Two and a Half Nude Men

By Vox Veritas

Published on Sep 26, 2011


The following story does not imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. The character of Jake Harper is played by Angus T. Jones and Walden Schmidt is played by Ashton Kutcher.


" you like a sexual way?"

Jake's hard cock twitched when Walden moved his hand lower. He rubbed along Jake's thigh and then closer between his legs. Walden paused his massage just a moment and looked at Jake.

"Go ahead," Jake said as he breathed deeply.

Walden touched Jake's balls and then gripped onto his stiff cock, moving up and down. Precum formed at the tip of his dick as Walden stroked it gently. He took more lotion from the bottle and put it on the head of Jake's cock, lubing it as his hand continued jacking him off.

With his other hand Walden stroked the area below Jake's balls and ass. As he stroked off the teenager he felt his own cock grow as he became aroused. It reached full length at nine inches and pointed upwards. Jake reached his hand out and touched it, wrapping his hand around the shaft and stroking Walden's dick.

Jake pumped his hips upward as he felt his orgasm approaching. He hadn't jacked off in weeks and the feeling of Walden stroking him was too much to take.

"I'm close," Jake said.

Not wanting him to cum too soon, Walden stopped and took his hand away from Jake's throbbing cock.

"I do like you," Walden said.

He put his hand onto Jake's legs and pushed them slightly, giving Jake a cue to spread them open. He rubbed along Jake's perineum and lower towards his ass. Walden put more lotion on his fingers as he rubbed the outside of Jake's hairless ass. His finger touched Jake's opening and Jake's cock twitched. Walden rubbed in a circular motion as Jake put his hand to his cock and began stroking.

"Keep going..." Jake said as he stroked faster.

Walden pushed on Jake's hole and his finger entered slowly. He pushed a little farther in and felt the tightness around his finger. He stroked it in and out slowly as Jake pumped his cock. He spread and lifted his legs to give Walden more access as he continued fingering. With his finger up Jake's hole he pushed harder with a second finger, stretching Jake's hole.

"Oh god...yes...!" Jake said breathlessly.

With Walden's fingers pumping in and out of his hole, the feeling and intensity of the moment was too much for the seventeen year old.

"I'm cumming...!"

His stroking speed increased as he began to cum, each shot hitting his abs and chest. Walden watched eagerly as shot after shot came out of Jake's dick and onto his smooth skin. He felt Jake's ass contract around his finger as he continued pushing it in and out.

After Jake was finished with his orgasm he pulled out his fingers from Jake's hole and leaned down to his body, licking the cum up from his abs and chest. He moved his tongue around Jake's nipples and finally brought his mouth up to Jake's lips, kissing him softly and exchanging the fluid. Their tongues interlocked passionately, as Jake reached down to Walden's hard cock. He stroked it quickly as they made out on the bed.

"Cum for me," Jake said as he broke the kiss.

"Not yet," Walden replied to the boy.

They continued kissing deeply as Jake brought his hands to Walden's muscled chest and abs. He moved his hands upward to Walden's hair and stroked his fingers in it. This time Jake broke the kiss and looked into Walden's eyes as they rubbed their naked bodies together. He felt Walden's large cock touch his thigh and knew that their passionate sex had only begun...


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