Wrestling for Relief

By moc.liamtoh@3002enercoppih

Published on Nov 12, 2005


The trip to the Urbana Invitational was a long one. At 6 a.m. four sleepy jocks piled into Danny's SUV . Danny's two teammates were both juniors, and Dave already knew one of them, a lively guy named Nate. Nate was too far on the small side to play football, but was a member of the cheerleading squad at all the games. He had wrestled since middle school, was wiry and as agile as a gymnast, and had the outgoing personality of a wisecracking salesman. Dave knew that they would be fully entertained throughout the weekend.

Dominic was a little bigger than Nate, a transfer that year from a community college in Los Angeles. He had dark Neapolitan good looks, with curly dark hair and a killer smile. He had played football his sophomore year, but because of the transfer had not been eligible to tryout that fall. He and Nate roomed together in the Beta house, and must have been especially good friends, since Nate habitually referred to him as the Dumb Greaser. They were barely underway when Dom and Nate started a jabbing and slapping match in the rear seat, giggling like kids.

"Dominic!" scolded Danny from the driver's seat, "you quit picking on that poor runt. He's going to be up against a state champ tonight, and he hasn't got energy to spare with those skinny arms."

Dave chuckled. At the moment Nate had Dominic helpless in a choke hold from behind, and was ramming his head into the front head rest. Dom's face reddened, then he reached back and clawed his roommate's crotch. Nate let out a falsetto shriek and released his prey. Dave, closely following the struggle taking place behind him, noticed that one of them, maybe both, had developed a nice bulge. He was pleased he'd been invited to tag along with these three humpy guys. More merry scuffling broke out during their lunch stop, and Dave wondered whether they'd be kicked out of the roadhouse. But then, who exactly would be up to the job of bouncing a quartet of broad-shouldered college jocks? In fact, the waitresses and the other patrons were smiling at the show. As they were leaving a van-load of exuberant college types was arriving. Dressed in team warm-ups, they were obviously headed for the same destination. More great-looking scrappers ready to rumble.

The tournament was scheduled to begin in mid-afternoon. Eight schools were competing, three from state universities and five from private colleges. It was to be a round-robin. There were just four mats, and two squads would compete in all weight classes on one mat before moving on to another mat and another opponent. This being the first outing for most of the teams, a kind of non-league shakedown cruise for the season ahead, the spectator gallery was less than half-filled. Team members squatted around the edge of their team's mat, shouting encouragement and advice until it was their turn to wrestle.

Dave found a spot midway up the bleachers which gave him a premier view of all the action. The head wrestling coach, who was also an assistant in football, had invited him to sit with the squad, but he decided to sit where he could take in everything.

As the matches got under way Dave thought back to his high school wrestling days. The same tight camaraderie he had enjoyed there was evident here. Arms around shoulders, pats on the ass for a win or for a manly defeat, honest concern for an injury or a bad call. And it extended beyond allies to include the competitors. Often he saw adversaries sit together on the sidelines after their match to get acquainted and compare moves. Not always. Sometimes the loser got mad and just grudgingly shook hands. But after all, wrestling is a jungle game and, once the testosterone starts pumping, winning becomes an obsession for the wrestling fanatic.

Nate was third man onto the mats for the squad. Dave swallowed when he saw how the humpy lightweight filled out his singlet. He walked out confident, not cocky, and kept his eyes squarely on the sandy-haired college boy who faced him. They were both remarkably fast, and takedowns and escapes were numerous. Nate refused to wear a head guard, and Dave easily followed the sweep of expressions on his face. In the final period he managed a pretty spectacular suplex, and once they were down and locked in a decisive ground struggle Nate went to full throttle, biceps bulging and legs thrashing. Twice he nearly had the guy, twice he lost him. Third time was the clincher. A desperate long defensive bridge, then a deadly pin. God, it was a beautiful ending: Nate grinned as his arm was raised, warmly embraced his opponent, and strode off the mat with a boner which would have done credit to a donkey. His teammates cheered.

