X Factor 2008

By Sexy Stripper

Published on Nov 23, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and I am in no way suggesting that either Austin Drage or Scott Bruton are gay. It is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. It contains homosexual material so if this offends you then please leave now.

X Factor Boys Chapter 1 - The day of the arrival

It was the most important few days in Austin Drage's life. He knew it. The nerves were almost too much. But there he was in Simon Cowell's Barbados mansion unpacking his case for the 3 day selection process that would decide the final 12 contestants for the live X Factor shows this year.

There were 6 boys that had made the trip, but only 3 could be put through. Austin was almost too nervous to think.... And it wasn't until tomorrow afternoon that he would have to actually perform in front of Simon and Sinitta. Austin lay back on the massive four poster bed. He was relieved that each lad had their own room. He would need his privacy as he tried to focus on his song. Austin took a deep breath and closed his eyes..... allowing the tune of the song that he was going to sing to float through his mind.

He was awoken from his meditation by a knock at the door. It was the kind of nervous knock of somebody who had decided to knock and then thought better of it half way through. When Austin reached the door and opened it he just caught the back of Scott Bruton the 19 year old former blue coat from Manchester, about to disappear into his own room along the corridor.

"Scott!" Austin shouted..... "did you want something...?" "Ermm, I just, ermmm, no. I mean I didn't want to disturb you, ermm.. it doesn't matter I, ermm, well....." stammered Scott as he turned around to face Austin.

An awkward silence fell between them... it lasted no more than a couple of seconds, but to both it seemed longer.

"Do you wanna take a walk?" Austin finally offered. "Er, yea. Cool." Scott replied.

A few minutes later the lads were walking out of Simon's massive house, across the yard and down towards the beach, both wearing knee length shorts, t-shirts and sandals.

"It's kinda beautiful out here ain't it?" said Austin. "Yea..... and strangely, like peaceful." Replied Scott.

Austin smiled at the younger lad. They had only really met one another properly at the airport. They'd been in different groups during most of the boot camp, and so at the airport was the first time they'd chatted. They sat next to one another on the plane journey and had watched a couple of movies together and chatted a bit. It was a strange feeling for all of the lads, none wanting to become too friendly with a direct competitor for one of those 3 places.

However, Scott and Austin had kind of clicked in a weird way. Scott was 19, from Manchester and had worked at Pontins as a Blue Coat. Austin was 21, from Essex and had been acting, singing and performing in reality TV for nearly 10 years. Yet, despite this they both felt some kind of bond between them.

"So, you nervous.... About tomorrow?" asked Scott as the sun just began to slip down beneath the horizon in the distance and a warm evening glow reflected off the clear blue sea and up the white sandy beach.

"Yea. I am. I think I know this is sort of it for me Scott. If I don't get there this time, I have to wonder whether there'll be another chance for me. I've nearly made it so many times..... I dunno man, I really need this."

Scott felt Austin's desperation it was palpable, however, he knew he needed it too. He'd given up his job to pursue this dream. If it ended before the live shows, he'd not even get that shot at some publicity.

"Do you think we've got a chance?" Scott asked.... "Simon seems to favour the 3 young kids."

There were three 16 year olds, Liam, Mali and Eoghan in the groupe of 6, and Simon had liked all 3 throughout the competition, even reprieving Liam once after he'd been kicked out. But as soon as Scott had finished saying it, he wished he hadn't. He saw Austin's face stiffen and tense up.

"I'm sorry mate," Scott added quickly..... "I didn't mean to make you more nervous. Obviously I want to get through myself. But honestly Austin, I hope you make it too. I think you really deserve it."

Austin's smiled weakly at the lad from Manchester standing next to him. They'd stopped walking now and were just stood side by side looking out to sea. The sum was almost totally set now and there was a pleasant light breeze just starting to waft in from the ocean.

"I think we should head back mate. It's almost time for dinner, and then a long night of practice." Austin said as he turned and headed back along the beach with Scott alongside him. "I'm glad we came for this walk though Scott. It's chilled me out a bit, I spose I find your company relaxing...... it must be that old fashioned northerness.... I heard you still wear flat caps up there." Austin said.... And then looked up at Scott letting his cheeky Essex wide boy smile spread across his face.....

"You cheeky fucker!" replied Scott and playfully prodded Austin's arm... feeling that big, firm bicep....... For just a moment Scott's finger was in contact with the warm flesh of Austin's arm and looking at that cheeky grin at the same time. And as he did he felt a strange something jump inside him. He tried to ignore it as they walked back to Simon's house. But he couldn't quite bury it...... Scott knew what that strange feeling was, he recognised it.... But what could it mean and why was he feeing it about Austin?

After dinner the 6 lads all retired to their rooms at around 9pm. After 3-4 long hours of practice Austin was shattered. He knew he couldn't practice anymore. He needed know to relax and rest and get his head right.

