Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on May 16, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: Viking Lore

William reached over and found the rest of the bed was empty, then he heard the sound of the shower. Willing himself out of bed, he followed the sound of running water to its source. As he walked through the suite, William took note of the stunning Art Deco decor of the Tower Suite in the Hotel Borg Reykjavík, Iceland. In the large walk-in shower Jordy was washing his magnificent body and didn't notice William until he slipped into the shower and began to wash his lover's back.

"Um, that feels so good," Jordy purred.

"When you weren't in bed this morning, I thought maybe you were already tired of me and went out in search of a Viking stud to replace me."

"Never, you are all the Viking stud I will ever need or want."

As William continued to wash Jordy's back, he leaned in and whispered, "You know, it's been a while."

"A while?" said Jordy, "we fucked not more than six hours ago. I still have some of your cum in my ass to prove it."

"What I mean is that it has been a while since you fucked me."

"William, I don't keep track of who fucks who. You know I am not hung up on bottom/top or dominate/submissive shit. I love how you make love to me and don't feel diminished to inferior being on the bottom."

"I know Jordy, and I love that you are so sexually confident and mature, but there are times I need you to be in charge. I need you to make love to me. I really need you to fuck me."

"Oh William, I get so used to your lead that I forget you need me to be the sensual and considerate love that you always are."

Jordy slowly turned William around and began to wash his back. He kissed his way down William's spine. As he spread William ass cheeks he heard his husband inhale a deep breath of anticipation. Jordy admired the firm glutes in his hands and the tight rosebud framed by thick black hair. Water ran down Williams back and into his cleft like the Colorado River into the Grand Canyon.

Leaning forward Jordy lightly licked Williams pucker to which there was a low and sustained moan of pleasure. It was time for Jordy to show William that what lessons he had learned from the master of anal tongue play. Slowly licking and probing, Jordy expertly prepared William's ass to accept a raging cock. Finally Jordy stood and pushed William's chest against the wall and pinned his arms above his head. "Are you ready my love to be fucked," asked Jordy. "Oh yes, please," was all William could get out.

Jordy pushed his hard cock up and into William's tight ass and then stopped. When he adjusted to the thick cock in his ass, William pushed back and impaled himself.

"Fuck me stud. I need this cock. Fuck me."

Jordy began long slow strokes. He wrapped his arms around William and pulled him back to lean into a powerful athletic chest. William rose onto tiptoes as each stroke marched him closer to the inevitable release building in his cock, balls, and most powerfully his sensitive prostate.

Jordy slowly kissed William's neck and toyed with his hard nipples. He let one hand slide down his lover's torso until it reached his hard shaft. Jordy grasped the pulsing cock and gently massaged it's sensitive underside. It was not long before William's cock began to spasm and ropes of pearly cum shot onto the granite shower wall. William's ass tightened as he released his cum with tectonic force. The extra pressure on his cock was more than Jordy could handle and his own cock exploded deep inside William. Jordy continued to pump William and soon semen was seeping out around Jordy's cock and falling onto the shower floor.

When his cock finally softened and fell from William, Jordy gently spun him around and began a long session of deep and passionate kissing. Eventually, Jordy gently pushed away from William and said, "We'd better finish showering and dressing so we can get some breakfast and meet our tour guide Sigfús. He's taking us to see Thingvellir National Park and the geysers in the Haukadalur valley. And don't forget to wear your hiking boots and bring your swim trunks because we are going on a three hour hike that includes bathing in a natural warm river."

"I am already sore just thinking about it."

"You are not going to weenie out of the adventure part of the honeymoon. We agreed that I could plan the Icelandic part of the trip if I agreed to seeing the rest of Scandinavia from a cruise ship. Besides, you can pamper your sore muscles and feet at the Blue Lagoon spa tomorrow."

"Okay, I am a man of my word, I'll go tramping around in the woods, but if I fall and break a hip, you will have to carry me for the rest of the trip."

