We Admitted It

By moc.loa@kriWtniaS

Published on May 31, 2000


Rules I don't make still suck, but remember the ones I did. Fiction, proper age, and so on...

Thanx to all of you who have been encouraging me in my writing. I really appreciate it.

Thanx again,

Corrupted Saint

We Admitted It part 8

"By the way, " Brian said with a smirk when what I was wearing finally registered in his brain, "feel free to borow some of my clothes so you have something slean to wear seeing as how you never went home last night."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Looks better on you anyway." he said admiringly as he checked out the way I was wearing another pair of his light blue CK jeans with a green CK v-neck t-shirt.

"Well now. I can't argue with the truth." I said throwing my arms up in a 'What can I do?' gesture. "Now lets get some food."

"Okay, okay." Brian laughed at my enthusiasm. He led me to the kitchen, like I didn't already know the way, and proceeded to toast some bagles for us. "How do you like yours? Cream cheese? Jam? What?"

"Just a touch of jam." I said noticing the huge glob of cream cheese being applied to his own bagle. "Seriously, just a little bit." I said as he started to take a huge knife full of jam towards my own bagle with a dangerous glint in his eye.

"Awwww. You're no fun." Brian said in this whinney little voice doing what I assumed to be an immitation of Nick.

"No fun? I show you no fun!" I had a highly mishcevious look in my eye as I arched an eyebrow at him. I then proceeded to pick up the little squeeze bottle of honey that was sitting on the counter next to the sugar bowl and drizzled some on to his ear. "You mean this isn't fun?" I began licking the honey off. Going slowly. Sucking his whole ear into my mouth. Playing with it. Giving him a preview of what my mouth can do to his body, I erased all traces of the honey while I worked Brian into a frezy.

"Uuunnnn. Uuuhhhhh. Uh. Uh. You. You'd better... You'd better stop...soon."

"Now why would I want to do that?"

"Because if you don't I'm gonna have to change my pants and take another shower. Mmmmmmmm."

"Well if you insist..." I pulled my tongue off of his body and smiled at him. "Down boy." I said while looking to his clothes covered erection. Brian just gave me this look. It said that he was glad I had stopped but he really wished that I didn't have to. And that he was going to get me for giving him a major case of blue-balls. "Uh-oh."

"You're damn right, 'uh-oh'." Brian said grinning while coming towards me. He tackled me and when he had me pinned to the floor he started to tickle me. "What's this?" Brian asked in mock-surprise. "Could it be that Mr. Let's Tickle Brian is himself ticklish.

"No. Don't. Stop." I said between laughs and breaths. "I am so going to get you for that later on." I laughed at him as his finnaly began to let up on his assault.

"Nope. Now we're even for earlier." He said smiling.

"Oh no. That had nothing to do with tickling! You may owe me for that, but I owe you for this little episode. And I always pay my debts." I hinted at his own demise as I said those last words. "Now what should we do?" I said the mood switch so drastic that Brian just looked at me for a moment.

"Let's go over to AJ's. The rest of the guys are probably there by now trying to figure out what to do with their day and we all know they need help when it comes to thinking." The grin reappeared as he said that.

"Sounds good to me Lets go!" I grabbed Brian by the arm and pulled him towards the door and opened it for him. He isn't the only gentleman left in the world.

Brian closed the door behind him and led the way to the car opening my door for me. "There you are Sweetie."

"Oh. Thank you Baby." I said to him. I had a better name but I was going to save that for later. "Now lets go. I can't wait to see the guys again. They really are awesome! And Kevin is such a hottie!"I immediately got smacked in the chest for that one. "What?" I gave him my innocent look. "Besides, AJ is probably just bursting to talk with me."

"Well at least your right about one thing. I can guarantee that AJ will be dying to talk with you. He must be rady to bust a gut!"

"To say the least." I gave him a devilish grin at the reference to his little, um, problem that I gave him earlier.

"Don't think I've forgoten about that." Brian said to me.

"Oh, I hope not, because I haven't forgotten about owing you for that little tickling thing. Brian just laughed and soon we were pulling into AJ's driveway. We got out of the car and headed into AJ's house to find, as predicted, all of the other guys there waiting for us. "Hey guys." I called out, getting their attention.

"Hey yourself." "How ya doin?" "Glad you're back." This I got from Howie, Nick, and Kevin respectively.

"Chase!" AJ came charging at me.

"Someone called Bridget." I said.

"How did you know?" Nick asked.

"Who do you think gave him the number?" Kevin answered for me.

"Oh. Yeah." We sat down and Nick asked, "So what are we gonna do today?"

"Well," Brian said standing back up, "Before we decide that there's something that I have to tell you." He was begining to look worried. Very worried.

