Wayha the Wolf

By dan conlon

Published on Jul 29, 2017


Wayha the wolf

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Daniel Indian name is "Nadleeh one of two spirits" Wayha Cherokee Warrior "The Wolf" Alice captured by the Cherokee when she was young " Adsila the blossom"

This is a story of the America Indian belief in that someone can be part woman and man having two spirit.

It's a hot day already in the early morning, the smell of live stock was so overwhelming, we have made it to St. Joseph Northwestern Missouri to start our wagon trip to California, it is the spring of 1870. My father had decided that we should make this trip over a year ago beginning our journey from Boston to start a new life in the west leaving the small store and our comfortable life behind. My father had decided he could make his fortunes selling goods to the miners who needed them to work the gold mines.

My name is Daniel I just turned sixteen born to Irish parents I am 5'7 130 pound with blue eyes and blondish red hair with a pale soft hairless body, people always thought I was younger than my age which didn't bother me. I didn't want to go west I was content in Boston I had a few really close friends and enjoyed going to school then playing in the streets of Boston. The problem was my father was set on the idea of going to California and opening a store, "we will be rich" he would say.

Mom is a kind gentle woman hard working Irish who my father finally convinced it was the right move, of course she told him he was crazy but in the end she didn't say no, it was her place to be beside her man no matter what crazy idea he had. On the other hand it was me who complained until one day I got a back hand and was told to stop being such a little girl. The fact is I always wished I was born a girl and not a boy I didn't like all the things boys had to do and would of loved to wear pretty things and play with dolls when no one was looking like all the other girls did. I couldn't tell anyone my secret already some of the other boy's made fun of me. Mother would say to me that they were jealous, I knew that it was because I was different.

The trip to St. Joseph had taken us 3 months of misery just to get to the staring off point were we would join a wagon train, the town was filled with people looking to go west. St. Joseph was dirty hot, filled with people who wanted to make money off of the other people that where like us going west.The people going west were full of dreams of what was to be the riches of California and are easy prey for thief's.

I had gone with my Father to meet the wagon master he was a rugged man with a full beard who seem angry at everything, always yelling order spitting his tobaco chew on the ground. The wagon master was making sure everyone got into their places in the line of about 25 wagons. He also making sure we knew what are responsibilities are while on the trail, how the wagons would be loaded and what type of dangers could be in stored for us. His scout Jake was a younger version of the wagon master unlike the wagon master he had a nice smile was rugged and handsome, I couldn't take my eyes off of him the whole time until he looked at me and ask me.

"How you doing little man" I then felt like a little kid and barely answered.

"Fine" was all I said lowering my head hoping he didn't know why I was looking at him the way I did, deep down I knew he knew my secret.

I couldn't sleep at all that night the town was so noisy all the men were all making sure the that all the supplies they needed were packed and the wagons were ready. We had two wagons one for the supplies my father had bought for the store, one filled with the family goods tethered together, leaving barely any room for us in the wagons.

When morning came everybody was busy, they were finishing packing hooking up the mules or oxen making sure everything was tied down in the wagons. It was my job to make sure our oxen were hooked up right, this was all still new to me and I was still a little afraid of them, they were huge but gentle creatures still the size of the intimated me. Before I knew it we had started off full of anticipation of our new life little did I know how my life would change.

It didn't take long before we learned just how hard this trip was going to be, the days were long, something always was going wrong broken wheels or stuck wagons. It had been 3 month on the trail and we had just made it to Wyoming the plains were behind us and we started to enter a more mountainous region.

We had started to see the first sightings of Indians, you would see them on the hills looking down at us they were Cherokee the wagon master told us and they wouldn't bother us if we kept moving. They never came down like some of the tribes before to trade they would just look down at us. There would be one or two braves for a few minutes and then then they would disappear. I couldn't help staring at them wondering what they thought of us intruding on their land. The wagon master told all of us children that they were Cheyenne Indians and they mostly kept to themselves, we needed to stay close to the wagon and not wonder off. I did notice now we would posting guards out every night something we didn't do before. I had read all about Indians in Boston but they didn't seem like the one's they wrote about in the books, it seem to me they just wanted to be left alone.

We had stopped one afternoon when one of the wagons in the train broke an axle and it would take a few hours to fix it. The break was welcome I decided to go up on one of the hills away from everyone to see if I could be alone for a while. We were not to leave the camp but no one would miss me for a while and I really wanted to jerk off thinking about Jake the hot scout, he had become the fantasy of my fare to infrequent masturbation sessions.

