Undercover Ops

By Todd Carlos (ToddsTop)

Published on Mar 19, 2010


"Let's talk business, kid. On Friday we'll meet at Rey's at 7, that's am, bro. Can you make it there by then?" I nodded with an eager grin on my face. "Okay, but no late night partying tomorrow. Since it's your first time you can follow me down. We'll stay down there while the other guys drop their cars. I like to stagger it out, makes us less conspicuous, you know?"

I was only partially paying attention. Santos had changed into worn jeans and a wife-beater while I'd cleaned up the carpet. I couldn't stop checking out the tattoos, especially the geisha that covered most of his upper left arm. I was brought back to the moment when he snapped his fingers in my face.

"You paying attention, Danny?" I nodded eagerly, a little embarrassed. "Good `cause..." At that moment the front door opened with a bang. A woman carrying groceries came in. She had long hair that was perfectly straight, light blond on top and dark brown underneath. She had on the biggest sunglasses I'd ever seen, they looked like something an astronaut would wear.

"Hey, baby," Santos rumbled out as he stood to help her. He took the bags and walked through the arch on the other side of the short hall, into the kitchen. The woman eyed me coolly and I felt my cheeks start to flush. "Babe, that's Danny. He's gonna be doing a little work for me. Is there more stuff in the car?"

"No, that's it," she called out as she stepped closer to me. "I'm Michelle, nice to meet you." She held out her little hand and I took it gently, for just a second. She was petite in her little tank top and khaki shorts with flip-flops but I could tell that she was stronger than she looked. Her arms were slim but roped with muscle and her abs were defined even behind the white cotton of her shirt. She looked to be in very good condition despite her bimbo attire. Big hoop earrings flashed at me as she pushed her sunglasses up into her hair and gave me a smile before turning to enter the kitchen.

I sat back down on the metal chair and wondered what I should do but before I could decide Santos came back in. When he didn't head for the couch I stood and he grabbed my shoulder to lead me out. "Thanks again, kid," he whispered. "So I'll see you the day after tomorrow at Rey's, right?"

"Right." He opened the front door for me.

"Seven am, right?" He squeezed my shoulder for extra emphasis.

"Don't worry, I'll be there. I won't fuck this up." He just nodded as he closed the door behind me and I walked down the hot driveway to my car.

On the drive back to my place all I could think of was how bad I had just fucked up. Technically I'd compromised the entire case, created a sure conflict of interest. The first thing I should do was call Barry and my sergeant and have myself pulled but I couldn't do that. This was the rest of my life at stake. If I told them I'd be outing myself with the biggest mistake I could make and I knew I wouldn't. If we did nail Santos and the case against him made it to court the whole thing could be thrown out over what I'd just done. I decided I'd have to wait and cross that bridge when I came to it, there was no knowing what might happen in the future.

Back at my apartment I steeled my resolve and called Barry to let him know how things had gone: "Nah, Barry, everything went fine. We're headed down to Mexico with some cars on Friday. He's going to pay me and hopefully I'll find out who his contacts are down there. We can actually start building our case."

"Okay, I'm glad to hear it wasn't too bad. Santos has a rep for being a dick to new employees. I'm just surprised he didn't make you jump threw a bunch of hoops for the `priviledge' of working for him." My heart rate increased as I thought about the hoops I'd jumped, not that I'd ever be able to tell Barry.

"I guess we clicked or something. I'm meeting him at Rey's at seven and we're heading down together since it's my first time. He said we'll stay until all the cars are dropped off then we'll come back. I'll call you if there's any trouble."

"Sounds good, Dan. Email me the report for today when you get it written up and I'll file it tomorrow. Be careful and watch your back around him, Joe Santos can be an evil prick."

"I will, Barry. Don't worry. I'll call you Friday after we get back."

"Alright, talk to you then. Oh, and kid? Good work." He hung up before I could say anything in return. I flopped onto my back on the couch and stared down at the boner trying to rip out of my shorts. Good work? What a joke, if blowing Santos was work I'd be a workaholic. I tried to decide if I should choke my chicken now while the memories were fresh or wait for later. I decided I could do both.

