When It Costs Too Much

By lost

Published on Nov 25, 2001


lost again. ok? oh, and before i forget, i kinda wrote the wrong e-mail at the bottom of my last posting, so if you wrote and didn't hear back, that might be why (sorry).

i blame the lateness of this posting on the rain (gotta blame it on something, right?)

as for stories to keep you occupied whilst awaiting my next posting, my recommendations (excluding the aforementioned 'this gift' and 'kevin and justin') today are: 'forever' (which hopefully'll get update soon too), 'brian and me' and 'lance in shining armour' (please note the canadian spelling).

oh, and if you're looking for other stuff to read (outside the web), harry potter is really good :).

disclaimer: this isn't real. it's not meant to imply anything about the real world people who may bare similarities to those depicted within. (i.e. it's like the difference between breakfast tacos and breakfast burritos) if you're too young, you aren't supposed to read this, so please don't. if you're easily offended, get over it or don't read and go away.

and without further ado (since this almost has nothing to have much ado about)...

                    • Chapter 03: Surfacing - - - - - - - - - -

I was early. I didn't know why, really, just that I was. Really early, in fact.

As I flipped through my borrowed Life -- the best section of the Express-News, our local paper -- I tried to fathom why this was, while at the same time restraining from doing the crossword puzzle -- the bailiff would get mad at me if I did.

I hadn't left the pool any earlier. Sure practices were getting shorter, due to the end of the season nearing and all, but that shouldn't have caused all this free time.

Maybe my drive into downtown and the courthouse... traffic hadn't been too bad... maybe that was why? And the line at the cafeteria hadn't been long, either. I'd even managed to already eat my chorizo and egg, and potato and egg tacos. And still it wasn't time for the grand jury to convene.

So I'd asked the bailiff for her Life section, and after vowing not to tamper with the crossword, it was loaned to me. I really needed to bring my own, but as I'd left the house at 5:30 a.m. to get in the water on time, the paper, as usual, hadn't arrived yet. Lazy paperboy? Perhaps.

Since I'd left the house before its arrival, and as it was Monday, I not only didn't have today's Life section, which was just sitting at home, but I also didn't have the previous day's either. At least if it was Wednesday, I could've brought Tuesday's in. But no, not the case for Monday - Sunday's crossword was just too hard.

(For those of you who don't know, the New York Times crossword puzzle (syndicated nationally, and carried locally) gets harder as the week progresses, culminating in the renowned Sunday edition. As I'm not much of a crossword connoisseur, I don't often attempt Sunday. I've been able to handle themes, and can do all right through Wednesday and sometimes Thursday, but I don't attempt Sunday -- I'm not ready for it. Beside, Mom likes to do it, so I let her have it. Occasionally, I'll tag in to help with the theme -- not her forte -- but mostly I steer clear.)

So, where was I? Oh, yeah, I had no "Life" of my own and too much time to burn, and luckily the bailiff was nice enough to loan me hers. I read the comics -- yet another reason for the value of the section -- to pass the time.

Once done with reading Fox Trot, Mother Goose and Grimm, Broom Hilda, and my other favorites, I flipped to the entertainment briefs, after checking out my horoscope: all isn't as it seems... but all answers won't necessarily be forthcoming soon.

Janet Jackson's name caught my eye. Ever since she'd been through town the year before, I'd: a) regretted not going to the Velvet Rope show (though I did catch part of it on HBO), and b) had been digesting whatever news I happened to stumble across about her. However, today's mention was just a name dropping.

The snippet went on about how Ms. Jackson's former opening act, identified as the ex-Mouseketeer-led N Sync, would be returning to the Dome on Wednesday, this time headlining... not really my thing. Sure, I'd fallen victim to the Backstreet Boys -- they are actually good -- and then to Britney Spears, then Christina, and most recently 98 Degrees, but my slide into semi-pathetic musical tastes hadn't hit the rock-bottom that N Sync represented. Not that they were necessarily terrible, mind you, just that I didn't like them at the moment; it's weird enough being a grad student and liking some aspects of "teen" pop, let alone all of it - maybe I was trying to avoid a total fall? Not that that would last forever (it didn't), but for the moment, I couldn't really stand to hear them.

