Where My Heart Belongs

Published on May 13, 2017


Where My Heart Belongs 3

{Where My Heart Belongs is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 03

Adrian was not appreciative of his alarm clock waking him from a peaceful sleep on Thursday morning. After reaching over to turn the annoying thing off, he continued lying in bed for five more minutes before getting up. When he was showered and dress, he went to wake the boys who were also not appreciative of the early Rizal which he ignored and continued getting them ready for the day before going down for breakfast.

When breakfast was over, Alonzo headed off to school and Adrian waited for Jeanette to arrive before leaving for the office. He greeted Judy as he entered who returned it as he continued on to his office. While the computer was booting, He checked his schedule as Judy brought him his coffee and messages. He thanked her with a nod and she nodded back then left. He then sorted his messages into two separate piles containing the ones he needed to return right away and the one he can hold off on returning. The first call he made though was to find some home nurses for his sister. Once he found a couple that he likes, he hired them then called his sister to let her know. Now that his family matters were out of the way, he concentrated on business.

Mrs. Matthews's morning on the other hand was not starting out positively. After a big argument with her husband over Gabriel's abandonment and ultimatum, he called the airport and booked the next flight to Oklahoma leaving her at Jalisa's house, still believing she can cohorts her son into obeying her demands she called his work to speak with him. "Narcotic Division, Special Agent Lewis speaking."

"Can I speak with Special Agent Matthews please?" she tried to sound nice which didn't come off to well but the agent wasn't fazed by it. "I'm sorry ma'am, but Special Agent Matthews is away on assignment and won't be back for a while."

Louisa Matthews had mixed emotions about that revelation. On one hand; this was something that could help her on her mission, but on the other hand, she was upset that Gabriel didn't tell her about it and left the children alone with Adrian. She quickly thanked the agent for the information and hung up without another word then called for Jalisa. This may be their last chance to convince Gabriel to see things their way so they had some planning to do.

At the high school things haven't improved for Alonzo. The constant harassment that he's been receiving from his peers was making him angrier each day. Thinking he could handle the situation on his own, he never told anyone about it but now the anger was beginning to build up pushing him closer to losing his temper. He needed some advice but his fathers already have a lot on their plates and Alonzo didn't want to add to that. Then it hit him; he knew just who he can go to for help with this problem without getting his parents involved.

He met up with his cousins in the cafeteria at lunch with a plan in mind. But before he could say anything, Mike caught him off guard. "Okay Alonzo, what's going on? Many students have been whispering about you've getting teased about Uncle Gabe and Uncle Dray getting back together. Now what are they talking about and how did they know about his divorce from Jalisa?"

Alonzo let out a heavy sigh and explained. "Apparently Dad Gabe and Jalisa did a lot of arguing before their divorce was finalized which some of their neighbors heard thanks to Jalisa's big mouth. Unfortunately their next door neighbor just so happened to be Keith Mason and his idiot jock older brother Calvin who had it in for me ever since an incident between me and Keith in seventh grade which he never got over.

On the day of the divorce when Dad Gabe went to pick up my brothers, he and Jalisa got into another argument with her shouting about how she's not going to let him leave and break up their family after he made a promise to take care of them. She even followed him outside still shouting where anyone in the vicinity could hear and some did.

Keith just happened to be one of those people and he spread it around school. Now everyone had joined him in teasing me about having queer parents with one of them being a home wrecker. It's taking every bit of strength that I have not to beat the shit out of him but if this keeps up then I won't be able to hold my anger in any longer and really go off on him. He knows that I can beat him in a fight so he's making sure that he's never alone wherever he goes."

When he finished explaining, Ethan and Mike were fuming with anger. "I know you can handle yourself with other kids of your size and probably some of the bigger one too, but if you get picked on by any of the bigger ones who you can't handle then let me know and Ethan and I will take care of them. I will not have anyone trying to harm a member of my family if I have anything to say about it!"

Alonzo gave Mike an appreciative brotherly smile for his protectiveness. "I knew you would say that. That's why I was trying to take care of it myself before you found out about it. I know you both; and you won't let up on the perpetrators unless you're sure that they had learned their lesson. I don't want to see anyone get hurt because of one idiotic jackass."

"We'll try to go easy on them but we're not making any promises." Ethan assured him. "After all, if they're going to do the crime, then they better be ready to do the time. Everyone should know by now that we hate bullying; especially when it's a love one who is being bullied. We don't and won't ever apologize for that because like anyone else in our position we'll always protect those whom we love."

Nicholas and Roberto nodded in agreement with Ethan's assertion. "Believe me, I'm not asking you guys to." Alonzo rebutted with genuine sincerity. "I just wanted it all to end without anyone getting hurt in the process. I guess I get that particular trait from Dad Gabe. He's always trying to solve a case with as little casualties as possible.

I rather not have anyone harmed, but if that's unavoidable, then so be it. All I want is for this to end so I can focus on my education, family, and friends. You guys can deal with everyone else if you want but no one is to touch Keith, he is mine!"