Friday morning came faster than I thought. I left home early but with stupid public transportation I was only ten minutes ahead of seven when I got off the train by Rey's. When I knocked at the back door to the shop a guy I'd never seen let me in. He asked if I was Danny and I nodded. He led me back to the office where Santos was talking to Rey. I overheard them discussing who was going to pick up what and when. When he saw me Santos gave me a big smile. He was dressed in his usual worn jeans with a tight black t-shirt and black cowboy boots. Something about those boots made me light-headed, probably all the blood flowing south.

"There's the man," Santos yelled out. "You ready for a long ride, kid?"

"Yeah, I'm ready." I grinned big for him, something about his excitement was infectious and I didn't have to pretend that I was excited too. This was the first truly illegal thing I'd be doing and I should have been nervous, driving a stolen car to Mexico. But the thought that I was doing it with Santos, even if I barely knew him, made me feel safe.

"Fuck, let's hit the road then." He walked over to me after nodding at Rey. "Just stay behind me, kid. Not too close though." He winked and put a hand on my shoulder to guide me to the door. "Not yet anyway, huh? I'm taking the white Lexus over there and you're getting that black Escalade. If anything starts to go wrong just call me. Where's your cell?" I pulled it out and put it in his open hand. He started programming his number into it. "You ready, Danny? Need to go to the bathroom, get a drink?" He handed me back my phone.

"No, I'm ready to go, dude. Never been to Mexico. You gonna show me the sights?" He laughed and squeezed my shoulder where his hand still rested.

"I'm gonna show you something, that's for sure, kid. Let's go. You need any help getting the car started?" Shit, how did he make it seem like everything I said was some kind of flirting? I felt my neck and ears heating up.

"I got it." I shrugged off his hand and went over to the Escalade to climb inside.

The drive down there was boring as fuck. After Tucson there wasn't much to see until we hit the border, and the line of cars there was even more boring than the desert. I don't know what I was expecting from Mexico but Nogales wasn't it. After what felt like hours we made it through the long line. Santos got through first and waited for me so I could follow him. Just as I was pulling away from the checkpoint my cell rang. The caller ID showed Big Daddy and I couldn't help a snort of laughter when I realized it was Santos. He told me to stick close and pay attention so I wouldn't get lost the next time. I promised to do what he said with a, "Sure thing, Big Daddy." I hung up to the sound of him laughing.

We finally made it to a nasty looking yard surround by razor-wire-topped brick walls. A guy let us in and I parked next to Santos. He waved me over as another guy approached us. He introduced me to the guy, Juan Ochoa Rios. He was a little guy, maybe five-four and the two of us towered over him. He had a thick mustache that looked fake, it was so big. I surprised both of them with my "Mucho gusto." My Spanish isn't great but I understood enough to follow what they said as Santos explained that I was new and it was my first trip.

They talked some more about what was going to happen that day and how much money Santos would get. He agreed to come back after the last of the twenty-one cars was dropped off to get the money. I nodded to Juan as I followed Santos out to the gate. We walked a few blocks to a little tienda where Santos said he was going to buy some beer, water and chips. I waited on the street and watched a guy at a taco stand cooking. Across the street was a little hotel where Santos led us with his bag of goodies.

I started to get nervous while Santos talked to the guy at the desk about getting us a room. I'd thought we'd wait at wherever the cars were getting dropped off at. The idea of being alone in a hotel room with Santos made me lightheaded and nauseous at the same time. I'd determined to let that one blowjob go, filing it away as a memory to pull out and jerk-off to. I hadn't thought it would ever happen again. But I could tell by the cocky smile Santos gave me as he handed some American money to the guy that he had more in mind than hanging out all afternoon. He took the key the guy handed him and then took my shoulder to steer me down the hall.

"At least this place has A/C. It's hot as fuck out there, not to mention the way this place stinks." I just nodded and grinned as he opened the door to the room on the second level. The hotel was made with thick walls that held in the cooler air. Our room was stuffy and Santos stepped in to turn the little A/C unit in one of the windows on full blast while I shut and locked the door behind us. There was a queen size bed with a ratty looking comforter on it against one wall. An old TV set was on a metal stand against the opposite wall, Santos flicked it on as he walked over to the small table by the entrance to the bathroom.

Santos pulled out the six-pack of beer and a small bag of ice and took them into the bathroom. I heard him filling the sink with both as I sat on the bed and took in the bright colors of whatever was on the TV. He came back out in less than a minute with a cold beer for each of us. I took mine from him and sipped as he pulled out two big bottles of water and took them into the bathroom where I heard more of the ice crunching.

