Blast from the past

By Lauren

Published on May 3, 2024


Blast from the past

"No! I'm not going and you can't make me."

I told my brother over the phone, there's no way in hell I'm going back to that god forsaken torture dungeon.

"Uggh you're always so dramatic. High school wasn't all that bad."

"Yea not for you, you were mr popularity, star quarter back. Everyone loved you, You know it was nothing like that for me. No one liked me."

"Oh there u go again, being overly dramatic."

"You know what? You go relive your glory days and leave me out of it, no one wants me there and no one will miss me."

By this time I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and could feel the stares and hear the laughter of the kids in school. In high school I was a scrawny redhead freckled faced very shy girl. Where my brother who was my fraternal twin was the exact opposite he was six foot something by the time he was a sophomore. He was a natural athlete and a really good looking guy. He had dark curly black hair big bright green eyes. He was basically a teenage girls walking wet dream.

I tuned back in long enough to here Bruce (my brother) say "did I mention Janice Capshaw is going to be there?"

"Ha! That's just one more reason for me not to go."


"How in the hell did I let you two talk me into this?" I asked my brother and sister in law as I climbed out their car and adjusted my skirt. "I don't like these damn people and they don't like me, so why am I here?"

Sherri grabbed my arm and said "because you deserve the chance to show everyone that you are not that shy scrawny kid anymore"

We walked in and I felt like I was that same skinny girl that I was ten years ago. I looked around at all the smiling faces and though they had aged they mostly looked the same. I sighed as I walked to the sign in table to grab a name tag. Sitting at the table were two of my biggest reasons my high school years were so miserable. Becky Waters and her best friend Heather Thompson

I put on my best `fake it till u make it' smile, gave them my name and enjoyed the shocked look on their faces. I grabbed my tag and walked to the bar and ordered a drink. As I was waiting for my drink Todd Berkman walked up, looked at me like I was a prize to be won. "I don't believe we've met" he said as he smiled a greasy smile.

"Oh but we have, when we first met you pulled my pony tail and told me I was ugly."

He looked confused as he spoke "There's no way I or anyone ever called a hottie like you ugly, you must have me confused with someone else."

"Nope" I sighed "when we were in third grade you pushed me out of the swing and laughed while I sat and cried."

"I still think you have me confused with someone else, I don't know you and I know everyone here, we all went to school together. There's no way you went to school with us I would remember a gorgeous redhead like you."

"Ok, I'll give you one more hint as to who I am. In 9th grade my brother beat the shit out of you because you kept hitting on his girlfriend."

His eyes just about jumped out of his head and his mouth gaped open as recognition hit him like a ton of bricks. "You're Tiny Rollins!?!"

"It's Tina actually, but yes in school everyone called me tiny"

I got my drink and walked off with Todd hot on my heels. "Tiny, uhh Tina wait a second!"

I didn't stop walking till I got to the table where my brother and his wife were sitting. Finally I turned and louder than I intended asked " what Todd, what do you want?"

"Whoa easy tiger, I just want to talk."

"Oh now, now you want to talk to me. Why now Todd? Hmm ?"

Stunned he stood there in silence for a few seconds before he answered "well I mean you're fine now, possibly the finest piece of.. uhh I meant to say the finest woman here."

I glared at him as I took my seat, hoping he would go away and just leave me alone. But no such luck Todd was just as dense and annoying as he had been in school. He sat across the table from me and started peppering me with questions. "So are you married? What do you do? How'd you get so damn fine?"

"no I'm not married. I'm a writer, and I used to work at a gym and got free use after hours. Now is that all? Because if it is you can go now"

"Ok bear with me just a few minutes more then I'll go."

By this time my brother had had enough "no Todd I think you're done now." He said with a menacing look on his face

"Ahh Come on now just a few more questions then I swear if she says go I'll leave."

My brother shot me a questioning look, I just sighed " ok go ahead Todd, ask your questions so you can leave me alone.

"Ok so you said your not married, do you have a boyfriend and if not are you looking for one cause I mean damn girl."

I gave a bored look and sipped my drink before answering "no and no and eww."

This made my sister in law laugh, however Todd didn't find it funny.

"What do you mean eww? Like you can do better than me?"

"Oh honey I can and have done so much better than you."

"Right sure, you don't know what you're missing."

"Mmm pretty sure I do, let me guess you went to law school because that's what your daddy told you to do and of course he paid for it. Now you work for daddy hoping the old man will make you partner before he kicks the bucket. How I'm doing so far Todd did I miss anything? Oh wait marriage! And with the way you've been hitting on every woman here I'm guessing you either never married or you're divorced."