Jordy laughed, "Don't give me that old man act. Most college frat boys would like to have your stamina in the bedroom. As for the fragile hip bones, I checked with your doctor and his only comment was you were healthier than most of his patience half your age."

"I see you were checking up on me. Making sure you weren't purchasing a lemon?"

"Well, a certain real estate investor taught me to alway do my due diligence."

Just down the street was a cafe where they met their guide. Sigfús Helgason was a good looking 21-year-old sporting a scruffy beard and obviously fit and accustomed to life outdoors. William told him that Jordy and he hadn't eaten breakfast yet and asked him to join them.

"I think we will start using your local skills, Sigfús," said Jordy, "Would you order the breakfast. We would like a real Icelandic breakfast."

"If you want a real Icelandic breakfast, we need to go to my mother's house. Icelanders traditionally eat breakfast at home. However the Reykjavik Rost does have as good of breakfast as possible in a cafe."

A waiter came up and Sigfús ordered breakfast in íslenska. Then he turned to Jordy and William, "I understand this is your honeymoon."

"Yes," replied Jordy, "I hope that doesn't bother you."

"Well...if I said yes... my boyfriend might cut me off for the next month, and I just don't think I could go that long without his cock." The three laughed and an immediate bond formed.

The breakfast came and Sigfús told them what was on the plates. "I ordered you Sourdough toast, icelandic ham & cheese, veggies, jam & icelandic butter. I also ordered you Skyr. Skyr is a old Icelandic dish and is like a mild yogurt. Traditionally it is eaten with milk and sugar, but I like to mix it with jam. Skyr is actually mentioned in several of the sagas."

After breakfast the three set off in Sigfús' Range Rover for Thingvellir National Park. Sigfús may have only been 21, but he was an expert on local lore, history, geography, and nature. Along the way Sigfús began to share his knowledge with his American travelers. "Thingvellir is a World UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was where the Althing, Iceland's Parliament, met from 930 to 1271. When people say Parliament, they most commonly think of the United Kingdom, but the Althing is actually the oldest parliament in the world. Of course, the Isle of Man would claim the longest continuous parliament."

"In addition to the park's historical and cultural significance, it has an amazing geology. It sits on the Continental Drift between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. It is part of the Golden Circle that features Thingvellir National Park, the Gullfoss waterfall, and the geothermal area in the Haukadalur Valley. We will also be touring some of those sites as well today."

"So," asked William, "How much hiking will we be doing today."

"We will hike a fair amount, said Sigfús, "but your first walk is only 2k, or 1.3 miles for you Americans. It has alway amazed me that America so tenaciously hangs onto a system of weights and measures based on the body parts of dead English monarchs. Three royal feet to the yard; 12 royal cocks to the foot." Everyone laughed.

Sigfús pulled the Range Rover into the Efri-Vellir parking lot and said, "Well gentlemen, are you ready to walk the Execution Trail?"

William jumped in, "I thought I did that three days ago. -- Ouch." Jordy had punched him in the arm and gave him a scowl. William smiled, grabbed him in a bear hug, and gave him a big kiss. Soon both men were laughing too much to continue the kiss."

When they finally broke, they saw Sigfús leaning against the Rover, "We haven't even gotten to any place romantic. We will never finish the tour if you guys have to make out at every stop along the way."

William and Jordy looked at each other, winked, and snapped to attention. "Yes sir, trail master Sigfús," barked William. "Scout William and Scout Jordy," reporting for duty.

Sigfús laughed and said, "Then men, we are off." William and Jordy got in single-file and marched off behind Sigfús to the trail head.

"The Walk of Death or Execution Trail got its nickname because when the Norweagian King introduced a new legal code the Jónsbók in 1281, this was the place where the condemned were brought." Along the way Sigfús pointed out the Drekkingarhylur, the drowning pool, where women were executed for incest or adultary. The Lögberg, Law Rock, where the Law Speaker would preside over the Althing. Sigfús said the Law Speaker memorized all of the laws of Iceland and had three years to recite them all. They next saw the Höggstokkseyri, the spot on the bank of the Oxara where decapitations were carried out. The Brennugjá, burning canyon, was next where people accused of sorcery were burned. The final place of execution was the Stekkjagjá, Sheeps Fold Canyon, where at least 15 men were hanged. On the way back to the Rover, they stopped at the Öxarárfoss waterfall, for pictures. Sigfús said that many people thought the falls were created when the river was diverted to provide more clean water for the Althing assemblies.