Now had it been Backstreet playing the Dome, I might've considered going. Even BBMak, if they ever managed to actually reschedule their British booties here - they'd had a date scheduled, but cancelled at the last minute because Christian, or someone, got food poisoning the night before. (I think that's his name.)

Anyways, I wasn't much interested in seeing or even reading about N Sync, but my instincts told me to at least glance at the photo accompanying the short write-up. A picture accompanied the tidbit, and when I looked at the five young lads, one in particular caught my attention. I wasn't exactly sure why "J.C." looked familiar; and I wouldn't realize why until later, a little bit after this day's stint on the grand jury ended.

For as I began to contemplate why he looked familiar -- I used to watch the Mickey Mouse Club, but that was like 20 years ago; he didn't look that old -- the foreman called us to order, pulling me out of my reverie, and once again we started our twice-weekly, four-hour shift of handing out indictments. Luckily, one's stint only lasts two months...

Josh wasn't sure where they were... just that it was way too late at night to still be so hot. Somewhere in Texas... maybe. Yeah, that seemed right. He'd ask Chris in the morning, or rather later that afternoon, after he'd slept...

Where are we? Texas? No place else would still be that hot at 3:00 in the morning. And the whole glasses-fogging-up-upon-getting-off-the- bus... Ah, but no worries, back in the A.C. again. This couch is kinda comfy too; just right for a nap. I just hope I don't get jumped on when the guys get here.

Speaking of which, where are they? Chris should know where we are; just gotta ask him when he gets here...

"And I sing to you like the chorus to the verse, drop another line like a co-DAOOOOH--"

"Whatcha singing?"

"--with a curse. Jeez Chris!" Impact on legs; weight mainly on chest, now. Legs not broken, just feel like that. "3-E-B... Where are we?"

"San Antonio. Chris, off."

Wait, that was over by the door, and sounded like...

"Laaaaaaaaannnnnnnccccee, can't I stay just a little longer?"





"But I don't know who 3-E-B is."

"And staying atop JC will help you figure that out?"


"I somehow doubt it."

Aaaaaahhhhh, weight gone. Eyes can open now.

"San Antonio, you say?"

"Yes, Chris. Josh, are you ok?"

"Yeah, Lance, just a little pain," -- ah, there's Chris -- "but otherwise ok."

"Are you sure we're not in Houston? I could've sworn we were in Houston tonight."

"I could tape it up on the wall, if it'll help you remember?"

"Could you, Lance, that'll help. Maybe right over here, like on the curtain, or..."

"Why is he in charge?"

"He's the oldest."

"I don't think that qualification is as valid as it used to be."

"We'll overthrow him soon."

"Who you guys gonna overthrow?"



"Yeah, Joey."

"Sure, whatever you say, Lance."

"So you'll go get them, Chris?"

"WHAT? No."

"You said 'Whatever you say, Lance.' I'm Lance, right JC?"

"I believe so."


"There's not another Lance in the room, is there?"

"I don't think so, wouldn't you agree, Chris?"

"But... ah, man. Fine!"

Josh watched as Chris stomped out of the room, ranting as he departed. His gaze then returned to Lance, who had sat down on a part of the couch he was no longer sprawled out on. It was then that he noticed Lance had something in his hand.

"Whatcha got there, Lance?"

"Oh, some envelope that was left in the dressing room. We're not exactly sure. It look familiar?"

Josh took the manilla envelope from Lance's outstretched arm, and opened it. Reaching inside, he pulled out two 8x10 photos placed face-to-face. On the side now facing Josh, someone had written in black marker: "In complete darkness we are all the same. It is only our knowledge and our wisdom that separates us. Don't let your eyes deceive you."

