Yesterdays Letter

By moc.loa@namreganamehT

Published on Dec 8, 2004


I do not know any of the members of 98 degrees nor do I know their sexual preference. But we can all hope. lol This story is not real. Don't read this if you are not supposed to. Thanks to the emailer it was much appreciated. Feedback lets me know that I should continue the story. Let me know what you think and what you want to see happen.

thanks to those who emailed me with ideas and feedback. I love it thanks guys!

Another announcement: I will be going to Mexico for vacation. I'm actually leaving today in 6 hours. Please keep your fingers crossed that my plane doesn't crash and all that. Flight 573 on ATA and flight 182 on America West and Delta flight 341 and 842. Thanks guys! I am doing this installment so you have something to read while I'm gone. I should have the next one ready the day after Christmas.

previously on Yesterday's Letter:

"Don't be stupid. We can share your bed. It'd big enough." I had to admit I liked that idea. Its been so long since I've slept in bed with someone. I'm a very snuggly type of guy.

"Well as long as you keep your cold feet off of me that'll be cool."

"Alright lets get ready for bed then." We got ready and hopped in bed when the phone rang. I hate the phone I really do.

"Hello" I really hated phone calls especially this late.

"Hey I hear you have a certain boy band member in your house. Are ya gonna get it on?!"

"Um Anne go to bed. We're just getting some rest right now." Good grief this is going to be a long night isn't it?

"Oh so that's what they call it these days huh?"

"ANNE goodnight!" I hung up the phone and got back into bed. Not even a minute later the doorbell rang. Dammitt "If that is Anne and Amy you're gonna have to call the cops Drew cause I'm gonna shoot them." He laughed at that. "Laugh it up chuckles you'll see how funny it is when you hear the shots."

I stagger to the door realizing how tired I am. Drew is right behind me in his boxers. I finally get the door open and see him look past me to Drew.

"You bunch of fucking whores" I hear as everything goes black

Why is this happening to me?! Why can't my past stay in my past? There is no reason why I need to be reminded all the time that I have psycho friends from the past. This guy that is at my door waving around a knife is my former best friend from high school, Jake. We did everything together. I thought of him as the brother that I never had. Well he had other ideas. He thought we were a couple and when I told him I was going to start dating one of the guys off of the soccer team he got insanely jealous. He wouldn't do anything with me at all and never returned my calls. I had no contact with him for a month and then he started following me and the soccer player everywhere, looking in my windows just everything he could think of to know what I was doing. I thought this had all stopped. I guess I was wrong. Most likely I just was so wrapped up in a job I loved that I didn't notice as much things that went on around me or some crap like that. I'm blond acting sometimes. What can I say? Hahaha

So here Drew and I are in our boxers standing in the doorway looking at this psycho that Drew doesn't know wondering why he is waving a knife at us screaming that we are fucking whores. Well no time to explain to Drew now. "Why are you here Jake?" He better have a good reason for me not to kick his ever loving ass to the curb with a few bruises.

"Why cant you just admit you love me!?" What is wrong with this boy. After 4 years he still is obsessed with me.

"Ryan, should I call the cops?" Drew sounded like he was scared shitless. But that happens with you deal with crazy people I'm sure he has had his share of crazy fans.

"No we can take care of this. Jake are you drunk?"

"No!" Yes he was I could smell the alcohol on him now. What an idiot. Come over here this late with a knife and drunk. Maybe I should call the cops and get him taken care of for good this time.

"Go home" I tried to shut the door but he stuck his foot in the way and kept it open. Now don't get me wrong I work out I'm in good shape, but I couldn't get that door shut for nothing. At this time Drew comes up behind me and starts pushing on the door. Finally the door starts to shut some. All this time Jake is screaming obscenities at us. Where is the nosey old lady next door neighbor when you need one? About this time my wish came true and the cops miraculously showed up. Remind me to thank Ms. P (nosey across the street neighbor). The look on Jake's face was priceless. Knowing he was finally about to be caught he took off running. Now if there is one thing I can do extremely well it is run. That is how I chase my kids at work and exercise on the treadmills. I took off after him. I mean what are the chances in this town to have an in shape cop catch him.

I finally drop Jake to the ground and one of the cops catches up (right huffing and puffing). "Hi Officer Babb" Yes I knew him. I had his little girl in my camp two years ago. "I got him so take care of him now."