"So... you come here a lot?" I was feeling even more nervous and I had to say something or I'd start hyperventilating.

"Every time I bring down a bunch of cars. I chill here and the guys text me when they drop their cars. After they're all in I go pick up the money and head home." He'd come out of the bathroom and went back to the bag on the table as he spoke. He pulled out a bag of Mexican chips and set them aside. "You mind waiting with me? It'll only be about four hours." As he said the last part he pulled out a box of condoms and a tube that was obviously Mexican lube. Fuck!

I took deep breaths, trying to stay calm. My eyes darted to the door and back to Santos. He looked me dead in the eye as he toed off his damn cowboy boots. I looked at the box of condoms with the big XL on them in gold lettering and felt my mouth go dry. Somehow I knew Santos wasn't expecting me to fuck him and I felt sweat prickle under my arms despite the increasingly cooler air in the room.

He pulled his cell phone out of the pocket of his jeans and put it on the table before picking up his beer and taking a long swallow that let me see his throat working. I stood and sipped from my own beer as I edged over to the door. I wasn't thinking just reacting, fight or flight I guess. I didn't even register the taste of the beer, just that it was cold and wet; soothing on my mouth. He set his beer down and watched me with a knowing smirk.

"You going someplace, Danny?" I stopped and glanced around the room like I was looking for something, inventing an excuse to escape. Why was I being such a pussy all of a sudden? I could take this guy if I had to. We were about the same height and weight.

"Nah, I was just stretching my legs."

"I know a way we can stretch `em out real good, kid." I had to focus on breathing normally so I couldn't really think of a way to respond to that. I let my mouth drop open and a long, "Ummmm," fell out.

"What are you acting so freaked for? You already sucked me off. I told you I fucked guys when I was in prison. It's been more than five years since I've done that shit. Your blowjob reminded me how good it can be." He took a couple steps toward me. "Are you gonna tell me now that you don't want some more of this, Danny?" He cupped his crotch in one hand and gave it a little shake.

Goddamn, I was so fucked. All I could think about was how my first time shouldn't be in a nasty hotel room in fucking Mexico. On the other hand a little shiver ran up my spine at the thought that maybe that's exactly where it should happen. With a motherfucker like Santos.

"Listen, Santos. I... I've never, you know, done that. Been fucked, I mean." His eyes narrowed and I could see the disbelief there and it kinda' pissed me off. "Seriously. I swear to god. Yeah, I'm gay but that doesn't mean I like getting fucked." He stared me in the eye and I thought he was seriously considering me.

"So you'll suck my cock but you won't let me in your ass?"

"Um, yeah, I guess that's it." Shit, I didn't sound sure even to myself.

"Have you ever tried it?" And just like that I knew he wasn't going to let it go.

"Listen, I'll blow you again. You liked that right? I can do it even better if you'll let me try." Divert him, I was thinking.

"Then you've never tried it. Maybe you'll like it?" I was really going to puke. Fantasizing about something and having it actually happen are two really different things.

"Seriously?" The instant it came out of my mouth I could tell it pissed him off and made him more determined.

"Let's just make this real easy, Danny. You're a faggot so you like getting fucked. I don't know why you're being such a bitch about this but here's the deal: You can take your clothes off and put your ass in the air or you can walk out of this room and catch the next bus back to Phoenix. I'll even tell you how to get to the bus terminal. But here's the thing, faggot, you walk out of here and you'll never hear from me again." He walked right up to me now, so close I could feel his breath on my cheek.

"So what's it gonna be, Danny? You can go home to your crappy life, a broke-ass motherfucker. Or you can make me happy, work for me, and have enough cash to be rolling in meth. I could just take what I want, but I'll let you decide. And if you stay? Your ass belongs to me. Whenever I want some you bend over and grab your ankles. Got that kid?" I know we both heard me swallow.

Oh my fucking God, this was too much. I had to drop my eyes, I knew he was seeing too much there. It was like déjà vu from the time I'd gone down on him. Christ, there was more than a fake meth habit at stake here. I took a second to breathe deep. I couldn't deny that a part of me wanted this, really wanted it. Not just the fucking, but the whole being a hero thing. That's what made my mind up for me. I'd let this asshole fuck me, hopefully I'd like it, then I'd make sure his ass got put away for a long time. Let him play these games in prison for the rest of his life. I looked up and smiled shyly.

