Toward the Brightest Star

By Vic James

Published on Jan 7, 2015


Toward the Brightest Star 1-4

Towards the Brightest Star

Book One

By Vic James

Copyright 2013 by Vic James

All Rights Reserved

Second Edition

Revised and Expanded

One ---

Relf strolled towards the slave market on Aldora 4. His ship was to pick up merchandise delivered by another ship, which he would deliver to its final destination, but that ship was delayed. He didn't mind, he had no other jobs scheduled that would be affected by the delay. He decided to take advantage of the extra time on the planet. Aldora 4 had a very large slave market within walking distance of the port and he was in the market for an intimate services slave, or ISS as it was called in the slave trade. He walked from the port to the slave market. He heard it long before he saw it. The market was a noisy, crowded place with shouts and laughing punctuated by curses. The slaves, a great variety of creatures, were in stone cubicles, frequently with a barker extolling the merits and uses of the particular creature being sold. He passed a Ristit in a drip suit. The suit pulled moisture out of the air to keep the amphibious Ristit moist. Water mixed with slime dripped off it, making the ground slightly sticky behind it. The smell of various kinds of food was occasionally pleasant but mostly was not. He was alarmed to see a being on fire, but then he realized it was a promotional stunt. The being was wearing a flame suit. He walked towards the ISS section. The creatures here were flamboyantly attired or completely naked. A couple of young Trients were oggling a female Jessit, who seemed amused by their interest. The Jessit was very tall and thin, with pale green skin and long arms which almost reached the ground. The Trients' tentacles waved incessantly in her direction and she seemed determined to avoid them. The Jessit saw Relf and waved him over. Evidently he was more to her liking. She was the wrong sex, however, and he kept walking. He passed several cubicles with Enterons of various ages. In one cubicle, two Enterons were mating with one on top of the other. The four legs of the male on top were dangling over sides of the lower one's body. The lower one had no arms which meant it was a female. He never understood the appeal of having a female Enteron slave. They were helpless and couldn't even feed themselves. If you just wanted something to fuck, why not get something than can at least wipe its own ass?

His last ISS, Tan-Tan, was an Enteron, a male, and he swore he would never have another. Tan-Tan was bad tempered and smelly, two things that made him completely worthless to Relf. His slave had enjoyed his own orgasms enough, but he had little enthusiasm for Relf's. He also complained incessantly and when he pissed in Relf's bed, he'd had enough. He gave him to the first slave trader he ran across.

A Dezin barker in one of the Enteron cubicles asked, "What are you looking for, citizen?" She was about half the height of Relf with white skin and silver hair which extended horizontally behind her. Relf thought it was an interesting hair style. It pulled her hair away from her ears which were outlined with red makeup.

"An ISS."

"Enterons are renowned for their sensuality."

"I just got rid of one. I don't want another."

"I see you are a being of distinction. My master is having a showing of select deluxe ISSs tonight. If you will still be here, you might wish to attend. There will be free intoxicants as well as a raffle to win an ISS. The unsold slaves will be offered here tomorrow."

"What time and where?"

"The grand concourse at 31."

"The name of your master?"

"Etira Clickock."

"Thank you."

"Not at all. If you do not find anything to your liking, I would be pleased to service all your needs. I'm sure my master would offer you a fair price for me."

Relf smiled at the female. "I am looking for a male."

"Ah, I see. Well it never hurts to self-promote. Barking is boring work. I long for a good fuck."

"I'm sure."

Tren read about their destination, Aldora 4, on a display screen. He glanced up and cringed. She was coming over to talk to him again. He had been avoiding her since she had first tried to convince him to have sex with her. That was three days ago. He told her he only liked males, twice! But it only seemed to make her try harder.

"Are you excited? Tomorrow you might be on another planet, owned by who knows what!"

"I will be glad to get off this ship, Lucille. Space is boring. Especially since we aren't allowed to explore the ship."

"But you will probably be owned by a non-Human?"

"We all will." She looked confused. Did she not realize there were no Human residents on Aldora 4? It was the first thing he looked up.

"I will miss you terribly, Tren." Tren stared at her. How could she? They just met and hadn't exchanged twenty words!

"I hope you get a good owner."

"Um, Tren? Could we go somewhere private?"

Tren almost laughed. She just would not give up! He didn't want to be rude, but he had told her twice he wasn't interested. What else could he do but ask her to leave him alone? Then a woman rescued him.

"Lucy, leave Tren alone. You need to meet a nice heterosexual. Maybe your owner will be a male."

"Thanks, Tria," Tren said, relieved. Tria was an older woman. She reminded him of his mother, although Tria was overweight. She was a cook. Tria had told him no one wants a skinny cook. She said told him it made people think you don't like your own food. Only weathy people hired or owned cooks. Everyone else used food synthesizers. Tren really liked her. He hoped her buyer was nice. He thought it was a shame she was being separated from her husband.

"There is the most gorgeous man on board. Besides you, Tren," Tria said. "A woman propositioned him and he told her to come back when she grew a cock." Tren and Tria laughed. Lucille finally gave up and walked away.

"I haven't seen him," Tren said.

"He was in the group they picked up last night on Stigg."

"I was already asleep."

"They are on the other side of the ship. You will probably see him later when we get ready for the sale."

"Do you miss your husband, Tria?"

"I suppose I should miss him more than I do. The fact is, it will probably be years before I only remember the good parts. He can cheat on me all he likes now. Who knows? Maybe I will find love." She laughed. "I'll settle for sex, though."

Tria laughed, again. She laughed a lot, which was one reason Tren liked her so much. "Last night, a group of us were watching a funny sex video of Marbits. Have you ever seen one? A Marbit?"

"Are they the ones the look like rocks covered with mucous?"

"Yes. And they are about as mobile as rocks. The video was called Sex in the Fast Lane. The two Marbits approached each other over a four day period. The video was sped up, of course. Finally they were together. Once climbed on top of the other; it took two days! He fell off and tried again. Three days later he was just about on top of her when it started raining. He slid right off her." They both laughed. "The worst part was there was so much water, he floated off a ways."

"A floating rock!"

