When Its Over

By moc.nsm@enotsaekilnwod

Published on Dec 16, 2001


DISCLAIMER: I don't any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. I actually know very little about any of them. (Which would explain if I have painted bad pictures of their personalities). Also, if you're not legally and morally able to read this story then, please, don't, I don't want to have to worry about it, and neither does anyone else.

Big apologies on the last chapter. See the note at the end.

When Its Over -- Part 8

When Lance finally set down Jody's journal it was closing in on 3 in the morning and he could feel it. His body was stiff from sitting still too long and his mind was foggy from the lack of sleep. His right shoulder and arm was asleep from the weight of Jody's body leaned on it as he slept quietly.

Lance managed to slide out from Jody's body without waking him up, but his body retaliated. His joints cracked and muscles ached until he thought he might just fall over in the floor and literally die. He spent several minutes moving around trying to relieve the stiffness until he decided he could make it up the stairs without feeling like too much of an old man.

He was about to turn and leave when he noticed that Jody had a somewhat pained look on his face, and after careful investigation, Lance realized it was the way he was sleeping on his side. His arm was crushed beneath him and from the looks of his hand that was hanging over the side of the couch he was probably cutting off the circulation.

Lance knelt down beside Jody and gently shook his shoulder. Jody moved, but didn't seem to wake up any. The light next to the couch brought a subtly glow to Jody's light complexion. He wasn't as pale as Lance tended to be, but by no means was his tanned. It seemed he was barely dark enough for his chestnut colored hair (freshly dyed) to not seem strange on him. As Lance's eyes moved over Jody's features slowly he felt the urge to touch him. So he let his hand lay gently on his cheek. Jody's head moved a little and at first Lance thought he had waken him up, but Jody was simply pulling closer to his warm hand. A slight groan of contentment came from Jody.

Lance felt nervous. He kept running through rules in his head. What's considered proper etiquette in this situation? He wanted to touch Jody, but what would Jody think? He suddenly felt very overwhelmed by the whole thing. He had a few relationships before, but they all seemed rather childish and he never expected much of them. Lance felt his stomach tighten and knew that he was letting his mind dig to deep. With a loud sigh he took his hand of Jody's face and stood up. He was about to say something, in the hopes of waking Jody, when he saw Jody's eyes looking up at him.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I thought you were asleep." Lance was a little surprised by the question. He had been considering every possible bad comment that could be made if Jody had woken up, but not this.

"Is it time to go to bed?"

"Yeah, come on." Lance reached out a hand to help Jody of the couch. Jody made on his feet but almost fell back over as soon as he put all of his weight on his legs.

"Guess I shouldn't sleep on the couch anymore."

"Yeah, there's a bed upstairs."

"Yours?" Jody looked down at his feet. He hadn't meant to say it out loud, but his mind was still slightly blurry from the nap on the couch and the pleasant wake up call.

"If you like. I've never been big on sleeping alone." Jody couldn't help the smile that popped onto his face. Lance simply gave him the crooked grin he always did and turn to walk upstairs. When he realized Jody wasn't behind him he turned around to face him. He reached over and grabbed his hand pulling it lightly towards the stairs. "Come on."

They managed to get up the stairs after hip checking each other a few dozen times and giggling like children. Lance never let go of Jody's hand and Jody's grip seemed to tighten a little with each step, though never getting uncomfortable. "You know- if you don't want me to stay with you I could sleep in the guest room. I don't mind." Jody said as they worked their way down the hall towards Lance's bedroom.

"I want you to." Lance said simply as he continued down the hall.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Now would you just come to bed already?"

"Just making sure." His words barely made it out. As soon as they were in Lance's bedroom Jody found himself against a wall with Lance mouth over his. For a moment he couldn't respond. Lance surprised him; it just wasn't like him to be this straight forward. He felt Lance start to pull away and without thinking grabbed his shirt pulling his body closer. Jody's tongue worked its way over Lance lips and when they parted over his teeth until they opened allowing him full access.

