Welcome to Gayberry

By fritz819

Published on Feb 9, 2023


Welcome to Gayberry – 106

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Mac, Pepe and Dopie joined all the other boys in their pool games while William and Sarge joined Warden Eamon and Randy in the far end of the pool.

"I can't believe those boys playing games in the pool completely missed you and Mac getting those boys off over here." he warden said to William.

"Them boys didn't miss nothin'" Randy said. "It's a bunch of really good boys and they all know that the boys with cock cages couldn't even beat their meat while watching what went on here. It's their way of not embarrassing the boys in the cock cages by pretending not to know when some sexy action is taking place. I assure you that Billy Paul and Arnold Junior knew what was happening the entire time and they'll be asking Dopie how good a cocksucker Mac is before they're out of this pool. It's the way our boys are and I love ever' single one of `em for it."

"I shore am glad Mac seen fit to come back to this town" Randy said. "I listened to that cunt aunt of mine when she was a'whisperin' in my ear how he was a pervert and a molester when all he wanted was to show my son some love."

"It's all forgiven now, Randy" William said. "It takes a very special kind of man to accept living in a hot, humid, remote shithole for the rest of his life to take care of some boys who are essentially strangers. That's what Mac was willing to do for those two boys. He's never even seen those boys naked because he was so afraid their reputations could be damaged. He deserves a fucking medal for protecting those boys. He doesn't even know if they've either one started sprouting pubes."

"If they're anything like Pepe they've probly already got some hairs over them little brown cocks or if not, it sure as shit won't be long" Randy said.

"He's sure going to make a good father and those are two very lucky boys" William said. "He'll benefit greatly from spending the weekend with Dale Mason and all those other great fathers. There really is an art to being a good father. It really isn't that hard if you're just willing to watch and listen."

"I hope you'll invite Mac and his boys up here soon and invite me to join you" the warden said. "Being in my line of work, I felt the risk would be too great to have sons of my own. Too many angry prisoners are looking for leverage to get the fuck out of that miserable prison. But I don't think there's anything more beautiful than the sight of a boy just beginning his journey into manhood. I'd love to see a boy with his first pubic hair. I bet that's an exciting time."

"It is indeed, Eamon" William said. "I was lucky enough to be there when that happened with Johnny and with Billy Paul. You can't imagine how excited they are when they find those first hairs over their willies. Maybe you ought to consider spending more time in these parts since we'll have a whole new crop of baby boys in a few months and we can use all the help we can get."

"I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility, William." Eamon said. "I'm not supposed to speak of this but since I trust you guys with my life, I can speak of it to you guys. Howard Vague is aware of it but I know that man has tight lips. The state is looking at building a brand new shiny prison here just outside Gayberry city limits. The land they're looking at is a very large parcel which includes land owned by Kurt's father. If this is finalized, your new son is going to be a very rich man, sheriff. But we can't say a word until the deal is final."

"Not a goddamned word to a soul." the sheriff said with a smile. "But that's great news for the boy. I was a little bit worried about how him and Rafe might feel. All them other boys that the preacher and his assholes cut had really, really rich paws. That's one reason they got targeted by the Reverend and his cohort, Mr. Hunt. But Rafe and Kurt didn't come from money. Rafe's mother was just a poor single mother scrapin' to get by and put food on the table. I just recently found out that Kurt's grandpaw had bought up all that acreage near his farm but I figured it was pretty much worthless land."

"Not when this prison happens" the warden said. "The state pays absolute top dollar and your new son will be a very, very rich boy. Based on what I've learned from Arnold, William, and Howard, all the assets which are held by the fathers will immediately be transferred to the sons the moment the father signs a confession."

"I ain't sure he'll even care" Randy said. "I don't think Kurt nor Rafe is worried about money. They needn't worry cause they will be getting' equal shares of the Bedford Construction Company when the time comes and we know that's doin' very, very well. Why, them boys ain't here swimmin' with the others right now because Doc called this morning to say he forgot he'd scheduled a free blood pressure clinic for the Rotary Club this afternoon. He said he'd be comin' back to take care of it but Kurt and Rafe weren't havin' none of that. They're runnin' the goddamned free clinic so the Doc and Sonny can continue their honeymoon."

"I'm just glad those boys' lives have changed for the better." William said. "There's not two finer boys anywhere that I know of and it's pretty amazing, given that Kurt had really shitty male role models and Rafe had none. Do we know what happened to the man who knocked up Rafe's mama?"

"I don't know a goddamned thing" Randy said. "I've tried to find out a few things but it's a pretty cold trail. Apparently she kept pretty much to herself and lived in that little two bedroom bungalow with Rafe. Seems she just showed up in Gayberry one day with a very young boy and never held down a real job. She always paid her rent on time and I understand from Mr. Hunt she donated a lot of money to that fuckin' church of Preacher Smith's. Kurt has shared some things that Rafe told him about his life and it ain't purty stuff at all. Apparently his maw made him go to church ever' time the doors was open and made him work ever' day after school. Kurt told me that if the weather turned bad and Rafe couldn't do the yard work for his regular customers, he didn't eat. Apparently his bitch maw made him pay before he was allowed to sit down at the table. He is a really hard worker and apparently he saved up enough to make a down payment on that rundown truck he loves so much. Kurt told me this because I was worried when Rafe first came to live here. He always looked sad and went real silent at meal time. Kurt explained it was because the boy's maw wouldn't let him eat without payin'. Kurt would always put food on his plate and encourage him until Rafe began to understand that nobody got turned away from a motherfuckin' table in this house, especially not a hungry young boy."

