X World

By ku.oc.liamtoh@ergoyduorg

Published on May 30, 2006


You know the drill, none of this is real, it's all made up, don't read this if you are under 18 or if it's illegal where you are. Marvel owns the X-Men not me I'm just using them so you can have a better idea of what's going on.

This is an X-Men story, the team at the time includes: Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Jean, Prof. X, Angel, Iceman, Beast, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Colossus and Gambit. There are quite a few more students in the school but they are unimportant.

Gabriel was cornered. The gang that were chasing him had managed to trap him in an alley way. They were chasing him because there was a rumor going around school that he was gay. Although this was true Gabriel was still upset and distressed as they approached him with baseball bats.

"Hey, ya little fag-boy! Running away was a bad idea; you shoulda just taken the beatings cause now we're gonna beat you up even worse for makin us run!" The ringleader smacked Gabriel in the side with his baseball bat.

"What did I do to deserve this?" said Gabriel through tears.

"You tried it on with my brother you dirty pervert!"

"But your brother is only a year younger than me!" Gabriel touched his side where he had been hit. It was very tender and he was sure it was broken.

"Shut the fuck up you fag! No more talk!" The ringleader threw his bat down and beat Gabriel black and blue when all of a sudden a feeling welled up inside him, a feeling that he couldn't describe. The wind started to blow and vortexes appeared in the sky. The wind suddenly increased blasting the gang of their feet and all the way to the end of the alleyway. They got up and tried to run back to Gabriel but after a huge flash and a crack of thunder an enormous lightning bolt struck the path where the boys were about to run making a giant crater and blocking the path.

"Fuckin hell!" Exclaimed on of the gang.

"I'm outta here!" Said another as the rest of them ran off leaving the ringleader at the edge of the steaming crater.

"You haven't gotten away you piece of shit!" He shouted before running off.

Gabriel examined himself; he defiantly was going to need professional medical attention.

"Great, just what I need..." He tried to get up but soon realized he'd broken his leg so for now it looked like. "Aarh! WHY ME!" he shouted and as he did there was an immense pain in his shoulders. "What the..." He felt his shirt ripping and when he looked back he saw two dazzling golden wings growing from his shoulders. The pain for him felt like he was being stabbed with a giant jagged knife and then having the wound ripped open. Gabriel was crying out in pain. "What's happening to me?" Was the last thing he said before passing out from the pain.

Gabriel slowly opened his eyes and immediately winced at the pain that hit him. He was on his front on one of those beds with the hole for your head, like a massaging table. He lifted himself up and sat on the edge of the bed. He could feel a heavy weight on his back and when he looked back, the magnificent golden wings were still there. The wingspan was immense; at least the length of a car in each direction when he spread them out fully. The only clothes that he was wearing were a pair of denim jeans and some socks (and obviously underwear). He took the time to look around the room he was in. It was all chrome and with what looked to be a door with a giant `X' on it.

"Shit!" He nearly fell off the bed as the doors opened and a woman with fiery red hair walked in wearing a white doctor's coat.

"Gabriel its ok, calm down." She stopped walking and showed she meant him no harm.

"Where am I?" was the obvious question.

"You're in a safe place. It's called the institute for gifted children." The red haired woman replied. "My name is Dr. Jean Grey"

"So this is some kind of hospital?" Gabriel asked, still a little disorientated.

"No, it's more of a school."

"This? A school? I've never seen a school like this."

"We're actually under the school at the moment in the sub-basement."

"Are you the principal?"

"No, I'm just a teacher."

"What do you teach?" Gabriel asked intrigued.

"Telepathy." She said.

"Okay, I'm officially confused."

"This isn't an ordinary school Gabriel; it's a school for mutants."


"That's right, we teach them to control their powers and also learn normal school subjects."

"So I guess that makes me a mutant..."

"Yes but it's nothing to be ashamed of, obviously one of your mutant gifts is those wings on your back."

"Yeah, I suppose they are kinda cool. Didn't half hurt when they came out though... How did I get here?"

"Well, the Principal is called Professor Charles Xavier and he has this machine called Cerebro; it allows him to pinpoint anyone in the world."

"So you found me with this machine and I'm in a school for mutants."


