
By Mark James

Published on Dec 24, 2012


Trade 21 by Mark James

I woke up in what I thought was a hospital bed. Ali was immediately at my side holding my hand.

"Thank God." he said.

"What happened? Where are we? How long was I out? Who fixed my arm?"

"He smiled and said, "You passed out, you finally went in to shock. I summoned help and we were brought here. We are in a private clinic. You were out about 12 hours. The doctor fixed your arm. 20 stitches, antibiotics, pain killers and blood replacement. You will be fine."

"I'm supposed to fly to Rio de Janeiro on Sunday."

"Ah yes, the relocation. I don't think that will be a problem, but I will ask the doctor."

"What happened at the consulate?"

"There was an attempted coup at home. They were after me. They killed everyone at the consulate. What you would call collateral damage I think.

Thank you. You saved my life. Without you I would have been dead."

"You are welcome. Is what happened at the consulate public knowledge?

"Yes, unfortunately, it is hard to hide the deaths of 50 people in a burned out building."

"Oh God, Bill must be out of his mind. He knew I was at the consulate. He and Greg must think I'm dead. Where is my cell phone? I've got to call him.

"I know who Bill Morrison is. Who is Greg?"

"Greg Carlson is my lawyer. We are all going to Rio on Sunday."

I thought, "I didn't have to say that last part. I was going to start babbling if I wasn't careful."

"Here is your cell phone. It would be better if nobody knew you were at the consulate. It would put you in danger. It is better to apprise Bill of the situation before he starts putting pressure on the authorities for information about what happened to you. After you have talked to him please let me talk to him and I will tell him where you are so he can pick you up. I am sure he would want to do that."

I dialed the number.

"The butler answered and said, "Morrison residence, I am afraid Mr. Morrison is not taking calls today he has had a personal loss. I will be glad to take a message and have him call you back at a more convenient time."

"Henry, this is Randy. Tell him I escaped from the consulate and am all right and would he please call me at my cell number."

"Oh, Mr. Douglas, thank God you are all right. Hold on, I will get him."

"Randy, where are you? What happened? What's going on? You son-of a bitch, I told you not to scare me like this. Are you all right? Do you need any help?"

"I'm in a private clinic. I got caught up in an assassination plot against Prince Ali. My arm got sliced up fending off the assassins. I'm sorry you thought I was dead. I couldn't call you before because I went into shock. You know how easy that is for me even when I haven't been cut up with a scimitar. Price Ali says I will be fine. I haven't talked to the doctor yet because I just woke up. I think I will be able to go to Rio on Sunday. I need a ride home. Prince Ali wants to talk to you to give you the address if you will pick me up."

"I don't know what I going to do with you. I'm glad you are alright, Let me speak to Prince Ali." he said. At least, I think that is what he said it was hard to understand somebody when they are crying.

I shut my eyes for a minute to rest them. I woke up 3 hours later and saw Bill, Greg, Prince Ali and a doctor I didn't know looking down at me.

"Hi," I said.

Everybody, but the doctor started crying, so I did too.

Bill said, "Don't you think its time you got out of bed? I've got better things to do than stand around and watch you sleep all day."

"What do you say doc."

"I think it will be fine, if you try not to do anything strenuous. Do you have someone who could stay with you?"

"Bill said, "He is coming home with me."

The doctor said, "Well then, if you gentlemen will excuse us for a while we will get him a shower, get him dressed and bring him to you."

Bill and Greg walked into the next room.

I threw off the covers and sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, shit, I should have asked them to go by my place and bring me some more clothes: the ones I was wearing are torn and bloody and probably filthy."

"While you were lolling around in bed I managed to find some old clothes in a back closet that might do," and he pulled some hangers out of the closet with plastic covers on them and a shoe box which were emblazoned with the Brooks Brothers label.

"I'll have to remember to do all of my shopping in back closets from now on. Thank you. From your understated and wry comment I can already tell you have spent too much time around Bill. I guess his way with words is catching."

"Doctor, would you give us a moment please."

"Of course," he said and walked out of the room.

I looked at him quizzically.