Dominic did not do as well, but he managed a victory on points. His opponent was a light-skinned black guy. The two were evenly matched, and it was anything but one-sided. When it was over, Dom spotted Dave and came up to sit with him while he cooled down. Dave complimented him on his win, but Dom insisted that he should have done better, and would redeem himself in the next period (which he did, with a pin in the first two minutes). As they were chatting Danny stepped into the circle, and they became quiet.

Dave felt a rush both of pride and lust as his fuck-buddy tied up with the opposing team's captain. Both guys were thick in the neck and arms, and small-waisted. Danny's calves flared more -- and so, for that matter, did his butt. Neither seemed in a hurry to attack, and a test of strength ensued as they interlocked hands and muscled each other around the mat. After that they went into a mutual bear hug, backs flexing and chins burrowing into the other's shoulders. Dave was surprised when Danny was felled by a sudden trip and had to scurry off his back into a defensive position. Dom yelled for an escape, as did Danny's other teammates. The top man tried a series of nelsons to turn him over, but had not managed even a predicament when the first period ended.

Danny started on the bottom, but in less than a minute he not only escaped but managed a reversal by shooting an arm between his adversary's legs and swinging around behind. The college boy tried to stand and turn, only to be driven onto his back. Danny garnered points this time, but did not put him away. The second period was nearly over when Danny again climbed on top and, with a combination leg split and head lock, collapsed the defender's bridge to end the match. Before the invitational was over, Danny would take five of his seven matches, three of them with pins. The team would place second overall, missing first by only four points.

Two full rounds were completed before they stopped for the evening. When Dave entered the locker room his new buddies insisted that he join them in the showers, and he was not reluctant to accept. The four of them shared a shower head, and were generous with the soap as they vigorously scrubbed one another's backs and other hard-to-reach areas of the human body. The team had done extremely well, and was in high spirits. Horseplay was ecumenical, drawing in members of other squads as well. They also ganged up on one of their assistant coaches, dragging him into the shower and depriving him of his uniform. As they were dressing the head coach delivered the obligatory admonition to prepare for tomorrow's matches by avoiding alcohol and getting early to bed. His speech might have had more traction if this were a league tournament in mid-season. The only thing on the line this weekend was the infamous wrestler ego.

The restaurant was swarming with hungry wrestlers. Danny's contingent shared a booth with two other teammates. Guys in one adjoining booth had been their opponents in the evening's initial round, and the banter back and forth was a mixture of taunting and joviality. One named Willie, who had wrestled Nate, was hosting a kegger in his motel room and invited Nate and his buds to partake. Getting nothing but enthusiastic nods from his booth-mates, Nate accepted. It was even being held at the same motel where they were staying.

After purchasing some munchables as their contribution to the party and dropping off their gear at their own unit, the foursome and their two teammates headed for Willie's room. They passed the courtyard pool, which was covered with a plastic tent in the winter. Through the billows of steam they could make out at least twenty of their colleagues, jumping, dunking, playing horse and rider, wrestling one-on-one and free-for-all. Again Dave thought back to high school outings with his wrestling squad, and regretted his decision to limit his college athletics to football.

Willie's room was almost as jammed as the pool. There were the four room occupants, plus the six, and at least two more, plus others who came and went. The mob of warm bodies heated up the room, and already several of them were shirtless and bare foot. A table and the sink counter were piled with six-packs, food and a couple of bottles of liquor, and everyone was urged to help himself. The TV set was on, but its sound was drowned out by the cacophony of laughter, braggadocio and friendly banter. Guys sat on the floor, sprawled on the beds, or stood with one arm around a wrestler's shoulder and the other inserting a bottle into his own thirsty mouth.

