Uncle Grunge and Love

By Tom

Published on Nov 4, 2021


Chapter Three

I woke up about an hour later on my stomach with Uncle Jay's tongue lapping my trench. It felt so good - and was such an incredible way to wake up. It was also a total surprise - since we'd started this incestuous journey, he'd hardly ventured below my neck. Unlike some straight guys, he was a helluva kisser and I loved that about him. But like some straight guys, he seemed to have a barrier about going any lower - as if, somehow (maybe?) that would brand him as totally gay - as opposed to kinda gay.

I don't know -

All I know is he was humming in my butt, and making me feel hot as fuck.

"Ungh....Unc," I groaned, pushing up into him.

"Fuck, kid," he said, blowing on my hole. "Whydindya tell me eating ass was so hot?"

Then he dove back in, munching my cunt with his hungry lips, rubbing my cheeks with his rough beard.

"Fucking love this - can taste you, kid."

"Gawd - aww fucking Gawd," I said, beginning to writhe. This was my dream come true.

He kept at it, then suddenly pulled up, flipping me over on my back. His chin glistened and drool dripped from his lips. It was late afternoon - early evening - and the shadows in the small room seemed to intensify his image and our debauchery. I'd never been so wound up sexually - it was like the floodgates of my deepest fantasy life had opened, and I was riding this constantly growing wave of desire and deviance.

"So fucking hot, Daddy," I said, staring at his perfect V of a torso, short-hairs on his chest, muscular arms and the devilry in his eyes.

He leaned in, nose to nose, and I licked his face, tasting my trench on his lips.

"You don't taste as rank as I do, kid," he said, semi-disappointed, but also semi-questioning.

"I didn't work out with you this afternoon, Unc," I said, scrunching up my crotch, trying to expose my hole to his nine-inch hooded monster.

"Then I guess we better start workin' out together," is what he said, pushing his cock up against my hole. His nose buried in my ear. I could hear his raspy breath.

"I'd like that, Unc," I said, almost whimpering. Then I caught the smell of his ass funk on his cheek - the streak I'd left there earlier.

"You smell it, dontcha?"

"Uhhhhuhhh," I nodded.

"I do, too," he said, pushing into my hole, which made me whimper even more.

"Daddy," I groaned, opening up to him. Now his arms were around me and his entire miasma of hazy male mist enveloped me.

"I like wearin' my butt-stink on me - you like smellin' it, kid?"

"Fuck yeah" I grunted, urging him to dick me deeper.

"Wanna wear my stink, too, kid?"

"AWWWWYESSIR," I groaned, and then he fucked into me, beginning to rut. He'd wetted me up with his mouth and I still had his load in me from the morning, so he sunk, deep, hitting my pleasure place. I jerked, cuz most men didn't go that far.

"Alright, kid?" he asked, trying to be a gentleman, even as his body told me he was ready to rut.

"Fine - do it - need it - make me feel it," I groaned, grabbing and scratching at his back. I was still getting used to his length and girth but wanted nothing more than to be able to take him - fully - whenever he wanted me to or whenever he needed to dump cum. The only way to learn was by doing - and I wanted him to do me like a man, not like some whiny bitch.

"Just fuck me, Daddy. I can take it."

And that's all he needed. He pulled back out and thrust back in, reaching his arms under my legs and opening me wide. His mouth found mine and we swapped tongues and spit as he began to rabbit fuck. I could tell this wasn't gonna last - he was as wound up as I was and needed to get another load out of the way to clear the air, so to speak.

"Dump it, Unc. Flood my guts," I groaned, imitating my favorite porn stars. He pulled back from our kiss, eyes rolling back into his head. His mouth was open and a flood of spit dripped out of it, right into my mouth and then on my chin. "Awwwfuck" I grunted. "Fuck me."

And he did, ramming into me, one, two, three, four, five times and then he slammed my guts with his expanding, rigid cock and exploded deep into my sloshing wet center. He roared like a fucking animal, entire body tense and hard as a rock, cock jerking inside of me, owning my hole like no man ever has. He stayed like that - like a statue, almost, of ecstasy - his cock continuing to expand and jerk and thrust, coating my walls and exploding his sperm into my non-existent uterus.

"Fuck," I said - "Stud," I grunted, eyes watering as his flew open, looking down on me with new understanding. Then he took one last epic thrust, body kicking back into gear, growling again like an untamed animal, pouring the last ounce of essence into my willing gut, and collapsed on me, like he'd been shot or something - a full body swoon of sweat and stank, landing on my smaller but muscular frame, heaving and shaking and shivering in waves of orgasmic tectonic shifts.