Todd jumped up out his seat and angrily walked off then turned around and shouted "You know what? Fuck you tiny!"

"Not even if you were the last man on earth and it was up to us to repopulate it!"

He stormed off as I laughed. Bruce was starting to get up when Sherri (his wife) laid a hand on his arm

"Honey sit down it's over."

"Naa it's never over with that ass. I think I'll go teach him some manners obviously he's forgotten the last lesson I gave him."

" you will not" she said forcefully "Tina took care of it."

"Sherri's right it's over, though I wouldn't mind seeing you beat the brakes off him again, he's not worth the time or effort. Not to mention he'd have you locked up. And that would mean I'd be left to `take care' of Sherri for you." I gave Bruce a small wicked grin.

Laughing Bruce said " umm no mam you keep your hands off my wife. Besides what would Lilly say?"

"Well first of all she and I broke up like three months ago. But when we were together Sherri was my free non celebrity pass."

Sherri looked at me wide eyed "really now?? Do tell."

"Oh stop you know I've always had a crush on you. Why do you think I approached you to begin with?"

"Wait so the only reason we became friends is because you wanted to sleep with me? That's that's ... I don't know if I should be mad or flattered."

Wicked grin in place I replied "I vote for flattered besides I'm your bestie you can't stay mad at me."

Bruce chimes in " but I can be mad at you"

" what do you have to be mad about? You got her, she chose you."

"Yea because you never told her how you felt about her."

"My bad I kinda thought she knew I had a crush on her. But it's not like I was in love with her. No offense sherri I just wanted to get you in the sack. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to get another drink. As I approached the table I stopped dead in my tracks. Sitting at the table talking with Bruce and Sherri was my high school `dream girl' Janice Capshaw sitting there. Damn time did her very well. She was just as gorgeous as she was in high school.

It was Bruce who brought me out of my head. "Tina you remember Janice don't you?"

I stood there for what seemed an eternity trying to figure out how to answer him I could pretend I didn't remember her but that would be kinda rude and she was never rude to me. "Uhh yea we had English together senior year right?"

She smiled a beauty queen smile and I damn near creamed myself. "Yea you were the reason I had to study so hard in that class."

I shot her a quizzical look as I sat down

"What do you mean?"

She gave a short laugh " same ole tiny totally oblivious to the outside world."

Janice went on to explain that everyone knew I was going to get the highest score on every assignment and every test. Unknowingly I was the one Mrs. Doty compared the others too.

I sat there stunned and proud of myself. Then I had to play 20 questions with her.

"So tell me tiny.."

"Tina" I corrected her shyly.

"What's that now?"

I cleared my throat sat up straight and badly but calmly responded "My name is Tina, no one calls me tiny anymore..ever."

She actually looked slightly upset when she said "ohh damn I'm so sorry tin..Tina. That was really rude of me."

Damn why couldn't I be mad at this woman I wanted to be mad but damn those big blue eyes and all that beautiful black hair.

"So tell me Tina, what've you been doing with yourself since graduation? I mean besides completely changing your look's except for all that beautiful red hair."

" Well I took some creative writing classes, got a degree in business and wrote what I thought was going to be one book but turned into an 8 book and counting series."

She looked at me shocked "wow that's great! What's the name of your books I'll have to look them up."

"Have a heart, it's a murder mystery..."

"Oh my god yes! I know I have all 8 books !"

"Oh stop you do not!"

"No really I do, I love mysteries, I can't believe you're T. M. Infinger. Wait did you get married? Is that why it's not T.M.Rollins?"

No I've never been married. And it's infinger for two reasons I didn't want "friends and family" coming out the wood work if it was a success and if it was a flop I didn't want to give people yet another reason to make my life hell."

"I can't believe some good looking guy hasn't swept you off your feet."

"Mm a few have tried but I'm very picky."

It was true a few guys had tried. One had even gotten really close. Janice switched subjects from me to her and I learned that she was divorced from none other than Todd the toad

"Yea I was stupidly in love with him. So of course when he proposed I said yes. Biggest mistake of my life, thank god I got out before we had kids."

She rambled on about what a shitty husband Todd was. But I wasn't really listening I was too busy watching her perfectly painted red lips and wondering what it would be like to kiss them or how they would feel on my body.

"Tina? Tina, hey Tina!"

Janice's voice broke through my naughty thoughts. I snapped too and realized she was asking me something.

I shook my head " I'm sorry what were u saying?"

" I was asking how much longer we have to wait for the new book."

"Oh hah I umm , I really don't know. I'm about halfway done, have been for months now but I seem to have caught a bad case of writer's block. So it could be awhile, especially since I broke up with the one that always had a way of breaking through the block. "

"Ohh sorry to hear that."