Every man in the room was still pumped from an afternoon of full-body competition, and in such a slightly intoxicated atmosphere it was inevitable that a challenge would be made and accepted. It broke out on one of the beds, when one of Willie's teammates swung himself on top of another and tried to smother him with a pillow. Those nearest watched the combatants for a while, then one tried to interfere and was jumped by a fourth. Pretty soon guys were pulling off their t-shirts, kicking off their shoes and engaging. Fighters that began their battles on a bed would crash onto the space between them and end up rolling half way across the room. A few preferred just to sit in a chair and watch, which was the only reason the motel furniture was spared from destruction.

Dave wasn't sure that, as a non-wrestler, he was entitled to join the fracas. Willie and Nate were tooth and claw into a re-match of their earlier encounter, and Danny had been attacked by not one but two of Willie's larger roommates. One of them had yanked Danny's undershirt over his head and the other had thrust his forearm down the back of Danny's sweats. Danny just laughed and started throwing them around as if they were bothersome little brothers in a basement donnybrook.

While Dave was surveying the spectacle and trying to adjust the woody growing in his Levis, a voice behind him said, "You want to wrestle, stud?"

He turned and saw a face he did not recognize, but it was rugged and enhanced with a crooked grin. He grinned back and said, "Sure!" Having already polished off one opponent, the stranger was down to a pair of silk shorts which revealed a sinewy build and a defined, hairy gut. Dave quickly pulled off his shirt and shoes. The minute they were off his new sparring partner lunged, and they landed with a bounce on a bed already occupied by grappling pairs. While their arms struggled for dominance, they locked their legs together. They were both laughing, but neither had any intention of ending up on the bottom. They rolled off the bed and onto the carpeted floor, and Dave's opponent -- he later introduced himself as Mike Simmons, also a junior -- trapped Dave's left arm behind him in a hammer lock. Dave tried to break the lock by shoving Mike's face back with his free hand, but Mike had a firm grip on the captured arm with both hands, and as he tightened the hammer lock he slammed their torsos repeatedly into each other. Even when Dave gave up on the chin and shoved against his nose, Mike would not let up on the captured arm. Then Mike wound his legs around Dave's into a split, just like Danny had done in his first match, and cranked on a spread eagle.

"Uhhh. You got me," Dave grunted. Their faces were dripping with sweat. As Mike released the split the extreme arousal between them was obvious. Dave felt a mighty urge to rub his leaky dick up against Mike's and see what would happen. Having never as yet indulged in "casual sex among strangers," however, he suppressed the urge.

Mike helped him up and fetched them both a fresh beer. They found some free space on one of the beds, and as they refreshed themselves they became acquainted. Mike attended State, was also a P.E. major, and had been wrestling since he was fifteen. He was surprised to learn that Dave had been a prep wrestler but had not continued it in college.

"Shit, man, look at all the fun you're missing!"

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious these guys know how to enjoy themselves. Is it always like this when you travel out of town?"

"You better believe it. There's probably a dozen beer parties going on in the motels tonight. I tried to crash one I knew was being put on by the female members of our squad, but they said it was strictly a ladies' affair. So I came over here."

The mayhem in the room had subsided a little. Some participants had gotten dressed and headed for their own rooms, while a few late arrivals had been inducted into fresh encounters. Others, including Nate and Willie, had decided they needed a second shower, and crowded into the unit's small bathroom. As they emerged from the bathroom, eager hands stripped them of their towels and they were dared to wrestle in the nude -- which they declined to do.

When Danny had finished off his two adversaries, he sat down beside Dave and was introduced to Mike. Mike had seen Danny wrestle many times in seasons past, and complimented him on his string of victories as well as his great build. Danny thanked him and asked where he was from and what college he attended. Then he returned his attention to Dave.

"Are you about ready to head for the room, Sport?"

"Absolutely. First this guy wore me down and then he wore me out."

"I told your buddy he should have been on your wrestling team," said Mike. "He's damned tough competition."

"I know he is," replied Danny. "He's put me down more times than I like to admit."