The two older boys accepted the stipulation with a nod. They had no arguments with Alonzo claiming that right since the individual mentioned is the cause of his current troubles. They did make Alonzo promise not to start a confrontation with Keith without them nearby if he isn't alone. They had no doubts that Keith would call in his backup when things don't go his way.

They finished lunch in casual conversation hoping to keep Alonzo in a chipper mood. After throwing away their trash, they headed outside to play a little basketball before their next class. They were observant enough to notice eyes following their movement but it didn't concern them. They had all proven at one time or another that none of their peers can match them blow to blow in a fight resulting in every staff and student being skittish around them. Everyone knows who their parents are and what they're capable of doing if anyone harms their boys.

Not far away in a house that use to be filled with joy and love sat a lady going through a photo album. Lately she's been wondering how things went wrong that tore her family apart without any indication of what was going on right under her nose without her knowing anything about it. She had everything that she ever wanted until that faithful day when her husband came home early to find their eldest child in bed with his best friend.

***Flashback four months ago***

A tired but ecstatic man arrived home to prepare for a business dinner after a grueling day of work. The new house that his construction company was building was ahead of schedule and all he had on his mind now was landing that huge contract that he had been negotiating for the last two days. If he's able to accomplish that it will not only increase his profits but also gain him a lot of prestige in the construction industry.

He let himself in and headed upstairs to shower and change. Just as he passed his eldest son's room, he heard the sounds of carnal pleasure coming from inside which put a smile on his face. Although he'd never mentioned it to anyone; he had known about his first born pleasurable activities for a while now after catching him in the act with his girlfriend several months ago. He felt like a proud father over his son's sexual prowls and put his ear against the door to listen to the carnal pleasure in which was occurring behind the closed off area. What he didn't expect to hear was the phrases that were being chanted out.

"Oh god yes baby, give it to me, give it to me! That's it, fuck me harder. I need it so bad stud. Pound that huge cock up my tight ass big guy! Make love to me."

That shocked him but what shocked him even more was hearing. "Mmmm, you feel so tight babe. I just can't get enough of you. I want to make love to you every day for the rest of our lives."

The more he heard the angrier he got until he was merely close to blowing a gasket. He barged into the room with his face red from anger. "What the hell is going on here!? Since when did you become a faggot who takes cock up the ass? I didn't raise you that way boy!"

Both boys quickly pulled apart surprised but completely calm. That didn't stop his tirade though; instead it made him even angrier seeing the huge cock coming out of his son. He began to berate him so loud that none of them heard when his wife came home. Hearing her husband shouting, she rushed upstairs to her son's room to find out what was going on only to see him and his best friend standing there naked but calmed and her husband in rage. When she could finally get a word in she asked what was going on which got him started again.

"Your son had turned into a faggot that's what's going on!" He bellowed. "I came home to shower and change for my business dinner and walked passed his room. Instead of hearing a female's voice that I expected to be with him, I heard a male's voice and it sounded like they both were enjoying it. Then I walked in to find your son lying on his back on the bed and getting fucked up the ass like some cheap whore on the street!"

She looked at her son in confusion. "I thought you had a girlfriend? How long has this been going on, and why haven't you told us? We could have gotten you some help."

Both boys rolled their eyes in annoyance. "Because I'm gay and don't need any help to cure me of that." He used air quotes to alliterate his statement. "Yes, I had a girlfriend, and the keyword here is had. What you both don't know is that she only wanted me for my money and nothing else. We broke up months ago and that's why you haven't seen her around here anymore.

What you also don't know is that I've been dating both guys and girls for a while now and not one or the other. I just let you believe that it's only been girls because I wasn't ready to come out yet. It's up to you on what you do now that you have found out because I really don't care anymore. I'm tired of keeping my relationship a secret and pretending that I'm not with someone I love and who loves me back just because it doesn't measure up to your misconceived notion on what a couple should be."

That just infuriated his father even more. "I will not have a faggot for a son! You either stop this despicable life style or you get the hell out of my house and don't ever darken my doorstep again! Keep it on the street where it belongs. I raised you to be a strong masculine straight man not some wimpy fag who likes taking cock like some slut."

He looked at his father with a copped eyebrow. "Give me a break; you didn't raise me at all. Yes, I like taking his cock but he also likes taking mine. I just like being on the bottom more because he's so big and it hits all of the right spots perfectly. As far as being wimpy goes; we all know that I'm stronger than you are and can take you in a fight at any time. I'll leave but I won't be the only one going. And if you try to stop me, then I'll take you down. Do I make myself clear?"

"You don't mean that son. Please tell me you didn't mean that." His mother begged him with tears falling from her eyes. "What happened to the sweet little boy I brought into this world?"

"He grew up when he had to become the parent for his little brother." He said bluntly with much sarcasm. "You guys were too busy with your careers to worry about raising your children believing that you had the perfect little family. Meanwhile, your children were growing up without the love and support of the people who brought them into existence then forgot all about them like they didn't matter anymore.