"What's the scoop on the Janet quote?"

"Wait, it gets better, JC. Look at the pictures."

JC flipped around the top photo, as Lance continued on, "I mean, I've seen a lot of pictures before, and we've had some strange items left in the dressing rooms too, but never a couple of pictures of a box."

"A box," Josh synced with Lance, as he trailed off. "'One shot must be of a box,'" Josh softly breathed out.

"You recognize it, J.C.?"

'If this is here, then,' "we're in San Antonio."

"Yeah, J.C. I said that earlier."

"Oh, sorry, Lance. It must've just reached my brain; still tired from the nap I guess."

"So do you know something about the pictures?" Lance asked, almost giddy.

Josh pondered the two shots. One too dark, one too light. "No, I don't think so. Haven't seen them before. It's an attractive box though."

"Ah, man: strike five. The guys are gonna be disappointed. Guess it'll just remain a mystery."

'One can only hope.'

To: kevin@bboys.com From: a.m.hudson@sooooonotrealemail.com Date: October 8, 1999 Subject: "crazy"

well, just to completely change tracks here, now that i've introduced myself, i'd just like to comment on something: have you ever noticed how there are songs with exactly the same title, yet they have completely different emotional ranges? i bring it up, cause i was flipping through the radio today - cause i can't find a station that'll play the complete variety of songs i like - when I managed to hear 'creep' by tlc, then 'creep' by stp (stone temple pilots; 'so i creep, yeah, just keep it on the down-low, said nobody is supposed to know' then 'take time with a wounded hand cause it likes to heal, it likes to steal'). had i also heard the radiohead version, the little triad would've been complete; who knows, maybe i did - it's not like i know the latter.

anyways, there's other songs that have the same title but are completely different songs. like "crazy". there's the one by aerosmith, and the one by seal, probably my personal fave 'crazy' (pre-super balladeer days). and then there's the definitive version; the one penned by willie nelson and sung by patsy cline (and just recently by leann rimes, which should somewhat stop the comparisons between ms. rimes and ms. cline which have followed the former since her breakthrough performance on "blue" - good movie, btw).

and if one fudges things just a bit, then one can include things like "(you drive me) crazy" (the stop! remix of which i particularly like, and is available on the soundtrack to 'drive me crazy,' which coincidentally happens to feature a very nice remix of y'all's IWITW) or even "(i drive myself) crazy" (but then again, i'm not certain of that title... guess i'd need to like nsync to know).

'crazy's not the only other example of this phenomenon either. "angel" is another good example, of which i like the aerosmith (again), madonna, and sarah mclachlan versions (and, just fyi, the new t.v. show, also sharing the same title, is starting off really good); though sarah's definitely has it's uniqueness. sometimes (like now) i can completely identify with it - every single word - and at other times, i can't fathom how i could've identified with it so. or rather, i can fathom, but it just makes me realize how much better i feel at the moment - and i can't even listen to it, because of that. usually though i switch the radio off the station it's on, cause i don't particularly like being reminded that i could/can identify with it so well (i try to listen to 'sweet surrender' instead, if i'm at home).

but back to the original multiple-songs-with-the-same-title deal. i mention it to you, cause i noticed that even y'all have fallen 'victim' (for lack of a better word) to this, with it's own interesting twist: a song on each of your albums shares a title with a gloria estefan song ("anywhere for you" on the first, and "don't wanna lose you now" on millennium). i was kinda wondering if it was coincidental or a strange/subtle homage to your fellow florida transplant (i don't think she was born there...).

anyways, i've taken up enough of your time for now, so i'll save delving back into the "me" stuff until later. hope the tour goes well.


crazy are the people walking through my head one of them's got a gun, to shoot the other one and yet together they were friends at school

                                      • ttfn

feedback, comments, suggestions welcome at txdman2000@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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