"You know," he ran a hand up under my t-shirt, against my side. "If you stay it's only `cause you wanna be on the end of my dick." His eyelids dropped to half closed and the skin he touched on me felt cold and hot at the same time.

"Maybe I do. But I still haven't ever done this. If I stay you're not just gonna stick it in, right?"

"This isn't my first time. I'll take it easy on you... until you're begging for it." His self-confident tone pricked my pride even while it made my asshole twitch.

"We'll see about that." And I wondered if I wouldn't be begging, he seemed capable of it. Or maybe I was just that close to needing it.

"Yeah, we'll see." His voice had dropped low, the vowels drawn out and dripping in sex. He leaned closer to me and I thought, for a second, that he was going to kiss me. He didn't. He put his other hand on my hip and bumped his chest into mine so I spun to the side as he steered me back towards the bed. When my legs were backed up to the mattress he gave me a little push and I fell back. He went back to the little table by the bathroom and picked up the lube, condoms, his phone and his beer. He brought them back and set them on the bedside table, except the beer which he lifted to his lips and finished off.

I moved back onto the mattress and sat up, resting on my hands, to watch him. When the beer was gone he turned to me with a smile and pulled off his shirt. When it was off he threw it across the room, saying "Take off your clothes, kid." I didn't comply right away but took a moment to admire him. He seemed even more beautiful than I'd remembered. The tats, the chest and abs, how could I forget how hot he was?

I sat up straighter to take off my own t-shirt while he worked open the buckle of his belt and the button to his jeans. I looked down as I kicked off my sandals and pushed my baggy shorts off with my underwear, no point in acting all shy now. When I looked up I was completely naked and he was standing there watching me in just his boxers. I'd like to say I was impressively hard and ready for action but that was hardly the case.

"Hey, you're in pretty good shape." He was eyeing me critically, checking out my body. I hoped he wasn't getting suspicious about why I wasn't meth-skinny.

"I used to work out a lot." It sounded lame to me but I was hoping he'd buy it.

"Well, it still shows. Turn over and let me see that ass." I rolled halfway over, away from him, so he could see. It was only for a second but I felt the blush starting up my neck as I rolled back. "Nice, kid, I'm gonna enjoy this." I eyed the growing lump of his cock under his boxers and didn't say anything. He pushed them down and off. His cock swung out, still rubbery but gaining altitude, as he got onto the bed on his knees.

"What's wrong?" He waved his hand towards my crotch. "You're really not into this?"

"I'm nervous and... and I'm just not sure I really want to do this. Not that I have a choice." I licked my lips and looked from his huge cock to his dark eyes.

"I don't want to fucking rape you. Maybe you'll get hot if you suck my cock some first?" Jesus, did he really just say that? Although the sight of his big naked body was having an effect on me.

"Maybe. Why don't we find out?" I pulled him further onto the bed and made him lie back. I started at the geisha, licking over her and tasting his salty skin. I grabbed his cock and squeezed it tight until he grunted. I made my way to his chest and teased his nipples with my mouth and tongue before licking my way down his hairy belly. When I got to the sharp line of his hip I moved onto my knees between his legs.

I cupped his big, hairy sack in one hand and licked up the shaft of his hard cock. He tasted so good I moaned under my breath. I brought my mouth to his balls and tongued them gently before sucking one of the big orbs into my mouth. I laved over the taut skin and felt the crinkly hair lay flat under my tongue. I moved on to the other and gave it the same treatment. When I was done he was moaning softly and I let it out of my mouth with a pop.

I pulled his cock up from his belly and held the base as I puckered my lips and brought them to the big purple head of his dick. I kissed it and let the tip of my tongue flick over the slit and press into it. I could feel my dick hardening between my legs. I slowly let the head press my lips open until they circled the crown and applied gentle suction. I licked around the rim then rubbed the soft underside of my tongue over his tip.

"Fuck, Danny. Turn around and let me see your ass while you do that." I grinned around his cock before letting it out and moving into position, still on my knees. Santos reached for the lube as I turned then guided me so my knees were on either side of his shoulders and my legs were open wide. I wasn't sure when I'd committed to this but being in that position, open and vulnerable to him, I knew there was no going back.