I won't let you throw my brother out if he turns out to be gay like you're doing to me. Just know that once I walk out that door, you'll be losing a lot more than just a son, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself."

"How dare you!" The father shouted before taking a swing at his son but that was as far as he got before his son blocked it and took him down with only one punch. He stood over his father looking down at him with malice in his eyes. "I told you not to put your hands on me but you didn't listen. Now that you see I'm not the weakling that you think I am, I'm going to give you the chance to get up and walk out of this room so we can get dress and pack my things. Then we can get the hell out of here."

Seeing his son's eyes blazing with the unspoken threat, the father got up and left the room pulling his wife along with him. The two boys then got dress and started packing what they wanted to take before going next door to do the same with his brother's things.

***End flashback***

Now her children were no longer living at home and her life had become empty. Work was no longer fulfilling and her husband spent most of his time working then getting drunk before coming home and passing out. She was beginning to realize that her eldest had foretold the truth and they had indeed lost everything they took for granted. They recently had found out that their son was keeping other secrets from them besides being gay which interned deepened her despair. She'd tried reaching out to her boys but they both had refused her contact. Now her turmoil is at a fever's pit and she doesn't know what to do to rectify the prosperity of her broken family.

The afternoon went smoothly for everyone. All of the boys made sure that Alonzo was never alone which prevented further harassment from their peers leaving him to relax some. One look from any of them, especially Mike and Ethan, and whoever was about to ditch out some verbal assault quickly closed their mouths and continued on their way.

Adrian was able to finish his task and leave work early. That gave him time to check on his sister and her kids. Seeing that everything was okay, with her home nurse already there assisting wherever it's was needed, he only stayed a short time before going home. He arrived shortly after Alonzo did and changed clothes before being updated by Jeanette. He then went to asked about dinner while Jeanette got ready to leave and was told it would be done within an hour. He walked her out then went to check on the boys.

After dinner, he helped Alonzo with his homework before settling down to watch television. Around eight o'clock Gabriel called to see how everything was going. After catching up, they all spent quite amount of time talking about nonsensical things reluctant to end the call but they knew they had to so Adrian could put the children to bed before retiring for the night. Unfortunately he wasn't able to fall asleep right away. He couldn't shake the feeling of trouble coming their way and he needed to be prepared for it in order to keep his family safe. He ran through every scenario of what it may be while also strategizing on a counter strike that will protect his family. It was only when he had all the basic covered that he was able to fall asleep.

Elsewhere Gabriel was also having trouble sleeping due to the premonition that suddenly popped into his mind. He didn't know where it had come from but he'd always trusted his intuition and right now that intuition was screaming trouble on the arising. He just knew that he had to close this case soon so he can get back home to his family and stop whatever it is that was threatening them. Soon he was falling into a restless sleep still worried about his love ones.

The following morning he woke up very tired and grumpy. He was glad that it was Friday because that meant he could spend more time talking to his kids since it was the beginning of the weekend. He still had the sense of trouble brewing back at home but he pushed it to the back of his mind until he had time to deal with it. He needed his head in the game right now and worrying about something that he has no control over wasn't going to do him any good while on the job. He did however text his man warning him of trouble and received a replied text from Adrian stating that he has the same feeling and had already put several safeguard measures in place to counteract any hostile activity that may be brought upon them. That lessened Gabriel's anxiety for him to concentrate on his case and not worry too much about what was happening at home.

After the short texting communication with Gabriel, Adrian went to get his boys up, dressed, and down to breakfast during which he called a potential code orange. That got everyone including Alonzo's attention for him to explain.

"Gabe and I had a short discussion about it this morning because we both had the same premonition when we went to bed last night. We don't know what the trouble is but we do know that it's coming soon and most likely will involve the boys. I have already put some arrangements into motion to protect them but without knowing what the trouble is there isn't much I can do. I want everyone to keep their eyes and ears open until we get whatever it is resolved. That includes an update to me every hour on the hour and an immediate call to me if anything looks suspicious."

The last two instructions were directed at their security details who nodded accepting their orders. Apparently Adrian's return nod was to indicate that the conversation was over so they finished eating. After breakfast, Adrian made some calls in which one was to his secretary informing her that he would be working from home that day. His instinct was telling him that he needed to be there so he heeded the warning for his boys' safety. His head of security took note of that and went to their office to schedule some extra protection around the property including some well place snipers in case of any aerial attacks although they didn't think that will happen.

They had just finished with their calls when Jeanette arrived for work. Adrian told her the basic and assured her that everything was under control. She thanked him with a nervous smile then went to attend the children and he took Alonzo to school. He pulled up just as his nephews reached the front of the building coming from the student parking area. He got out of the car to give them all a hug and a brief explanation on his premonition. All of the boys promised him that they will keep an eye on Alonzo for him and he thanked them. He gave them all including his son another hug before heading back home.

