X Awakening

By Zeke Willis

Published on Mar 19, 2013


Disclaimer: This story involves, or is going to, characters from X-Men. The characters in this story have no relation to the REAL characters and/or the actors that play them in real life, and imply nothing of their sexual orientation and any similarities are purely coincidental. All X-Men and other related elements are property of Marvel. Enjoy!!!

We finally pulled up to the airport, but instead of going through the front we drove right to the back to some private hanger. Storm parked the car next to the car that Logan, Jean and Prof X got out of. Storm told me to get out of the car and follow her. I did as I was told and followed her straight to the hanger. We walked through some side door and right into a great big empty room. I mean I knew that these guys had money but to have an empty hanger. That was just...stupid.

"Well not to be the one to point out the obvious but the room is empty. Whatever was in here was probably stolen, so let's go," I said trying to get the ball rolling.

"We're here kid. Just let the adults get things going," Logan sneered walking toward the middle of the room. Then something weird happened. Logan was there one minute and then gone the next. I mean there was no flash, or trail of smoke. He was just gone.

"What the hell just happened to Logan? Is he okay? OH God please tell me I didn't kill him by accident? Oh fuck I'm a murder now. Shit," I conclude. I thought I was going to learn control I didn't think I was going to kill someone in a few hours.

"Hey kid clam down I'm not dead. Sheesh you'd think I'm your friend or something," Logan called out from where ever he was. But that meant he was alive so where in the hell was he? My powers acted on my behalf and suddenly I felt a light breeze float through the room only to be disturbed. Whatever disturbed the wind wasn't small either. It actually took up most of the room in the hanger. I concentrated on finding out what was in the room and I felt a little tingle crawl up my spine. My eyes stung for a bit before the whole world turned into blobs and patterns of energy. Everything still had its shape but there was this layer over everything and that's when I noticed the big jet in the hanger. I saw Logan moving around on the inside putting things away and getting the jet ready for takeoff. I must have gasped in surprise because Storm placed her hand on my shoulder and the new world I just discovered vanished.

"That was the X- Jet that you just saw," she explained calmly and continued, "it will get us to Manchester in about four hours. What you just saw was the jet in stealth mode. Our stuff has already been loaded on to the jet Nixo, so let's get aboard and get this journey on the road."

I didn't even bother asking question. Hey for all I knew this was normal for them. I wasn't too fond of being in a metal death trap thousands of feet in the sky, but it's not like I really had a choice. Once I was seated I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to my parents before putting in my earphones and listening to my music. I must have fallen asleep because I awoke to feeling someone card their fingers through my hair. I also noticed that my head was lying in someone's lap. And somehow I knew that it was Storm who running her fingers through my hair and Storm's lap I was lying on. For some reason I felt this little electric tingle every time she touch me. I turned around so I could look up at her face. She was humming some song under her breathe and she wore a serene expression on her face. She looked like a goddess, a gift from the heavens.

"Its about time you woke up. We're about ten minutes away from the school and I wanted you to get a bird eye view before we land," she smiled down at me. "And your hair is beautiful by the way. I'm the only mutant on the planet with snow white hair, so I was a bit surprised when I saw you with it. And then it just goes from white to red at the ends to black at the very tip. It's mesmerizing."

"Well shucks Storm. You know how to make a good ole' southern gentlemen blush," I chuckled doing my best southern accent. I was pleased with myself when her smile grew wider. I don't know what it was about Storm, but I just wanted to make her smile.

"Were about to land Storm. Please ease the landing," Wolvey called from the front.

"Well time to look out the window Nixo," she whispered in my ear before she got up and walked to the front of the jet. So I got up and looked out the window expecting to see a boarding school type scene, but boy was I in for a surprise. As we descended and the clouds cleared the school cam into sight. Well maybe school wasn't the best word. It was a freaking mansion. I mean you cloud probably fit 10,000 plus people comfortably. Then it had a gigantic lake behind the school. The lake was so huge that the far end disappeared into a forest that took up the rest of the land. The forests surrounded the whole school. The mansion kind of reminded me of a castle. The mansion was set in the middle of a big yard surrounded by a forest and then gated of from the rest of the world.

"Wow...I mean wow. This place is freaking huge. I mean I knew you had to be sorts rich to own a private school but this is just...wow," I gasped out.

"That's not all kid. Watch this," Logan called back to me, while flying directly behind the mansion. Behind the mansion were to basketball courts and Logan flew over to the one that was a little further from the house and began to descend. The basket ball court split right along the half court line and descended into pitch blackness. I felt the air behind me shift but before I could do anything I was standing in front of the mansion with the sun shining down into my eyes.

