Triwizard Rivalry

By Colin

Published on May 18, 2010


This story is fan fiction. I do not own any of the characters mentioned, they belong to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers Entertainment. ---


Cedric brushed Harry's wet hair out of his eyes, and beamed down at him with affection, cradling him in his arms as he regained consciousness.

"Wh-where am I?", Harry spluttered, still coughing up a bit of water.

"You're safe. I rescued you from the bottom of the lake. You were kidnapped by merpeople, don't you remember?"

"Oh Cedric, thank you. Thank you so much. You're my hero, Cedric."

The rennervation process did tend to make you loopy for a few seconds as you regained consciousness. Cedric laid harry out on the grass. "Let's just lie here for a little while, shall we?".

"Yes, I'd like that". Harry edged up against Cedric a bit closer.

"Listen Harry, there's something I'd like to tell you."

"No, let me go first, I've got something very important to say". Harry leaned in even closer to Cedric, and whispered in his ear, "The crumple-horned snorcacks are coming."


Before Cedric could reply, a vast herd of giant beasts appeared out of nowhere -- they looked like bears, except that their fur was pink, they were the size of minivans, and each had a distinctly phallic horn atop its head. The herd began to stampede towards the two boys. They were just seconds from being trampled.

Cedric woke up with a start, kicking against his sheets involuntarily. "These fucking dreams", he thought to himself. He had been having dreams like this about himself and Harry ever since that night in the prefects' washroom. They had become especially strange after the second task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Was he getting soft? No, of course not. Cedric put little stock in oneiromancy, and he had no interest in what Sibyll Trelawney might say about his Potter-riddled dreams.

It was too early. None of the other Hufflepuff boys in Cedric's dormitory were up. Cedric didn't feel like going back to sleep though. Cedric took the opportunity to go to the Prefects' bathroom for a long bath, as he had been doing often over the last few weeks. After getting clean and perfunctorily jerking off, he threw his robes back on and went down to the great hall for breakfast.

The hall was only about half-full when he arrived. He glanced at the Gryffindor table, frowning. Harry wasn't there yet. After finishing his meal, he walked back to the Hufflepuff common room, passing the Granger girl on the way. Cedric recognized her as the girl that Krum had taken to the Yule ball and rescued in the second task. What was she doing so far from the Gryffindor common rooms?

She clumsily bumped into Cedric as she passed by. "Oops, sorry Cedric", she squeaked. Cedric just grunted and gave her a weak smile.

When he got back to the common room, he reached into the pocket of his robes. As he had suspected, the Granger girl had slipped a note to him. He really hoped that this wouldn't be a love letter -- bushy hair did nothing for him.

He unfurled it:

Cedric, I need to talk to you. Meet me at the astronomy tower at midnight tonight. Come alone. Yours, Harry

Cedric snorted. This was surely a trap, right? Potter was surely seeking revenge. Or was the earnestness of the note genuine? No, it couldn't be. He would still show up -- he wasn't done with Potter yet -- but he would be prepared.

Cedric paced back and forth, at the top of the astronomy tower. He had arrived half an hour early, just to be safe. He had swept the area with dark detectors, and had found no traces of any magical booby traps.

Cedric's mind had been wandering all day, imagining what Harry was planning. If he was just planning to hex him, he was prepared. Cedric was one of the most skilled duelists at Hogwarts, and was prepared for any number of spells Potter might try.

Or maybe Harry was planning to blackmail him for what he had done in the prefects' bathroom. But what could he prove about what had happened? Besides, he couldn't tell anyone about what had happened without admitting that he had cheated by getting outside help on the second task.

Cedric saw a bright flash of light from the stairway leading up to the tower. He had drawn a line halfway up the stairway --a sort of magical tripwire-- that would set off a blinding flash of light when someone crossed it, so that Harry's arrival wouldn't catch him by surprise.

He gripped his wand tightly in his hand, staring intently at where Harry would be arriving. Finally Harry's mop of untidy hair rose above the threshold. "Hey Ced-"


Cedric's vigilance had gotten the better of him. Why was he so nervous?

"Er, sorry Harry. I didn't recognize you. And it sounded like someone was saying, uh.. 'Serpensortia'", he said, inventing wildly. "Finite incantatem"

The large translucent shield Cedric had conjured disappeared. Harry just smiled as he approached Cedric. Cedric was still visibly paranoid, gripping his wand, and watching Harry carefully.

"Listen Cedric, I just wanted to talk. No funny business."

Cedric was still on edge, but he tried to calm himself. Harry was obviously empty-handed, having stashed his wand in his robes. What threat did he pose? Maybe this was just a distraction, and the Granger girl was about to pop out any moment now and curse him... But if Harry had brought anyone with him, he would have seen two flashes of light go off...

"I'm listening", Cedric said. He looked a bit more at ease.

Harry went on. "I've been thinking a lot about... you know, that night." Cedric could see that Harry was blushing a bit. Harry's body language was timid, and boyish. Cedric could feel that he was gaining the upper hand.

