Warlock Journals

By Kryton Ex

Published on Feb 16, 2003


Disclaimer: This story contains sex between two consenting male teens. If this offends or upsets you in any way, please stop reading now. I love input, feel free to email me.

The Warlock Journals

Chapter 2: Fallen Angel

March 14, 2000

Sorry I have been neglecting my journal. I can't believe I just apologized to a book. I have just been too busy. Brad is exhausting; we are together almost every moment of every day. After he realized being in love with me did not change his life as much as he thought it would, he totally gave himself over to our relationship. The only problem is I on the other hand never imagined my life would change so much being in a relationship. I thought I knew everything about Brad considering I spent a year dreaming about being with him. But there were a few things I did not know. First of all, he is very clingy. If I am not with him, I am sleeping, that is it, I don't even get to hang with Evan and I live with him! Secondly, he repeats stories. He will tell me the same story about something he did in third grade at least once a week. At first I would tell him that he had already told me a story when he began repeating one I heard, but since he always does it, I have given up. I just pretend like I never heard it before.

But it's not all bad. The sex is great, rough and dirty, but I like that, not that I have anything to compare it to. Like last night, we were in his room studying. I was laying on his bed reading and he was on his computer. I knew he was up to something when he sat on the bed. I pretended not to notice and continued reading my book. I love playing those games. Then he starts rubbing his crotch. Clever, but I don't break that easily, I kept reading. Then he begins unzipping his fly. "Wow, what a fascinating book this is," I say as I turn the page and continue on. Then he pulls off his pants and underwear. I stop reading, but I pretend like I still am. Brad then reaches around, pulls off my pants and underwear exposing my ass. At that point, I turned around and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I want to fuck you." Brad answered.

He gets this intense look in his eyes when he wants to have sex. "Oh." I said and pretended to read again. He grabbed me by my legs and pulled me back until I was bent over the bed. Thanks to experimentation we had discovered the secret of lube soon after the first time we had sex. He lubed himself and my ass up. I was too far from my book to reach it. Then he shoved his entire nine inches inside me and began thrusting before I could even get used to him inside me. I had become quite accustomed to this and had learned to surrender my entire body to his desires. Now my body was loving every minute of this, but my mind was feeling kind of used. I of course told my mind to shut the hell up, I am trying to be fucked over here. I know he loves me, I made him love me, but sometimes I still feel used, no matter how hard I try not to. Brad finally came. He wiped himself off on his underwear, put his pants back on and went back to his homework. I headed to the bathroom to shower.

March 16, 2000

I met the most beautiful boy today. It was a completely normal day at school; I was sitting at lunch listening to Evan talk about his home. His stories might be all lies but at least they are original. Then something made me turn my head. I had no reason to look out the window at that moment, but I did, I just had this funny feeling that something would be there. That is when I saw him; blond haired boy, about my age, sitting on the school statue, eating alone. He reminded me of myself before I found out I was a warlock. He looked so sad, I felt compelled to make that beautiful face smile. I excused myself from the table and headed outside.

"You can come eat with me and my friends if you like."

When I spoke, he jumped, he seemed so fragile. "Sorry, I didn't realize anyone was out here."

I extended my hand, "Hi, I am Parker Caligo."

"Julian. Julian Lucis."

As he looked up to shake my hand I got my first look at his eyes. One was blue and the other was green. I sat down next to him and he offered me half his sandwich. It was peanut butter and jelly with the ends cut off.

"So Julian, why are you eating out here alone?"

"I don't go to school here. I will in the fall, but I just moved here and I don't know anyone. My parents go to work during the day and I get lonely. So I figured I might meet some kids my age if I hung out in front of the school, I have nothing better to do."

"How old are you?"


"Cool, my brother and I are sixteen too."

"You're twins?"

"Not exactly, it's a long story. I am sure Evan would be happy to tell you some version of it. You should hang out with us."

"Okay, when?"

"Um.how about tonight? We can go to the mall or something. Here is my phone number and address."

I gave him my info and as he was writing down his for me, Brad came out.

"Who is this?" Brad asked.

