Tulemans New Friends

By story dreamer

Published on Oct 10, 2013


Tuleman's New Friends Chapter 20


This is the continuing fictional gay story containing graphic sexual situations between males. Do not read if this type of material offends you. You must be an adult to continue reading this story. Keep this story and all adult material away from minors.

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Chapter 20

Dean Austins cock was out and hard as Shannon scooted forward on his knees and opened his mouth for the teacher's cock. All his nervousness and troubles seemed to melt away as his tongue caressed the mushroom cock head. He felt Austin's fingers running through his hair and he thought to himself that he did that to his dog all the time and he now knew why his dog loved it.

"such a good cocksucking boy". Austin said quietly. "Tap on my leg with your finger if you love my cock." He smiled as Shannon tapped with his fingers. "Good boy, You're such a good boy. I want you to know that I visited with Bob this afternoon and am joining your group of friends. As long as you remain a good obedient boy for us, You will continue to play basketball here in Topeka. You will assuredly receive a scholarship to play for a good college where the professional scouts will see you play. Yes, my little cocksucker, you will end up playing professional basketball and make millions of dollars if you continue being obedient to your superior males."

Shannon listened as he lovingly licked and sucked on Mr. Austin's cock and heard how his life was going to change. Tears came to his eyes as he learned that Mr. Austin was coming to his home after they finished here and his mother would be told that her son had lied to her and thrown away the warning notes that Mr. Austin would claim he'd given him to take to her. He told Shannon that as bad as that was, it was better for Shannon than having to tell her that her son was a cocksucking faggot boy and having to let her see the video of him and Terry.

Dean Austin felt the power flood his body as Shannon accepted his teacher's dominance over him. He looked at the tears flowing silently from Shannon's closed eyes as he continued to lavish attention on his cock. He told the boy what would happen if he objected in any way to his owners plans for him. "Yes Shannon, you are a owned slave and you belong to Bob and I. You know you're a slave to cock and that if you want to be supplied with cock without your mother, sister, brother and all your friends at school and everyone in town knowing you are the town faggot, you will follow our instructions to you. We want you to play basketball and make a lot of money. Bob and I are your closest friends who know what you are and we will help you succeed but you must obey us as your masters. Sucking cock is very important to you and is helping you play at a top level. If you stop sucking cock, you would find that you will lose all concentration and just become another so so player who can't compete at the pro or even college level. It is the masculine cum that is now powering your level of play and you need to continue eating it." Now be a good cum sucker and

swallow my cum because it's coming now."

Shannon had gone through a series of different feelings while sucking Dean Austin's cock and listening to what was expected of him. He had reached down between his legs to play with his cock while sucking and found he was leaking precum on the floor but his arm was knocked away from his cock by Mr. Austin. He felt the telltale surge of the cock in his mouth a split second before it began spewing it's seamen into his throat. There was no gagging as cum now slipped down his throat like warm milk. From the moment Austin's cock entered his mouth, Shannon stopped worrying or even thinking of his mother and what she would say to him. He was in his safe world with a beautiful man cock in his mouth and he was going to get another mouthful of cum which would sustain him until he could get another cock in his mouth and he could once again suck that wonderful fluid down.

Austin decided that Shannon should ride with him in his car and leave Shannon's car at school,. Austin put his arm around Shannon as they walked to the front door. With his hand on Shannon's neck, Dean quietly spoke to Shannon. "This is going to be very embarrassing to you, but if you don't want your mother to know you are a perverted gay cocksucker, you will admit to everything I am going to tell her about you. You are going to feel so ashamed but after we leave here, you will be going to Bob's house where he and some of his friends are waiting to feed you their cocks. I want you to keep focused on that and how you will soon feel more cocks sliding into your mouth and admit to your mother that you have lied to her and that you know you've been failing your classes. Everything I tell her, you will say is true and you're sorry."

"Mom," Shannon shouted as they entered the house, "Come here please."

Mrs. Tuleman came out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a dishtowel and expressed surprise that her son was with someone she thought she knew but couldn't quite remember who he was.