"I noticed that both of you use words as a method of expressing deep affection and concern without becoming over maudlin so I thought it was appropriate."

He didn't quite finish his comment before he started crying and suddenly we had our arms around each other, hugging each other and we were both crying.

After a few minutes he said, "Well, I guess I didn't succeed in not becoming overly maudlin. Since English is my fourth or fifth language I guess I can be excused for not getting it exactly right. God, I am going to miss you."

"What do you mean?"

"You may never see me again. I have to disappear at least for a while. There are people who want me dead. And if they knew about you they would want you dead also. I'm sorry you got involved in this, but if you hadn't I would be dead and I can't be sorry about that. You saved my life and by doing so put yours in danger.

You can't go back to your apartment. It isn't safe. In fact Randy Douglas has to vanish as if he never existed. Which I understand is really true, that your real name is Sam Hamilton. I've discussed this with Bill and Greg and they agree. I hope you can see the need.

Actually you no longer have an apartment to go back to. Your things have been removed, the apartment has been sanitized, your car has disappeared and all records pertaining to Randy Douglas have been or are being deleted from public and private records.

Actually the fact that you are going to Rio is a blessing. When you get back you will have another place to live in your real name. If you don't like it we will find you a place you do like. Transportation will be by private limousine service in an armored Hummer starting tomorrow and you will always be guarded by at least 2 bodyguards, whom, if they do their jobs right you will never know are there. This won't be forever, but for now it is only prudent. You don't have to hide. You can live your life openly as Sam Hamilton who I understand has become quite wealthy. Just forget that Randy Douglas ever existed.

All of this may not be necessary, but I would rather err on the cautious side than have someone kill you. The consulate is a bombed out, smoking ruin and there are no fingerprints or records that show you have ever been there. It is Saudi territory so there will be no policemen knocking at your door investigating the death of two ninja assassins. I'm sorry to dump all this on you without warning."

I just sat there and didn't say anything.


"I'm sorry you just overwhelmed me. I never thought about it, of course I have had no time to think about it. I just thought I would continue with my life. I never thought I would become a target-Jesus Ali- those guys were trying to kill us. All I did was try to keep us alive. Why are people trying to kill you?"

I'm the minister of trade in what you would call your state department. But, that is a cover, my real job is keeping track of what people and countries are doing. There are 30,000 Saudi princes and it is up to me to know what they are up to. All of your spy movies talk about tracking the money and that is what I do. The members of the royal family can literally get away with murder but if they threaten the king or the country they are dog meat. I draw on our equivalent of your NSA, FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, IRS or the military when I have specific needs to rectify a situation. I have your equivalent of James Bond or Rambo when the need arises. I expect I am universally hated but feared even more.

I know who did this; I just need time to do something about it. There are probably a lot of people quaking in their boots since their assassination attempt failed. We are more like a large family than a country. So we are not like your country, we are not a democracy, and there is no Miranda warning, no right to a speedy trial or any trial at all. We don't maintain a large prison population draining the assets of the country. We eliminate the individuals causing the problems based on what we consider sufficient evidence, confiscate their assets and redistribute them to other more deserving people. I am not a spy, maybe a super-spook but I feel like I am more of a house mother or proctor trying to keep order in the family."

"I'm not a spy or super- spook, I don't normally go around killing people. I know you are just trying to help me and I appreciate it. Randy Douglas was about done for anyway. Maybe the best thing for me to do is to really move to Rio."

"That may be. It is certainly something to consider. It is nice that your investments turned out well. Money gives you choices.

"Yeah, Bill managed to point out to me how little money I have compared to the big boys even though to many I would be considered rich. I couldn't afford to operate a $100,000,000 yacht, much less to buy one or even the operational cost of a $40,000,000 plane. It seems silly to even talk like this when I could be still selling my butt on the street for $20.00 a trick. God knows what it takes to bribe people in Brazil to make it safe for me now. I wouldn't even know who to bribe or how."

