Wizards of Gayverly Place

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Jun 16, 2010


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions. I do not own, write, or have any knowledge of the Wizards of Waverly Place script or future characters.

Wizards of Gayverly Place Part 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Thank you" said Zeke "...for doing all this for me... you're a good friend."

"Hey if you ever need a favor like this you can ask anytime" said Justin.

"Actually I think I do have another favor similar to this one to ask you" said Zeke.

"What is it?" Justin asked.

"Do you want to try fucking tomorrow?" Zeke asked Justin didn't answer he just pressed his lips again to Zeke's, "I'll take that as a yes".

Zeke returned to the kiss allowing Justin to explore his mouth until they switched off and it was Zeke's turn. They continued to kiss until they both fell asleep still entangled in each other's arms.


Justin eyes fluttered open as soon as he heard his alarm clock started beeping quickly shutting it off before it could wake up his guest. As he started to get up out of the bed he felt Zeke stirring. Justin scooted to the edge of the bed. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he felt some cloth being wrapped over his eyes and tightened slightly as it was knotted into place. Then he felt Zeke's arms lock around Justin's chest his hands gently stroking Justin' pecs and abs.

"Are you still in the mood?" Justin asked and felt Zeke's lips pressing against his bicep then Justin felt him kiss slowly up his arm, across his shoulder, up his neck, and began suck on his earlobe. "I'll take that as a yes."

Justin turned in Zeke's arms and Zeke pushed his lips to Justin's. Justin noticed the difference in Zeke's kisses they seemed more urgent then they had the last night. He tried to remove the blindfold but Zeke grabbed his hands and held the blindfold in place.

"Zeke I told you I have to work this morning" said Justin dropping his hands from the blindfold.

Zeke once again pressed his lips to Justin's still more urgently now pulling Justin on top of him. Justin once again submitted to his base instincts trying not to think about how much easier the blindfold made it to picture Max in Zeke's place. To imagine that it was Max's naked body pressed against his, Max's warm hands wrapping around both of their hard cocks stroking them in unison. Justin knew it was wrong but he couldn't help but picture it. Imagining Max's curious tongue exploring his mouth and his little brothers lips kissing down his body before reaching his cock. Justin pictured Max's tongue licking up the length of his cock before engulfing it in his mouth. Now totally lost in his fantasy Justin had all but forgotten it was actually Zeke doing all these things forgetting that he was only imagining these things and that Max wasn't there. He pictured his little brother now pleasuring him slurping on his seven and half inch cock taking it into his throat. Justin knew this was sick and wrong but he couldn't stop it and was it so much different than doing the same with Zeke? He knew there was some reason but really couldn't comprehend it at this moment not that it mattered since he was actually with Zeke not Max making it fine as long as he didn't do anything with Max his conscience could remain clear. As pondered this Zeke was really bringing him to the edge.

"Oh Maaaa... nh, man" Justin said quickly correcting himself as he almost moaned out Max's name hoping Zeke had not noticed "oh man Zeke I'm getting close." Zeke continued to suck on Justin's cock without faltering except to suck more intensely. "Zeke I'm going to cum I can't hold it" Zeke continued to suck as Justin now let his load out into his mouth except Justin imagined it was his little brother lapping up his seed. Justin now sat up and placed his hands on the blindfold and once more Zeke's hand stopped him.

"Come on man" said Justin dropping his hands again "oh wait it's your turn right."

Justin felt Zeke's hands pushing him back down on the bed and he started to picture Max once again slowly kissing his way back up his body and sharing kiss with him that tasted slightly of his own cum. Justin pictured Max as the one climbing up further past Justin's head until he felt what he imagined was Max's dick brush against lips. Justin wrapped his hand around Zeke's dick still imagining Max's six and a half inch dick sliding into his mouth stroking slightly as he moved his head closer allowing more the cock into his mouth. Justin pictured Max as the one lightly pumping into his mouth until he was pumping too quickly for Justin's hand to keep up. Justin removed his hand from Zeke's cock and moved it down to his own still rigid cock and began to stroke it. Justin stroked his own cock as he imagined Max on top of him face fucking him pounding harder and harder shaking the bed and jostling the blindfold. Justin barely noticed the light that now shone under his blindfold as he neared his second climax of the day. As Justin was at the brink of his climax too far to come down from the knot finally gave way loosening the blindfold completely allowing Justin to see clearly the tanned for of his companion, too tan for Zeke. Justin realized who was on top of him just as he began to shoot his load over his chest and abs as Max now pounding away at Justin's face neared his climax Justin could feel Max's cock begin to expand. Before Justin could react Max was shooting his load in Justin's mouth and down his throat. After Max was done with his climax Justin reacted instantly pushing Max off of him.

"What did you do?" Justin asked spitting out the rest of the cum that hadn't shot straight down his throat.

"Nothing Justin" said Max "it's no big deal."

"What do you mean... no big deal" Justin stammered as his stomach churned "you suc- I mean I let yo- I mean you- me- I-I... think I'm... gonna-"

Max jumped as Justin hurdled to the trashcan and began to empty the contents of his stomach. Max grabbed his wand and gave it a wave switching places with Zeke. Zeke stood in the spot Max had been looking very confused before he saw Justin bent over the trash. Zeke quickly rushed to Justin's and began to pat his back lightly.

"Dude, are you okay" Zeke asked.

"No, don't" said Justin pulling away from Zeke's touch.

"What's wrong what happened?" Zeke asked trying to get closer but Justin slid the trashcan farther and moved away from him.

"Uhh I think it would be best if you leave" said Justin not looking up from the trash, "I think I'm coming down with the stomach flu and I don't want you to catch it."

"Okay" said Zeke with a worried tone "did you want me to take the project with me?"

"Yeah, sure whatever" said Justin.

Zeke picked up the project and walked to the door "I'll see you Monday?" Zeke said but it came out like a question.

"We'll see" said Justin feeling bile rising up his throat as he thought about the events that had just transpired "can you make sure you close the door on the way out and let my parents know I can't cover my shift today."

As Zeke closed the door Justin let out another torrent of puke. Justin was fighting the nausea for the rest of the day and for most of the next. On that day he realized what was necessary he needed to concentrate on something other than what happened with him and Max. Justin got off his bed and went to the closet and whipped open the doors. He grabbed a pair of black cargo pants and then grabbed his monster hunting vest as well as his bag of tools. Justin strapped on all his gear and head for the Lair. Justin decided he would forget any of the stuff with Max happened and put all his concentration into the hunt for the mummy who kidnapped Juliet. Justin searched for her high and low and wasn't able to find her. One day when he came through the wizard portal Max confessed to him that it was his fault that Juliet had been kidnapped as he had been the one to cast the spell that set the mummy loose. Max took it upon himself to help Justin search and Justin began to feel as things began to go back to normal with him and his brother. Max no longer held anything over Justin's head since he felt really guilty for Justin's loss and that he had made Justin violently ill by tricking him. As they continued their search Jerry also began to assist with the search as well teaching Justin everything he knew about monster hunting. They were still unable to find her until Alex's new werewolf boyfriend helped them. Once they found her a fight ensued between werewolf and vampire leaving both without their powers. While the werewolf was doomed to life as a wolf forever Juliet lost her powers and her appearance changed to reflect that of her actual age of 2,193. She leaves quickly as she begins to age leaving Justin to fall into a pit of despair.


Sorry it took so long hope everyone enjoyed it and sorry it's so short. Love to hear feedback all of it is helpful.


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