X Mens Newest Michael

By Vincent Babler

Published on Nov 15, 2009


disclaimer I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

Well I finally got a few emails. I liked your ideas and I'll try to incorporate them later on. I've decided to do things a little differently in this chapter. Hope you like it. As always any comments are greatly appreciated. Send them to vbabler@gmail.com

.....RECAP........ ** "I love you Michael Jameson." I rolled over to face him and he linked his hands around my back as I wrapped mine around his waist.

"I love you too Joshua Gildan. I am happier right now than I have ever been and it's all because of you." He kissed my forehead and pulled me up against his chest and we fell asleep in each other's arms. ** ......................................................... ** Rogue could not believe what she was seeing. Sitting across the breakfast table from her was a genuinely happy Michael Jameson. Sure she had seen him laugh and smile before, but it had always been somewhat repressed. As if he had been afraid to allow himself to really feel. Now it seemed he was finally expressing himself without holding anything back and it was wonderful. She'd sometimes catch him smiling for no reason, or he'd hum a cheerful tune as they walked through the halls. Yesterday he had even told a funny story about his childhood and laughed about it. Michael had been like this for a little more than two weeks now but Rogue still wasn't used to it yet. She smiled as she listened to him talk freely about his classes and teachers without fear of what others might think or say.

"And Professor McCoy said that I was one of the smartest students he had ever had. Besides Cypher of course but he's the best in every class. Did you hear that they're moving him into college grade classes next week? That's great for him! But based on how he flew through our classes I doubt even THAT will be a challenge for him. I swear he is too smart even for his own good. I mean really- What is it?" He asked as he noticed Rogue's knowing smile. She shook her head slowly before speaking.

"I just can't get used to this."


"You! Happy! Speaking your mind and telling jokes! It's weird!" Rogue laughed and Michael smiled.

"What? Am I not allowed to be happy? Is it really so strange that I should be able to actually express myself?" Michael jumped as as Josh snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around Michael's shoulders. Josh gave him a quick peck on the cheek before sitting in the chair next to him.

"You gotta admit it is a little strange Mikey. A few weeks ago we had to force you to give us your thoughts on anything! Now you give them whether people want them or not." Josh said in mock exasperation and Michael gave him a playful push before briefly kissing him on the lips. Rogue stared at the strange couple in front of her. Josh is outgoing, impulsive, cocky, opinionated and loud while Michael is reserved, self-conscious, organized and quiet. If she didn't know better she'd say it was a miracle they'd stayed together this long. But Rogue knew that they shared the same sense of humor and stubborn will. In truth they were absolutely perfect for each other, making up for each other's failings and amplifying their strengths. They completed each other.

"Well I think it's wonderful." She said with a grin. "It's about time you peeked your head out of your shell darling. I only wish you two had gotten together sooner." They all shared a content smile before Michael looked at his watch.

"Crap! Josh and I got to head out. See you later Rogue." They grabbed they're stuff and walked away leaving Rogue alone at the table to finish her breakfast. A blond, blue eyed girl sitting nearby turned to Rogue as they left.

"Are you one of Michael's friends?" Rogue nodded. "I can't believe how much he's changed lately. He's really loosened up. Who knew falling for someone could do so much!" Rogue laughed and nodded. "They just seem so happy that I can't help but be happy with them you know? It's like their joy is contagious or something." The girl smiled and turned around. Rogue looked around and saw that what she'd said was true. Everyone at the nearby tables looked content and happy about nothing in particular and Rogue smiled with appreciation. Apparently Michael and Josh being together was almost as good for others as it was for them. ** * ...................................................................................................... *

"Oh Goddess!" Exclaimed a young dark skinned woman with long snow white hair.

"I never would have thought he'd take it this far!" Said a man wearing dark red sunglasses.

"You're really surprised? This is Magneto we're dealing with right? I'm just surprised he didn't do it sooner." Grunted a rugged looking man with black hair that stood up like devil horns.

"We still have a few months to come up with a strategy. I'll call the Fantastic Four. Maybe Reed can-" Jean turned to look at her husband, her face frustrated and worried.

"Don't you get it Scott? We could have years to prepare but it wouldn't make a difference. We don't have the necessary manpower to handle something like this. Even if we call in every favor from everyone we know it still won't be enough."