Several miles away Jalisa and Mrs. Matthews were having breakfast discussing their game plan to get Gabriel's family back together. They were sure what they have planned will work but they have to get it done before Gabriel gets back. Once they had all of the pieces in place he'll have no other choice but to do as they demand. The final part will be harder to accomplish but they were confident that they will win because they only have his best interest at heart. Neither women could and/or would understand that the more they try to destroy Gabriel's relationship with Adrian, the hateful he becomes towards them and not Adrian.

They finished with breakfast and their planning session just as it was time for their appointment. After clearing the table and putting the dishes in the dishwasher, they headed downtown in high spirits that this time they will get what they wanted and nothing was going to stop them. They were positive that they had it all worked out with no loopholes standing in their way.

They reached their destination with ten minutes to spare so they decided to kill time by getting some coffee from Starbuck's still arriving at their location on schedule. They were shown to an office where they were introduced to a young gentleman that Mrs. Matthews had hired to assist them in their agenda. They spent a few minutes with him going over their strategy plus their alternative actions in case of any legal ramifications. Next they went to file the papers with the courts and waited for them to be processed. By the time it was all done the two ladies were thrilled that they were finally getting the upper hand and soon will be celebrating their success.

The morning wasn't starting out favorable for another lady though! Not only was she and her husband growing further and further apart but work didn't seemed to be improving either. Lately she had been getting all of the crappy listing that no realtor wants and wouldn't make her as much of a profit as she usually makes. Her life seems to be going straight downhill and she has no idea on how to stop it from hitting the bottom at a terminal velocity or how to change the direction.

She sighed in resignation and got up from her desk gathering her things and left for her appointment to show a house she already knew wouldn't sell. The owners were just asking for too much money with the condition that the place was in. No buyer will spend that much money to purchase a house that is in poor condition then having to spend some more to fix it up.

At the Matthews/Williams, Adrian had gotten ahead on his work so he decided to go to the target range for some practice. He wanted to blow off some steam and keep his skills sharpened just in case. Thirty minutes and a box of ammo later he was finally calmed. After discarding all of the cartridges then cleaning and reloading his weapon, he went to spend some time with his boys. He wanted to make sure that they were safe and okay even though he knew they were with all of the protection that they have around them and the property. Nothing was going to get through their defenses without anyone knowing about it.

Alonzo's morning on the other hand moved along very slowly. When lunch came around he was merely jumping out of his skin worrying about his brothers. He wanted to go home to see how they were but instead settled on calling. He had just put away his books and was heading to the cafeteria pulling out his phone when he heard a voice from behind him.

"Hey fag, how are your queer parents doing? I heard that your Daddy Gabe's mama is in town to try and talk some sense into his dumb ass!"

He turned around to see Keith along with his brother and some of their friends standing there. "Why do you ask Keith? Are you planning to ask one or both of them out on a date or something? Sorry to tell you this but they aren't into children."

That shocked Keith but he quickly recovered. "Why you little shit! I wouldn't waste my time with those two little gaybirds. I'm not a faggot like you and your two queer parents. I'm into pussy not dick."

Alonzo copped an eyebrow in mocked curiosity. "Are you sure about that? Your interest in my parent's relationship sometimes has me wondering if you even know what your orientation is. Do their hot looks and muscular bodies turn you on? It surely does for them. That's why their together and not afraid to let anyone see their attraction for each other."

Keith was getting redder with every taunt Alonzo threw at him. What he and his friends didn't see but Alonzo did, was Mike, Ethan, and the others coming towards them from down the hall. Keith didn't have a comeback from the last taunt so his brother tried reflecting the attention from him.

"I'll watch it if I was you punk. Your faggot friends aren't here so there's nothing stopping us from kicking your ass. Hell, I wish that fag Mike was here; then I can take pleasure in kicking his ass as well as yours."

"Funny that you never have the balls to say that to Mike's face Calvin." Alonzo smirked mischievously. "Maybe that's because everyone knows that Mike can kick your ass any day and time of the week without breaking a sweat."

Without saying another word, Calvin threw a punch at Alonzo but that was as far as he got when he suddenly found his arm twisted behind his back in a painful armlock and another arm around his throat cutting off his air supply. He didn't know what happened until he heard Mike's voice hissing in his ear. "You ever try attacking my cousin again and I'll break not only your arm: but your shoulder and wrist as well. Is that understood?"

Calvin grunted as he nodded in the affirmative so Mike let him go and stood beside Alonzo with the others standing with them. "Is there anything else you have to say Keith?" Alonzo asked but got no answer. "I didn't think so! You can always talk the talk but never walk the walk. But rest to sure, you and I will have it out, and I promise you that I will be walking that walk."

He stared into Keith's eyes for a minute letting him see the truth in his words before leaving him and his friends standing there nearly pissing their pants. The other students just watched with wide eyes at the scene but Alonzo knew that this wasn't the end of it. Keith and his friends just coward as usual when the others came along to even the odds stopping them from ganging up on him. Luckily there was no teachers around or they would have gotten detention for that little spectacle which they would have gladly served just to show that they'll always have each other's back even if that means accepting any punishment that may be inflicted on them.