"He had to wait for the water to evaporate."

"Oh, no!"

"And then he approached her again. It took two more days!" Tren laughed. "Anyway, when it was all over, they mated, and I guess they had baby rocks."


Tria laughed. "Right! All together it took sixteen days to have sex once!"

"Good grief!"

"I hope your owner is not a Letev. Do you know what they eat?" Tria asked.

"Yes. I started studying them as soon as they told us we were coming here."

"It could be worse. Several races, like the Annore, eat food which is toxic to Humans. Anyway, I doubt a Letev would be interested in a cook. They eat most of their food alive. You don't need a cook to hand them a bowl of crawling insects." Tren shivered.

"I think it is a lot more likely I will be sold on Barena, our next stop."

"Oh, they are the ones with the elaborate pastries, right?"

"Yes. I have been studying them and cooking, virtually."

"I saw a show about a cooking contest there. They take food very seriously."

Tria nodded. "I expect someone who aspires to be higher caste might be interested in buying me. I would love living on Barena. We can eat all the same foods as them."

"Yes, and the males are hung!"

She grinned at him and nodded.

"I've been watching their porn. You might like Barena. The males are all bisexual from what I've heard," Tria said.

"We'll know soon enough."

Two ---

Relf walked to a bar nearby. It was owned by an old acquaintance, Danzed. The bar was called the Lassarole. He entered it and looked around. He didn't see Danzed. He saw a customer he recognized from the last time he was there.



He stared at Relf.



"Ah, yes. Sorry."

"I was looking for Danzed."

"Danzed sold the place last year to a Free Machine. That is it by the door."

Relf turned and saw an attractive robot. Names of liquors flashed occasionally over its exterior. It had crystals of various colors on its head that suggested fur or hair. It was Grevoid in shape, with two arms and two legs.

"Greetings, noble imbiber!"

Relf laughed and said, "That is the first time I've ever been called that!"

"It usually gets a laugh. What is your pleasure?"

"I was wondering about Danzed."

"He found a willing female and deserted the good life. What can I say?"

"He mated? Danzed, the Rint who swore he would make soup of his foot fungus first?"

"I will have to remember that. Wait! I'm a machine! I don't have a choice," the robot said. Relf laughed again.

"Actually, she was an impressive Rint. She had ten breasts. I believe he planned to take up nursing."

"Ten! Good grief! What did she see in him?"

"I see you have never seen his prick."

"No. I must say, I never wanted to see it."

"Well, she saw it and she wanted it. She told him she was a virgin. Evidently he proposed on the spot."

"A virgin with ten breasts—not nipples?"

"In my opinion, Danzed was not too bright."

"He mixed strong drinks."

"Well, that explains why you don't remember his prick!"

Relf laughed again.

"I am curious. Why did he show you his prick? He wasn't especially attractive."

"No. His new mate came to see him here right after he sold it to me. He fucked her on the bar, which delighted some of his customers and revolted others. I found myself in the second group. Fortunately, I had towels and disinfectant handy."

Relf chuckled.

"I think I am glad I wasn't here."

"You might have gotten a laugh. She moaned like an Asiline whore. Many beings had to cover their ears."

Relf looked around and saw the place was fairly crowded. "You seem to be doing well..."

"Arv. My name is Arv."

"Arv. I don't remember seeing this place so crowded early in the day."

"Business has been good, but a lot of beings have flown in for the Clickock party tonight. These are getting an early start."

"I'm thinking of attending, although I've never heard of him or her," Relf said.

"Etira is a Human. Most of the slaves he will be selling are Humans and there is an avid market for them. If you have no interest in them, you might as well skip it. I saw where he bought his intoxicants and if I were you, I would not risk my health."

"Drink here instead, hmm?"

"What a wonderful idea! But seriously, don't assume just because someone sells members of their own species as slaves, that he is as noble as that makes him sound."

Relf laughed.

"OK. I can see your point.

"I've never had sex with a Human. What are their sexual organs like?"

"Male or female?"


"They have penises which look a great deal like those of your own species."

"That's what I'm after."

Arv displayed some pictures of Human males on his abdomen.

They came in many colors and shapes. Some had fur and some did not. There was great variation in the size of their equipment, too. "There certainly is a great deal of variety in them."

"Yes, much more than in Grev." Relf was a Grev. He was two and a half meters tall and covered with short reddish brown fur.

"I think I better study them before I jump into anything. My last ISS was pitiful."

"There are displays built into all the tables. You do not need to purchase anything to use one," Arv told him.

"Thanks, but I think I will have a drink. A Trill."

"It's there on the bar."

Relf turned as his drink was placed on the bar. He picked it up and took it to a table. He scanned the All Race database for information about Humans. He brought up the entry on Human sex. There was a subsection that dealt with Humasem. It said that males of several races believed Human male reproductive fluid increased their sexual prowess. The Aratil, the Nanoi, and the Zymbils were especially fond of it. It was commonly called Humasem when used as a beverage or aphrodisiac. He watched a film of an Aratil male milking a Human male while fucking him and then drinking the Humasem. He then fucked the Human two more times, a feat virtually unheard of in Aratil males, apparently. Both the Human and the Aratil seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. They collapsed afterwards in a tight embrace. There was a film of a Nanoi male drinking Humasem and then satisfying all twelve of his wives in one long sexual encounter. Relf shuddered when he saw the coiled string-like Nanoi penis extend. He skipped the rest of the video of that. The Nanoi claimed he had never been able to satisfy more than seven of his wives in one day. He read that despite the users' belief in it, when tested in trials, no effect was found in any of the tested races. As a result, most believed there was a placebo effect. Users were aroused because they expected to be aroused. A great many beings of various races, including some among the Aratil, Nanoi, and Zymbils claimed it had no effect on them. However, various users provided substantial evidence of a measurable effect on them. An Aratil participating in a scientifically run study produced double the amount of reproductive fluid one hour after imbibing Humasem. The results were replicated four different times. In these studies, his erections lasted an average of one hundred and thirty-four percent longer after Humasem consumption. That far exceeded the range that would be expected from a placebo effect, and in fact, an increase in reproductive fluid had never been observed in any studies measuring the placebo effect of supposed aphrodisiacs. Some theorized that only a few Humans produce Humasem and the vast majority do not and that that might, in fact be the case. According to Humans on the Provisional planet Canadan, Human sexuality was genetically manipulated when Human fertility and libido dropped during the early stages of their birth sun's instability. The modification was designed to increase libido and fertility. The instability of their sun eventually forced them to abandon their birth planet, Earth. The Alliance Provisional planets Serenia, Canadan, and Oz claim the genetic modification was removed from all Humans before they left Earth. However, if it was not removed from all of them, and a few still contained the modification, that would account for the differing experiences of users. The descendants of those individuals would still contain the libido and fertility enhancements.