"Well? What is it?" Howie asked.

"Guys...I'm gay. And i'd like you introduce you to my boyfriend." He walked over to me and took my hand in his. "This is my boyfriend, Chase." Brian looked to his best friends, his brothers, to see what they would say to this. What happened shocked him.

Nick stood up and walked right over to me. "I oughtta kick your ass." He said. Then he smiled. "You made me loose 50 bucks!" Nick said handing the cash over to Kevin.

"Well I lost 100 so there!" Howie said sticking his tongue out at Nick and forking over the cash to AJ.

Brian and i just stood there with a very confused look on our faces. "Huh?" was all He could get out.

"Well, Kevin and I have known you were gay for years now." Nick said to clear thing up. "He bet me that you two were going out and I said no way."

"And seeing as how we really are a great deal alike," AJ pipped up "and how I feel like I've known you for years, I bet Howie here that you were gay." He said directly to me. "But until you I had no clue that Brian was."

"So you guys are cool with it?" I asked them while Brian just stood there a bit dumbfounded.

"Of course we are!" Kevin said. "Like Nick said, we've known about Brian for years and after spending time with you yesterday I discovered what a great guy you are. And since you are a lot like AJ I feel like I already know alot about you."

"Yeah, and you have a few Kev-like traits there too." Howie added "And we do feel like we know you so no worries."

"Feel free to talk about what ever's on your mind" Nick put in.

"Even sex." AJ added while grinning.

"Seriously." Kevin spoke up again. "If you need to talk about anything, we're here. All of us. When you date one Backstreet Boy, you date all the Backstreet Boys." Kevin said smiling

" I don't want a Backstreet Boy." I declared. "I want Brian. But I can certainly think of worse families to date than you five." I just smiled.

By this time Brian had recovered from the shock of nonreaction he recieved and said, "I hope you don't mind too much." His grin turned mischevious and he had that glint in his eyes. "Besides, you did say that you thought my cousin was a what was the word you used? Oh yes, 'hottie'."

Everyone looked at me expecting me to blush or cringe in embarassment, but I just looked at Brian and said. "That I did...'Honey'" And I raised both of my eyebrows at him. Brian turned so many shades of red, each darker than the last, that he was positively crimson!

"What was that all about?" Nick asked. "He can't be that embarrased that you called him 'Honey'." At hearing it again Brian turned a few shades darker.

"Oh well that;'s because earlier this morning Brian said that I was no fun so I just had to prove to him how fun I can be." I said smirking and watching Brian.

"And how, exactly did you do that?" AJ inquired knowing full well what he was getting into.

"Well" I began, "I took this bottle of honey that Brian has on his counter top and I squoze a little of it out onto his ear." Brian was turning darker! "Then I started to like it off and suck onhis ear and stuff."

"Yeah..." AJ said.

"Brian has sensitive ears." Kevin spoke up. Brian went even darker!

"So he started to get really turned on and-" Brian clamped his hand over my mouth preventing me from sayin more. When he finally let go I just blurted out "-and I gave him a major case of blue-balls!"

I didn't know it was possible for the human body to go THAT red! If it was actually possible to die of embarassment I think he would have. No I know that he would have. " You really didn't HAVE to say that." He said still far redder than normal but getting better.

"He asked!" I said pointing at AJ. "Besides, I told you I was going to get you back."

"For what?" Kevin asked with a smile on his face.

"Pin him down guys!" Brian no sooner said it than I had four pairs of hands pinning me to the ground. "I discovered that my boyfriend here is as ticklish as I am." Brian said grinning wickedly.

"Is that right?" Nick said his eyes lighting up

"Yeah, that's right. Let's give them a demonstration shall we?" Brian said.

"No.No. Don't." I said already laughing and squirming before they ever laid a finger on me.

"See! We haven't even touhed him yet." Brian said. "So lets all help him out." And with that they all started to tickle me.

Now what Brian hadn't yet found out was that yes, I was very ticklish, but I tended to get violent while being tickled. I didn't start beating people up or anything, I just thrashed around. A lot. A whole lot. Lets just say that there is a good reason that Bridget stopped really trying to tickle me years ago. I think the last bruise went away after two weeks.( I accidentally kicked her in the leg really hard.) The boys had yet to figure this out however so when I began thrashing they just tightened their grip on me like we had done to Brian the day before and proceeded to tickle me all the harder.

They found out really quickly that that was the wrong idea. I showed them what thrashing about really is as my legs, arms, torsom indeed my whole body, began to writhe uncontrollably until I had freed myslef from all of their highly capable grasps and was free once more.

