X League

By Josh Mason

Published on Aug 29, 2009


Disclaimer: This story includes loads of Gay sex. You know the rules. Don't read if under 18, if local laws prohibit...etc.

I do not own the rights to neither DC nor Marvel Universe, nor was this story made to portray the sexuality of the characters or the actors who have played the character in the past, present or future.


**Authors note: Many of the female characters in both the DC and Marvel Universes have been switched into male roles; I will include an updated list for each story. Also, I am sorry for this very long chapter but its all intros and stuff, there is sex at the end of the chapter.

Wonder Woman--> Wonder Man Black Canary-->Black Eagle HawkGirl-->HawkBoy (There is a HawkMan and HawkBoy) Phoenix (f)--> Phoenix (m) Rogue-->Rebel Storm (f) -->Storm (m) Key: <> commands

Chapter One: Meet Cade.

Hello, my name is Cade Patterson and I just turned 19. I have the typical jock build being both on the Swim team and Football team throughout high school I really knew how to keep busy. I have short, pitch black hair and sparkling green eyes, or so everybody says, and I do mean everybody. You see most of my life I just jumped from girlfriend to girlfriend to keep questions away from my sexual orientation but last year I came out to my entire senior class but nothing really just last year and that's mostly because my special "power," or so my mom calls it. My mom just believes that I am very persuasive but she doesn't know the half of it. You see, I can always get what I want, it's my superpower. Things just seem to bend to my will, it easier for me to do this with inanimate objects, sort of like making lights turn off without flipping the switch, but after spending time with a certain person I can get them to do whatever I want. My first time with a guy was a complete accident, I willed my best friend to fuck me, and then I made him forget it, that was right after I got my powers, I didn't really know I even had them at that point.

I guess I first got my powers when I turned 17 but I have no idea what cause me to get them, I mean I wasn't born on a far away planet or bitten by a radioactive spider, the only thing I could think that is remotely strange about my upbringing is that my mom smoked a lot of weed while she was pregnant with me. I'm enrolled at NYU now and I'm a Psych major but when I'm not working my ass off studying or getting my ass pounded by the occasional frat guy I'm out helping The X-League (XL), only they don't really know I'm helping, I just appear to be a normal citizen watching what going on while making the occasional bad guy trip, or getting Gravity to squash him, once I even dropped a building on some evildoer, I swear, sometimes that XL is so clueless.

A little more about me, I am muscular but yet petite, with a mix a swimmers build. My ass is by far my favorite thing about me, I have a really great bubble butt, kind of like that of a baseball player, even though I've never played baseball in my life; I have been fucked by numerous baseball players. I have short, dark hair and bright green eyes, my mom says I remind her a lot of my dad who looked exactly like me, well according to her, I never met him, he died right before I was born. I have a strong chin too, which I also like about me. I guess you can say I'm pretty self-absorbed but I'm actually pretty down to earth, I have just been getting attention my whole life.

"Hey, Cade!" yelled my friend Barry, "Wait up!"

I turned around and saw Barry chasing after me, Barry as blonde hair and blue eyes, he plays on NYUs track team, he has a runners build but even bigger muscles than the average runner.

"Oh, hey Barry. What's up?"

"Nothing really just wondered if you wanted to walk to Psychology together?"

<Wow, he is so hot.> I thought to myself, I began to see his eyes change, as if he was thinking the same thing I was and decided not to even finish that thought, it's not like he could just screw me right here but I'd rather not risk him trying, some other time.

"Sure." I said. And we both continued to walk.

"Hey Cade," Barry added, "You aren't by any chance gay are you?"

"Yeah, Bare, I thought that was obvious, I'm always flirting with you." I said awkwardly, stumbling at the last part of that sentence.

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure before I asked you this next question." Barry stopped walking so I turned around and faced him.

"Okay, Bare, spill the beans, we're running late."

"Uhm, do you want to, err- go to dinner with me tonight?"

"Oh sure Barry."

"Okay, so I'll pick you up at 8." Barry said followed by a loud crash that seemed to be coming from Times Square, "oh, crap, I have to go, er, I just remembered something" Barry added.

"Oh me too" I said and then Barry and I both sprinted off in the same direction.

<Crap, go the other way>. I thought to myself I couldn't afford having Barry know that I was heading off to finally impress the XL in their new crisis. Sure enough as soon as I thought it Barry ran off in the other direction.

I arrived at Times square and saw Brainiac and Superman flying around in the sky delivering blow after blow. They had already managed to destroy two of the huge plasmas used for advertisements.

<Mask, fall into my hand.> Sure enough my costume mask landed with a PLOP into my hand, I put it on and then, <Wind, help me fly. >

This time I was GOING to get acknowledgement from the XL, it's been a dream of mine since I have gotten my power to join them.

<Brainiac, FALL!> And then Brainiac came crashing down and hit the ground with an earsplitting THUD. I moved myself back down towards Brainiac and wrapped my hand around his neck.

