What Ought to Be on Wasteland

By tReSe

Published on Sep 21, 2000


Date: September 21, 2000 KILT: What Ought to be on Wasteland 04(m/m)(celeb)(fan)(anal)(bond)(rape) ====================================================== Disclaimer: The story you are about read contains gay erotic experiences. So, if you are not of legal age or your country, religion, moral universe etc., consider this writings to be perverse, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions. ====================================================== Background on KILT:

KILT stands for "Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese." It's a collection of original gay erotic stories written by a Filipino.

You may copy KILT Stories for your personal reading pleasures. However, posting and redistributing any of these writings via electronic mail, publishing it in magazines, using it as film scripts, etc., is strictly prohibited. Only individuals, groups, web sites, publishing houses, film outfits, etc., that were given proper authorization reserve the right to post or redistribute these materials. ======================================================

Author's Note:

This story depicts what might have happened in the t.v. series, "Wasteland" if homoeroticism was permitted. The characters of the actual program are owned Kevin Williamson and the images portrayed herein in no way imply anything about the sexual orientation of the actors who portray them.

If you like to read my other stories, please visit my web site @ http://www.geocities.com/kathang_isip_ni_trese =====================================================

What Ought to be on Wasteland by tReSe Copyright 2000 Friday Trese Co. All Rights Reserved.

[Episode 4]

Jesse is in the coffee shop with Philip, the coffee boy. She likes him but decides not to be too forward about her feelings. She hopes that Philip would put the moves on her soon.

Ty is asked on date by his temporary date Felicia.

Russell is waiting in the restaurant for Ty to have lunch. Justin, the waiter/struggling actor, is waiting on him. Russell finds Justin quite interesting and very attractive.

Vandy meets Jules, the pub's new waitress/singer.

After having coffee with Philip, Jesse is back in her office with one of her biggest clients. The client proposes to revive the old fashion-dating style with the help of a computer.

Jesse asks Dawnie to participate on her project. At first, Dawnie was hesitant. But when she found out the Ty is going out with Felicia, she accepts Jesse's proposal.

Meanwhile, Vandy and Sam are in their respective working place. Sam and Vince are getting along while Vandy acquaints himself with his new co-worker, Jules.

Russell and Ty are in the bar where Vandy works. Ty confronts Russell and teases him by states the obvious that the actor has a crush on the waiter. Russell denies all this at first. But he eventually admits the truth to Ty that he is indeed interested in the tall, blond, Justin.

During the course of their conversation, Russell tells Ty that they should double again like what they used to do in college. At first, Ty didn't like the idea. But Russell convinces him that it would be like old times when they would build each other up in front of their dates. Finally, Ty agrees.

Friday night arrives. The air is filled with dating frenzy. In the apartment, Russell, Dawnie and Ty are gathered in the bathroom mirror fixing themselves for their dates. At the sound of the doorbell, Russell opens the door and standing on the other side, is a hunky Italian guy whose Dawnie's blind date from Jesse's project. Ty ties to play it cool and act as if it's just some dorky guy picking his ex-girlfriend on a date. After Dawnie left with his date, Russell is totally blown away how gorgeous Dawnie's date.

In the DA's office, Sam has finished her work. She's about to go home, when Vince catch her. They have their casual chat, at first. But this lead to dinner in the office by ordering some Chinese take out and talking about personal stuffs, mostly about dating.

Jesse is with her date on the restaurant. Though, her date is major looker, his personally stinks. After dinner, it is obvious that their date was a disaster.

Meanwhile, Dawnie is having a grand time with her date. The Italian romancer does everything to perfection. He took her to a fancy romantic restaurant, took her on a carriage ride on the streets of New York and waltzed her all night long.

Far from what Russell and Ty had hoped their dates seem to be not interested in them anymore. Justin and Felicia are flirting with one another in front of their dates. This made Russell a bit irritated. When dessert was served he asked Justin outside the restaurant to talk to him.

Outside the dinner, Russell asked him what he was doing with Felicia and added that he was his date. Justin told him that he had no idea what Russell was talking about and added that he was not. Then Russell asked him, why then go out on a date with him. Justin told him that he went to dinner with to be close to him so that he could get some connection in the showbiz world. This made Russell furious. He and Justin went back inside and found Ty in a similar mood as Russell. Evidently, Felicia had blown him off because of Justin. The two friends left the restaurant leaving behind their so-called dates.

Just a few feet away from the restaurant, Russell was saying to Tyler how stupid he was for mix reading the signs. Ty told him that it was not his fault. Ty then told Russell that instead of beating himself over it, why not get back at Justin. Russell is obviously curious about his best friend plans.

Ty told him that they would kidnapped the weasel and subject sexually degradation. Russell immediately understood what Ty was saying.

From the steps of the restaurants, they saw Felicia and Justin hollering a cab. The two got in. Ty waved his hand and a cab stopped in front of them. Once inside, he told the driver to follow Justin's taxi. They've reached Felicia's apartment. The newly acquainted co-ed entered the building.

After seeing that, Ty said to Russell that it would awhile before Justin leaves the building. He asked Russell if there's a private place like a warehouse or a big soundproof room that they could rent at this time of night. Russell told him that he has a key for his dress room in the studio. It's perfect for Ty's plan since the studio is empty at night. Ty then told the driver to drive to the studio.