Jordy scrolled through the pictures Sigfús had taken of the couple at the waterfall and uploaded several to send to Jesse and Tyler. "Do you have a connection out here?" asked William. "No, but they will automatically send when the phone gets one. I am not wasting that expensive phone plan you bought for this trip on business calls," replied Jordy with a laugh.

The next stop on the tour was the "Thing Fields" where the early Parliament met. Sigfús explained, `The land had belonged a man found guilty of murder and his property was siezed when he was declared an outlaw. After touring the country looking for a place to establish the Althing, Grímur Geitskör settled on this plain because it had good forests for kindling and grazing for the horses. It was also close to the most populous settlement. Because every freeman could attend the Althing, it eventually took on a cultural and economic component, similar to a medieval fair. "

"The Gulathing Law was established in 930 creating the Icelandic Commonwealth. One of the most dramatic meetings of the Althing was in 1000 when the country was divided over religion. The pagan faction had its own Law Speaker and the Christian faction another Law Speaker. The country was on the verge of civil war. According to the sagas Thorgeir Ljosvetningagodi, a pagan priest and chieftain, spent a day and night meditation under a fur blanket. When he emerged he proposed that Christianity would be the public religion, but paganism could be practiced in private and that several of the old customs would be retained. Thorgeir's compromise was accepted and the war that was tearing apart other parts of Scandinavia was averted."

While Sigfús was clearly proud of his country and its history, he did not gloss over its darker side. He talked about the thralls, slaves, that were brought to Iceland. Jordy was particularly interested in the theory that as many as half the initial women on the island were actually Celts brought to make up for the shortage of women in the early years of settlement.

Before leaving Thingvellir, Sigfús took William and Jordy on a tour of the tectonic rifts. At Almannagjá they took pictures standing on the cleft between North American and Eurasia. At the bridge built over the Nikulásargjá rift for the 1907 visit of King Frederick VIII of Sweden, the lovers tossed coins into the clear water and contributed to the nickname of the place: the coin fissure.

The next stop was the Gullfoss waterfall. Sigfús said, "Before going to see the falls, let's eat the lunch my mother packed for this tour." After finding a quiet place, Sigfús spread a blanket and set out `Flatkaka,' a thin, round, rye flatbread, smoked lamb, cheese, fruit, and beer. As they ate Sigfús told the story Sigríður Tómasdóttir who saved the falls from being converted to a hydroelectric station by threatening to throw herself from the falls. "To make her threat believable," said Sigfús, "she went on a protest march from Gullfoss to Reykjavik. Seeing her bleeding feet and physical conditions after walking barefoot for 120 kilometers, the people listened and the plant wasn't built. To honor her efforts, there is a memorial of her at the top of the falls."

After lunch, the trio went to explore the falls. Sigfús again was full of information. He told them the falls are 32 m., or 105 for those people still kissing the English King's feet. As for the name Gullfoss Falls he said, "There are three theories about how the falls became known as the Golden Falls. The first is because there is a golden hue when the sun shines on the sediment rich glacial waters. The second is because a rainbow can often be seen in the mists of the falls--no doubt some blarney Celtic wife's tale. The third is my favorite, according to a travel journal by Sveinn Pálsson. "Once upon a time, a farmer named Gýgur lived at Gýgjarhóll. He had plenty of gold and could not bear the thought of someone else possessing it after his lifetime. To prevent this, he placed the gold in a coffer and threw it into the waterfall.""