"Oh shit. Please tell me this isn't another power. Ugh this mutant thing is starting to get really annoying," I grumbled only to hear someone laugh at me.

I turned around to snap at who ever dared to laugh at my misery but my retort got caught in my throat. The first thing I thought was that Logan must have crashed the jet and killed us because the person in front of me couldn't be anything but an angel. Hell he even had a pair of wings attach to his back, but as I studied him closer I realized his wings were black.

"Great so I did go to hell after all. Ha bet Chris would laugh and say I told you so... douche bag," I muttered to myself. I guess I wasn't quite enough because the angel\demon laughed again.

"I assure you that you are not in hell. I'm a student here. My name is Layton," I guess he saw that I couldn't take me eyes off his wings because they faded into darkness and disappeared. I was on the verge of freaking out, but thank god Storm walked around the corner and waved at me. I ran to her and hid behind her back startling her.

"Uhm Nixo dear is there a reason that your hiding behind my back," she asked in a quizzical tone.

"Demon," I said pointing to the thing named Layton only to have Storm laugh at me.

"Nixo that is one of my students. I thought he would be able to help you since you have some similar powers," Storm explained diffusing my paranoia. I stood up from behind Storm rubbing the back of my neck and looking sheepish.

"Well this is pretty awkward. I'm Nixo by the way if you didn't catch that," I gave a little embarrassed laughed. "I probably should've told you guys about my super overactive imagination and my dislike for people. Ugh there just so cheerful and all happy all the time it's so annoying. I mean really you can't be happy every day. I'm not happy when the sun is shining super bright like now. I mean why does it have to be so glowy and..." I was interrupted from my nervous rambling by Storm clearing and chuckling to herself.

"As I was saying, Nixo you and Layton have similar powers in nature. Both of your powers feed of your emotions, which makes you both dangerous. If you can't control your emotions your powers will react to how you feel. As Elementals you are both connect to nature and therefore the earth, so remember that what you do has an effect on this planet," Storm turned into lecture mood, "Layton you pretty much know all of this so I you'll be helping Nixo. Now Layton I think you should explain you powers to Nixo."

Layton smiled at me and began to talk in a deep voice that sent shivers up my spine, "I control what you would call Darkness, I guess would be the word, shadows are mine to control. I can become a shadow, I can become as intangible as darkness and move through wall, and last but not least I can inspire fear. Darkness is like telekinesis on steroids, you have way more options. Then I can also control fire, and I have slight telepathy. I have just enough to talk to someone and defend myself from psychic based attacks. I think I got them all Storm," he finished laughing.

Storm cocked her head to the side as if she were listening to something before she her eyes turned white and her hair began to float behind her. The sky began to darken and the wind began to pick up almost knocking me off me feet. Lighting descended from the sky and struck Storm, but it didn't even faze her. Her right hand began to glow as a ball of pure lighting form in her hand. I will never admit this to anyone but at that moment Storm scared the fuck out of me. Her mouth was moving but I couldn't understand anything that was coming out of it. Whatever she was saying was having an effect on the ball of lighting in her hand though because it turned blue and began to pulse. Then her head snapped up to look dead at me and I swear I almost peed on myself. When storm looked at me everything literally froze. The wind stop moving, the lighting in the sky froze, the rain that I didn't even was falling froze in mid-air. It was like the calm before the storm. I looked back at Storm only to let out the most ridiculous girly scream ever. I mean I hadn't even notice Storm moving and next thing you know she so close to my face that I could hear her breathing. I didn't even try to move. Now that we were close I could hear the words she was muttering and they sounded like some chant. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, but there was nothing sexual about it. She then thrust the ball of lighting into my back causing a painful sensation to bloom. It felt like someone was talking a knife and carving letters on my back. The pain spiked and I almost passed out from it. The only thing that was keeping me conscious was looking into Strom's eyes. She blinked once and looked like she was coming out of a daze. She looked around her and the storm that was called up slowly began to disappear. She looked at me kneeling on the ground and I guess she saw how bad I looked because worry flashed through her eyes. I mean I know I just got whatever that was but I could hardly feel it anymore.

Storm only had time to stand me up straight before the front doors of the mansions were thrown open, and pouring out came a group of adults. All of them had their eyes trained on me like I was about to kill someone.

"Storm are you okay? Did he hurt you? Do we need to restrain him?" the guy, who I'm guessing was the leader fired off, barely giving Strom time to answer. He then turned on me glaring. Only if looks could kill I would be about twelve feet under the ground. "What did you do? Did you hurt her? I swear to god if you harmed Ororo I will make you life a living hell do you..."

