
By Mark Jindrak

Published on Nov 29, 2000


WARNING: The following story contains descriptions of sexual activity. This story involves real characters but this story is purely fictional. If you are under 18 years of age, READ NO FURTHER! Enjoy!

================================ Behind the Trills

Chapter 2

He saw a bell boy coming his way so he got out of the car.

"Excuse me sir, are you still on the clock?"

"Yeah, can I help you with anything?" the bellboy said.

"I need to get my buddy here to his room without waking him, do you think you could get the doors and our gym bags out of the vehicle?"

"Sure thing Mr. Stasiak."

"So I see you know me."

"Yes I do, I'm a big WCW fan."

"Whos your fave?"

"Well I like you two but my fave would have to be Nash."

"Well I'll tell you what, we'll make a deal. You help me out then Simon (looking at the guys name tag), I'll let you go with me and Mark here tomorrow to the areana and I'll let you meet Nash."

"Really??? You mean that???"

"Yep, I sure do."

"You got yourself a deal!"

Shawn opened the door and slid his hands under Mark gently and lifted him out of the car. Mark cuddled up to Shawn and wrapped his arms around Shawns neck out of reatcion. The bell boy grabbed their luggage and locked up Sgawns vehicle. He got the doors open and let Shawn in. He unlocked the door to his room and watched him walk in carrying Mark. Shawn laid Mark down on the bed after the bell boy turned it down for him.

"Where are you going to sleep Mr. Stasiak?"

"Well I'll probably sleep on the couch."


"WEll thank you for helping me Simon."

"No problem, thanks for letting me have the chance to meet Kevin Nash."

The bell boy left and shut the door behind him. Shawn started stripping Mark down. When he got him down to his boxers, Shawn covered him up. Shawn stripped down to his now and whispered, "I hope you don't mind me doing this."

Shawn climbed in the bed beside Mark and covered up. He dozed off to sleep now with Mark laying beside him.

The next morning Mark woke up early. It was 6:45 am according to the clock he had looked at when he woke up. He turned his head and saw that his arm was draped over Shawn Stasiaks chest and his head was resting on Shawns arm. Mark got up softly so he wouldn't wake him. Only then did he notice that he was only in his boxers. He pulled his jeans on and went into the living room to watch some tv. After an hour Shawn walked through the living room scratching his bare chest.

"How come you didn't wake me up last night Shawn?"

"I didn't want to disturb you."

"Well I didn't need to sleep in the same bed with you."

"I didn't mind, did it bother you?"

"No, its just sometimes I talk in my sleep."

"Well if you did I didn't hear you."

"Good" Mark said under his breath.

"What do you want for breakfast Mark?"

"Don't matter to me."

"Pancakes sound alright?"

"Yeah that would be good."

Shawn called and ordered their food. He then looked at Mark and said, "I'll be right back, I need to wait outside the door for the bell boy."


Shawn walked out right at the time Simon was coming up the stairs with their food.

"Hey Simon, we meet again!"

"Yeah, so when are you leaving for the arena?"

"About 5:30pm, you off work then?"


The phone rang in Shawns room. "You better get the phone Mr. Stasiak."

"Nah, Mark's awake he'll get it."

Mark answered the phone and it was his buddy Sean O'Haire.

"Hey Mark, where are you?"

"I'm still in Shawn's hotel room."

"So has he talked to you about anything yet?"

"No, why?"

"Just curious."

"Whats he suppose to talk to me about?"

"I'll wait and let him do it."

They talked for ten minutes before hanging up. Shawn came back in with their food and sat it down on the coffee table. They started eating immediately as they were very hungry. They were watching an old movie on TNT at the same time.

Mark asked Shawn, "So, Sean says you were suppose to talk to me about something today?"

Shawn spit out the coffee in his mouth as he almost choked on it. Mark patted Shawns back making sure he was alright.

"Now I've made a mess" Shawn complained.

"We'll clean it up later, now tell me what Sean was talking about."

"Well Mark I'm going to say this and hopefully it won't change our friendship or our working together." Shawn stuttered but couldn't spit it out.

Mark put his hand on Shawns shoulder to try and ease him down.

"You won't want to touch me after I tell you this."

"You're gay aren't you?"

"Yes, how did you know" Shawn asked almost to the point of tears.

"I've seen you checking me out from time to time. And then this morning when I woke up in the same bed as you and your arm around me, that gave it away."

Mark took his tumb and brushed away a tear from Shawns face. "Why are you crying Shawn?"

"Cause I love you and I know you can't love me the way I love you."

"Why can't I?"

Shawns head popped up and his mouth was wide open. Mark hooked Shawns chin with his finger and closed his mouth.

"Do you Mark?"

"Yeah" Mark said slowly.

Shawn leaned in closer to Marks face. He whispered, "Can I kiss you?"

"Please do" Mark whispered back.