"By the way your friends don't know and neither does anybody else but me that you killed the 2 assassins or how. You may want to tell them at some point, because you may need somebody to talk to, maybe even a psychologist. It probably isn't something you want to keep bottled up inside you. As you said you are not a spy or a super-spook and killing people, even assassins, is not sometime you usually do. You certainly surprised the hell out of me, but praise be to Allah, that you were there."

"Well let's get you in the shower and then get you dressed so you can get out of here. There is even a toothbrush. I expect you have had enough excitement to last you for a lifetime."

When Bill and I got in his car, for some reason, I felt like a virgin on her wedding night although the feeling had nothing to do with sex.

I must have looked as weird as I felt because Bill said, "Are you O. K.?"


"Anything I can do?"


"Should I get the doctor?"

"No, let's just go home," I said and sat there crying and he started up the car and drove off.

Halfway to his place I said, "I'm sorry, I can't help it."

"I understand, you've had a rough time."

"I started laughing and said, "You don't know the half of it," as my laughing turned hysterical.

I heard him on the phone as from a long distance away saying, "Henry, Call Dr. Atkins and tell him I need him at the apartment immediately and meet me in the garage, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

Something hit me in the jaw and I passed out.

I woke up in bed, it was dark.

I said out loud but strictly rhetorical, "Why am I always waking up in strange beds?"

A light came on and I saw Bill looking down at me.

"What happened? Where am I?"

"You became hysterical on the way here. You are at my place."

"Why does my jaw hurt?

"I'm sorry; I had to knock you out when you became hysterical. Henry helped to bring you up here and Dr. Adams gave you a sedative. You have been asleep for 8 hours. Are you going to go bonkers again? Do I need to get the doctor?"

"I don't know. The doctor said there might be a reaction as soon as I thought about what had happened. I guess there was and there may be again but right now I'm starving to death."

"We can do something about that. Do you want to get up or would you rather eat in bed."

"I'm tired of being in bed. Can I get up?"

"Sure, if you want to."

So I got up and went in the dining room and Henry served us a sumptuous meal. There wasn't much talk.

"So you want to talk about it?"

"No, but I think I need to. What do you want to know?"

"Everybody in the consulate was killed, how did you and Ali get away from the assassins?"

That was he wrong question to ask I guess, I heard myself say, "I broke their necks," and then before the darkness gathered me in again I heard Bill yell, "Henry help."

I woke up in bed again.

Bill sat down on the edge of the bed, leaned in and softly kissed me for about five minutes.

"What was that for?"

"For being a weak limp-wristed fairy."


"I'm joking. I thought you had gotten away I wasn't aware that you were the reason that you both survived. When I asked how you gotten away from the assassins, you told me you had broken their necks and then you passed out. Knowing enough psychology to be dangerous I would say that that was the first time your mind had faced what you had done and fainting was a way to avoid it. I think it will be easier to talk about it now that you are past that.

I now understand the hysterical laughter in the car when you said; I didn't understand the half of it."

"My little weak limp-wristed fairy is a fucking hero."

"Fuck you, I'm taller than you, as strong as you and I'm not limp-wristed, I'll give you the fairy part and I was too busy staying alive to be a fucking hero.

"Hey don't get mad. You are the one who first called yourself a weak limp-wristed fairy; I was just trying to be funny. I obviously wasn't, I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad I know what you were doing."

"If the son-of a-bitch ninja want-to-be had not tried to cut my arm off with his fucking scimitar before the whole thing started I might not have killed him."

"You mean you bare-handedly fended off and killed 2 ninja fanatics armed with scimitars with a 5 inch gash in your arm, which must have been very painful and bleeding like hell?"

"Well yeah!"

"And you didn't go into shock from the wound or the blood loss?"

"Ali said if I did we would both die, so I had him use his belt to make a tourniquet and after he opened the secret passageway in the wall we had to walk a quarter of a mile real slow, so I wouldn't pass out, before we got to safety. We heard the others coming for us. I couldn't afford to go into shock and then 300 yards down the passage Ali blew up the building. Of course, after we got through the passage the first thing I did was slide down the wall and pass out. Why are you crying?"