"That boy is bound to have scars but they sure don't show" Eamon said." The boy's got amazing character and he's smart as a whip. Some paw out there missed the boat when they didn't claim him."

"I think he bears a remarkable resemblance to our new young president" William said. "It's really uncanny how much looks like President Cannady and his brothers. If he just spoke with that Boston accent instead of that slow Gayberry drawl, the boy could pass."

"I asked Arnold to check it out" Randy said. "When I adopted the boy, I just wanted to know if there were any family health problems we might need to know about. Arnold says there was just no trail that he was able to find. And now the boy's maw has moved down to Montgomery to live with her sister. She was bad tore up when her lover man preacher got his ass arrested. The bitch just left town without even telling her own son she was going. Apparently she had a bad crush on Preacher Smith and that fuckin' preacher just used her for every dollar he could get his grimy fuckin' hands on."

"I'm glad both those boys are beginning to relax a little" William said. "Billy Paul says they may be experimenting sexually a little with each other although they show no signs of it except that they have become more outwardly affectionate with each other and, I think, with all of us. They've also gotten a little less rigid about being naked with the others."

"You're not planning to bed those boys down in Raleigh this weekend" Eamon asked, half-teasingly.

"I'd love nothing more" the sheriff said. "My friend William has taught me to listen and watch and a boy will reveal what he wants. We'd really love to do stuff with them boys but neither one of us would ever make a move till they was askin' for us to do it. They've just started swimmin' naked with all of us. I really ain't never had a good long look at Rafe's cock but I know the boy's got a thick, dark bush and I've seen enough to know that cock looks real long and skinny with a cockhead about the size of mine."

"That sounds delicious" William said. "But he's so shy and he's uncut. If you've never seen the boy hard, how did you get a look at the cockhead?"

"Well, one day the boys was doin' their study group and I'd just walked in the house, dyin' to take a good long piss. I walked in the bathroom door without knocking and there was Rafe, takin' a good piss. He had skinned it back to piss and I was amazed at the size of the cockhead. I could see that the skinny shaft was long too and it was a beautiful cock. I don't recall ever seein' a cock quite like that, long and skinny with a cockhead t he size of a small tomato. It was pretty much unforgettable and I'd shore love to see more of it when the boy's ready for his paw to do that."

I really wish those two were here today" William said. "Billy Paul's said several times how much more they seem to be relaxing about being naked with the others. Our younger boys notice things like that. They don't miss a thing and their opinions are usually spot fucking on. Billy Paul described Rafe's cock in exactly the way you did. He says it's really nice and long but skinny with a huge head on the end of it. He hasn't seen it hard either but he did see it when Rafe skinned it back to pee in the outdoor shower."

"Well I can see that the boy's father was an idiot and his mother a goddamned fool for not treasuring such a fine boy" William said. "And speaking of cunts, our buddy Mac is very interested having a little chat with your Aunt Flea, Randy. He has been nursing a grudge against that bitch ever since the day he left for Haiti. I think it could be interesting. He's a really nice guy and he's excellent with the boys, but he's gotta have some pretty tough shit beneath that to be as successful as he has been with his work. That's incredibly hard work and he must have dealt with some unbelievably tough assholes down in Haiti."

"You think he could give that cunt a little taste of Hell?" Randy asked.

"I think the man could be surprisingly rough and tough on bitches, especially if he was told the whole story about that Bedford bitch trying to kill young Kurt. He won't like hearing that a little bit."

"Let's plan on finding some time to visit the cunny cunt cunts with him this evening then" the sheriff said with an evil smile."

"Sounds like a plan to me" William said, grinning broadly.

During the conversation, Sarge had moved in front of Eamon and was obviously rubbing his round ass against the black man's thick, long cock.

"You like the feel of that black fuckmeat against your hairy ass don't you sarge?" William asked.

"Umm hmm" Sarge answered, as if in a trance.

"Getting' fucked is new to you, Sarge" Willaim said. "You think you can handle that big black cock of the warden's?"

"I'm not sure but I'm thinking right now I'd sure like to try" Sarge answered, his eyes closed, his voice soft and throaty.

"That man's needin' some cock, warden" the sheriff said. "Why don't you two climb up there on that lounge chair and you give him what he wants?"

"I'd like some of that Marine hole but I didn't bring any lube" the warden said.

"I have some in the pocket of the shorts" Sarge said very quietly, enjoying the feel of the huge cock log rubbing against his hairy ass.

"Climb on up there, Sarge" Eamon said brusquely.

"Sir, yes, sir" the Marine said softly and obediently.

Recalling the warden's earlier session with a very submissive Arnold, William and Randy smiled at each other wondering if the warden had found two submissive wannabe pussyboys in one day.

"You mind if I call you "boy", soldier?" the warden asked as Sarge pulled himself up onto the apron of the pool, completely exposing his beautiful pink hole surrounded by man fur.

"Sir, no, sir" Sarge said in a soft voice William and Randy had never heard from the burly Marine before.

"That's one helluva beautiful fuckhole, soldier" Eamon said in his soft, growly, masculine voice.

"Sir, thank you sir" Sarge said in a mere whisper.

"You sure you want this black dick, soldier" Eamon asked. "You felt it rubbing against that ass of yours so you know it ain't one of those starter dicks. You do know that, don't you?"

"Sir, yes, sir" Sarge answered. "I'll take it, sir" Sarge answered. "I'm a Marine and I can take a lot."

"I'm not gonna hurt you, soldier" Eamon said as he lifted himself out of the pool, his biceps bulging.