After getting their lunch and finding a table to sit, Alonzo made his call home. Adrian told him that everything was fine and not to worry because nothing was getting near the boys. Hearing the confidence in his dad's voice did give him some reassurance so he told his dad that he loves him and ended the call and pocketed his phone. He then brought the others up on the conversation.

"So, what was that all about with Keith and his goons?" Ethan asked before taking a bite of his steak and cheese sub.

Alonzo swallowed the bite he had in his mouth before answering. "It was nothing really. Just the same old, same old." He then explained it all to them including what Calvin said about Mike which had them in stitches. "And as you saw, they all backed down at the end which just proves my point about them."

Everyone nodded in agreement and let the subject drop. They finished their lunch and headed for their next class since they didn't have much time left. The altercation with Keith and his friends had cut their lunch period short so they had to rush a little to get there on time.

The afternoon went smoothly for everyone. Alonzo had no more harassment from Keith and his gang and everyone else stayed clear of him and his friends not wanting to tic them off. At home everything was quiet although Adrian's intuition was still warning him of potential trouble in the near future. When it was time, he went to pick up his son from school giving him some time alone to contemplate on it. He was sure of where the trouble was coming from and why, but the part that was missing was in what form and when. That is what has him so worried and completely on edge even though he hid it well from everyone. He smiled a little remembering that Gabriel was out of town because he would have seen right through it.

He got to the high school to see the boys waiting for him in front of the building. All of the buses had already left but there were still some student drivers around. He couldn't see Alonzo's security anywhere near but he knew they weren't far away from their charge. When he pulled up, all of the boys came over to give him a hug through the window as his son got into the car before giving him his. He asked them how school was and got an okay from everyone but he could tell that it wasn't quite truthful and looked at his son quizzically. Alonzo sighed and told him everything drawing a deep breath from his father.

"Gabe and I knew something was going on but decided to let you handle it." He smirked at Alonzo when he gave him a surprising look. "You may keep some things from us son but your security informs us of all threats because that's their job. We'll keep letting you boys handle it for now; but if it gets out of hand, then us adults will be stepping in, got me?"

He got a yes sir from every boy and nodded accepting their oath. "You boys better get home now before you have the nanny wondering what happen to you."

Mike and Ethan nodded again and gave him another hug followed by the other two boys. He stayed to watch them leave school grounds safely before heading back home. He stopped at the post office along the way to check his mailbox then went to the small convenient store attach to purchase a couple of small packages of chocolate doughnuts for him and Alonzo. He had his doubts when he brought the property which included the post office and had it all rebuilt to his specification after the previous store was shut down by the health department due to low standers but it proved unwarranted. The business isn't a major money maker but it does bring in good profits and provides some great treats for the neighborhood which is what he really cares about. His other businesses provide more than enough to keep him out of the poorhouse.

Marianne was just about to call Ethan when they all came walking through the door. Seeing that they were okay, she let out a breath of relief and asked what took them so long. Mike explained to her what happened at school while Ethan had some daddy time with his son.

Marianne shook her head in disdain. "I know that kid and he's bad news. Alonzo will have to knock him down a couple of notches before he'll stop. He'll always think that he's a tough guy until he is proven wrong but I think he'd met his match with Alonzo. Just like his brother knows that he'd met his with the two of you. That's why he never bad mouth either of you whenever you're around."

"I know and that's why Keith is never alone whenever he's at school. He knows that Alonzo can kick his butt in a heartbeat and he's taking precaution so that won't happen. But after what Alonzo said to him today, I'm sure that he knows now that there's no escaping it."

"Good because someone needs to put him in his place before he gets too high and mighty."

All of the boys nodded in agreement. Marianne smiled at them and went to the kitchen to make them a snack before dinner while the boys joined Ethan on the couch to play with EJ.

The first thing that Alonzo did when they got home was to check on his brothers. He wasn't going to be completely satisfied that they were alright until he sees it for himself. Adrian just smiled as he watched him head towards the game room thankful that he has such a wonderful son who loves his brothers very much. He thought to himself that whatever and/or whoever this trouble is; better bring a army of trained warriors if they want to harm his kids because he'll never let them go, not under any circumstances if it was the last thing that he did. He returned to his office to work some more so that he'll have the rest of the day to spend with his boys. He had just finished the last of his reports when he heard Sean's voice over the intercom calling them to dinner.

He entered the kitchen to see Jeanette sitting the boys at the table before she left for home. He turned around and headed back to his office to get something that he'd forgotten and returned. He held out an envelope containing her paycheck for the week which she took thanking him. He then walked her out in order to lock up behind her before coming back to the table. Dinner tonight consisted of meatloaf, mashed potatoes with or without gravy, and green beans with bacon. For dessert there was either strawberry shortcake or blueberry turnovers to choose from.

