Wannabe Gangsta

By Fluval Fluval

Published on Nov 23, 2022


Dwayne is an 18 year old white wannabe gangsta, he has a great body full of muscle, he acts tough but is a coward. He is wearing a white durag under a black backwards hat, a gold chain hanging low from his neck, he is shirtless wearing baggy basketball shorts with tight white boxers showing his whole bubble butt. His clothes are expensive, this puts a mark on him from the guys in the hood he is in. He is walking down the street with a Glock stuffed in his waistband, trying to look tough. With his body and this gun Dwayne thinks he totally safe, but he is wrong. Dwayne is bumping into people as he walks down the sidewalk, this is normal to him. Even on his five foot five inch frame his muscles make him big, with huge bouncing pecs and thick muscular arms, makes running into people normal. Having one hand on his crotch keeping his shorts from falling down makes him swagger when he walks. He is walking down the street with his chin up, his shoulders back and his chest puffed out. Dwayne is not paying attention to anything around him, he turns down a dark alley. He comes across three young Asian boys, they look to be around nine to twelve years old, hanging out behind an Asian restaurant. Dwyane makes sure to walk right towards them, puffing his chest out to look as big as possible.

"Yo, niggas, move." Dwayne demands, in his best hood imitation. The boys just lookup at him and laugh. The laugh gets louder when they see the gun in his waist.

"Wigger, wigger!" they chant, standing like Dwayne holding their crotch mocking him. This makes Dwayne angry, he isn't used to this kind of treatment, he is from a rich neighborhood, where just acting like a thug is enough to scare people. Dwayne stops and puts his free hand on his gun.

"I'll bust a cap in yo ass, yo." Dwayne threatens. The boys continue to laugh, they aren't scared of him, they think he is a fool, and he knows it. Dwayne pulls the gun out, holding it sideways and taking up his gangsta shooting stance. This causes the boys to erupt in howls of laughter.

"Stop laughin'!" Dwyane demands, he swings the gun at the closest boys' head. In an instant the boys jump into action, the closest boy easily dodges the hit and grabs Dwayne muscular arm, effortlessly knocking the gun out of Dwyane's hand. Another boy grabs Dwayne's other arm pulling it free from his crotch, causing Dwayne's oversized shorts to slip down slightly, and bends Dwayne's arm behind his back. The third boy grabs Dwyane's huge bouncing pecs, squeezing the older teens chest painfully. "Get the fuck off me, assholes!" Dwayne exclaims as he fights for his freedom. The boys laugh at Dwayne and the gurgling sound of his pain mixes with their laughter.

"Let go of me, motherfuckas!" Dwayne yells. The boys laugh even harder as the muscular teen is getting overpowered by elementary school kids. "Fuc.." Dwayne starts but is cut off when the kid holding his arm behind him pulls out a small pocket knife and holds it against Dwayne's neck."Yo, I'll give you whatever you want" Dwayne begs "don't hurt me." The boys just giggle with a sinister expression on their faces. One of the boys reach into Dwayne's baggy shorts and pull out a wad of cash, 800 dollars worth. "Yeah, take it, just let me go.." Dwayne pleads.

The boys push Dwayne down to his knees, with the boys being so young Dwayne is still taller then two of them. The boys release Dwayne's arms and begin to rub Dwayne's huge shirtless muscular body, they run their hands across Dwayne's washboard abs and huge pecs, the pinch his nipples and squeeze his giant muscular arms. Dwayne is terrified, he guesses the boys have never seen someone as muscular as him, and hopes once their satisfied looking at his body, they'll let him go. The rubbing feels weird to Dwayne, he can feel himself getting hard, even though he looks great and could have anyone he wanted, he is still a virgin! Dwayne is too scared to have sex, because of his tiny penis, measuring at only one inch long he doesn't want to be humiliated! Dwayne has to get out of here, this feels way wrong, he is trying to talk shit to these little punks but he can't form any words. Suddenly something makes his spine go rigid, making him gasp, the boys have all pulled their dicks out. The young boys all have similar dicks about 4 inches long, all longer then Dwayne, Dwayne blushes in embarrassment. "Yo.. what are you doin'," Dwayne asks dumbly. The kid with the knife holds it closer to Dwayne's neck, silencing the helpless thug. The other two boys pull Dwayne's arms up and force Dwayne's hands onto their dicks. Dwayne looks at them confused, he's never done anything like this and doesn't know what they want, the kid with the knife smacks Dwayne on the side of the head knocking Dwayne's hat so it's tilted on his head, looking even more like a gangsta now. The boys still holding his arms start guiding Dwayne's hand to jerk them off. Dwayne is horrified that these kids would force him to do such a thing.