"What is the problem here I got a call from a neighbor about a disturbance." Little did he know it was beyond a disturbance.

"Well this idiot has been stalking me since forever and tonight he was waving a knife at me and my friend back at home. Talking trash about us and threatening to kill us both"

"Well ill take him downtown and fix him up right well. The other officer is talking to your friend now I'm sure. We'll get this taken care of quick."

We walk back to the house Officer Babb and I chatting away with Jake handcuffed (I'm sure he liked it). When we got back I saw Drew and the other officer sitting on the swing chatting about whatever they were chatting about. Drew turned and saw me and ran up to me giving me a big hug.

"I was so worried you would get a knife stuck in ya. Don't run off like that again!" Aww he was worried about me. Drew gave me a kiss on my neck and cheek. I'm sure this made the officers wonder, but neither one said anything to us.

"See ya later Mr. Ryan we'll call if we need anything" They got in the car and left, but not with out banging Jake's head on the door of the car. That made me giggle a little.

Walking into the house hand in hand I had a million things running through my head. Is Jake gonna be worse now that the cops are involved? Why did I feel so weird knowing Drew was worried about me? Is this going to be in the paper? What time is it?

"Hey, are you ok?" Drew asked me. "You got this look on your face like you are thinking a million miles away" And he was right I did. Let me tell you my house has some nice big mirrors. When I am doing something or thinking about things I always make this face. Its my trademark at work. When I have this `thinking face' on people leave me alone. "Don't get me wrong you look cute with your lips all scrunched up and your eyebrows cocked, but I'm just curious what's going on in your head." Now that made me full out laugh.

"Let me tell ya Drew. The people at work always ALWAYS tell me that they would love to get in my head to see what goes on in there. I guess I just say some off the wall things and I do have that trademark thinking face. I've always been told my brain is intriguing to people. Really I was just thinking about how Jake has ruined my night of snuggly sleep."

"Oh? You're a snuggler too?" With that shit eating grin I knew he was too. This was gonna be some interesting sleep let me tell ya.

"Yep. At first all the guys hated sharing a room when we were a poor group. But they all got used to it and even got a little snuggly too. Nick is the same way, must run in the family." I'm going to have to learn a lot about this boy's past. I really don't know a lot except what is public knowledge. "So where were we?"

"About to get in bed" We walked down the hall and Drew took off sprinting down the hall. I heard him jump onto the bed, by the time I was in the bedroom he was laughing his ass off. "What was that all about?"

"Well I always say when you're sleeping with someone the first in bed is the first to sleep. That and I wanted the left side I always sleep on my left side. Hope you don't."

"Nah I sleep wherever I can fall asleep." I crawled into bed and curled up next to him. Within minutes he was lightly snoring. I wrapped my arm around him thinking for a long time. Wondering that famous `what if'. Finally I realized I felt so safe and complete with Drew right now. I have never ever felt this peaceful or at ease with anyone. It was like we connected and were on the same level even only knowing each other for such a short time. Finally after some time of listening to Drew breathe and lightly snore I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to Drew having his arms wrapped around me. Still feeling so tired from the day before I just laid there letting Drew slowly rub my stomach. I must have fallen asleep again because when I woke up again I was in bed alone. Wondering where he had taken off to I got up and started for the bedroom door when I heard talking. Who was here this early in the morning?

"Jeff I know I just have never felt like this before. Not with anyone. It's like we meshed instantly. I knew I liked him when I was sitting in the lobby of the Y listening to him. He was so nice and f friendly and you have to admit you can get lost in his eyes." Wow he felt pretty much like I did. I probably shouldn't be standing here listening to this conversation, but I just couldn't walk away. "I know there is more to people than there eyes Jeff. His personality just draws me to him." Jeff was saying something to him. "Yeah something like that. You know what I mean. I want to ask him if he can take some vacation and go on Tour with us. I don't want to ask him to quit so I don't know if he can take vacation. Someone who loves his job as much as he does should never quit it. It wouldn't be right to pressure him, but I want to spend time with him and see what happens. I have this feeling ya know?" wow he was gonna ask me to go with him on Tour! What am I going to do? I'd have to leave the kids and Tywon and everyone.