Before heading out to the Haukadalur Valley, William and Jordy had Sigfús take several pictures of them in front of the falls. When they got back to the car Jordy selected one to upload to be send to the boys back home. William noticed that Jordy had a bemused look when he hit send and William had to see the picture. It was one of him and Jordy kissing and in the mist in the background is a well formed rainbow. William smiled, "I guess I found my pot of gold." To which Jordy replied in a poor Irish accent, "And, he's magically delicious." All three laughed at the silliness in the back seat of the Range Rover.

At Haukadalur Valley, they visited Geysir, or the Great Geyser." It was the first geyser described in the Western press and gave its name to the phenomena. However spectacular, the Great Geyser is not dependable and at times may even go dormant. However Strokkur is a much more reliable geothermal feature and puts on an amazing and explosive show.

As spectacular as the scenery was, what fascinated Jordy was Sigfús' telling of Icelandic sagas. Sigfús could have been an Icelandic skaid or poet. He was a natural born storyteller. He made the murder and treachery of the sagas come to life. Particularly enthralling to Jordy was the story of Kveldulf (Evening Wolf). Kveldulf was an unusually large and strong man whose temper became erratic at nightfall. It was believed that he was a hamrammr, or shape-shifter.

Finally the tour was coming to a close and Sigfús led the way to a small river where steam was rising from the surface. The water was clear and looked very inviting. There were a few rocks that offered privacy for the men to change into their swim trunks. Once changed, they sank into the warm mineral rich water to ease away the day's exertion. Without the bulk of his clothes, Sigfús had a lean and sinewy body one would expect from a people whose lives were shaped by a harsh environment and hard work.

Sitting in the water, Sigfús asked, "Would you like to come to my house for supper? My mother and I have a deal that if I have clients I think would appreciate a real Icelandic home, I can invite them to join us. There is no specific charge. You are free to contribute whatever you feel the experience was worth."

Jordy looked at William and both smiled in agreement. William said, "If it is not too much trouble we would love that experience. We have both enjoyed your showing us your country and would love to spend a bit more time with you."

"Great," replied Sigfús, "When we get to the car I will call home and let mother know we are having guests. It is kind of a celebration tonight anyway. My boyfriend Christopher is coming over and I really want him to meet you. He is a student at the University and we can meet him at a bar just off the campus and then go to my house."

The Skúli, or School, was a craft-brewery and meeting place of locals. After a couple of beers, Sigfús waved to a handsome young man looking the part of a typical college student. When he got to the table, Sigfús said, "Jordy and William, this is my boyfriend Christopher Reece."

"Good ta meet ya'll." said Christophe in a perfect Texas accent. William and Jordy looked at each other in puzzlement, and Christopher and Sigfús laughed.

"Well," said William, "I am glad to meet you, but I didn't know there were any Longhorn Vikings."

"We're a rare breed," said Christopher. "I am a graduate student in history at the University of Texas. I am taking some classes at the University of Iceland and doing some research before heading back to finish my doctoral dissertation on pre-Christian Scandanavian Religion and Mythology."

"How does a Texas boy end up writing his doctoral dissertation on pre-Christian Scandanavian Religion and Mythology?" Jordy asked.

"My father works in the oil industry and he spent some time working in the North Sea fields. The company he and his partner created consults on offshore drilling. He actually met my mother on one of his consulting gigs. She is Nowegain and a petroleum engineer. I have spent summers with my grandparents in Oslo since I was ten."

"I assume you are fluent in Noweigian," said William, "does that help you to get along here in Iceland."

"Not one fucking bit," laughed Christopher, "I have had to learn a completely foreiegn language to do my research. Fortunately English is the second language of Iceland, otherwise I would have been up a creek without a paddle."

"So, why did you come to Iceland rather than Norway to study?" Jordy asked.

"Two reasons, first because the language has been isolated from the other Scandanavian languages it is closer to what the Viking actually spoke; and second, pagan practices hung on longer in Iceland than other Viking areas."

Finally Sigfús said his mother just called and supper is ready. Sigfús and his mother lived alone in a small but tidy home on the outskirts of Reykjavik. His father had died at sea in a fishing accident when he was only twelve.

