
By moc.tenretnitb@96relletyrots

Published on Apr 20, 2015


Watersport 6

Those of you whose brains are switched on will have noticed that Watersport 5 isn't posted here. That's because it contains not just inter-generational naughtiness but inter-species naughtiness as well. And the guys at nifty have decreed that it must therefore be posted under "Bestiality" - so let your fingers do the wanking - no, sorry, walking - and look there for Watersport 5.

Meanwhile, back in the world of man/boy sex ...

Suddenly Lee felt a warm sensation - Paul was pissing down his back. Paul paused the CD. There was more to do with Lee and the dog could wait .....

"That was the horniest thing I've ever seen," said Lee. "I had no idea that dogs were like that. It's made me stiff again, and you pissing on me makes me stiffer still. And doing it on your bed is even more wicked - I like that."

Paul takes over the story again:

"I keep a waterproof sheet on, so the mattress doesn't get wet. But even better it this, look." I reached under the bed and pulled out a folded-up kids' inflatable paddling pool. With the electric motor it was fully inflated in 2 minutes. As it was about 7 feet by 4 there was plenty of room for both of us (in fact I've had three boys in it as well as me, but that's another story). "If we both get in then either of us can piss without warning, and that's also pretty exciting - will it be on my face, or on my cock, or in my mouth? who knows? Like the idea?" "You bet," replied Lee, "but I need to fill up with lots to drink first." "Indeed you do, and so do I, so let's get dried and dressed and go out for something." "But you pissed on my back." "So? If it starts to smell, won't that be a turn-on too? Anyway it won't smell for half an hour or more - it was pretty weak piss. I don't want to have really strong piss as it can be a turn-off for a beginner." "What do you mean, beginner Paul? I've been into piss for years." "But only your own, and with a few lads. Strong man's piss can be pretty powerful." I could see Lee digesting this information, and I guessed he'd be asking for a strong sample soon enough.

We dressed and went out to McDonald's. The food isn't up to much but there's usually some cute boys eating there. It was there where I met a really luscious 14-year-old a few years back - Roger - remind me to tell you about him one day. Anyway, today there wasn't anyone else there so we were able to choose a bench seat near the bogs - usually the last place anyone wanted to sit, but the best place for eye contact with any jail-bait who might be interested in a little extra in the bog. Force of habit on my part - after all, my little chum is already well and truly hooked (although come to think of it, he hooked me). We ordered our burgers and since there was no other customer we chatted to the lad at the till. His name badge said he was Jack; he was about 17, slight with dark hair and a nice smile. He smiled his smile, like they're trained to do. "Hello Jack," said Lee, "do you?" "Do what?" asked Jack, and moments later a blush rose from his neck as he worked it out. "Got you," grinned Lee. Jack turned away to collect our burgers and drinks. "I'll bring them to your table," he said, "with no-one else here you might as well have" (and he paused) "waiter service."

This could be interesting, I thought, he's read the situation pretty accurately, sizing up a 14-year-old and a man not old enough to be his father. And if he's offering "waiter service" in McDonald's then he's probably gay himself and not averse to boys either. When the burgers came I asked him directly "when do you finish?" knowing that if I was wrong about his interest in us his reply would make that clear. "Four," he replied. It was now just after midday. "Do you have anywhere you have to be when you" (and this time I paused) "get off?" "Only somewhere nice. Are you offering?" Nothing like a direct approach, I thought. "We'll probably be hungry again by then, how about we come back at quarter to four and drink lots of coke. Then we can see what happens," suggested Lee, his eyes looking straight into Jack's, "Coke does funny things." And he licked his lips. Jack blushed again - I found this very attractive; indeed Jack was very attractive himself. I'm not normally on the look-out for 17-year-olds as they're generally past their fuck-by date, but in a threesome I'm not going to turn him away. Besides, watching 14 and 17 getting their act together would be interesting. "OK," said Jack, "I'll be waiting." Needing to have the last word Jack said "We won't be GOING anywhere." There was a distinct bulge in Jack's jeans by now.


Another customer came in now - middle-aged man, no interest - and we wolfed our burgers. There was no way Lee would not be "going" in the next 4 hours, but I would make sure that he was pretty full in the bladder department by 4 o'clock. But that was nearly 4 hours away - plenty of time for rest and recreation (although the creating liquids I planned to unleash wouldn't find anywhere to land productively).


We drove home, his hand on my bulge all the time. When we got there I undressed him, sniffing the now quite strong smell of my piss on his back. I licked him down: he shuddered. I licked right down his crack: he shuddered some more and bent over, parting his legs. I licked his rosebud - so filthy with his shit and our piss only a couple of hours ago. Keeping my tongue on his hole I squeezed between his legs and, kneeling, licked along his perineum: he shuddered again. His cock was now flying a full mast. I took his sac into my mouth and gently rolled his juice-makers on my tongue@ he gasped. He held my head, showing the urgency of his need. Without a word I took his cock in my mouth and rolled his foreskin back with my lips: he cried out. I started to lick along the underneath of his cock and sucked the exposed tip each time. Then onto him again: lick, suck, lick, suck, lick, suck: he tightened every muscle. I pushed a wet finger into his arse: he yelled: he came and came and came and came. Four good spurts, all sweet and tasty. Ah, boy!


And we climbed into the pool to rest and ... well, let's see what happens in Watersport 7.

Feedback welcome, chaps on this and the doggy chapter, at storyteller69@btinternet.com


Next: Chapter 6

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