His cock was now exposed to William and Randy and was a black, beautiful piece of meat, long and thick with the cockhead barely peeking out from the long foreskin. He was now standing beside the handsome soldier who was a head shorter than the warden, his skin appearing more pale than ever next to the chocolate skin of the black man.

"I need to be sure that you want this, soldier" Eamon said as he turned Sarge to face him and began to knead the Marine's perfect, round ass. "Are you sure you want your friends to see you take a black cock in your pretty little pussy? Some of those boys in the pool might see the Marine getting fucked in the ass by a big black cock. You sure that won't bother you."

"I'm sure of that, sir" Sarge said. "I don't care who sees me get fucked. I'm over all that silly bullshit now. I want to be a real man, a Marine who isn't afraid to get fucked in his ass. And I've heard little Billy Paul tell about how gentle you were when you fucked his tiny little hole. He said he never felt so full of cock in his life. I'd like to feel that, sir, if you want to fuck this Marine."

"I want very much to fuck that perfect soldier ass of yours, Sarge" Eamon whispered, taking the man's face gently in his hands and kissing him – a wet, passionate kiss with the men exchanging tongues.

Sarge leaned visibly into the taller black man as if totally submitting himself to anything Eamon wanted to use him for. Sarge spread his thighs ever so slightly and reached down to slide Eamon's hard cock between his legs. It was clear the burly Marine wanted the warden's cock inside him as he made a whimpering sound much like the ones made by Pepe and Dopie earlier as they had been fingered. Eamon instructed Sarge to kneel on the lounge chair and bend over while he reached into the pocket of Sarge's shorts and retrieved a tube of lubricant, squirting a generous got onto his fingers.

"You're craving that cock aren't you, son?" Eamon asked. "Did you ever crave your daddy's cock?

"Yessir" Sarge answered. "I really want your cock in me and yes, sir, I can't remember a time I didn't want my father to put his cock in me. But he never did. He let me watch him masturbate but he'd never let me touch his hard meat. I really wanted it but he'd laugh at me when I tried to touch it. He used to call me a fag and whip my ass after he'd shoot his cum on my face. But he never let me put my hand on his meat as much as I wanted it."

"You had a selfish, mean father, boy, but that's in the past" Eamon said. "That's all over and done and now you're gonna get a fat daddy cock in that boyhole."

"Yes, sir, thank you sir" Sarge whispered as Eamon applied a generous amount of lube to Sarge's perfect pink hole with his long, elegant fingers. Eamon then began to tease the Marine's hole, barely inserting the tip of his long index finger. Each time he gave him just the very tip of the finger, Sarge would lean back, trying to get more of the digit inside him. Eamon laughed softly.

"That is a hungry hole, soldier" the warden said. "Your father was a stupid man and a selfish one" Eamon whispered as he leaned down licking and kissing the sergeant's neck. "Now just close your eyes and pretend it's your own daddy sliding this dick into you. I've got it nice and slick. It won't hurt but it may make you feel like you're full to overflowing. There could be a little pain at first but I promise you it will start to feel good if you're patient. If it hurts, just take some deep breaths and blow it out through pursed lips. I promise you any pain won't last long and when you feel this dark meat rubbing your passion spot, you'll enjoy the shit out of it."

The warden put his hard cock against the sergeant's slick hole and began to ease his dick into the man. Sarge gasped audibly as the thick, veiny cock penetrated him. The Marine felt a moment of fear, wondering if he had bitten off more than he could chew, having had so little experience being fucked by another man. But then he felt the warden's thick meat graze his pleasure spot. He realized he had been holding his breath and he now exhaled and enjoyed the extreme pleasure as the most sensitive part of his body was stimulated.

"I know you feel like somebody shoved a tree branch up your ass but I'll just hold really still while you get used to it and then I'll start fucking you" the warden said in his soft, deep voice.

"I'm ready right now, sir" Sarge responded. "It hurts a little but I never imagined pain could be so good. I just shot a load on those two young'uns a little while ago and my dicks already hard as a rock again. I'm not sure what's going on but I sure got no complaints."

"They say that can happen when a man is hanging out with younger boys" Eamon whispered as he continued to lick the Sergeant's neck. "They can get hard almost immediately after a dry climax. It seems men can get hard much faster than normally when they play with the boys. I'm going to reach my hand around and play with soldier dick, son."

"Sir, yes, sir" Sarge whispered. "You can do anything you fucking want to me, daddy"

Attaboy" Eamon said as he began to slide his thick, long, hard cock in and out of the handsome drill sergeant.

He would withdraw to the point his cockhead would almost pop out but at the last second he'd shove it back in one long, even stroke, eliciting a moan of pleasure from his fucktoy on every stroke. Eamon had progressed now to even, long strokes but was keeping the tempo slow, knowing Sarge was enjoying a good, sexy, slow fucking as the hard cock stimulated his prostate gland on every stroke in and out. Randy and William had moved closer and were now still in the water but hanging onto the edge of the pool just a couple of feet away from where the warden was fucking the hot Marine. Randy could tell William was stroking his own cock and reached down to find his buddy's cock rock hard.

"Goddamn, that dick is hard, buddy" he whispered to his friend as they watched the sexy fuck scene. "I'm surprised Dopie and Pepe didn't offer to suck your cocks. Our boys know it ain't proper not to reciprocate when somebody's done somethin' nice for you."