He stripped out of his shorts and t-shirt, leaving himself standing in his tight white Hugo Boss boxer briefs. He admired his short, smooth, muscular frame in the mirror. He knew that he looked good. He switched off the light and lay back on his bed. He lay for 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, maybe more. Trying to switch off, trying to just allow his body and mind to stop racing. But it wasn't working. Austin got back up, switched the light back on and grabbed a vest from his case. Throwing it on over his top half he ventured out into the corridor.

He walked along to Scott's door. He pressed his ear against it. He couldn't hear anything. Maybe Scott was asleep. Austin considered going back to his room, but something made him turn the handle on Scott's door, it wasn't locked and it opened.

"Scott....? Scott....? You awake?" Austin asked in little more than a whisper as he crept inside the darkened room closing the door again behind him. He'd taken another two steps when a lamp went on.

Scott was sitting up in bed under the covers with his bare upper body above the sheets.

"Austin? What's up?"

"Sorry, were you asleep? I'll go.... I didn't mean to wake you..." Austin was half turned around when Scott replied....

"No... I can't drop off. I'm just lying here. Come in."

Austin looked at Scott and saw the facial expression on the 19 year old was almost pleading with him to stay. So he walked over and perched on the bottom corner of the bed.

"So you can't sleep either?" Austin asked. Scott shook his head. "I don't know if it's just nerves, or jet-lag or being so far from home, or missing my girlfriend or what. But I can't seem to clear my head. I'm just wide awake. I didn't know what else to do... I don't really know why I came to your room. I was hoping you'd still be awake. Just for someone to talk to.... It's really hard don't you find? Kinda lonely being here sorta on your own nobody to go through things with.... I don't know." Austin finally paused from his ramble for breath.

He looked across at Scott who smiled agreement back at him and gave a delicate nod of his head. Austin looked down at the floor in front of him and then back up into Scott's eyes.

"You know what you said earlier...? Well I really hope you go through too." Austin said and the two lads held one another's gaze for 4 or 5 second just staring at one another silently, before Austin started to feel uncomfortable and broke his stair, looking across to a pile of clothes on the floor. They were the clothes Scott had on earlier, and there, right on top of the pile was a pair of checked boxer shorts.

"Scott..... are you naked?" Asked Austin incredulously.... "Ermmm... well... yea..." answered Scott all of a sudden sounding nervous.... "but I didn't know I was expecting guests...!!" He added.

Austin started giggling.... Almost uncontrollably. "It's a good job I didn't try and get under the covers then... that would have been a nasty surprise!!!"

Austin's laughing eased the tension and Scott now started giggling too..... "Why would you want to get under the covers anyway...?" Scott asked jokingly..... "and all I'll promise you is it is a BIG surprise...."

"Eugh!" Austin mocked disgust and jumped up from his perch on the corner of Scott's bed. "Well, I'll leave you to it then.... Your wanking or whatever...good luck tomorrow Scott. I'll see you after the auditions yeah?"

"Course mate, good luck to you too..." replied Scott, as Austin left the room and returned to his own to sleep.

X Factor Boys Chapter 2 - The day of the auditions

Scott was the first lad up to sing in front of Simon and Sinitta the next day. Each lad was called down in turn by the producer, sang and then spoke to Dermot O'Leary, the presenter, before returning to their room. Only once all the auditions were over would the boys be allowed to speak to one another.

Scott didn't think his audition had gone well. He cried in front of Dermot afterwards and the sat in his room feeling that he'd blown his chance. He was devastated.

Austin was the third auditionee. Whilst he wasn't exactly over the moon with the way he'd sung he thought he'd done ok. But all he could do was wait.

When the producer knocked on the door and said that he was now free to leave the room, he knew that meant that everyone had had their turn. He decided that he'd wait in his room for Scott to come to him. After his 2am visit to Scott's bedroom he didn't want to turn up again the second they were allowed out and about.

Half an hour passed. No Scott. 1 hour passed, a knock at the door. It was Liam and Mali. They were basically just fishing to see how Austin thought he'd done. He exchanged small talk for a few minutes and then made the excuse of wanting to take a nap to get rid of them. 2 hours passed.... No Scott. Eventually 2 and a half hours after the producers had said they could leave their rooms Austin decided he'd go and check that Scott was ok.

He knocked on the door. "Scott? You there mate?". No answer. He tried the handle. It was locked. Now, knowing that Scott hadn't locked the door when he was naked in bed Austin thought it was strange that it would be locked now. "Scott? Are you in there are you ok? Please mate..... open the door?" Austin eventually heard some movement from inside the room.

Scott opened the door, his eyes were puffy and bloodshot, his cheeks red and smeared with dried tears. Austin stepped inside the door and as he turned to close it behind him Scott slung his arms around Austin's neck and collapsed all of his weight onto Austin, pressing his face into the side of his friends neck and started crying again.