He smiled. "Which night is that?"

"Y'know... in the prefects' bathroom." Harry was almost whispering now. Cedric had to move in closer to hear him.

"Oh? What about it?"

Harry gently put a hand on Cedric's chest. He had to stretch on his tip-toes to be able to whisper in his ear. "This is embarrassing to say..."

Cedric grinned again, baring his teeth like a hungry carnivore. He knew what was coming. It was almost too good to be true.

Harry went on, "but I had to tell you..."

After this, Cedric felt three things happen in incredibly quick succession. First, he felt something hard jab into his abdomen. Next, he heard Harry raise his voice to a hiss: "petrificus totalus". Finally, he felt an intense chill spread from his navel, felt it tauten each of his muscles in turn, working its way towards his extremities. In a few seconds, he was completely immobile. He tipped forward. If Harry hadn't caught him in his arms, he surely would have broken his nose.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you, Ced?"

Of course, even if he had thought of a witty retort, the curse had rendered him mute, all the muscles in his tongue tensed in place. Just managing to narrow his eyes in hatred at Harry was a labour for him.

"I can call you Ced, can't I? Or maybe I'll just call you my toy, since that's what you are tonight. My own personal little Hogwarts champion action figure"

Harry was clearly enjoying taking on this new, taunting, self-assured persona. He was almost a caricature of Cedric, and his own gloating.

"But I would like my doll to be able to stand up on its own." Harry propped Cedric up and tapped him with his wand, "Stabilis. There, that should put your centre of gravity somewhere low enough that you don't have to worry about toppling over."

"Now, if you're not comfortable, do tell me, okay?"

Cedric was unamused.

"Well, it's true. I have been thinking about that night in the prefects' washroom. And I've been wondering: why did you do it? Was it really just to humiliate me? To get revenge on me for stealing your thunder? Maybe, but I don't think so. In fact, I think your macho act is all fake. I think you're as straight as Snape's nose. And I'd like to test that hypothesis."

"What the fuck is he going to do?", Cedric wondered with dread. He couldn't believe he was so stupid as to let his guard down--couldn't believe that he had let his eyes lose track of Harry's wand hand.

Harry pulled his robes over his head, and threw them off. "If I'm right, you'll love this", he said, imitating Cedric's trademark smirk. Underneath he was wearing just an undershirt and his customary briefs.

He started peeling his shirt off, doing a little twirl in front of Cedric's eyes. "Well, do you like what you see, Cedric?"

He pulled his undershirt off, exposing his slim, taut chest, his cute little nipples. Harry could already see Cedric's robes tenting a little bit.

Harry turned around, showing off his fantastic little bubble butt. He gave it a slap. "I bet you'd like some more of this, huh?" He slipped the band of his briefs halfway down, showing the crests of his perfectly-molded asscheeks.

He turned around and saw that there was now an enormous tent showing in Cedric's robes. "Cedric! You really do have a thing for me, don't you? I didn't even need to touch you, and you're as hard as a rock. That's the funny thing about the full-body-bind curse, your muscles become totally useless, but it doesn't have any effect on your blood circulation."

Harry pointed his wand at Cedric. "Deshabillio!". Cedric's robes whipped off of him. Since he couldn't move a muscle, the only way his underwear was able to free itself from his body was by ripping to shreds. There were tatters scattered all over the tower's interior.

Once again, Harry beheld Cedric's magnificent cock. The uncut monster was throbbing, standing at full attention, just as it had been that night at the prefects' bathroom. This time though, it would be Harry who would dictate the terms.

Harry stood right in front of Cedric, and reached his hand down to stroke the underside of his member, ever-so-lightly with his fingertips. Of course, Cedric couldn't say anything in response, but Harry could tell by his ragged breathing that he was getting the reaction he wanted.

"Oh Cedric, you're really into this aren't you? That stuff about Cho was bullshit, wasn't it? I bet you two never got past first base."

Harry moved his hand away from Cedric's cock, instead tracing his fingertips lightly all over Cedric's body. He really had been right about Cedric being his toy. He was like a perfectly immobile Ken doll, that Harry could do whatever he wanted to. Harry enjoyed feeling the tautness of Cedric's muscles as he explored with his hand. The tensing effect of the curse gave Cedric the appearance of being even more muscular and full of vitality.

Harry's hand returned to Cedric's cock, his fingertip slipping under Cedric's generous foreskin. Just as before, he was dripping an admirable amount of precum. Harry scooped some of it out and brought it up to Cedric's lips, slipping his finger between them.

"It's not all that bad, is it Cedric?"

Cedric was livid. He hated this, this lack of control.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that was mean. I'm really not like you. I'm not trying to make you humiliated."

Harry got down on his knees. "But I am going to make you suffer."

He peeled back Cedric's foreskin. His tongue flitted out, just barely making contact with the huge, swollen head of Cedric's cock. Harry heard Cedric's breathing suddenly pick up again. This would be fun.