"Thank you but I'm over it. It wasn't true love, I'm not even sure it was love. Certainly wasn't on her part."

A curious look crossed her face but before she could say anything, I felt hands on my shoulders. I leaned my head back and looked up to see Sherri standing there.

"Sorry to interrupt, but if I don't get Bruce out of here soon he's going to pulverize that Todd guy."

Janice gave a small dry laugh " Oh go ahead let Bruce beat his ass, tell him I'll pay his bail."

Sherri just ignored her "Anyway if you want a ride back to your hotel.."

"Ohh don't go yet, I'm enjoying your company " Janice reached out and grabbed my hand and it sent a thrill through out my body. I knew I had to go before I had too much to drink and made a fool of myself.

"Yea sorry they're my ride, I'm kinda tired so I'm just going to call it a night. But it was really nice talking with you."

I stood to leave and she stood up and walked out with us as we got to the car she asked for my number.

"Will you meet me for lunch tomorrow?"

I stood there not saying anything. Hell I didn't know what to say. Here was the girl that I had longed after all through school asking me to lunch.

"Yes she will, call her tomorrow and give her the details ." I heard Sherri tell her as she was basically putting me in the car. I watched Janice turn and go back inside as we drove off. Bruce was the first to break the silence

"What's up with you? Your dream girl asked you out and you stood there like an idiot."

"She didn't ask me out she asked me to lunch. There's a difference, and it caught me so off guard that my brain shut down."

Sherri spoke next "so was she your first crush?"

"Ha! No she was the subject of many `adult dreams"

"Well looks like you might get a chance to make your fantasy a reality."

"Not very likely, it's just lunch."

Bruce chimed in with "just lunch my ass, did you not see the way she was looking at you?"

I just shook my head and we rode in comfortable silence until they dropped me at my hotel. I got out and bid them a good night.

When I got in my room I stripped off everything and headed for the shower. I had to get all the make up off and all the hair gel out of my hair so I could be `me' again. As I was washing my hair I found myself wondering if Bruce was right about my lunch date being more than just lunch. But in the end decided it wasn't and left it at that.

I got out the shower, dried off and put on an old tshirt that I had kept from an old boyfriend.

I got out my laptop telling myself I was going to do some writing. But instead I ended up surfing some porn sites to see if any videos caught my attention. I found one that did it was a brunette and a blonde woman having sex. I watched a few minutes and that familiar heavy feeling began building in my pussy.

I had just slipped my hand between my legs when there was a knock at the door. I decided to ignore it hoping whoever it was would go away. Besides I wasn't expecting anyone and it was getting late.

So ignoring the knock I turned my attention back to the video and my building need. I slid a finger up and down my wet folds and again I was interrupted by the knocking. I slammed my laptop closed and went to the door snatched it open and snarled "what?"

There stood Janice looking shocked. "Umm hi?"

It took me a few seconds to realize it was her "hi, umm first how did u find me and second I repeat my first question what?"

She smiled " well you didn't answer your phone so I called Bruce and he was all to happy to tell me where you were staying. So I thought I'd pop over and finish our earlier conversation."

I realized that she was still standing out in the hall, I sighed and stepped back from the door to let her in. Janice walked in and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Seeing her sitting there like that made my temperature rise. I remember thinking to myself that it's totally not fair that she had that effect on me still after all these years.

"So Janice, what can I do for you?" I asked still standing by the door, fearing that if I got to close to her I'd loose control.

"Well for starters could you maybe not look quite so mean or mad ? And then you could ohhh I don't know, offer me a drink? And please could you sit down and relax."

Then with a wink and a smile she added "besides I only bite during sex."

" I chuckled ok sorry for the bitch face but I wasn't expecting company."

Walking over to the mini bar "alright let's see here..Pepsi,coke,ahh vodka and we have water."

"I'll just have a water, I had enough to drink at the reunion."

I grabbed two waters handed her one and sat down crossed legged at the head of the bed. I noticed her eyes dart down and back up and realized that my shirt had rode up a bit and while not clearly visible she could see enough.

" oops ha sorry bout that."

Blushing I pulled the sheet over my lap, "ok so now that your holding me captive in my room what would you like to talk about??"

"Captive? Really? That's how you treat a friend? You accuse them of holding you captive."

"No offense Janice but we're not exactly friends now are we? We're just former classmates."

"Are you always this mean?"

"Mean? no I was just being honest. In school you never said two words to me. Never reached out when you saw me sitting alone during lunch. Did you ever invite me to a party? How about this did you ever think about me once before tonight?"

