Turd Oven for the Boys

By Asen Leard

Published on Oct 19, 2019


I was hired out of the blue. Apparently he'd been searching for quite some time for the perfect candidate. Browsing my country's equivalent to craigslist looking for young guys curious about scat. He'd interviewed a few but they never made it past his initial inspection for whatever reason. So here I was. A 23 year old guy, not overly fit. Cute but not handsome. I'd just finished studying and still had no direction in life but now it seemed like I'd won the lottery.

The interview process had been interesting to say the least. It started with broad general questions. When I satisfied those he asked me about how I thought I'd go at taking care of children. Was this a nannying job? I was confused but I answered the best I could. Then we got down to business. He asked me questions about my interest in poop. He asked a lot of questions. What kind of turds I liked the most. What mine were normally like. Sexual fantasies I'd read that I would like to recreate. Farts, did I want to suck them out of holes? Yes. Was shit almost all I could think about? Yes.

The man, Daniel - I didn't know his name at the time, it was all very hush hush and I got the sense he was rich - he produced a plate and then leaned his bare ass out over the table. Daniel laid the biggest log I'd ever seen and the smell that floated over to me made me salivate. He slid the plate over to me. I picked up the log, feeling it's heavy weight. I sniffed it deeply and then bit off the firmer end. It smelt vaguely of beef, tuna and cheese. A pure man log. I chewed a bit then swallowed. All the questions he'd asked had made me so horny. It wasn't overly bitter. It was almost like eating a dirty meatball sub. The only shit I'd ever eaten apart from my own (and a few dirty holes I'd eaten, but a little smear of dirt is hardly the same).

After I went in for another bite Daniel leaned across the table grinning and shook my hand.

"Shane, I'd like to offer you a position in my household."

"Yes." I said. "Thank you, yes sir."

"Please, call me Dan. Or dad if you prefer."

His driver took us to his address straight away. I couldn't believe me eyes. It was a huge mansion! There was even a security checkpoint at the gate. The car was waved through and ascended up the drive. We got out and Dan, ahh I mean, Dad? Let me in through the front door. The home was styled surprisingly modern compared to its ornate facade. He led me left into an open wing of the house and soon I found myself in a large professional kitchen.

I was taken by surprise as two young boys, one definitely in his teens and the other only starting them, ran into the room and almost bowled over their father.

"Daddy is he here?" Asked the blond, younger boy.

"Shut up Cory, you know he is. He's right there." Said the teen almost immediately. His hair might have been blond too but it had become brown over the few extra years he had on his brother.

"Dad. Peter told me to shut up."

"Shhh, both of you. Yes I'm just about to tell him. You know what. I'm ordering both of you to give Shane a hug. Do it. Go on."

I was a bit taken aback by this show of affection from people so many levels of society above me. But both boys didn't seem shy. In fact the hugs they gave me were almost inappropriate.

"Now Shane. Why I have hired you." Peter gave my hand a little squeeze. "I want you to care closely for my boys, as a live-in nanny. It's true that I get to see them quite often but a young man to guide them is something that they need. And something they've asked for for a long time. In our interview I thought you were a pleasant and intelligent young man. A perfect influence to be around my boys."

What? Were we talking about the same interview I remembered? Well. Regardless of the specifics this was an amazing job. The salary he'd mentioned in the car almost made me pass out.

It was my turn to speak. "That sounds wonderful Dan. I'm still not really sure what I can offer over other applicants but I'll do my very best."

At that moment a guy maybe 10 years older than me walked in from the back of the kitchen. He was bulky, tan, with wavy blonde beach hair, and he had a gut. His ass wide, almost overflowing out of his pants.

"Ah, Noah. Perfect timing." said Dan.

"Hey mister Collins. Hey dude." He shook my hand. "It's good to meet you." His american accent was pretty strong.

Dan spoke again, "Shane. Noah is our head and only chef. He is also a dietitian. He prepares all meals for us morning, noon, and night."

"And snacks!" squeaked little Cory. Peter gave him a brotherly punch.

"It is just about lunch time am I right Noah."

"You bet, mister Collins."

"Then perhaps I can start to answer some of your misgivings about how right you are for the job Shane. Please pay attention."

"Okay M-mister Collins."

"Shane please, as I said call me Dan or Dad. Noah addresses me as mister Collins out of old habit. He's been with us for a long time. But you Shane, your role dictates that you are family."

