Wizards on Deck

By RobGnVA80

Published on Feb 26, 2012


A note from the Author: if you are enjoying this story, please let me know. I also welcome your input of course. I would like to know that people are reading it. Thanks, Rob.

(Very) loosely based on an episode of the Disney series Suite Life on Deck,' where characters from Wizards of Waverly Place' have guest spots. (Both shows are still being repeated) 18 year-old Justin Russo (played by David Henrie) wins a trip on the cruise ship SS Tipton, and his 15 year-old brother Max (played by Jake T. Austin) joins him. (In this version everyone is a little older than they were on the show episode). The twins Zack and Cody Martin (played by Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) are 17.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to Disney. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

Wizards on Deck

Secret Wizard Justin Russo had won an essay contest allowing him a cruise on the S.S. Tipton. He brought along his little brother Max. There's something about being on a cruise, especially your first one, that is almost magical -- even for a wizard. You are away from home, on a big floating island filled with thousands of people you've never met and may never meet again. It's an exciting adventure. Inhibitions are lowered, you want to try new things...

Of course the S.S. Tipton was also the home of the Seven Seas high school, where the handsome twins Zack and Cody were studying, and -- since Zack managed to squander their school allowances -- employed as smoothie maker and towel boy, respectively.

The Tipton had just set sail and the Russo brothers went up to the SkyDeck to check out the view as they pulled out of the harbor. They had hardly made it onto the deck when twin Zack spied the two very handsome young men. He particularly liked Max, with his Latino looks: wavy shock of hair and light brown skin; also his big smile... and the perky little butt he was showing in his board shorts. Justin was really hot too, but though he had a really amazing ripped body, there was something... nerdy... about the way he was walking and talking. `I bet Cody would love that dude,' Zack could not help smirking as Max Russo came walking by the smoothie bar.

"Smoothie? First one is free." Zack flashed Max his best smile, hoping to win over the cute boy.

"Hey if it's free, I'll take it!" Max grinned back, thinking, `Wow that dude has nice hair. And wasn't he just working at the towel stand over there...?' "Hey, weren't you...?" Max looked back to the towel stand, where Cody and Justin were chatting, then back at Zack. "You guys are brothers or something right?" Max asked, his eyes narrowing. He was beginning to wonder if the cute smoothie guy was a wizard too and duplicated himself or something, but they did not look quite exactly alike. Max was not the sharpest tool in the shed, but nor was he quite as dumb as he sometimes liked to let on. What he lacked in pure intellect, he pretty much made up for in good intuition... and charm.

"Hah, smart guy! We are actually twins. But somewhere along the line his nerd genes kicked in and my cool ones did. And we part our hair opposite ways. Don't ask me why."

"Dude, that is so awesome!" Max gasped. "So are you guys like really close buds, and have the secret language and stuff?"

"What are you talking about? Cody is a total dork, we have almost nothing in common; we barely speak the same English."

"Well that's kind of sad. I love my brother Justin, and I wish we were closer actually, but he thinks I'm stupid." Max sighed.

"Well, you don't seem stupid to me, bud! Can I get you a banana strawberry kapow?"

Meanwhile, Justin decided to get a little sun, so he pulled off his t-shirt and went over to get a towel. Then he noticed the very cute blond teenager manning the towel kiosk. "Hi, can I have a towel?"

"Uh, oh, um, hi, hello, I don't think we have met!" Cody stuttered. "I'm Cody, your towel boy. Let me know if there is anything I can get you." Cody smiled, barely able to keep from staring at the guy's amazingly ripped body, and the bulge in his board shorts.

"Hi I'm Justin, I won an essay contest so I got a cruise."

"Oh, that contest, well you must be smart to have won that!" Cody smiled. "What's the speed of light?"

"That's easy." Justin smirked and rolled his beautiful hazel eyes. 186,000 miles per second. What's the biggest particle accelerator in the world, and what are they looking for with it?"

"Well, duh, the Large Hardon -- I mean Hadron -- Collider built by CERN in Europe, and the Higgs-Boson of course!" Cody beamed in excitement to meet such a hot guy who was as big of a nerd inside as he was. "I go to school here on the ship." The normally shy twin offered his hand.

