Farm Boy Learns About Rub Down

By Jay Roberts

Published on Jul 8, 2011


+++Now a for eva story I tell the tad poles to go back to the pond, Yet I see some of em out there. Now this's bout me and is personal and only for fellas that got eight years on em or more.

Clem Hansen had been at Agriculture College for only a week and already was having more than a good time. He was living in the cheaper "log cabin". That's the name the guys gave it. It slept twenty boys.

Clem had to choose this because the regular dorms were too expensive and Gramps had already spend his entire burial fund to get Clem here. Now luckily lazy Jacob, Clem's older brother was actually pitching in and helping with the farm for the two years that Clem would be away. Of course, he'd be back summers and he was sure they'd save up plenty of jobs for him.

The learning stuff was not too hard. Clem was real smart. But what was bringing him a warm feeling was that the boys in the big twenty bed sleeping room seemed to like him. When he came back from the shower, a towel over his shoulder, he's see guys stare and smile at him. It was real friendly.

It was no wonder that Clem caused such a secret uproar in the barracks. Kids who knew they were straight began to feel warmness in their crotch area at the sight of the farm boy. Clem had no idea he was such a paragon of male beauty. What with his thick pageboy hair of straw yellow falling over corn blue eyes and ridiculously long lashes, that alone was hard on material. Add to that, his Greek Athlete's body and sexy facial features, you have stuff of wet dreams for nineteen year olds.

Two days ago, the young man whose cot was next to Clem's asked if he could feel Clem's arm muscle. The boy sighed loudly, then stifled himself. "Clem, you ought to join the gymnastic team. I bet you'd be great." He had a mental picture of Clem on the rings, the golden hair in his under arms showing with beads of diamond sweat.

"I do need to move round more. I'll visit there tomorrow sure."

The coach was delighted with the new boy. He checked out every muscle until Clem's prick got hard and sticking out which was a problem he had often. Clem learned a few simple moves on the parallel bars and worked up quite a sweat. As he was walking back to the big dorm he met Wally, his cot neighbor.

"Why you walking so funny, Clem?"

"Got this stiff muscle here in my leg, I'm jest walkin' aroun' to loosen it up."

"Here let me feel it."

Wally kneeled down and put his warm hands over the calf muscle and massaged gently. It felt so good that Clem moaned slightly. Wally looked up, right at the enlarging organ and gasped. "You sure get real big when you get hard."

"I do, for sure, but what should I do bout my leg?"

"Oh, you might try to Perry Maclin, he runs that sports medicine place over on the edge of the campus." Then giggling, he said, "You'll like him and his big hands. If you are up for it, he might give you a rub off."

"I'm not sure what that is, but I thank you mightily for the suggestion."

Clem made his way to the small white building and knocked on the door. It was opened by a very tall, maybe six feet six inch, young man. He looked the farm boy up and down and smiled broadly. "Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly." Clem peeked in and saw no parlor, just a doctor's type office, but he entered, limping a bit.

True, Clem had no idea what the big, skinny guy was talking about but he liked the feel of the fellow's extra large hand as he grasped Clem's rough farm calloused one.

"You here for a rub down?"

"Yep, but a fella said rub off". What's that?"

Perry laughed long and hard and made Clem smile with pleasure to see the big guy so happy. "Maybe that too. Now step in, go into that booth and take off all your clothes and lay on the table over there."

As you know already, Clem was not shy about being naked. In a flash he was bounding to the table, his plump, long cock flapping under his thick reddish blond pubic bush.

He lay on his back and put his hands behind his head, his arm muscles flexed and his pits glinting. Perry found that he was shaking as he fought for control of his big hands.

"I'm going to use a little warm oil for the rub down."

He poured a little oil on each large palm and paused to look down at the boy. He had never seen such a perfect body with its smoothness and color of orange blossom honey. He feasted his eyes on Clem's full lips and pert nose and that one dimple on the left cheek. It took all of his will power to continue.

With a deep, slightly hoarse, breathless voice, he asked, "Which legs if bothering you, thinking that both legs were bothering him. He loved the ballooning, hairless thighs and the perfectly shaped knee caps, seemingly small between those thighs and the full calves below. And then those feet, the straight toes, high arch and size, maybe a twelve, he thought.

"Is this sensitive?" he asked, with a gentle stroke of his palm over the slight muscle knot.