When they had finished with dinner Adrian helped Alonzo with his homework before going to the theater room to watch a movie. Half way through the second one Gabriel called to speak with the children. Afterwards, Adrian went to his office so he and Gabriel could talk more about their situation during which Adrian told him where he suspect the trouble is coming from and why.

"I don't want to believe it but I think you're right. I just never thought that she would stoop so low to get her way. Boy was I wrong about that!"

"I can understand that because she's your mother. No child wants to believe that their mother can deliberately hurt them in any way until it happens but now she's beginning to cross the line. Alonzo called me from school at lunch time to make sure that his brothers were okay. I told him that everything was fine but I don't think he completely believed me because the first thing he did when he got home was to go and see for himself."

If Adrian could see Gabriel now he would see steam coming out of his ears. "That does it! I'm giving you the green light to do whatever you have to in order to put a stop to her. I will not have my boys looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives worrying if they're in danger or not."

"Are you sure you want me to do that?" Adrian asked cautiously. "You know what that can lead to if I go down that road and I won't stop until I have served my justice. Nor will I hesitate a second if I need to change direction to inflict more punishment if I see it necessary."

"I'm perfectly aware of what you'll do and I have no problem with it. I did warn her plenty of time of what will happen if she tries to break up our family but she chose to ignore those warning. Now it's too late for any apologies because it's all beginning to affect the boys and that's something I won't stand for!"

The venom in Gabriel's voice merely made Adrian cringed. He never heard his man sound so cold blooded before and it made him uncomfortable. "Calm down babe. You sounded kind of heartless there and that's not like you. I don't want you turning into someone you're not and ending up like her."

"I'll deal with my emotions once this is all taken care of. Being a little ruthless will get me through this mess if I want to keep my family safe in which they're no longer consider a part of. I'm tired of those two bitches trying to destroy it just to make themselves happy. If they don't want to back down then I'll have no other choice but to knock them down."

Gabriel's declaration reminded Adrian of how much he loves him. In a way Gabriel is more dangerous than Adrian is and Adrian knows it. The difference between the two of them is that Gabriel knows when to draw the line where as Adrian will take it one or two steps over it.

"Okay, I'll give you that. But don't lose yourself through it all because you know I'm going to need you to keep me from losing control and seriously injuring them. I don't think I need to remind you that when it comes to protecting the ones I love; then the gloves come off, and there's nothing I won't do to keep them safe."

"Well, then we will just have to be there for each other. Our boys need us both and I don't think I can live without you. I did that for two years and I'm not itching to try it again so do what you have to do but keep a level head okay?" Adrian said that he'll try but he can't make any promises. "That's all I can ask for."

They talked a little while longer then Adrian said that he had to go so he can put the boys to bed. Gabriel told him that he loves him and that he'll talk to him tomorrow. Adrian returned the sentiments and they hung up. He went back to the theater room to finish watching the movie but arrived just as the credits were rolling. Todd and Robby told him that they will straighten up the room while he put the boys to bed. He thanked them with a nod then gathered his bunch and took them up to their rooms. Once he had them all tucked in and had kissed them good night, he went to get ready for bed himself. As soon as his head had hit the pillow he was out like a light.

The next morning he was up early because of his anxiety that today was the day. He showered and dressed then went to his office to double check that he had everything arranged. Once he had confirmed that he has, he used his spare time to read over the one report that he didn't get to the day before. He wanted to take some time to think about it before making any changes that will show a better profitable solution before beginning the process. He was just finishing up when he heard Tony over the baby monitor.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time for breakfast so he got up from his desk to go upstairs to check on his youngest. He saw that Tony was fully awake so he picked him up out of his crib to get him dressed. As he was taking care of his youngest, his eldest entered the nursery. The two greeted each other with a good morning then Adrian asked if Alonzo could get his other two brothers up while he feeds Tony.

Alonzo smiled at his dad. "Sure I can Dad Dray. That'll be no problem."

"Thanks son." Adrian returned his son's smile with one of his own. "Feel free to dress them in anything you want because I don't think we'll be going anywhere. We'll probably just kick back and laze around the house all day."

Alonzo nodded with a smile showing that he thought it was a good idea before going to do what his dad had asked. In the meantime, Adrian finished up with Tony then headed back downstairs to feed him. Forty five minutes later Tony was almost done with his bottle when the three boys came down followed by the others and Sean and Bryan were setting out the platters of food. After burping him, Adrian put Tony in his playpen and rejoined the others at the table for breakfast.

Several states away a man jolted awake gasping and sweating from his nightmare. "Wha... what's wrong?" His wife asked half asleep. The man shook his head to clear it of his vision while taking some deep breaths. "Nothing honey, just a bad dream. It's nothing to worry about. Go back to sleep."

