When Harry Meets Brian

By Juston Drew McCance

Published on Apr 25, 2004




If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys and the characters from Harry Potter, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.


Hey guys and gals;

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of WHEN HARRY MET BRIAN. Well, this is a story that involves the Backstreet Boys and the characters from Harry Potter. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them!

But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of WHEN HARRY MET BRIAN. Contact me at McCance1@hotmail.com

Thanks a lot,


Harry's Point of View:

"Molly do you think that this is a good idea for me to accept this scholarship from Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I mean think about it Molly; it is in another country, a place that I have never been before, and I have never been anywhere else other than Hogwarts and London. I am scared that this maybe a mistake if I go cause I will not have Ron or Hermione there with me, to help me through my difficult times of loneliness."

"Harry, dear don't be ridiculous cause it is a chance for you to go somewhere else other than staying here and doing nothing with yourself other than working at the Ministry of Magic and I know that you have a love for teaching young wizards and witches cause from what was said in the letters that both Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore had given to each of you it is not a wonder that you got something of that nature. And besides from what I have heard about Grove University they also have the best Quidditch Teams in the USA, besides you're one the best and youngest seekers that Hogwarts and England has ever seen."

"Yeah, I guess that you are right about that one Molly. So tell me what am I suppose to do about this situation? I mean I don't want to leave this place because I have come to call this place home and you all are like the family that I have never had and I really don't want to leave here and go some other place that I am not familiar with. But, then again I think that you are right about this Molly, because it would be a fresh start for me in a new surroundings."

"Not a problem Harry, dear; so how are you going to contact them to let them know that you are planing on attending their school?"

"Well I was thinking that I would either send an overseas owl or I might try getting a hold of them by way of flame. I am not quit sure just yet! Why do you ask?"

"Well the reason that I asked, was because instead of spending the gold on an overseas owl you could talk to them by way of fire place."

"That sounds like a great idea Molly and it wouldn't tire out Hagrid at all from the journey. Thank you, I'll go and retrieve the information and the name of the person that I am supposed to contact about my registration at Groves' University."

After about five minutes of searching Harry found the letter that he had received from Grove University, and soon found the name that he was suppose to contact at the University was a man named Professor Johnny Wright, Head of the Admissions Department for Grove University. He left the room and made his way down to the living room of the Burrow.

"Molly, here is the letter from Professor Johnny Wright, he's the Head of the Admissions Department."

"Okay Harry, dear this is what you do when you want talk to someone through the fireplace. All you do is mention their name and you say their location and everything comes into play."

"I think that I understand what you are saying to me Molly, thank you once again."

Molly had continued to make sure that everything was ready for that nights dinner and that she had enough food for that nights dinner. Cause she knew that she was going to have five very hungery people coming home from work that would need something good to eat in there stomachs. While she was doing that, Harry came down the stairs from his room at the Borrow, which he called his second home, besides the one that he now owned, which is on the same grounds as his families old homestead, before Voldamort kill his parents and destroied the family homestead.

Harry stood infront of the fireplace at the Burrow, he mention Professor Johnny Wright's name and where he was located, the next thing that he knew exactly where he was as soon as the smoke cleared somewhat he was able to make out the outline of a man sitting behind a desk looking at some papers.

"Excuse me!"

"Yes, may I help you in someway young man, if you are looking the local school of witchcraft and wizardary then I am afraid that you have the wrong location."

"No, my name is Mister Harry Potter, I am a graduate from Hogwart's Witchcraft and Wizardary here in England. I am also a member of my schools house Quidditch Team in which I was the team seeker. I am actually looking for Professor Johnny Wright, Head of the Admissions Department for Grove Universities Witchcraft and Wizardary."

"Well Mister Potter, I've been excepting to hear from you. Concerning if you are indeed attending our Campus or not?"

"Professor that is the reason that I contacting you by means of flue fire, instead of by owl. I want to know if there is away that I am going to be able to get access to the money in my valuet at Greengott's the Wizard's Bank. And where am I going to be able to get any of my supplies for my classes before I arrive?"

"While then Mister Potter you are going to be get access to you gold, and everything else that you are going to need then you are going to get it at Diagon Alley, which if I am not mistaken it is the same place that you where able to get your things when you where attending Hogwart's. While I have you here, I am going to let you know that you are going to be receiving a package in the mail by way of owl letting you know as to which house you will be in and what your house colors are going to be also you'll be also told the name of your roommate."

As that was said an owl arrived with what looked like to be a very large parcel in it's beak and it was addressed to Harry. Molly brought the parcel over to him, for him to open so that he could see what was inside.

"Actually, Sir I believe that your parcel has just arrived here at the Borrow. I am at the moment opening it to see what is inside of it. To tell you the truth I thought that it would have been somewhat smaller than this! Thank you Sir, just so you know Professor Wright I am planning on attending Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardary."

"Good Mister Potter, I will be excepting your arrival in less than a few short days."

As Harry opened the package only to find that the uniform that he was going to be wearing while he would be attending the university. Also in amongst everything in the package was the letter informing as to what I was going to need in the range of school supplies, in there also he found his Quidditch team uniform along with a note stating that he has been made his House Quidditch Seeker and he as he continued to read on further in the note he found the name of the House that he would call home during the time that we would be attending Grove University. Harry become shcoked as he read on and found out the name of his House was going to be Sphinx.

