You Can Run but You Cant Hide

By Miguel Sanchez (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 19, 2007


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and that of love. Any resemblance to actual places, events, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story may contain erotic and/or sexually explicit behavior between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to, or you find this sort of work offensive, don't download or read it!

The people in this story do not use protection because diseases don't exist here. However, in our world they do so please use caution and protection.

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I hope you enjoy this story. Miguel Sanchez

Copyright Miguel Sanchez 2007

You Can Run but You Can't Hide

Chapter 3

Jerry shook his head then turned off the mute. "What's the bail?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. "$100,000."

My jaw liked to hit the table. "I'll be over there shortly Syd, bye."

I saw the coffee pot and went to fix a cup. "$100,000 for assault, who the hell did he hit?"

Jerry was typing away on my laptop then shut it down and unplugged it from the office computer. "I don't know. That kind of bail doesn't seem right for assault. Come on, let's go."

I put my jacket on then we walked across the street. We went into the officer's entrance and I saw the gun lockers. "Lock your gun in there Lee."

I put my weapon and extra magazines in the locker, closed the door then took the key. I followed Jerry down the hall then we went into the booking area. He walked up to a desk where a uniformed officer just rolled his eyes as soon as he saw Jerry. "Who you looking for this time, Jerry?"

I stepped up beside Jerry. "Syd Green."

The officer looked in the computer then went over to a file cabinet and pulled out a thick file. "Geez Jerry, looks like he's really done it this time."

He handed Jerry the file then we went over to a table and sat down. I saw the booking sheet on top so I reached for that and proceeded to read it. This read like a war zone. I looked at Jerry and he was shaking his head. "Are you sure you really want to bail him out this time?"

He had 3 assaults on law enforcement and 2 on civilians, one of which was a 17 year old juvenile. "He's always made his court appearances Lee but I must admit; these are some pretty serious charges. Let's go and talk to him."

Jerry took the file back up to the booking officer. "Bill, we want to see Syd now."

He went into the jail then came back out. "Follow me guys, he's right in there."

We walked down a narrow hall of small caged cubicles. There was an officer standing in front of one and that was where Syd was sitting. "It's about fucking time Doyle."

The officer opened the door and we stepped inside. "Watch your mouth Syd. I haven't posted your bail yet."

"Who's the fresh meat Jerry?"

I glared at him. "Watch your mouth bitch. I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare, so don't even think of trying to fuck with me."

That got Syd's attention real quick. "Oooo the twerp has an attitude."

Jerry slammed his hand on the table. "Enough Syd, now what the fuck happened?"

I sat back and got ready to listen because I knew this was going to be good. "Well Jerry, I was out with a few friends and we had been to a bar. They had been drinking but I was sober."

I rolled my eyes when I heard that then mumbled, "Yeah right."

Jerry glared at me and Syd growled. "Watch it queenie, you won't find any alcohol related charges."

He was right. "Go on dude, so what happened."

Syd glared at me but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I screwed up. "Well, the three of us had been in there for a couple hours. Pete and Jake were doing some serious boozing and getting loud. I had to go to the can but didn't think they'd get out of hand while I was gone. There was a small line so I had to wait and by the time I got back, them two were going at it with the bar tender."

I had to stop him at this point because I had a question. "They were going at it with the bar tender? In what way, verbally or were they trying to get physical?"

Syd shook his head. "They were just mouthing but I knew they'd had more than enough to drink so I decided to get them out of there before anything happened. Well, I got them heading towards the door then Pete got into it with another guy. I took Jake and pushed him out the door then went back for Pete. When I got back, the two of them were going at it hot and heavy with words so I grabbed Pete and steered him towards the door. I almost had him out when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I tried to push Pete out but I got clocked. I fell back into Pete and we both went staggering outside then fell on the sidewalk. I tried to shake off the punch and leave but Pete got up and went after the guy that hit me. I don't remember too much of what happened after that because I got clocked a couple more times. I do remember trying to get Pete out of there so we could leave."

Jerry was rubbing the back of his neck as Syd talked. There had to be more here but we weren't lawyers. I saw Jerry looking at Syd as the gears in his head turned. "I know you've been good on appearing before Syd but there are pretty serious charges. In the course of events, a 17 year old boy was assaulted as well as 3 police officers."

Syd was shaking his head. "I know Jerry, I've read the charges. I have a lawyer and I plan on defending myself. I'll be there for court."