"This is Julian, my friend." I answered, smiling at Julian. He shyly smiled back as he handed me his info.

"What's this?" Brad asked snatching the paper out of my hand. "You two trading numbers?"

"Mind your business." I answered snatching the paper back. "I will call you later." I told Julian who had already grabbed his stuff and was sneaking away.

Brad and I continued fighting until lunch was over. Then we just stopped speaking for the rest of the day.

When I got home I called Julian and made plans to pick him up and take him to the mall. Evan was his usual charming self as he talked to Julian on the phone. I wanted to kill him; I wanted Julian to like him, just not more than me. Just as Evan and I were about to go pick up Julian, Brad showed up at my door. I took him upstairs to my room because I didn't want mom to hear up fight. Mom didn't really like Brad, and this would have just made things worst.

After thirty minutes of me going, "Why can't I have friends?" and him going, "If he is just a friend, why can't I come to the mall too?" I finally got frustrated and said.

"I don't know why you are being such a prick; you aren't even really in love with me. I just cast a stupid spell on you!"

He looked at me very confused, so I continued on. "I am a warlock and you are an idiot who doesn't even know love from mind control."

Fear and disbelief crossed his face, "No....you..aren't.you are lying!"

"Really?" I asked as I picked up a pencil, threw it in the air and set it on fire.

Brad totally freaked out and ran out my house screaming. I figured that would take care of him for a couple days. I walked downstairs and told Evan I was ready. He tossed me his keys and told me he forgot he had a paper and needed to work on it tonight. I shrugged and headed out to get Julian.

Julian lived in a really big house with a white cast iron fence. His parents were really nice to me. I got this odd feeling when I first met them. I thought they would not like me, but they did. We had tons of fun at the mall. We ate, saw a movie and did some shopping. When we got to my place Evan wasn't there. I wanted to ask him how he has a paper to write and I don't when we are in the same English class. But I haven't seen him yet tonight.

My mom and Julian got alone perfectly. Within an hour he was calling her mother! I thought that was kind of cool, Evan calls my mom Amanda. He even volunteered us to cook dinner. I can't cook at all but Julian convinced me that tacos were not beyond my abilities. Julian was going to do all the actual cooking and my job was to cut up the tomatoes and lettuce. I thought I could do that, but I somehow managed to cut myself. I swear the bloody knife jumped up and attacked me! Julian ran to my rescue. He took and handkerchief out of his pocket and wrapped it around my finger. There was something so erotic about his holding my hand like that; I think he felt it too. Julian, my sexy little nurse. Well, we somehow made it through dinner.

After eating Julian announced that he needed to go home. When we got to the front porch he said that he wanted to walk home. I was surprised because he lived two miles away, but I didn't argue with him. If he wanted to walk, I planned on letting him walk. As soon as I said goodnight he kissed me. It was on the lips but it was so quick I wasn't even sure it happened. He was off the porch before the shock had even worn off. He wasn't running, but he was moving quickly and very gracefully. So his speed looked perfectly natural for him, even though it wouldn't have looked normal for someone else to walk that fast. It was kind of like watching an elf. He disappeared in the darkness moments later so I went back in the house. All I can think about is him. I hope he calls me tomorrow.

March 17, 2000

Brad is dead. Evan killed him. That is not true, I killed him. I knew the rules. I knew what happens when a mortal finds out about us. They have to die. I can't believe I told Brad what I was just to get rid of him. I guess I got rid of him more permanently than I could have ever imagined. When Evan arrived home last night, I knew something was wrong, I saw it on his face. But I had an idea what it was, so I didn't ask, I didn't say anything. Then an hour later I got a call from Brad's mom. She was in tears as she explained to me that Brad had been in an accident and was dead. I was crying too, it seemed like the thing to do, I had never lost anyone close to me. But honestly I was relieved to be free of him.

I went into Evans room, tears running down my cheeks. I slammed open his door and screamed, "How could you?"

He looked up from his novel and calmly replied, "I didn't, you did."

I might have black outs and I might not be able to remember past lives but I was quite sure I did not kill my boyfriend. "What? No I didn't" I argued.