"Right of course," Justin grinned. `Wow he is so cute, and smart!' "Nice to meet you Cody, I am Justin Russo, and that's my little brother Max." He cocked his head over to where Max and Zack were talking, though he held on to Cody's hand a little longer than would be considered normal, enjoying how soft it was.

"Uh oh, your brother is talking to my evil twin Zack, that could be trouble."

"How bad can he be if he is your twin brother?" Justin smiled at the cute blond.

`Damn this guy is hot, I can see he has an amazing body. I bet he would not be into scrawny me.' Cody thought. "Zack and I are actually very different; you'd be surprised. Though we do have some things in common."

"Well I guess differences can be good too. It is nice meeting someone on board who has the same interests as me, I was afraid it would be all boring old people."

"Yeah it depends, we get all kinds of passengers. But if you want, I'd be happy to give you a tour." Cody realized his voice tightened up at the end, he was scared Justin would say no.

"I'd like that... a lot." Justin smiled. "Here's my room number, just let me know when you are free. A personal tour sounds really... fun. We can talk about subatomic particles."

"I get off in an hour. I can meet you there."

"Cool. I look forward to it Cody." Justin smiled. `Wow he is so gorgeous! Could I actually get lucky and meet a new... friend on this cruise?' Justin thought to himself.

Meanwhile, Zack was hitting hard on Max. "Looks like your brother and mine are having a nerd meeting of the minds."

Max looked over. "Oh if your brother is a geek like Justin, then they should get along great. Most of the time I have no idea what he is talking about."

"Most of the time I don't pay any attention to mine, so same difference. Hey, my shift is over, want to go hang out somewhere?"

"Like where?"

"Somewhere quiet." Zack walked around the smoothie bar and put an arm around Max. "Where we can get to know each other better."

"Uh, okay."

Zack walked Max back to a secluded part of the ship on an upper deck he knew would be empty this time of evening as the sun was setting, but had a nice view of the ocean. "How's this?"

"Cool, man, I have never been on a cruise. This ship is so big, and its so cool being out here on the ocean all alone."

"Yeah, we're all alone up here." Zach said softly, taking Max's hand and gently pulling him close. "You know, you are a really cute guy." His blue eyes locked onto Max's brown. Zack had a reputation as a flirt with the girls, even a player, but truth was, he really liked guys at least as much. But he had to be really careful.

"I, um, really, you think so?"

"Oh I know so. I mean, I like girls usually, but you are so darn nice Max. Do you like me too?"

"Jeeze, I dunno, you are really cute too Zack, but I have never done anything with a guy before." Max looked down shyly.

"Really? A hot, sexy guy like you? Have you kissed a guy?"


"Dude, it's so different than kissing a girl. Here, let me show you." Zack gently took Max's chin and aimed him up and planted a chaste kiss on the teen's soft lips.

"Oh, oh man." Max was shaking a little.

"See, not so bad." Zack slid his arm around Max's slim waist and pulled him closer. "And it just gets better from there." And then he gently but firmly put his other hand around the back of Max's head, fingers entwined in his thick wavy hair. He pulled the younger boy against him and planted a major kiss on him. When Max moaned softly, Zack slipped his tongue into the other boy's mouth -- and suddenly Max grabbed him and crushed them together. He felt Max's tongue pushing back with his as the Russo boy grabbed his hair and ground their hips together.

Oh my god!' Zack thought. I got a hot one! Oh crap!'

Max had never felt anything like this in his life. He'd been jerking off of course, but while he tried to get off looking at girls, for some reason thinking about cute guys like Justin Bieber made his dick so hard. And here he was alone with this really hot dude who was kissing him. His hormones kicked in, and he went for it. Hell, Zack was a guy too, and he was older, if he wanted to stop he would. But if he did, there was always magic...

Zack had to admit he was in over his depth here, and with a guy who was probably a couple years younger than him. He'd never gone farther than kissing with any other guy than CodyÑbut of course that was different, they were brothers, and they had a... special... relationship. Zack felt his cock getting harder again thinking about his cute brother. `Oh god no, Max his gonna feel my hardon pressed against him.'

They pulled apart, breathing hard. "You do like me?" Max asked pleadingly, as he reached in and put his hand on Zack's chest. "I really like you man, no one has kissed me like that."

Cody was a nervous wreck standing at Justin's cabin door. He had to take three deep breaths before knocking timidly on it.

