Toramdon Eyes

Published on Jul 16, 2010




All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The moral right of the author has been asserted.

Chapter 2 Lost in a strange place

Mordain slowly opened his eyes, and surveyed his surroundings. Nothing made sense. His head hurt like a bitch, and everything was blurry.

Before he closed his eyes, he could swear he saw trees.

"Mordain, Mordain, wake up!" barely audible, it sounded like Richard.

Mordain opened his eyes, and saw Richard hovering over him.

"Are you alright, I think you hit your head pretty hard." Richard said.

"Where are we?" Mordain managed to croak out.

"Uhm, that's the thing. We have no idea."

"I feel like shit ran over twice, what happened?" Mordain said sitting up rubbing his head.

"Again. We have no idea. We were in your house, the power went off and we bumped in to each other, then we woke up here."

"Where is here?" Mordain asked looking around. It was definitely a forest of some sort, Mordain had watched enough National Geographic Channel to know that much. "Shit. I must have bumped my head real hard."

"That's what we all thought at first." Richard said.

"This makes no sense. Did someone kidnap us and leave us here. We certainly didn't bump that hard in to each other in the house." "I know." Richard said.

"Wait, where's Roxy and Jason?" Mordain asked.

"They went looking for help, and trying to figure out where we are." Richard said.

"They have been gone for a while now, aught to be back some time soon."

Mordain just nodded, and tried to figure out what happened. "This is not cool, are you guys playing a prank on me, I'm totally being punk'd!"

"No you're not." Richard laughed. "Listen you've been out for awhile. Best to do now is just to try and cope with what ever is happening until we find out what happened. There is no need to panic; quite obviously we are all alive." Richard said.

"Yeah, nothing else I can do." Mordain mumbled.

"Oh your brother told me they would be heading due north, should we go looking for them, if they decide to come back they will come back strictly south, He also said you have a compass. "Yeah in my watch, he decided I needed something butch for our birthday a few years ago."

Mordain looked at his watch and noticed something in the back of his mind. Something didn't add up. Mordain faced due north. He saw it was after eight in the evening, yet it was only twilight. Something wansn't right - The sun was setting in the east.

"Richard! Look at the sun!"

"What about it? He said clearly looking at it."

"Either it's very early in the morning, which I dount, or the sun is setting in the east!."

"No way, maybe your compass is broken!"

"There is a bigger chance of the sun setting in the east. This watch cost around $2000.00, brother dearest went all out."

"Ah. This keeps getting stranger, and stranger." Richard said.

Mordain pulled his cell phone. Zero signal. Mordain sighed.

"What the hell." Mordain heaved.

"I don't understand... what is this... how the hell did we get here!" Mordain said with a very unstable voice.

"Pull it together Mordain." Roxy said emerging from the trees. Jason followed quietly after.

"What is this place?" Mordain asked them. "Did you find something out?" "Well. Jason said. We have one idea."

"Spill it." Mordain said.

"We don't think we are on earth any more." Roxy said after seeing Jason struggling to get it out. "What? Don't be ridiculous." Mordain said.

Richard quietly listened.

"Okay, we are going to sound super crazy right now, but we saw fairies. Like real ass fairies." Roxy said shaking her head.

"What? I think the fresh air might have a negative effect on you." Mordain said feeling her temperature.

Mordain paced around for awhile.

"This is not on. A fucking fairy? I don't believe it. Like, at all. If this is your idea of some sort of sick joke, fuck you all." Mordain said to all of them.

"Just calm down Mordain! We are just as confused as you. You are the fantasy boffin, your life practically revolves around I, and you struggle to believe we saw a fairy, after you suddenly disappeared from your entertainment room and woke up here. Mordain, At this point nothing makes sense, not to us either. We are just as confused as you, so please, do us all a favor and cope with what we tell you.I have never lied to you, nor will I ever." Jason was starting to get annoyed.

"Sorry, this is just difficult." Mordain said.

"We know. Now imagine how you feel, and then on top of that imagine seeing, with your own eyes, a small little girl, about fifteen centimeters tall, with a tiny little dress, with wings. That's how we feel at this point."

Mordain just stared at them. "The sun sets in the east, you see fairies. This is fucked up."

A shadow of a man appeared in the trees behind his friend.

"Who are you!" Mordain asked loudly. Richard, Roxy and Jason turned around and saw a man appear out from the darkness of the trees.

He had long blonde hair, huge eyes and pointed ears poking out of his hair.

He had what looked to be a bow thrown over his shoulders."

You guys need to get out of here; he said with a melodic voice, it's not safe here."

"Uhm... hello? Who the hell are you?" Mordain asked getting seriously annoyed.

"I am known as Handar in your language. And come, we have no time to lose."

"Oh hell to the NO! Dude, what the fuck, you expect us to just randomly follow you? Who are you anyway, what are you doing here! Just because you're hot doesn't mean we are just going to jump up and run, and like, what danger are we in? A scary little fairy going to attack us?" he said while glancing over to Roxy.

"I can't do this; this is something out of a lord of the rings movie." Mordain started to slap himself, "wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Handar just stared at Mordain, "We really have no time to lose can you please follow me, a clan of cuypress is in the vicinity and they will kill you on sight. You have not discovered your powers yet, and will be totally helpless, now come."

Mordain stared at the elf, and looked back at his three friends, "You hear that guys? A clan of cuypress roams around here, and we haven't got our "Powers" yet, we had better follow him." Mordain said in a sarcastic voice.

The other three stood up, and Roxy said, "Lets just follow the guy, he doesn't seem bad. I have been feeling a little restless the past hour. And plus, we have nothing better to do. He's our biggest bet out of here."

