White Sunset

By Philip Effiong

Published on Dec 3, 2012


White Sunset

Racial Retraining Case Studies (1)

Report of the RRP (Racial Retraining Programme) to Commissioner

Summary of Report Findings:

This Report:

  1. Points to successes of the Pod system in changing white attitudes, and attitudes exhibited towards whites, particularly amongst younger age cohorts. (Hereafter referred to as black boys). It points to the need for constant vigilence in view of the extraordinary sexual appetites of white male younger age cohorts (white boys).

  2. Examines theories that the extraordinary sexual appetites of white boys are sexualising black boys at an earlier age. The report argues that black boys have always had healthy sexual appetites, and the location of release has not been of primary import.

  3. Analyses rumours of abuse, of unwonted side effects (increased homosexual activity amongst black youth, indulgence of teachers and educational authorities in "abusing" white youth ) These rumours are found to be groundless and much to be condemned. Teachers and educational administrators on the contrary exhibit their customary devotion to the retraining programme and all the younger age cohorts in their care.

  4. Argues that, though without foundation, isolated cases of abuse/ homosexual action might be a small price to pay for the improved self-image and self-regard of black boys, the better behaviour of black youth, and a huge decrease in black teenage pregnancies

  5. Notes that this dramatic reduction in teenage (black) pregnancies, reported molestation and sexual offences, is offset by a growth in the white teenage population of black insemination of white girls.

  6. Notes that white girls successfully inseminated by black males are now being given full support in bearing and raising their offspring, and that there are now firm assurances of further support to the black breeding of whites, and the progeny resulting, obviating the need for black paternal support. Encouraging trials are being held on the greater involvement of PodWhiteBoys in the care and support of children arising from black breeding and insemination

  7. Points to the increased proportion of white boys being Podded; the resulting reduction in previously rampant rates of white youth violence, white-on-white procreation, and the consequent reduction (elimination?) of the white "macho" culture, with all the societal and economic benefits ensuing.

  8. Points to the healthy growth of the Pod concept impacting fully on a 24/7 basis, on white youth: the growth of "informal Podding": the growth of Pods in scout and youth groups; residential complexes; the police service and armed services; commerce and industry; agriculture; in sports clubs; the arts. It has been said there is hardly an area of life where the Pod is not now embedded – leading the Department to develop its longer-term strategy of:

  9. The concept for white males of "life-time Podding for life-long learning"

  10. We look forward with confidence and pride to a time when all whites will be appropriately placed to provide service to the previously oppressed black majority.

Through our close co-partnership with a number of the commercial developers of the Pod concept, the Department has played an important role in developing black empowerment, both here and in other parts of Africa. This has opened up new and exciting legitimate opportunities for white youth in other black countries, as well as help tackle the problem of Podwhites who have at times left the country for sundry nefarious purposes. Such youth can now be fully and quickly be integrated back into a Pod system, for which they need no additional training, in their country of arrival.

The RRP wishes to take this opportunity to thank its many hundreds of volunteer African functionaries at all levels, for their hard work, commitment to the cause and dedication beyond the call of duty in driving forward our programmes.

New Plans are afoot, as part of an effort to get full community involvement in our work, to increase the number and frequency of familiarisation visits of African parent groups and youth groups to Pod and RRP programmes. A start is being made whereby every Scout Group in the country will be linked to a school where the Pod programme has strong roots, in order that familiarisation visits to Pod meetings can be made.

Supportive letters are given below from "white baby-mothers and putative fathers" and black parents, and some case histories of boys brought in from further afield. These files, now all open to the general public, sometimes with supporting photos, videos and other visual aids, so that greater understanding can be attained, provide a fascinating glimpse of the new importance of the Pod in our national life:

These are real cases, no detail has been changed or added or omitted. A sample of what is available to read, either for the public at large or for researchers and students, is given below:

File: PodWhite Racial Retraining Case Studies

  1. Nicholas Henriques and the Henriques Project

Text of an exchange of letters Henriques /Koto and etc

To : The Senior Enforcer, Racial Retraining Programme, Central Province

Dear Mr Koto

I would like to thank you and your colleagues for all you have done for my son Nicholas and indeed for our family - my husband and I and our two younger sons.

I have to say that I was apprehensive when you first approached me with a view to taking Nicholas away from his first secondary school and placing him as a boarder in Black Empowerment's New Africa Academy. But my fears were quite groundless. Nicholas, who passed through your capable hands at that time, had difficulty at first adjusting but that's I'm sure true for all boys in a new and challenging environment. However over the years he has become much happier and more fulfilled. His angry spoilt tantrums and bad behaviour have quite gone, and he has become a quite different boy.