"I know." Xavier said resignedly. He was sitting behind an ornate, mahogany desk with his hands folded in front of him. "We need more support. I'm initiating a state of alert. Magneto finally has what he's always wanted. The war has begun."

  • ....................................................................................................... * ** Doctor Hank McCoy had been teaching at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters for almost 10 years now and in that time the school had only ever been in a state of alert once before. That had been during the final days of the Registration Act when the Professor feared the war could break out at anytime. Hank had prayed that nothing as terrible as that would ever happen again but that prayer seems to have gone unanswered. From what Scott had told him, things looked very bleak indeed. Was this really their only hope though? Was there really nothing else they could do?

"Dr. McCoy?" A voice called, breaking him out of his reverie. "Dr. McCoy you said you had an announcement?" Hank smiled weakly.

"Yes. Yes of course. As I'm sure you already know, our esteemed headmaster has recently initiated a state of general alert. While there is no immediate danger Professor Xavier believes there is a very real chance that things are going to take a turn for the worst in the near future." There were several murmurs and whispers at this. A small girl with green skin and a tail raised her hand.

"How bad are we talking professor? Is the school in danger?" Hank could see the worry in her eyes. For many of the kids, this school was the closest thing they had to a home. It was a place of understanding and safety. If it was lost they would have no other place to go, leaving a generation of mutants without anyone to teach them how to control their powers. He understood their fear and wished there was something he could do to lessen the blow.

"I'm afraid that if circumstances do not change soon, we face war between humanity and mutantkind." He paused to let this information sink in. Some students gasped, some looked solemn, one girl even cried. Hank was about to continue when Michael raised his hand, his face a blank mask.

"What can we do?" It was a simple question but filled with controlled emotion. Hank smiled as Josh reached over and squeezed Michael's hand.

"The headmaster has asked me to announce that there will be emergency X-Men recruitment tryouts this Friday and Saturday from 1 to 5pm. Any students over the age of 18 are allowed to attend." Michael and Josh made eye contact for a few seconds before nodding simultaneously. Hank felt new found respect for both of them.

"Well let's not let this dampen our spirits shall we? Did everyone read the designated chapter for today's discussion?" There were several groans of anticipated boredom and with that all thoughts of war were forgotten. At least for now.

  • ..................................................................................................... *

"Well we're fucked." Link said setting down his tray between Warp and Josh. It had been two hours since Dr. McCoy's announcement and the group was now in the cafeteria eating lunch.

"I guess you heard." Josh said. Warp absentmindedly spread his mashed potatoes around his plate, shaking his head.

"I can't believe things have gotten this bad. This is a nightmare." He said solemnly. Bobby gave a sarcastic bark of a laugh.

"Nightmare? A war between mutants and humans could push the Mutant Rights movement back centuries! All the Professor's efforts over the last few decades will have been for nothing! This is a catastrophe." Michael grasped Josh's hand.

"Mikey and I are going to the X-Men tryouts this Friday." Josh said abruptly. "We might not have been at the school as long as the rest of you guys but we're ready to fight for it."

"And all that it stands for." Michael continued. "I'm not sure how much use I can be but I can't just sit around." Josh nodded in agreement. "We know that this is what we want to do. What we're wondering is-"

"Are you guys coming?" Josh finished.

"Do you really have to ask suga?" Rogue said sarcastically.

"Of course we're going." Link said plainly.

"Absolutely." Warp nodded. Bobby and Cypher said the same. Josh smiled unsurprised.

"Yeah that's pretty much what we thought you'd say. Never hurts to ask though." Michael said relieved. Even though he and Josh were willing to go by themselves it was nice to know that their friends would be there to support them.

"Well I don't know about you baby but I'm not really hungry anymore. What do you say we go upstairs and....take a nap?" Josh said with a suggestive smile and squeezed Michael's thigh. Michael blushed as the other's tried to hide their amusement.

"As nice as that sounds, I actually have another class this afternoon. Actually I should probably get going or I'm going to be late." Josh stuck out his bottom lip but smiled as Michael kissed his nose. "We can naplater though okay?" He gave him another quick kiss, said goodbye to everyone and left for his last class along with Bobby and Rogue. Warp was a history tutor and left a few minutes later to meet up with another student, leaving Josh, Cypher and Link at the table.

"You guys suck." Link said with a smile.

"Who sucks?"