After almost three hours, the two were back outside Felicia's apartment. They had changed their clothes and set-up everything in the studio for their revenge against Justin. Luckily the two didn't have to wait for Justin much longer. When they saw Justin opened the building door, it was their cue to put on their masks and Ty hid behind the big tree while Russell was waiting on the car. When Justin passed the tree, Ty followed him immediately and struck him from behind with a baseball bat. Justin quickly fell unconsciously on the ground. Immediately, Russell started the car and drove fast to Ty. He stepped out of the car and helped Ty put Justin in the back seat. Russell took a bandana from his pocket and blindfolded Justin while Ty was binding their victim's hands behind his back and tying the ropes. After accomplishing the first phase of their plan, they sped off the vicinity and drove back to the studio.

Inside the studio, Justin is standing naked with his hands tied by nylon ropes from the ceiling. His eyes are still blindfolded. And by the way he was breathing, Ty and Russell could tell that he was still unconscious.

Justin was not the only one naked; Tyler and Russell were also naked except for the leather masks their have in their faces. Though, Justin couldn't see them with the bandana blocking his sight, it was a safety precaution, in case, it falls off. Another wariness they did was to use head set wireless microphone and synthesis the output to hide their original voice. Second stage of their plan has be achieved.

Moving to the final gruesome stage of their plan, Ty took a bucket full of water and splashed it to the benumbed Justin. After that, Justin seemed to be coming out of his slumber. To hasten it, Russell began smacking Justin's face several times. Justin was shouting, "Where the hell am I? What am I doing here? What the fuck is going?" Ty spoke in his digitalized voice and told Justin that he was in hell and he was here to get fuck.

After saying that, Ty took his sweaty socks and gagged Justin. After he was gagged, Russell swung the baseball bat to Justin's behind causing their victim excruciating pain in his entire body. Justin wailed hard from his gagged like a pig that was about to be roasted in flames. Meanwhile, Ty was crushing Justin's marbles with his grip vice hand.

Ty was elated from hearing the waiter cries. A power trip was surging to his entire body, which was making him horny. He told Russell it's getting late and that they should give Justin what he deserves to be treated like some whore beaten by his pimp.

All the action, violence and Ty's thrashy talk was getting to Russell. He then parted Justin's cheeks with his hands and opened Justin's anus with his thumbs. Justin was struggling from the invasion that Russell's thumbs were doing. Ty warned Justin to stand still while crushing his nuts again. Justin knew that he'd better do as his abductors/torturers were telling for he was in no position to protect himself from their assault to his body.

Russell immediately inserted his hung cock inside of Justin's anus. At first, it would go in. But he was determined to rape him. With determination and revenge as his driving force, he drove his cadillac in Justin's garage like a drunken man who do under the influence of alcohol, by crashing hard against the wall. Tears were gushing from Justin's eyes down to his cheeks and he wailing loud through his gag.

Russell was banging the daylights out of Justin's column. These powerful jabs were hitting Justin's prostate hard that his six inches cock became hard. Seeing this, Ty said that Justin was masochist fag loving every minute of his agonizing experience.

Justin never told in his wildest nightmares that he was going to be sodomized. It was revolted that he began puking. Since his mouth was still gagged he could taste his own puke.

When Russell ejaculated inside of his hole, Justin thought that it was over. Then he felt hot liquids started spraying inside of his bowel. The man who had just fucked him was pissing inside of him. He could feel the piss jiggling. This made Justin cum.

Ty was stroking his meat as he watched his best friend rape this pig. After Russell had removed his cock inside of Justin's broken depths, cum and urine began flowing out of Justin's hole. Ty took a 12-inch dildo as thick as a beer can and lubricated it with baby oil.

When Justin's canal stopped leaking, Ty impaled the dildo inside of Justin's hole. As expected, Justin cried loud again. Though, Russell's cock was big and fat, being fucked with something much bigger felt like his ass was being ripped apart.

Russell put on surgical gloves like the one he uses in his t.v. series. After doing that, he took another nylon rope from his bag and tied Justin's ankle together. Once he had fully secured that the bondage was inescapable, he told Ty to cut the rope from Justin's right hand and held it with his hand. Ty did as he was told. Meanwhile, Russell was cutting the other rope. Then the two put Justin's hands to his back. By now was holding Justin's hands together as Russell bond it with nylon rope again. After that was finished, Russell went to the bathroom and took a 5-minute shower. When he returned he saw Ty was fully clothed and Justin was on the floor with his face filled with Tyler's sperms.

He immediately got dressed. When Russell finished dressing, Ty also had finished tying Justin's hands and ankles together.

The two silently dragged Justin in the car. They communicated with they hands since they had already removed their wireless head set.

After putting Justin's tormented body in the back seat, Russell returned to Felicia's apartment. Fortunately, the whole street was empty and it was still dark. The two dropped Justin's naked body on the gutter. Justin was so frighten when he felt the cold concrete floor against his skin. He was wandering where his abductors had taken. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt the thick and long material inside of hole began vibrating. Tyler switched on the electric dildo. After that, he and Russell hopped into the car and sped away.

*** Watch out for Episode 5 next week ***


I really love to hear what you have to say. Your responses will be gladly appreciated.

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Thanks, tReSe

###################################################### # email addresses: trese@bigfoot.com # # or # # kilt@edsamail.com.ph # # website: # # http://www.geocities.com/kathang_isip_ni_trese # # icq number: 61973464 # ######################################################

Next: Chapter 5

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