She stared at him for a moment then closed her eyes again falling back asleep quickly. The man on the other hand knew that wasn't going to be possible for him so he got out of bed to splash some cold water on his face. After toweling himself dry, he went down to his den to make some arrangements before going back up to his bedroom to quietly get dress and packed a few changes of clothes. Afterwards he wrote a note leaving it on his pillow for his wife to find and snuck quietly downstairs and out of the house to the waiting taxi hoping that he can get there in time to stop it before it all starts.

Back on the east coast the two ladies were just finishing breakfast with smiles on their faces when there was a knock on the door. Jalisa got up to answer it wondering who it could be. Standing on her doorstep was a teenaged kid with a determine look. "Is there something that I can do for you kid?"

"Yes, and there's something that I might be able to do for you as well." Jalisa gave the kid an amused but questioning look. "Do you mind if I come in? I rather not talk about it out here where anyone can hear."

She let the kid in but her look didn't change a bit. The teen followed her into the kitchen where she introduced Mrs. Matthews as she gestured for the kid to have a seat at the table and taking her own. "Now what makes you think that we need help, and how can you help us with it?"

"I know because..." For the next tem minutes they listen to what the teen had to say and how the kid may be able to help in exchange for something that the teen wanted. "If you can do this for me then I'll do whatever you want to pull it off."

Both ladies looked at each other contemplating the offer. The teen could see them giving it some thought so decided to keep quiet until they were ready to discuss it some more or turned down the offer. It took another five minutes before they both came to a decision.

"If we accept your help then there's no turning back. You're in this for the long haul and have to do whatever we ask and whenever we ask it. You also have to keep quiet about this so that no one will find out about it. In return we'll do whatever we can to help you with your plan. Is this agreeable to you?"

The teen looked straight into Mrs. Matthews's eyes without flinching and agreed with the terms. The three shook hands then discussed on what the teen could do to keep a few certain people occupied so they wouldn't get involved until it was too late. When they were done, the teen said goodbye and headed back home to begin their part of the plan. It wasn't going to be easy but the teen believes that they can pull it off and get everything that they have been wanting all along.

At the Matthews/Morrison residence, the boys were helping their dads with clearing the table after breakfast when Ethan's cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and his eyes popped open when he saw Riley Carpenter's name displayed. "Holy shit, I can't believe its Riley calling. I haven't heard from him in over two months now."

"What the hell could he be calling you about?" Mike asked with a little hostility in his voice. "The last time you talked to him he said that he never wanted to speak to you again because of something that didn't involve him and now he's calling you out of the blue."

Ethan kissed him to calm him down. "Relax babe. I'll see what he wants but I won't guarantee anything until I discuss it with you first."

Mike nodded reluctantly and Ethan kissed him again before stepping into another room to take the call. He came back a minute later drawing all eyes his way and shook his head. "I don't know anything yet. He just said that he needed to come over and talk to me about something important."

He looked over at Mike to see his eyes squinted in barely contained rage. Grabbing him by the hand, he led him to their bedroom to relieve him of that negative emotion with the others smiling as they watch them go. They had an idea of what was going to happen and what the outcome will be. Ethan always has a way of calming Mike down and he was now going to put it to affect.

Once the door was closed and locked, Ethan pushed Mike backwards onto the bed climbing on top of him and planting his lips upon Mike's cutting off any arguments that he might have. He continued with that as he started pulling off his shirt only breaking the kiss to remove it before resuming. Mike started to moan as Ethan kissed his way down to his right nipple sucking it into his mouth and biting it gently until it was fully erect. He then moved over to the left one and gave it equal treatment. When both nipples were completely hard, he went lower stopping at his belly button.

He licked and nibbled on the little orifices causing Mike to squirm in pleasurable bliss. Like Ethan, Mike neither has an inny or outy; it just protrudes slightly from his abdomen allowing some pleasurable stimulation to that area. When Ethan started pulling off his pants and boxers, Mike lifted his ass off the bed to help to get at his prize underneath. Once they were off, he lowered himself back flat on the bed as Ethan continued kissing his way down until he had reached his goal. Each action made Mike hotter until he was on fire from all of the stimulations running through his nether region but Ethan wasn't finished with him yet.

Starting on top, Ethan kissed from the base of Mike's cock to the tip before taking it into his mouth sucking up all of the precum and giving the head a kiss. He then started from the tip and kissed his way back down to the base but this time on the underside providing extra stimulations. Mike was nearly close to cumming but he didn't want it to end yet so he pulled Ethan up and returned the favor. Soon he had his boyfriend moaning just as much as he was.

They broke apart to crawl more onto the bed and get into a sixty nine position on their sides then reconnecting. They took the other's cock into their mouths once again and began a slow bob while enjoying the feeling that was being performed on their own orifice until they had every inch down their throats. Their moans and throat action caused vibrations on the organ sending shivers through their partner's body.

Slowly they began withdrawing to the head then reversing direction until they reached the base again then performed the throat action and breathing in the sent from their lover's balls. They continued that technique for several minutes before pulling completely off and worked their way pass the perineum towards the most intimate sanctum. They licked around the hole getting it nice and wet then penetrating it with their tongues further heightening their erotic pleasure. "Mmm, mmm." The sound of two different moans came from two different oral orifices as they feasted on the tantalizing treat hitting the love button deep inside. Soon they both were on the edge of blissful paradise.