"Settle down, my friend" William said quietly to his friend as Randy started to play with his hard dick under the cover of the water. "Both Pepe and Dopie wanted to give us blow jobs or have us fuck them but we declined. I think now that Mac knows he's attending the ranch for the weekend, he wants to be sure he can perform. I, on the other hand, wanted to hang onto my hardon in case a certain sheriff I care a lot about wants to have some playtime."

"I guess you mean Sheriff Satterfield, don't you?" Randy teased.

"Fuck that old geezer and his hairless cocksucker cop sons!" William said, splashing water in the sheriff's face playfully. "That motherfucker is older than God and he ain't a sheriff anyway. He's the police chief and I heard them Satterfield motherfuckers married their father off to Arnold's ex-wife so she could fuck him to death. I'm sure they're after any possessions he might have and their father's pension."

"You wouldn't be talking about some of that Gayberry sheriff cock, would you" Randy asked with a grin. "I hear he's got a pretty big one."

"Well, I wouldn't mind having some of that except he's probably got nothing left after playing with that handsome Scobey fellow a couple of hours ago."

"You wouldn't be jealous would you?" Randy teased.

"You know that neither of us would ever allow feelings of jealousy to taint what we have" William said as he kissed the sheriff. "I wouldn't mind having a little taste of Scobey cock. I've always thought him a good looking man in that sort of plaid flannel shirt farmer sort of way. And I'd really like to share that sweet cock with you."

"He is a good looking man and a very kind, sweet man who has silently taken unbelievable abuse from his own father, wife and daughter" Randy said. And he took every bit of it without saying a word, just kept his head to the ground and his nose to the grindstone, whatever the fuck that means."

"I bet I could finagle a dinner invite for both of us from Ben and Lester once they get kinda settled in at the Weaver mansion" Randy said. "I believe they'd be open to having a little sexy time fun with the sheriff and his very handsome buddy."

"I'm sure you're talking about Arnold when you refer to your `sexy buddy'" William said.

"Well, of course I am" Randy said devilishly. "But our homely friend William might be allowed to come along if he promised to behave himself. Goddamn! Look how that warden's layin' pipe in our soldier friend. Listen to him hum while he takes that big cock."

"I recognize that sound as the same sound my son made when the warden fucked his little hole" William said. "That has to be some prime dick on a man who really knows how to use it."

They watched as the warden was now pounding his big cock into Sarge and the marine just moaning and whimpering in pleasure. The warden had flipped the muscular Marine over onto his back and raised his legs so that they were now resting on Eamon's soldiers as he fucked him and kissed the man with long, wet, smothering kisses. The black warden was giving Sarge a pretty amazing fuck which was exciting as Sarge had never been fucked himself until coming to Gayberry. Then Sarge seemed to struggle harder and he seemed to be trying to tell Eamon something. But the warden was unrelenting as he continued to pound the man's ass, Sarge's hard dick perpendicular to his hairy belly as he was thoroughly fucked. Suddenly thick white cream started to fly from the sergeant's hard cock. Neither Sarge nor the warden was touching the cock, yet the cum was flowing and it was apparent Sarge had tried to give Eamon a heads up on his impending climax. But the warden was not surprised as he continued to pound the Marine's asshole with long hard, rapid long stroked. Then Eamon began to shoot inside Sarge as was apparent by quick thrusts and a low moaning sound coming from deep within the handsome, dominant man. Eventually both were spent. They became silent, their limbs still intertwined, Sarge's hairy legs wrapped tightly around Eamon's beautiful mocha round butt. The warden kissed Sarge's neck repeatedly and licked his face showing an unexpected tenderness to the gruff authoritarian.

Eventually the two men, still covered in Sarge's sticky cum, got up to head for the outdoor shower but not before Eamon kissed the sergeant tenderly.

"Thank you for that" Sarge whispered.

"Thank you, soldier." Eamon said quietly.

"You knew exactly what I needed" Sarge said."

"Yes, I did" Eamon said. "And it's available to you any time you need it in the future. All you have to do is call and I'm there, buddy."

It was clear the two had again become equals rather than dominant and submissive as they held hands and headed to shower together.

"That was one helluva exciting fuck!" Randy said."

"Fuck yeah it was!" William responded. "Eamon's got a helluva cock on him and he's a fuckmaster."

Mr. Bernie Moore walked up to the edge of the pool as they were talking. Mr. Moore was there to pick up his twin grandsons who were part of the study group and both of whom were in cock cages after being caught by the sheriff in a motel room with the mayor's daughter and her slut friend.

"Greetings, gentlemen. The young-looking grandfather said to William and Randy. "If you guys have a second..."

"Mr. Moore, we got all the time in the world for a fine gentleman like yourself" Randy said.

Randy had the most sincere respect for Mr. Moore, who was one of Gayberry's wealthiest men, owning a string of meatpacking plants spread across the state with its headquarters in Gayberry. The man's son, Mark, who was father of the thirteen year-old twins had had run-ins with the law since his youth and was now in a cock cage himself, having run afoul of the law and having been given one last bail-out by his father. Mark was now banished to the basement of the family mansion and had been busted at the family company from vice president to duties of handing out towels in the men's showers at the meat plant. He was allowed very limited contact with his sons and worked long hours at the plant. Mr. Moore knew it was harsh, but the boy had deserved it, a sentiment with which the sheriff and William agreed wholeheartedly.

"Well, I will admit I am a little troubled" the man said. "And, by the way, it isn't necessary to call me `Mr. Moore'. Bernie will suffice and I'm not that much damned older than you fellas although I'll never be as handsome as either of you."

That got a laugh from the men in the pool.

