Weekend Toilet Service

By Tom Smith

Published on May 13, 2010


End of Part 1

Then Joe hollers out to the other toilet, shit ass you got that shit ready for the urinal ready yet. Yes, Sir I am just about ready. Good bitch, get it on out here and in the urinal the toilet here seems rather hungry. Just then I hear others enter the room. I look up and see 2 are rather large black men, one looks Latino and the other is a redneck country guy that is in boots that are filthy. The guys with the boots makes a bee line for me, stands in front of me and says: Clean my boots Now, then he spits chewing tobacco on the floor, clean that shit up toilet as a kick hits my side.

Part 2

I lick and lick the chewing tobacco off the floor, what a foul taste and how much more degrading can I be used? In time I was to find out, way more, the evening had not even really started and a couple of these guys are real time nasty/perverts.

As I finish cleaning the floor Master Joe walks over and attaches a chain and collar around my neck. Good Pig, over to the urinal we go for your appetizer that was made just for you. Master has me on a leash and is just about dragging me to what he calls the feeding urinal, once we get there he then attaches me to the urinal in such a way that my face is placed down in the urinal and my ass hole is up in the air exposed. He then attaches a leg spreader to my ankles and weights to my balls. Now this will keep the bitch in place. At this point the other slave arrives with the foulest smelling container and starts to pour it in the urinal. I now see that the urinal has no holes in the bottom and the piss that is already in there has gathered a nice piss puddle. As the slave pours this foul mixture my mind is raising in a thousand directions. Master Joe tells me to left my head and thank him for this homemade meal that was prepared just for you pig. Thank you Sir, thank you very much. Squeals PIG.. OINK Sir ..OINK. Louder pig ?I want the entire room to hear your worthless squeals. OINK OINK OINK , Mater Joe laughs, as the other cheer. Master Joe kicks me in the ass and says eat: NOW: if you dare puke any, you will eat the puke and have those balls beaten.

Pig lowers its head and starts to lick the foul smelling contents of the urinal. Master Joe hollers EAT shit pig NOW

Pig chews and swallows bite after bite and starts to heave, but manages to hold it down. About this time Master Joe starts to share with the pig what it is eating: Pig that is shit that was frozen for you, with a dash of chewing tobacco, some snot, nice amount of spit and of course piss to help mix it all together. A very good homemade meal if I do say so pig. Pig continues to eat and eat. The mixture is rather strong, but pig manages to get it all down and hears the cheers and hoots/hollers of all the guys there.

Then one of the guys unzips and says open wide, the piss flows from his cock and I swallow as fast as possible. Another guy lines up and does the same, then I see the slave lines up and its piss starts to flow. When he was done pissing he leans over and with a wicked tone to his voice says: hell shit pig you have not seen anything yet, the main event as yet to start. I whimper and shake my head; he just gives me another evil smile and walks away. Just then Master Joe returns, shit slave your services are needed.

Master Joe drags me to where a feeding chair stands: crawl under and be ready. I lower myself and assume the required position. I then feel my legs being spread and my balls very exposed. Then man sets down bends over and grabs my balls, telling the others this is how you flush the toilet; just pull on the balls and all the shit goes away. They all hoot and holler, great idea.

As I start to lick his ass hole I see how hairy his ass hole is and there are treats already there for me. I lick and swallow has my tongue explores all around that hole: then slips in to feel a firm log that is making its way to my mouth. I hear a grunt and out pops a firm average size turd; I chew and swallow; here comes another one that is larger and more meaty; followed by a fart and more shit. I chew and swallow as fast as possible, but this guy shows no mercy and just lets it all flow. He looks down; might need to get the funnel device for this shit fag, he seems to have trouble keeping up and no sense in messing up the floor. My balls are once again in his hand, pulls, and squeezes them hard as I yep with pain. Then more shit explodes from his ass hole in to my open mouth, chew and swallow as fast as I can. Then Master Joe stands up and looks down ay my face, spits and kicks my balls, flush the damn toilet. As he calls for the other slave to make sure his ass hole is clean I am there struggling with the pain in my balls/spit in my face and a mouth full of stinky shit. OINK, OINK true pig heaven.

Just as I start to regain my senses I see another ass hole descending on the shit bench and I know what is about to happen. As his ass hole gets closer and closer I can see how crud and nasty it looks; the smell is enough to make you puke. He spreads his legs and says open wide; chewing tobacco spits out of his mouth in to my open mouth, hell yes shit ass, now swallow. Oh MY, what a foul nasty taste as I chew it and swallow it, trying not to puke. He then repositions and lets the shit start to flow. The shits drops from his ass hole to my mouth, drop after drop, chew/swallow more shit, I am just able to keep up, when he gives out a huge nasty fart and the last pile of shit descends in to my mouth. The other slave is called to lick clean any nasty shit spots on his ass; it is about then that I begin to realize what its role is for the weekend and what mine will be.

