When You Least Expect It

By loste Lasfa

Published on Jan 6, 2021


Disclaimer: First and foremost I have to say that this story is work of fan fiction. I don't have rights to Supernatural, Lost Girl, Arrow or any of the characters in these shows. I do not mean to imply anything about the characters/actors sexualities. Secondly I should note that this is an ADULT work that features graphic male/male sexual encounters. Should note this chapter starts out with a m/m/f but from there it's also strictly gay.

Note: I welcome any and all feedback. You can find me at fanboi214@yahoo.com or on Twitter @fanboi214. I plan on running some polls there so if you want to influence the shape of things to come keep on eye on it. With no further ado...

"Oh fuck! Fuuuuuuuuck! I'm gonna cum," Dean Winchester's voice rang out through the rafters. Dean wasn't normally vocal in bed, but then again nothing was ordinary about sex with a succubus. And Bo was beginning to realize that sex with the young hunter was quite unusual in its own right. Being a succubus Bo was used to doing most the heavy lifting in her sexual encounters, but Dean was an incredibly spirited partner. He knew all the spots to stroke, exactly the way the thrust and his kiss... that kiss could nearly bring a woman to orgasm on its own. His enthusiasm was incredibly impressive especially given the... circumstances. Yes, Dean Winchester truly was a sexual being even if entirely human.

Dean lay beneath the sheets panting in post coital glow, "I'm not gonna die now, right?"

Bo let out a light chuckle, her fingers lightly drifting up and down his arm. "No. Your chi will restore itself in a little while. I only took a tiny bit, not that you made it easy for me."

"What's that mean?" Dean asked, propping himself up on his elbow and turning on his side to study her hypnotically beautiful figure.

"I could've accidentally drained you dry easily. You make it hard to focus on thinking. You're a very... primal lover," Bo clarified.

As Bo spoke another hand was snaking around Dean's hips. The hand ghosted up Dean's chest applying a tantalizing trail of pressure. The fingers slid up his chest towards his shoulder, where they came to rest. It was a nimble touch but still strong and assertive. It was a man's touch, a man's hand. When Ryan's palm reached Dean's shoulder his hand flattened, pressing Dean onto his back. "Especially those lips," the brunette cooed as he pressed his mouth to Dean's. They let out a muffled moan as their mouths collided and Ryan slid his naked form closer to Dean, pinning the man more tightly between him and Bo. As Ryan came up for air he had an adorable smirk. "I refuse to believe that last night was the first time you kissed another man," He said.

"Honest to God truth," Dean said with a nod.

"Not with your prowess," Ryan insisted.

"Well I assume Bo had a bit to do with that," Dean turned his head to nuzzle the succubus.

"Don't look at me," she replied. "Succubus can amplify lust, direct it here and there, but what you do with it is all you. Besides I hardly used my powers when you two were involved."

"Guess I'm just a natural then," Dean cooed.

Ryan smiled across at his mysterious and lovely girlfriend, well not quite girlfriend, and asked "Can we keep him?"

"Afraid I'm only on loan." Dean replied with a smirk.

"Then lets at least make the most of you before we have to give you up," Bo replied.

Dean glanced over to the clock on the mantle. He thought a minute and shrugged "I've got time." With that the three disappeared beneath the sheets once more. Dean did have time. By his calculations he had two thousand two hundred and five hours, fifty two minutes and twelve seconds until the hounds of hell would come hunting for his soul and tear him from this Earth. Damnnit he was going to make good use of every last second. It had never really occurred to him that making use of that time might lead him to a threeway with another man and a monster, but dying had a strange way of putting things in perspective. Why not try everything once? He was relatively unclear of how the succubus's boyfriend got involved in all this, but turns out he quite enjoyed it, and he could successfully cross having sex with a succubus off his bucket list.


"I'm surprised you're not more excited," Sam called out from the motel bathroom as he fought to gel his massive mane into something that looked somehow hip. "We've never come across a succubus before. Super hot, sex-loving lady demon. Seems right up your alley."

"Sammy, I hope you're not implying I'd ever be anything less than professional," Dean replied from the bedroom, where he was struggling to get a pair of skinny jeans up over his rather ample ass.

"Just promise me you won't have sex with her. Remember we're here to stop it, not feed it."

"Oh, one small thing I forgot to mention. I talked to the victim's ex-girlfriend, Ashley." Dean shouted.

"Yeah?" Sam replied finally feeling at peace with his hair. He took a step back to review himself in the mirror. In a pair of slacks and a form fitting button up, he thought he was adequately dressed to catch the eye of any succubi.

"She's a dude."

"What?" Sam's head came popping out of the bathroom, his mouth slackjawed in confusion and shock.

"Victim didn't have an ex-girlfriend," Dean said finally getting the pants zipped and rising to his feet. "He had an ex-boyfriend. He was gay. So I'm thinking our succubus is more of an incubus, and a gay one at that."

"Oh..." Sam said quietly as he processed the new information. "Well... okay then." He blinked a bit. "Is Verdant a gay club then?"

"Not as far as I can tell. Guess our boy just likes hunting in a run of the mill club. So the stake out plan is still solid, just keep your eyes on the guys." Dean replied.

"You're taking this surprisingly well," Sam replied a little surprised and impressed by his brother's openmindedness. "Though you look like an idiot."

Dean frowned and looked down at his outfit. He was rocking a deep V-neck shirt with some hip hugging skinny jeans and 90s style spiked hair. "Aren't you supposed to look like an idiot when you're going to a club."

"Not like that," Sam shook his head.

"Whatever," Dean grumbled "I bet more guys hit on me than you sasquatch."

"If you say so," Sam rolled his eyes "Well at least now I won't have to worry about you trying to sleep with it." Dean simply suppressed a smile.


"Who's Dean Winchester?" an inquisitive Kenzie called out from the couch before Bo was even able to get entirely into their apartment.

"What?" Bo replied befuddled.

"Bo-Bo, we're supposed to be besties. You can't be leaving me out of the boy gossip." Kenzie said hopping to her feet.

Bo waved off her pint sized sidekick and disappeared into the kitchen. "Sorry, Kenz. That's old news. I hooked up with Dean years ago when I was still doing the whole bad girl thing with Ryan." Bo remerged from the kitchen sipping a glass of water. "It doesn't matter anyway, he's dead now."

"Wrong-o. Unless the dead of learned how to dial out and leave weirdo vague messages on our machine, which considering some of the stuff we deal with isn't entirely improbable." Kenzie replied with a hint of reflection.

"Wait he's alive?" Bo said surprised. "I think I got duped."

"Do we hate him?" Kenzie asked "I'm so ready to hate him. Faking your death is a major faux pas, especially if you're going to call after."

"He didn't exactly fake his death," Bo said "But he told me he was dying. He said having sex with a succubus was like a dying wish," She sighed. "I don't know I was hungry. He was cute. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Oh!" Kenzie cried "He knows about the whole succubus shabang? That makes the message make so much more sense. He said that he thought there was someone like you' in Starling City, California and he wanted your help teaching them how to control themselves."

That certainly got Bo's attention. "You don't think... Another succubus?" Bo bit her lip. "Outside of my mother, I've never met another succubus. If we're as rare as the Fae say this might even be another relative."

"Road trip!" Kenzie squealed running off to pack a back.

Next: Chapter 2

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