This time I sensed some anger in his voice when he replied, "Oh, you may have left the dirty work up to me, but you did it. You knew exactly what would happen when you told him and you did it anyway. Now you come in here on your moral high horse. I have known you all my life Parker Caligo and I am not half the monster you are."

I knew he was right. I did not remember any of the details but I knew he was right. I got this feeling that I had done things that made Evan shake his head in disapproval because they were so evil. Evan was that beautiful kind of darkness, the kind you fall in love with and forever give up the light, but I was different. I was the ugliness in which true monsters were formed. How dare I come in here screaming at him for making Brad veer off the road? I had set the whole thing up and had not even done it consciously. And in all honestly my tears were fake, I didn't really care. I could not make myself care. I was defeated. I bowed my head and left Evan to his book.

March 18, 2000

This morning Julian called me. I told him about Brad and he insisted on coming over to console me. We just sat on the couch in the living room talking. It was so comforting, his voice was soft and peaceful and I longed for him. No, I longed to be him, to be that sweet and kind and to have a smile that moves souls, that would be true power. I saw Evan walking by and I asked him to join us in the living room. He sat on the floor in front of us. It being a Saturday, we all just sat around talking about life until mom called us to the kitchen for lunch.

The four of us at the table together: eating, chatting, laughing, it felt so right. Julian made us even more like a family. We spent the rest of the day playing Spades; it was my mom's idea, Julian and I against Evan and mom. We beat the crap out of my mom and Evan, Julian was a wiz at Spades, he knew exactly how much to bid and it was like he knew what I was gonna play before I even knew. Finally, Mom and Evan got tired of being beaten and left Julian and I alone while they went shopping. We were invited but I was in total lounge mode and so was Julian.

We went up to my room and laid on the bed. He put his head on my arm and draped his arm across my chest. It seemed perfectly normal for him to be so close to me even though we had just met. I didn't even wonder if he was gay or not, but if I had to guess I would have assumed he was, straight guys don't cuddle with other guys (well at least if no one has cast a love spell on them). Plus, this did not feel sexual, we were just.together. We of course fell asleep in this position, we were awaken by my mom calling us to dinner. At the table Julian and I began playing footsie. This was sexual, his foot crept my leg and began massaging my hard on. It was a damn long dinner, trying not to moan in front of my mom. After dinner I made some excuse to drag Julian back up to my room.

"That was mean." I told him.

He just laughed that angelic laugh of his.

"Now what am I gonna do about this?" I asked pointing at my hard on.

He shrugged. "Beats me, best of luck though." He made a move for the door and I wrestled him to the bed.

"Oh, no you don't. You got me into this mess, you are gonna get me out of it." He again began laughing as he tried to get from underneath me on the bed. I finally let him get free. He kissed me on the lips. This time for three whole seconds, so I was at least sure it had happened. He held his head inches from mine, looking deep into my eyes, we stayed like that for a moment.

Then he spoke. "I should go." He quietly said. Before I could object, his elflike agility had already taken him out of my room and out of my sight. I wonder how he does that.

April 22, 2000

My only love sprung from my only hate! Yes as clich‚d as it sounds it is true. I have fallen for a Montague. But hey, my future self might not get the Romeo and Juliet reference so let me explain my utter idiocy. Julian and I have spent almost every day together. Every day we came closer to making love and last night we finally did. We spent the day at the arcade with Evan and some of my other friends. Then we came home and climbed into bed. We were cuddled up watching the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Well after they consummate their marriage Julian had me turn off the movie. I asked him why and he told me that he only liked the story up to that part. The ending was too sad and he liked happy endings. We were watching it because it was his favorite movie. Meaning he never watched his favorite movie to the end.

"I never finish the book either, I read up to that part then I quit and start again."

I laughed. "That is just weird."

He looked at me very seriously, "I like to think that love cannot cause so much pain and I refuse to let anyone or anything tell me differently."

"I guess that is what I love about you." I said as I kissed him on the lips. It was quick and gentle, the same kiss we had exchanged a thousand times.