I sometimes think he has developed his "feminine" side whilst remaining the strong handsome lad we all love. A part of that must rest with the strong attachments he first made with you personally and with a number of your black colleagues, and latterly an increasing number of black fellow students – whether from this country or elsewhere in Africa, and indeed from USA, Brazil, and the Caribbean – all of whom he has met at school, or at one of the events your Department has organised. He has dropped most of his previous associations with former (white) friends and I must say that its clear they were giving him the wrong role models in terms of behaviour.

I know also that the firm discipline of the New Africa Academy has helped him a lot. A good spanking never hurt a boy in my view and my husband certainly concurs. I am glad there are still some old fashioned schools that practice corporal punishment on their naughty boys. On a recent visit to the school my husband Toby, Nicholas's step father, was able to witness Nicholas being strapped (and without even the little shorts he now normally wears?). My husband was he says profoundly grateful for being able to see for himself the correction Nicholas received, and is sure it was a salutory experience for all who saw it.

He felt it good for Nicholas, and for the school, that the punishment of a "racially arrogant" white boy of 17, was seen by his black "Pod" (??) friends, from the ages of 12 to 18, as he felt it might encourage them to "keep on the right track". He felt that the two younger African boys, who Nicholas had apparently so rudely refused to cooperate with in his "Pod", were gratified to see justice done. I thought the concept of " inclusive correction", whereby the African boys (the victims), and my husband, participated fully in his caning was especially important. Parents and the victims of crime are requently overlooked when justice is meted out. I'm sure that the 12 strokes (quite light I imagine) was not over-severe, and that the weekly "refreshers", together with the Counselling he receives from his new Retraining Support Group, will do the trick.

Please commend all concerned with Nicholas including his black mentors in his "Pod?", for this timely and effective treatment which I am sure he richly deserved, and yes even appreciated. My husband, Toby, was particularly touched by the way the "Pod"(?) members embraced him back into their group afterwards, as they made their way out of the lecture theatre where the punishment was "staged". They were apparently quite intent on taking Nicholas back to his dormitory to rest. My husband was able to see that they had all been significantly affected by the experience, and were not going to allow Nicholas out of their sight, to stray again.

You asked Sir in particular about the DVD which features Nicholas's correction, ("Earning Their Stripes" Vol.1) concerning which you sent us a copy. My husband has watched this closely several times, with my two younger sons (dear Nicholas's younger half-brothers, Tin-Tin and Antoin). All were, he says, "profoundly affected" by it. In his view it is entirely appropriate for showing to classes throughout the school. He feels that nothing but good can come of younger boys in particular seeing clearly how older boys, as old as 17 in the case of dear Nicholas, are punished for serious misdemeanours.

He arranged a showing of the DVD, as you requested, one evening with our neighbours down the road – Mr Obongo and his three sons, Mrs Obongo being away temporarily. How strange that you were at school with Mr Obongo, who is a delightful man! His eldest boy, is a very handsome and polite young black, and a friend of Nicholas. Afterwards he asked my husband if he could make his own copy, which as you know the young can do, so easily. He has apparently shown it to many of his black friends, who "all enjoyed it very much" and very much want to meet Nicholas when he is next home. Mr Obongo also thought the DVD very powerful. He, and the two younger black boys, now also each have their own copies to refer back to as they wish.

My husband was asked to visit for several of the showings, to give the boys a chance to meet him. My husband met and observed them when many of them were rewatching it last week (with some new explanatory introductory and concluding material which had been sent from the school). He was touched that the boys were full of praise for him for participating in Nicholas's regrettable but necessary punishment, and that they wanted to know more about Nicholas's family upbringing, and home life. He reiterates that all the boys want to meet Nicholas himself, and have apparently written already to his "Pod(?)" to ensure they are given his travel dates well in advance, as his visits here are now somewhat infrequent. So that shows there are no "racial" hard feelings in this matter, and Nicholas's disrespect has been forgiven.

So I would say YES to showing it to other boys at New Africa Academy, and YES also to any parents and governors who might be interested. I have not yet seen the DVD myself, but may do so with the Obongos when Mrs Obongo returns.

I cannot close without thanking you for the scholarship which Nicholas continues to enjoy, and also for his many and varied weekend and vacation home visits to his chums, and his various work placements, which not only keep him out of mischief, but I have to say ease the stress of having the dear boy home so often. We have, as a result of his infrequent visits, been able to let one of our two younger boys, Tin-Tin, have Nicholas's room, which of course Nicholas can share with him when he does come back.

