One For All…

By Ann Douglas

Published on Mar 20, 2001


One For All ...

by Ann Douglas


Part Three

Ripples that mirrored those filling Stephanie's body as Rachel continued to work magic between her legs. As one hand continued to slide outstretched fingers up and down the blond framed love canal, the brunette's other hand worked the same enchantment on her own -- with much the same results.

Faster and faster all three of them went, plunging down the well of ecstasy. It was a race to rapture - a pursuit each wanted to win.

To her surprise, Stephanie produced the first orgasm as Penny's body suddenly convulsed against her mouth and it filled with a blast of honey. It was such a sexual rush that it sent Stephanie's own body over the edge, showering Rachel with the same gift. A reward she hungrily accepted.

Finally, Rachel joined the chorus, mere moments behind the others, propelled by the symphony of her fingers

"Oh my god!" Stephanie exclaimed as they laid naked on the floor, still entwined in each other's bodies. "I can't believe how intense that was. How did you ever get the idea to try something like this ... and how long have you been doing it?"

"Well it was originally Penny's idea." Rachel replied, running her hand alongside Penny's cheek. "And we've been doing it, as you call it, for the last six months."

Stephanie turned to Penny, but before she could ask the question on her lips, Penny answered it with a laugh.

"I've been doing it since I was 16. What can I say? I've always been an advanced learner."

The other two girls joined in the laughter as they continued to stroke and kiss each other. They all knew what had just happened was only the beginning. There would be many more little adventures in their collective future.

"Err ... Rachel," Stephanie suddenly asked seriously. "Remember what you said earlier tonight about the nameplate on the door?"

"Of course," Rachel answered, wondering why Stephanie was suddenly concerned about something so mundane.

"I think you might want to try and remember that a little harder in the future." Stephanie continued.

"Oh shit!" Penny cried out abruptly, cutting off any further inquiry Rachel might have had about Stephanie's sudden tangent.

Rachel followed Penny's gaze until all three of them were looking at the front doorway. An entrance now filled by the tall figure of a dark skinned young woman in a bright red raincoat, holding a silver keychain in her hand.

"Fuck!" Rachel blurted out," "Pamela!"

They all sat silent after that for long seconds, like statues in some far off garden.

"Looks like I missed one hell of a party." Pamela said as she pulled off her raincoat and draped it over a wall hook, revealing a blue business suit. "And here I thought I knew what kind of people my friends were." she said in a hurt tone.

"Oh fuck!" Rachel repeated. The other two girls were still too stunned to say anything else.

"I am disappointed in you all," Pamela declared as she stepped into the room and stood over the naked trio. "I thought we were supposed to be the Four Musketeers!"

It took a few seconds for them to realize that the oldest of their little group wasn't really angry or shocked at all. In fact, it was now becoming obvious that she hadn't just walked in either. How long she'd been watching was an question unasked -- at least for now.

With smiles now filling their faces, all three girls reached up and pulled Pamela down into the center of their circle. She seemed a little out of place with her conservative attire, but within a few minutes that was gone as well. Her dark form was soon covered by an intermix of lighter hues.

Hours later, long after the rain had stopped and the night once more grew quiet, the sounds of passion could still be heard. The quartet truly learned the meaning of their motto. One for all, and all for one.


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