"When can I get out of here? I'm kinda hungry."

"Oh of course, here follow me."

Let me take this opportunity to describe Gabriel. He's 6ft 1, golden blonde hair, and dark green eyes. He has full juicy lips and his athletic body is quite toned and muscular. He is usually quite quiet though and isn't very good at socializing but people seem drawn to him so he still has friends.

Jean led Gabriel to an elevator and he had to tuck his wings right in before he could fit in. They arrived at an upper level and the two of them stepped out. There was the general hustle and bustle of school life; it seemed surprisingly normal. As they walked down the corridor Gabriel was getting everyone's attention. People literally stopped and stared as he walked past.

"Don't worry Gabriel, this kind of reaction is to be expected." assured Jean.

"Yeah I know, I don't mind, I kinda like it." They continued down the mahogany decorated hallway to a nice kitchen which had a small dining area next to it.

"Go and take a seat." Jean said "I'll prepare some food for you" He thanked her and sat down on a couch and then chuckled to himself when he realized he couldn't sit all the way back.

"Wow, and I thought I was an eye turner!" said a voice. Gabriel looked up to see an absolutely gorgeous man with brilliant white wings standing in the doorway. His hair was the same color as Gabriel's; a brilliant golden blonde with a strand of rogue hair resting on his forehead. His blue eyes were trance inducing and his lips were soft and pink. All he was wearing was a pair of thin white drawstring trousers -in which you could easily see the bulge his oversized sized manhood made- and some white socks.

"Oh, h-hi, I-I-I-I'm Gabriel." Gabriel stood and shook the attractive mans hand. He let his gaze drop to the man's toned and sculpted body.

"I'm Warren, some people call me Angel." He said snapping Gabriel out of his hunk induced trance. Warren must have noticed him staring he thought to himself.

"Erm, can you fly?" Gabriel asked before he started staring again.

"Haha, of course I can fly! These wings aren't for show you know. I suppose you'll be able to fly once you get out in the open." Warren said before feeling Gabriel's wings. "Yours feel just like mine. Here feel." Warren turned around so Gabriel could feel his wings.

"Amazing..." whispered Gabriel, as he touched the silky smoothness of Warren's feathers.

"Aah, that feels good." Said Warren as Gabriel gave him a gentle massage on the part of his wings he couldn't reach. "Thanks, I really needed that."

"So Angel, will you teach me how to fly?"

"Yeah, of course, we'll have a great time I promise." Gabriel and Warren locked eyes for a moment and they could feel themselves coming towards each other, very slowly their lips almost touched when they were interrupted.

"Your food's ready!" shouted jean from the kitchen.

"Oh shit, Warren I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. See you later." Gabriel turned and ran to the kitchen, he realized his leg wasn't broken any more and his bruises had completely gone. "I wonder where they went..." he thought.

"Here I made you pasta, hope you like it." She said as she passed him a bowl of steamy hot food. Gabriel tasted it and then started wolfing it down."

"God this is good." He said in-between mouthfuls. "I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks."

"Well you have only been here overnight." informed Jean. At this piece of news Gabriel stopped for a moment.

"But before I passed out my leg was broken, I'm sure of it."

"Hmm, it could be another mutant power. We'll have the professor take a look into your mind to see what mutant powers you have."

"He can do that?"

"Yes, he is a very powerful telepath."

"Okay. So tell me about some of the other people here."

"Well, there's Warren who you should meet because..."

"I know I just met him."

"Oh okay then, so you know."


"Ok, then there's Wolverine. He's quite hairy so you'll recognize him. There is Scott, who always wears red glasses or a visor because of his mutant power. Also there is Storm, an African woman who can control the weather. There are more but I'll let you meet them yourself."

"Cool, so what about my parents, do they know I'm here?"

"Yes, they do, they said as long as you're safe it's okay for you to stay."

"Good, I like it here." Gabriel finished his meal and followed Jean to the Professor's room. They stepped inside and the class Prof. Xavier was teaching all looked at Gabriel and his two golden friends. A murmur went round the class of surprised sounding students.