Jerry stood up and headed for the door. He stopped at looked at Syd. "Do you have $10,000? I know what you'll use for collateral."

Syd nodded his head then Jerry called for the guard. We went out to the booking area and stopped at the desk. Jerry pulled out a paper from his pocket, filled it out then handed it to the booking officer. Jerry and I went outside into the hall while the paperwork was being processed and for them to bring Syd out. "I hope he appears Jerry."

Jerry was still scratching his head. "This is out of character for him."

One thing I'd learned in my 20 years with the Army is that one never really knows someone as well as they might think. "How long have you known him?"

Jerry thought for a minute. "Umm, a couple of years."

"Alright now, do you know is he a life long resident of San Antonio?"

He shook his head on that. "No, I don't think so."

We stood there chatting for another few minutes when Jerry saw an officer lead Syd out. We went back in and waited until he collected his personal belongings. The three of us left the booking room for Jerry's office. I stopped and got my gun and magazines then met them. I sat at my desk and listened to Syd and Jerry talk then I decided to call it a day.

I put my computer away then went back out to buy groceries. Going out to eat every night could get expensive. After putting the food away, I went online to see what I could find in the way of an apartment. As I was looking, I saw the nicer places just about as much, and in some cases more, than what I was paying here.

Since I was going to be staying in San Antonio, I started giving serious thought to buying a place of my own. I checked my savings account and discovered I had put away more than I thought. With the last deposit from being discharged, I now had almost $250,000 in there. I then checked my investment account and again was in for a nice surprise. My investments were doing quite well and those were now worth almost $750,000.

The next thing I had to decide was did I want a house or a condo. I didn't want to be living with a bunch of old fogies but the idea of not having outside work was appealing. I was also wondering if Hans would eventually move in with me as my feelings for him were growing stronger day by day.

I found some houses that were for sale and some gave me a serious case of sticker shock. I didn't want to live in or around the downtown area because when I was off, I didn't want to be reminded of work. Then I came across some houses between $75,000 and $125,000. These were more in the price range I was looking for. The first one was listed for $67,500 but it looked like a real dump. Who ever lived there before didn't take care of it then I found out why. The house was in foreclosure. The next one was just under $125,000 but it was way more house than I needed, even with Hans living with me.

After looking at more than a dozen houses, I was beginning to think this was an exercise in futility. I was about to close the page when I spotted one for $74,900. I wondered what was wrong with it but the display photo showed a really nice looking house. I clicked on it then read the particulars. It had 3 bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms. There was an eat-in kitchen and living room with a den. This place really had my attention. I decided to look at the photos and I was glad I did. The bedrooms were huge. The master bedroom was 25X30 with a bathroom. The bathroom was spacious and had a huge stall shower as well as a bath tub. There was enough room where I could have the tub removed and have a whirlpool tub put in. I looked at the other two rooms and the second bedroom was 15X18 and the third one was 12x15. All the carpets had been replaced and there was a new refrigerator and stove in the kitchen. It had gas heat and central air conditioning. It also had a 2 car garage. There was a small front yard but the back was huge. There was room if I wanted to get a pool put in or go with an above ground one. I wrote down the phone number for the agent and quickly called him. I made an appointment for 3 to look at the house.

I made myself a sandwich and had a soda while making notes about this house. I was just getting ready to leave when Hans came in. I got up and hugged him then he went searching for my tonsils. "Easy tiger, we don't have time for fun and games right now. Are you working today?"

He pulled back and I saw a look of disappointment on his face. "No Lee, but I do have to over the weekend. Why are you wearing a gun?"

I quickly closed the page then shut down the computer. "I passed my test and now I have a job. And before you say anything, I have a vest."

I pulled it out and put it on for him. He ran his hands over it then ran a hand down to my crotch frowning. "Why isn't that protected?"

I had to giggle at that. "Vest makers don't consider that a vital organ but this one will stop a 45 caliber bullet. If I get hit, it's going to knock me down and it will leave a mark but I'll still be alive."

Hans rubbed my crotch once more then I removed the vest. "Lee, last night when I was in my room I tried to put how I felt about you out of my mind but I couldn't. I can't help it but I'm falling in love with you."

I set my vest on the chair then wrapped my arms around him. "Baby, I'm falling for you too but I'm twice your age. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I also don't want to keep you from being with guys your own age, that wouldn't be fair to you."

