Twisted History

By Silver

Published on Jul 2, 2001


Hi there everyone! This is my second story here and it's called 'Twisted History'. I didn't finish my old one for many reasons but I'm back now. This story is about four people and how they face love, competion, happiness, friendship, sadness, depression, fear, horror and last but not least the tasks faith had given them. Nothing could ever had prepared them for what lies ahead. I hope to finish this one. I know now no reasons why I shouldn't be able to. I also recommend 'Lance in shining armor' for all of you who haven't read it. It's awesome and if you don't cry in the end, then you'll never cry. I welcome all feedback. Please email me even for the smallest of grammatical errors. That way will I be able to improve til the next time. My email:

Disclaimer: This story will feature gay elements and if you don't like or get offended by such things then don't read it. I don't know yet if it will feature any sexual elements but if you don't like or get offended by such things don't read any further. I don't know anything of the sexual orientation of anyone in *Nsync and I don't mean to imply anything either. Everything in this story is purely fiction.

Twisted History

Chapter 1 - The Arrival

It was sometime around two in the morning when I woke up. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed the hard rain outside and I could hear the thunder far away. I turned my head to look out through the window and I first thought I was still asleep and dreaming everything. My regular window had been replaced with two long windows next to each other. The windows were over two meters long and even longer curtains hung on each side of the windows. I sat up in my bed trying to get a grip on the situation, I couldn't. I pinched my arm hoping this was a dream but I was wrong. I hopped out of the bed and tried to find the lightswitch to my lamp on the bedside table. I found a lightswitch but it wasn't my lamp who lit up the room. Neither was it my room who now was lit up. I was sleeping in a classical bed and the lamp looked more like a candlestick than an electric lamp. My jeans and sweater since yesterday was lying on a chair next to the fire place on the opposite wall to my bed. There was still a glow in the fireplace and it was warm and nice in the room despite the weather. I got up and got dressed in yesterdays clothes. I opened a door on the same wall as the fire place and behind that door was a big bathroom with everything, even a jacuzzi. I walked over to the sink and took a good look in the mirror and I stared at myself for some time. I washed of my face with cold water to rub the last sleep from my face and then dried it off and adjusted my hair. As I adjusted my hair, the door on the opposite side of the room as the door I came through opened and a young guy came in. He had a face revealing he was really surprised and he walked over to me. -"What is happening here?" He asked me rather angrily. -"I don't know! Maybe I should ask you the same thing?" I replied both quick and loud. The thought of him responsible for all this crossed my mind in an instant. -"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Did you too wake up in a room that you didn't fell asleep in?" He asked with a lower and more pleasant voice. I was wrong, he wasn't responsible for this. He was a victim too. -"Yea I did. What is this place by the way?" I asked looking around the room. He looked around too and then walked over to the second sink next to me and then answered: -"I haven't got a clue. It looks a bit antique though." -"It shure does except for the new jacuzzi and everything." I said back. -"This place gives me the creeps and it was so cold in my room." -"It's warm in my room, why don't we go in there? There's no need to have a conversation in here." -"Sounds good to me." He said and followed close behind me when I walked back into my room. I went directly over to the door on a nearby wall and tried to open it to see what was behind that one but it was locked. -"Mine was locked too." The guy said from standing infront of the fire place. -"We haven't introduced ourselves." I said and walked over to him and offered my hand. He took my hand and I told him: -"My name is Martin Dante." -"I'm James Bass. But all my friends call me Lance." -"Nice to meet you Lance. Despite the circumstances." I said with a broad smile. I always blush around cute guys and he must have seen it because he started to smile too. -"I guess we're stuck here then." He said and now looked somewhat depressed. -"I don't think we're stuck here, we just have to find the key." I tried to sheer him up. Maybe I tried to sheer myself up as well. -"Yes. That's all we've got to do. Let's find the key ok?" He said hopefully. -"Ok. We'll find the Key and then will we investigate the rooms behind our locked doors." I told him and patted his shoulder. He just smiled back and then turned around again to begin searching for the key. After thirty minutes of searching we gave up. I was sitting on the bed and James sat on the couch between the fireplace and the window. He was looking through the window and then he rose and walked over to it. He immidietly flinched back when he reached it and held a hand up to his chest and over his heart. -"What is it?" I asked him while walking over to him. -"Have you seen how far it is down til the ground beneath this window?" -"Are you afraid of heights?" I asked with concern. -"Very so too!" He said and sat down on the couch again. I