Settled again, I spat onto his shaft and used my tongue to spread the liquid so he was glistening. I pulled the shaft up by the base and let it sink into my mouth. It seemed even bigger than it had before as it went in deep, to the back of my mouth. I felt his lubed fingers rubbing over my hole and shuddered at the intimate contact. He forced two fingers in deep, making me clench up at the burn.

"Fuck! What're you doing?" I'd pulled off his cock and looked at him over my shoulder as I pulled my hips forward and his fingers slipped out of me.

"Sorry, my bad. I guess you really are new to this. I promise I'll go easier."

"Just be careful, that fuckin' hurt, Santos." He nodded even as he pushed a single finger into me. He was gentler this time and I enjoyed the stretch. I went back to his cock.

He fucked me with his finger while I sucked him deep. I was really getting into it, taking my time and teasing him; learning his cock and what he liked. When he worked a second finger into me I moaned around the mouthful, accepting the invasion easily. He reached in deep and rubbed around until he found my prostate. The intimacy of someone else touching that spot made me gasp and his cock slipped from my lips as he worked my joyspot.

"Fuck, Santos, that's... it's amazing. Don't stop." I backed up onto his fingers and pressed my forehead against his thigh.

"Get back on my cock, Danny." I could hear the grin in his voice and grinned myself. I kissed his thigh and went back to his cock, taking him in deep. "That's it, kid." I hummed against his cock in appreciation as he went back to fucking me with his fingers, pausing once in awhile to pay special attention to my gland.

Soon he had three fingers stretching me open and it made me brave with lust-fueled determination. I forced the head of his cock into my throat and fought off the need to gag. He pulled his fingers out a bit and spread them, stretching me tight to just the edge of pain. The sensation spurred me on and I swallowed his cock to the base, my nose buried in the skin of his sack and swallowed convulsively around him.

"Fuck, Danny, get off." He slapped my ass cheek, making me jump, and I pulled off his cock. "Too close," he panted. I leaned down and lapped at his balls while his fingers moved inside me. The sensation was getting to be too much, I wanted him to fuck me already.

"I need more, Santos. Come on, I'm ready." I licked over the underside of his cock to encourage him.

"Yeah? You want me to fuck you?" I should have known he'd make me ask for it. Wasn't he even a little bit worried that I'd refuse to voice my need? I was sick of pretending I didn't want it.

"Yeah, I want you to fuck me. You want me to beg for it?" I let the edge of my teeth scrape over the rim of his crown before licking down the rest of the shaft.

He sucked in a sharp breath before saying, "Fuck. Easy there. I'll give you what you want." He pushed me over and got on his knees at the head of the bed. "They say it's easier the first time doggy-style. Get on your hands and knees." I scrambled up into position facing the foot of the bed.

He pushed more lube up into me before I heard him stroking it onto his cock. He brought his fingers back to my hole. "Relax, Danny. Keep it nice and loose for me," he said while he fingered me. I spread my legs more and straightened my arms as I arched my back down and took deep breaths.

I felt the blunt head of his cock between the cheeks of my ass and forced myself not to clench up. He rubbed the heat of it up and down my crack before pressing forward, right on target. Just when I thought he would move into me I heard a rattling noise.

"Fuck! Hold on, don't move." Santos sounded pissed and I looked over my shoulder where he was grabbing his cell as it rattled over the tabletop. Fucking figures, I thought. I waited while he checked it, letting out a grunt at whatever he'd seen. I noticed the box of condoms still sitting there, the unopened box. I leaned forward and rolled to a sitting position to stare at the box and make sure I wasn't mistaken.

"Nice, Bobby and Marco got in okay. That's four down, seventeen more to go. Gimme a second while I text Marco back." He sounded so nonchalant while I eyed his bare cock, swollen and dark, glistening with lube. Was he really going to fuck me without a condom? It felt like a blow to my gut and I started rationalizing; there must be a reason. Maybe he just forgot.

"Oh right, then. Where were we?" He smiled at me like nothing was wrong, ready to go again. My cock had fallen to half-mast and he noticed it, a curious tilt changing his grin.

"You're not wearing a condom." I still couldn't believe I'd been seconds away and hadn't realized it.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot. Do you care?" The way he asked me so offhandedly made me mad.

"Of course I fucking care. Jesus, what were you thinking?" I rolled off the bed and stood beside it. I picked up the box of condoms and threw it at him.