"Pay attention class. This is Gabriel King, he is our newest student. Please make him feel welcome. Now Gabriel, please take a seat. We were just talking about the different types of mutation. Physical and characteristic, physical includes wings such as yours or Warrens." At that Warren who Gabriel hadn't noticed, gave him a wave and a mischievous wink. "And there are also characteristic powers such as Jeans telekinesis or Kitty's ability to `phase' through walls and floors. Now except for Warren and Gabriel class dismissed." The rest of the class including Jean left.

"Look like you found yourself a new friend bird-brain!" someone joked as they walked out.

"Bobby if you wish to be put into detention, carry on with comments like that." said the professor loud enough for him to hear.

"How'd he? Sorry Warren." Said the voice as it trailed off.

"Please do take a seat at the front Gabriel. I shall now look inside your mind to see what powers you have, if that's okay with you."

"Yeah sure, do your thing." He said sitting down. It was the first time he noticed that the professor was in a wheelchair but he thought nothing of it. He placed his hands either side of Gabriel's head and closed his eyes. Gabriel copied him. Gabriel felt a small tingling feeling in his head and then the professor opened his eyes and returned his hands to the arms of his chair.

"It seems to me that you have -apart from wings- increased healing powers and a strong control over nature and the weather."

"That is so cool dude!" said Warren ruffling Gabriel's hair.

"So what happens now?" he asked the professor.

"Well, you are welcome to stay here and learn to control and develop your powers. At the end of your training you can go back to normal life, which I think would be somewhat difficult for obvious reasons, or you can join the Junior X-Team and train to become and X-Man."

"There's no way I can go back to normal life now so I guess I'm staying here for a while."

"A wise decision, Warren, show Gabriel to the spare room next to yours. You two are excused from classes today and tomorrow. Make sure to show Gabriel everything and make him feel at home.

************************************************************************ Gabriel's POV ************************************************************************

"Yes Professor." Said Warren as me and him left the class and headed up to my new room. We went in and sat down on my new double bed.

"Sorry about earlier Warren. I didn't mean to, you're just so, Gorgeous."

"Me? You're the hot one!"

"Huh?" But before I could say anything else he was on top of me. Grinding his erection into my crotch and kissing me like a wild animal. I wasn't gonna complain; this guy was 200% hot! After what seemed like forever we finally came up for air. "Wow, you're a good kisser!" I joked as I wrapped my hand round the back of his ass and pulled him in closer.

"Man, do you even know how hot you are?! I've never even seen anyone close to your raw boyish good looks.

"Why thank you Warren, but you are just as sexy as me, probably even more and are you gonna get some more clothes off or what?!" He undid his pants and let them fall allowing me to see much more clearly now, the enormous bulge his manhood made in his tight white bikini briefs. I unzipped my jeans and let them down allowing him to see I was just as excited as him. "Damn Warren, how much are you packin?"

"Hows about you take these off yourself and find out?" He replied with a sexy grin.

"With pleasure!" I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and slowly pulled them down. I gasped at the sight of his huge 11" uncut cock. "I have to have that in my mouth." I got him to stand at the edge of the bed and I kneeled down in front of him and wrapped my wings around his body, then he wrapped his wings around mine and I started sucking on his long hard love pole.

"Oh, yes. Fuck yeah, you're good." Warren moaned as I engulfed more of his cock down my throat, his hands running through my golden hair, his cock throbbing slightly from the intense pleasure, I swirled my tongue round the head of his cock and he gasped at the pleasure. "Oh fuck, come on, that's it, go on use your tongue, that feels so good, shit I'm gonna blow any second, here it CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMSSSS!" I felt a powerful stream of thick creamy cum flood my mouth and with almost 11 whole inches in my mouth it was a little too much so some of his cum ended up on my chin. I stood up again to see Warren with a look of pure ecstasy on his angelic face. I had to catch him before he fell over and damaged a wing!

"I hope you enjoyed that." I giggled as he regained his balance and started lapping up the cum that was on my chin.

"Oh I more than enjoyed that nature boy." He said kissing me. I felt his tongue push against my lips and I wasn't going to refuse him anything so I let him in and I gently sucked on his long tongue.

"Put your clothes on, I wanna learn how to fly."

"But babe, you haven't gotten off yet."