<TURN YOURSELF IN!> I commanded, my power works a lot better if it not personal and if I've made contact with my subject.

I threw Brainiac back down on the floor and he rolled over and put his hand behind his back.

"SUPERMAN!" I yelled "Take him in."

Superman swooped and land landed next to me.

"Awesome," he said in his deep voice as he towered over me. "How'd you do that?"

God I want him, I thought, but since I've never even been in his presence this had no effect on him.

"I'll explain later, just take him in, I'll wait here." I said.

He was back in what seemed to be like a millisecond.

"Ok," he said, "explain"

So I told him about my powers and waited for him to respond.

"Follow me" he said just as Flash blurred into the Time Square, "about time," Superman added referring to Flash.

"What Happened?" asked the Flash.

"This hero stopped Brainiac," he said pointing at me, "I was about to take him to the tower and introduce him to the others, maybe even offer him an internship."

"Oh," he said but was then interrupted as Superman lifted off into the air.

"Are you coming?" Superman called after me

<Fly.> *****

We arrived at a small island that hovered on top of empire state building; the only thing on top of the island was a very large, futuristic building that towered for what seem to be at least 100 stories. We entered the building followed by Flash whom had to climb the rope ladder hanging from the ledge and then the tower shot up into outer space.

"Welcome, to the Watchtower" said Superman, "Flash, please tell all senior members to meet me in the meeting room" he added.

Flash dashed off up the huge staircase right in front of us.

"I don't know how much you know about the X-League but I will tell you our story anyways, we are two teams who have grouped up to form one. The X-Men was a group of mutants each with their own special powers, and the justice league was a group of heroes also with a special powers, we joined together to help protect the world of evil doers, thus forming the X-League. Now when we go upstairs I will introduce you to some of the senior members of the Justice League as well as the head of the X-Men, the actual team is off on assignment today. If they all fell you are a value to the team we will offer you a position on our team, as part of the team you will have your own room, your own costume as well as weekly training sessions with the team and when we feel you are ready you will get your own X-League pager and become an official part of the team. Do you accept all of this?"

Do I ever, this is what I have been waiting for. A chance to join the X-League! I think I'm going to pee myself.

"Yes" I managed to get out calmly.

"Ok, now before we join the others, do you have a name you want to be called by?" Superman said, with no change in his face what so ever, this man is extremely hard to read.

At this point my heart was beating through my chest, "The Directive" I said bashfully.

"Okay, The Directive, well follow me,"

Superman walked up the same staircase Flash had just left through at the top of the stairs was a double door with the words "Meeting Room" on the left door.

Superman opened the door to the meeting room and walked us through it.

Inside the meeting room was a room with very good looking men and a woman.

"Directive, I would like to introduce you to the Senior Members of the X-League, "Members this is The Directive."

Superman introduced me to everyone in the group.

"This is WonderMan" he said pointing to a man in a red thong with a rope attached to it, "Batman," pointing to a man in a black costume with a cape, "HawkMan and HawkBoy" two men with great wings expanding from the body with a gold harness and gold mask, "Green Lantern" a man in a green and black costume, "Aquaman" a man in gold pants and a green shirt, "Black Eagle" a man in a unzipped leather jacket, bare-chested and jeans, "Professor, head of the X-Men" he said pointing to a bald man in a wheel chair, the only one not wearing a mask "you already know Flash" pointing to the man in a red and gold jump suit, "You know me, Superman" he said as I stared at him in all his blue, red, and yellow glory, "and finally this is WatchTower" he said pointing to the blonde woman in the middle of the room, it was now when she opened her eyes to look at me, they glowed a neon blue.

Everyone in that room just screamed power, there were all extremely good-looking as well, even the Professor, as well as in great shape, they all made me feel inferior.

"Nice to meet you," she said in a static voice.

"Yes, nice to meet you" they all said in unison

"Sorry for the impersonal introduction," added WatchTower, "I'm just trying to get a read on your powers."

I was quite taking aback by this comment, I wonder how much into me she can see, but I guess protocol it protocol.

"You can command things" both WatchTower and Professor said in unison.

I looked at the Professor quizzically.

"Telepath," he added.

I then heard a whizzing sound, almost like a computer shutting off, and WatchTowers eyes turned back into what I am assuming to be her natural eye color of blue.

"If you'd please excuse us to deliberate, I must inform the team of your life story, but do not worry, I will not include your name, we will then deliberate and let you know, if you'd just what outside." said WatchTower in a much more Human tone, but yet cold tone.

Superman escorted me down to the living room and then ran back up the stairs in a blur.

I was quite worried about what was going on upstairs, was she telling them everything? Including the fact that I was gay? They surely wouldn't want me if they knew.

After of what seemed like hours Superman appeared in the living room and escorted me back upstairs, wordlessly.

"Directive," said WatchTower "we would like to extend an invitation for you to join our team."

I was in a fit of joy, I wanted to kiss every single person in that room but I kept my composure. "Thank you," I muttered.