We all made our way into a dining room. I was surprised by how low the ceiling was. This can't be their primary eating room? But then I saw that the table was low to the ground. Japanese style with cushions. The ceiling still seemed very low regardless. When we were all inside the room and seated Noah closed the door. Bowls and spoons were set at the table. There was a large mound of spiced bean dip, finely garnished. There was sliced crusty bread. There was a platter of meats. But, these only seemed like an entree? There had to be more coming.

I could tell that both Cory and Peter's eyes were on me. Noah approached the table, and then before I knew it he was walking across it. There was indeed plenty of bare space for standing with how the bowls had been placed.

"Serve our guest first Noah."

Noah stopped in front of me. I looked up at him from my seated position. I must of looked kinda scared. He smiled then, a very warm smile. He squatted until his eye-line was only a little above my own.

"I think you'll really like this one dude."

He turned around, pulled down his shorts exposing his huge dumper, and farted strongly. I was stunned. It was incredibly rich, and somewhat sweet. I looked again at the bean dip on the table and realised that everything set out was just an accompaniment to the main course. Noah's mammoth arsehole spread open and a huge chocolate log began to emerge. I was still dazed, my mouth hung open slightly. The smell of his fresh shit was like opium spice. A solid length of turd thudded into my bowl. Noah shuffled around and stared to squeeze out more into the boy's bowls. More fat turd snakes piled up in each. Noah went to Dan last.

"Oh, just a small little sausage for me today Noah. I have a charity dinner in a few hours."

Noah grunted and a fart erupted from his ample boy bottom. He grunted again and out pumped a perfect little dumpling of smooth shit. Dan and the boys traded some hungry looks. Desire was clear in their eyes and everyone in the room was breathing deeply. I understood the low ceiling now. The air was thick was Noah's pungent gas. My cock was leaking constantly in my pants.

Noah left the room and closed the door tight behind him. It still smelled like we were sharing a cubicle with Noah and his prodigious dump.

"Please Shane, dig in while it's still hot. I know you must have questions."

Both Cory and Peter were already tucking in hungrily. Peter had smeared some poop thickly all over a piece of the crunchy bread, and on this he was adding a layer of the sliced cured meats. He bit into it and moaned. This was an evolved calibre of shiteating I had not expected. Cory meanwhile had just stirred a big lump of the bean dip into his bowl and was now eating the spicy mixture with a spoon.

I drove my spoon into my own elegantly curved log and began to eat. The beans were strong. It was smelly, very smelly. It was also tangy though, there were chunks of fermenting citrus in every bite. It wasn't very bitter, but it was far from bland. This was the most flavourful shit imaginable.

"Noah works tirelessly to feed my hungry boys." Dan spoke warmly. "For each meal his body is on a strict time limit. He decides on the ingredients, and then eats nothing but those foods for the time required to build up a load in his gut. Because he feeds shit at at least one meal per day his job requires him to be eating almost constantly. When I found him and took him into my employ he was not a chef. But he had dreams of being one. What I saw in him initially was just a naturally large frame. A belly that could hold many ingredients, and a perfectly plump rear for producing endless shitlogs. He also had an interest in feeding people, however he could. Noah quickly became an excellent chef through the opportunities I provided him. I remember fondly on Peter's 10th birthday when Noah first fed him directly. Up until then Pete had only eaten my shit."

"Yeah you fuckin' perv. Got me hooked on the stuff early." Dan gave Peter a stern look. "Haha you know I'm kidding Dad. I loved your morning logs. Still do. Thinking of them makes my boner jump."

"As I was saying, Noah made something extra special for Peter that day. He'd eaten an enormous amount of cocoa powder, as well as some special pancakes he'd made. The result was an incredible chocolate birthday cake log just for Peter, and Peter was kind enough to share some with me. It still smelled and tasted a lot like normal shit, but it was also so sweet, buttery and divine, ah! You could really taste the chocolate."

"What I expect you're eating now is a mix of a variety of beans, cooked in different manners to provide various textures in the final log. Some will be almost whole while others turn to shit-paste. He would have used a special mix of spices and flavours. Noah learned through his own experiments exactly what flavours make it through the digestion process. It's incredible when I think about it. Anyway, I detect that he also ate a mixture of creamed corn. And the pieces of lime you're finding are there to add an acidic counterpart to the rich, creamy beans. Noah goes to this effort for all our meals. Right now I'm sure he has already started eating to prepare his next offering. A huge part of the reason you are here Shane, is to take on a similar role to Noah." What!?

"Now that my boys are older they are always hungry, and Noah can't quite keep up with their cravings. I want you to spend all your time with Pete and Cory, day and night. I want you to make sure they don't misbehave, but I also want you to be their friend. Or.. what I'd really like is for you to think of yourself as their big brother. And as my son. I truly want you to become part of my small family." He seemed genuinely sad for a moment. "It's only us boys, and I fear we've felt like we were missing someone for quite some time now."