The All Rights League had organized several large protests of the sale of Humans for aphrodisiacs. Their official statement on the subject read, "The use of a non-consenting thinking being for the dubious purpose of improving one's sex life is incompatible with the primary aim of the Alliance which is to promote respect and coexistence for all sentient beings, biological and mechanical." Relf ignored this section. The All Rights League was opposed to all slavery. Their arguments were nothing new. His ISS would be pampered, if he pleased Relf, or resold or freed like Tan-Tan if he didn't. He certainly wouldn't abuse him. That was illegal, as well as something he found personally repugnant. In the Alliance, slaves were protected by laws which were scrupulously enforced. There were also private organizations, like the All Rights League which monitored their treatment, as well.

He skipped to the section on personality. He read that there was as much variation in their personalities and intelligence as there was in their appearance. Some made ideal slaves while others killed their masters before killing themselves. Relf thought a young male was best, preferably one who hadn't just lost his freedom. He decided to view some of the videos in the sexuality section. There were several that showed Human males mating with each other. They all seemed very enthusiastic about male-to-male sex. Some races weren't. His prick stiffened. He scratched absently at an itch on his chest while he watched. Since Aldora 4 had no nudity taboo, he let his prick out of his shorts, which were the only clothes he wore. He stroked it and thought, yes, a Human will do nicely. One Human particularly caught his eye. He begged his partner to fuck him. He watched that video twice. He closed his eyes and imagined his prick sliding into that Human while he begged for more. He stopped stroking himself. He might find a Human tonight and he wanted to fully appreciate their first union.

Tren walked off the ship with the other slaves. He still hadn't seen the man Tria told him about. She described him as hairy and dark haired. That was enough to excite Tren. Then she mentioned he was old enough to be Tren's father, and Tren really wanted to see him. Tren much preferred older males. They knew for certain what they wanted. He tried to sneak over to the other side of the ship, but he got caught. He was told he would be locked in his room if he was caught again, so he didn't try.

He decided he had better focus on his future. Another slave was probably not going to be part of it, no matter how much he might wish it. He hoped he liked whoever bought him. He wanted to be an ISS because he loved sex. Almost a quarter of the races in the Alliance were sexually compatible with Humans, and that was a lot of races. They couldn't breed, of course, but Tren had no interest in that, anyway. If the being who bought him was reasonably attractive, he felt being an ISS would be a good life. His mother was very happy being a slave—not to mention, growing prosperous—and he expected to be happy, as well. The Alliance had strict rules about the treatment of slaves. His mother's owners treated her better than they did their employees. They had to. She had her own house, vehicles, and even jewels.

Tren looked up into the sky. It was a peculiar shade of blue, sort of purplish. It was very warm, and he hoped it was not going to get much hotter.

Tren and the other slaves gathered in a group while a Human male Tren had never seen approached them. The man was attractive and older, maybe forty A-years. He wore a trimmed beard and was well-dressed in a dark blue suit. Tren thought he looked like a star ship captain. As he got closer, Tren could see dark hair on the back of his hand and his wrist. He was hairy. Tren grinned.

"I am Etira Clickock. I purchased you and plan to resell you. How many of you are interested in being ISSs?"

Tren raised his hand. He saw many other hands raised and looked at them. As he looked around, he had forgotten about the man Tria mentioned, but then he saw him. He had no doubt that it was him. He was gorgeous! The man was older than Tren, as Tria had mentioned, and was just Tren's type. He saw Tren looking at him and he winked. Tren grinned at him. His cock was harder than it had ever been.

The man took a sheet of plas out of his pocket and read from it. "Are any of you here against your will?"

No one said anything.

He continued reading. "Are any of you fleeing maltreatment by your previous owner?"

He looked around. No one spoke or raised their hand.

He put the plas sheet away.

"That's it for Aldora 4 mandatory questions. A nice, short list. Now. Do any of you have special needs?"

Tren raised his hand. Clickock pointed at him.

"I can't become erect with females." Tren decided just saying he didn't like them might not be good enough.

Clickock looked at his handheld, where the slave's name appeared.

"Very well. I will note it on your bio."

Etira told his handheld to note it.

Tren looked at the man again and he smiled when he saw Tren looking at him.

"Any others with the same restrictions?" Three other males raised their hands. Etira waved his handheld toward them and instructed it to add it to their records.

Tren looked around and saw the man he liked had his hand up.

A woman was holding her hand up. "Yes, miss?"

"Sex with another female is against my religion."


No one else raised their hand.

"I am going to assume the rest of you are flexible. Any who aren't better raise their hands." No one did.

"How many of you are domestics?" Several hands were raised. He waved the handheld again.

"Any others besides ISSs and domestics?"

Tria raised her hand. "I am a cook."

"I already have that noted, Tria. I need to speak to you after we finish. I found a buyer for you on Barena, so you will not be offered on Aldora 4."

Tren looked at Tria who was grinning. He waved at her and smiled.

The man next to Tren raised his hand and said, "I am a mechanic." Tren looked at him. He was not bad looking.

"I will note that, but there is very little call for that in slaves. Very few beings need a personal mechanic. You are attractive." Etira looked at his computer for the slave's name. "Eric. Are you certain you would not like to be an ISS?"

"I don't think I have the equipment for it."

"Lower your pants so I can see." He dropped them and rubbed his cock until it was stiff.

Tren looked at it. "That's beautiful," Tren said softly.