"That I'd like to see. Sure you guys wouldn't like another beer?"

"No thanks. Time we headed for bed."

While Danny was pulling his clothes back on, Mike exchanged phone numbers with Dave. "Let's get together some time. I'll bet I could convince you to come back to the manly art next season."

"You're on. And thanks for a really fun scrap."

The four musketeers thanked their hosts and headed for a room at the far end of the motel complex. Dave glanced at his watch. "Shit," he thought to himself, "it's only ten-thirty. And I'm so pumped I'll have a hell of a time falling asleep."

He needn't have been concerned. While he stood in the bathroom brushing his teeth, a thud followed by heavy breathing and Nate's voice demanding "Leggo, you fucker!" announced that there had been no more than a pause in the evening's escapade. He quickly rinsed and stepped back into the room. Everyone was down to boxers or briefs now. Danny sat on the edge of the bed he would share with Dave, kibitzing the combatants. On the other bed Dominic had Nate in a schoolboy pin and was trying to plant his ass on his roommate's face.

"Get off me, asshole!" Nate squirmed and tried to escape.

"You want to suck me or eat me, baby? You can take your pick."

"I'll bite your goddam Italian weenie in two, motherfucka."

Nate's legs shot into the air, hooked his roommate's armpits and pitched him backwards. Dom's head ricocheted with a thud off the wooden headboard.

"Easy guys," cautioned Danny. "Someone's gonna get hurt."

The two jumped off the bed and together dragged the mattress onto the floor. Nate catapulted down onto his knees in the middle of it.

"Come on, dickhead. We'll see who's gonna lick whose ass."

Dom knelt and they started over again. Their objective now became to rip away the other's underwear - a goal accomplished within the first couple of minutes - then to attack each other's genitals or otherwise to inflict sufficient pain to earn a submission and the concomitant privileges.

Dave climbed onto the bed behind Danny and rested a hand on each of his massive broad shoulders.

"Are your buddies fighting for what I think they're fighting for?"

"I knew you'd enjoy it. Glad you came?"

"God yes. I'm so freaking horny it hurts."

"Let's crawl under the covers and watch the gladiators cremate each other."

They pulled up the sheet and comforter and snuggled together as the battle beneath them raged. There was just enough light from a bed lamp to display two ripped bodies writhing and straining for control. Dominic's immense uncut cock, thought Dave, was one of the most beautiful and erotic thing he'd ever seen. Dave inserted one leg between Danny's, who then trapped and squeezed it, rubbing the sole of his foot up and down his buddy's instep. Dave reached around and casually lowered a hand into Danny's briefs. Slowly, lightly he began jerking the erect stiffy and felt it become slippery with slime. Danny removed his briefs as he turned into Dave and slid his tongue into a gaping mouth. Nate and Dominic were no longer in their range of sight, but the groans and curses, the squeaking of sweaty skin and the sudden bursts of guttural laughter told them that the fight was moving toward a satisfying fulfillment.

"Man, I needed this. I really needed this," murmured Dave.

"It only gets better," replied Danny. Never before had their kissing and sucking been quite so intense or endured so long. Arms, legs, tongues, fingers intertwined. They rolled from side to side, rubbing, squeezing. Danny reached beneath his partner's balls and ran his finger along the ridge leading to his asshole. Dave almost came. The finger teased the rim and then slithered its way past the protective gateway. Dave did come.Buckets. He groaned from the deliverance of a mighty orgasm and his teeth imprinted themselves on Danny's neck.

An equally intense groan was heard from across the room. They could not tell which fighter uttered it, but the beautiful sound of release reinforced their own pleasure. Dave went down on his partner and tried to take in the whole massive rod. He gagged, regrouped, then settled for as much as he could handle. He withdrew when Danny began to tremble, backed off and licked gently around the helmet. He sucked in Danny's tightened balls and massaged them with his tongue. Taking a cue from his earlier experience, he licked on Danny's ass ridge and tongued his asshole before inserting his middle finger up the chute.Danny exhaled loudly and unloaded right onto Dave's face. When he began to breathe again he pulled Dave back up until they were face-to-face, licking his cum off his buddy's cheeks and enfolded him in his powerful arms. He reached over to switch out the lamp and they nuzzled themselves to sleep. Below them, hands pulled pillows and a blanket onto the mattress, and soon a vesper hymn of baritone snoring filled the room.