Lance could feel Jody's hands work their way under his loose t-shirt, rubbing lightly on his lower back. Jody seemed hesitant, not sure of what Lance wanted. Lance simply kissed Jody as passionately as he could. Jody got the message and let his hands slide up Lance's back more, pushing the shirt with them. They broke their kiss long enough to get Lance's shirt over his head and for them both to catch a quick breath before Jody found his lips lightly kissing Lance's, teasingly before working down to his jaw line. He let his mouth wonder back closer to Lance's ear before kissing the lobe and then lightly biting it. Lance groaned and involuntarily bucked his hips against Jody's body. Jody had to laugh a little under his breath. "Lets move over to the bed." He said breathing into Lance's ear, letting the warm air tickle him. Lance didn't move until Jody started to push on him a little. Lance was busy alternating between kissing and biting the side of Jody's neck.

When they finally managed to make it to the bed they fell on in a tangled mess. After rolling around a little they finally found their positions. Jody was sitting on Lance's stomach, straddling him. Lance ran his hands up Jody's sides carrying his shirt up and over his head. As soon as it was off Jody leaned down to kiss Lance again before moving lower. He let his tongue graze over Lance as he made his way down to his chest, stopping at his right nipple - which was already hard. He kissed it lightly before grazing his teeth over it. He didn't bite but let the rough edges of his teeth pull against the tender flesh.

Lance's body wiggled underneath him and Jody could feel his hardness pushing against his ass. He spent several minutes on each nipple. His tongue working in circles before sucking and nibbling on them each in turn. When he finally raised his head from Lance's chest it was immediately pulled back up to meet the blonde's lips. The passionate kisses seemed to last for eternity. Jody hands continued to wander over Lance's body driving him crazy with ever movement. Lance began to pull his mouth away reluctantly, needing only to catch his breathe. But as soon as they're lips lost contact Jody was moving again. He hovered his body over Lance's -- planting small kisses as he made his way down to Lance's pants.

They made eye contact as Jody began to unbutton the khakis that held Lance's very obvious erection. Jody looked for any form of indecision or the slightest look telling him to stop, and finding none began to slide the loose pants over the blonde's slim hips. Lance lifted his body up slightly allowing Jody to pull his pants off. Jody impatiently threw them over his shoulder letting them land wherever they may. Lance caught a small glimpse of Jody's dark eyes. His longer hair had fallen from behind his ears and was covering most of his pronounced features. There was a small grin on his face as he leaned his head back down. He let his mouth work over Lance's erection through the thin cotton material of his boxers gently sucking on his hardness. Lance's body began writhing again. The mixture of the moisture form Jody's mouth and his hot breathe was send him places he hadn't been in a very long time -- if ever.

Jody noticed the blonde's excitement and took the opportunity to pull the front of his boxers down over the erection. It hung in mid air in front of his face while he admired it. He could see Lance looking at him with an approving look on his face. Jody couldn't help himself anymore. He had been rather patient up till this point, but he wanted Lance, and he wanted him badly. He lavished Lance's manhood with his tongue for a moment before he took it in his mouth. He played with the mushroom head, licking the under side and gently sucking before he pushed down taking three fourths of it in his mouth with one stroke. Lance groaned in pleasure and raised his hips pushing the rest into Jody's mouth for him. Jody laid his hand on Lance's abdomen slowly pushing his body back down on the mattress. Once Lance was laying flat again he began to work his way up and down the shaft, sliding his down across the sensitive underside. The blonde had handfuls of sheet on each side and his head was tipped back with his eyes closed. A film of sweat covered his body making it hard for Jody to keep his hips pushed down. With every down stroke Lance's hips instinctively came up meeting his mouth half way. It wasn't long before Jody could feel a hard throbbing inside his mouth. The power of each of Lance's thrust increased and his breathing had become uneven. Jody thought he heard Lance trying to say something between groans and gasps but he knew what was happening. Went Lance did finally come Jody had to fight to keep his mouth on Lance. The blonde bucked and writhed around like Jody had never seen before. He swallowed down everything in his mouth and gently sucked for more. When the blonde began to settle down and his erection stopping throbbing Jody let it fall out of his mouth.