She sat there mouth open staring at me for a long moment before she spoke. " well did you ever try to talk to me? Ever approach my group and ask if you could sit with us? Ever ask where or when there was a party?"

"Right so your telling me if I would've asked you and your group would've let me sit with y'all and actually talked to me bother to get to know me at all? If I would've asked anyone about a party they would've just laughed and or lied to me. You see Janice none of y'all paid any attention to me unless it was to tease me."

"I'm sorry so sorry from the bottom of my heart I'm deeply sorry you were treated that way. Damn I was so stuck on myself and focused on being popular it never dawned on me that others were suffering." She wiped a tear from her eyes and sniffed. She laid a hand on my knee and asked " do you think we could put the past behind us and become friends? You know now that we're adults?"

Her hand on my leg sent shockwaves throughout my body and my mind started conjuring up all sorts of deliciously naughty things I'd like to with and to her.

"Tina, you're blushing. Why are you blushing? Am I making you nervous?" She asked as she scooted closer to me.

"Nervous isn't exactly the word I would use."

"Ohhh am I turning you on?" She practically purred.

I sighed "Yes, you are as a matter of fact."

"Good." She leaned in and kissed me, her tongue slipped into my mouth and danced with mine while she pulled the sheet away and ran her hand up the inside of my leg.

"Hmm mmm, no no no." I broke the kiss by pushing her back. She looked confused

"What's wrong Tina? Don't you want me?"

"Ahh you've got no idea how badly I want you. But..."

"But nothing." She said as she leaned in and kissed me again I pushed her back as I got up and told her " You gotta go, I cant.. I can't do this. You really have to leave, please just leave. Please?" I begged her as I fought back tears.

"I..I .." she stammered as she walked to me.

"I don't understand, Tina just tell me what I did wrong."

"Nothing, everything! Fuck, I don't know!" I cried as tears streamed down my face.

" Oh Tina" she cooed as she wrapped me in her arms. We stood there for what felt an eternity, neither of us saying anything. She released me, took my face in her hands and used her thumbs to wipe away my tears.

"Come on now your far too sexy to be crying." She leaned in and kissed me softly. I backed up and walked to the door.

"Why are you doing this to me? Is this some sort of joke or something? Who put you up to this? Hmm? Did Bruce put you up to this? How much? Hmm?"

"Hey hey calm down, no one paid me anything, no one put me up to this. I came here, I'm here because I want to be. This is not a joke or a prank nor a dare."

She closed the distance between us and caressed my cheek before kissing me again. My whole body was tingling as our tongues found each other. She had me pressed against the wall when I felt her hand slip between my legs. I let out a low moan when I felt her fingers on my now totally drenched sex. I shifted my stance so my legs were open to give her access.

I gasped when I felt her plunge her fingers into me. She had me pinned against the wall as she kissed and nipped my neck and her fingers continued their Heavenly assault on my throbbing wet pussy. I could do nothing but hold on and enjoy the ride.

All too soon I felt my orgasam crash over me. "Ahhh fuc...fuck, oh Damn!" I shouted as waves of pleasure washed over me.

Janice held me against the wall her fingers still pumping in and out of my dripping pussy. After removing her fingers she brought them to her lips

"now let's see if you taste as good as you feel."

She licked her fingers one by one and when she was done she kissed me again. We kissed and stumbled our way to the bed. Once there Janice pushed me backwards onto the bed. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched as she dropped to her knees. I let out a small yelp of surprise when Janice grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed.

I let out a low moan as I felt Janice's tongue on my steaming pussy. Janice took one long lick before diving in. She was not gentle but I was so far beyond turned on it didn't matter. She licked and nibbled and sucked me as she again slipped her fingers inside me and started pounding in and out as fast and hard as she could. I was squirming and panting enjoying the wild ministrations of Janice. I could feel the building of a big orgasam coming on.

"Oh god please make me cum. Oh yes yes yes there right there. Mmm yes just like that. Oh *pant pant * that's it yes there mmm harder. "

Just then Janice bit down on my clit and I exploded. She licked me through my orgasam and the after shocks and then she moved up and laid beside me. She ran a perfectly manicured nail up and Dow my flat stomach.

"You taste so good I might just have to go back for seconds, that is of course if I wasn't too rough on you."

I turned on my side to face her "no you were not too rough, just didn't picture you as the rough sex type."

She laughed "well honestly I'm not usually, I guess I got carried away. I've only fantasized about you since I found your first book. I kept telling my fried Casey that you looked so familiar. It just never dawned on me that this sexy confident woman in the pictures I saw was tiny Rollins."

I groaned at her use of my dreaded nickname. "Please don't call me that."

To be continued?

Next: Chapter 2

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