"Yessir, that's zackly where it hurts. You sure know yur stuff. Have you thought

bout taking care of cows. You'd be fine at that."

Perry's long, slim cock was pushing his cotton jersey pants way out and Clem noticed it as he glanced down sideways.

"Mr. Perry, I see you have the same trouble I have sometimes and I think it's goin' happen to me soon. You git that strange stiff feelin' in yur sex organ. I seen bulls git it and they seem to be in pain about it, but I kinda like it, specially when I lay on my belly and rub around a bit."

It was a long speech for the farm boy and he blushed at his boldness. Perry also fainted at the gorgeous tinge of pink on the boys strong chest and the import of the speech.

"Yes, I do sometimes get stiff. I generally take care of it but rubbing it off."

There he said it.

"Now what's that again. It sounds mighty interestin?'"

"Here, let me show you."

Perry reach down and grasped the boy's large organ loosely in his fist and held it with a slight movement of squeeze in and out.

"Whooee! That's so fine. I am so obliged, may I try it on you?"

"Sure," Perry said, in a choked voice.

Clem sat up on the table and deftly pulled the sport's therapists pants down so that the elastic rested under his large ball sac. He grasped the slim organ in his rough farm hand and rubbed it slightly, watching a small ball of pre cum form on the prick head. He was fascinated, but not as interested in the process as Perry whose knees were getting weak.

"I cum very easily. Maybe you should take it easy."

Clem just laughed, entranced with this new toy. He began using a milking motion he did with his cows and Perry was catapulted to heaven. He began mewling like a baby calf and Clem laughed with delight, pleased that his new friend was so happy.

Suddenly Perry called out, "Stop!" and he pushed the boy's hands away. He was breathing great gulps of air. Clem stared at his, his blue eyes looking concerned.

"Did I do something' wrong?"

"No, it was too good, I almost brimmed over."

"That sounds like fun. Let me go back to that rubbing off stuff. You seemed to law it."

"Too much." Then with a sudden idea, Perry said, "We could do a little canoodling until I cool off awhile."

"What's that? You know so many words I don't know."

"Well, lt's kissing and stuff."

Clem thought a moment. " Coapting for kissing Gramps on the forehead and my brother Jacob each night afore sleep, I ain't had much practice in that. Maybe I need it."

In truth, Clem was falling in lust for this slim, tall young man and wanted to know him better, in every way. He made a moue of his lips and waited. He jumped as Perry's hot demanding lips fastened on his. Perry moved around the kiss and Clem felt that he was going into a spin of desire. Finally he had to end it, he thought he's die of too much good feeling. Perry let it pass that Clem had broken the kiss. He had other ways to enslave the handsome and...frankly dumb sickish kid. His evil intent, based on success with other cute sports boys, was to get them so sexed up that he could lead them into getting funked. There was nothing more Perry loved that to fuck a newbie. He had caught sight of Clem's ass. It was a thing of perfection. The side dimples and the firmness and saucy shape was intoxicating. At one point, he peeked between the mounds and saw the hairless pink pucker waiting to be ravished.

He drew Clem to a standing position and wrapped his slim warm arms around the boy. He petted the back of his neck with one hand and began exciting Clem's virgin nipples with the other. Clem had trouble keeping his eyes open and they kept rolling back in his head from the stimulation.

Clem could feel the other's pointy prick digging into his hip and he got himself enough in hand to whisper, "Mr. Perry, I think you need a Milken'"

With his great strength he pushed the lanky professional into a position of leaning against the table, his ass sticking up invitingly. Clem admired the shape and texture of that slim backside and he felt his organ becoming interested in burying itself inside that womb of moist heat.

Perry was alarmed. Somehow he had lost his control of the situation and the boys insolent hand was arousing new desires in him that he had suppressed. His ass hole was vibrating. He pulled it in tightly to no avail. It began pulsing so flagrantly that he called out helplessly. "Oh no, please boy, have pity, I have a professional degree. Show respect!"

Clem laughed with glee. He loved a playmate who was vocal and lively. He felt the long hanging balls and pulled them gently as he might a cows udders. Perry grunted and cried out. "You farm boy, dirt kicker, ignorant bastard. Leave off. Stop it!"

Clem only laughed and reached for the long stiff cock he could feel by reached under the slim upper legs and began his milking.

End Part One

Next: Chapter 2

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