Eric looked surprised at Tren.

"Can I touch it?"

The man nodded. Tren wrapped his hand around it and it stiffened quickly. Tren stroked it. It started leaking, and Tren rubbed the precome over the head with his thumb.

"Your equipment is just fine. I don't know why you think it isn't. If my prick was that big, I would wave it around all I could." Several slaves laughed. "I am going to list you as an ISS who is also a mechanic."

"That's fine. I want sex." Tren grinned as he stroked him.

"Don't we all," Etira said. Many of the slaves laughed.

"Are you flexible?"

"I want to get fucked."

"So you only like males?"


"Females will not be able to do that to you." Several slaves laughed again.

"I can fuck."

"Very well." Etira thought this fellow was very confused. Maybe he had been hit in the head with one of his machines. Etira could imagine him begging his female owner to fuck him. Well, maybe she owned a dildo. She might enjoy it! He had seen much stranger things than that.

Ardin noticed the stunningly handsome young man playing with the idiot's cock. He decided he better intervene if he was to have any chance with him.

"Do you really like it?" the man asked Tren.

"Yes. Has no one told you before?"

"No. Do you want to fuck me?"

"No, I'm sorry but I don't like to do that."

Tren let go of his cock and turned to look for the other man. He wasn't there. Tren was disappointed. He felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped.

"I didn't mean to startle you," Tren heard in a deep voice.

He turned and smiled at the man. "That's OK. I was afraid you left."

"And that would be bad?"

Tren looked down. He was a little embarrassed.

Ardin stood very close to Tren and Tren leaned over slightly towards him until he was touching him. When the man realized his presence was welcome, he put his arm around Tren's waist. Tren grinned at him.

"I am Ardin."

"I'm Tren." Tren got even harder from being so near him. He looked down and smiled when he saw Ardin was hard, too.

Etira continued, "There will be a special event this evening, so you will all be cleaned up and made to look your best."

Tren smiled when Ardin placed his hand on Tren's butt. Tren reached over and squeezed Ardin's erection through his pants.

Ardin whispered, "My cock belongs inside you."

Tren shivered with excitement. "I couldn't agree more."

Ardin squeezed Tren's butt and Tren moaned. Ardin was more excited than he had ever been. Tren was every fantasy he had ever had. He was absolute perfection. Tren clearly wanted him and that excited Ardin even more.

Etira continued. "Any slave makes a better impression when he or she has a neat appearance. If you feel you need your hair cut or styled, let one of the groomers know. If they feel you need a new hair style, they will give you one. Do not argue. I do not believe in using a lot of makeup. I have seen several situations where buyers were disappointed later when they found out it was not the slave's natural coloration. Few buyers want to have a slave which depends on cosmetics to be appealing. Any questions?"

"Where are we?"

"This is Aldora 4. Almost the exact opposite side of the galaxy from Earth."

They all sighed. Earth had been abandoned, but every Human knew of it. They were all refugees, even the free Humans.

Ardin slipped his hand inside Tren's pants in the back. He touched Tren's hole and Tren leaned against him and moaned. Ardin sighed. He had to have Tren.

"This is a rough place, so don't be surprised if the crowd is scary. I have hired guards, though who will be watching you closely. There's free booze and that always packs them in. You are all expensive, so no one who is there for free booze will be buying you. Nevertheless, if you are harassed, try to overlook it and focus on the beings with money. If non-buyers physically abuse you beyond a simple grope, whistle. A guard or an All Rights League monitor will be there shortly. You will all be given a whistle. ISSs, you can expect to have potential buyers try you out. That is to your benefit as much as theirs. You do not want to find yourself on another planet with a dissatisfied owner. If, because of their anatomy, you aren't sure how to please them, politely ask for guidance. If an interested buyer repulses you, you can tell them you will be unable to function sexually with them. There is nothing shameful in it and, by law, you cannot be forced to have sex with someone who you find repulsive. If you find a non-buyer appealing, you can use them to demonstrate your abilities for the buyers. Males should refrain from orgasming with non-buyers unless it is unavoidable. There are at least three races which find Human semen irresistible. They call it Humasem. You could end up being purchased by one of them, and they will not want to find your balls are drained. I might mention that being a milk slave for one of these races is a very easy life. The general belief is that the happier the slave is, the more semen he will produce.

"For those of you new to slavery, generally, the wealthier the owner is, the less you will see of them. That is usually a good thing. Also, they will have many slaves and whatever work there is that needs doing will be split among them. This is especially true with ISSs. Many wealthy beings like to keep a harem of attractive sex partners and may have sex with only a preferred few. Lastly, the wealthy will give you bigger tips and on any Alliance world you can buy your freedom when you have your purchase price. That is how I got my freedom. Generally, you will work hardest in a home with only one slave. Some enjoy that, however. They like to stay busy, or they like not doing the same thing over and over. In a situation like that, you could end up treated as a family member and some people like that.

"I have set up savings accounts for each of you. That is a perk I reserve for fellow Humans. You can deposit any money you receive in the account. I am putting twenty-five percent of my profit from your sale into your account. You will receive the account numbers when you are sold. The accounts are genetically identified, so they cannot be taken away from you."

"Deanne, this is my second sale of you and you should now have enough in your account to buy your freedom, if you wish it. I will be traveling to Canadan soon, and if you like, you may accompany me there. It is a very nice place to live."

"Thank you. I will if I don't like my buyer."

"You can contact the Human Aid society in any All Race embassy once you have your freedom. They can offer advice about careers and may offer you free passage to a Human Provisional world.

"Now, please follow me."

Etira walked into a building and the slaves followed him. Tren was excited. He had never owned much money. He could hear other slaves who were as excited as he was.

Three -----

They walked into group showers and undressed. Tren watched Ardin undress and couldn't believe how sexy he was. Tren got undressed while Ardin admired him. Tren walked into the water and Ardin joined him. He had black hair mixed with a little gray on his head and black hair on the rest of him, too. His hair was short and it was very thin on top. He wrapped his hand around Tren's cock.

"Very nice," he said in a deep voice.