He sat on the edge of the bed, laid his head on my chest, wrapped his arms around me and squeezed the hell out of me as he said, "God it sounds like a Robert Ludlum novel, but it really happened. I had no idea how close I came to really losing you. Wait a minute, why was anybody trying to kill Prince Ali? "

"At the risk of repeating my self, you don't know the half of it."

"You've got to be kidding."

"You can't tell anybody what I just told you or what I am about to tell you, OK."

He looked at me with a dazed look and said, "OK."

It was all the result of an attempted coup in Saudi Arabia and I repeated all the stuff that Ali had told me about being a super-spook and my identity as Randy Douglas being wiped out.

I told him it might be better if I did move to Rio and he said it was certainly something to consider."

"I guess I did know 20 % of what you just told me, but I am not sure that I was aware of the complete ramifications of the part that I was told about. The fact that it fits in with the direction we were going is sort of eerie, though. I can see why you are practically a basket case.

"Look do you want to get up again. It's 9:00 at night. Doc said to give you this sedative when you woke up, it will make you sleep through the night, hopefully dreamless."

I took the sedative and woke up at 6:00 the next morning. I got up and wandered into the kitchen looking for coffee, where I ran into Henry.

"Jeez, Henry don't you ever go to sleep."

"Good morning Sir, you are looking better this morning, Yes, I do sleep, thank you for asking. I understand you are now Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Douglas is no more."

"That's right; but please just call me Sam."

"Oh I couldn't do that sir. It wouldn't be right."

I just shrugged my shoulders and asked, "What's to eat? Is there any coffee?"

"Whatever you want sir. Sit sown and I will get you a cup."

"Bacon, eggs, toast, hash browns."

"Right away sir."

I crossed my arms on the table and lay my head on them.

"Are you all right sir?"

I sat up and started laughing.

Henry looked at me with an alarmed expression.

"Why are you looking at me like that," I asked, as I looked around the room.

"I am concerned sir, Mr. Morrison said that is the way the hysterics started in the car yesterday."

"I'm sorry Henry; I'm not going into hysterics. Thank you for worrying about me and thank you for the help yesterday. I must have been a trial."

"Not at all sir, we were very concerned and Mr. Morrison was beside himself."

"We talked it out last night. I don't think I am going to pass out or go into hysterics again."

"That's good sir, but if you do we are here for you, sir."

His casual kindness undid me and I said, "But that doesn't mean I'm not going to cry," as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"That's all right sir, we all need a good cry every once in a while and he served me breakfast as I tried to stop crying."

Bill walked in a few minutes later and said, "I see you've been crying again. You've got to stop that or people will accuse me of child abuse," as he bent over and kissed me.

"Yes daddy," I said and could see Henry trying to hide a grin.

"Brooks Brothers called yesterday and said they were delivering something at 8:00 this morning sent by a mister Lee. Isn't that right Henry?"

"They were very specific sir; it was a Mr. A. Lee.

"Do you know anything about that Sam?"

I laughed and they both got that spooked look.

"Look I'm sorry I got hysterical yesterday but I am going to laugh occasionally. Live with it. Doesn't Mr. A. Lee sound a lot like Ali?"

They both grinned.

"I wondered what I was going to wear. I assume these are your pajamas and robe I'm wearing."

"Yeah and I figured you could wear some of my clothes until yours showed up or we could buy some. Looks like Ali was thinking ahead of both of us."

"That's what Ali does and I sure haven't been thinking lately."

"Yeah well your actions obviously spoke louder than words or thoughts and I am sure Ali is grateful for that. I know I am as he reached over and squeezed my hand."

"Speaking of that," he said as he went in the other room and returned with an envelope, "Prince Ali said to give you this when I was sure you were lucid. Of course anybody who takes on two armed assassins barehanded I don't consider lucid anyway."

"I killed them didn't I?"

Henry dropped the pan he was holding; fortunately it was empty and yelped, "What? Oh, I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to drop that."

"Oh, I'm sorry Henry, you didn't know. I only found out last night. Sam fended off two assassins armed with scimitars barehanded after being wounded in the arm and killed both of them before they could kill Prince Ali not to mention himself. Does that sound like a lucid person to you?"