"You and Michael. You're always kissing, or touching or saying you love each other. It's depressing." Josh raised an eyebrow in mock confusion.

"Since when do you have a problem with watching two guys kissing and touching each other. Isn't your computer filled with videos like that?"

"I'm just saying it's cruel. What makes you so special that you found love before us?" Josh turned to Cypher with a grin.

"What about you Cypher? Do you think we're being to showy?" Cypher just shrugged.

"I'm sure you don't do it intentionally, but.... yeah." Josh's eyes widened in shock.

"Wow! If it's enough to make Cypher react it must be bad! Alright I'll talk to Mikey. We'll tone it down. A little." They all laughed at this and finished eating.

  • .................................................................................................... * ** A few days later Cypher, Warp, Link, Michael, Josh, and four other students they didn't know, sat in the hallway outside the school's Danger Room. Their excitement was so strong it was almost a physical force, pushing away all their doubts and fears about the future and allowing them to focus on the task at hand. Even Cypher tapped his finger on his leg in a staccato rhythm as they waited for their instructions.

"What's taking so long? They should be here by now." Josh groaned. Michael smiled at his lover's lack of patience.

"They're only five minutes late. Don't worry baby, we're all going to get our chance." Josh wrapped his arm around Michael's shoulder and kissed his forehead.

"I know. I know. Thanks Mikey-boy." Link cleared his throat loudly at this and Josh and Michael both smiled guiltily.

"Sorry." Michael said shyly. "So are you guys ready for this?" They all rolled their eyes at the question. "Alright. Sorry. Never mind."

"It's okay Mindwave." Cypher stated calmly. "We're all a little nervous. Even I-" He was cut off by the ding of the elevator. The door opened and Professor Xavier rolled out in his wheel chair followed by Jean, Scott, and Wolverine. The Professor smiled warmly and nodded in greeting.

"Good afternoon. I trust you all know why you're here." Everyone nodded. "Good. Then I see no reason to delay. Cypher, would you care to start us off?" Cypher simply shrugged in response and stood up. Jean, Scott, and Wolverine walked into the large room but the Professor delayed for a moment to look at Cypher's friends.

"Aren't you boys coming?" He asked with a small smile. "I assume you would like to see your friend in action." Link, Mindwave, Josh, and Warp jumped out of their seats and rushed into the room. Once they had all found a seat in the control room/observation area they waited anxiously for the test to begin. Cypher stood in the middle of the high-tech training area, his face blank and unreadable. The Professor pushed a button on the panel in front of him and a small writing desk and chair appeared in front of Cypher. Xavier pushed another button and spoke into a small microphone.

"Please have a seat. Good. Now I understand that you have the ability to rapidly interpret and memorize information correct?" Another nod from Cypher. "Today I'd simply like to test the extent of that ability. I'm going to show you a series of images in rapid succession. At the end I'll ask you to draw a specific image from the sequence. We'll repeat this process, increasing in speed and number until you can no longer draw the requested picture. Understood? Good. Let's begin." He pushed another button and what looked like a large plasma screen TV rose out of the floor in front of the desk. Cypher picked up a pencil and held it ready over the paper his brow furrowed in concentration. "Begin." The screen lit up and a sequence of photos appeared, each photo remaining on the screen for about a second and a half before it was replaced by the next one. A building, a mask, a dragon, a rose, a bug. Mindwave could keep up with these ones okay and wondered when the challenge would really begin. The sequence ended after about 15 and Cypher was asked to draw the fourth photo. Without hesitation Cypher pressed the pencil to the paper and started to move it so fast the eye couldn't follow. In less than a minute he had drawn a perfect copy of the rose on the screen down to the finest detail. This process was repeated ten times, each time the photos moved faster and faster until it looked like the screen was just broadcasting static, but he was able to draw exactly what the Professor asked him to every time. Finally the Professor pushed a button and the desk disappeared and the screen slid into the floor. Cypher looked up at us questioningly but the just Professor laughed.