When I found a secluded spot I laid down on my back and pulled my pants down over my ass and started to stroke my little 4 inch cock. I was lost in the thought that Jake was with me kissing me I would think about his hard body and big cock, I really didn't know what to do with it I had heard boys in Boston talk about guys who had sex with guys and take it in the ass but I really had no idea of what it all was about I just knew I wanted to be with a man not a girl in my head.

The last thing I remember was that I was about to cum when I felt someone grab me and everything went black. The next thing I remember was waking up looking down as the ground as it passed by, it took me a while to realize I was on the back of a horse with my hands and feet tied laying over the horse like a sack. Crying out and kicking around didn't seem to change anything the horse just kept walking along. When I finally decided that yelling and trying to get loose wasn't going to work I just watched the ground go by till I passed out again. The next time I awoke up I was off the back of the pack horse and had my hands tied with a strap that was tied to a tree, my feet were no longer bound so I tried to pull myself free but all it did was make the leather straps tighter.

I figured we must of gone threw the night, I didn't know where or whom ever took me was, so I sat down and started to weep. Why did I leave the wagon train, my parents must be worried sick about me, how will they find me, what will happen to me. When I looked up there was a Indian brave standing in front of me, holding a rabbit looking at me with dark cold black eyes that scared me right away. He went and sat down took his knife out and started to skin the rabbit, I wondered if he would kill or even worse scalp me like I read in the books.

I figured he was 5'10 180 pounds of muscle with long dark shinny hair he had a scare on his right cheek. I would of guessed he was in his early 20's it was hard to tell. He wore a necklace of some type of teeth and once again thought maybe mine would be soon be added. He had a leather vest that was open showing his muscled chest, a hard tight stomach. He wore leather pants and moccasins a belt that held his knife and a rifle in his hand, he had leather band around his forehead keeping his shinny black hair from his cold eyes, he frighten me so I pushed back as fare as I could.

He didn't speak a word as he went about starting a fire, getting the rabbit on a stick then squatting on his knees cooked the rabbit never looking at me. His movements were different than anyone else I had ever met, he seemed to be at ease but always alert. I finally asked him.

"What are you going to do with me let me go let me go, what do you want please let me go."

He looked at me not saying anything but handed me a piece of rabbit. I quickly ate the rabbit and asked him to let me go again but all he did was stare at me. When we finished eating he packed up the horses and put out the fire. I thought he was going to tie me over the horse again but he picked me up so I was at least sitting on the pack horse my hands still tied but it was sure better than being tied like a sack of grain tossed over the back of a horse. I couldn't take my eyes off of him his body was so strong his flowing hair, how his strong legs hugged the horse torso. I started to feel aroused I couldn't help it, then I remembered he saw me jacking off on the hill he must of watched me until he knock me out. I decided the best thing I could do was what ever he wanted if I wanted to stay alive, so far he hadn't beat me in fact he feed me maybe he thought I was lost and didn't know I was with the wagon train.

When night came he lit a small fire and we ate some type of grain and nuts that he had it was sweetened with honey I thought is was really good and nodded my head thanking him. If I was ever to get away I knew I would have to do what even he asked I knew that. When night came he laid down and covered himself in a blanket laying on a bed of needle from the pines. I laid against the side of a tree and started to shiver then he got up untied me from the tree and pointed to were he was laying. I could tell he wanted me to lay down in the bed he made for himself.

He said nothing but I could tell what he wanted me to take his bed I couldn't help but to feel grateful. I laid down and he laid down next to me not daring to move as he pulled me close to him holding me from behind his strong arm over me, then he pulled me into his body I could feel how warm his body was it comforted me. I could feel his breath on the top of my head as he help me tight to his body. I actually felt safe for the first time since he took me he wasn't going to hurt me in fact it seemed he actually cared for me. I was wrapped in his body he was keeping me warm cold from the cold out, no one had ever held me like this before he was cradling my body into his it felt so comforting.

I don't know why but I pushed my bum closer into his body, then stayed perfectly still after a minute I felt him move his hips into me not daring to move I could feel his cock grow against my bum. I didn't try to move away it felt nice, I noticed my cock also started to get hard. Then for some reason I stared to push back into him, he moved his hand over the top of my cock feeling that I was hard he held me. As soon as this started it stopped, moving his hand off my cock he laid still, I pushed back on him a few more times but he didn't move so I stop moving and soon fell asleep.

When I woke he had already pack the horses and was looking at me, then came over took his knife out, for a second I thought he was going to kill me but he just cut the leather strap from around my wrists. Standing there I watched as he tossed his blanket over his horse and jump on, in one movement reaching his hand out he pulled me up onto his horse behind him. The next thing I knew I had my arms around his waist and the we started off in a slow gallop I could feel his muscle stomach as I hugged him around the waist.