The 21 year old Essex lad wasn't quite sure what to do. He put his arms around Scott's back as much to support his weight as anything else. And whispered into his ear...... "Come on mate, it's ok..... what happened?"

Scott mumbled something into Austin's neck and continued to sob. Austin was a muscled, strong lad, but Scott was a good 4 or 5 inches taller and the shorter guy was struggling to hold the weight. He managed to maneuver Scott back to the bed and sit him down. Ausin sat next to him.

"Okay..... now tell me what happened?"

"I blew it Austin. I couldn't sing, it just.... it was rubbish. I froze. It's gone, my dream it's gone...."

"Hey, come on.... you don't know that. You don't know what Simon thinks. Scott you've got to be positive. I didn't think I sang great either, but there's nothing we can do now. We've done all we can mate. We've got to sit, wait and believe in ourselves." That's all we can do." Austin said trying to reassure the Mancunian lad.

Inside Austin felt strange. He felt that the should be happy, even delighted that one of his rivals had blown it. If you'd told him at the airport yesterday that one would mess up, he'd have cheered, knowing it would increase his chances. But that wasn't what he felt at all. He felt that he wanted to be there for Scott. He felt that he wanted to help him, hell.... he felt like he wanted Scott to through as much as he wanted himself to. He didn't really understand this feeling, why did he care about Scott's dream? Surely all that mattered was his own?

Scott had stopped crying now. It was just as well, because it was almost time for them to be called for dinner again. Austin left Scott to clean himself up and freshen up for dinner and returned to his room to do the same.

Dinner finished around 9pm again. The feeling was so different to last night. Tonight there was a quiet resignation about everyone. Except Liam, who Austin thought was a cocky twat. The lads agreed that as they had done all they could they would all go up and change into their swimming shorts and have a dip in the massive pool outside the villa.

Scott went to his room, slipped off his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. Scott had a decent body. Not as sculpted as Austin's but nice all the same, and he did have one outstanding piece of his anatomy. There hanging between his legs and resting on his full sack was a thick, flaccid 6 inch cock. Scott gave it a quick grope as lads do, and as he did the image which flicked into his mind was the image of him prodding Austin's arm the night before.... and then that feeling that he'd had... started to bubble up again inside him... something was going on but he was.... no he couldn't be. He was straight, he had a girlfriend back in Manchester.... but yet, here he was feeling some sort of lust for Austin.... another guy!!! Scott tried to shake this from his mind again and pulled on his swimming shorts just in time to prevent Austin seeing him naked as the Essex lad burst through the door.

"You ready?" Austin asked. "Yes...... just coming..." replied Scott as he surveyed the smooth muscular chest and the sexy big biceps and the toned, defined abs of Austin's body and the slight treasure trail that disappeared into Austin's shorts.

Scott was just about to start day dreaming about what Austin's cock looked like when he caught himself starting just before Austin did, and the two guys raced off to join the others in the pool.

After a couple of hours of fun and frolics in the pool the lads started to head off to bed. Eventually leaving Austin and Scott alone in the massive circular pool.

"thanks." Said Scott.


"thanks...... for earlier. If I don't make it Austin I want you to win this whole thing. You're a decent guy."

"No mate, you will make it. We both will. You'll see. Right I think it's time for bed then?" And with that Austin climbed out of the pool, and stood there drying off in the moonlight by the side of the pool as Scott climbed out.

Scott looked at Austin and he could see the moonlight reflecting of the older lads perfect smooth chest, with the sexy little tattoo on his left pectoral muscle....

"Ermm... can I borrow your towel Austin?" Scott asked as he realised he'd left his in his room.

As Austin turned to hand the towel across he saw the wet, semi naked figure of Scott standing in front of him... they were less than a foot apart, and they were now looking right into one another's eyes. The night air was warm on both of their skin, yet they both started to feel goose pimples as time almost seemed to stand still between them.

Scott reached out and grabbed a hold of the towel but Austin didn't let his end go, instead he pulled on it hard causing Scott to lose his balance and stumble into him and as he did, Austin grabbed Scott's face and planted a deep passionate kiss on the younger lads mouth. Scott never resisted. He opened wider allowing Austin's tongue full access to his warm moist mouth. They kissed for 10 maybe 15 seconds both enjoying the sensation. Scott reached out a hand and placed it on Austin's smooth pecs, lightly feeling the flesh. But this seemed to catch Austin off guard. He broke, the kiss, mumbled the word "sorry" under his breath and turned and darted off towards the house, leaving a shell shocked and confused Scott standing there holding the towel.

Okay guys I'm going to leave it there on a bit of a cliffhanger.... But I promise not to leave you hanging too long. I have written most of the next bit and I do know how this particular section of the story is going to end.

However, if you guys like it and want more I'm happy to write more... and I'm always happy to hear any interesting ideas anyone has for where to go with the story.

E-mail me at ss101@hotmail.com.... Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2: X Factor 2008 3 4

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