"Hey, chill out, Danny. It's not a big deal." He fumbled and finally caught the box. "I just figured you're clean, you know? Never been fucked, I know you don't shoot up `cause you don't have any tracks and I can tell you don't have much practice sucking cock. What's the big, man?"

"You did it on purpose. You were going to fuck me raw and it's not supposed to matter?" The realization had me backing up, putting more distance between us.

"Get back here, Danny." The edge of command in his voice only made my hackles raise more. "Quit being a fucking tease. You're getting fucked and we both know it. And for real? I'll wear a rubber or not if I want to. What are you going to do about it?"

"Wh-what?" The hysterical note in my voice was embarrassing but I was still in shock.

"Listen, kid, I told you I don't want to rape you. Come on?" He climbed off the bed and approached me, his arms out and his hands moving soothingly. "I told you I haven't been with a guy since prison. I don't have anything, I swear to God. I didn't think you'd care. Really." He put both hands on my shoulders and squeezed reassuringly. When he moved closer he told me, in a whispered breath, "Especially since we know who holds all the cards here."

And there it was like a knife in the gut. He did hold all the cards unless I was willing to blow my whole life and walk away. How had it come to this? The idea of getting fucked bareback scared the shit out of me. I mean it turned me on, in a way, but was I willing to risk my life for a stupid job? I was biting into my bottom lip so hard it was almost bleeding.

"Lighten up, kid. Do you think I'd risk my own neck if I didn't think it was safe? And the way you're reacting makes me think it's even safer." His hands were rubbing up and down my arms, placating me. "We're gonna do this my way," still in his soothing voice and I wondered if he thought I was falling for his bullshit.

"I know how to loosen you up," he said as he pulled me into him. Our chests pressed together and the next thing I knew his lips were pressed to mine. It took me a second to figure out that Santos was kissing me and before I could even process that his tongue swept over my lips and I opened to him automatically. He thrust his tongue into my mouth and rubbed his hard cock against my own softness. He wrapped his arms around me as he ran his tongue over my top teeth. He pulled back to nip at my bottom lip and let his hands slide down to my ass. He cupped each cheek and pressed my groin tighter to his.

The unexpectedness of his mouth on mine caught me utterly by surprise, even more the perfect taste of him. I think my brain went a little haywire because at that moment I felt like I could trust him. It made me feel like he really wanted me, not just a hole to fuck away the time while he was bored in a ghetto hotel room in Mexico. My cock grew rock hard against his and I let my arms wind under his and around his lower back.

He lifted me by his hold on my ass until just my toes touched the floor. He dragged me back towards the bed. When he stopped he let me go and spun me around easily, my body more than willing to do what he wanted. I faced the bed as he held my shoulder and urged me to bend forward.

"Get on your knees, Danny." His voice was rough and deep, making me feel even more powerless. I climbed onto the edge and got into position. He moved in close until his cock pressed into my crease and leaned over to press his chest against my back. He grabbed the tube of lube off the shitty comforter and rutted his dick against me. Tube in hand he straightened up and I heard the click of the tube opening.

"Spread your legs more." A shudder went up my back and I didn't even think of disobeying him. In a moment his wet cockhead was pressed into the pit of my entrance, unbelievably hot and thick. I remembered to relax and pushed out with my hole as he breached me.

The head popped into me and I cried out at the intensity of it, so much more than I could handle. I started to pull away but he held my hips and thrust into me without mercy. His big cock slid into me and filled me to bursting. I panted and let my head hang down as I tried to cope. If he'd just give me a fucking second, I thought. He didn't stop until I had him balls-deep, pressing against parts of me that ached from the invasion.

I thought he'd give me a minute to get used to it, to try and come to grips with how he stretched me open. Santos gave me exactly half a second before pulling out partway and thrusting back in. He gave me a full second after going deep and pulled out until the just the head was in me. He thrust again and the force rocked me forward. I dropped to my elbows and rested my head on my forearms as I pushed my ass towards him to try and balance against another hard plunge.

"Fuck you're tight." That statement came with another deep thrust. "Forgot how tight a guy could be, like putting my dick in a vice." He was breathing hard and his words came out in bursts that matched his fucking me. "You like it? Feel good yet?" I wasn't sure how to answer, the pain had lessened but I still felt too full. He held my hips and rode me harder while I tried to breathe.