"That's ok. I wanna get really sexually frustrated over you so when I do get off, it's more intense and also I'll feel like doing naughty stuff in public more."

"Oh yeah, like what?" He said kissing my neck.

"If I told you that it wouldn't be as fun now would it."

"Hehe, I can tell we're gonna get along just fine." Warren re-clothed and we headed outside."

"So what's first?"

"Well, you don't need too much space to take off, just enough so you can spread your wings fully. So do that first." I stood back and spread out my wings fully and gave them a big flap which knocked me of my feet.

"Hahaha! Silly, bend your knees otherwise you'll knock yourself over." I got up and tried again. I flapped hard and I lifted of the ground a bit but when I raised my wings to take another flap I just hit the ground again. "Okay, I used to do that all the time, all you have to do is when you lift your wings up again let the ends flop so your not pushing yourself downwards. Now try again." I did what he said but this time I ran and jumped and when I jumped I spread my wings right out and flapped with ease. The feeling free flight gives you is indescribable. I soon saw Warren fly up behind me and do a flip in the air before hovering next to me.

"This is great! I feel so unrestricted! We can do anything! Go anywhere!" I was elated.

"I'm glad I have someone to share the sensations with but you're going to get tired soon, it's like any other activity I guess." Warren warned.

"Yeah, so how do I land?" I asked.

"Well I just dive and when I get near the ground pull back hard so I sort of swoop and hover for a moment before landing." Warren explained. I watched him demonstrate and I did the same although I did sort of fall over as it was my first time.

"So Warren, how did I do?"

"That was amazing for your first time! It took me ages to get that far, you're a natural."

"Thanks" I replied and smiled at him. He smiled back and I remembered my other powers. "Hey wouldn't it be easier for me to fly if I used my control over the weather to give me a tail wind?"

"Most defiantly, using a power where you have to concentrate takes up far less energy that flapping huge wings."

"Let's see if I can make a simple weather change then. There are a few clouds so lets get rid of those." I looked up into the sky and concentrated on banishing the clouds. The clouds slowly dissolved away leaving clear skies.

"Cool, you know when you do that your eyes turn gold. Like storm but hers turn white." Warren pointed out.

"Oh okay. Hmm, I wonder what the professor meant by control over nature then."

"Maybe he meant you could talk to animals and trees and stuff. Or maybe make massive killer vines come from nowhere and tickle you to death." He said laughing as he grabbed me and started tickling me.

"Stop! Haha, you're gonna make me piss my pants man stop!" Two vines came out of the ground and latched onto Warrens wrists.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed.

"Oops, sorry." I concentrated for a moment and the vines relaxed their grip and receded into the ground which healed itself up.

"That's alright, I wonder what else you can do..."

"Control over animals would be so cool. I could make you do whatever I wanted." I burst out laughing and Warren laughed along with me.

"Wus so funny?" said a voice which I didn't recognize.

"Nothing to do with you, Gambit."

"Ouch, did ya hav ta be so harsh on lil' ol' me?" Gambit said in his slurred French accent.

"Gambit, you hate me, I hate you let's just leave it at that shall we?"

"I did'nae cum ere ta fight bird brain, jus ta say hi t'our newest member."

"Hi." I said coldly "I'm Gabriel but you can call me master." At this Warren and I burst out laughing and Gambit walked off in a strop. "What's his problem?" I asked after we had calmed down.

"Oh don't mind him. He's just got a chip in his shoulder cause everyone except him has a sex life." We laughed again. We sat on a bench and just talked about life for a while when we heard a screech overhead. It was a hawk of some sort.

"Ooh, this will be a good opportunity to test my power." I said standing and looking into the sky, concentrating hard I got the bird to come down and perch on a fence. I got it to perch on my arm and wasn't surprised when it dug its claws into my arm so it could hold on and not fall off. Blood dripped from my hand and I was impressed with my own pain threshold. I relinquished my control over the bird and it flew off. My arm healed right before my eyes and I was surprised how quickly it happened.

"You're like wolverine, he can do that." stated Warren.

"Is he the hairy one?" I asked.

"Yes that's correct. You've met him?"

"No Jean told me." I answered.

"Oh alright. Hey, do you think we should go to bed now? It's getting late and you're gonna have to meet everyone tomorrow." Warren asked standing up.