"I've been very pleased with the progress I've seen in Mark but I am troubled by reports that Fizzie Weaver has been seen around the meat plant recently" Bernie explained. "As you know I have strictly forbidden my son from having any contact with that Weaver boy. He is a lowlife thug. I am not blaming my own son's actions on Fizzie, but I know that the two together are a toxic match. I know the twins miss the time with their father but they are in their formative years and I simply cannot allow my son to corrupt those beautiful boys. They are sweet boys and they are the joys of my life. Their mother is gone for good. I hear she's taken up with some woman over in Charleston or savannah or wherever the fuck she is, so I feel responsible for making those boys become good, solid men and citizens. I show them all the love I can and they share my bed every single night. They were a little angry about being put in cock cages and about the severe punishment their dad received, but we have talked at length and now the boys understand their punishment is for their own good as is the punishment their father is receiving. There have been a few days where Mark has shown up almost an hour late at the plant. I check to make sure he is observing his curfew but a few times he has been late. I have let it slide and I know that is not a good idea but, sheriff, I still love my son, no matter what it has cost me to payoff families of daughters he fucked pregnant and how many employees I had to relocate because he knocked up their daughters. I guess it's just really hard to stop wanting to try to make things okay for your own son."

"I sympathize completely, Bernie, and I know the sheriff does too" William said. "We both have boys and I don't think either of us can even imagine the tough decisions you've had to make with regard to Mark. But you've shown a whole lot of strength and courage and it's very clear how much you love not only your son but those beautiful twin grandsons."

"Bernie, you know I ain't one to spread gossip but I think you're a man who knows when to keep his mouth shut" Randy said. "Some events have happened earlier today which I hope will result in Fizzie Weaver leaving this town forever."

"That is great news and I certainly hope he never sets foot around here again" Mr. Moore said. "Is Ben okay? I know that man loves his son too and we've both been through hell over and over with those two boys. I have come to consider Ben a valued friend and we've done what we could to discourage the friendship between our sons. I know that Ben has tried very hard to be a good father and to show affection for Fizzie. We were out having dinner one night, just Ben and me with our sons. Ben and Fizzie disagreed about something during dinner and Ben ended up apologizing. He told Fizzie that he loved him but that enraged Fizzie. He threw a plate of food at his father and called him a dirty goddamned cocksucking faggot and stormed out of the restaurant. I felt sorry for Ben but I was glad that it happened in Raleigh and not here in Gayberry where everyone in town would have known about it. That was when I started to strongly discourage my son's friendship with that little bastard. There's no telling what humiliations Fizzie has put his father through but Ben has always supported his son.

"Them days may be over now" the sheriff said. "Since I know you ain't one to talk, Ben had the locks changed on their house and at the store today. Fizzie is out of that house and told never to return. Ben hired security and told the boy never to set foot in the store again or he'll have him arrested. Ben's got enough on that boy to put him in Statesville for the rest of his fuckin' life so I don't see nothin' for Fizzie to do except get the fuck out of town."

"I'm very sorry to hear that for Ben but I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear Fizzie may be out of my own boy's life. I tell you that little son of a bitch is bad news."

"Who's bad news, Grand?" Benny asked as he walked up to where his grandfather was chatting with the sheriff and William. "I hope it's not bad news about our dad."

Both of the young twin grandsons of Mr. Moore had walked up as the men were talking, unnoticed by their grandfather.

"Oh no, boys, it's nothing to do with your dad" Bernie answered. "I just left the plant before coming here and your father is at work doing exactly as he's supposed to be. Are you boys done with swimming?"

"Yes, sir" Denny answered as both the naked boys answered, their light blonde pubic tufts glistening in the afternoon son. "But we saw you and we knew you had come to get us so we headed over. "

"Sergeant Weatherly would like to talk to you please" Denny said. "He's invited us to join all the other boys and their dads at the ranch for the whole weekend. You're invited too and we'd really, really like to do it. There'll be swimming and horses and bonfires and cookouts and we'd really..."

"Say no more boys" the man said, hugging both boys. "If it's something you want to do, that will be fine. The Sergeant actually phoned me earlier and I accepted the invitation for all of us in the event you boys wanted to go, which I never doubted.'

Bernie managed to lift both boys in his strong arms as they showered his face with kisses. Sarge walked up at that moment and opened his arms to Denny who clasped his hands around his neck.

"I take it you can be expected at the ranch for the weekend?" Sarge asked with a laugh. "I didn't tell the boys that you and I had spoken because I thought it right that you give them the news. We are so happy you are coming. I've really enjoyed getting to know you a little in the brief chats we've had when you've come to pick up your precious boys and I really can't wait for you to get to know Dale Mason and some of the other dads. I'm actually as excited as the boys are. And I'm very sorry to hear about the troubles you've had with your own son. I don't gossip but Mark has quite a reputation in this town. And I totally understand what you've been through to try to keep your boy out of prison. I've got my only nephew locked up in the jail right now while I am finishing up a halfway house of sorts. After his father died, his mother couldn't handle things anymore. The boy was headed to prison for a long stretch except that I knew him from my days as a Marine. I was able to convince the judge I could rehabilitate the boy. Fortunately the judge knew I was a total and complete disciplinarian asshole from the days I was his drill sergeant."

"You're a good man for helping your nephew like that" Bernie said. "Not many men would put their lives on hold to do that, especially when you could've retired to the islands or pretty much anywhere."

"I feel like I was led to Gayberry, Bernie" Sarge said. "I've been around men all my life in the military, but I feel like my eyes have really been opened to what life should be about since I got here. Your grandsons have told me about how affectionate you are with them and I think they're very lucky boys to have you."

