Writers Deep Dark Secret

By Rebecca Snye

Published on Sep 16, 2007


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This story is written by the author can only be used for rewrite with the writers permission. You can contact the writer at darkdolphin2006@yahoo.com

A Writers Deep Dark Secret


Alexis James

July 23, 2010

Jamie Johnson, a reporter for a local TV station, looked at me as cameras bore into me. I smiled and sipped some coffee, trying not to look as nervous as I felt. "So Miss Green, is it true about what they say?" Ms. Johnson asked as she looked hard and long at me as if she was digging in my mind for gold. "Is what true?"

"The rumors that the story of the lady in black collection of stories is real?" she said not stopping for breathe and smile. I sat there trapped and scared suddenly. "Yes some." I said not lying completely

"Is this person still alive?" she asked. I sipped some more coffee and thought then spoke. All along thinking to myself little do they know I see her every day. "Yes she is still on this good earth."

"Tell us is the story about her taking in a guy she didn't even know off the streets true? I mean that isn't an every day thing and didn't you find that kind of crazy? She asked.

"Yes I did, well at first but she has a kind heart and well I became a little comfortable with it." Looking in to her brown eyes I said this. I knew she was going to give me a big question soon.

"So is it true in your next book and last book she gives you a ring and declares her ever lasting love to you?" I looked down at the ring that had now been on my hand for many years, Then smiled my I will never tell smile." Sorry, you will have to buy it to find out."

Then I heard the cameras all shut off and the producer said that was a wrap. I shook Jamie's hand and walked down the long hallway into the cold air. My body guards at my tail. I got in my limo and stated I wanted to go home. Then we started moving.

Once home I put my coat one my couch and ran into my study fired up my computer then walked up the stairs and went into Chris's study there she was the lady in black so the rest of the world called her. Sitting at her desk, doing the bills as always. She was better at money, than I. She look up at me and then at her work. "How did it go?" she asked her white hair slimming in my light of the window.

"Great as always, they have no clue what is to come." I said smiling.

Then a Ferret nibbled at my foot I laughed and took it in my arms how Chris loved them and how I tied too but I could never love them like my cat. Then I sat down and Angelica climbed on my lap. I pet her and listened to the purr come from her big fat body. She reminded me of Garfield. Chris then put the check book away and handed the mail to a butler. "That's good baby, so what are we doing tonight?" she said getting up from the desk grabbing her cane limping across the room.

"Your back and knee again?" I asked as I walked with her into the living room and sat down on the couch. She shook her head yes as I turned on a horror movie. The past few years it has been really bad, I thought to myself I wish I could take away her pain. We sat there for a couple of hours then I got up and went into my study and started to type on my book. The next time I looked at my clock an hour had gone by.

I got up and went up stairs to our bathroom and started the shower. I started to relax as the warm water ran over my naked body. I suddenly felt so sexy, and wished that Chris would make love to me, but ever sense her back and knee been acting up, I haven't asked nor has she. Now that she is older and don't have the urge anymore to as much if at all.

As I stood there I soaped myself up then I started to finger myself slowly. Little did I know Chris had entered the bathroom stripped and entered the shower. I felt her hands those hands that held me when I was in my late teens and changed my life, On my back caressing me and her mouth kissing my neck. "Baby no, your back sweetie." I said taking my hand from my private area.

"I don't care" she breathed I was in awe. As she caressed my body so softly I felt tingles everywhere. I started to wash her down, and stuck one hand in between her legs and smiled she moaned softly. Then the intercom beeped figured perfect teeming. I hit it sadly it was the house keeper telling me that I had a call I told her I didn't want to be diserbed for the rest of the night. Then we went into my bed room and I stripped Chris and slowly kissed her as I took off my own clothes. Tasting the salt of her neck, kissing and teasing her. After ten minutes, I started to suck and lick her clit like a mad woman like I have never had sex before. She moaned and shook with passion. My skin was on fire with passion.

I could feel tingles all over me as I made passionate love to her, it really had been to long 5 months and I was dieing, now I was in heaven. It didn't take her long to cum as it never did even though now a day it's become rarer and rarer. She went to the dresser got her strap on and put it on. Then leaned over me and inserted it in me. Oh my god I thought, how good it feels I was wet on the spot. For the next two hours she flipped me in to every way you can think of. I was so score I didn't know what to do. I thought to myself my poor reader's don't even know that this woman really exsises, that is their loss. Can't I have been able too I have been thinking on it.

After words we crawled into my bed and fell asleep. When I woke in the middle of the night, I rolled over to find she was gone. I went to the door that separated out bedrooms and walked in hers and climbed in her bed. She woke and wrapped her arm around me and continued her snoring. I lay there listening to her sound of her breathing for some time.

After two hours of love making lying on cum soaked sheets, she kissed me with such passion. That was when I knew the world needed to know she did live. `Baby how would you like to travel with me and tell the world who you really are?" I asked in wonder. She slimed didn't say a word and just kissed me harder. All this, love making was blowing my mind seeing we haven't done it in years.

Two days later, I found myself on tour going to places all a cross the country and the world. We went to places like London and Paris. While in Paris I met up with a old friend of mind Mike Andrews who went to college with me. He was in the room next door to me in our hotel and we met in the hall. He was with some woman whom looked like a model. Later I found out, he became a photographer for the models.

We were sitting in out room having a late lunch on our third day there when we heard him and one of the models having sex. I looked at Chris she looked at me her white hair shining in the afternoon light. She went on to joke about them having sex. I didn't seem to find it so funny. I told her I was going for a walk.

I walked down the long Paris streets, I was in the heart of all the clothes and perfume shops that Paris was so know for. I noticed a small perfume shop I went in. I suddenly realize it had been some time sense I had a new perfume of body spray. I ran my fingers over the glass counter tops and found the one I wanted, a little red box with a rose on it. I talked to the woman behind the counter on the scents bought the bottle and left the shop.

Outside the air hit me like diving into an ice cold bath. I found myself going into Paris's version of a McDonalds. Their were guards every where inside. I ordered two number ones and hurried back to the hotel and Chris who was waiting for me.

Chris was sitting on the couch in the living area of our sweet watching TV, I was shocked because she never did this. I sat down next to her, putting the bag on the table. "I got us some of this seeing that we haven't had any in years." I sighed after I spoke; I thought she was going to give me a lecture. However, she didn't and just dived into the gift without question.

"Baby is that a new perfume you have on?!" Chris asked, as she leaned into me smelling my neck. I then reached inside my coat and handed her the bottle. She then began to nibble on my neck with joy and longing, as she did so I couldn't help but think god she has been into sex lately. I began to wonder why? Then stopped, and thought a few minutes, why bother question it just enjoy it. So I did and it was like that for the next three months.

six months later

The book was released, I let the public meet the Lady In Black and we signed the books. They also found out that it was true I did get the ring and all. Plus we finally got legally married and moved to France. We both loved France, and decided to spend the rest of our days there. We also retired after writing a book together. That is how the whole thing ended after 15 years of adventures and fun. However, if you ask me it's just beginning. Oh shit Chris fell on the floor and needs my help I better run. I can see it another book sigh never ends.

Next: Chapter 2

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