He smiled at me then. I couldn't feel threatened or outraged by this offer. Both boys were looking at me now. This whole family was genuine. I'd never felt so much love from people I barely knew. Daniel - Dad - continued. "I want you to be my boys own personal turd oven. Anything they want you to eat, you must eat and turn into shit. You'll have to eat a lot but not nearly as much as Noah does. And Noah will help you deal with your diet changing regularly. He really is an excellent nutritionist and will give you the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy, while also keeping your dump in top form. So there you go boys. Cory. Peter. Shane is one of us now."

He hadn't even given me a chance to say yes. But I guess he knew. My answer was obviously going to be yes.

Noah came in and cleared the plates. I thanked him for a delicious meal, then burped loudly, and everyone laughed.

"Well I must be headed to my suit fitting." Said Dad. "The boys will show you the ropes. This is your first day, so have fun!"

Cory grabbed me by the hand and tugged me out the room and up some plush stairs to what must have been the boys bedroom. There were toys all over the place, and sweaty shirts and old deodorant. I would have to clean some of this up to look like I was doing my job. But Cory just pulled me onto the bed. There was just the one bed, A big king-size. I wasn't sure if this whole room was Cory's. By the clothes I could see lying around I suspected the brothers shared the room and slept together. Cory was looking at me wide-eyed. And then Peter, much taller than Cory, almost my height, padded into the room and took a place on the bed.

"This is going to be fun."

Cory piped up then. "I get to decide first!"

"No you don't. Little shit. Maybe if it's a really good idea but I doubt you'll have one."

"I want him to eat cheesy shapes and sour gummies."

"That's a stupid idea. You know mixing sweets and savory biscuits will just make him shit out a rank mess. You have to choose sweet or savory first at the least."

"What about cheesy shapes and teddy grahams?"

The lanky older teen rolled his eyes. Peter kicked off his pants, then on all fours he started backing up into Cory.

"Peter noooooo!! Please!"

When he was right over him Peter shoved his ass down onto Cory's face. The soft boy cheeks wrapped him up and I heard then smelt a stinky fart that made me think of pepperoni. Peter lifted off his brother and rolled back to where he had been on the bed in one swift movement. Cory however sat up with a drugged out look on his face. His cheeks bulged slightly and a chunk of turd stuck out from his mouth. He was steadily chewing and swallowing.

"Sorry bro, when he gets like that it's the only thing'll shut him up." I realised he was talking to me. I figured I should get to know these boys as quickly as I knew how.

"Could I um, have some?" I asked.

Peter had a toothy smile. "Hell yeah man."

He turned around in a second and planted his bottom on me. I was sniffing like crazy as I took in this teenage boy's stink pussy. My lips were wrapped around his hole. It opened up and filled my mouth with sinister pungent gas before letting a turd slide out onto my tongue. It kept it's form and melted a little on my tongue. It was thin enough for me to swallow down whole, which I did. I licked my lips as Peter turned back around.

"Mmm, that was good. Don't you agree Cory?"

The boy looked startled for a moment to be addressed by me, and a little in awe. I couldn't help but feel important to the little guy.

"Mm yeah. It was really good." He smiled up at me. "Thanks Peter." He added shyly.

I glanced over and noticed a faint rush of colour to the older brother's face. There was clearly a lot of affection here. Hidden beneath sibling rivalry.

Peter announced then, "well I think he should have pizza rolls."

"Oh oh ooh yesss that sounds yummy!."

"And some iced coffee."

"I thought coffee made the poo come out before it's ready." Said Cory.

"Well yes but Noah can give him stuff to make it firm up. But maybe we'll feed him just the one iced coffee, since the coffee flavour comes through really easy, and I'd still want to mostly smell pizza rolls."

It was an odd conversation to sit by and listen to. It was my body they were talking about. But I also knew I was keeping very horny just listening to these two boys discuss what kind of turds they wanted me to make for them.

"I'll tell Noah now." Said Peter, and he darted off the bed and out the door.

Cory farted then, openly. He didn't even blink. There was something so hot about how he just let it out as casually as breathing. I leaned closer to him and sniffed the air. A naughty poo smell. He Scooched over to me and wrapped me around the waist in a hug, looking up at me fondly. I was going to fall in love with this guy. He moved his face closer. His little breath smelled of his brother's shit, but also faintly of toothpaste. I kissed him. The smell of the fart he'd just done still hung in the air.