I fingered he wanted me on his horse because he could go faster to get away from the wagon train he must of known they would be looking for me. I held onto him feeling his hard stomach his skin was not soft like mine, it felt more like a piece of soft warn leather. I figured it was from years of being exposed to the sun and winter it really didn't matter why I just liked the way it felt. We rode in a gallop my body bouncing against his back my face in his shoulder I could see the hard lines of his face, the way he scanned around and was always alert.

It was getting near evening when we went over a knoll and out of what seemed out of nowhere suddenly there was about were 15 huts. I could smell the smoke rising from the fires meats cooking, looking around I figured there was about 30 or 40 people in the village. When we entered the camp everyone stopped and look at us then went back to whatever they were doing like I wasn't even there. I squeezed him tight scared of what might happen to me, would they kill me now. All I knew is I was scared and didn't want to let go of the brave that had taken me to begin with. He stopped his horse swung his leg over the horses head and was off the horse, then he pulled me off the horse grabbing me by the arm he led me into it a hut and closed the flap behind him leaving me alone.

It was lighter in the hut than I thought a opening in the top that let light in plus to let the smoke of the fire out. On one side it was covered in furs the other side dirt, I figured the furs were his bed and that I should sit on the other side and wait for what would happen next. I was there for what seemed like hours I could here men talking sometime loudly sometimes laughing. Finally the flap opened and someone came in to the hut, it was a squaw who looked at me from head to toe and spit on the floor. I could tell right off this wasn't going to be good but when I looked closely at her I noticed she had blue eyes, she was dark from being in the sun but she was a white girl and she look to be in her late teens.

"Who are you what are they going to do to me" I asked hoping she spoke English, she just looked at me and left the hut. In a few minutes she return with a cloth in her hand and tossed it to me. All it was was a loin cloth I looked at her holding it wondering what I was suppose to do with it, finally she spoke.

"Get out of those and put this on you are now one of us" She looked serious and said nothing else.

"I need to get out of here can you help me" I asked her.

"No there is no where to go you will stay here with Wahya you are his now put that on this I will bring you something to eat don't leave the hut it will not be safe for you" She left the hut I peek in threw a small opening and I could see all the men sitting around a fire talking, Wahya the brave who had taken me was there as well, listening to everyone he seem to be important among the braves. I did feel better that she at least spoke English and there might be a chance for me to get back to my parents and the wagon train.

The girl came back with some food and pushed me away from the opening.

"I told you to stay away the opening it isn't safe"

"What is your name how are your here, how do we get home" I asked in a panic.

"You need to get out of these and started to take off my shirt, they are not Cherokee" I pulled her away .

"I can do it myself" I told her being defiantly.

"Who are you" I asked.

She told me her Cherokee name was Adsila and it meant blossom they had named her that because when she was taken she was in a meadow full of flowers, her real name was Alice but I was never to use that. She went on to explain that if I did as I was told I would be safe but not to upset Wahya the wolf, if I did I would be safe he is one of the leaders of the tribe and is very powerful. She also told me he thinks I am two spirit and that he found you on a hill making love to yourself.

I was so embarrassed that she knew all of this already specially that I was masturbating on the side of a hill, she didn't seem to be surprised she just went on to tell me that I will live in his hut for now and I was to make sure he was taken care of, if I did that I would be safe. I asked her what that meant and she explained that I was his property so I need to cook clean and keep him warm at night, I looked at her shocked and said.

"What does that mean" she explain that I was to be two spirit both a man and a woman for him.

"What does that me I am to be a woman" I was in shock I was a boy not a girl.

She looked at me closely up and down.

"You need to understand that being his spirit will keep you safe"

"But to be his woman" I asked

"Yes you will lay with him as a woman" She looked at me like it wasn't a big deal again like she knew my secret.

After she started the fire she showed me a wash basin, I took off my cloths and put the loin cloth on, it hardly covered anything I felt naked and ashamed in front of her but she didn't seem to care.

"When he comes you are to help him get ready to rest, use the cloth to wash the dirt off from his journey. I was in shock not knowing what to do so I ask her again.

"I am to wash him" I asked

"Yes you are to wash him for his bed and you will lay with him if he wants you to do you understand"

She sudden turn and left the hut, In a few minutes she came back with a bowl of stew and put some more wood on the fire, it was getting dark and the men were laughing their was a drum beating and I was scared I ate the stew she left me wondering what was next.

I sat on the furs they felt soft and started to fall asleep when Wahya came into the hut looking at me with his dark eye standing there he took his knife belt off and laid it down. Remembering what she told me I walked over to him and not looking him in the eyes I started to help him take his vest off staring straight ahead into his chiseled chest. Wahya didn't move so I looked over at the basin and said wash. He looked at me like he didn't know what I was saying so I walked over to the basin and rinsed the cloth. Wahya stood there watching me I walked back to him with the wash cloth. I washed his chest arms back then putting the wash cloth down I untied his knot holding his deerskin pants. I slowly pulled them down so he could step out of them, he only had a small loin cloth holding his penis it was tied on each side. I took a deep breath and undid both knots and let it drop to the floor exposing him.

