me to thinking about things and I want to share some it with others.

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