Dave was startled awake by a pair of strong hands tugging at the roots of his hair. He opened his eyes. The lamp was back on, and Nate was sitting on his chest trying to close the gap between Dave's mouth and his own impressive boner.

"Wake up, Davie. My Hummer wants to park in your garage." He yanked some more.

Dave glanced to the side. "Where's Danny?"

"He's down there fucking Dominic. Like I'm gonna fuck you, lover. C'mon, let's see your tonsils."

Dave chortled. "Why, you over-confident shrimp!" He clamped his hands just above Nate's hips and sank his thumbs into his abdomen.

"Yoww!" Nate grunted, grabbing Dave's wrists and trying to fend off the invasion of his tender torso. Dave lifted him and threw him onto his side, then rapidly jumped on top. He captured Nate's hands and stretched them above his head. Nate butted with his head, kicked up against Dave's back with his knees, tried to join his own hands together and break the capture, but Dave maintained his control.

Nate looked up at the rippling muscles which were overpowering his, and he grinned. "I didn't think I could take you, but it was worth a try."

Dave chucked. "I suppose you know the consequences of failure, slave."

"Naw, c'mon. Be fair. I haven't had any ass all night."

"Oh? And what were you and Willie doing in the shower?"

"Mmm. Please! Davie, you got the grooviest butt in the world. Let me have some."

"I'd really like to, Nate, but you lost and I won. There are rules."

Nate summoned up all his strength and managed to grip both hands together. He lunged to the side, breaking Dave's lock and scrambling onto his knees. Dave mounted his back and encircled him with his arms. Nate threw an arm around one of the bigger man's elbows and rolled them both off the bed. They landed on the edge of the mattress, which Dave could now clearly see for the first time. Danny was crouched over Dom, whose legs rested on Danny's shoulders and whose arms were wrapped tightly around Danny's neck. Danny was thrusting rapidly, the pace indicating that his climax was approaching. Their mouths were joined, which muffled Dominic's steady "Uh, uh, uh, uh."

Dave's renewed lust rendered him irresistible. He extended his arms into a full nelson around the hapless Nate's neck, and with a powerful thrust he flattened them both into the bouncing mattress and began sliding up and down.

"Fuck me, man, hard," pleaded Nate.

"You got anything?"

"Yeah, of course." Nate scurried for what he had intended to use himself and handed it to Dave. "Hurry, man." He lie back down on the mattress, and without real foreplay was invaded in a single lunge. Once they had settled into a rhythm, Dave became more compassionate, nibbling Nate's ear, pinching his nips, telling him what a ripped little stud he was. Nate reached back to grab Dave's thrusting ass and sucked gratefully on his tongue.

"I'm gonna shoot," muttered Nate, and the mattress beneath him received a pool of sticky sperm. That triggered Dave, and he pumped his load into Nate's welcoming butt. Danny and Dominic had already climaxed, and the four guys just automatically melted together. Blankets and pillows were again pulled onto the mattress, and dawn found them draped together in a jumble of overlapping legs and arms.

By the end of Saturday's five round robins, Dave was amazed. His three roommates had done extremely well, and the university's team had garnered its second place. "How," he mused, "could these assholes screw all night and still wrestle their way to victory the next day?" As the various squads competed on the mats, Dave amused himself by speculating on who on which team had done what to whom when they should have been fast asleep. It is true that, on the trip home, Dave was the only driver. Three exhausted wrestlers slept and dozed the entire way.

Next: Chapter 11

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