"Alright, but only if I can sleep with you."

"Like I was gonna let you sleep on your own anyway." He said playfully rubbing his hand gently against my groin.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" I ran inside and upstairs to Warrens room taking extra care to tuck in my wings so I didn't break them. Warren and I jumped into bed together after locking the door and completely undressing. We made out for a while and he gave me an expert blowjob then we were both tired and went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to an indescribable pain in my back. Just like the time my wings sprouted it felt like I was being torn apart. I screamed in agony and Warren awoke with a start.

"Shit are you alright?!"

"Mm hmm, I'll be fine, I thing I'm growing more wings, AAH!" I jumped out of bed and got on my hands and knees as I could feel the wings growing.

"Holy SHIT!" Shouted Warren as he witnessed two more sets of wings grow from my shoulders. "You're growing two more sets of wings!"

"Great..." I said sarcastically. Finally the pain disappeared and I collapsed on the floor. Warren got up to comfort me.

"I should take you to see Miss Grey."

"No, I'm fine really, my healing powers have taken away the pain, I'm just out of breath."

"Well, okay but you should go back to your room now incase anyone heard you screaming."

"Good idea." I said as I put my underwear, pants and socks on.

"See you tomorrow sexy." Warren said as I left. I winked at him and went to my own room.

About ten seconds after I got into my room there was and urgent knock on my door then the door blasted open with a flash of red light and a man wearing red sunglasses ran in.

"Are you alright?!" he said coming over to me to check I was okay. "I heard screaming."

"I'm fine thanks, I was just growing some more wings; it kinda hurts."

"Well they're beautiful if you ask me. One pair silver one pair gold and one pair black."

"They're different colors?" I asked.

"Yes from top to bottom in that order."

"Are they all the same size?" I wondered.

"No, the silver ones at the top are smallest, then the black ones at the bottom the biggest are the gold ones in the middle."

"Hmm, interesting. So who are you? No, wait you're Scott aren't you."

"Yeah that's me. How'd you know?" He asked me sitting on the edge of my bed and laying back. It was then I noticed his muscular physique and prominent bulges in all the right places. "You're with Warren, don't get turned on." I told myself.

"Oh Jean gave me descriptions of a few people."

"Oh for me she must have said `The really hot and sexy one with a huge dick'" He laughed at himself but the comment made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah something like that, hehe..."

"If you're okay then I should get going and you should get some sleep; you've got a big day tomorrow and people are gonna be fawning over you're wings all day."

"Oh I love being fawned over, don't worry about that."

"Can I fawn over you?" he said seductively rubbing his crotch.

"You can but you won't get anywhere."

"Oh well, worth a try. See you in a few hours then." He got up and left, I lied back down and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and put on some clean clothes. I decided to wear ¾ length pants with a design of an angel on the front which I thought was quite suitable for obvious reasons. I headed downstairs and to the kitchen. When I got there, there was about five other people in there eating and preparing food. As soon as I walked in I had the whole rooms attention.

"Erm, good morning everyone. I'm Gabriel, yes you can touch them if you want and yes I can fly." Everyone got up and started groping my wings. "Hey try not to ruffle my feathers yeah?"

"Hi, I'm Kitty." Said a pretty girl with long brown hair.

"Nice to meet you Kitty." I said and she kissed me on the cheek and sat back down. An absolutely gorgeous boy shook my hand and said.

"I'm Bobby, nice wings. Have you met Warren yet?"

"Oh, yeah I have. We spent the day together yesterday. He taught me to fly. Gee, I'm gonna have to go outside after breakfast my wings feel a bit stiff."

"Your gonna have to stretch them out every day." Came Warren's voice from behind me. "Otherwise you'll get cramps when you fly. We're gonna have to keep you fit as well otherwise you won't be able to fly for very long.

"But he's already fit!" said a girl as she sat down.

"He is but he still needs more training." He said to the girl. He turned to me, "What can I get you for breakfast?" Warren asked, walking over to the refrigerator.

"Oh I don't mind really, but I'm really hungry after growing more wings so get me a lot of whatever you're having please."