I went and laid back in the bed and must have dozed off. I woke up to a soft voice saying "Baby wake up" It was Drew bringing me breakfast in bed. Now this is something I could get used to. Getting served breakfast in bed by an incredibly hot and sincerely kind guy in his boxers. That thought made me start giggling.

"What's so funny?" He asked with a almost hurt look on his face.

"Nothing I was just thinking how I could get used to having an incredibly hot and wonderful man serve me breakfast in bed wearing his boxers. What a way to wake up!"

"Oh you like this? Just wait till we get to my house and you see what I have there for ya." He said winking. Now I wonder what that could be, but I would love to find out that's for sure. "So `Mr. Ryan' what are we gonna do today?"

"Boy am I going to have to break you of the `Mr.Ryan' stuff that's for the kids and parents who aren't my boy...ah friend" That was close. I almost said boyfriend. Now that I think about it it sure wouldn't be so bad if Drew was my boyfriend. My life feels so different and so surreal with him in it now. And all this after just a few days wow imagine if we made it to any real length.

"But the `Mr. Ryan' thing is cute I like it!" This being said to me with the puppy dog eyes from him I just couldn't resist it. I leaned up slightly and gave him a morning kiss. I know I surprised him because I could feel him tense up then lean into the kiss and enjoy it. "Wow that was nice Ry"

"It was. Baby you can call me whatever you want just so long you call me something." I know that sounded corny but that's what I thought. "I know I can be the king of corny Drew but that's what I think. It doesn't matter what you call me as long as I know how you feel."

"True. Now again what are we going to do today?"

"Um...well." really we need to find the other guys and make sure things are squared away. I do not want Drew at odds with the people he works with and especially his brother. "Well there is the Arts in the Park going on today." now I could see the confusion in his eyes not knowing what that was so I explained. "Arts In the Park is people set up booths and sell artsy type of stuff. There is also musical stuff going on and a karaoke contest this year." With that last part his eyes light up like nothing I have ever seen before. Obviously he liked karaoke. "Well I guess we will be doing that huh?" The smirk on my face was evident I'm sure.

"What makes you think that I wanna do that?"

"Well the fact that when I said karaoke your eyes lit up like a child on Christmas day seeing the presents for the first time was kinda a hint." I was down right laughing at him now. I hope he doesn't take that the wrong way, but I laugh a lot.

"Well...I do like to sing ya know." Now we were both laughing like crazy. I leaned back against the headboard not realizing that I had turned to face him when he brought me the breakfast. When I leaned back there was nothing to catch me I fell backwards off the bed. It all happened in slow motion. I could see I was falling and I could see the shock and fear in Drew's eyes as I fell. Afterwards we laughed even harder. Lets just say the Zoo called back and wanted their Hyenas back! "Oh my gosh Ryan are y ou ok?"

Through the laughs I managed to let him know I was ok just couldn't breathe from all the laughing I was doing. After we settled down and shared the wonderful breakfast that someone made for me I had a thought. If we were going to go to the Arts in the Park maybe we could have the rest of the guys go. It'd give us time to get to know each other and maybe see if Nick could get over this whatever his problem was.

Drew looked right over at me for no apparent reason and opened his mouth. "No! Don't even think about it."

"What? Did I say anything?"

"We can't invite the rest of the guys it wont work. Trust me I know." Whoa!! Was this boy psychic or something. I didn't say anything at all to even hint what I was thinking.

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Well I know you were thinking you had your thinking face on and I know how nice of a guy you are and I know you were thinking about trying to patch things up with everyone. It's a nice thought, but I think that's all it is...a thought. It won't work. It hasn't been nearly long enough for Nick to think about anything. He needs lots of time to think about anything at all." Well he just bashed my hopes all to hell, but he should know the guys and especially his brother better than me.

"Ok. I was just trying ya know. Do you think he will ever get over his deal?" Hoping that if I did go on Tour with them Nick would be long over his not liking the idea of Drew and I.

"Yeah it'll just take some time. He will let us know when he is ready. Trust me." He seemed to be saying this a lot. Who did he think he was Aladdin telling the princess to trust him and his flying carpet? Strange thoughts Ryan quit thinking! "Well Ryan let's get ready to go then. Oh when does this thing start?"