"Oh, hi! I'm glad you could make it! Uh, come in!" There was Justin, in a cute flimsy cotton shirt you could practically see through, with shorts and sandals. Cody did not know whether to stare at Justin's beautiful hazel eyes or his hot pecs with his sexy nipples he could see through the shirt. He felt his cock getting hard. `OMG! Don't have an asthma attack!'

"Hi, Cody, you look nice." Justin smiled. Cody really did look cute in capri shorts and a dark shirt. Justin loved Cody's shaggy dirty blond hair and secretly wished he could run his fingers through it while tenderly kissing... `Oh god I am getting a hardon.'

"Aw, thanks. Well let's start the tour. What would you like to see? The engines? The Bridge? The communications center?"

"Oh wow! Can we really go to those places? I would love that! Then the highest place on the ship away from the lights so we can see the stars."

"It's a plan then!" Cody smiled. `Wow could this guy be any more perfect? Only if I can figure out for sure if he likes guys... and hopefully me.'

Back on the upper deck, Max and Zack were making out, hands all over each other, their hard cocks grinding together through their shorts.

"Max I know you are kinda young..." Zack said hesitantly. Even he was not really confident about where he was going. He just knew that Max was really turning him on in a way that no girl ever had. Not just sexually, but he felt a strange affection for the kind of clueless cute Latino guy who was basically leaning against him on the secluded deck. `Who would have thought that I'd be falling for a guy, and this fast? It's like I'm under a spell.'

"Hey I'm Fifteen." Max said defiantly, as if fifteen were very old and mature. `If I have to cast a spell on this guy, I will, but let's see if he actually likes Max just for Max...'

"Well, I'm seventeen. I just really like you, and I was wondering if you'd like to go back to my cabin where it's more private."

"Dude, your own cabin, cool!"

As soon as they got in the cabin, Max turned to Zack, ran his fingers through the twin's thick blond hair and planted a kiss on him.

"What was that for?" Zack spluttered, though he was certainly not unhappy.

"I dunno, you just looked like you wanted one." Max turned away and looked around the room.

So Zack grabbed Max, spun the slim cute boy around and pulled him close. "Max..." He ran his hands up and down the Russo boy's slender, sinewy back, "Come back here." He pulled Max close, and the young wizard did not resist, instead running his hands through Zack's hair again. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, lean young bodies pressing together till finally Max pulled away. "Woah man, I never knew it could be like this, with, you know, another dude. But, I feel all tingly and hot, and..."

"...horny?" Zack grinned.

"Well, yeah. I mean, you are a mad hot dude. Your hair is so nice, and your eyes, and..." Max's voice trailed off as he just kind of lost it and Zack went in for the kill. He leaned in and kissed Max again, as sensuously as he could. As he felt Max's body pressing against his, he slid his hand down over the slender boy's back. Lower, lower... then he cupped one of those muscular ass cheeks in his hand and squeezed.

Max tensed up for a moment in surprise, then flexed his butt and thrust his hips against Zack. He knew the older boy would feel his hard dick but at this point he didn't care. Max was running on hormones and he knew deep down he'd go anywhere that Zack wanted to take him.

"Cody I can tell that you are really shy about showing your feelings. I kind of am too usually, but being on this cruise I feel much more free. Though I know of course that in a week I'll be gone and we will probably never see you again. So maybe..."

"Justin? Please say it." Cody whispered. "The last few hours with you have been some of the happiest of my life. I feel like I have been missing out on something. But, dude, you're really intimidating."

"Me? Why? I'm a geek! I'm just like you, we have a lot in common."

"Uh, Justin, have you looked in a mirror lately, with or without your shirt? You are really handsome, and um, your body is freakin' amazing. I'm just a scrawny little nerd."

"Cody don't say that!" Without thinking, Justin took the slender twin into his arms. "I think you are nice just the way you are. I work out a lot because I guess I am overcompensating for my nerdiness."

Cody hesitantly put his arms around Justin. "Wow, this feels so nice. I have not hugged any other guy like this except my brother. And it's a little different with him, as you can imagine."

Justin ran his hand comfortingly over Cody's back. "So you and your brother do love each other, don't you, even though you're different."

"Of course, sometimes we just get into fights though, but we always make up. He's my brother, my twin. We're genetically identical, as much as I hate to admit it sometimes."