Storm posture changed and it kind of reminded me of a mother lioness protecting her young. "Scott Summers. How dare you threaten a student of this school in my presence? He did nothing. I lost control of my powers for a moment and he was helping me regroup. Nixo is my charge and if I ever hear you threatening him again I will make you wish you had died and gone to hell. Do I make myself clear?" by the end of her rant Storm's voice had gone ice cold, and the weather was reflecting her mood no matter how much she was holding back. You could see the righteous anger boiling right below the surface of her words, and the fall air had turned twenty degrees colder. Storm turned back to me and smiled at me. She offered me her hand and I took it. She lead me through the group of adults and students that had gathered and led me through the front doors. Storm gave me a quick tour of the place before leading me to the fourth floor. She led me down a main hall before she made a right at the last hallway before she led me to the last room on the hallway, which happened to be on the right.

"This is the boy's dormitory. The girl's dormitory is on the other side of the school. If I remember correctly I think your roommate is Bobby Drake. If you need anything just ask Bobby and he should know ere to get it. If you need me just tell him and he will come get me," she turned and walked down the hall. Before she got to the corner she turned to me and told me to get a lot of rest because tomorrow was going to be a trying day for me. The first thing that ran through my head was "Oh Great!" as if today wasn't trying enough. I didn't even bother to knock on my room door; I just twisted the knob and walked in. The sight that greeted me would forever be ingrained in my memory. There was my roommate naked as the day he was born fucking some bimbo who was bent over sucking some other guy's dick. As if that wasn't enough the two guys were leaning over her making out. And if I didn't suffer enough trauma let's not forget the third guy that was pounding the hell out of Bobby. They must have been having fun because they didn't notice me until I slammed the door shut, and then they all froze. I copied what Jean and the Prof did to me and did a quick my scan to get their names and powers.

I cleared my throat and they all unfroze and scrambled to get some clothes on. The guy that I knew was pounding the hell out of Bobby was Peter A.K.A Colossus, and boy did he live up to his name. Not only was he tall and muscular, but he was hung. I mean he was about eight inches long which wasn't so impressive but the boy was as thick as a beer can. He hurried up and put on a pair of shorts before he looked around to see who else was dressed, but I caught everything.

The dude who was getting his dick sucked had skin the color of Caramel. He was pretty cute and muscular too, but he was seven inches and pretty thick where it mattered. What surprised me though was the tattoo that he had on his upper left arm. He was Evan A.K.A Spyke.

I knew who Bobby was but damn he was fine as hell. He wasn't as muscular as Evan or Peter but damn he was still cut, and his dick was just as big as Evan's. His blonde hair and ice blue eyes just made him that more sexy to me. Last but not least was Kitty A.K.A Shadowcat. I'm not going to lie she was pretty cute. She had a nice figure and she was petite. Hell if I was straight I would probably have hit a least once or twice, but thank god for making me gay. But her whole image was ruined by what came out of her mouth.

"What the hell are you doing in here? Can't you see that we're busy?" she hissed.

"Well considering this is my room and Bobby is my roommate, I should be asking you what the fuck are you doing in my room but it was pretty obvious," I snarled back. "So if you guys wouldn't mind I've had a long day and you guys are in my room," I said as sweetly as possible. Kitty put her close on and walked right pass me and straight through the door. Evan and Peter just looked at Bobby and nodded at him before they left, leaving me and Bobby in a tense silence.

"Uhmm...can you point out which bed is mi..." I was asking before cut me off and slammed me against the wall with his forearm against my neck.

"Listen up bitch. Me and my friends run shit here. Do you understand? You do what we tell you to. If you walk in on me having fun you walk out and act like you didn't see anything. Understood?" Bobby asked mere inches from my face. When I looked him in his eyes and smiled he pushed his forearm further into my neck. "What do you not speak English now. You had so much to say earlier, what happened? Cat got your tongue," he sneered. I couldn't help but laugh as something foreign surged through my hands. I felt my nails lengthen and I knew that my nails had turned into silver claws. Before I realized what was happening my hand flew forward and I slashed my claws threw Bobby's left check releasing some energy into my nails so it would take longer for his face to heal. He reeled back surprised holding his hand to his check. Then I spun around and kicked the bitch dead in his chest sending him flying back onto the bed that he and his friends had just vacated.