It was the most erotic and arousing experience I'd ever had - and being able to witness it - to hold him through it - to ride the wave with him - was a gift of unimaginable grace and intimacy.


We lay there in my small bedroom, which had become hot with our shared exertions. By now, days into this journey, the room was filled with a moist haze of testosterone, pheromone and sweet-sweat stank. I got lightheaded from the smells, but realized that we probably couldn't keep this up - two adult men refusing to cleanse in a combined space, swapping spit and sperm, was gonna compound into a grunge dump that could cause complaints to the management of the apartment complex.

But for now, I loved it - so much - it was the thing of my dreams: locker room fantasies of smelly jocks & socks, wet sweat-shirts and fetid male bodies.

Eventually Uncle Jay rolled off me and groaned another groan of complete contentment.

"Fuck kid," he said ... pausing a little, trying to get his own bearings in the fog of our funk. "That's the best fuck I ever had." Then he slung his arm around me which only enveloped me in more waves of his pit-mist.

"Me too," I whispered.

He had a lot of years on me - over ten I think, couldn't remember - but I'd been a slut these last couple of years out of college. Getting the place on my own had been manna from heaven: I could have dudes over all the time and I did - sometimes a few a day. Grindr is a miracle, ya know.

The point is I'd had my fair share, but nothing like this - and Uncle Jay was such a stud, so thick and muscled and always makin' the ladies wet. But here we are were, making our mutual declarations and they weren't hyperbole.

"I guess ... " he said, then trailed off. I was about to finish his sentence, and then he did.

"I guess we better talk, huh?"

"Yeah - that's what I was gonna say."

"Figure some shit out?"

"If we can - yeah."

"Good. I'll - uh - why don't I make us a nice dinner - you been cool for letting me crash here, Stew -"

"No problem - seriously. I mean, I'm having the time of my life." I turned my head to meet his gaze, making sure he saw me take a deep sniff of his wet pit. That made him smile.

"Me too, kid."

"So - I'll make us a nice dinner and we can talk - you know - or after ..."

"Sounds good," I said. I didn't know what else to say. He was the older adult, but I wasn't a fucking baby either. At the same time, I was grooving on this so much I didn't want to fuck it up. But also - it seemed like we'd crossed the line and there was more I wanted to do with him so I figured, if we were talking, I better speak up and speak my truth, too.

"Cool," he said. But, we didn't move. I think we were both thinking the same thing, though, so I spoke up this time.

"I mean - I guess we probably should take a shower, huh?"

He laughed out loud.

"Fucker - that's what I was thinking - but don't really want to."

"Me either!" I exclaimed rolling over, cuddling up next to him and giving him a big assed smile. Hell, it worked for most of the tops that did me - figured I would try it here. But, he just looked at me with that same quizzical look - like he was trying to figure himself out before he could figure out how to relate to me.

Finally, he said, "But, you're right - we should. Shower's too damn small for both of us - why don't you go first and I'll swing out and gets some shit for dinner - steaks or something - and then I'll get clean when I come back."

"Sounds good to me."

We just looked at each other and then I figured I had nothing to lose, not now, not after this afternoon and this week. So I hoisted myself up on my elbow and pushed my face closer.

"Hey - Uncle Jay - I know we got to talk and I'm not sure what's going on here or anything, and I'm not gonna get all clingy and shit - don't worry about that - "

He tried to interject but I stopped him, putting a finger on his lips.

"But I wanted to tell you this has been fucking great - like really fucking great - and I've had a great time and I wanted you to know that."

Then I leaned in and kissed him. I could still smell his ass funk on his cheek and that got me hard again, but mostly it was a kiss of kindness not kink.

Then I pulled back and he said, "Damn, kid - you sound like you're getting ready to dump me or something."

"Hell yeah, fucker!" I said, jumping over his thick torso. "You smell like shit!"

He slapped my butt as I stumbled out of bed, laughing his ass off. Then, I went in the shower and took a nice long one - letting him be alone with himself and letting me catch my breath, wash away the emotions and try to stabilize in an unstable - but fantastic - situation. At some point I heard the door slam and I just let the water pour over me. I reluctantly soaped up, then became more intent on the task. Washing our grime away felt like tabula rasa - a way to start fresh. I stayed in that shower a long, long time.


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Next: Chapter 4

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