walked over to the window and looked down. In the light from the outdoor lanterns I saw the rain hitting the small waterponds created on the pathway that led around the house. What was this place anyway? How did we get here and why? A lightning lit up the clouds who looked like they were revolting up in the sky. I stared out over the scenery. A small shack was built across the yard and a small light came from the only window wich could be seen from here. -"There is a shack outside there!" I said to James. -"Where?" He asked and stood up but didn't approach the window. -"Out there across the lawn. There's a light in the window." I said and pointed in it's direction. James walked only as close as he needed to see it. -"I can see it now. Wonder if someone lives there?" He said leaning forward a bit. -"There! Did you see!?" I spoke out loud. -"Yea, someone was walking past the window. Atleast now we now there's someone there." He said walking closer to the window forgetting his own fear of heights. -"Wonder who that can be?" He asked and stared at the small shed outside. -"I have no idea. Maybe he knows what have happened?" I answered back. -"Or maybe he's a victim too?" -"I wonder what that is best? To be here or down there?" -"I really don't know. I don't think I want to know." He walked back to the bed and sat down. He fell backwards on the bed with his arms under his head. I went over and sat down on the side of the bed next to him. He had closed his eyes so I dared myself a look at him. I looked at his chest. The red t-shirt he wore revealed much of his torso and the area right above his pants were his shirt didn't cover enabled me to see his stomach clearly all the way up to his belly button. I was tempted to reach over and put my hand there but I fighted that thought away from my mind. I took a great look at his legs and his somewhat tight jeans fitted his legs perfectly. They looked strong and beatiful. Then my eyes wandered off to somewhere between his stomach and his legs. -"Martin?" He asked me with a rather loud voice. -"What!?" I asked startled and tried to look innocent. -"Finally you notice me speaking to you. Where did you go?" He asked again while sitting up. -"I didn't go anywhere. I just got a thought, that's all." I tried to save my skin with that useless excuse. He would see right through it. -"A penny for your thoughts." He said and completely brushed the whole thing off. I was so surprised I were at a loss for words. But I managed to say: -"I thought about this place. I mean, why are we here? What happened to my bed I went to sleep in?" -"I haven't thought about it much but when you mention it. I too miss my own soft bed at home." With that said he sat up and breathed out. I looked around the room and then I fell backwards and stared at the ceiling. I admired the crystalchandler hanging from the roof right over the bed. The chandler was completely symmetrical except for one small detail. I rose and stood up in the bed. I stared at it for some time and couldn't make out what was there. -"What is it?" Lance asked me. -"There's something stuck up there in the chandler." I said and tilted the chandler a bit. -"What is stuck up there?" He asked me. I didn't answer because I didn't know so I concentrated on getting a great look at what it was. Then I saw it, it was a key. -"I've found the key!" I screamed with happiness. -"You have? Is it the key up there?" He asked with enthusiasm and disbelief. -"Yes it is. Steady me while I'll try and get it down." -"Of course." He said and held my legs with both his hands. I got the key down and we both immidietly went over to the door to see if the key fitted in the lock. It did and we unlocked the door. We looked at each other before opening the door and then we nodded at each other and I turned the handle and pushed the door open. We walked out of the room and into the hallway. We looked in both directions and we couldn't see any evidence of another person here. There was a window where the hallway ended to our right and it was just past the door wich obviously was the door to Lance's room. We walked over to that door first and tried the key and it unlocked that door too. We stuck our heads inside and it was Lance's room alright. We tried to open the door opposite Lance's and it worked there too. Inside was a similiar bedroom to ours and the bed was slept in but no one could be seen. Then I turned around and was just about to walk out the door when Lance discovered a small light coming from under the bathroom door. We opened the door and saw two girls who were just as surprised to see us as we to see them. We stood there silent for some time before one of the girls spoke: -"Who are you?" -"Who are you?" I asked her back but got the evil stare. -"How dare you kidnap us!?" He almost screamed at us. -"What!? We haven't kidnapped you." I defended myself. Lance cut in: -"Maybe we should ask you the same." And walked a few step forward. The girl who so far hadn't spoken backed off a bit and seemed really frightened. -"Did you too went to sleep somewhere else but awakened here?" -"We both went to sleep in our own beds but woke up here. The same for you I assume?" Lance asked much softer. -"Yes we did. I woke up and found the bathroom. Then when I was in there she walked in from her door." -"But how come you've got the key!?" The first girl snapped. -"We found it hanging in the crystalchandler." With that said everyone realised that maybe there was a key in each chandler. They all walked out of the room and inspected