He squealed then and pulled away. "I just had an idea!"

At that moment Peter returned. "Noah's making some pizza rolls now to put in the oven. They should be cooked and ready to eat in an hour or so."

"Peter come over here I have to tell you something. About what we should put in him."

Peter got on the bed and Cory quickly crawled over to him and started whispering in his ear. Peter seemed very annoyed at first at what was happening but then excitement dawned on his face.

"Wow Cory, not a bad idea for once. Can I tell him?" Cory nodded nodded rapidly. "Well Shane. Cory's idea is something we've been wanting to try for a while now, and since it'll be awhile before you're producing logs for us we want to try this thing with you in the meantime."

I was curious if not a little worried. "I'm at your disposal boys."

"Well first we want to fist you." My eyes must of bugged a bit at the idea, but I knew I'd probably enjoy it. I'd never stretched that wide before. "We'll be sure to be careful and go slow."

So there I was, lying on my back, propped up against some pillows on this enormous bed. I spread my legs and displayed my arse to the boys, both of whom quickly dived in and started sniffing. The brothers' faces pressed against each other. Neither did more than a delicate lick with their tongue, not wanting to reduce the smell emanating from my anus ring.

As I'd told their father in my interview, I usually did big, dark dumps that stretched me wide and left residue on my naturally hairy hole. For the last few months I'd switched to silk boxers. And I almost always didn't wipe these days. I did all this to promote that natural cheesy boy scent I love. Unfortunately for Peter and Cory I knew I was pretty clean today.

Peter had procured from under the bed a few items that I'd barely had time to glance at, but among them was a big jar of thick lube, made just for fisting.

"I'll start him off." Said Peter. "But of course we'll try and get your hand in first Cory, since it's smaller."

Peter used one finger, then quickly moved up to two. Once he made it to three I could tell he was really digging around for some nuggets, but it seems I must of been empty. Thanks to the incredible lube he was at last fucking me with four fingers, but I knew getting his thumb in there was still a ways off.

"Okay Cory, now you try."

Cory wasted no time pumping his four smaller fingers in and out of me.

I cried out, "h-hhh-hhOOHH!"

Suddenly the pressure was a lot deeper inside me. He'd streamlined his fingers and pushed the whole hand inside me!

"Oh wow. I've never felt this before." The feeling of Cory opening up his hand and pushing it around inside of me was incredible.

"Niiccee." Sighed Peter. "Good one Cory. Now start fucking him with a fist. Focus on opening him up as much as possible."

All I could think was I hope this doesn't affect my ability to shit. The brothers were intent on turning my hole into a big gaping shit pussy on day one! Thinking about that only made me more horny under their ministrations. I bucked and arched my back once when Cory's little fist squeezed against my prostate.

"Okay I should be able to get my hand in now."

With a sucking sound Cory removed most of his forearm and then his fist. Before the lips of my pooper had time to retract Peter's hand pushed in in Cory's place. Woof! Stars floated in my vision. This was the fullest I'd ever been, at least with something so solid. I squeezed my ass muscles for a moment just to feel the full sensation of Peter inside me. Our eyes connected as he turned his fist inside me before stretching out his fingers and probing even deeper.

Cory said then, "Bro, I felt bits of poop in him."

"Mmm yeah, I feel them too. There are some good turds."

Cory handed Peter something then. I couldn't quite see what it was until Peter held it up between my legs. A tunnel plug! I'd never used one before. Slowly Peter retracted his fist. And then snugly he pushed in the very large plug. My hole would stay open now.

"So Shane," Peter looked at me cockily. It was very sexy. "Dad said we could put whatever we want in you, and that's what we're going to do."

"You're going to piss in me??"


"Oh my god." I was so shocked, but I put aside the shock quickly. "Yes. Do it. Please."

"Sweet." Said Peter.

"Wow Daddy made a good choice with you!" Exclaimed Cory. "I'm glad you had poop inside. Now you're poop will mix with my poop and Pete's poop and create a super turd!"

I laughed. "I'm very excited to do this too." I held my legs all the way back and wiggled my butt for them. "Let me incubate your turd! When I fart I want to smell your farts coming out of me!"

"You'll be farting a lot if you have any of Cory's turd inside of you."

"Please do it now." I said. At that moment my gaping hole belched out some gas from deep in my gut. The boy's cocks became rock hard.

"Okay. I'll go first." Said Peter. "I've still got a lot." I was thrilled. More of that spicy pepperoni turd, yes please.