He kissed me lightly then held my face in his hands. "Lee, when I was 14 I met a man and we became friends. I knew I liked guys and wanted to know the ins and outs of sex, more to the point, gay sex. I started spending a lot of time with him and I don't know who did what but we ended up feeling each other and eventually sucking. After that I knew I preferred someone older than me. Well, I was spending so much time with him that my parents put their foot down and said I couldn't see him any more. I was devastated and he eventually moved."

In Hans' own way, he just told me he wouldn't be looking for a guy his age. I felt better with his confession so I took him by the hand and grabbed my jacket. "Come on babes, I want your opinion on something."

We left the hotel then headed for my appointment. "Where are we going love?"

He was like a little kid going to get a present or something. I reached over and rubbed his thigh. "Relax gorgeous, you'll find out in a few minutes."

I found the address without any problems and there was a car sitting in front of the place too. We pulled up in the driveway and Hans started getting excited. "Lee, this place is for sale. Are you looking to buy it?"

I wanted to lean over and kiss him but the agent was standing beside the car door so that was not an option. "Come on now and let's see what it's like."

I got out of the car and the agent had his hand out. "Mr. Jennings, I'm Tom Edwards."

I shook his hand as Hans came over beside me. The agent looked at us then headed towards the front door. As we walked in, I saw a huge living room. Looking at the house from the outside is really deceiving. My mind was envisioning furniture and other things then Hans came over and pulled on my arm. "Look at this kitchen Lee."

We went in there and I was about to say something to Hans when I saw the agent right behind me. I turned around and just stared at him. "Ah how about I just wait outside."

He turned around and left but as he did I heard him mumble something under his breath. I told Hans to stay put and I'd be right back. I followed him outside and saw him leaning against his car. I walked over and stood about a foot from his face. "Do you have a problem buddy?"

He tried to walk away but I got right back in his face again. He looked down and saw the butt of my pistol. "I don't have a problem Mr. Jennings."

I didn't believe him but decided on not pushing the incident. I went back in to finish looking at the house. Hans and I were back in the master bedroom talking about how to set the room up when two of San Antonio's finest came in. "Excuse me sir, can I have a word with you?"

I turned around and saw the two cops standing there with their hands on their pistols. "Easy guys, I cave a carry permit. It's in my left rear pocket."

I turned around and one of the officers reached in and removed my credentials. After looking them over, he handed them back to me then looked at Hans. "We had a report that you were in here with a minor trying to take advantage of him."

Hans' eyes got huge as he reached for his wallet removing his driver's license. "I'm 19 sir."

The officer looked at his license then Hans handed him his college ID card. "I'm really sorry gentlemen. We had to check out the report."

I was livid and I was going to get even with that jerk. "Officer, can I get a copy of the report please? I'm going to have that jerk's job. If I didn't like this house, I'd just call his boss and be done with it but I'm going to make an offer on it."

Hans and I followed the officers out to their car. One of them went over to the agent and I was right with him. "Mr. Edwards, when I asked you if you were sure the boy in there was a minor and you said you were. You even said he was 14. For your information, he's 19 and a college student."

I was livid. "Just what the hell is your problem?"

He stuck his chest out and got high and mighty. "You and him can just carry your queer asses the hell out of here. I'm not showing this house to your kind."

The officer was getting pissed. "What makes you think they're even gay? I'm putting all of this in my report."

He went back over to his car and entered the information into his computer. A few minutes later I was holding a printed copy and the officer even included the comments he made. He motioned me to the open window. "He really pissed me off with his comments. I'm gay and my partner here is my boyfriend."

I shook his hand. "I've got an application in with your department and also with DPS. Good luck and I hope you're both happy together."

I folded up the paper. "Come on baby, we're going over to his office and have a talk with his manager."

I didn't even bother to say anything to the agent as I walked past. I pulled the agent's card out of my pocket so I knew where to go. It took us about 15 minutes to drive over and when I walked in, I asked the woman if I could speak with the manager. While Hans and I were waiting for the manager, Mr. Edwards came back to the office. He didn't say a word but just glared at us from his desk. A few minutes later, a young man came out. "Mr. Jennings, I'm Luke Hall, the owner of this company. You wish to talk with me?"

Hans and I walked over to him then the agent was right there. "Mr. Hall, I'd like to have a word with you."

Luke ignored his agent for the moment as he led us to his office. I pulled out the police report and handed it to him as Edwards was about to have a coronary. "Mr. Hall, if you please sir?"

Luke walked over and closed the door then stared at his agent. After he read the report he sat down behind his desk. "You wanted to talk to me Edwards, now speak."