the chandler but no key was found. The pissy girl ran to the other bedroom probably to check for a key in her room. The girl left in the room spoke up: -"I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Janet Bradshaw and she's Donna Sumerset." We introduced us for her and when Donna walked back in here we introduced us again for her too. -"I didn't find any key in my room either." Donna said. -"Wonder why the key to these four rooms where in my room?" I asked the other and hoped for a reasonable answer. -"I have no idea." Janet said. -"Maybe there is no answer. I mean, maybe it didn't matter who got the key as long as anyone of us got it?" Lance said cheerfully. -"Anyway, we're out now and I don't know about you but I want to get going and start finding some answers to all this." I told the whole group. -"What about that shack outside? We should definetly check that out." Lance said. -"What shack?" Both Janet and Donna asked at the same time. -"There's a shack outside this house and a someone is in there. We both saw it from my window. Come here!" I told them and motioned for everyone to follow me back to my room. We all walked close to the window to take a look outside. Except Lance that is. He stayed away from the window this time. Donna and Janet seemed pretty caught up in their stare. Unfortunatly there was no movement inside the shack but they believed us anyway. I sat down on the couch and Lance joined me. Donna and Janet sat down on my bed. We where all deep in thoughts as Lance spoke up: -"We've got to get out there. I have a feeling that all our questions will be answered there." -"So, all we've got to do is to get out of here and then run over to the shack and knock?" Donna asked anxiously. -"It shouldn't be more difficult than that." Janet said staring at the floor. -"Then why don't we get going and get out of here?" Donna asked. -"Let's go then." I said taking command. I rose and began to walk towards the door and I heard everyone else was following me. I walked out into the hallway. To our right the hallway came to an end. At the end was a window and a small table stood beside it with a plant on it. All the doors led to either one of our rooms so there was no need to investigate that any further. To our left the hallway turned ninety degrees so we walked in that direction to see where the hallway led. When we gor around the corner the hallway ended with a double door. There hanged two pictures here, one on each wall along the hallway. One picture was of a garden fountain and the other was of a big, green bush with small pink dots in it. They probably resembled small berries or flowers. We all walked towards the door and stopped right infront of it. We just stood there, breathing in and out. Then I reached my hand out and turned the handle. This door wasn't locked so it opened and I gave it a small push. The door slid open and we had now arrived at another hallway, this one bigger than the one before. The hallway continued a long way to the left and soon ended to our right. We could se that the stair was located where the hallway ended to our right so we walked in that direction. There were more pictures hanging from the walls here. There was a green meadow on one of them and a small forrest on the other. We arrived at the big staircase wich circled down four floors. -"So we're on the fourth floor then." I said as I looked over the railing and down the open space wich began at the bottom floor and ended at the top ceiling. The stair was built around this area. -"Look at the floor down there. Look at the pattern." Janet said. -"Yes, look at it. It looks awfully wierd." Donna spoke. -"Wonder what it is? I mean, it looks like nothing but squares and circles in all different sizes. Don't mean much to me." Janet said. -"Like you said before Lance, all our question will be answered by the person in the shack. They better be because I am filled with questions that I want answered." I said. The truth was I wanted out of here. I was starting to feel scared now but I couldn't say that to the others. I had to remain strong for the others sake. -"I say we walk down the stair and then find the door who leads out of here." I spoke again and began to walk down the first stair. The others followed close behind me. We came to the third floor and saw a new hallway filled with doors. We continued down the next stair and then came to the second floor. There was a new hallway here too but not so many doors and then it split in two directions. We didn't investigate that because we wanted out of here. Donna took the lead and began walking down the last stair, we all followed her. When we came down to the bottom floor we immidietly saw the hallway that led to the front door. It was a broad hallway leading to a double frontdoor-looking kind of door. -"There it is." I said and everyone else nodded. -"Let's get out of here then. I feel uncomfortable." Donna said and she started for the door. We all kept her pace for the door and the hallway was awfully long. Donna began to run for the door so the rest of us had no choice. I guess all of us was scared now. After all, we're in a strange house and we didn't know how we got here. And for some unknown reason, I didn't like this at all. I was afraid and I guess everyone else was too. Donna reached the door and was out of breath. We all came to a stop next to her and we just looked at each other. Lance walked closer to the door and reached for the handle.

Next: Chapter 2

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