"I just wish I'd known someone like you when my own son was younger" Bernie said. "Mark has a good heart but he just can't seem to stay out of trouble and avoid bad influences."

"I wish I'd been there too but I truly believe it's never too late" Sarge said. "I saw some pretty hard cases in the Marines but I never found one I couldn't get through too. It wasn't always pretty and it got downright goddamned ugly sometimes, but we do what we have to do. Anyway, I sure am glad you and the boys will be with us for the weekend. You're a good looking man and I look forward to seeing you without those clothes on. I'd be really pleased if we might find a little time in the bunkhouse during the weekend. It's going to be fun."

Bernie blushed slightly as Sarge walked away to rejoin the boys in the pool. The twins reappeared, having left minutes earlier to get dried off and dressed.

"Bernie, we try to shut things down every Friday that we can and come home to spend time with the boys" William said. "We'd be really pleased if you might find time to join us and I know your boys would like that too."

"Thank you for the invitation" Mr. Moore said. "You are genuinely good men and I couldn't be more grateful to you."

The twins leaned in for hugs with William and Randy, still in the pool and then left with their handsome grandfather.

"Goddamn! Those are a pair of fine looking boys" Randy said. "Shame they got them cock cages."

"Sure is but it was a close call" William said. "They were just beginning to make spunk when we caught them at the motel with Jenny and her whore friend. It only takes one drop of cum to knock a girl up and ruin a boy's life. And both boys are making better grades than ever. They're both such affectionate boys. I'd love to watch them kiss and fuck each other one of these days."

"I couldn't agree more" the sheriff said. "That thought's makin' my dick get hard again. Specially seein' them boys with their granddaddy."

"Hmmm, sounds like seeing old Ben Weaver's cock today got you in the mood to fuck a few grandpaws, sheriff" William teased as Randy grabbed his shoulders and pushed his head under the water.

William came up sputtering and both men were enjoying a great laugh.

"I told you old Ben don't look half as goddamned old when he shucks off that suit and shows that fine hard cock" Randy said. "You'd be on that cock like a dog on a fuckin' ham bone."

"I am a bit of a cockhound" William laughed. "I don't mind admitting that. But I'm no worse than my good buddy the sheriff."

"Maybe I wouldn't mind some grandpaw dick but I know for sure I wouldn't mind tastin' some of that twin meat" Randy told William. "Them boys shore is pretty with them nice little blond bushes. I barely remember how big them cocks was when we put them boys in their cages. It's hard to see them pits and blond pubes till you get right up on em. O remember I was so goddamned pissed off at Jenny Dykes seducin' innocent young boys like that. I prob'ly shoulda threw her ass in jail that day."

"You realize that would've caused an all out war with the mayor" William said. "I'm afraid we're on that path anyway with the asshole mayor firing Mr. Vague as county accountant and putting that slut wife or fiancé or whatever the fuck she is in charge of the Gayberry finance books. I know Mr. Vague is scheduled to audit the books on the first of the month and I dread what he's going to find. That cunt is not much better, if any, than her former husband who's now calling himself Mikayla and who is expecting to get some gender reassignment surgery. That's going to be another shitstorm when Mikayla gets that news. Are you ready for all this uproar?"

"I ain't lookin' forward to any of it but we gotta do the right thing with the mayor and the city's finances and with getting' justice for all them boys that had their paws betray em with that goddamned Preacher Smith" Randy said. "And that stupid prick thinks he has a chance at getting' elected governor. What a dumb son of a bitch he is and I think his bitch and all their friends is just blowin' smoke up their asses. Ain't nobody gonna vote for him."

"Sure they will" William said. "You know that prick has no moral compass whatsoever. People will vote for the dumb ass son of a bitch knowing full well they can use him when he's in the governor's office. It would be a motherfucking disaster of epic proportions just like that fucking Dickson guy would've been if he'd beaten our new young president."

"That is one handsome little son of a bitch" Randy said. "And Rafe looks more like him ever day. That little shit is goin' to be one of the best lookin' sons of bitches this town ever saw. Just mark my word."

"I'm really glad he and Kurt have gotten more relaxed about being naked with the other boys" William said. "I heard Billy Paul telling Dopie and Arnold Junior how much he wants that fat cockhead Rafe's got in his hole. My younger son is dying to feel that thing inside him."

"I'd love to do stuff with Rafe and Kurt but I won't even think about it till they're ready" Randy said. "I was real close to doin' stuff with Kurt the night of the Colony fire. I know he weren't ready so that fire, as awful as it was, may have kept me from doin' somethin' that might've harmed that boy."

"Randy, I know who you are" William said. "You'd never do anything to harm your own sons or anybody else's sons. But Rafe and Kurt are very sexy boys and I wouldn't mind if they wanted to do stuff with us this weekend."

"I seriously doubt that will happen but it ain't ever hurt to be hopeful" Randy said with a chuckle.

"As they talked Mac approached with Dopie on his shoulders.

"Have you boys worn Mac completely out?" the sheriff asked with his usual big smile.

"I could keep on doing this forever" Mac said. "I don't recall ever enjoying an afternoon this much in my life."

"Me too" Dopie said. And Mr. McBeavey has agreed to stay for dinner since Sarge and David invited him. They're grilling hamburgers and weenies so he agreed to stay for dinner. But he says he'll have to go back to the Butter Cup to sleep."

"Oh hell naw!" Randy said. "You need to just disabuse yourself of that notion right now. No friend of ours is staying in that shithole as long as I have this goddamned house with all this space."

