Almost Chance


Published on May 4, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This work concerns sexual relations between two women, so if you're likely to be offended by that please read no further, or if you're below the age at which you're allowed by the law your locality to read such material please read no further. Read this story at your own risk. Reposting and archiving is permitted provided the story and associated text is not altered in any way and I remain credited as author.

Almost Chance Part 2 (FF, FDom) by NB

The car sped through the quiet country roads. It was a black Audi, still shiningly new but the woman drove it as though she'd been part of it for her whole life, effortlessly taking it at speed through the twisty corners, gripping the corners like a professional racing driver. They'd driven like this ever since they'd left the railway station, the woman's car waiting for her in the car park there.

Fast driving like this usually scared Jen, ever since a teenaged boyfriend had nearly killed them both when his showing off had almost resulted in a collision with a lorry, but now she felt totally safe sitting in the passenger seat with her hands folded demurely in her lap. Everything about this woman made her feel different to how she had before she'd got on that train, and this was no exception. She looked over at her occasionally and saw how her focus on the road mirrored the total focus she had shown towards Jen on the train, her concentration seeming to bend the road to her will as it had claimed Jen.

'You should call your friend now and tell her you've been delayed.' The woman said, not taking her eyes off the road.

'What should I tell her?' Jen replied, taking her mobile phone out of her bag. She wondered what Kelly's reaction would be to being told that she'd met a beautiful stranger who'd captivated and seduced her on the train and was now taking her back to her place, wherever that may be.

'Tell her you've been delayed, but don't tell her why, and let her know you'll be there tomorrow. That's all she needs to know.'

She made the call and got Kelly's voicemail, her phone obviously turned off. She was glad about that, not sure if she'd have been able to explain it to Kelly in person. unsure of how she'd have answered the inevitable questions. Now, that could wait until tomorrow. She kept her voice as steady as possible when leaving a message. 'Hi Kelly, it's me. Look, I'm really sorry but something's come up and I can't make it up today but I'll be there tomorrow, I promise, OK? See you then.'

'Good.' The woman said. 'Now turn off the phone and put it in the glove compartment. You won't need it for now.' Jen did as she was told, ignoring the part of her mind that tried to protest, and sat back in her demure position. She looked over at the woman next to her and watched her lick her lips slowly as she concentrated on driving.

'I need to taste you again, dear Jen. Wet two fingers for me, please.'

She didn't need to be asked twice. The woman had turned the air conditioning on high when they got in the car and the cool breeze had been playing between her legs, teasing her, reminding her of how open she was underneath her skirt. Jen pulled up her skirt with her right hand, and slowly ran two fingers over her exposed lips, feeling them slide across, sending notes of welcome pleasure through her body as the palm of her hand brushed against her clit. Gently, she pushed the tips of her fingers against her lips, feeling them give way easily, her moistness easily lubricating their way inside her. She felt a growing desire to come within her as she penetrate herself, the fingers slipping easily into her, but she resisted the temptation to bring herself off there and then, knowing that was not what had been asked of her, feeling that she should do exactly what had been requested of her by this gorgeous woman beside her.

She could feel the wetness all over her fingers as she slid them out of her. As she moved her hand away, a thin trail of her juices fell onto her exposed thigh creating another pleasurable sensation for her as they quickly dried and cooled in the fresh conditioned air. Carefully, she moved her hand towards the woman, not wanting to disturb her concentration on the road. As she got closer to her lips, she opened her mouth slowly, her tongue coming out in a slow lapping motion, beckoning her in. Jen closed her eyes as she felt the touch of that tongue on her finger tips, slowly tracing around her nails, sliding all around them, gently coaxing the fingers into her mouth until she'd taken them fully in, her tongue hard against them, moving them around her mouth, almost sucking on them.

Jen could smell the musk of her arousal filling the car, mixing with the woman's sweet perfume to create an intoxicating mix in the cool air. She sighed as the woman finished licking at her fingers, gently pushing them out of her mouth and letting Jen return her hand to her lap. Jen opened her eyes and looked over at the woman as she smiled and licked her lips. Looking down at her fingers, she saw a faint trace of red around the base of them from the woman's rich lipstick marking her like a ring around them. They drove on in silence, the woman concentrating on the road, Jen not wanting to say anything that would break the sultry, sexual mood that filled the car.

'Here we are.' The woman said, as they turned another corner onto a short track through some trees. They emerged from the small copse in front of a large house, something between an old farmhouse and country retreat that looked several hundred years old. There was a modern garage attached to one side of it and the car headed towards there, the door opening automatically as they approached and closing silently behind them as the woman parked.

'Now, before we go in, these are the rules. There are only three, but I expect them to be obeyed at all times. First, once you cross through that doorway there into the house itself, you become totally mine until tomorrow and will obey any orders I give you. You are to do nothing unless I expicitly command you to do it. Second, for you I have only one name and that is 'Mistress'. You shall refer to me as that and that only while you are in my house. Thirdly, you are to remove all your remaining clothes before entering the house to signify that you are my possession. The only clothes you will wear in there will be ones I give you. Do you understand?'

Jen swallowed hard, trying to conquer her nerves, not wanting her voice to waver. 'Yes, Mistress.'

'Good girl.' She smiled again, her face lighting up with delight. 'Now, I am going to go into the house. I want you to remain here and think over those rules before following me. Remember that once you enter I will have your total obedience. If you feel you cannot give me that, remain seated here for half an hour and I will return you to the train station. But, if you choose to come in and give yourself to me freely, I promise to introduce you to a world of pleasure that you have never dreamed existed before. Think carefully, and I will await you inside.'

With that, she swiftly moved out of the car and walked into the house. Jen watched her as she disappeared through the doorway and felt an urge to run after her, stripping off her clothes as she went, to give herself to Mistress as soon as possible. She resisted it, knowing that this was a test she had been set, a last chance to stop this if she wanted to or a chance to show she fully understood what she was letting herself in for.

Mistress. She ran the word through her head, thinking of all its implications. She had heard of people like that, people who took their pleasure from dominating others who submitted to them. Submissive. That was her, what Mistress wanted of her, what she wanted her to be, someone who gave herself to another willingly, someone who put themselves in the hands of a Mistress for greater pleasure. She'd always thought that people like that only existed in fantasy, not in the real world, not in the world she lived in and especially not her. But now she realised that Mistress had merely awoken and discovered a tendency that had been in her always - the helpless girl who always let her lovers, both male and female, take the lead, who had taken the most pleasure from giving up control, from being taken. She just hadn't known the experience could be as pure as this, this total surrender to another. From that moment on the train when Mistress had commanded her to stand up through to now she'd been in a new world of submission, of giving up all pretence of control of the situation, and it had made her feel better than ever before.

She closed her eyes, breathed deeply and centred herself, preparing to take that final step, letting go of her last few fears and worries and letting herself feel on a level beyond mere knowledge that she could do this, could place her trust, her obedience, her life in the hands of Mistress. As she opened her eyes she felt a new sensation of peace and serenity wash over her, knowing that although chance had placed her here, it was fate that had shown her that this was her true path.

Jen stepped out of the car and undressed swiftly, removing her sweater, bra, and skirt, folding them neatly, then placing them on the car seat, laying her shoes on top. She looked down at them as she walked away from the car, her feet slapping on the cold stone floor, as though she was saying goodbye to an old life, then looked towards the doorway and walked into her new life.

To be continued in Part 3...

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Next: Chapter 3

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