"Hey... why yall doin' this?" Dwayne pleads. All the boys snicker loudly, playing with Dwayne's vulnerable position and embarrassing his manhood, the boys let go of his arms as Dwayne continues to jerk the boys off. The boy with the knife pulls Dwayne's handsome face roughly to the side, pushing his hard cock into Dwayne's face. Dwayne struggles and pushes the dick away from his face, leaving just the head pressing against his lips. Dwayne is trembling, the idea of having this kids dick shoved in his mouth disgusts him. The young attacker slaps Dwayne again knocking his hat off completely exposing the buff wigger's durag covered head, Dwayne lets out a gasp and the boy instantly grabs Dwyane's durag covered head and shoves his dick inside Dwayne's mouth. Dwayne couldn't help but gag as the dick filled his mouth, it tasted like dirt and urine, Dwayne stops rubbing the dicks of the other two boys causing them to call out, they slap Dwayne's jiggling pecs, causing tears to form in Dwayne's eye. The three youths continue their sexual assault onto his body, Dwayne closes his eyes hoping to keep the tears from falling, the kid with his dick in the muscular teen's mouth suddenly lets out a deep sigh, shooting cum into Dwayne's mouth. As the knife wielding youth hold his throbbing dick in Dwayne's mouth, the other two boys each shoot a small load onto the huge chest of the kneeling white gangsta. When the last two kids finish milking themselves, the knife wielder takes his glistening cock out of Dwayne's mouth as one of the other boys, the youngest one, picks up Dwayne's gun. The now gun toting boy puts it against Dwayne's durag head and giggles, "shoot wigger, kill wigger" he taunts.

Dwayne is terrified now, this nine year old kid is about to kill him. Dwayne feels a warm liquid pool around his muscular legs, Dwayne has pissed himself. The urine continues to pour out, staining Dwayne's tight white boxers, drenching his baggy shorts and ruining his three-hundred dollar Jordan basketball shoes. The boys laugh at the muscle thug kneeling in his own urine. Dwayne is crying now, tears running down his face mixing with the prepubescent cum. The boy with the knife runs the blade down Dwayne's muscular back stopping at the waistband of the piss soaked boxers. "Nigga..wha" Dwyane begins but freezes as the boy run the blade in-between the huge round globes Dwayne calls ass-cheeks. Dwayne tries to move but in an instant the knife wielder slashes open the back of Dwaynes' underwear, exposing the thick white ass. The boy with the knife runs the knife around Dwayne's asshole, teasing the white muscular boy, causing Dwayne to squirm in the urine flowing freely around his knees. The boys push Dwayne forward pushing his face into the ground and his ass into the air. The boy with the gun sits on Dwayne's back dropping his oozing dick onto Dwayne's durag covered head, he is rubbing his dick on the soft mesh leaving trails of precum, while keeping the gun pressed against the wigger. The other two boys are squeezing the huge round globes that are Dwayne's ass-cheeks. The knife wielder shoves his dick into Dwayne's ass, fucking the wannabe thugs virgin ass, Dwayne cries out "Yo..yo..yo.. please.." begging the boys to stop. The weaponless boy, the oldest looking around twelve years-old, slaps Dwayne's ass. "Bad boy, bad boy!" he mocks like talking to a child, with that he shoves his dick into the crying wigger's ass too. Dwayne is unable to talk, the young boys don't have big dicks around 5 inches each, but together they are stretching Dwayne's muscular virgin asshole. The oldest boy continues fucking Dwayne, and with that the other boys force Dwayne's legs up, making him crawl, bending his knees trying to keep his groin from rubbing on the dirty cement floor. The nine year-old, satisfied with his cum drawings hops off the crawling thug and stands infront of Dwayne pushing his dick into Dwayne's mouth. As the young attackers rapidly slam into his sore holes, Dwayne involuntarily flexes every muscle in his body, making him look huge and intimidating, but tightening his asshole and causing the boys to moan in pleasure. As Dwayne is being knocked back and forth, getting fuck on both ends, his slashed boxers fall off his body, leaving a pile of rags beneath and exposing his tiny one-inch long cock. All three boys stop suddenly and stare at the tiny member before erupting in laughter. They smile at Dwayne, as they hold their giant tool in one hand and squeeze his fat ass-cheeks in the other. After everyone has a good laugh, they resume fucking the helpless, crying wannabe gangsta, occasionally pointing at or smacking the minuscule dick. Dwayne screams in pain, and tries to crawl but is no match for their fat seven inch cocks. The boys repeatedly pull his ass-cheeks apart, occasionally squeezing his erect dick causing it to spasm uncontrollably. The boys have their hands wrapped around Dwayne's narrow waist and so his body jiggles when he gets hit. The boys laugh out loud, seeing this huge muscle white gangsta at their mercy. The boys start slapping and slapping his ass, Dwayne tries to pull his asscheeks away but it's no use. He screams in agony, as the boy with the gun pulls his dick out of Dwayne's mouth and sprays the handsome thug in the face with thick smelly cum. The boys assaulting Dwayne's ass both plunge deep into the muscular ass, both trying to get deepest as the shoot their loads in the virgin thugs ass. After a few spasms both boys have finished, they pull their leaking, blood covered dicks out of the older teen thug's ass which is a gapping mess of cum and blood. Dwyane reaches back towards his destroyed asshole and lets out a whimper, he stays in that position, with his face on the ground and his ruined ass in the air. The boy with the gun picks up Dwayne's black hat and giggles as he cleans his oozing dick off on it, the other two join in leaving streaks of cum and a small pool of cum in the middle, on the one-hundred dollar hat. The boys laugh out loud as they place the hat sideways on the wannabe gangsta's durag covered head, causing the pool of cum to cover Dwaynes' face as he sobs quietly. The boy with the gun then goes behind Dwayne and shoves the gun into the gangsta's expose asshole, the boy giggles as the muscular ass takes the gun all the way to the trigger. Dwayne screams in pain and begs the boy to take the gun out. The boy with the gun keeps pushing the gun into Dwayne's ass, eliciting the wannabe gangsta's anguished screams and pleas. Leaving the gun pushed as far into the gangsta's ass as it will go, the three young attackers stand over the sobbing muscular thug and at the same time a steady stream of urine starts from the each kid, spraying into Dwayne's gapping asshole, covering his tearful face and ruining his expensive clothes. The boys leave the bleeding, cum drenched, beaten up, and almost unrecognizable gangsta to recover from the beat down he received, they pull the stolen 800 dollars out splitting it between them and laugh loudly as they return to the Asian restaurant.