Justin looked around the darkened upper deck, checking to see if they were alone, then looked into Cody's blue eyes. "Cody, I hope I don't have my signals crossed, but I'd really like to kiss you." He gently pulled Cody a little closer.

Cody gulped. "Um, I've never kissed a guy... exactly, I mean a non-relative. Actually I've only kissed a girl once on the lips..."

Justin eased back and he frowned a little. "I'm sorry! I have barely ever kissed anyone before either. Like I said I guess it's being on this ship, and meeting someone so smart and cute like you, it's all like a dream --"

Then suddenly Cody grabbed Justin, leaned in and laid one on him. At first it may have not been the best kiss in the world: a little sloppy and clumsy, but within a couple seconds both boys were getting the hang of it and the were moaning and grinding slim hips together like a pair of rutting animals. Finally they came up for air, and pulled apart.

"Oh my gosh!" Cody gasped.

"Wow!" Justin said at almost the same time. "That was amazing!"

"Yeah." Cody smiled shyly, but at the same time put his hands on Justin's strong pecs. "You're amazing."

Justin wrapped his arms around Cody and gently pulled him in again for another kiss, this one more sensuous, while their hands slid over each other, feeling each others' body. When they parted again a minute or so later, they looked into each others' eyes, and each knew what the other was thinking.

"Uh, want to come back to my cabin and talk about string theory?" Justin smiled, while running his hand over Cody's back.

The slender twin could not suppress a shiver. "Justin, we just met. Um, I really, really like you, but, I don't know..."

"Cody, we don't have to do anything more than sit and talk, maybe kiss or just cuddle some. Like I told you, I haven't hardly done anything before either. You were certainly the first guy I've ever kissed. But... it was awesome." Justin smiled his cute little smile again.

"Well, okay." Cody smiled, looking at the handsome wizard through his sandy bangs. "It was awesome." `Different than kissing Zack...' he thought to himself.

They got to Justin and Max's cabin, and Justin was relieved to see that Max wasn't there, but then immediately wondered where his little brother was -- could he be out with Zack?

Cody was apparently thinking along the same lines. "What if your brother comes in?"

"Maybe he can stay with your brother?" Justin smirked. And when Cody's back was turned he gestured to the door and whispered "Doorwikiwacks, warn away Max!" The door frame sparkled for a moment.

"What was that?" Cody turned around.

"Nothing. I don't think Max will bother us. Do you want to stay in here, or go out on the balcony?"

It's getting kind of chilly out, let's stay in here if that's okay."


They sat down on the bed next to each other, and Cody felt suddenly very shy. He didn't know whether to look Justin in the eyes, but he also was embarrassed looking at his hot chest in the sheer shirt he was wearing.

"Cody, what's the matter?" Justin took his hand.

"I don't know. I'm sorry, maybe I should go." Cody started to get up.

"Please don't go!" Justin stood up with him, gently but firmly took hold of Cody's slender upper arms. "Tell me why you're feeling uncomfortable. I'm nervous too, believe me."

"But you're so... hot, and I'm so... skinny."

"Cody, I think you are really cute just the way you are." Justin moved one hand to Cody's chest and started to very lightly massage his soft pectoral through his shirt. He found the nipple with his thumb and started to rub it.

"Oh, wow, oh that feels nice. May I...?"

"Sure." Justin smiled.

But instead of just feeling Justin's pec through his shirt, he unbuttoned it, slowly revealing the teenager's cut chest and abs. "Gosh, Justin, you have such an amazing body." His hand shaking a little, he reached in and placed his palm on one of Justin's big blocky pecs. To his surprise, he felt the hunky boy flinch a little and tremble. Could he really be as shy and nervous?

Justin closed his eyes, and he started breathing in quick shallow breaths. "Cody, man, that feels nice, no one else has ever touched my bare chest before." He started to feel Cody's chest a little more firmly.

Meanwhile Cody was transfixed by the beauty that was Justin's body. A little part of his brain kept trying to say he's really smart too!' But mainly his hormones were screaming this guy is a hunk and he's here alone with me!'

Then Justin got his hands on the bottom of Cody's polo shirt and started to pull it off. The twin made little whimpering sounds of protest but it was too late. Then Justin shrugged out of his, and next thing Cody knew they were skin to skin and kissing again.

Cody felt his cock hardening, and he was pretty sure he could feel Justin's hardon pressing against him too...

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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