Lance was caught up in the after glow and looked beautiful. His normally perfect hair was a mess and soaking wet with sweat. His green eyes were dark with passion and looked cloudy with contentment. Jody slowly made his way to Lance's face. Lance simply stared at him until they were close enough that he could reach out and meet his lips. They kissed, alternating between quick light kisses and harder much more passionate kisses for several minutes while Lance tried to regain his strength.

"I trust you're ok?" Jody said with a smile when he finally managed to pull himself away from the blonde's passionate kisses.

"Shut up and kiss me." Lance rolled partially over onto Jody finding his mouth again in the process. Jody began to grind his hips against Lance's now growing erection, trying to find the release Lance had found once and was seeking again. Lance moved his way back down to Jody's neck, kissing and nibbling on the soft skin as his hands removed the rest of Jody's clothing.

Once he had Jody completely naked he sat on him, straddling his stomach and letting his erection lay on Lance's ass. Lance leaned down grabbing each of Jody's hands working them over his head and holding them there. He kissed him passionately pushing his tongue into his mouth exploring it repeatedly while moving his body slightly up and down rubbing over Jody's erection, driving him mad. Without a warning Lance sat up and rearranged his hands so that only one held both of Jody's. He reached over to his dresser drawer removing a condom and some lubricant. Jody- at the sight- smiled and groaned in frustration and he attempted to lean up and kiss Lance again. Lance simply laughed a little and opened the condom package with his mouth. After a few tries he managed to put the condom on Jody without letting go of his hands.

Jody squirmed at the feeling of the cool lubricant through the thin latex as Lance applied it to his erection. Lance lifted himself off Jody and using his one free hand pointed Jody member at his tight hole. After rubbing it around for several moments spreading more lube around he gently began to push it in. Jody had to fight the urge to push up, not wanting to hurt Lance.

The head of his erection slipped in relatively quickly and a look of immense pain ripped its way across Lance's face.

"Guess I shouldn't have been in such a hurry." He managed through clenched teeth. Jody immediately began trying to pull his hips back and away, hoping to alleviate the pain for him.

"No, stop, just give me a minute." Lance said as he took a deep breathe. His face began to relax after a moment and a look of pleasure started to show in his eyes. When he started down again Jody did his best not to move, letting set his own pace, even though he wanted nothing more than to push up and be all the way inside his boyfriend.

It took several minutes for Lance to make it all the way down, and when he finally felt Jody's pubic hair tickling him he let out a sigh of relief. Jody was groaning in pleasure at the warm tightness around him. He finally broke Lance's hold on his hands he raised his shoulders and head to meet Lance's mouth in a frantic kiss. He wrapped his arm around the blonde's waist, pulling his body down some in the process. The movement sent stabs of pleasure through Jody's body as he felt muscle contract and move around him.

When Lance finally started to raise his hips and back down in small strokes Jody's entire body moved in a spasm of pleasure. Both men were sweating and gasping for breathes at the intensity of it. When Jody willed his eyes open he found Lance staring at him. There was an intense look of love in them. "I love you." Jody breathed without even realizing it. A rather large smile broke across the Blonde's face and he leaned completely over kissing Jody again. Jody was getting close and when Lance leaned over his entire mind was taken over with the power of it all.

"I love you too." Lance whispered into his neck pushing his erection between their hot bodies while sliding Jody's in and out of his body. They both found themselves kissing between gasps for air and running their hands over each other's body. "I'm gonna." But that was all Jody managed to get out before Lance felt him buck his hips up into him and his body shake with intensity. Lance pulled their bodies closer together as he commed himself for the second time that night.

They both laid their, their bodies intertwined, catching their breath and enjoying being together. Lance moved around, trying to stretch out his somewhat stiff legs when he felt Jody come out of him and heard the small pop sound. Jody was staring at him. He felt self-conscience as the younger man worked his eyes over his face, memorizing every feature.

"I love you." Jody whispered. Lance immediately blushed as the weight of it all finally began to settle over him.