Henry gave me a shrewd look and said, "Well if the only other choice was to die, yes sir, I would consider him very lucid."

Bill looked dumbfounded for a minute and then said, "Well, I guess you are right."

Henry said, "May I ask how you managed to do that sir?"

"I have black belts in 3 different martial arts disciplines, Henry. I broke their legs and arms and then broke their necks. They were fanatics and they kept trying to kill me with those damned scimitars and Price Ali was defenseless."

"Ah, yes sir. I see sir. You are more than you appear aren't you sir."

"Fuck it, I'm just me. I didn't ask them to try to kill me. They didn't give me any choice," and I started crying again.

Bill pulled his chair around next to mine and held me while I bawled.

"He isn't a killer," Henry, "he needs to come to terms with what happened. I think he is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It isn't confined just to guys who served in Iraq and Afghanistan."

"Yes sir, I see that. It explains all that happened yesterday. I realize it is early in the day but perhaps a dollop of whiskey might help, before Brooks Brothers arrive."

Bill nodded assent and whisky was procured.

I was lucid again before the delivery arrived.

While we were waiting I opened the envelope Bill had given me. It held a number of contact numbers.

If I needed to contact Prince Ali there were 3 numbers and a note that I should ask for Mr. A. Lee and he would get back to me or I could leave a message at a fourth number.

There was a number for the car service and that I should ask for Mr. Jackson.

There was another number if I needed an airplane anywhere in the world and an authorization number.

There was a number for the private clinic where I had been treated and the name of the doctor if it was ever needed.

There was paragraph that said a man named Daniel Shepherd would arrive with the Brooks Brothers delivery and would be my personal valet so I wouldn't have to kill anybody else and nobody would kill me until you leave on your trip.

You will be met in Rio by Colonel Alfredo Alvarez of The Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Portuguese: Agência Brasileira de Inteligência; ABIN) who has obtained Visas for you who will to facilitate your trip and insure that you meet the right people. Your Visas should be hand delivered to you on Saturday.

Make sure you take a satellite phone with you.

"Bill, which airline are we taking to Brazil?"

"We aren't, we are taking a charter, why?"

"Ali is offering airplanes anywhere in the world with just a phone call."

"Nice perk, but we don't need it yet."

"Here read this."


The Brooks Brothers delivery arrived, box after box after box after box, shirts, pants, socks, shoes, ties, tuxedos, underwear, coats, hats, gloves, bathing suits, clothes of every type and description for every kind of weather and location and suitcases, trunks, attaché cases, sun glasses, watches. It seems like the whole store arrived.

"Jesus, what am I going to do with all of this?"

A voice from the hall said, "I will take care of that if you will just point me to the closet."

"Mr. Shepherd, I assume," I said.

"Just Dan sir, if you please."

Bill said, "Could I see some ID please?"

Dan pulled out and ID card for the General Intelligence Presidency (Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah) of Saudi Arabia and said "I hope this will suffice?"

"And who sent you and why?"

"Good, a careful man. The person you know as Prince Ali sent me to make sure that Mr. Hamilton stays alive until he leaves for Rio on Sunday on your charter flight, Mr. Morrison."

"But a cover as a valet?"

"Actually I am very good as a valet and it gives me a reason to be in your apartment. Since Mr. Hamilton is injured, has an overwhelming amount of new clothes and has to prepare for a trip the employment of a valet for a few days would be in character. It also will keep me busy. I do so hate to just lay around with nothing to do waiting for the bad guys to show up."

"Is that why he sent all the clothes?"

"I wouldn't think so Mr. Hamilton. He seems to have a great deal of affection and respect for you and I think that is why he sent the clothes but they do provide an excuse for me to be here. Now if you can point me to the closet, I will get to work."

"Henry, if you will."