Then he gave me that look again, the one that goes right past my eyes and straight to my soul. He kissed me so passionately I knew we were past the point of no return. We were going to make love and nothing was going to stop us. Because of this certainty we did not rush at all. We slowly undressed one another like unwrapping a gift so special you want to save the paper it came in. We explored each other with our mouths, taking turns kissing and nibbling every part of each other's body. It was like time had stopped.

I took Julian into my mouth, which was something I had not done with a guy before (there was a lack of intimacy in my relationship with Brad). I wanted to taste every part of him and he cock felt so good in my mouth. Hard, yet soft at the same time, I played with it with my tongue and my lips. I wasn't trying to make him cum; I was trying to memorize how it felt to have him in my mouth. I was learning exactly what he liked by watching how he reacted to everything I did. When I felt he was getting close I stopped what I was doing and went back to kissing him.

I felt his legs wrapping around my waist and I knew he wanted me to fuck him. My dick was covered in precum and I had no trouble sliding in. We quickly found a rhythm, long slow strokes. I felt so powerful with his small, gentle frame beneath me. Nothing made me happier than watching him wriggle from the pleasure I was giving him. Well, there was one thing making me happier, the feeling of his tight ass wrapped around my cock. My pace did not quicken when I felt myself coming, but my thrust did get harder and my beloved began to moan louder as I came inside him. I collapsed on top of him totally spent and in complete bliss. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. Even though I was softening I could not bare the thought of pulling out. Our love had been consummated and I wanted this night to last forever. But morning came, it always does.

I awoke alone, but my sweet Julian was not far away. He was sitting at my window staring out of it. He looked so natural and so beautiful, like he should in a painting. Oh, how I wish I was a painter, I would immortalize him. When he realized I was awake he looked at me and smiled, but it was a strained smile. I got out of bed, put on my glasses and sat on my window still across from him. What an image we must have made, both naked, totally unaware of each others nakedness and me in nothing but glasses.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

"I'm in love with you." He replied.

I thought we had figured that out weeks ago. I wasn't quite sure what to say, so I said nothing. I wish I had said something because then maybe he wouldn't have continued and I would not be so miserable.

"We knew you would love me. We looked into your heart and knew exactly what you would want. That is why they sent me. But I was not expecting to fall in love with you."

Having no idea what the hell he was talking about, I said, "Huh?"

He sighed. "Don't you get it Parker? I am a keeper! More specifically, the keeper that was sent to kill you!"

My mouth was agape. How could this precious angel kill me? He couldn't hurt anything if he tried.

He continued as if he knew what I was thinking. "I was supposed to get some of your blood. I didn't think it would be as easy as it was. Most harbingers are careful about not losing any blood, but you just let me take the handkerchief with your blood on it. I guess it was harder than I thought. I fell in love with you that very night and never told them I had your blood. I told myself that I just wanted to spend some more time with you, but now I know, I can't let them destroy you."

I was so confused. I barely knew what all this meant. But I had a distinct feeling it meant that Julian and I could not be together. Evan would probably drive him off the road too if he knew who Julian was.

"I need to go," Julian said as he got up to get his clothes. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say or what to do.

I finally managed to mumble. "Will you be back?"

He looked at me with a sorrowful expression, "I hope not, because if I do return I have come to help kill you. Hopefully, I can convince my family you are not a threat. But after what you did to my cousins I doubt they will listen."

At that moment, it hit me, exactly what happened during my blackout. They were hunting me. His cousins sensed who I was and were following me to kill me. I knew they were behind me and I lead them into a dark place, turning them into prey. As they searched the shadows for me I pounced on them as a giant werewolf type creature (now I know what the overcoat does). I ripped them apart, making sure not to rip out anything vital at first so they would suffer as long as possible. I remembered how much fun it was making them scream, how sweet their blood tasted, how powerful I felt. Killing them was a lot like making love to Julian. As the memory flashed across my mind a smile found its way across my lips.

Julian, who was still reading my every thought, fell back at seeing almost first hand what had happened to his kin and how I had no regrets about it either. He ran out and I chased after him but he was gone. So I came back to my journal, afraid and lost. I wonder if I should tell Evan about Julian.

To be continued.

Please send suggestions and comments to KrytonEx@hotmail.com

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