"Waoh!" AJ exclaimed. "Our boys a fighter here fellas! I think we're gonna need more of us before we try that again." He said grinning at everyone and helping me up. "But just wait until the next time we meet up with the boys from Nsync!"

"You're gonna need more help than that, little man, if you expect to keep me restrained!" I told AJ with a smile.

" I know." He said right back to me.

"I'll bring the chains!" Brian said.

"I'll bring the cuffs!" Nick chimed in.

"I'll bring the whip!" Howie added.

"And I've got the leather!" Kevinannounced before realizing what he just said and changed it to " I mean I'll BRING the leather!" he said sheepishly.

"Yeah right!" I said to him. "Anyway it won't matter because it'll stil take more than ten boy band members to keep Me down!" I said to them all.

Again from AJ, " I know."

Brian just looked at him. "And what did you have in mind for my boyfriend then? Hmmm?" Brian asked AJ.

"Tell you later" AJ smirked. "For now lets just head over to the park. I told Bridget we'd be there in twenty minutes."

We all headed over to the park and found Bridget there waiting for us. After greeting her we all started in on a game of basketball even though Bridget sucks at it and I'm certainly NOT professing it to be one of my main talents. But we all had a great time. Bridget, AJ, and Nick took on Brian, Kevin, and myself while Howie kept score and watched for fouls. I must say that thankfully my team won. With Bridget on his team AJ would have had braggin rights forever over me had he beat us. As it was we all had a great time and went over to the swings to talk while we cooled down from the strenuous game.

Bridget, sat next to AJ with me on her other side and Kevin next to me while Howie sat on AJ's pther side and Brian and Nick were to Kevin's left. We all had a great chat. Me letting AJ in on a few things with Bridget. Howie and AJ discussing AJ's new girlfriend. Kevin and I talking about Brian and what he was like growing up. And Brian and Nick talking about everything from how long he knew about Brian to how he really felt about us dating. It grew dark and still we talked. We were in that park for hours, literally. Finally it was time to go seeing as how the cops showed up to see who was still out here at this time of night making all that noise. (Six people in deep conversation do not tend to be quiet.) So we headed to the parking lot to say our goodbyes for the evening before journeying back to our respective houses.

"See you all tomorrow." Nick and Howie said and headed to AJ's Hummer to await their driver after we wished them goodnight as well.

AJ and Bridget had another litle talk and I saw Bridget lean in to get a kiss from her new boyfriend as I leaned in for a kiss from mine. "Come on. You're coming with me!" Bridget exclaimed.

"But i expect to see you bright and early for breakfast MR.!" Brian said to me. "Be there at eight." And he gave me another kiss. "Night you two!"

"Night!" We said. "Night Kev."

"Just a sec!" Kevin called out to me.

"What?" I asked as Kevin handed me a key.

"Its for Brian's house." Kevin said with his own gleam of trouble and mischeif. "He told me all about last night and how happy he was waking up like that this morning. I thought I'd give you the oportunity to wake him up like that again." He said smiling at me.

"Thank you Kevin." I said and hugged him.

"No problem man."

"What did you give him?" Brian asked his cousin.

"Oh, just a little ' So you can have a good morning medine'" Kevin said quoting the Nyquill tag-line. Then he got into the Hummer as well so AJ could drive them back to their cars at his house where they each got into their respective vehicled and drove home.

Bridget, meanwhile having pulled Chase into her car and beginnig the drive to her house, was getting him to talk. "You didn't really say that in front of the guys right after he told them about you two!" She exclaimed referring to Brian's color changing talents. "No wait. This is you I'm talkng about. Of course you did! Oh I wish I could have been there." They continued like that for the drive home. Each telling other what they thought of their new boyfriends.

Finaly Bridget pulled into her driveway. "You can crash here and take my car over there in the morning." She said after i told her what Kevin had done. "I'll meet you at AJ's and get my car back there. I'll be there anyway." She smiled. "He's picking me up at 8:15 for breakfast at his place. You two aren't the only ones who can be romantic."

"Goodnight." I said to her as I made my way to one of the spare bedrooms. I crawled into bed and no sooner had I done this than Bridget apeared in the doorway.

"By the way, AJ told me about the litle tickling episode they had with you and I let him in on a few things. Then he told me what he has planned to get you with and I must say it going to work." With that she winked at me and said "Goodnight."

Hmmm. I wonder what AJ has planned for Chase. I'll bet Brian knows! WE already know that Bridget knows and is sure its going to work. What ever will it be? You'll find out...but probably not next time. I'm gonna make you sweat it out first. "That's for me to know and you to loose sleep over." As I like to say. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. let me know 'saintwirk@aol.com' or saintwurk@aol.com (for you real genioused out there there is a one letter difference on those two) Later, Corrupted Saint

Next: Chapter 9

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