Ts Tycho Sebastian

By Ar Bee

Published on Jul 7, 2010


TS was a footballer through and through, and was never happier than when he was in fierce competition with an opposing team. However, on this particular day, an accident had him finally meet with one of the seniors of his school, and things went from there.

Tycho Sebastian he had been christened, surname Miller. From an early age he had shortened this to TS, and as far as he knew, none of his friends even suspected what his real name was, only ever referring to him as TS. This was the way he wanted it; God there were some cruel parents around.

TS was fourteen and three months, and through his beloved football, even at that age, had developed the body and legs many seniors in his school were envious of. He wasn't overly muscled, far from it, but his torso was defined, as were his legs; slim, but developed in all the right places. He was also deeply tanned from lying in the sun whenever could, usually naked in his enclosed and private back garden where he could not be overlooked. His folks thought nothing of seeing their son stripped to his birthday suit enjoying the warm sunshine, thinking it was good for him.

He had many friends at school, none of who knew of his deepest secret, the secret he kept locked within him. He knew if it ever got out, that would be the end of him socially, and his many friends would dwindle to virtually none. He was happy though with the way he was. He'd realised at age 11 that he held no feelings for girls, but he'd also realised at that age he had an eye for the boys, especially the cute ones. He'd never done anything, he thought it was possible he never would, and was just happy to spend his time with his friends and his beloved football.

The big game was finally on, the game he'd waited a fortnight for, looking forward enthusiastically to finally beating the team which had caused his team the most problems. They were good, there was no doubt of that, but as captain of his team, he had told his players the previous week they were beatable, and he was going to make sure they were beaten.

His team took to the field with enthusiasm, and by the end of the first quarter they were two goals in front. By half time, they were in the lead by twenty points, and if things continued the way they were, they would cream the other team. For TS though, it was not to be. Half way through the third quarter, he leaped to take a mark, but just as he was about to grasp the ball, he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye. They collided heavily, and for TS there was instant blackness, and he collapsed on the field unconscious and unmoving.

The game was stopped immediately as umpires and coach rushed to their star players. The guy who had collided with TS, was the star player and captain of the opposing team, and although not knocked out, was feeling decidedly worse for the experience. After several moments of blackness, TS's senses began to return. The first thing he did was move his head to the side, his eyes flickering open to find himself looking at the most beautiful bent knee he knew he'd ever seen. It was slim and beautifully formed, and his eyes travelled up the thigh, up the torso, to find themselves looking into the extremely handsome face of Steven Travers, a senior who was one of the umpires. TS felt Steven's hand on his shoulder.

"You OK?" Steven queried.

"I'll live," TS replied in his usual forthright tone. He tried to get up, but his legs buckled under him. "Help me up please," he instructed the umpire.

Steven helped him to his feet and supported him as they made their way to the rooms. The feel of Steven's arm, around his back and under his arm was exhillerating for TS; he'd had the hots for this guy for the last ten months, even though he was a senior, but of course, could do nothing about it. Steven took TS inside and made him comfortable on the benches, the coach fussing around him like a mother hen.

"I'm OK coach," TS said.

"You might think so young fella," the coach replied, "but you haven't seen the lump on your forehead. You're going to have to stay here for the rest of the game, office staff are bringing you an ice pack to put on that. Steven, you watch him, I'll get another umpire to replace you. You know what to watch for. Any signs of drowsiness, or any propulsive vomiting, and we'll have to get this young fella an ambulance."

"Yeah coach," Steven replied, "he'll be safe with me." He looked appraisingly at TS.

TS saw the look Steven gave him, an almost questioning look as if he wanted to ask him something. He knew this handsome guy was in year 12, so that made him close to eighteen, but try as he might, he couldn't interpret that look. They began small talk, nothing much, just a few words, but it was becoming very obvious to TS there was definitely something that was not being said.

"You feeling OK?" Steven asked.

"Yeah man," TS replied, "got a bit of a headache though."

The beautiful browns focussed on his forehead. "You won't be surprised why when you look at that in a mirror."

TS's hand went to his forehead, feeling the distinct lump just below his hairline. "Jeez, that was some whack."

"Put both of you out of the game," Steven said, "their star player as well."

"Star player?" TS said. "I'm not a star player, I just love the game; live for it actually."