Something really smelly like that was exactly what I would expect from the older teenager. So Peter maneuvered into a sort of scissoring position with me, only I was pointing my open stinker into the sky, and he was squatting down onto my hole.

"Here it comes dude."

I was able to see the head of his turd. He let it out slowly, with a few small grunts from the exertion. It was very dark in colour. The smell spread out and around us driving me wild with lust. I needed his stinky testosterone shit inside me. He was sharing it with me, and I was going to make it partly mine.

Then I felt it entering me. Nothing had ever felt this good. It was a new heat dropping into me. Peter's greasy poo snake kept going and going. I suppose when when you eat a lot of waste you make a lot too. After the bulk of his semi-firm shit was pumped into me, the last few wet chunks oozed from out his asshole to coat the insides of my colon. Still squatting over me Peter finished with a long hissing fart. He looked into my eyes as he did it, mouth slightly ajar I could here each heavy, slow breathe. It was like an animal panting in heat. I almost had to gag at the smell of his fart. It was rank. This kid really did eat pepperoni.. Or, tuna? Maybe it was both.

"Your turn now brother."

Cory had been watching the whole procedure with rapt attention. Smelling that fart had turned him into a zombie for a second, but he quickly snapped out of it. "Me now me! Yes. I'm going. I going to poop all I have!"

Peter asked me then, "Do you have room?"

"It feels weird, but I definitely feel like there's space for Cory's dump. Best do it quickly though. I want to get this plug out and my hole closed tight to really feel like i'm carrying around your turd. I want to hold it until it becomes a huge, firm log that I've basted and marinated with my stink, and sauteed in butt-butter."


So Cory wriggled his naked butt into position, his thin dick still standing to attention.

This time the boy squished his butt cheeks down on mine. His skin was cool and soft. I was a little disappointed I couldn't see his smelly gift, but then I started to feel heat enter me, a fiery heat. Cory pushed down needily against me, rubbing his bottom and thighs into the cleft of my sweaty, parted cheeks. He was really trying to fuse our stink openings together. We gazed at each other with a sudden primal connection and I pushed up to meet him.

"It's a bit soft today." He said. And I felt his incredible heat flow into me. An endless stream of boyshit that I could tell was filling in every gap amongst the mounds piled inside me from his older brother. Cory grunted and sighed with a look of pure contentment and relief upon his face. His face was flushed and thin lips opened in a pout. I couldn't believe how much had pumped from out his small bottom.

He moved off from me and for a moment all three of us admired the rank, stinking, toilet that was my gaping cunt.

"All right." I said. "You better do something before I push it all out again."

"Right." Chimed Cory, but then he looked to Peter anyway.

Peter wrapped an arm around my belly for support and looked down directly into my hole. I could tell he wanted to push his face in right then and there. But he restrained himself. With his other hand Peter gave the big tunnel plug a wiggle and in moments it had popped out. He tossed it behind him onto the ground. \

"Okay, push out any excess air and try and close yourself up."

I did as he said and we were all treated to a heady waft of all of our smells combining. To me it smelled like my new home. I was going to become intimately familiar with every smell the brothers made. I finally had the chance to lower my legs. I rocked forward on the bed and then sat up. The boys looked at me approvingly. I stood up and paced for a few steps around the room. It felt good. My arse did feel very full, like I was holding a big load ready to drop. It was going to take some willpower to hold it all in while it matured. There was a tingling sensation also that I had never felt before. I assumed it was the foreign turds lodged in my digestive tract interacting with my own fart ecosystem.

The tingling was making me horny in so many ways. It was a physical reminder that it wasn't just my shit inside me. Right now I felt connected to Peter and Cory on a biological level. In this ritual we had become brothers. Cory's shit was my shit. Peter's shit was Cory's. My shit was theirs. I told them this and they both moved over to me on the side of the bed to share a three-way kiss. Peter burped and i breathed it in hungrily as we let our lips and tongues explore.

Some hours later I was sitting laid back on a soft leather couch in the boys' entertainment room. We'd watched a bunch of cartoons and then a movie. We were all in underwear. Peter in navy blue trunks and Cory in somewhat skidmarked green briefs. My drooping ballsack peeked out the leg of my satin Bart Simpson boxer shorts. I was farting regularly and the brothers took turns with their heads close to my hole. We were like loving parents, all very concerned for the health of our poop baby.

I'd told the boys it would be much firmer and more combined after I slept a night with it inside me. They reluctantly agreed. I thought it might have an even richer stink if I held it for two nights but I'm not sure I could hold it that long, and could we even wait? Maybe I could ask Noah if he had any supplements that could help me.


Next: Chapter 2

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