Mary Tuleman and Dean Austin exchanged greetings, before sitting down in the living room/

Austin started the conversation. "Mrs. Tuleman, I regret having to impose on your time but a matter of concern has come up that requires me to speak to you about your son here."

"Oh no, what is the matter Mr. Austin." She asked with a worried expression and glancing at Shannon.

Looking very sad, Austin cleared his throat. "Mary, May I call you Mary?" He continued. " Shannon has been failing English badly this whole semester. I have sent three notes home with him for you to come in and meet with me, but Shannon has admitted that he threw the notes away."

Immediately breaking into tears, Mary looked at her son who was also crying and asked him over and over again, "Why honey, why would you do that. Why didn't you come to me."

Austin watched the crying mother and son for awhile, enjoying the little scene he had engineered between the two. She had gotten on her knees in front of her son and held his face in her hands as she looked into his eyes as she yelled at him.

"Mary," Austin interrupted, " I know that Shannon is an exceptional basketball player with a solid future in the college ranks as well as the pros, and I know that failing English would send up red flags to a top notch college who wouldn't want to take a chance on a kid who was having trouble passing his tests. That is why I wanted to speak to you before this got out to the news media.

Mary sat back down, still crying, and thanked Austin for his concern before asking him what can be done to make sure her son passed because she and her son will do anything to make sure he passes. Austin wasn't sure if she was offering sexual services to him or not. She was an attractive woman and he would love to fuck her if the opportunity arose.

"I know a man who is a great English tutor who takes young men in to his home and teaches them English from A to Z. He has had phenomenal success in turning boys around where they are ready for college. I have spoken to him about Shannon and he has agreed to visit with the boy this evening to see if they would be a good match and if Shannon was teachable. If Bob likes him and thinks he will be obedient and do the work he requires him to do, Shannon will have to move in with him for the rest of the school year where he can make sure he is buckling down. He will require Shannon to work around the house doing chores and errands for him in lieu of payment. He likes to help our young people." Bob finished.

Mary Tuleman jumped at the offer and asked Dean to please go with Shannon to keep an eye on him for her and please ask the gentleman to help her son. She then admonished her son he had better obey Mr. Austin and the tutor and beg them to help him.

Dean Austin assured her he would be with her son during the visit. Then, Austin looked at Mary and said, " I'm sorry to have to bring something else up that I think you should be aware of Mary."

Her shoulders drooped as she looked defeated and beaten, first at Austin and then at Shannon, who sat wide eyed at Austin, thinking he was going to tell his mother that he was a cocksucker.

"Over the last few weeks, I have been baffled as to why Shannon's grades dropped so suddenly. I began to watch him every chance I got to see if I could see what was distracting him."

Shannon's heart was in his asshole now, for he knew Mr. Austin was going to tell his mother on him.

Shannon sat still, but his heart was almost beating out of his chest in alarm. He was very aware that his mother's eyes were boring a hole in him. He wanted to bolt from the room, he wanted to stop Mr. Austin from continuing, He wanted to close his eyes and die. He knew he had no power and must sit and admit to his mother that everything Mr. Austin was going to say about him was true, even if it was a lie.

Mary Tuleman and Shannon both started crying again at the same time. Austin had to make a slight rearrangement of his pants to accommodate his growing hard on as he watched the havoc he was creating for this mother and son. Oh, her son would make a lot of money, but Mary would not be the one in charge of Shannon or his bank account. She would be the one who was signing over her son to full time slavery. But a slavery which her son deeply craved and would be given.

Shannon felt as if his asshole was falling out. Never in his life had he felt so ashamed and embarrassed. His mother would never love and respect him again. He had lost her love and he knew he deserved to lose it. He had an idea it was going to get worse.

Mr. Austin turned to face Shannon. "Shannon, I'd like to speak to your mother privately if you don't mind. Please wait for me in my car and I'll drive you to Mr. Olson's when we finish. While you're waiting for me, I want you to think about your how you will act at his home." He waited until the boy had closed the front door before he continued.