I looked up into his eyes they were so dark but in them I saw kindness, going to my knees I washed his legs they were smooth but strong and muscled. When I finally looked forward I saw his big penis in front of me, I looked at it the way it hung he wasn't hard but it looked heavy the balls the hang down the furry patch of dark hair. He was uncut I had never see some one with skin covering the tip it looked so big to me. Taking the wash cloth I softly wash his penis, he placed his hand on my head and I looked up and he nodded to me that I was to continue. I took his penis in my hand and pulled back the foreskin exposing his penis crown it was bright red unlike the brown skin that was covering it. Wahya started to get hard in my hands, this is one of the thing I had thought about in my masturbating I was now doing, I had a mans cock in my hand it was so soft but as it grew the skin tighten the heat that radiated from it, I thought how beautiful it was.

I was thinking about kissing it for some reason when he lifted me to my feet and took the cloth from me and washed my chest with one hand he untied the loin cloth letting it drop to the floor I was naked as he was, feeling ashamed of my nakedness. Wahya look down at me held my chin in his strong hand and look down at me and smiled, with his hand that held the cloth he washed my already hard penis turning me around he washed ran the cloth over the crack in my ass up my back dipping the wash cloth back into the basin he let water drip down my ass crack then washing it clean.

I was both scared and excited, it is one thing to touch someone rub against each other but I started to realize that he had other ideas he was going to mate with me tonight like I was a woman, I started to get really scared again I was not ready for this.

He went over to the floor and laid down on the furs leaning on his arm his cock head starting to poke out of his foreskin. I stood there looking at him and noticed my little cock was hard up against my stomach, all these feeling rushing in my head, he looked at me and I got the feeling he liked the way I looked he wasn't going to hurt me at least that is what I hoped. I finally walked over and laid down next to him, going on my side my back to him like we did the night before.

As he did the night before he pulled me into him but this time his hard cock was against my ass I could feel him pushing his cock up and down my crack. He reached over and dipped his hand into a small bowl and rub what I found out to be lard. He rubbed it on his cock then took some and opened my checks with his hand rubbed his fingers on the opening to bum. I grunted in pain a little and squeezed on his finger, I knew there was no stopping this I could go along with it or he was going to take me anyway. Feeling his finger enter me he hover over me looking at me, so I spread my legs so he could get his finger in me easier. He was gentle slowly rubbing his finger over the opening of my bum the letting it slide in a little then out. The more he did that the better it felt, every once in a while he would touch a spot that would make my cock jump when he saw this he smiled down at me saying something I didn't understand but for some reason I thought I could understand what he was thinking he was happy with what he was looking at and that I wasn't fighting what he was doing.

There was only the light of the fire as I laid on the soft furs, Wayha rolled me on my stomach, he got behind me lifting my hips into the air my knees under me then pushed down on the arch of my back so my face was in the furs but my ass was up, he placed his cock at the entrance of my virgin ass, pushing in I screamed out in pain but he didn't stop he push more of his cock into me till he was completely in. Putting his weight on me he pushed me into the fur he started to fuck me slowly at first I cried out in pain every time he pushed into me, I had tears in my eyes until I noticed the pain went away and was replaced with a wonderful feeling of being full. With every stoke of his cock something in me made me start to moan I was hard again and I began to like the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of me his labored breath as he fuck my ass he was breading me like he would a woman and I began to like it.

Once I started to moan he started to fuck me harder, I moaned out every time he pushed his cock into me, I started to push up to meet his cock when he pulled out only to be pushed forcefully back into the bed, I wanted to tell him how good it felt my cock rubbing against the fur as he fuck me how good his cock felt right now. I was going to cum any moment when he he said shouted something then started to cum in my ass. He let out low grunt ever time he put more of his cum into me. As soon as I felt him start to cum the warm sperm flowing in me I knew this is what I wanted all along, I start to cum on the fur as he moved slowly pumping more cum deep in me. My eyes started to tear again this time because I finally felt the way I wanted not caring about anything else but having this man deep inside of me.

After a while he rolled over and spread his body out I looked over and could see that sweat was gleaming on his skin. Not knowing if he was done with me or if he wanted me next to him I finally I decided I would crawled over to him, when I did cradled me in his arm. I kissed his skin tasting the saltiness, letting my arm rest over his chest I felt his hand rest on my bum finally fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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