"This is what I had planned for the day, Rosetta stone software is being delivered this morning so that we can learn at least a smattering of Portuguese before we go. Greg is coming over about 10 and I have engaged a history professor to give us a briefing on South American history and geography. Tomorrow 2 people are coming to brief us on the economics on South America and current business opportunities and to give us a rundown on the current government of Brazil, Argentina and Chile. This afternoon Greg is going to explain what he has done with your money and what he suggests you do with it on a short term basis. After that I have arranged for us to return to the clinic and have your dressing changed. I expect by then you will be ready for a nap and we will eat around 8:00. Greg is staying for dinner. If there is anything you want to change let me know."

"I just looked at him in shock."


"Is this how you spend your time?"

"Pretty much, but I normally do it at the office and I am normally dealing with my own business. If we are going to Brazil we need to know these kinds of things.

Did you just think that you could just lie around on the patio and swim in the pool when you got money? If you don't manage your own money, you won't have it very long. We have to know about South America and have contacts with those guys who run the countries or they will rob us blind. Information and contacts are the lifeblood of business; you can never have too much information and without the right contacts you can't find business or protect yourself."

"I understand what you mean it is just that it is so different to the way I used to spend my days."

Well that is how we spent the day and before I knew it, Greg was gathering up his papers and leaving and Bill said, "We need to get you cleaned up before we go to the clinic, its time for a shower."

"How am I going to cover this bandage?"

I heard Henry say, "Never fear Henry is here, actually Henry and Dan are here. We have created this plastic sheath to cover your arm. We just tape the ends and hopefully the water stays out."

So we put it on my arm and then Dan helped me take off the rest of my clothes and I went in the shower and turned on the water.

Steam billowed through the door of the shower. I stood there, long, lean and muscular and glistening covered with water at least that is the way Bill tells the story.

Bill came into my room, stripped down, went into the shower, and stepped behind me, relishing in the hot feel of the water, He wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his lips at the curve of my neck. I hooked my uninjured arm around his neck, leaning back into him. I turned around in a fast rising flood of need to fix his mouth to mine. My mind emptied but for him, the urgent press of his body, the feel of his lips. The mist whirled around us as Bill took his hands and fingers over my body to all those lovely sensitive places that he loved so well.

He spun me around, pressing my face to the wall, running his hands over the rough muscle under my smooth skin of my back, the tip of his cock running up and down the crack of my ass. He filled his hands with soap, running it over my back, then shoulders, hips, thighs, stomach and chest until my breath was uneven and came in gasps of pleasure. His hands slid between my cheeks and his soapy fingers found my anal ring and slid inside and he heard me gasp with pleasure, one finger, then two, all the way in lubricating the way with fragrant slippery soap.

Bill plastered his body against mine, feeling his hard cock slide up the crack of my ass as he reached around my body and found my cock and balls with his soapy hands and his fingers teased, bringing out a gasp of pleasure as my ass pressed back against his cock in a gesture of longing to feel his cock slide past my asshole and up my rectum.

Lost in him, my hands spread against the wall; my insides churned and I yearned for Bill to take me, there against the wall.

Bill's cock slid between my cheeks and pressed against my button. He slid into me inch by inch. It took all of my willpower not to press back and impale myself on Bill's cock. I shivered as I felt Bill's cock massaged my prostate as it passed. I felt Bill's hands on my buttocks, spreading my cheeks as he finally impaled his cock up his ass. He ran his hands along mine on the wall and squeezed my hands as he kissed and nibbled at my neck and ears.

"How's that," he whispered.

"Oh that's wonderful."

Then there was only the slap of flesh on flesh as Bill took me and fucked me, the joy of mindless mating. Stroke by hard stoke, Bill filled my ass with his cock and erotic sensations, stealing every thought from my mind except the need for Bill's cock up my ass.

Bill said later the heat generated by his cock fucking my ass filled his loins. The need for release crawled through the sensation. He couldn't breathe without feeling the need for release throughout his body. It rolled through his body in waves. He distantly heard me moaning with pleasure as the waves built and built. Relief and pleasure blurred as the shot his load.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me as his cock spewed cum in my ass with spasm after spasm. He pulled out and I twisted and fell to my knees, I took the condom come off his cock as my mouth took its place and I sucked and licked on his cock gathering his nectar in my mouth before the water could wash it away.