"You, too. You are gorgeous, Ardin! Please buy me!"

He chuckled. "Believe me, I would if I could."

"Do you want to wash each other?"


Tren reached out and pulled lightly on one of his nipples before running his fingers through the hair on his chest. He got soap and started washing Ardin. While Tren washed him, Ardin asked, "What do you like to do?"

"I am pretty certain that my favorite thing is sucking your cock." Tren wrapped a soapy hand around it.

Ardin grinned. "Is it? What's your second favorite thing?"

"Getting fucked with your cock."

"Come on, hurry up," someone called to them.

Ardin rinsed and began washing Tren. When Tren rinsed, Ardin knelt in front of Tren and stroked his cock before swallowing it. Tren pulled away after a minute because Etira had told them not to come.

"If we aren't sold, do you want to get together later?"

"Yes, I would love that."

He nibbled Tren's ear lobe and whispered, "I can't wait to fuck you." Tren moaned. "Are you going to let me do that?"

Tren grinned. "I think I would let you do anything you wanted."

Ardin grinned at him. "Good answer. Fortunately we have the same favorite things."

He gave Tren's cock a friendly squeeze and then they kissed. Tren stroked Ardin's cock while they kissed. They pulled apart and Ardin gave him a sultry look that left Tren feeling weak in the knees. Ardin pulled Tren's mouth to his and he pushed his tongue into Tren's mouth. Tren wrapped his arms around Ardin. While they kissed Ardin reached down and pushed a finger into him. "Out!" someone yelled at them. They left the shower. They were given a towel and stood waiting for a groomer. Ardin stood behind Tren and rubbed his naked body against Tren's. Tren moaned as his cock dripped onto the ground. They had an audience, but neither of them noticed it. Eric stood next to them and stroked himself. Ardin wrapped one hand around Tren's cock and pulled on Tren's nipples with his other hand. Tren leaned back against him and groaned. Tren tilted his head back and they kissed. Tren turned around and fell to his knees. He sucked Ardin's cock while stroking his balls. Tren wanted to make Ardin come, he wanted his come, but he knew he shouldn't. Ardin pulled him up and turned Tren around. He spit on his fingers and pushed two slowly into Tren. He pulled them out and spit on his cock. He pressed it against Tren's hole. He held Tren's hips and pushed into him. Ardin closed his eyes. It was perfection. He knew sex would never be better than this.

"Oh, Ardin!"

"Does it hurt?"

"No. It feels wonderful!"

Ardin wrapped both arms around Tren. He licked behind Tren's ear. He thrust once into him when Tren's turn came.

"Fuck!" Ardin said.

"Yes, please!" Tren said and they both laughed.

He sat in a chair. The groomer, a Human woman said, "You look fine. Do you want me to shave your face?"

"Whatever you think is best."

"Are you an ISS?"


"You should do well. How old are you?"


The groomer rummaged in a drawer and pulled out a cock ring. "Is this your size?"

"The next larger size." She handed him one. He kept it, but he didn't think he would need it.

"Do you think I should shave my chest?" Tren asked.

"I wouldn't. If someone is interested, and wants that, we can always shave you. Many beings, especially the furred ones, find hairless individuals unappealing, and even disturbing. For them that hair might be what makes you attractive to them."

"You're done. You can go through the first door on the left. Etira and his assistants will determine your asking price after you eat."

Tren got up and walked through the door. A dinner was being served for the slaves. He wasn't very hungry. He was too nervous, but they had been warned that they might not have another chance to eat until the next day. He took a plate and put some food on it. Ardin joined him and they ate together.

"What kind of men do you like?" Ardin asked him. "If you could pick an owner, what would he look like?"


Ardin grinned at him. "Really?"

"Yes. I like dark-haired, hairy, older men."

"That does sound like me."

"God, yes! My cock is so hard it hurts."

"Yes, mine is, too." Ardin put his plate down Then he squeezed a drop of precome out of his prick, wiped it with his finger, and rubbed it on Tren's lips.

Tren licked his lips.

"More, Ardin."

Ardin grinned at him. "You like that, do you?"

Tren nodded.

Ardin was called and Tren ate alone after that.

After he finished, Tren entered a room where Etira sat. Tren was asked to demonstrate his sexual abilities with another slave. Tren got excited when he saw it was Ardin. They sucked each other and Ardin fucked him.

"Come inside me, Ardin, please," Tren begged him.

"Do not come inside him!" Etira said. "You might not be purchased if you can't produce any later." Ardin knew that wasn't likely; he could come several times, but he refrained.

Ardin kissed him while he fucked him, and Tren was surprised he could do both so well at the same time. Tren almost came several times. Ardin was very good at it and every thrust hit something inside Tren that was very pleasurable. He certainly didn't have to pretend he enjoyed it. It was the best sexual experience of his life. He was disappointed and he could tell Ardin was, too when Ardin was told to step away.

Tren was told to have sex with a Molek. Tren already knew they had two penises. He fished them out of the Molek's pouch and then licked the larger one, while he tried not to gag. Then he tickled the other until the Molek started honking. The Molek left and a Grenelish male walked up to him. Tren tried to remember what he had read about them, and then it came to him. He pushed on the two horned scales on the Grenelish's belly and his prick became visible. He stroked it while keeping the pressure on its belly, which wasn't easy. He had to use his forearm to press on both horns and it was painful. The Grenelish spewed green reproductive fluid all over Tren's leg. Fortunately he was naked and the liquid had a pleasant odor. Etira called Tren over and gave him a towel to wipe his leg.

"I'm impressed, Tren. Your bio shows you are new to this. How did you learn?"

"I read a lot."

Then he asked Tren to demonstrate his cock sucking skills on him. Tren grinned and Etira chuckled at Tren's enthusiasm. Tren knelt and unzipped Etira's pants. He carefully got out his prick which stiffened in his hand. He then got his balls out. He admired the man's equipment for a while. Tren thought Etira had a very nice cock. He swallowed it to the root and gave him a long, slow suck. He could tell Etira was close, so he sucked his balls for a while before returning to his cock. He had Etira gasping, so Tren knew he was going a good job. Etira pulled his cock out of Tren's mouth, looked at him for a second, and said, "What the hell! Make me come, Tren." Tren took him back in his mouth and a little while later, Etira grunted as he came in Tren's mouth. It had been a while since Tren had tasted Human come and he thoroughly enjoyed it.