"Lots of food coming right up" The way he said `coming' reminded me of sucking him off yesterday. I chuckled to myself and sat on the edge of a couch, curling my wings round to keep myself warm.

"So Warren, how do you keep warm?" I asked noticing I was cold without a top on.

"Oh I just make sure I'm always doing something. Whether that's flying, walking, weights or sex." The people present chuckled. "You're going to have a little test in the danger room today by the way."

"Danger room? I don't like the sound of that."

"Oh it's not so bad, it's a giant virtual reality simulator. It can put you into lots of different situations."

"Sounds cool. When can I meet the X-Men?"

"Well me and Bobby are only on the junior team, I'm the leader by the way, the rest are probably waiting for you in the danger room control room for you so you'd better hurry up and eat your food." I finished up my breakfast and followed Warren to the danger room. When we got there I was amazed at the size of the room, it was all big and chrome. I met the team.

"Good morning Gabriel, I'd like to introduce you to the team." Xavier announced, he pointed out the corresponding people as he said their names. "This is Beast, Cyclops, Jean who you've met, Gambit, Wolverine, Storm who shares a power with you, Colossus," I made sure to smile at him, he was defiantly worth having as a friend, he was over 6ft 5! "and Rogue, they are all on the senior X-team, anyone else you see standing around is on the junior X-team."

"Great, I think I can remember all those. Um, Professor I grew more wings last night just incase you were wondering."

"Yes I assumed it happened in the night, now you are now going to go on a small mission with Colossus in the danger room he'll show you to the locker room where you can get changed, we'll be watching from up here.

"Great." I followed the extremely good looking guy to the locker rooms and he handed me a pair of pants with a white X on the front and back.

"Here, you can get changed into these please." I noticed he had a heavy accent but I couldn't think where I was from.

"Hey Colossus," I started.

"Please call me Piotr, Gabriel."

"Piotr, where are you from? You've got an accent but I can't pinpoint where from."

"Oh of course, I am from great mother Russia."

"Oooooh, that's it I knew I recognized it. So, what's your power?"

"I can cover my body in and organic metal called Osmium, it grants me superhuman strength and endurance, I'm also impervious to bullets and whatnot."

"Cool, I'm ready."

"Good, follow me." He led me into the danger room. The Professor's voice boomed over a speaker.

"Colossus, Gabriel, I will now start the simulation." The whole room fuzzed and suddenly we were in a maze. Everything was misty so I looked up and concentrated and the mist dissolved away.

"We must find our way out of this maze." Colossus stated the obvious.

"I'm flying out." I took a running jump, spread my wings and flew up over the maze. "Colossus can't you just smash your Aack!" Something hit me and I fell out of the sky, I turned and spread my wings again I circled around and tried to determine where the projectile came from. I saw a anti aircraft type machine firing waves of knock back energy at me. I quickly dove back into the maze and found Colossus. "Hey I think I can take out the turret with a bolt of lightning." I concentrated and clouds formed at the top of the room I flew up so I could see the turret. When it started firing at me I focused and made a mini tornado in my hand. I threw it at the turret and as soon as it left my hands it erupted into a cyclone dissolving the energy being fired at me and destroying the turret.

"Good work Gabriel!" Shouted Colossus as he smashed a robot that was attacking him.

"I've had just about enough of this!" I shouted back over the sound of crashing thunder. I charged my hands with lightning and unleashed it on the whole maze. The walls shattered as they were blasted with chain lightning. After I had gotten over my little power crazy moment I looked around at the desolate wasteland I had left behind. "I'm good."

"END OF SIMULATION" The room fuzzed back to normal and I realized I may have overdone it a bit. All the floors and walls were charred black.

"Interesting, Gabriel, Colossus will lead you back up here." Said the Professor's voice through the loudspeaker.

"Alright, sorry about the burns." I offered meekly.

"It's perfectly alright, it just gives Beast an excuse to make some modifications."

"Every cloud eh?" Me and Piotr headed for the locker room. I was naked and changing facing my locker, when I noticed Piotr come up very close behind me and start massaging my wings.

"You know Gabriel, you're very powerful, and good looking." I could feel an absolutely, colossal, hard, thick, cut, cock poking me in my ass. He was gently rubbing it up and down my back and ass with one hand whilst massaging me with the other.