"Now if you'd all take off your masks, it is time for Personal introductions with your new team member." She said, I can tell she was obviously in charge, "I am Chloe Sullivan" she said extended her hand for a handshake, she said this all very welcoming, not nearly as cold as before.

"I am Clark Kent" said Superman.

"Bruce Wayne" said Batman.

"Devon Prince" said WonderMan

"Hal Jordan" Green Arrow

"Arthur Curry" Aquaman

"Laurel Lance" Black Eagle

"I am Landon Hawk and this is my younger brother Duncan Hawk" said HawkMan

"Charles Xavier" Professor

"And I'm..." Flash said, pulling off his mask.

"Barry Allan" I finished for him.

"How'd you know?" He asked.

I pulled off my mask.

"Cade!" he said

"I am Cade Patterson" I said.

"Cade, I think this is enough stimulation for tonight, you will learn more about your team mates as time goes on but for now, Barry will you take Cade to his room?"

"Sure thing, Chlo," he said, pulling my hand out of the room.

"Goodnight." They all called out

"Night" I added.

Barry took me into the elevator and pushed the button for the 29th floor.

"I'm so glad it's you" he said glaring at me.

"I'm glad too" I said. He looked so damn hot in his tight ass costume.

He leaned forward and kissed me. His lips we strong against mine, then the elevator dinged, breaking our kiss.

He pulled me along the hallway of doors to a door with my name on it.

"All your stuff is already in there, Chloe is good and getting things done quick, just put your finger on the door and it'll open up."

I did as he said and the door hissed open and I walked in.

He walked into my room and the door hissed closed behind him, I pulled him closer to me and kissed him.

He pushed me against my wall.

He blurred in a circle and when he stopped his costume was on a heap on the floor and he walked back over to me and pushed his soft 5" cock against my cock which was still entrapped in my pants. He continued to kiss me and pushed his hands in between my jeans and my ass and began to massage my cheeks.

He broke our kiss and took off my shirt; he also unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down in a blur along with my underwear freeing my rock hard 6.5" dick.

"Suck my dick" he whispered in my ear and pushed my head down so that he dick was dangling in front of my face.

I engulfed his soft shaft almost immediately and felt his cock extend in my mouth getting thicker and longer. I shoved his cock down my throat massage the muscle with my tongue. I pulled off and got to work on his balls as I started to jerk his soaked cock. I moved my mouth back over to his now rock hard 7.5" cock. I bobbed up and down on his cock, enjoying every piece of his cock that I could fit into my mouth. Barry moved his hand to the back of my head and pushed my mouth to the hilt of his cock, activating my gag reflex. I pulled my head off his dick and he pulled me back up.

He began to kiss me again, tasting his own dick in my mouth, he moved his mouth on to my neck and began to suck, which was definitely going to cause a hickey.

Barry pushed me over to the bed and when I was on my back and pushed my legs into the air, showing him my pink hole. He began to lap at my hole, causing my body to erupt in shivers, pleasuring every nerve in my body. He moistened my hole, tongue fucking me until he worked a finger into my hole and moved his mouth over to my dick engulfing it.

I surrendered my entire body to this man as he engulfed my dick, warming me up uncontrollably until I was completely aching for his cock.

"f-f-f-" I managed to get up but at this point I couldn't even activate my powers to get him to fuck me because my emotions were escalating at of control.

He worked a second finger into my hole and began to message prostate, he was about to get me to cum right there.

He took his mouth off my dick, "beg for my cock, Cade"

"Oh...Please," I mumbled, "f-f-fuck me."

"Say that again, I didn't hear you," he teased.

"FUCK ME!" I yelled.

Barry laughed and stood up. He pulled my ass back to the edge of the bed and massaged his dick along my crack.

"Pant like a dog for my dick." He said and so I began to pant, "Now bark," I didn't it almost immediately. "You're not the only one with controlling powers," he teased once again.

"Are you ready?" he asked seriously now, lining his dick against my hole.

"Fuck me" I said.

He pushed himself into me and waited a while for my ass to get accustomed to his cock.

"Go on" I panted after a while.

Barry began to fuck me rhythmically pushing himself into me until his pubes tickled my crack.

"Faster," I moaned.

"You want faster?" he asked with a devil-may-cry grin on his face.

"Uh-huh" I moaned again.

Before I even knew what happened I was in pleasure overload, I looked at Barry and just saw a blur.

"Ohhhhh fu-u-u-ck yeah" I moaned

I felt my dick being stroked before I even realized he moved his hand over to my dick.

"Oh, I'm so fucking close now baby." I moaned not being used to this new fast pace.

"You're not the only one" he said slowing down so I could see him once again.

My body began to tense up and I erupted, coming all over my chest.

"Fuck," I panted.

He pulled his cock out of my and began to jerk it feverishly ejecting volleys and volleys of cum on my chest mixing it in with my own he blurred once again and when he came back into focus I saw he had a towel in his hand. He picked me up and tucked me into my bed getting in behind my nuzzling his now soft dick into my ass.




Next: Chapter 2

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