"Can he sleep with us in our room, paw?"

"Of course he can if he wants to or he can sleep in one of the fine guest rooms but he is not stayin' at that goddamned Butter Cup!"

"Sheriff, I appreciate the hospitality but I went ahead and checked in at the motel before I went to your previous residence." Mac said.

"That don't mean shit" Randy said. "Why, I'll have that little dipshit former deputy of mine run by the motel, get your bags and bring them over here. He has shit else to do except answer the telephone so he might as well do a little something to earn his wages. You just forget about ever seein' that motherfucking dump."

"Oh yeah!" Dopie said excitedly. "Can Mr. Mac sleep in our bed? Please! Can he please?"

"Mac can sleep anywhere in this house he wants to sleep" Randy said. "If his heart's strong enough to sleep with you three naked horndog boys and he wants to do that, he's just welcome s he can be."

"Sheriff, I appreciate your invitation" Mac said. "I very much appreciate it and I do hope my heart is up to it because I believe the rest of my body is. I just hope I can raise my two new sons to be as affectionate, loving and kind as every boy in this pool is. "

Mac swam to the edge of the pool where Dopie came off his shoulders, stepping onto the pool apron to run to the bathroom to pee.

"I'm glad that's settled about you staying here with us" Randy said. "If you're brave enough to do it, those three boys may not let you get any sleep at all. They're all three curious when there's a new hard cock in the house. But it will be good practice for when your own boys arrive here."

"I can't believe I'm going to be in a bed with all three of those beautiful boys."

"And buck naked!" William added as Dopie ran back to the pool and climbed back on Mac's waiting shoulders.

It really was a sight to behold as the naked little ginger ran toward the pool, a huge smile on his face, his red hair shining in the afternoon sun and his tiny little uncut cock bouncing with every step he took.

"You think your paw and your Uncle William might get a little kiss afore you go and rejoin the group?" the sheriff asked his son.

"Why shore, paw" Dopie said with his usual grin.

"You want me to kiss your mouth or that little willy" Randy teased his son.

"Why, shucks, paw, I'd like you to kiss em both" the boy answered as Mac stood right up against the sheriff in the waist deep water and lifted the boy off his shoulder, handing him to his father. Randy laid the boy flat out on the water's surface on his back and proceeded to give him a wet kiss on the mouth as William moved in and sucked the boy's soft little cock into his mouth.

Dopie giggled as Mac watched, wordless at the beautiful sight he was witnessing.

"Uh-oh, that willy's starting to get hard again" William chuckled as the boy's father again placed his son on Mac's shoulders.

"Me and William's about to hit that hot tub" Randy said. "It works wonders on tight or sore muscles. We'd be mighty pleased if you'd join us in a bit."

"Well, thank you" Mac said. "I'd like that a lot. Is that okay with you, Dopie?"

"Why it shore is" Dopie said. "Men folks always got things to talk about and we still got David and the sergeant and the warden to throw us up in the air."

"I'll take him back to the group and join you shortly" Mac said as he swam away with a grinning Dopie on his shoulders.

"He shore is a nice man" the sheriff said.

"Yes, he seems very kind" William said. "I think the two boys he's adopting are going to be very fortunate boys. He'll make a wonderful father. But I have a feeling he'll also be able to give your aunt and her cunt buddy hell tonight. In my experience, it's the kind, quiet ones that become the scariest assholes once they've reached their limit of bullshit. I believe Mac is going to be a dream father but I also think he's capable of being those cunts' worst nightmare. Just a feeling."

"I trust your gut, buddy" Randy said, putting his arm around William as they left the pool and headed for the hot tub. "It ain't gonna hurt to fill him in a little bit on Aunt Flea and that Bedford cunt so he'll know the whole sorry fuckin' picture."

"That's for sure" William said as Mac walked up, dropped his towel and stepped into the hot tub with William and Randy.

"Them boys ain't wore you plumb out, Mac?" Randy asked.

"Not at all, sheriff" Mac said. "I think I've enjoyed the time much more than the boys have.. I didn't think I could have been any more excited about the arrival of my own boys but after spending time with these guys, I fucking can't wait."

"I'm thinking my two new adopted sons ought to be along here in a while" Randy said. "They're both sixteen and they're covering a free blood pressure clinic the doc had set up afore he went out of town."

"So those two are still in high school?" Mac asked.

"Actually Rafe and Kurt are both exceptionally bright boys" William said. "They both finished high school a year early. Both boys came from very sketchy families so they studied hard, excelled and graduated so that they could provide additional income for their families. Rafe's mother was a single mother and we know nothing about his father. Kurt's father is a sorry piece of shit we have locked up over at the quarters."

They then brought Mac up to speed on Reverend Smith and what had gone on at his church as well as the in depth investigations and plans for obtaining justice. They also filled him in on the contract on young Kurt which could have cost the lad his life and Tara Bedford's involvement in that situation.

"Oh yeah, you'll meet that Bedford cunt if you really want to go over there this evenin'" Randy said.

"Oh yes, I'd really like to go if you don't have a problem with it. There are a couple of things I want to say to your aunt and I hope you won't be offended."

"It won't offend me if you cut hr goddamned ugly fuckin' head off" Randy said as they all had a laugh.