Both Tin-Tin and Antoin have a real need for a room of their own as each seems to have an increasing number of African boys visiting them and wanting to stay over. They are, each of the, much more popular with their black classmates than Nicholas was at their age. you also for the welcome small allowance which is paid to me, his adoring mother.

Could you let me know whether there is any chance of his two younger brothers following in his footsteps in due course, though not of course just yet? I also have a 16 year old nephew, William, who my sister would dearly like to place with you. He resembles Nicholas very much both physically and in personality, and is getting in to the same sort of bad company (Girls, drugs(?) and loud music). If you able to suggest anything for perhaps you could let me know?


Gina Henriques (Mrs)

ps I run a small guest house here, in a very private wing of the house, which keeps me busy as my husband is often away on business. Should you and / or any of your Racial Retraining (Enforcement) colleagues wish to stay whilst on your local visits in our little part of the country, I would consider it an honour, and would offer the most favourable of rates. I would do everything possible to make your stay enjoyable and could have the three boys (photos enclosed) made available for you to interview, should you so wish.

Dear Mrs Henriques

Thank you for yours of the 16th inst, and I am glad that you feel that the advice of the Racial Retraining Department has been of value to your family. We try to do all we can to ensure that the training white boys receive through us, though at times quite demanding, prepares them fully for their future role in our society and country. I and my colleagues have retained happy personal memories of Nicholas's intial training here at the Department. Once some initial hesitations of his were overcome, I have never come across a more receptive and cooperative whiteboy.

I am glad he is doing well in the New Africa Academy, despite the occasional regrettable lapses, but I am told he is a very popular boy and very receptive to new experiences, new friends and new challenges.

One wishes, quite honestly, that there were more whiteboys as good as Nicholas.

Thank you also for approving the general distribution of "Earning Their Stripes: Vol 1" which will now be going to schools across the province for their general edification. I have authorised a Special Recompense Payment to you of $300 in recognition of the assistance you continue to provide to the essential work of my Department.

Did you intend to enclose your own photograph as well as those of the three delightful boys? I have to say that you are a most attractive woman, and it would be indeed a pleasure to meet. Normally all referrals of whiteboys for our programme come from instititions of secondary and higher education, but we are known for our flexibility. It so happens that we have not quite reached our target of reaching out to assist 700 white boys this year, and I am asking our local co-ordinator Thabu Zula to meet you and interview the three boys. I leave it to him whether he wishes to stay over, but he seemed most interested in doing so. He is one of our most talented and naturally gifted younger employees. I promise to see what we can do, but it all depends on the boys' inclinations and characters. I am encouraged however that they come out of the same stable,so to speak, as Nicholas. Despite his evident need for constant little corrections Nicholas is still, I am assured, a delight to train and develop.

Your in Racial Retraining

Aloysius Koto B.Sc

cc Thabo Zula, Junior Racial Retraining Operative, Amfield

There followed a copy of an exchange of e mails between Obongo and Koto re the visit of Toby, Nicholas' step father, to the Obongo family home, outlining the way the first evening went. This followed an enquiry from Koto who saw room for a possible "reversion" of the Henriques family home to the Department of Racial Retraining.. He asks that Oby be invited back to the Obongo home, when the video can be shown to younger male family memebers and their friends, and urges him to increase levels of "involved humiliation" of Toby Henriques to test proclivities and present limits.

Koto promises to send other supplementary videos of Nicholas's Pod activities and of the attention Nicholas received in the dormitory immediately after his thrashing, where the two "victims" successfully achieved double penetration of him, this being the previous non-cooperation issue for which he had been whipped.

E mail from Obongo to Koto:

"Toby was erect through the first showing and I saw he was physically attracted to my boys especially when they were so naughty in front of the television when Nicholas's whipping was in progress. In common with the black boys on screen, all three boys got out their cocks, though I told them I wanted no mess. Toby was particularly agitated when my two younger sons came to sit beside him, cuddling up to him in such a state"

Before the supplentary video of Nicolas's fucking is shown Obongo feels he can get Toby compromised by himself and the 3 boys quite easily. He (Obongo) had already taken him aside and felt his amusingly small erect cock thoroughly as he left the house. He feels Toby Henriques has good potential for black use / enslavement. He is confident that he can win the wife over with his own efforts., as she is clearly frustrated in their marriage and he says "gagging for big black cock".

Obongo says he would prefer Nicholas retuned home for a short visit so that the boys, and fathers, can watch the 2nd DVD with him.

He would get a valuation of the house and send it on. There are, he says, large grounds attached to it, for which building and redevelopment permissions would be readily granted to the RRP. There is also a small empty servants quarters to which the remaining Henriques family could be removed

Report from Toby Henriques on his visit to New Africa Academy, and the Correction of Nicholas Henriques: Submitted to Junior Racial Retraining Operative, Thabo Zula, at his request.