"Don't sell yourself short TS," Steven said. "I've watched you play on many occasions and you're one of the best players I've seen. You've been a living legend for our team."

TS felt his face flush. "Thanks," he said. He saw 'that' look in Steven's eyes once again. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Steven replied, "just making sure you're OK."

TS knew that was not the truth, he could almost feel Steven wanting to take the subject to another level, but he still couldn't fathom the look in his eyes. Even though there was four years difference in their age, TS felt the possibility of an oncoming friendship between them, something he was more than willing to consider. How could he show interest though without revealing his deepest secret? He didn't have to. He watched Steven's eyes travel from his face, down his torso, finally locking on his defined legs and remaining there for some time. Steven suddenly turned away and stood.

"Argh jeez TS, you... you..."

TS was somewhat surprised. "What man?"

Steven turned back to face him, his eyes searching the room to make sure no one was present. "I don't know where to start TS."

"The beginning'd be good," TS said.

Steven smiled a dazzling smile. "Yeah," he said. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed. I've been a fan of yours for a long time TS, your way of playing football has been an inspiration, but I've always wanted to find myself in the situation of having you alone with me."

"We're alone now," TS replied.

"I know," Steven said, "but I didn't think it'd be so hard."

"What's hard?" TS queried.

"What I'm thinking's hard," Steven replied. "Look TS, I don't only admire you for your football, and your adademic work, fabulous though that is. I admire you because it's you, you're... ah shit TS... you're... beautiful." The last word was almost a whisper.

TS cast his eyes over the tall, slim, handsome guy before him, feeling his face flush. Was it even remotely possible he was saying what TS had longed to hear for many a long month? He looked deep into Steven's eyes, attempting to get his vocal cords to work. Finally, hoarsly, "So are you Steve."

There was an instant change in Steven's eyes, from doubtful to disbelieving as he heard TS's hoarse reply. "Did... did you just say what I thought you said?" he queried in a soft voice.

"If you thought you heard me say so are you," TS replied, "then yeah, I did."

A look of serenity came over Steven's face. "Could we be friends TS? I know there's a huge difference in our ages, but I'd like it a real lot if we were friends."

A huge difference? TS thought. It was only three and a half years. He ran his eyes over Steven appraisingly, supremely handsome, tall, slim, fabulous body and those beautiful slim legs. What more could he want? "Can't see a problem there Steve," he said, hoping his deepest wish was very well hidden. "Just one thing though, why do you want to be friends with me?"

Steven blushed slightly. "You know my reason TS, and it's the truth. Would you like to come home with me after school? The folks won't be home until after 6:30, and we can have a good chat."

TS thought he'd love to, and also thought he was beginning to fathom the real reason for Steven's advances. A guy of nearly eighteen doesn't usually befriend a guy of fourteen unless there's something deeper. TS found himself hoping he knew what that was, but would never give away his deep secret, to anyone. "As long as I'm home by five thirty, that'd be cool Steve. Yeah, I'll come home with you for a chat." His eyes caught a subtle movement in Steven's shorts, and he could almost see the full outline of his thickening manhood. Jeez, was he for real? That thing looked huge. Now he knew there was something deeper to Steven's request, and he knew it was something he'd longed for these past ten months.

"Creamed 'em," the coach's jubilant voice came from the doorway. "Done 'em by thirty points," he looked at TS, "and a lot of that was on account of your playing young fella."

"TS blushed. "Thanks coach, maybe this whack was worth it."

"Feeling better?" the coach asked, "no drowsiness?"

"Nah coach," TS replied, "but thanks for asking. Got a bit of a headache, but I'll live."

TS and Steven stuck together for the rest of the day, Steven's excuse being looking after TS's mishap on the field and making sure he didn't suffer a concussion. As planned, at the end of the school day, TS met Steven at the gate and they started their twenty minute walk home. On arrival, Steven opened the front door for TS, then took him straight to his room, and closed the door. TS found himself in a big room, with two single beds, a study desk, a computer, and a rack full of DVD's and games. There was also a TV, a DVD player and a small stereo. This guy seemed to have it all. TS also noticed a button lock on the door and his teen imagination began to work overtime.

"Nice room Steve," he said, sitting on one the beds.

"Yeah, it serves my needs," Steven replied.

"What's with the door lock?" TS queried.