"Sir, am if I am reading your note right, it says that I am going to be in Sphinx House is that correct. And how is it that I am on the Sphinx Quidditch Team when I have not even tired out yet?"

"Yes, it is correct that you are going to be in Sphinx House. Now to answer your question about how you are already on your Houses Quidditch Team without even trying out. Well the reason that you are on the team is because I know how good you are considering the fact that I brought the Sphinx Quidditch Team to each and everyone of your games since your fifth year and trust me everyone on the team was very impressed as to how good you play the game that we automatically made you a member of the Sphinx House Team without even letting you tryout. Besides that, there is also the reason that Sphinx's Team Captain had asked for you so it was just as easy to put you in the same house, that and the teams orginal seeker graduated just this past year."

"Can I ask sir, who is the Sphinx's Team Captain? What position does he play? And can I ask as to what year they are in?"

"Of course you can ask Mr. Potter, but then what would the purpose of that be. When they are about to arrive at the Burrow in about ten minutes, so that they can bring you and your personal belongings to the school, safely that is."

Hearing those exact words made both Harry and Molly Weasley look up and realize what Professor Wright was true, cause a few minutes later there was a knock at the door of the Burrow. Harry said good bye to Professor Wright and he was gone within five minutes. He got up and answered the door while Molly went about finishing preparing dinner for everyone that was going to be at the house that night.

"Hello, I am Brian Littrell; I here from Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm looking for Mister Harry Potter, is he here?"

"You are looking at him Mister Littrell. Come in why don't you so that you and I can get to know one another."

"Thank you very much Harry. Hello, Mrs. Weasley and how are you doing?

"I am doing fine Brian. I am guessing by the way you look you have flown over here by way of your broom am I correct! Would you like to join us all for dinner, there is going to be plenty for everyone. And you can start by calling me Molly, everyone does even Harry, so might as well do the same."

"Thank you, Molly that is very gracious of you. And yes, you are correct, I actually did just fly in on my broom, if I may could I possibly freshen up and change out of these clothes before dinner that would be very kind of you and some place to store my things until morning when Harry and I need to leave."

"Certainly Brian, Harry could you please show Brian up stairs to your room, he can share with you."

"Ok, and again Molly thank you this is very kind of you to do this. Harry shall we get myself all settled, not to mention get cleaned up before dinner."

As Harry walked up the stairs leading upto the bedrooms, he showed Brian where everyone else slept in the house, as they went on he showed Brian where the bathroom was located. They finally arrived at the room where Brian would be sharing with Harry, and with everything that he had been through he was starting to fall in love with Harry, he had been falling for Harry ever since Harry's fifth year at Hogwart's. Brian since that time has thought that Harry was as straight as an arrow but, that's what he thought, he was going to find out very soon, maybe sooner than he thinks.

"Nice room Harry, it is very homie I like it very much." Harry can you please stay so we can talk while I freshen up for dinner.

"Sure Brian, what's on your mind?

"Well Harry I just wanted to let you know that I am glad that you are going to be in Sphinx House and that you are also going to be our new seeker for our house Quidditch Team. Everyone on the team can not wait to meet you."

"Thank you Brian, it is good to hear that the reputation that I have received fro Hogwart's as being the youngest seeker in Hogwart's History not to mention the fact that I was also a first year to begin with, I was just able to hon in on my skills and improve them as years went on."

"Harry, there is another reason that I wanted to talk to you was to let you know that since you and I are going to be roommates, schoolmates and team mates I feel that I should tell you something very important. And I also hope that this won't hurt the friendship that you and I are just starting."

"Ok, what is it that you have got to tell me Brian? I am sure that whatever you have got to tell me can not be that bad can it!"

"Well...Harry, I think that you should know that I am gay."

Brian sat there watching Harry trying to gage his reaction from what he just said. He was getting to the point of being really scared out of his wits, that Harry wasn't gay that he was straight. He looked at Harry as he was about to say something, and from the look on his face he thought that he should prepare for the worst. Considering that him and Harry where going to be sharing his bed for the night.

"Brian, I think that you being gay is something that I should not have to worry about, cause I think that it is pretty cool. Anyways Brian I am going to head down to help Molly finish getting dinner on the table, and so that you can get a shower and get ready for dinner."

As Harry turned to leave to bedroom, he was smiling from ear to ear, he was going to give Brian the surprise of a lifetime tonight while they were in bed together. He could hear the shower running and he knew that Brian was in, getting cleaned up; when he reasched the bottom of the stairs the table was completely set for everyone that was going to be at the Borrow for dinner.

Molly saw Harry and noticed that there was something different about him. She knew that it must have something to do with the Brian guy that showed up from the University to help Harry move his stuff to the campus.


What does Harry have in mind of giving Brian in bed? Is Harry going to enjoy Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the States? Is Brian and Harry going to become Boyfriends? Who knows what is going to happen...

If anyone has any suggestions about how any other characters for the story please email me with some info some of the other houses are Unicorn, Sphinx, Psyden, Lerumdor, Delta PI Cleo, and finally Alpha Omega Leo.


Next: Chapter 2: When Harry Meets Brian 2 3

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