They quickly moved forward to take the cock back into their mouths and started to suck. The closer they brought the other to the edge, the quicker they increased the tempo and suction. A few suctions later they were exploding sending volleys and volleys of cum down their boyfriend's throat as they kept up the ministration without letting a single drop escape. When they were sure that they had gotten it all, they released the phallus turning on their backs to catch their breaths.

Once they had their breathing under control, Ethan turned around so that he was facing Mike then the two boys turned onto their sides and kiss deeply causing them to take several more deep breaths when they separated. Now Mike had a smile on his face and in his eyes so Ethan knew that he had caged his anger once again and smiled back. No words were needed to be said because their smiles said it all. They were still laying there a couple of minutes later when there was a knock on the door. They knew it had to be Riley so they got up and dressed then opened the door.

Riley stood there looking a little nervous but found his courage to speak. "Hey guys, how's it going?" Both boys said that everything was going fine then Ethan asked what it was that he needed to talk to him about. "Do you mind if I come in? I think that this should be said in private."

Ethan apologized and invited him in gesturing him to have a seat on the chair at the computer desk. Mike started to excuse himself but Riley asked him to stay since it also involves him causing the two boys to look at each other. Mike nodded and sat on the bed as Ethan closed the door then joined him and waited to see what Riley has to say.

After a moment to gather his courage, Riley told them everything that he knew. The boys just nodded as he talked only interrupting whenever they needed him to clarify something or give a little more detail. He could see the anger building on both boys faces by how red their faces had turned hearing the news. By the time he had finished, he was ready to bolt just in case they wanted to kill the messenger but they just sat there not saying a word. Finally Ethan broke the silence.

"I appreciate you coming over here and telling me this Riley, but I have to ask why? I'm not saying that I don't believe you but you haven't spoken to me in over two months which leaves me to wonder if there's something in it for you. So tell me Riley, what do you get out of this?"

"The only thing that I'm getting out of this is something that I've been wanting all along." He then told them what that was and that he's not looking for anything else. "I know it's hard for you to believe that after what I did but it's true. I don't want anything else but that."

Ethan accepted that explanation but still had his doubts. He thanked Riley for warning him as they stood and shook hands. Mike also shook hands with him then they walked him out before searching for their dads to discuss it with them. They needed some advice that only they can give in a situation like this in a short amount of time.

For Adrian and his boys the morning had been peaceful and quiet. They spent it in the game room with him watching morning cartoons with the three little ones between taking his turn at the play station with his eldest. He was able to keep them calm and relax as they spent some quality time together while keeping his guard up without showing it. It was around eleven thirty when one of his security guys came in and whispered something in his ear. As he listened, he outwardly displayed a calm demeanor but inwardly was struggling to obtain that emotion. After whispering his instructions to the guy, he headed for the security room to find out more about what was going on.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Where My Heart Belongs.  I hope you had enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it.  Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

Keith seems to be trying to make Alonzo's life miscible at school but is failing at it. I wonder when these two will come to blows. According to Alonzo it doesn't look like it's far off. What do you think happened between them to turn Keith against him?

Mike showed that he will stand toe to toe with anyone to protect those whom he loves. Could there be a history between him and Calvin? It sure looks that way.

Alonzo was surprised to learn that his two dads are always involved in his life even when they're not completely involved. It's a good thing that he has great security that keeps watch over him at all times.

Mrs. Matthews and Jalisa are up to something again. I gave you a hint as to what it could be, or did I? It looks like they may have an accomplice but who could it be?

Adrian and Gabriel have a good idea as to where their trouble is coming from but do they know in what form? I gave you several clues but which one is the right one?

I took the plot with Adrian's convenient store from my real life experience. Where I grew up there was a small store like that in my neighborhood which was shut down by the health department due to low standards and a hazard risk. The only difference is that no one brought the property and rebuilt the store but the post office is still there.

We now have two mysterious characters in the story. Can anyone figure out who they are? Where did the man take off to?

Who is Riley and what was it that he told Mike and Ethan? There's definitely some history between him and Ethan. Find out what that is in future chapters.

Adrian's Saturday started out relaxing but turned to something else. I guess we'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out what he was told by one of his security guys and what he'll find out from the guys in the security office.

Don't forget to read my other stories. Best Friends located in the Gay/Beginnings section and Malibu Hearts and A Wishful Miracle located in the Gay/High School section of Nifty.

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner.  I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out!  New plots are going to open and some will close.  Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy!  Please let me know how I'm doing.  I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {romeo1.jacobmillertex@gmail.com} thanks.

Editor's Corner:

Romeo covered everything. He left us with some questions and I look forward to the answers.

As always remember to drop Romeo an email and let him know what your thoughts are.


Next: Chapter 4

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