I was asked to visit Nicholas's school in August by the Principal. To be frank I had not wanted to go, being far too busy at work. The boy has been a constant thorn in my side since I married his mother many years ago, and finding a school with strong old fashioned discipline, which also arranged for him to be boarded out during most vacations, usually with other students' families, had meant I had seen little of him for two years. I was content with that.

I was also pleased it was a school run to Racial Retraining maxims. White boys these days have to learn quickly and well their role in society, and it will be easier on them if they do so at a young age. I know from my own experience in the Ministry of Culture that adjustment is sometimes difficult. Whilst I have been effectively demoted three times, a number of younger black managers (none of whom incidentally appear to have any knowledge of, or interest in cultural affairs), have taken over my duties. I am now always content to submit to their wishes. My wife's two younger sons have at my suggestion, been educated in black schools since the age of four, and from what I have seen in the years since have no problem in submitting to the wishes of their black peers.

When I heard that Nicholas's misdemeanours had resulted in him being scheduled for special punishment, and that the school wanted parental involvement and support at such times, I reluctantly agreed to ask for special leave to attend. Clearly this was not something for Nicholas's mother. Special leave was immediately granted by my boss, for which I was both surprised and grateful.

On arrival I was accommodated most comfortably at the school's Guest House, and went on to the Principal's Office. I had not met him before, and he was a tall handsome black man about ten years younger than me.. I think its true to say that we clicked immediately.

Over a sherry he told me that Nicholas was a popular boy with his black colleagues, but that traces of his longstanding racial arrogance surfaced from time to time and had to be dealt with. A number of canings by his class teacher, and by school prefects, had taken place but the threshold of ten canings during the term had now been reached. There must now be a "deterrent thrashing" or expulsion, and if I favoured the latter I was free to take him home with me that evening. I certainly didn't want that, and signed authority for his due punishment. The thrashing would he said involve the two of us and two students – one being the Head Boy of the school, the other being the older of his two young "victims" - those he had so disrespected.

Then a strange thing happened. As we were sitting comfortably by the fire, for the Southern Africa winter was in full swing, the principal said he was a friend of Lovemore Nyoni, my present boss, who took over my post last year. He said that Lovemore had told him how well I had taken the transition, and how very useful I proved to be to him personally. I flushed, and nearly choked on my sherry for I knew what was meant. The Principal leaned acrossand stroked my hair and face tenderly. Without further ado he took my glass away and told me to kneel in front of him. He smiled down at me, as he unzipped his trousers pulling out the largest of black cocks. As requested I sucked it, though it was difficult to get the width of it in my mouth.

"Lovemore was right, you suck black dick ( though I believe he said 'nigga cock') with great expertise, Toby!"

I sucked with greater determination, getting more than half of the monster black cock in my mouth, and sucking it like a vacuum cleaner. Then he pulled it out and slapped my face with it a few times. He said he didn't want to ejaculate then, as it would diminish the pleasures of the evening. He got up and dropped his trousers and then his white briefs, showing me the most gorgeous black butt.

"Lovemore tells me you are the most accomplished black-ass-licker in the Ministry, so lick my black ass Toby-Boy, before we have to go down to get your son thrashed!"

I waddled behind him and positioned myself at the superb black butt, driving my toungue deep into his crack I licked his black hole and then started to tongue it. I know I have perforce developed some skills in this area, and now service my boss, and his boss, on a regular basis. He seemed to enjoy it very much, and said he needed more time with me. He would, he said, visit me in the Guest House later in the evening when he would put me to work properly.

Half an hour later, we were seated together behind a table in the lecture theatre where Nicholas's punishment was to take place. A wooden padded punishment frame was in front of us, and behind that were two rows of African boys – the prefects and members of Nicholas's Pod, perhaps 24 in all. They were smartly dressed in school uniform, and presented a picture of boyish beauty and charm. They rose politely and applauded as as we entered, showing their strong black thighs, and the tightest of shorts. My cock surged as I looked them over. Nicholas was then brought in by two prefects in full school uniform, white shirts and school ties, short tight khaki shorts and long white socks. Nicholas let the side down as he does so often, by wearing just thin and torn white cotton Pod shorts, which did nothing but accentuate his strong erection.

He seemed surprised to see me, so I went over and gave him a fatherly kiss on the cheek. I was pleased when the African boys applauded again. That was nothing however to the applause and cheering that took place when the prefects pulled off his Pod shorts, showing his tattooed white rump and his quite long and hard white cock. I had never forgiven the boy for being better a lot better hung than me, though on seeing him now in African hands so to speak my own cock started to drip pre-cum in my briefs.