"Look I don't give a damn about you or your friends. Ok. And don't ever come at me like that again because next time I won't hold back," I growled leaving the room and walking to the room across the hall. I knocked on the door only to have someone shout for me to come in. I walked in and closed the door leaving the room in pitch blackness. For some reason the room lightened and I could see just as if I was in a lighted room. Some door to the right opened and he came walking out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Goddamit, I thought to myself. Layton was sex on legs. He was tall about 6'2'' and weighed like 190 of pure muscle. He wasn't as big as Peter but he was ripped to the max. Every muscle on his body was defined and his abs almost made me come in my pants. His shoulder length black hair was still wet from his shower and his emerald green eyes sparkled like jewels. His strong jaw and his plump lips that were so kissable pulled this God together. Even with all my will power I couldn't keep my eyes from tracing a drop of water down his chest, over his abs, and disappeared into the towel. Oh gods how I wish I was that drop of water. My naughty thoughts were interrupted by Layton laughing.

"You know if you wanted I would let you take a picture. All you have to do is ask," he flirted walking closer to me. I took a step back and he kept walking forward until I had back myself up against the door. He pressed his body flush against mine before leaning down to whisper in my ear. "You know you're really sexy and there's just something about you that I like. If you ever need anything just ask, sweetheart" My knees just about gave out but he turned his head and brushed his lips against mine. "And yes you can sleep in here for the night," he replied answering my previous thought. He walked over to his bed and dropped his towels giving me a good view of what he was packing and boy was he packing. I mean he was eight inches soft and I don't think I could wrap my hand around it. He got into his bed naked as the day he was born and I knew tomorrow morning I was going to have to wake up before him, because god knows what I would do if I saw him naked again. I saw another bed I across from his and I took off my clothes until I was in my underwear and got in bed.

In the morning I woke up to an empty room. Thankfully Layton was already gone and I didn't have to deal with his charms. I did my morning routine just like I would if I was at home. I did a little workout regimen that had me breathing hard by the end. I stretched and did some yoga before I decided to take a shower. After my shower I walked to the window in the room and opened it, jumping through it to land on the ground with no effort. Then I let me instinct take over and led me to the densest part of the forest on school grounds. My mom and I would always use to meditate in the woods behind our house every day. It was how we started out our day and it was something I wasn't planning on changing. I found a clearing with a flat rock in the center that was perfect. The sun was shining down on it, there was a soft breeze, and the flowers filled the clearing with a pleasant scent. I made my way to the flat rock and took my meditation pose, closing my eyes. I cleared my mind and focused on all the negative energy that I had over the past two day. When I inhaled I was bring in good positive energy and when I exhaled I was getting rid of all the bad and negative. After a few minutes of this I let my mind wonder to these powers of mine. I let them rush to the forefront of my mind and I felt this raw power boil through my blood. I felt the wind current and how it began to turn faster around me. I felt my senses heighten and I could hear and smell things that I didn't before. My mind expanded and touched those of the animals around me. The wind began to pick up the leaves that fell from the tree. The sky above me grew dark. Animals came out of the woodworks to stare at me. This feeling was amazing. All this power and I could do with it what I pleased. I took a deep breath one more time and exhaled all the energy I had built up. The sky instantly cleared, the wind went back to a soft gentle breeze, and my mind reeled back in. when I opened my eyes I saw allot of animals surrounding the rock I was sitting on.

"Go home little ones. I'm hungry so I'm about to go eat at the school. I will come see you guys tomorrow ok," I said before I flew to the edge of the forest and walked my way back to the school. I walked through the front doors and followed my nose to the smell of food. I opened a pair of doors to a room full of teenagers chowing down. My eyes immediately meet Bobby and his crew who were all giving me the stank eye. Just to piss them off I smiled and waved at them giving them the perfect act of innocence. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into a girl in front of me. Now she was a freaking super model. She had dark brown hair with a wicked white strip in the front. She was curvy and had meat on her bones. She wasn't supermodel thin but she wasn't fat. She had pretty chocolate brown eyes to. She was wearing a pair of black pumps, some tight white skinny jeans, and a form fitting black blouse. The only thing that threw me off was the elbow length white gloves she had on.

I think I bumped into her to hard because she looked like she was about to fall so I reach out and caught her upper arm. It was weird because I felt this little tingle but that was about it. I did my little mind scan and found out her name was Marie A.K.A Rouge. Once she was standing up straight she looked down at my hand grabbing her bear arm and screamed, dropping her tray full of food. I used whatever it was to keep it from hitting the ground and placed it back on the counter. Her scream drew everyone's attention and people were looking at us in shock.