Steven sat on the bed next to him. "That," he said, "is for my very private moments, when I don't want any interuptions."

"Do you have many of those?" TS queried.

"No, none," Steven replied, "that's why it hasn't been used yet. But I'm hoping it will be soon."

TS caught the inflection in Steven's tone, finding himself almost knowing he'd been right in the rooms at the oval. "What would you consider to be a private moment that would have you lock your door?" he asked.

Steven blushed. "That can come later TS, right now I'd just like to get to know you a bit better."

'If he put it on me right now,' TS thought to himself, 'he'd be using that lock a lot sooner than he thinks.'

"So who is TS Miller?" Steven queried.

"Just an ordinary fourteen year old guy who loves life and football," TS answered. "I'm certainly not complicated, although I don't make friends easily. I just love the friends I've got."

"Got many?" Steve queried.

"Heaps," TS replied, "and I'm pretty sure I just made another one."

"I'm certainly hoping you did," Steven said. "I'm hoping we'll be real good friends, and it'll last between us. Sorry TS, but I meant what I said at the oval this morning, you really are beautiful."

TS blushed, making his cute face even cuter. "Like I said back to you Steve, so are you. The only thing I don't understand is why a senior wants to make a friend out of a year niner. I mean you're eighteen, or will be soon, and I'm fourteen. With your looks, you gotta have chicks coming out your ears."

Steven looked down at the carpet. "Yeah, I s'pose," he said softly, "but I don't seem to get along with chicks all that well. It never seems to last more than a few dates and they're gone."

"Oh," TS said, "that's not cool. Any idea why?"

"I know why," Steven said, "it's because I don't show enough interest in them. It's good to take them to the flicks and go out for a meal, but when the evening's over, I guess I sort of clam up."

"And they want more?" TS queried.

Steven blushed again. "Yeah, they want something more I can't give them."

"What?" TS queried.

Steven turned to face TS and cocked his head to one side, a 'you know' expression on his face.

TS grinned. "Oh, that. So what's the problem, why can't you take it when it's on offer?"

"I just can't TS," Steven replied, "it's just not in me."

TS grinned again. "You don't want it in you, you want it in them," he said. He saw the changed look on Steven's face. "Sorry Steve, that was a bit forward since we only really met this morning."

Steven half smiled. "That's OK TS. I think the real problem is, I don't want to. I can't see myself fooling around inside some female, just the thought of it makes me cringe." He lifted his eyes, gazing into TS's. "Do you understand TS?"

The look in Steven's eyes made TS's heart beat faster, his mind in a whirl. Although the question hadn't been asked, that look, and Steven's softly spoken words, asked more than a question ever could, and revealed more about him. "Are you saying you're...?" TS thought his query through before proceeding. "Are you saying you ... um... like guys better?"

"I've been confused since I was thirteen TS," Steven explained. "I go out with chicks, but nothing happens, and as far as I'm concerned, nothing ever will. You were right earlier, I was eighteen a few days ago, but I've never done anything with anyone. I've got a bunch of mates, and we do stuff together, but then I just come home and study. At eighteen, that seems a bit strange, 'cause I know all of my mates have experimented, and a few of them are heavily into it, but me? I'm still waiting."

TS thought it through. "Have you ever been attracted to anyone?" he queried.

"Yeah," Steven replied. "I saw this person around about a year ago, but never got up the courage to approach them. For the last year, I've seen the same person nearly every day, and I've really wanted to say something to them, but the opportunity never seemed to present itself. I've got real deep feelings for that person, and I know I'd like to get with them, but like I said, the opportunity's never been there." He looked down at the carpet again.

"Why don't you just say something to them?" TS asked. "Just go up, introduce yourself, and get things started."

Steven looked deep into TS's eyes, the look making his heart speed up once again. "I did, this morning, and now he's sitting on my bed."

Steven's words made TS feel like he'd been hit over the head with a sledgehammer. All his thoughts, all his dreams seemed to have dropped into place in just seconds. "Oh," he said, and stood from the bed, making his way to the door.

Steven was crestfallen, he thought it was over before it had really started. TS stopped at the door and turned back to face Steven, looking into his eyes.

"Oh," he said again, "oh shit..."