"You already said that." He laid his head on Jody's shoulder and snuggled his face into his neck.

"I know. Just making sure you knew it wasn't something I said in the throws of passion."

Lance laughed a little. "This is like a scene from one of those trashy romance novels."

"Yeah, but you look better than most of the girls on the covers of those."

Lance pulled his head up, giving Jody his best puppy dogface. "Most? And what about the guys?" Jody had to laugh at Lance's pouted lip and furrowed brow as he tried not to laugh himself.

"Fine. You're the sexiest person I have ever seen in my entire life." He said with all seriousness.

"Good." Lance finally let the smile out and snuggled back into his position.

Lance woke the next morning when the buzzing finally became too much to bear. He slapped the alarm clock and phone both hoping to stop the noise. When it didn't stop he finally opened his eyes and looked around the room. Jody was sleeping soundly and Lance moved slowly when he lifted his head off his chest. By the time he was out of the bed putting on a stray pair of boxers form the night before he was already cursing who ever was ringing the door bell.

"Is that the door?" Lance turned back from the door to see Jody rubbing his eyes and trying to focus on Lance.

"Yeah, go back to sleep, I'll deal with who ever it is." Jody simply nodded and curled up into a ball beneath the blankets falling asleep instantly.

Lance managed to make it downstairs without hurting himself even though his vision was still a little blurry and the house was a bit cool this morning. When he made it to the door and checked the peephole there stood five friends, all with laughing and joking waiting for someone to answer the door. Lance took in a deep sigh as he unlocked and finally opened the door. Everyone's turned to look at him and their eyes then dropped down, noticing his near nakedness.

"Did we interrupt something?" Josh asked carefully, the smile gone from his face, but his eyes were gleaming with happiness at the idea.

"Yeah... I was sleeping, but you ruined that for me." Lance's southern accent was showing through, a sign that he was tired and a little frustrated.

"Well, we just came to see Jody and to bring you guys lunch, but we can come back later." Chris said, the goofy grin on his face made him seem so much younger than he was.

"No, come on in, I'll go get dressed and get Jody up. Wait, lunch?" Lance turned and looked at the clock on the wall. It was after noon and he still felt like he got no sleep. His jaw dropped until he realized they were all staring at him again. "Well, come in, you know where everything is." Before he could get the words out they were all moving past him through the house. He got a couple slaps on the back and some hellos on their way through and Britney even stopped to hug him. "Be back in a minute." He said as he made his way up the stairs.

When he made it back to his bedroom he found the bed empty and the door to the bathroom was pushed close partially. He stopped at the bathroom and tapped on the door. Jody kicked it open with his foot as he stood brushing his teeth.

"The guys are here with Britney, to see you and bring us lunch."

"I heard." Jody smiled and talked around the mouth full of toothpaste. After he spit and rinsed he realized Lance was still watching him. He had to smile at the idea and turned around to face him. What he found was Lance right behind him, almost on him and before he could say anything he had a mouth covering his own. The kiss was slow and passionate, and Jody felt his body start to melt into the sink behind him. When they broke he could still taste Lance on his lips and licked them to savor the taste.

"Go get dressed and meet me downstairs." Lance said as he playfully smacked Jody's ass to get him out the way. Jody obliged and searched through his bags, looking for something to wear. When he was dressed Lance made his way out of the bathroom, a slightly pained look on his face.

"You ok?" Jody asked, concerned he had hurt Lance.

"Yeah, just a little sore from last night I guess." Lance smiled showing Jody he was ok before searching for his own clothes to wear. Jody watched as he wandered from the closet to various drawers around his room, searching out something comfortable to wear. He had to smile as Lance fought to get a pair of flannel pants on. He was still tired and his balance was a little off, and nearly fell several times before he got them on.

"Ready to face them?" Lance asked when he was finally dressed.

"Face them?" Jody asked. Lance was acting like his friends were a line of executioners.

"They will have plenty to laugh about, trust me." Lance said as he pointed to a bruise on Jody's neck were he had bitten him the night before. Jody blushed before showing Lance his own neck in the mirror. They both laughed and began down the steps.