"Randy, I now feel there were things I should have told you about when I was here before" Mac said. "But you had been so kind to me and I had just fallen in love with your son. I was afraid that knowing the truth would wound you because I realized that your Aunt flea was not at all what she appeared to be or what she wanted the entire town to think she was. The truth is that all during dinner she kept reaching under the table and playing with my crotch. She'd feel of my cock and rub my thigh, doing anything to show she was available. Several times during the meal, she kicked off a shoe and had her stocking foot in my crotch, rubbing my cock and the entire time she never missed a beat in the conversation. I'm sure you don't recall but at one point you went to the kitchen to get more biscuits and she scooted her chair back and raised her skirt, showing me her bare, hairy cunt. She spread her legs surprisingly wide and even stuck a finger inside her pussy. Then we heard you coming back into the dining room and she quickly scooted her chair closer to the table and you never knew anything happened. Fortunately, your young son was so engrossed in the delicious fried chicken that he didn't notice a thing that she was up to .When we finished the meal, she asked me to help clear the table so I did. Once we were in the kitchen, she had her hands all over me. She managed to get my fly open and her hands on my cock at one point with me fighting it all the way. She used some of the filthiest language I ever heard telling me how she wanted to put my hard cock in her mouth and in her cunt and in her asshole. I never heard a woman use such language before then or since. I managed to escape the kitchen but she wasn't happy about that. That's when I offered to take Dopie upstairs and help the boy with his bath. I was truly hoping to spend time with him and to see your son naked but I also was desperate to not be alone with that woman. That was when she called you into the kitchen. I sensed she was probably making up some awful story about me since I had rebuffed her and it wasn't long before I left and went back to my motel. I don't believe I slept a wink that night, debating myself whether I should come to the court house and tell you what had transpired. I was still trying to decide on a course of action when I went to work in the woods the next morning. I was high up in the top of a tree when I heard a car, then several honks on a car horn. I waited silently and then I heard your aunt's shrill singsongy voice calling out to me. She had obviously seen my truck and knew I was nearby. But I stayed silent as a mouse. She yelled out my name for over an hour, telling me how she wanted to get me naked and suck my cock and put it inside her and put a finger into my asshole. I never heard a woman speak of things like I heard that day. She finally left but not before planting herself at the foot of the tree right next to the one I was in. She sat down, leaned back against the tree and proceeded to take her hose, shoes and panties off. She was naked below the waist and had her skirt hiked up. I swear to you she sat there, leaning against a tree and shouting out what she wanted me to do to her while she fingered herself to a noisy, shrieking climax. It was a spectacle I doubt I will ever forget."

"Well, I ain't never!" Randy said, amazed at what he was hearing.

"While she was masturbating herself, she kept up a dialogue with herself telling how you often came into her room at night and at first would hold her down and stick your fingers inside her and then how you would tie her up and fuck her, not just in the cunt but also in the back door. She also was saying some bullshit about how you took some wooden spoon and repeatedly ass-fucked her with it. At that point I knew I couldn't ever bring myself to share that information with you. I just wanted to leave and that's when the call came to go to Haiti so the problem essentially solved itself. But the truth is that I've been haunted by thoughts of that crazy bitch and I wasn't sure that she couldn't go off and harm you and your sweet boy. I can't tell you how many letters I wrote to you, relating what had happened. But when I would reread them to myself, it all seemed utterly vile and unbelievable. I tore every one of those letters up."

"Don't you worry about that" Randy said. "I'm the one who endangered my boy for way, way too goddamned long. I shoulda figured out that slut was behavin' in a abnormal manner. It just ain't normal for a woman who holds herself out to be a virgin to be such a goddamn, cocksucking dickfuckin cunt. Why it turns out that bitch abused me when I was about Dopie's age fuckin' me in the ass with a wooden spoon in that kitchen. I shut it out of my memory for years and it turns out she was doin' the same goddamned thing to my sweet boy."

"That fucking bitch!" Mac gasped. "So she abused you and your son and that other bitch tried to have one of your sons killed?"

"Shot with a damned shotgun!" Randy said. "Not only that, but the Bedford cunt was also in on the way Aunt Flea abused me and my boy. I firmly believe she murdered her husband by throwin' an electrical device into this very swimmin' pool. I ain't been able to prove it yet but I'll never give up on that."

"There's evidence that her husband kidnapped their three sons and that he never even fucked his wife in all their years of married" William added. "Those three boys are so traumatized, they never wanted to set foot in this state again and outright gave Randy their father's construction company and this mansion. Randy and I suspected Mrs. Bedford was a cuntlapper for a while. Turns out she's licked cunts in this town for years, including most all the wives and all of the bitches in the Ladies' Aid Society. She turned many of them against their own husbands and encouraged women to abuse their own husbands and sons. Apparently Aunt Flea loves having her cunt licked by a woman almost as much as she loves cocks. One time she almost got married off to Crisco Charling, a fellow who lives up in the hills. He's got a whole houseful of sons. He decided he needed somebody to cook for his boys and him after his wife passed, so he actually kidnapped Aunt Flea and they took her up to the cabin. Before any of us even realized he'd taken her, he brought her back, furious after finding her naked in bed with three of his sons. He said one was fucking her in the cunt, one in the asshole and the one with the biggest dick was fucking her mouth. He was totally disgusted. He said he didn't care how good that pussy was, he'd never allow a wife in his house to fuck his wife without his express permission.""

"That is some unbelievable shit" Mac said. "But after what I saw in that one night and one morning from Miss Taylor, I just can't say I'm surprised. I'm just glad William came along and got you and your sweet, sweet boy out of there."

"So the fuck am I, Mac" Randy said. "I thank the good Lord for that ever day I wake up."

"I really need to get over to that goddamned place" Mac said. "Are there any limits you want to put on my behavior?"

"Have at it, Mac" the sheriff said.

Next: Chapter 107

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