"I'm afraid that that's as fast as our computer can go. You have surpassed all expectations Cypher. Well done." The control room erupted with applause and yells of approval as Cypher walked in and sat down. Next up was Josh. He almost strutted into the training area with a cocky smile on his face and Mindwave couldn't help but chuckle. "Well Mr. Gildan, I see that you're ready to go so I won't keep you waiting." A door opened and Scott walked out into the room and stood in front of Josh. "Since your power is based on misdirection and distraction, I think a simple combat exercise will tell us what we need to know. Please begin whenever you're ready." He pushed a button and a metal table covered in weapons of all types appeared between Josh and Scott. Scott grabbed a two handed long sword and took a ready position, his feet shoulder width apart holding the sword with both hands pointing diagonally towards the ground. Josh chose a pair of steel knuckles with spikes on the ends. He wasn't very experienced in martial arts but he knew the basics and he took a basic boxer's ready stance. The table disappeared leaving only open space between him and Scott. Scott smiled humorlessly.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." Josh smiled even wider.

"Likewise." He replied causing Scott to laugh. Scott suddenly dashed forward bringing up his sword in a tight upwards slice. Josh didn't even have time to react as the long blade slashed across his chest knocking him to the ground. Mindwave jumped out of his seat, his breath caught in his throat as he watched the love of his life fall to the floor. He was about to run down to help him but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm yourself Michael." The Professor said calmly. "No real harm can come to anyone in the Danger Room. It is designed to train, not to injure." Mindwave breathed a sigh of relief. "You should have more confidence in him. Watch." Michael turned back just in time to see Scott get kicked from behind by a very conscious Josh. Scott quickly turned around and did a double-take, looking from the Josh on the floor to the one in front of him. As he looked the body on the ground vanished and the real Josh charged forward bringing his left fist up in a powerful uppercut that Scott barely managed to dodge. Josh quickly followed up with a right-hook which Scott blocked with the flat of his blade. He pushed back against the fist leaving the two of them in a standoff. Suddenly Scott nearly fell forward as he found himself pushing against nothing but air. As he staggered forward Josh appeared behind him and kicked out his feet and Scott fell forward. Before he hit the floor he pushed off the ground with the palm of his hand and turned the fall into a roll that brought him back to his feet. Before he could even think, Josh had appeared to Scott's left and delivered a powerful right hook to his left cheek and Scott was sent spinning away. He recovered quickly and lashed out with his blade but instead of dodging it Josh simply caught the blade between his thumb and forefinger. Scott stopped short in surprise and watched as Josh yawned arrogantly and with a flick of his wrist, snapped the blade at the hilt, rendering it useless. Scott dropped the hilt and threw a punch at Josh's face who simply tilted his head causing the blow to pass by his ear harmlessly. Scott was about to give him a left hook when he suddenly felt all the air knocked out of him by knee in his stomach and he collapsed on the floor breathing hard. For a few minutes there was only the sound of Scott's heavy breathing as everyone stared in disbelief. Then Mindwave roared in triumph and the others joined in with shouts and whistles. Josh gave a grand bow before helping Scott to his feet and shaking his hand. As he limped away Josh made his way back to the control room and took his seat next to Mindwave who gave him a bone crushing hug and then punched him in the arm.

"Don't you EVER do something like that again! I nearly had a stroke!" Mindwave yelled before hugging Josh again. Josh smiled confidently.

"Sorry but I had to make it convincing didn't I? I couldn't exactly tell you guys I was okay without tipping off Scott." Warp went next. When he entered the Danger Room everyone in the control room gasped as the scene changed from a metal chamber to a rocky oasis. A beautiful waterfall ran down a sheer cliff face into a wide, deep river. Rocks ranging from baseball size to large boulders littered the shoreline.The rocky beach was surrounded by a dense forest of pine trees that rustled in a light breezed and from which birds could be heard chirping. It looked, smelled, sounded and felt so real that for a minute Warp just stood there, basking in the warm sunlight. He was quickly brought back to reality, however, by the Professor's voice.