Some time goes by and I am there alone under the chair/bench type device and I hear a voice call out to me. Get that shit ass over here, crawl and lick the floor good as you make you way over here. I manage to get to my knees, licking the floor as I get towards the voice. The floor as all sorts of dirt, grease, grim and it starts to really stick to my tongue. I am now at the feet of the voice that called me and I hear a sound , at first I am not sure what it is, then I realize that he has just blowing his nose. I see his hand descend towards my mouth, clean I hear. It looks yellowish and I start to lick and lick. A few of the guys say that he is treating me too good and let?s get the real show going. He laughs, true, but let the fag have a drink from the bottle, and then we will start the main night?s events. The bottle they present to me looks like a baby bottle, I start to suck and suck, damn this water does have a strange taste to it, but I drink the entire bottle. I wiggle my ass and whimper, he goes yes pig, you need something, I wiggle again, OK pig OINK then speak, OINK Sir, I need to piss Sir, please may I piss Sir. All the guys start to give their thoughts and ideas. He says, well pig, you see that tub over there, that is where you piss and shit, crawl over there and do what you have to do, just remember that is where you sleep tonight. I make my way over there and piss a gallon before it finally stops.

Master Joe walks over to me and says: OK guys anyone need to take a shit before we start the main event of the evening. They all chime in that naw, not now; let?s get started with the perverted show: Hell YES. Master Joe says Steve you ready for this event, Hell Yes; get the pig over to the toilet station. At this toilet station I see a very crud looking bench and at the end of the bench is what looks like a feeding tube/device. I start to shiver as I can only begin to think what is about to take place. Master Joe calls over to Bob; I do not want this shit ass fag to enjoy this too much, so make his ass sting like hell. Bob gives that rather nasty/evil smile and says my pleasure. Bob?s foot goes to my side, get that ass exposed and in the air. I then hear the crack of a whip, then a sting to my ass, another crack of the whip, sting, sting, damn that hurts like hell. Bob is getting in to this and each sting hits a different part of my ass/back area. The stings are coming so close together that I cannot keep track of how many times and places he is hitting, I do manage to see out of the counter of my eye that Bob has a raging hard on that the slave is sucking on. Bob is whipping the hell out of my body and face fucking slaveboi for all that it is worth. The others are cheering him on, just then I hear Bob moan and yell?..damn I am cumming, fuck, drink that man cum, slaveboi, as he fills its mouth, it shoots out with such force that slaveboi has trouble swallowing it all. Slaveboi is then dropped to the floor like a used rubber .The whipping stops and my body is covered in welts/marks from that damn whip. Master Joe says well done Bob, now Steve can get the feedings ready for our pig. It appears to be ready for a good nasty/perverted feeding. Steve starts to place different type of bowls/dishes/a blender on the bench. He is opening different continuers/bags and pouring the contents in to the different bowls/dishes. He looks my way and says feast time is about to start, he tells the others I am going to label the items so you know what they are but the toilet as no need for such information. Slaveboi will be here to handle any cum services you require, use it well guys.

The dishes are lined up; the first one is an average looking bowl, but the second one is clearly a dog bowl, the next one is much larger than the first, then the others appear to be an average size bowl. Master Joe attaches a dog coke collar around my neck, yanks me to the first bowl: eat. I lean my head down towards the bowl, the odder hits me in the face, Master Joe slaps my head, I told you to EAT NOW DAMN IT. I start to lick and gather it up in my mouth, using my tongue I manage to chew and swallow the contents of the bowl. Ok shit pig, on to the next treat for you, this one is the very clear that it is a dog dish and once I start to look at what was in there I knew what I was about to eat. I gave a whimper pulling away in hopes that I would not have to eat it, but that only made matters worse. Master Joe says: shit pig, you think that one is nasty, just wait they will get way worse. I heard the room explode with hoots/hollers/laughing. Master Joe pulls on the coke collar I knew he was serious; I lower my head and take a mouth full of dog shit in my mouth, chewing it slowly, then swallowing it down. Good shit pig master Joe says bet you like that dog shit, Spud made it just for you, maybe another time you can thank him personally. I continue to take more and more of the dog shit in my mouth, chew/swallow/chew swallow, I can feel my belly begin to churn as I swallow the remaining dog shit. Another guy walks up and fills the bowl with piss; there you can wash that dog shit down better. It is rather strong and bitter, but a welcome change from the shit I had been eating.

Master Joe hollers next shit pig; this one is really a special treat for you. I lower my head and have no idea what it is other than shit. As I start to gather it in my mouth, I can tell it is not like the other two I just eat. This is way bitterer and not as firm. The one good thing is this bowl is not as full. When the bowl is empty and I am told to move to the next, I am told what I just eat and I just stop in my tracks, OH Hell I just eat pig shit. Yes, shit pig, shame the pig could not be here to watch you eat his shit. Damn.

Master Joe assures the guys it only gets better and better, or should I say nastier and nastier.

OINK you shit pig OINK. Make that pig sound: Pig OINKS and Squeals?.

To be continued

Please share any ideas or comments: slavepics@hotmail.com

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