"Because I was so concerned about Shannon," Bob spoke softly, " I went to the Principal's office and got Shannon's lock combination which is kept on file in case students forget the numbers and looked in his locker and found these items in a gym bag in the bottom of his locker,." Opening his briefcase, he pulled out several magazines depicting pictures of boys and girls of a very young age, obviously at a nudist colony. He evidently bought them at an adult bookstore. I confiscated them to show you, but will put them back in his locker so he won't know that we know his secret." Dean paused as Shannon's mom took the magazines and opened them up and began crying as she saw the young naked boys playing outside.

" I also have noticed that he has been spending a lot of time talking to the junior high boys and has visited their locker room while they are changing clothes. I am not a profession psychologist, but it strikes me that Shannon has developed an unhealthy attraction to young boys and girls. Knowing you have a younger son and daughter here in your home, I thought I should make you aware of the danger that Shannon may pose for you by living in the same house as they."

As Mrs. Tuleman again began crying, Austin moved his chair closer to her and held her hand gently. "Mrs. Tuleman, I know this must come as quite a shock to you and I would like to help you all I can. If Shannon applies himself for Bob Olson, I promise you he will pass English. As far as his fascination with younger children, I can also help you with that. I know a great psychologist in Kansas City who is very discreet who can help Shannon kick that embarrassing thing with children. It would be horrible if his coach, classmates or colleges caught wind that he was perverted. He would be laughed off the team and his life would be ruined. I know you don't want that, and I think it best if you don't let Shannon know that you and I are aware of his secret fetish. I will put these items back in his locker so he won't be embarrassed that we know about him and tell Bob so he will be aware and on the lookout for anything Shannon brings

into his home. I think it best for Shannon and his brother and sister if he stay with Bob and come home only for short visits when you are home and can supervise your children for their safety, if that meets your approval." It would be best all around if neither they or Shannon are aware that his secret is known.

Removing a business card and handing it to Mrs. Tuleman, "This is Dr. Stone's card. When you call for an appointment, mention that I referred you and let him know that this is rather urgent so he will see Shannon as soon as possible."

Austin rose to leave and as Mrs. Tuleman went to give him a loving pat on his shoulder, He gently gave her a hug which she returned, "Thank you Mr. Austin, I do so appreciate you taking an interest in my son and if he gives you any problem, please let me know. This must be kept out of the news so Shannon can continue playing basketball. You may not be aware that he will be a very rich boy in a few years. I've taken out an insurance policy for 10 million dollars in case he should have an accident which would injure him physically, but there is nothing which would help us if this information got out. No one would want him to play for them. I've not told Shannon about the policy, so please don't mention it to him."

Austin stopped and inquired how much a policy like that would cost her and why did she think to do that.

"During one of his games last year, There were several big college coaches there and one of them told me that Shannon would definitely be a professional ball player and make millions and that I should protect him by insuring him for at least 10 million dollars." She replied. "So I did. It's very expensive for me but I've taken on extra work to be able to pay for it."

Getting back into the car, Shannon quickly asked Mr. Austin if he'd told his mother that he was a cocksucker. "No boy, I did not want her to know such a terrible thing about you. She just thinks you have a fetish for cross dressing and transvestites."

As Shannon lowered his head in embarrassment and shame, Austin patted his head , telling him that his mom would be taking him to see Dr. Stone in Kansas City for psychological treatment, all,being hush hush of course. "I understand that you've already had a session with Dr. Stone so you will be quite comfortable being with him again."

Dean Austin pulled off the street into a quiet park and drove slowly to a deserted parking area and stopped. Unzipping, he pulled out his semi hard cock. "Start sucking, basketball star, I don't want to have to wait for all those cocks at bobs' to unload before I had a turn."

Shannon lowered his head, taking the cock head into his mouth without saying anything. He didn't even notice that all his troubles, embarrassment and shame had vanished from his thoughts. He only felt at peace with himself. He licked and sucked and went to that happy place that he so loved, as he listened to Mr. Austin telling him he was a good cock sucking faggot.

Dean Austin, a smile on his face, moaned as Shannon's lips make exquisite love to his cock. He was happy as he enjoyed his blow job and thoughts of 10 million dollars made him explode prematurely.

To be continued

Email the author storydreamer2006@yahoo.com

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