He continue letting his tongue lightly brush against Cedric's cock head, not in any rush at all. He licked at random intervals so that Cedric never knew how long he would have to last until the next moment of ecstasy.

Cedric knew that Harry was succeeding. This was agony for him. He wanted to take control. He wanted to grab Harry's mop of hair, and fuck his cute little face mercilessly. He wanted to make Harry deepthroat him again. He wanted to slap Harry's eager face with his dick, and make him beg for it. Instead, it was Cedric who felt like begging. But what could he do? He was completely subject to Harry's whims.

Soon, Harry was gently kissing up and down Cedric's shaft, once again going at an excrutiatingly slow pace. Next, just for fun, he took Cedric's balls in his mouth, stimulating them gently with his tongue.

Harry stood up, so that he was eye to eye with Cedric. "Well, are you enjoying yourself?" Cedric just glared back, as best he could. "No? Oh, well, would you like me to be a bit more aggressive?"

Cedric couldn't nod, but he opened his eyes wide and made the closest sound to a "yes" that his vocal apparatus could.

"Well why didn't you say so?"

Harry got back down on his knees, and began jerking Cedric off with one hand, rolling the foreskin of his giant dick over the head. As he did this, he lapped vigorously at the head with his tongue, slurping obscenely. After how witholding Harry had been before, Cedric now felt more pleasure coming from his dick than he ever felt possible. Harry heard a low, contented groaning coming from Cedric. His dick was starting to spasm, and Harry could tell he was on the verge of an orgasm.

Instantly, Harry let go and removed his mouth from Cedric's dick. "Well, it doesn't seem like you were enjoying that. Such a shame, I was really doing my best."

Cedric barely stifled a whimper of frustration.

Harry got back up to his feet. "Maybe we should try something else?"

Harry slowly pulled down his briefs, exposing his beautiful ass and boyish dick inch by inch. Again, he spun around, showing off his ass. "I seem to recall you enjoyed this." He grabbed Cedric's cock and lightly rubbed it between his cheeks. Cedric moaned. Just to keep Cedric frustrated, Harry continued this exercise for a few minutes longer, pushing back against the still rock-hard cock, which was now slick with pre-cum.

Finally, Harry pushed back hard enough that the head slipped in to his not-quite-virgin hole. Cedric gasped.

The last time they had been together, Harry's first sexual encounter, Cedric had fucked him wild abandon, roughly shoving it in all the way, enjoying Harry's mingled moans of pain and pleasure. This time though, Harry knew it would be different.

Harry spent several minutes without going any further. Harry just wiggled his ass a little bit, teasing Cedric, flexing his ass around Cedric's cock.

Cedric wasn't sure if he had ever wanted anything more than he wanted right now to fuck Potter senseless. He resented the uselessness of his arms, his hips, his tongue. He wanted to grab Harry, thrust into him wildly, and all the while tell him what a little slut he was. But all he could do was stand there, and watch as Harry played with him.

His toy metaphor had been so right, Harry thought idly. Except now he was more than just an action figure - he was a life-sized sex toy, for Harry to use for his pleasure.

After what seemed like an eternity, Harry pushed back a bit further, still teasing Cedric with little movements of his body, little twists of his hips, flexing his ass. And then another half-inch. And then another. Cedric just kept groaning. He had just missed his third near-orgasm, and he could feel that he was developing the worst case of blue balls of his life.

For his part, Harry was having a great time. He had been jerking off liberally, ever since impaling himself on Cedric's knob, and knew that he could cum any moment now. He knew he had to wait just a little while longer though.

Finally, after another several minutes, Harry had engulfed every inch of Cedric's giant cock inside of him. He reached behind himself to Cedric, and carressed his body as he spoke. "Now, do you want me to ride you like a bull?"

Cedric groaned loudly, almost a scream.

"Mmm, yeah, I think we're both going to enjoy this. I've been craving a good fucking ever since that night in the prefects' bathroom. I want to feel your hard cock ramming in and out of me, I want you to fill me up with your hot sticky juice." Harry said in the sultriest voice he could muster.

Even though Cedric couldn't control his muscles, Harry could feel that his body was almost quivering with anticipation.

Harry gave his cock two quick pumps, and with a moan, sprayed a load all over the cold stone floor.

Harry got off of Cedric's cock. Cheerily he apologized "Sorry about that, looks like I'm done. I guess we'll have to finish this some other day?"

Cedric's eyes were burning with hatred, Harry could tell.

"Well I'm going to head to bed. That body-bind curse should wear off in, oh I don't know, no more than 3 hours I'd say. Until then, just hope no-one decides they want to do a little late-night stargazing. But hey, at least if someone does come up, you'll have your little trap to warn you. That'll give you a minute to come up with an excuse for being naked and petrified at the top of the astronomy tower with a big erection and a puddle of cum in front of you."

Harry threw his robes back on and descended the stairs without looking back. There would be retribution of course, but this had been worth it.

Comments, criticism, love letters, hatemail, all welcome: I appreciate all the feedback you guys gave on my last story.

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