"Damn, Tren! Your owner is one lucky male!"

Tren stood up, wiped his mouth, and smiled.

"Why don't you buy me? I would love to suck your cock all the time. It's a beauty!"

"Well, you and I would enjoy it, but I don't think my spouse would." Tren was visibly disappointed and Etira chuckled.

Four ----

Relf had finished his third Trill when he decided he should sober up. He didn't want to choose the wrong slave because he was high. He ordered food and chilled dram juice. He ate while he watched more Human males having sex. They were enthusiastic about oral sex, which few Grev cared for. Relf had lived long enough away from other Grev to become enthusiastic about it, especially when he was receiving. He wanted a Human, but he obviously didn't want one who would kill him! He wondered if he would be able to tell whether they wanted to or not. He pressed the call button on the table and Arv walked over and sat with him.

"I am seriously considering buying a Human. Do you know anything about them?"

"Oh, yes. I was built by Humans."

"Really? What can you tell me about them?"

"When their sun became unstable most Humans fled their world, Earth. A few remained and live underground on Earth and Mars, which is another planet in their system. At the time they fled, the surface was uninhabitable, but there was still an enormous amount of water on the surface and in the atmosphere of Earth. Many felt with unlimited water and power, Earth was still preferable to a new world. Approximately eighteen million remained on Earth, living in caverns kilometers below the surface.

"The ones who left fell into two main groups, the religious and the scientific. All the religious worlds are barbaric. The inhabitants rejected science and in several cases, forgot their religions. One world, Pluribus, has a volatile mixture of both. They may have killed each other by now. None of the religious worlds are eligible to join the Alliance, because they deny their citizens basic civil rights. Human slaves can only come from the barbaric worlds because slavery is illegal on the Provisional worlds. The scientific worlds have all applied for membership in the Alliance, but all of them are Provisional worlds until they have gone through their waiting periods with stable governments. I was built on one of the scientific worlds, Europa. That was before any of the Human worlds became aware of the Alliance. The Human worlds are all on the opposite side of the Galaxy from most of the Alliance worlds. Humans weren't using wormholes to travel then, and all the Human worlds are clustered around their original system. After I had served my two centuries, I was given my freedom and payment for my services. Europa is scheduled to become an official member of the Alliance in five more years. My spouse and I will be returning for the celebrations."

"What made you settle on this planet?"

"I wanted to see other worlds. I travelled for a while and met my spouse here. We decided to settle down. This is my spouse's home world. He is a Letev. I saw the bar was for sale in an ad Danzed had placed. I made an offer, he accepted my price, and I have my own business and he has ten breasts."

"You got the better deal."

"Oh, I know. A gorgeous spouse and a fun and diverting business. That is my spouse over by the bar."

Relf looked. He saw a gray skinned Humanoid. He didn't look like a Letev. At least he had never seen a gray Letev. He wondered if he was biological or mechanical, like Arv. Arv's spouse looked biological, but that didn't mean he wasn't manufactured.

"Is he a Free Machine?"

"No, he is a biological construct created by two Free Machines, his parents."

"What is it like to have immortal in-laws?"

"We get along well."

"Would you recommend a Human?"

"I don't think I can say. Some would be good, some would be awful. You should be able to tell if they hate you. If they do or you make them hate you, you should expect trouble."

"True enough."

"If you find one who does not feel you are repulsive and you don't abuse him, you should be fine. Have you considered having sex with someone you don't own?"

Relf grinned. An almost subtle dig. "Yes. But this is much less complicated. There are no caste restrictions." Relf sighed.

"Oh, yes. I forgot that Grev have those."

"Thanks for your help, Arv."

"Etira's party should be starting."

"Thanks." Relf paid his tab and walked to the party.

Relf thought the party was interesting. Many of the slaves were on platforms, dancing. He signed up for the raffle and began mingling. There weren't many buyers yet. The slaves seemed to be having a good time; many were laughing and none looked unhappy to him. The customers he saw were an interesting combination of extreme poverty and extreme wealth. The poor ones were there no doubt for the free food and drink. The wealthy were dressed up and bejewelled.

He walked past a couple of All Rights League monitors who glared at him. He ignored them.

A Human walked up to him. "Greetings. I am Etira. Can I get you anything? Food? Drink? Smoke?

Relf looked down at him and said, "No. I am in the market for an ISS. I have been reading about Humans."

"Are you interested in a male or a female?"


"We have many males. Are you interested in a bisexual?"

"I like male-to-male sex."

Etira looked at his handheld. "I have three."

"Will you show me?"

"Certainly." Relf followed the dealer who was reading a handheld. He walked up to another Human and said, "Leran, this is Relf. He would like to look at you."

Leran turned around and looked panicked when he saw Relf's size. "Hello, Relf," he stammered.

"Do you prefer males, Leran?"


"How old are you, Leran?"

"I am twenty-seven A-years."

Relf thought that was too old, plus he seemed intimidated by Relf's size.

He turned to Etira. "Will you show me the next?"

"Would you like this one to undress?"

"Maybe later."

"Very well."

Etira looked at his handheld and started walking. He walked up to another male.

"Keegan, this is Relf."

Keegan was attractive and he smiled at Relf.

"Hello, Relf."

"Tell me about yourself, Keegan."

"Who me?" Keegan asked, as he frowned.


"I'm a slave. I do whatever I am told. End of story."

"What planet are you from?"


"Is that a nice place?"

Several Humans turned and laughed.

Keegan said, "No. It is so bad that people fight to get to the slavers. They sometimes fight to the death to become slaves and get off the planet."

"Do you want to be my slave?"

Keegan didn't find the fur very appealing, and the nose was just weird. "I suppose."

Relf thought he was attractive but didn't think indifference was a good trait in a sex partner. Tan-Tan, his Enteron had been indifferent.

"Next," he said to Etira.