Steven didn't know what to do. Any further words from him might see TS open the door and disappear from his life, and that was something he didn't want at any cost, it had been far too difficult up until now. He just matched TS's gaze. Slowly, TS made his way back, finally sitting next to Steven once again. Minutes of complete silence passed between them.

"Are... are you OK TS?" Steven queried softly.

More silence, TS attempting to put this into perspective. "Yeah Steve, I'm OK, just getting my head around this, that's all."

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything," Steven said. "I should have waited, given you more time. Sorry TS, I had no..."

"Shhhhhh...!" TS said forcefully. "You don't have to apologise Steve, 'cause I've had my eye on a certain person over the last ten months. I've been itching to talk to them, wanting to be with them like you wouldn't believe."

"You should take your own advice," Steven said, "introduce yourself and get..." He stopped as TS caught his gaze. "Oh... oh shit...!"

"Yeah," TS said, "and now I'm sitting next to him."

More minutes of complete silence passed between the two.

"I guess we've finally made our deepest wishes known to each other," TS said. "It's taken ten months for me, and twelve months for you, but now they're out, I gotta wonder why it took so long."

"Where to from here? Steven queried.

"Dunno, but I'm sure we'll work something out Steve," TS said. "No-one knows about that side of me, and that's the way I want it kept. If it got out, I'd lose everything I've got, friends, everything. It's got to be a strict secret."

"There's only one person who knows TS, and he's not going to say anything," Steven said. "It's the same with me, no-one knows about the other me either. It'll be our closely guarded secret."

TS smiled. He stood from the bed once again and faced Steven. "Yeah, it will. I know it seems crazy Steve, but I don't even know what I want, don't even know where to start. I've heard dirty talk at school, like every kid has, but it was just that, talk. As far as anything happening between us goes, I don't know where to start even, I'm completely in the dark."

Steven's eyes ran over the supreme being before him. "I'm the same TS. I've looked at gay magazines, but there's nothing in those I'd want to do to start things off, they're just too over the top for my way of thinking." A thought sprang to mind. "Just a thought though, just as a starter, would you let me... um... see you... naked TS."

TS was quiet for several moments. "Conditions apply," he said with a smile.

"Those being?" Steven queried.

"One for one," TS replied, "what I take off, you take off."

Steven stood from the bed. "That sounds fair," he said.

TS turned to the door. "Never been used before?" he queried, as his forefinger pushed in the lock button. "There, it has now."

Steven smiled and began unbuttoning his shirt, TS following suit. Within minutes, they were both down to their underwear, Steve in his jocks, TS in his boxers.

"On the count of three," Steve said, "one... two... three."

They dropped their garments as one, then stood ogling one another. Steven was more perfect than TS could ever have imagined, and TS...? Steven knew he'd never seen such perfection. He'd seen him in his sports gear many times and had been highly impressed, but now... this was something else. Slight movement caught TS's eye, and he focussed on the spot about twelve inches below Steven's belly button. The impressive weapon was coming to life, as was his own. Within moments, both were as erect as either of them could remember. Steven had seven point five, cut and straight, and TS had six, also cut, but bent slightly upwards. Both ogled each other until Steven finally broke the silence.

"I don't want to go any further now TS. I think we've both seen what we wanted to see, and if goes any further we might spoil it for later. These things can't be rushed, they've got to be taken slowly I reckon."

TS agreed. He'd already seen more that he thought he'd ever see. "Yeah, you're right Steve. Maybe we can stay together at one of our houses soon, and take things from there."

"This weekend too soon for you?" Steven enquired. "The folks are going away Friday evening and won't be back until Sunday evening. Could give us the whole weekend to get to know each other better, as long as your folks are OK with that."

"I'll ask them tonight Steve," TS said. "I can't see there being a problem though."

"Just one other thing," Steven said, "what's TS stand for, what's your first name?"

"TS smiled. "That's my other deep secret Steve, I might tell you on the weekend if you're an extremely good boy."

Steven thought he understood. "Cruel parents?" he asked.

"Very," TS replied, "almost brutal."

"OK. I won't ask now," Steven said, "but be assured I'll be a good boy on the weekend, and I think you'll find I'll be extremely good."

TS grinned. "I hope your right, 'cause I'm already looking forward to it like nothing else."

That's the end of part 1. Any emails, even flames, to the above email address, and we'll see whether part 2 is submitted.

Next: Chapter 2

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