After a few minutes he went deep and held. He ran his hands up my back and gripped the outside of my shoulders to pull me up. I straitened up but kept my back arched and my ass pointed out to him. His cock was firm inside me and the pressure of it changed as I moved until I felt it like a spear pointing up to my heart. He pressed his chest to my shoulder blades with one arm wrapped around me from my armpit up over my chest to my collarbone. His other hand he used to tilt my head back with a grip on my chin and jaw. He kissed me again, our lips sliding apart and finally connecting as we both adjusted position.

This time I gave him my tongue and he sucked at it while he ground his cock in me. I lifted my arms and put my hands on the back of his head to hold him in place while I felt out the humid interior of his mouth and his tongue stroked mine. All my fears, doubts and concerns fled in the mounting lust until I was completely lost in the moment, committed to this act in a way I would never have thought possible.

"Christ, Santos, fuck me." I needed more than the steady grind of his cock circling my insides. I pulled away from him and eased my hold at the base of his head. I went back to my hands on the bed as his hands ran down my sides to hold my flanks. I tried to fuck myself on his cock but he held me still and withdrew. I felt empty and instinctively clenched the muscles of my ass and was surprised at how weak and loose they felt.

"Get on your back, kid." I rolled over in frustration and pushed myself into the middle of the bed. I rested my heels on the comforter and let my legs drop open. I watched Santos watching me with half-lidded eyes while he slowly stroked his dark cock. I had the sudden realization that he was getting off on this as much as I was before I heard the rumble of his phone vibrating on the table.

"Jesus, just a second," he said. He wiped his slimy hand on the comforter and grabbed the phone, flipping it up. His thumb flew over the little keypad and he sat it back down while giving me a passionate stare. He climbed up onto the bed and positioned himself over me, his legs between mine and his arms holding him up. His cock rubbed over mine and I'd never been harder.

"Where were we?" One side of his mouth cocked up and I wrapped my legs around him. He lowered his chest to mine and tipped his head as our lips met. He licked at my lips and over the tip of my nose. He moved lower and bit playfully at my chin while he rested his weight on his right forearm. He used his left hand to pull my right leg higher against his side. I ran one hand over his back to his ass while I used the other to push his cock down and into position.

He moved into me and my mouth fell open, a long groan welling up out of my throat. It was still tight but felt good too, the stretch just on the edge of pain. I took him all the way in, tilting my hips up to meet his pelvis. We both groaned as I squeezed the base of his cock. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly, feeling the muscles in his back flex and torque as he moved in me. My eyes were tightly shut and I searched out his mouth with mine to press a wet kiss there.

He held himself deep and hammered me with short, hard strokes. I moaned and grunted out a litany of "yeahs" while he pressed his forehead against mine. His hands came up under my shoulders and he held me in place. The burning friction was setting my body on fire in a wave of sensation that started at my hole and spread outward. I spread my legs wider and rested my feet against the swell of his pumping ass.

He released his hold on me to drag my left leg up and pin it between us in a way I would've thought myself too inflexible for. It changed the angle of his penetration and his cock was riding hard over my prostate. Sounds came out of me that I'd never made during sex, never made ever, a sort of urgent, whiny whimpering. It spurred him on to fuck me harder. I felt the length of my chute churning and constricting around him. My cock rode the ridges of his abs with just a hint of the friction I needed.

"Shit, kid, you like that." It wasn't even a question since the answer was obvious. His lips pressed against mine and his tongue moved in me just like his cock. All the feelings, sensations – all the pleasure coalesced inside of me and came pouring out through my cock. I bucked and writhed against him as the orgasm overtook me and I fought to press my cock harder between our bodies. I felt the wet heat coating us and moaned into his mouth. Distantly I felt a matching heat flooding into my guts as his strokes stuttered and he hammered his last thrusts into me harder.

I tried to catch my breath after my brain started functioning again, my heart pounding in my chest. Santos eased off me and let my leg fall beside us. The muscles in my hip and thigh protested but it was a relief and I let my whole body go boneless. His big cock was still partially inside me as he pressed a small kiss against my lips. He rolled off me, disconnecting us, and lay beside me breathing hard. I felt the warm trickle of wetness creeping down my crease and ignored it. I just closed my eyes and relaxed, I must have fallen asleep.

Next: Chapter 3

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