"Well it starts about 10ish and lasts all day. The karaoke part has never been done, but it's going to be at 4. So we got some time to hang around before then." But getting ready sounded great. I hated sitting around all day doing nothing and getting ready meant that there was a chance of doing something.

"Ok lets get started" Right then his phone rang. Looking at the phone number he said that he was gonna take this call outside. That made me think that it was his brother or one of the other guys and he didn't want me to hear if they started arguing. I took this time to get into eh shower and get ready. The water felt soo good running over my body. Just relaxing me to no end. I was brought out of my little world by a knock on the door.

"Hey Ryan?"

"Yes Drew." It was strange talking to someone while I was in the shower. I guess it comes from living alone for so long.

"Um...that was Nick. He said he wants to talk about what happened. you think we should talk now or maybe after we go to the park thing?"

"Might as well get it over with and have this talk in a little bit when we are done getting dressed."

"Ok." With that I head the bathroom door shut. Oh my God he was in here with me! Now I was embarrassed. How did I not realize he opened the door? I must have been really in Ryan Land when he knocked. I could feel my face getting hot and beet red, you could see right though the shower doors it left nothing to the imagination! I just wanted to go right down the drain with the water. Oh well gotta get over it. I got out of the shower and got dressed.

"How was the shower Ry?" Drew asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Good as you saw" Thus letting him know I knew he was in there.

"Oh just to let you know I didn't look. I just cracked the door so I could hear you better. I didn't want to upset you if I just barged in there staring and all."

"No problem." How thoughtful of him to not to peek. If he did I really wouldn't care. Oooo I'm being bad now. "Hop in there and get ready and we will play this Nick thing by ear."

"Um...Ryan I have a problem. I don't have any clean clothes to wear. I only had what I took into the Y last night."

"Not a problem. It just so happens I have some clothes that should fit someone who is the same height and build as me. So you are in luck. Go pick something out of my closet to wear." He took off bouncing out of the room. He cracks me up. I wonder if he will still bounce around and crack me up when we are 50 years old. What! Why did I think that just now! Dang this boy has me all wrapped around his finger. I've never thought past today except where work was concerned. Damm work! I need to call them. I was supposed to go in and help out. Today starts maintenance week.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Don't scare me like that Drew. Geez your gonna give me a heart attack before we're 50." We both started giggling at this. He looked good in my clothes. He was wearing a pair of my khaki shorts and a tank top that said World Peace on it.

"Hey nice shirt where'd ya get that one?"

"Well this nice wonderful guy let me borrow some of his clothes so I didn't have to go around naked all day. Although I have a feeling that he really wouldn't have minded too much if I had to."

Laughing at him I agreed with a nod. At this time we were sitting on the swing in the front of the house when a car screeches to a halt in front of my house. We both looked at each other not knowing who or what that is all about. Out of the car pops all the guys of 98*. Of course it would be them. Who else would be coming over to my house everyone else was at work.

"So Jeff is the crazy driver of the group huh?" I smirked to him not really the group.

"Well you haven't seen Drew try to drive yet have you? Compared to him I drive like a grandma"

"Hey now let's leave Drew out of this" Drew said pretending to be mad. I looked over at the car and realize that Nick is still sitting in the back seat of the car. Is he trying to decide if he should get out or what? "Um guys what's he still doing in the car?"

"Well this morning after Jeff and him talked he went running and he twisted his ankle. He's probably trying to get some courage up to move it. You know how he is a baby with pain."

"Ok thanks Just. I think ill see if he wants help out of the car."

"Be careful Ry." Drew squeezed my hand concerned about me and my safety. Nick was quite a bit bigger than the both of us. Being small sucks sometimes, have I mentioned that yet? I walked up to the car and knocked on the window Nick was sitting by. He glanced up and looked back down.

"Nick do you need help with your ankle?" I asked trying to be as sincere as I could. He unlocked the door and opened it. I leaned over to see what he needed me to do. All at once I heard "Ryan!!" being screamed by Drew and the guys, but mostly from Drew. I was yanked into the car hard by Nick. I could see out of the corner of my eye Drew was running as fast as he could to the car with a terrified look on his face. What the hell!! I can't believe this.

That's it till I get back from Mexico. Email me and let me know what you think. I want to thank everyone who replied after the last installment. It gave me lots of encouragement to do this next one. Give me ideas or anything I could use in the story.

Have a great Holiday everyone!

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