He took them to a third Human male, Ardin. He was attractive with fur on his chest, which Relf liked. Relf wanted a younger Human, but he asked Ardin to strip. He felt the fur on his chest. The slave gave him a smirk that Relf thought was cute. He fondled his erection and thought he had a nice prick. He bent over and licked the slave's prick. He liked the taste of him. Relf pulled his own shorts down to see what Ardin could do. Ardin knelt and began sucking him. Relf thought he was quite good. He seemed enthusiastic.

"How much is Ardin?"

"Thirty thousand credits." That sounded like a good price. Even though he had hoped for a younger slave, he liked this one.

"Do you like to get fucked?" Relf asked Ardin.

"Not really. I prefer to fuck." Relf sighed. This one wouldn't do, either. He didn't want to fuck someone who hated it.

"I think I will just look around some more."

"Very well. Ask for me if you need help."

Many beings looked at Tren, but no one seemed interested. He would have been disappointed, except none of them appealed to him in the least. He did get excited when an obviously wealthy being whose race he didn't know walked by with a cute animal at his side.

Tren ran up to him and squatted down. "Is he friendly?"

The being said, "It's a she. Yes, she is. You may rub her ears. Gently." Tren rubbed the long v-shaped ears and the animal clearly loved it. It had two large rear legs and two tiny front legs that it kept crossed over its chest. It had glossy black fur that Tren found was very soft. It had a white spot on its head and a white tail that looked like a powder puff. It had whiskers and light brown eyes.

"She's absolutely beautiful."

"Yes, she is. Thank you. Have a pleasant evening." The being walked away and the animal waddled alongside it.

Ardin walked over and kissed him while they stroked each other.

"Etira is coming over. Hide!" Ardin ducked behind Tren. The cubicle wall blocked the view, so he pulled Tren's shorts down and began eating his ass. He stopped and pushed two fingers into him. Tren moaned loudly.

"Please tell me you are moaning because you are dying to suck my prick again," Etira said to Tren.

"That's it. I'm hungry!"

Etira chuckled. "Maybe later."

"He's gone." Ardin stood up and kissed Tren again. "Why couldn't I have met you a month ago? I would never have left home."

Ardin smiled and held him in his arms. "You are beautiful, Tren."

On his next visit to Tren's cubicle, Etira caught him and told Ardin to leave Tren alone.

"You are supposed to be finding a buyer, not a boyfriend," he told Ardin.

Etira walked into Tren's cubicle and dropped his pants. Tren knelt and swallowed Etira's cock. He sucked for a while before moving to his balls. Etira was hairy, like Ardin, and Tren loved that. "Do you want me to eat your ass?"

Etira groaned, "Fuck, yes!" He turned around and Tren pulled his cheeks apart and dived in.

"Is he good?" an Aldovoran buyer asked Etira while Tren was trying to get his tongue inside him.


"How much is he?"

"Fifty-five thousand credits."

Erin was surprised when he heard that. He was expensive!

"Oh!" The Aldovoran walked off.

Tren reached around and stroked Etira's cock while he rimmed him. When Etira was close, he pulled away and turned around.

"Fuck, Tren!" Tren grinned at him.

"Can I have your load?"

"You better believe it!"

Etira fed Tren his cock. After sucking him for about a minute, Tren reached up under Etira's shirt to his hairy chest. He found his nipples and pulled on them. Etira moaned loudly and came in Tren's mouth. Etira pulled out, panting. "I have definitely underpriced you." Tren wiped his mouth and smiled. Tren milked the last drops out of his prick and licked them off. Etira pulled his pants up and walked away.

Tren was wearing a bright orange shirt that he didn't particularly like, and brown leather shorts that he liked very much. He decided to open the shirt and tuck it in at the back. He snuck over to see Ardin. "Do I look better like this?"

"You look fantastic!"

Ardin wanted Tren more than he had ever wanted anyone.

Tren looked around for Etira and didn't see him. He knelt in front of Ardin, pulled his pants down, and began sucking him.

"Suck my cock, boy! Suck it!"

Tren moaned around it. He wanted to be Ardin's boy! He sucked hungrily, holding Ardin's balls while he sucked him.

"I want your come, Ardin! I've wanted it since I first saw you."

"Keep sucking babe, and I'll give it to you."

He sped up his sucking. Etira could come by at any time. Ardin held Tren's head and he groaned as powerful jets of come shot into Tren's mouth. It was one of the most powerful orgasms he'd ever had. Tren swallowed repeatedly as it filled his mouth. Tren couldn't believe how much come Ardin was feeding him. As his orgasm ended, Ardin said, "Shit! Etira is headed this way!"

"I loved it! Thanks, Ardin."

Tren looked up at Ardin's happy face. "Thank you, baby!" Tren got up and snuck back over to his own cubicle, still swallowing.

Relf saw Etira and walked up to him. "Why did you decide to sell your own people?"

"I grew up on a world like Serenia. It is called Hope, which is a tremendous joke. I was glad to leave. Life as a slave was much, much better than life on Hope. I was good at being a slave and I bought my freedom. I knew there were others like me, people desperate for a new life, so I went back to Hope and put up an ad in the central market of one of the largest towns. There were so many, I had to turn ninety percent of them away. That's how I got started. The people on Hope and Serenia are taught to not think for themselves. Knowledge is evil and other such shit. Slavery is thought to be God's will. For them, being a slave in the Alliance where they have rights is far, far better than their previous life. They still don't have to think for themselves, if that isn't what they want. The ones who want to be their own masters, like me, can be. For each Human I sell, I give a savings account with twenty-five percent of my profit. If they are intelligent and inclined, they can save enough on their own to buy their freedom. Having a savings account sometimes gives them something to work towards. I have repurchased many of my slaves when they came back up for sale. When I resell them, I give them an additional twenty-five percent for the second sale. Two of my slaves have bought their freedom in the past year. I have experimented with giving them more of the sale price, but I think they have to have time to experience life in the Alliance and decide what they want. Most of them initially have no idea what to do with freedom or money, and life on an Alliance world is very different from their home worlds. They are used to being told what to do and what to think. Generally with twenty-five percent and their naturally declining sale price as they age, they can expect to be free in twenty years. And that is without adding money to the account. In that time, they have a chance to become civilized and develop interests and desires. Of course, Humans interested in becoming free can save more and do it sooner.