"Piotr, I would if I wasn't taken but I'm sorry I can't." I offered weakly.

"Yes you can, nobody ever has to know." He said in his sexy Russian accent as he reached round my waist and started stroking my cock up and down very slowly. His other hand snaked it's way around gently brushing my left nipple and he stuck two of his strong fingers in my mouth. I lost all my self control and started sucking on them like a hungry bitch. "See, good boy. I knew you couldn't resist." He took his fingers out but I grabbed his wrist and sucked on his thumb. "Oh so the bitch wants some more does he? Well there's plenty of me." He turned me around and I immediately latched onto his neck, kissing, licking and sucking him gently. Or stiff cocks grinded together, his way out of proportion with his body. His hands found their way to my shoulders and he pushed me to my knees using his superhuman strength. I knew what was coming next and I couldn't believe it, he wanted me to put the lamp-post in between his legs in my mouth?! Was he crazy or horny or both!

"I can't Piotr."

"Shut the fuck up you little bitch, you'll do what I want, you're my bitch now. Open wide." He slammed me against the lockers and shoved his giant meat in my mouth. I coughed, choked and gagged but still he shoved more and more down my throat. Salty pre-cum was dripping out of my mouth as he brutally face-fucked me until eventually he unleashed a huge onslaught of creamy white cum that I immediately chocked and gagged on. "Swallow every last drop you ungrateful bitch." With no other option I obeyed him and swallowed as much as I could. "Now you've lubed me up nice, you're gonna take my huge dick up your ass, bitch" I could hardly believe this was happening to me! He turned me around and pinned me to the wall, then he lined up his oversized cock with my asshole and pushed. The pain I was now in was indescribable, it was worse than when my wings grew. I heard a dripping noise and realized he must have ripped my ass and I was bleeding.

"Piotr, please I'm begging you now, I'm bleeding, stop!"

"If I have to tell you to shut the fuck up again you're gonna regret it, you puny bitch!" He continued feeding my bleeding asshole his gigantic slab of Russian meat. His onslaught sped up and I felt my insides being flooded with his hot cum. He stood back and I fell onto the floor in a heap of shining feathers.

"Why?" I asked Piotr.

"Who told you to talk bitch?" spat Colossus.

"I'm gonna make you pay!" My eyes clouded over and I felt a huge power within me be unleashed. The temperature in the room rapidly dropped and wind started blowing. I decided on wind then thunder to make him pay. As my ass had healed up I got up and quickly put some pants on whilst maintaining my control over the wind so Piotr couldn't get close. After I was descent I whipped Piotr upin a vortex and blasted him out of the locker room. (Still naked with fuck juice all over him) I blasted him up the hallway into the elevator and pressed the button. "That'll teach him." I went back to the danger control room.

"Ah, we were beginning to get worried." Announced Xavier as I opened the door. "Where is Colossus?" he asked.

"Oh, he just walked off." I lied. Xavier just stared at me and I felt a small tingle in my head.

"My god, I do apologize on behalf of Piotr I assure you he will be properly disciplined. I assure you nothing like this has ever happened before, this is disgraceful! Wolverine, Cyclops come with me there are important matters to attend to. The rest of you are free to go." Everyone else just looked at me. They obviously found the Professor's reaction strange to say the least.

"What happened Gabriel." Asked Storm.

"Oh, well it's a bit personal, I don't know how he knew what happened though."

"He can read people's minds and control them." Beast informed me.

"Oh that makes sense, I'm sorry but I don't want to tell you what happened."

"We understand," said Storm. "You start school tomorrow so drop by my classroom to pick up your schedule sometime today. Warren will show you where it is."

"Yes miss Munroe." Assured Warren. She left along with Gambit, Nightcrawler who disappeared in a puff of black smoke, Rogue Beast and Jean. This left Bobby, Warren, Kitty and me.

"So are you gonna tell us what happened?" questioned Warren.

"I told you; no." I turned to leave "I might tell you sometime but not yet. I'm hungry man, can we get something to eat?"

"Oh sure." We all went to the kitchen to get some food but our mini-quest was interrupted when we walked outside Xavier's office.