"Am I the only one that thinks I'm going crazy, I mean what the hell, it's like you guys can just accept this without thinking clearly, we are stuck in a forest, you saw a fairy, and a elf, a fucking elf, has come to whisk us away cause apparently we are in 'mortal peril', a cuypress, which by the way I have no idea what it is, and I know my fantasy creatures, wants to kill us and you guys are just calm?"

Jason put his hand on Mordain's back, "Yes, we have nothing else to believe, I think we can trust this guy, whether he is an elf or whatever. " Mordain looked back at Handar, "You sure we can trust you?"

"Yes you can." Handar replied

Mordain was interrupted mid sentence, a fowl smelling creature jumped out of a tree, he was approximately one meter tall, he had fangs coming out of his mouth almost touching the ground, he had webbed feet, and horns coming out of what seems to be his spine, each about thirty centimeters long, and the creature reeked of rotting meat.

"What the fuck is that!!" Mordain screamed and pointed at the creature.

"Come little masters, they have found us! Run!" Handar said dashing in to the trees.

Mordain, Roxy, Jason and Richard shot off after the elf; they ran through the woods, passing three after tree. What seemed to be minutes that they were running, they came to a huge clearing in the woods.

Breathing hard, hands on his knees and trying to catch his breath, Mordain wheezed at Handar, "What...was...that...?"

"That was what I was warning you against, that is a cuypress."

"What did it want with us? I've never seen anything like it."

"They hunt." Handar said

"They what?"

"Everything will become clear, for now please show me your hand.

"Uhm, okay", Mordain lifted his hand.

"Ah this looks like the Alfex ring."

"What, this thing, I got this at an antique shop, back where we come from.

They have rings too." Mordain pointed at the rest.

Handar turned to the other three. "Please show me your rings?"

Roxy held out her hand, and Handar looked at the ring, "Ah, this is the Bravex ring."

He took Jason's hand, "This is the Chazex ring."

He took Richards hand, "And this is the Deltex ring."

He glanced back at Mordain, "Do you also have the Forex ring?"

"You mean the other one? It's at home. I think it might still be on the coffee table actually, in the little white chest, why?"

"The chest of the Toramdon eyes. It seems it made its way to you anyway."

"Yes...Mordain answered slowly answered. "It might be, little white chest, sun on the front of it?"

"I do not know how it looks, but this is wonderful news, it would seem you four are The Toramdon Eyes. This is very good news. We've been waiting for your arrival for awhile now."

"So all of this is happening because of that silly chest and rings? How original." Mordain said sarcastically.

"Come we have to get to Sal. It's not far form here. George will be able to help you better then I can." Handar said.

Mordain shook his head, "Okay, since we're here, let's go."

They followed Handar for a while longer, and got to a huge wall.

"What's this?" Mordain asked.

"This is the town of Sal. You were transported to near here in the Eddar forest.

They walked through two huge gates, the four friends couldn't stop staring around them; everything was so new to them. The huge walls, really looked like something out of history, the huge medieval gate, inside the town, even though it was night time, it was busy with activity, people selling goods at stalls, people walking around, bars seemed loud, all in all the town looked very old aged, the guys wore tunics and even some of the woman, people were carrying long swords to daggers.

"So cool..." Roxy said in awe.

"Look there you guys!" Jason said pointing at a huge castle wall.

"That is the Duke's castle; the Duke of Sal is Duke Morgan Dominic. He is a very nice guy, will do anything for his Town. His wife, Duchess Anne Dominic, you will always see her walking around in town helping out, but you do not want to get on her wrong side, she may look small, but she is one hell of a strong woman. They proceeded through the streets of the town; the buildings looked like nothing they were used to. If any one of them had to put words to it, it would have been old-aged or medieval looking.

"So who is George?" Richard asked.

"He is the Swordsmaster of Sal. But most people reckon he is the best sword user in the whole of Torandia."

"Torandia?" Richard asked.

"Yes, you are currently in the Torandia Isles."

No body bothered to say anything on that; they were confused enough as it were.

The five of them continued to walk in silence, gawking around, like they couldn't take in all that was happening.

"We're here." Handar said while stopping dead in his tracks.

They were in front of a small house, pretty garden, very quaint, a house you expect far out in the hillsides.

Mordain was first to walk in the door shoving Handar aside.

"So, who is this guy that can help us.....?" Mordain saw an elderly guy sitting on a chair inside the house, Pointing he said, "You!? What are you doing here?!" Mordain practically got hysterical.

"Guys! Come here! This is the guy from the antique shop! The one where we got the chest and stuff! He sold it to me! Mordain said pointing rudely into the man's face.

"Ah, good, you remember me, welcome to Torandia.

"How..." Richard mumbled.

"All in due time my friend, all in due time." The man answered.

"So, geezer, I assume you are the infamous George'" Mordain said making a movement with his hands as he was just sitting down on the chair next to the old man.

Handar started laughing at how Mordain was with George "If someone treated you like this a few years ago, you'd have their head on a pike, George, what happened to you, looks like you've gotten soft."

George started laughing, "No my dear friend, I have not, but these four are the Toramdon eyes, we cannot wish harm upon them."

"You know our names by now, but you haven't told us yours yet?" George asked to them.

"I'm Mordain."

"I'm Roxy or Roxanne."

"I'm Jason."

"And I am Richard."

They introduced themselves to George and Handar.

Richard, Roxy and Jason grabbed a seat at the table.

"So what are the Toramdon eyes, and more importantly, how do we get home." Jason asked.

"Like I said, you are in Torandia."

This chapter is a bit shorter than the last, i promise the chapters do get longer! lol

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The next chapter will be out sometime next week. Promise!

Thanks for taking the time and reading the Chapter!!!


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Next: Chapter 3

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