"Unfortunately, some Humans are kidnapped from the civilized Human worlds and sold as milk slaves. Naturally, they don't make good slaves. They are victims of a crime. Some of the horror stories you hear are the result of the kidnappers keeping their victims as their slaves. People who do things like that, keep their slaves far from Alliance and All Rights League monitors. The slaves are basically imprisoned. Wouldn't you want to kill the beings who kidnapped you for their sexual enjoyment?"

Relf nodded his agreement.

"And, the fact is, that as with most races, there are Human criminals. Some of them are slaves. Just because they are slaves, does not mean they are law-abiding.

"The only reason there are legal Human slaves for sale is because of Humans. The leaders on Hope and Serenia believe in slavery. If they didn't, no Humans would want to be slaves. It is true that sometimes slaves are mistreated in the Alliance, but it is illegal. After all, free citizens are sometimes mistreated illegally, as well. Humans have no rights at all on Serenia and Hope. A patriarch on Serenia can torture and kill slaves on a whim. They decree it God's will. Things are even worse on Hope. They have Edict Wars between religions which kill hundreds of thousands. Slaves fight until they die. People who don't like you can accuse you of heresy which is punishable by stoning. Murder is commonplace and all that is needed to avoid prosecution is to claim the murder victim made sexual advances towards you. The victim is dead and can't contradict you."

"That is depressing."

"Are you familiar with Humasem?"

"I have read of it."

"Yes. The leaders on Serenia and Hope have become aware of Humasem. They find the whole concept of Humasem repugnant to their religious beliefs. They are all rabidly xenophobic and the idea of using Human reproductive fluid to produce more aliens—well, you can imagine how much they like that! I doubt I will be allowed to continue rescuing people from those worlds."

"Wouldn't they let you take females? They can't produce Humasem."

"Females could produce hundreds of males from a single ejaculation of a male."

Relf turned and saw a couple having sex upside down, standing on their arms. He wondered how the male retained an erection. He would never have been able to do it.

"Do you have any other males?" Relf asked.

"Yes, there's Tren, but he isn't showing up on the scanner as available. I'm not sure why. I'll take you to him."

They walked around. There were a lot more buyers showing up. Some of them were testing the ISSs. He saw more than a few of the slaves being fucked. Some seemed to be enjoying it and others didn't.

"Oh, there he is."

They walked up to a young Human. "Tren, this is Relf."

"Hello," Tren said. "You are a Grev?"


"You are a male?" Tren asked him.

Relf pulled his shorts down.

"Whoa! Yes, definitely!" Tren said, laughing.

"Tren, I entered you as hetero by mistake."

Tren laughed and said, "Oh, lord! Fix that. I don't want to be bought by a female. We would both be very, very disappointed."

Relf liked this one. He was quite attractive and seemed to have a good personality. He also had some fur on his chest and belly.

"Would you like to have sex with me?" Relf asked him.

"I would love to suck that pretty thing!"

"How about fucking?"

"I've never been fucked by anyone as big as you. I tried to fuck myself with a root vegetable that was almost as big as you, but every time I tried to push it into me, I screamed and couldn't do it."

"Why did you try using such a large vegetable?"

"It's a long story. It's also boring."

Relf chuckled.

"Then why did you keep trying when it wouldn't fit?"

"I didn't want the vegetable to win! It was the principle!" Relf laughed loudly, as did Etira and Tren grinned.

Relf nodded and said, "I understand completely. How would you like to be my ISS if I promise it won't hurt? I won't promise you won't scream."

"I would like that." Tren smiled at him.

"How much for Tren?"

"As you can see, he is young and very attractive. He also has a large prick and superb," Etira grinned at Tren, "sexual skills. He is selling for sixty-eight thousand. It is a fixed price. No haggling."

Erin frowned. No one would buy him at that price! But at least the Grev had not walked away. Maybe he could afford him.

Zerga! Relf thought. That was a tremendous amount, no doubt about that. It was almost four times what he paid for the Enteron. Of course, he had been trying to save money and ended up being burned. While he was thinking about whether he wanted to spend that much, Tren was looking at his prick, obviously trying to decide if he could make it fit. His head was tilted to the side and he seemed to be deep in thought. Then he looked up and smiled at Relf again. Relf looked at the fur Tren's chest and the prominent bulge in his short pants.

"Take your pants off," Relf said. Tren grinned at him and pulled them down. Relf watched his cock become erect. It was a pleasing size. Not too large to suck, but large enough. Relf bent down and sniffed him. He had a pleasant odor. Relf licked his cock and the slave moaned and almost fell over. Relf smiled. He's responsive, he thought. "Turn around and bend over." After he did, Relf smelled him there. He smelled clean. Relf licked one of his fingers and pressed it a little ways into his hole and stopped. The slave waited for more and when Relf didn't move, backed up onto his finger. He's eager, too, Relf thought.

"What do you like to do, Tren?"



"I love to suck cock and I like to get fucked."

Relf wanted him. He just felt he shouldn't spend so much for sex. But he had the money and he decided to spend it. "I'll take him."

"Excellent. I can tell you will be a good owner. Who should I charge it to?"

"Relf Ar-An-El, captain of the Stellar Drift." Tren couldn't believe his incredible luck. A star ship captain! That was so romantic! And he was so big! In every way! Tren could feel those arms around him already. Not only that, but Relf was very attractive and seemed like a nice person. Tren was eager to get to know that big prick of his. He completely forgot about Ardin.

"Would you like to sit somewhere together and get acquainted? As a purchaser, you can have unlimited liquor and food until the sale ends. The good stuff, not what the browsers are drinking. You registered for the raffle?" Etira asked Relf.


"Well, you will want to stay for that anyway. I must warn you, the raffle slave is not anywhere near Tren's standard. Tren is the most expensive slave I'm offering this evening. Come this way."

Next: Chapter 4: Toward the Brightest Star 13 16

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