Dwayne remains where he is, feeling humiliated and ashamed, as Dwayne starts to get up the gun falls out of his gapping ass with a wet plop, the gun is covered in cum, blood and, piss, without the gun plugging his hole, cum begins to leak out and down Dwayne's muscular legs. As Dwayne stands up completely his oversized basketball shorts fall down, soaked in urine and without any underwear, the baggy shorts won't stay up unless Dwayne holds them. Dwayne grabs his gun and stuffs it in the front of the shorts holding them high to keep his tiny cock covered, but this leaves his red and puffy ass exposed. Dwayne uses the rags of his torn boxers to try to wipe the cum from his muscular body, but not much is removed. As Dwayne leaves the alley, he looks around trying to avoid running into anyone, Dwayne is walking with a swagger, not because he is trying to be a thug, but because every time he stretches his sore ass he feels pain. Dwayne narrowly avoids being seen by some kids from his school, but makes it back to his house, where he lives with his rich parents. Dwayne's parents are away on a vacation without him, Dwayne is an embarrassment to his upper-class family with his gangsta persona, they avoid seeing him. As Dwayne enters the house and closes the door a huge black pitbull charges up to the cum covered wigga, Fiddy, Dwayne named the 120-pound pitbull after a rapper Dwayne admires. "Fuck off, nigga" Dwayne mumbles, ashamed having his dog see and smell him like this, Dwayne pushes pass the confused dog and heads to the shower, holding a hand near his gapping asshole, keeping blood and cum from spilling onto the polished floor. Dwayne strips off the ruined outfit, seeing the stains and dry cum, Dwayne leaves the clothes in a pile as he gingerly steps into the spacious shower, yelping when the hot water stings his sore, muscular body. Dwayne spends a long time in the shower, cleaning off any signs of the assault, washing his mouth and cleaning the cum from his leaking ass. The attack has Dwayne questioning his manhood, and with Dwayne having a tiny one-inch dick, the way Dwayne expresses his manhood is with his massive muscles. Dwayne admires himself in the mirror, flexing his massives biceps and running his hands over his chiseled eightpack abs. Dwayne decides to go to the gym for a workout, people usually stare at him as he worksout, lifting more weight then anyone else. Dwayne gets dress, putting a red durag and hat on, an oversized "Jordan" Bulls basketball jersey, huge baggy black basketball shorts still below Dwayne's thick ass leaving his tight red boxers exposed, and a set of black and red Air Jordan 4s on his feet. Another effort to show off, the outfit cost over five-hundred dollars. Dwayne drops the dirty clothes in the trash, already buying replacements online. Dwayne swagger walks though his parent's mansion, regaining his confindence, ignores Fiddy, as Dwayne pushes pass the panting dog and steps outside.

Next: Chapter 2

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