Hekla Helgason was a small happy woman who knew the meaning of the word hospitality. The table was set with plates of cheese and bread to start the meal. Sigfús brought out beer and after a simple blessing they began to eat. While Sigfús and Christopher entertained Jordy and William. Hekla began to dish out large stoneware bowls of Fiskisupa, a thick and hearty fish, potato and leek soup. After clearing the soup bowls, Hekla served Hjónabandssæla, Happy Marriage Cakes, which is made with an oat crust and rhubarb jam. Hekla stood up and said, "I baked this cake in honor of William and Jordy who are visiting us on their honeymoon." Then she looked at her son and his boyfriend and said, "I also baked this for Sigfús and Christopher who are too afraid to tell me they are engaged because they don't know what I will say to losing my boy to America. Well, I say Skål!" She smiled and Sigfús and Christopher jumped up to give her a hug.

William and Jordy thanked Hekla, Sigfús, and Christopher for the wonderful evening. William handed Sigfús and Christopher his business card and said, "If you need anything, anything at all, contact me and I will do what I can to help." Then he turned to Hekla and gave her his card and two 10000 Króna bills, about 160 dollars. He said, "And if you need anything just give me a call." Hekla looked at the card and money and said, "Oh Mr. William, this is too much." He replied, "No, the memories you and your son have given Jordy and me today are priceless. We will treasure them as long as we live. Goodnight." Sigfús and Christopher drove William and Jordy back to the Hotel Borg," On the way Jordy got a phone call. When he hung up he said, "Oh, damn."

"What's wrong love?" asked William.

"They just canceled our cruise to see the Northern Lights. Somethings wrong with the boat."

Sigfús looked at Christopher and then said, "We can take you. It won't be a boat ride, but we know some really go places to see the Lights that can be reached by land."

Jordy looked at William, and William said, "It's up to you. You planned the Icelandic part of the trip and I will do whatever you want, except swim naked in the North Sea. If we did that, Little Willie might go into hiding for the rest of the honeymoon."

"We can't let that happen," Jordy almost giggled. "If you guys are up for it we would love to take you up on the offer. We were planning to go the day after tomorrow."

"Great, that works for us." said Sigfús. "I will check the weather forecasts and let you know when we need to leave."

"Oh, we won't be at The Borg. After we go whale watching tomorrow, we are checking into the Blue Lagoon Spa. Is that a problem."

"Not at all," Christopher said. "I've been wanting to get up there for an afternoon. This would be a great chance for me and my Viking stud to get away for some alone time." After final arrangements, the group said goodnight and each couple was off to enjoy the rest of the evening and each other.

Around three in the morning William was awakened by Jordy thrashing and mumbling in his sleep. He rolled over, wrapped his arm around Jordy's chest and pulled him into a comforting cuddle. Soon Jordy was relaxed and sleeping peacefully.

The next morning, Jordy woke to find William's side of the bed empty. He heard the door to the room close and William returned with two cups and a thermos of coffee. He poured each of them a cup and climbed back under the cover.

"Did you have a bad dream last night?" asked a concerned William.

"I don't remember all of it, but I was a thrall and belonged to Kveldulf, Evening Wolf. I wouldn't submit to his will and he was wild with rage. I remember him transforming into something not human, but not animal. He chased me into a village and I went from door to door begging to be let in, but everyone was terrified of Kveldulf. Eventually I came to the last house and desperately I pounded on the door."

"When it opened, you were standing there, you grabbed me and pulled me into the safety of your home. Kveldulf spent the night outside howling and scratching. But you had pulled me into your chest and placed your shield in front of me. Then you drew your sword and kept guard while I fell asleep in your protection."

"I woke up for real around 4:30 and you were holding me just the way you were in my dream. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't stop the tears until I finally fell back to sleep."

"Okay, I know I sound like a silly little ...." William took the coffee cup from Jordy's hand and set it with his on the nightstand. He then rolled over on to Jordy and began to passionately kiss his husband and lover. This time, both men had tears in their eyes.

Next--Tough Love in Kansas City: Keeping the Home Fires Burning

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Next: Chapter 9

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