Shawn closed his eyes as he pressed his lips to Marks. Mark had his eyes closed enjoying the feeling he was experencing. Mark opened his mouth slowly and let Shawns tongue snake into his mouth. He began sucking on his tongue and wrapped his arms around Shawn. Shawn wrapped his arms around Shawn and furthered the kiss.

Mark laid back pulling Shawn along with him. They shifted into a comfortable position while probbing each others mouths with their tongues. Right at that moment the phone stared ringing. Shawn sighed and reach toward the phone.

"Get it, it's Sean."

"How do you know?"

"Who else would be calling to check on me, and I have this." Mark said while holding up the caller ID box. Shawn picked up the phone.

"Yeah Sean, he's laying here on the couch with me."

"So, did you talk to him about what you did me?"

"Yeah I did."

"How did it turn out?"

"Well I'm not S.O.L"

Sean heard Mark laughing at Shawns comment.

"So did I interupt anything Shawn?" Mark said curious.

"Is that any of your business?"

"Hey don't get pissed, I was just wondering."

"Yes you did" he heard Mark say.

"Well dont' be late tonight."

"We won't man."

"Well I'll let you go back to whatever you were doing."

Shawn hung up the phone and looked down at Mark, "Where were we?"

Mark wrapped his arms around Shawns neck, "Right here" he said before pressing his lips back to Shawns. This time Shawns mouth opened and it was Marks tongue that slipped into his mouth. Shawns hands were massaging Marks chest as he kissed and sucked on Marks neck now.

Now there was a knock at the door. "Shit, what now" Shawn said. Mark laughed and got up from under Shawn. He slipped a shirt on and got the door. Shawn went off to the room to get his clothes. Mark opened the door and saw a janitor at the door. She took the dirty linen and gave them clean ones. She told them that she would be back by later when they wasn't there to change the sheets and everything so she wouldn't be in the way. After she left Mark walked into the bedroom and gave Shawn a quick kiss.

"I'm going to take a shower, would you like to join me?"

"Sure" Mark said while grinning.

Mark grabbed his clothes and laid them in the bathroom on top of Shawns. They stripped down and walked into the shower. They took turns washing each others backs. Mark even got daring and rubbed the soap in his hands to get his hands soapy. He then begin rubbing his hands all over Shawns butt. SHawn smiled as he looked back at Mark. Mark was staring at Shawns butt as he did this so he didn't see him watching him.

"Turn around Mark, my turn!"

Mark turned around. Shawn soaped up his hands and began rubbing Marks butt.

"What time is it?" Shawn asked.

"About 4:30 I think."

"Oh, well you want to do something?"

"Sure" Mark winked at him.

"So you don't think it is to early?"

"Not seeing how I know you so well."

"Well how about you giving me a blow job" Shawn asked softly.

Mark got down on his knees and stared at Shawn's cock. Mark took it in his hand and stroaked it a few times. He then took the head of it into his mouth and licked it before taking more of it into his mouth. He could now feel it against his tonsils. Marks mouth began its back and forth motion on the cock now as Shawns hands ran through Marks hair. The moans coming fromt he shower were signs that Shawn was enjoying what he was getting. Shawn was trying his best to hold back but after twenty-five minutes he couldn't hold back any longer. He shoved his cock all the way down Marks throat as he began shooting his load. Mark took most of it but he started to gag. Shawn removed his cock from Marks mouth now.

"Want me to return the favor?"


Shawn got down on his knees. Mark guided his cock into Shawns mouth and sighed as his mouth began the ryhmic motions. After ten minutes Mark began shooting. As Mark did, Shawn swallowed half the load but then gagged so he had to take it out of his mouth. They washed each other off again and got out of the shower. They dressed and went to the kitchen to get a snack. Shawn fixed them a sandwich and sat down pressed right against Mark. Mark kissed him and took the sandwich from Shawn and started to eat it. Shawn looked at Mark, "I love you."

Mark stared back into Shawn's eyes and said "I love you too Shawn."

"So you wanna go out and eat again tonight after our show?"

"I don't have any money."

"You don't need to worry about that, I will pay for it."

"Well I can't have you pay for everything all the time."

"Well answer me this, Are you my boyfriend?"

"Yeah I am Shawn."

"Well then I don't mind paying to get my boyfriend something to eat" Shawn said and then took a bite of his sandwich.

"Mark, can I possibly wear your necklace to show you off as mine?"

"I don't think that would be so good of an idea."


"None of the guys know about me."

"So are you going to keep our relationship a secret?"

"I don't want to but I don't know how they will take it."

"They'll take it alright, so can I please wear it?"

Mark reach back and unfastened the necklace and took it off. Shawn started to reach out for it.

"No, let me put it on you."

Shawn leaned forward and let Mark fasten the necklace around his neck. Shawn kissed Mark and then they finished their sandwiches. They sat watching a comedy on pay-per-view now laughing every now and then, just sitting there cuddling.

Next: Chapter 3: Behind the Thrills 3

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