"While I'm sure we could have come up with a sufficient scenario to test your powers with more time, I'm afraid these tryouts were somewhat rushed. For now I would just like you to give us a demonstration of the level of control and focus you have. You may begin whenever you're ready." Warp nodded and closed his eyes, focusing his mind and calming his nerves. He then bent his knees and launched himself high into the air. He flipped twice before landing at the top of the cliff next to the waterfall. He turned and looked down at the river below him and held out his hand, fingers spread apart. All of the several hundred stones on the beach rose into the air and started to randomly bounce off each other and float around as the gravity holding them down was removed. He then proceeded to pick up a small leaf and toss it up and out towards the river, allowing it to spin and float gently down to the water. When it was only about an inch above the crystal clear water Warp snapped his fingers and the tiny leaf smashed into the river's surface causing a colossal explosion that made all the birds in the forest flee in fear. For a few moments Warp did nothing as he waited for the rain caused by the explosion to cease. As soon as it did he held out his hand, palm up and all the rocks from below flew up into the air and formed a giant sphere of orbiting stones. The stones continued to spin around in beautiful, complex patterns until Warp smiled and closed his fist forcing all the rocks to smash together at once. The force of the stones hitting each other was so great that they exploded into grey dust which he allowed to fall into the river and was swept away by the current. Warp turned to look at the Professor, signaling that he was finished and the oasis disappeared. "That was very impressive Warp." The Professor announced. "You have refined your control of gravity to the point where it rivals telekinesis. Congratulations." Warp's face lit up at the Professor's praise.

"Thank you Professor!" He then came back into the control room and sat down. Link's test was pretty straight forward compared to the others. The Danger Room changed into a large maze filled with traps and at the end a large computer which he would need to hack. Link didn't have much trouble with the traps, he simply absorbed the lasers from the hidden turrets, reprogrammed a few attack robots to shoot each other, and avoided several explosive land mines by sensing their electric field. When he got to the final computer he placed his hand on the keyboard and an image of his own smiling face appeared on the screen.

"Is this good enough Xavier?" The computer asked sarcastically before the entire scene disappeared. Finally it was Mindwave's turn. As the door to the training opened he was surprised to see Jean waiting for him inside. She smiled in welcome and he smiled back nervously, wondering what was going on.

"Hello Michael. I'm glad you decided to join us." She said conversationally. Mindwave nodded though he stayed tense. "Professor Xavier and I already know the basics about your powers and you would be an invaluable asset for the X-Men. However we are unsure as to the nature of your mind connecting ability. Today I would like you to try and link with my mind and I will try to stop you. With this exercise we hope to determine whether or not your ability is based in telepathy or not. Alright? Okay then whenever you're ready." Mindwave hesitated for a minute, unsure whether it was ok to use his powers against a teacher. He heard a tapping sound and looked up to see Josh giving him a thumbs up and a gorgeous smile. Michael smiled and set to work. He closed his eyes and reached out with his mind until he found Jean. He sent his tendril of consciousness into her and spread it throughout her body just like he did with Link. When he reached her mind, however, he noticed something he'd never seen before: in his mind's eye Michael saw what looked like a large metal wall blocking the entrance to Jean's psyche. It was rather impressive and slightly intimidating in its sheer size and strength, however, when he looked closer he saw that it wasn't solid, almost like a hologram. Michael gave it a tentative prod with his psychic tendril and it passed straight through. Feeling more confident he proceeded to envelop her entire mind and the connection was established. Normally this was all there was to it but Michael had a nagging feeling like something was missing in Jean's mind. Curious, Michael did a sweep of her brain until he came across what appeared to him as a huge cage. The wall he had seen earlier was impressive but this was magnificent. The air around the cage seemed to hum with energy and power and a strange light shone through the bars. Michael's curiosity got the better of him and he went in, passing through the bars as easily as the wall. What he witnessed inside that cage was beyond anything he could ever imagine; A gigantic fiery phoenix, its black eyes filled with cold intelligence, bashed against the bars of its prison trying desperately to break free. It was so beautiful that Michael almost lost himself and had to shake himself awake. When he did this the great bird saw him and emitted a horrifying shriek as it dived towards him. Michael quickly broke the connection and gasped as he returned to his own body. "Michael? Are you alright?" Jean asked as she noticed the troubled look on his face. He took a few calming breaths before responding.

"What the hell was that!?" He asked her.

"What? What happened?" She said, radiating concern.

"That giant bird-thing in your head! It nearly took my head off!" Jean's face turned very serious at this but she said nothing. Michael was about to ask again when Xavier interupted.

"Thank you Mindwave. I think we have what we need for now. We don't want to keep the other students waiting too long so why don't you boys head back upstairs. We'll notify you later but you can all be very proud of the skills you've shown today. Good day." As they all waited for the elevator Josh wrapped his arm around Michael's shoulder.

"What was that back there Mikey? What'd you see?" Michael shook his head to show that he didn't want to talk about it in front of the others and they let it go.

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