"Hey Marie are you ok. I mean I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. I'm Nixo by the way," I asked slowly taking my hand of her arm. She looked freaked out, liked she expected me to pass out at any moment.

"Are you ok? Did I hurt? Why haven't you passed out," she rambled on. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She looked like scared as hell.

"Yes, I'm fine. See no harm no foul. If you want you can touch me again and see if your powers hurt me if you want, Marie," I smiled, liking her instantly. She was really sweet and genuine. She looked a little nervous at hearing my proposal because she backed up a few steps.

"How do you know my name and powers? I've never seen you before today," she comments looking confused. I really didn't have much to say all I did was tap my temple with my index finger and she got it. "Oh. You have telepathy," she laughed relaxing and then she turned serious, "Would you really let me touch you again? I mean it could've just been luck and I don't want to hurt you."

"Well you won't know until you try, right?" I smiled down at her. She nodded her head and took a deep breath. I followed my instincts and threw up a few shields to keep us from being interrupted. I looked in her eyes and watched as she slowly took the glove off her right hand. We both looked around and noticed staff and students trying to get to us. Marie got a little nervous and began to back away, but I caught her gloved hand. "Don't worry about them. They don't matter right now, just look at me. Trust your instincts Marie," I told her. She looked at me and slowly lifted her right hand and trailed it along my check. The only I felt was a slight tingle. She got bolder and pressed her hand flat against my check. Marie started laughing and took off her other glove and touched my face and arms. She ran her fingers through my hair twisting it around her fingers. She seemed to be enjoying herself. I mean if I had spent almost half my life without the ability to touch people I would go crazy. It was like Marie was getting use to touching warm skin again. I didn't even flinch when she leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips before she backed up.

"Oh sweetie I'm sorry. I got a little carried away hun. But I can't believe I can touch you and your okay. I mean if I got to do this with everyone it would be so great, but I'll take what I can get," she laughed looking like a child who just got the best birthday present.

"Marie what would you do if I told you I may be able to help you, I may be able to let you touch people again," I asked her feeling this new raw power surge threw my veins. I knew my eyes where white like Storm's. Marie looked up at me with hope in her eyes.

"Please I would do anything. I hate living like this. Not being able to touch people, it drives me crazy," she rushed tears spilling out of her eyes. I wiped them away with my thumb and then I let my instincts take over. I locked eyes with Marie and leaned forward to kiss her again, but this kiss was filled with the new energy that was flowing through my body. I broke the kiss leaving a few inches between us and exhaled through my mouth. Blue and white sparkling mist came out of my mouth and went into her. Marie's eyes flashed white then blue just for a quick second before she went limp and collapsed into my arms. The mist pouring out of my mouth cut off and the rest went into her mouth. After she collapsed Bobby, his crew, the teachers and other students were throwing everything they could against my shields and they began to fall one by one. By the time they got to the last shield I was on my knees panting. These people were being nosy and if they touched Marie they would ruin her healing process. They just needed to be held back for a little bit longer and Marie would be fine. I was tired of being nice and holding back so I stood up and held my hand up toward the sky. Thunder shook the whole school and the air in the room turned really cold. The wind began to pick up and circle around me adding an extra space between Marie and the rest of the school. I searched the crowd for a familiar face and I gave a sigh of relief. My mind instantly went and connected with Storm's. Storm please help me. I can't do this alone. I swear I'm not hurting Marie. I'm just doing what she asked.

I could see the hesitation on Storm's face and I'm pretty sure she saw the desperation in mine because she took to the air. She flew straight for me and sent a gust of wind that pushed everyone away from me. Storm landed at the front of the crowd and walked right through the wind I was using to keep everyone back. She walked as if she were just strolling in the park and didn't even flinch when she came near my shield. I didn't even have time to allow her in. She just walked through like it wasn't even there. She walked right in front of me and took my hand that was in the air and brought it down to my side. Then she leaned forward and whispered in my ear "drop the shield." I wanted to protest but she seemed pretty sure of herself, so I let the shield down. Everyone came rushing forward until Storm held up her hand, stopping them.

"No one comes any closer or the consequences of your actions will be dire," she stated firmly. Of course Bobby and his crew, the Prof and the other adults pushed their way to the front. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Layton appear on my left side giving me his support.

"What have you done Nixo," Professor X asked me.

A/N Thanks for reading this story and I hope you like it. If you have any comments, suggestions, questions about the story you can reach me at animikii_thunderbird18@yahoo.com I would appreciate your honest opinion about this story, it is my first after all. And please forgive any misspelling or the relation of characters to any real person.

Next: Chapter 3

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