Nicholas was positioned so that his rump faced the boys and his face was to us. The Principal and I were joined at the top table by his two charming young "victims", the complainants, who sat on either side of me, and the Head Boy, a strikingly handsome black youth of about Nicholas's age. He introduced himself as Randy. The beating was to involve four of us, each delivering three strokes with Randy heading up the batting, so to speak and the Principal "bringing up the rear". The Principal had chosen a well-used Paris-made Martinet with long black thongs, and each of us was asked to whip the top of the table with it to judge effective delivery. The lashes made a very loud noise, and Nicholas began to shake.

Randy went across to him and laid his large black hand on the centre of the white rump. Well he smacked his hand down rather than lay it down.

"Easy, Boy, easy!!!" He stroked the rump and then, acceding to a widely voiced request from the boys, he parted white thighs and the white cheeks and pushed two fingers straight up Nicholas's exposed hole. Well, the audience went wild, I can tell you. Under the table the Principal placed my hand on his throbbing bulge. I nearly came in my briefs, but managed not to, and my small stiff white cock wasn't making too much of a problem for my trousers. The two boys at my side chortled and held large polony shaped bulges in their khaki shorts.

But my problems in this respect were not over. As Nicholas's arm and leg restraints were being fitted and tightened by the two prefects (his legs I could see, being increasingly very well spread, and his white rump raised), I was taken down the two rows of boys to be individually introduced to them. As we approached each boy he would stand politely, taking his eyes, for a few moments, away from , the spectacle developing in front of them, give me his name and form, and shake my hand. I was presented with one black boy after another displaying the most astonishing bulges, especially in view of their ages. Several I noted had small wet patches on the fabric of their shorts.

It was when the Principal was called away to take a telephone call that the first boy, of about 16, unzipped his shorts just as I reached him, and pulled out his large black cock with one hand as he shook my hand with the other. I went weak at the knees, and gasped, as I heard laughter around the room. I could only dream of what delights lay hidden down the back of their shorts. I continued down the line of smiling boys and erect black cocks. On the podium, when I looked back, Randy had meanwhile removed his tie and white shirt and was dressed only in his brief uniform khaki shorts, and white socks, his black muscular chest and legs gleaming under the arc light over the punishment frame. He seemed to be giving an interview to one of a small unexplained group of young black men in jeans and tank-tops who had been in the corner of the room. Another of these young men was placing a strong white light to shine on Nicolas's rump and his balls and cock which had been pulled backwards into full view by a leather strap. (Note: I later discovered these young men were the video production unit).

The whipping (or thrashing as the Principal preferred to term it) went well, though the howls from Nicholas were really too much. Though I couldn't match the force and accuracy of Randy, and indeed the other black punishers, I think I acquitted myself quite , and managed to give his cheeky white ass something to remember his daddy for. Certainly I got the longest applause. The three strokes from his young "victim" were very competantly performed. It was then ascertained that the younger not older of the two had whipped him, with the older boy quite devastated as a result. I cuddled the boy to try to overcome his disappointment, but he begged me so nicely to intervene that I asked the Principal to let him have just two strokes. It was a popular decision, and proceedings after that went accoording to plan, with the Principal giving the planned three stroke finale.

When I looked up I could see some of that old anger in Nicholas's tear stained face. I looked away at the audience and was suddenly aware of some of the boys facing his white butt quite openly masturbating each other as they watched the Principals masterly strokes. Apparently most of the boys had jacked off as the younger boys had whipped him, but I had been too intent on watching the young whippers.

When we were leaving, two white students in shorts just like those of Nicholas, were brought in and were set to mop the floor on their hands and knees. Nicholas was being unshackled and examined by a fair number of the audience, as we had a short interview with the young man with the mike. I saw Nicholas being carried out of the room at shoulder height, feet first and legs well apart, by six black boys. I hoped he had learned his lesson well.

That night I was privileged to have a two hour sesssion with the Principal, and much to my surprise with Randy the Head Boy, in my room at the Guest House. Rimming the Principal was a great honour, but to tongue and lick out the superb black ass of the Head Boy as the Principal fucked me was heaven, as was the strong youthful fucking Randy himself gave me before leaving. I didn't see Nicholas again, as I had to leave early in the morning to travel back to work, but Randy said he would take good care of him.

That's the end of Chapter Five!

New Plans

To increase familiarisation visits of African parent groups and youth groups to Pod and RRP programmes

Open Days

Support to commercial adoption of RRP programming and system; franchising and RRP accreditation; international links; income generating schemes. With examples given of all these.

Next: Chapter 23

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