"But Professor..." BOOM, after a flash of red light Piotr came flying out of the Professor's office and slammed hard into the wall opposite. He quickly got up and ran off down the hall. Cyclops came too the doorway.

"Sorry about what happened, whatever happened, the Professor wouldn't tell us but it must have been bad for him to make a threat and shout like that."

"It's okay Scott." We continued to the kitchen to find Colossus curled up on the couch, crying.

"Yo dude, what's the matter?"

"I have been very bad. I should not have done what I did, I am ashamed." He dropped off the sofa and crawled over to me and started groveling at my feet. "Please Gabriel forgive me, I'm begging you. I never meant to hurt you..." This was a sorry sight.

"Piotr get up and pull yourself together for god's sake! You're six foot fucking seven and you're acting like a four year old."

"sniff Thank you, I needed that. Sorry." He left the kitchen, we got our food and sat down to eat.

"So are you gonna join the junior X-Team?" asked Bobby.

"Erm, yes I think I probably will yeah." I answered.

"He's powerful enough to be on the senior X-Team ya' know." Warren commented "He just needs training under pressure."

"Thanks Warren, but I'm not that powerful."

"Shut up, someone who has control over the weather and nature is powerful in my books."

"I suppose, hey do you fancy going to the beach sometime?"

"Well we wouldn't exactly go unnoticed would we?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Hey hows about we go collect my schedule from Storm then take these two for a fly?" I said pointing at Bobby and Kitty, their faces immediately lit up at the prospect of flying. "You can take Kitty cause she's lighter and I'll take Bobby cause I can carry more weight with six wings and the power of wind." Warren thought for a moment.

"Come on Warren, let us please." Kitty used the deadly puppy dog eyes on him and he melted.

"Oh alright then," Warren gave in and agreed. "but lets get your schedule first."

"Agreed." We headed to Storms office and collected my schedule. I had -aside from normal subjects- classes with Elementals -Ororo-, Combat Training -Scott-, Martial Arts and Survival Training -Logan- and Control Issues -Prof. X-, of course there was my training with Warren but we just did that so we could spend time together. My normal classes were: Mathematics -Prof. X-, Biology -Mr. McCoy-, Chemistry -Mr. McCoy-, Physics -Miss Grey-, English literature-Prof. X- and Physical Education (Gym) -Logan-.

"Man, you got all 3 sciences; that sucks." Stated Bobby.

"At least I got gym class, what's Logan like?" I asked the other three as we made our way outside.

"Apart from fit, he's the best teacher ever." Said Kitty.

"Yeah he's a cool teacher, he pushes you hard though, you should see him play basketball, he can jump over the hoop, and he's not even that tall."

"I'm glad you like my kids." Said Logan as he walked down the corridor the other way to us.

"How did he hear us? He was miles away?" I questioned once he'd turned the corner.

"He's got enhanced senses." Bobby informed me. "Super hearing, smell and sight. He also heals just like you do." Once we were outside Warren held kitty and I held the gorgeous Bobby and I made an updraft to make it easier to take off. We spread our wings and we were away. We soared through the sky.

"This is incredible, I've never felt anything like this!" shouted Bobby over the sound of the wind. But whilst Bobby was enjoying the ride Kitty was freaking out in a bad way. Suddenly she used her power by accident and fell straight through his arms.

"SHIT!" Shouted the other three of us in unison.

"Here catch Warren!" I dropped Bobby and dove like a bolt of lightning with a tailwind. She was literally twenty meters from the ground when I grabbed her and pulled back missing the ground by a hairs breadth and landing safely. A few moments later Warren landed with Bobby in his arms. Poor Kitty was in tears I hugged her tight and assured her she was gonna be okay.

"That was to close." I said to Warren.

"Yeah, I don't think we'll be taking her on another flight any time soon."

"Bobby are you okay? I'm sorry I dropped you without warning but I had faith in Warren."

"No, it's okay, I thought It was kinda fun. I liked the thrill it gave me."

"Weirdo..." I thought. I took Kitty inside and to bed; she was badly shaken, then I headed to bed with Warren... and Bobby.

This is the first time I've posted on nifty so please do contact me and tell me what you think. goudyogre@hotmail.co.uk

Next: Chapter 2

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