Lance stopped in the kitchen doorway and Jody wrapped his around the blonde's waist, laying his chin on his shoulder to see what was going on. Everyone in the kitchen was busy setting up plates of food from brown bags. Chris was playing with the sandwiches as he set them out one by one. Each had several things written on them and he was trying to remember who had what each time. Britney and Justin were smacking each other as they fought over several large bags of potato chips, while Joey and Josh were laughing at the rest of them, setting out several plastic containers of various foods.

Britney was the first to notice the newest couple in the doorway and almost dropped the bag of chips when she did. Justin noticed her reaction and turned to see. The rest of the guys all followed suit. There were smiles and grins around the room as they realized what was going on. Jody immediately felt self-conscience and began to pull his hands away when Lance grabbed them to hold them in place. Lance then leaned back into Jody, and smiled at the feeling on him relaxing.

Chris was the first one to say anything. "You know, Scoop, I am a very patient person. I did my best not push you two, but I have to say, its about goddamn time."

"Yeah, I was beginning to wonder." Josh added as he sat down at the table.

"Can we eat now, and save the lectures?" Lance said as he walked to the table, pulling Jody along with him. Britney stopped Jody when he was about to sit down and looked him over very carefully. She seemed to be fighting a battle in her mind over whether to speak or not.

"Look, you have battle scars." She managed to laugh as she pointed at Jody's neck and shoulders. Everyone else turned to look and had to laugh. When Jody saw Lance he was relieved to see that he was blushing with embarrassment but smiling, and not mad about it. He had been somewhat worried Lance would be upset when his friends figured out what happened last night.

Jody finally started to laugh and sat down in the chair next to Lance, who was trying to force his smile away. When he finally succeeded he gave Britney a very serious look, the best he could muster. "He fought long and hard for those, thank you." Jody's head snapped toward Lance. Most of the color drained from his face in shock. Most everyone else had the same reaction. After a few seconds Lance smiled. "What? I can't be as blunt as everyone else?"

Jody was still too shocked for words. Everyone else seemed to be in the same state, until the all looked at each other. Then they started. First Britney and Justin, then Joey, and Josh, Chris following soon after. They laughed for what seemed an eternity. Lance laughed along and Jody could tell he was proud of himself. Even with the shock of it Jody finally found the humor in it all. He realized if Lance hadn't said something they would have spent all afternoon answering suggestive questions, and getting strange stares. So Lance just put it out there, screw what they thought.

When the laughing finally died down and everyone began to eat Chris broke out into another big smile. Lance looked at him wearily, and Jody groaned at the idea of what would follow. "Now, do I have to lecture you two on safe sex?" Everyone looked at the couple, and Jody grinned evilly.

"No, sir. Young people today know these things." Jody said, looking directly at Chris before smiling.

"Yeah, he'll fit in." Justin said before taking a big bite of his sandwich. Lance leaned over and whispered a quick "I love you" in Jody's ear before he started to eat. Jody slinked down in his chair a little to watch his boyfriend and his friends interact, and had to smile at it all. He was happy, in love, and his rock creditability just got thrown out the window.

OK. So I had planned on actually "pushing the relationship forward" in the last chapter, but I just couldn't get it to work. So I wrote the last chapter, as bad as it was, which is setting it up for me. Sorry to keep everybody waiting on it, but for some reason the last chapter or two have been hard to write, mainly because they seem to be flowing in a completely different way than I wanted. The "outline" or plan I had for the story is pretty much out the window at this point. So, sorry. Also, I just figured out I suck at writing sex scenes. It's a lot harder than I had thought it would be. And let me know if this chapter's a little better. Thanks downlikeastone@msn.com

Another note: I recently heard Sugar Ray's song "When Its Over." I didn't base the story off it or anything -- it just seemed like a somewhat romantic phrase, but it is an okay song to listen to.

(Oh and I'm currently reading Alone Together, probably one of the best stories I've read in the archives, very original and well written, go read it.)

Next: Chapter 8

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