I could tell he was in deep shit. "Ah sir, might I speak with you in private?"

He shook his head then looked at the report again. "What ever you have to say, you can do it in front of Mr. Jennings and Mr. Johansen."

"Uh well sir," Edwards stammered. "I was afraid for the child."

Hans was about to lunge at the agent but I just put my hand on his arm. "Child, you call me a child? You never said one word to me the whole time we were looking at the house."

Edwards tried the pompous act again. "I don't have to take queers through MY listings."

"Excuse me?" I interrupted. "I'll have you know I'm retired from the US Army."

Luke slammed his hand on his desk. "Edwards, those aren't your listings, they're MINE. I'm the broker here. Mr. Jennings, did you like the house?"

I nodded my head looking at Hans. "Yes I did. I'm prepared to make an offer on it."

Edwards opened his mouth and sealed his fate. "Oh no you won't because I'll call the seller and have them not accept your offer."

Luke stood up and opened the door. "Edwards, you're fired and if you contact the seller, I'll have your license. Now, get OUT! Mr. Jennings, I'm sorry for my agent's rudeness. I know who is selling that house and I can almost guarantee they will accept your offer."

I looked at Hans and he was grinning from ear to ear. "I'm prepared to offer them their asking price. The house is worth every penny."

Luke smiled and nodded his head. "That it is. For what my agent put your two through, I'm prepared to take 10% off the selling price. You would be well within your rights to bring my office to court and I would have no defense."

Hans was almost jumping up and down. "How much of a deposit do you need?"

Luke started typing on his computer then stopped and made a phone call. We were sitting watching him when he got animated. "You've decided not to sell? May I ask why not?"

Hans' face dropped as he heard that then Luke put the call on speaker. "I've just talked with the agent and he told us this man was offering only $50,000 and that's not acceptable to us."

"Is that so? Well sir, I'm looking at his offer here and it's for the full amount."

The voice on the other end got quiet for a moment. "Are you sure? I mean Mr. Edwards was quite sure of his facts."

Luke was getting flustered. "So what is your intent sir? You have a valid contract with us and the buyer here is offering $74,900."

I could hear the man talking with someone. "Well, that is our asking price so we'll accept his offer."

"Thank you very much sir. We'll see you at closing."

The man quickly added, "We'd like to go to closing as soon as possible."

Luke was nodding. "I'll set it up as soon as I can. I'll be in touch."

Luke finished the papers and I wrote him a check for $1,000. Hans and I shook his hand then we headed for the front door. Edwards was sitting at his desk and as soon as he saw us, he started laughing. "Get outta here fags. I told you that you weren't going to get that house."

Luke walked up behind Edwards. "I told you if you contacted the seller I'd have your license and I will. You've violated one of the tenants of our business. You failed to properly convey a valid offer to a seller. In fact, you out right lied to them. That will cost you your license. Mr. Jennings, thank you for your business and I'll be in touch as to when closing is."

Edwards just sat there with his mouth open. Hans and I went furniture shopping and we found everything we wanted. When we got back to the hotel, Hans was right into my arms. "Babe, that was amazing. I noticed you bought a lot of the things I suggested because I happened to like them."

I couldn't hide things any longer. "Love, I got them for us. Would you share the house with me?"

I had my lover wrapped around me. "Oh god Lee, are you sure?"

I wrapped my arm around his neck and held him tight as I kissed him passionately. "Does this answer your question?"

"Yes my love. I see you've been grocery shopping, can I cook us dinner?"

I wanted to do some research on Syd so I was happy for his offer. "Do you like to cook?"

He was in the kitchen going through the cabinets. "Oh yes baby. I love to cook."

I told him to have a ball and if he needed help, all he had to do was ask.

To be continued

The Fantastic family of groups for all your gay story needs older stories from the management team for all your fantastic picture needs for your pics of fantastic scallies our Google backup group in case yahoo strikes

And not forgetting the three great groups operated by three members of the management but not strictly part of the fantastic family

First we have our yummy man Bill littleleroys groups where you can get great pictures of all your yums.

Secondly we have two fellow nifty authors' sites which cater for different audiences.

First there is Marky's picture group this group only allows pics of sexy lads in either water or around water

And his newest group for all other hot lads

And lastly we have Haggis's story group

So pop along and join one of these great groups soon.

Miguel Sanchez Co-owner Fantastic Groups

Next: Chapter 4

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