Then suddenly Bill's legs gave out and he was on the floor. The water pounded down on us as Bill straddled my body in a 69 position. This protected me from the pouring water and I took the opportunity to rim Bill while Bill deep throated my cock.

It was only a matter of minutes before Bill had me writhing on the floor and pounding on it with my hands. I like Bill couldn't breathe without feeling the need for release throughout my body. Bill's mouth had created wave after wave of erotic sensation flooding through me. I was striving to hold off my orgasm as long as possible. The erotic sensations were almost overwhelming. Bill was rapidly deep throating my cock and suddenly he slipped his middle finger up my ass, hit my prostate and that was it, I blew my load and Bill swallowed it all up as my body spasmed with every ejaculation.

It was over and Bill got on his knees and turned off the water before we both drowned.

We got on our feet, turned on the water and cleaned up again.

When we took the bandage cover from my arm we found that it worked remarkably well, but the bandage was in sorry shape and needed to be replaced. Besides that my arm hurt.

Bill picked up his clothes and walked back to his room. Dan came in to get me dressed.

"I'm sorry; I should have told you that we were gay. I hope that you weren't offended. I understand your religion doesn't condone homosexuality. If you were and want to leave, I understand."

"No, my religion doesn't condone it, but unfortunately I am gay also, so yes I understand and no, I wasn't offended. Jealous maybe but not offended. But to completely honest with you, after you leave for the clinic I will have to masturbate. I wasn't trying to listen but I couldn't help but hear and imagine. That was a fucking hot shower. Now let's get you dressed."

So we called the car service which arrived almost immediately and off we went to the clinic in an armored Hummer limousine.

I came back with what was essentially just a super size band aid. I could shower with it. The sutures will just dissolve they don't need to be removed.

I need to go back to the clinic the day before we leave to get a new bandage.

I did need a nap though, I was dragging. Bill went to the office and Henry went to the grocery store.

I went to the bedroom. Dan was still bringing order to the closet.

"I've got to take a nap," I said, "can you put that off for a while?"

"Yes sir, Lets get you out of your clothes. I have your pajamas here."

I didn't need help any more, but I was too tired to argue. I just pulled my shirt off over my head and lay back on the bed with my eyes closed as he took my shoes and socks off. I felt him undo my pants and unzip them. I raised my hips and he pulled them off along with my shots. I had a full erection.

I opened my eyes and saw him standing there staring at me with a big bulge in his trousers,

"You didn't get a chance to masturbate did you?"

"No Sir."

He got on his knees holding the pajama bottoms and said, "If you will just stand up and step into the bottoms."

I stood up and the head of my cock hit him in the mouth. He opened his mouth to say something and it slid right into his mouth. He just shut his eyes and I slid it in as far as it would go.

Suddenly he stood up and said, "I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean for that to happen. It won't happen again."

I reached over and stroked the outline of his cock in his pants.

"OK, if that's what you want, but can I suck you off?"

I knelt down, undid his pants and pulled his trousers and shorts to his ankles and deep throated his beautiful 7 inch cut cock and fondled his balls as I stroked up and down on it.

He didn't try to push me away or resist he just said; "Ohhhhh," and stoked my hair with his hand.

While I was sucking away I undid his shoes and pulled them, his sock, pants and shorts off. He undid his shirt, slid it off and let it fall to the floor.

"Damn, man, you're a hot looking stud"

I stood up and kissed him. I lay on the bed and said, "Come on."

He straddled my chest and I caressed his legs, stomach, chest and face as I sucked on his cock. He stood up, got in a 69 position and we sucked on each other. I stopped sucking and let him suck on me and to face fuck my mouth. I think that really turned him on. I know it did me. In a couple of minutes he timed it perfectly and came in my mouth while I came in his.

He scrambled up, got a wash cloth and cleaned me up and then him. Then he got me in my PJ's, turned the bed down and got me in bed. Then he started dressing.

I said, "No you didn't, I seduced you, No I don't care and yes I want to do it again and No, I won't tell anyone," and then I drifted off.

Next: Chapter 22

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