The Deadheads of No Hope

By Rio Mack

Published on May 8, 2024



DISCLAIMER: Contains depictions of gay and bi sexuality.

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TEEN TOWN (Beginning)

School for Remy had settled itself into a great rhythm that first week, the high points every day being English to start the day and PE to end it.

Math was math, lunch with Trey and Willy was a blast, and History was tough but absorbing (each student had a report due on two of the FEDERALIST PAPERS next week, about which Mr. Howard actually had his class excited).

Chemistry, of course, was turning out to be way cool -- not just because Wren Damson sat next to him every day, making dreamy-eyes at him all the time and looking utterly ravishing, but they've started the course with a unit on `nutritional analysis,' in order to talk about the science behind a healthy diet, so Remy was totally into it.

A nice surprise occurred in English class that Friday, the end of Remy's first week at No Hope.

Ms. Beam had a writing assignment for the class -- students had to fill up two single-spaced pages describing how they would direct a performance of OTHELLO (she'd spent some class-time Thursday discussing famous past productions of the play). Students could zero in on just one scene, explaining how they would stage it, or talk about the directorial concept that shaped their conception of the play as a whole, as long as they filled up two pages.

Remy had actually thought a bit about this very topic, after yesterday's class discussion. His subtextual reading of the work was that Iago was seriously gay, hot for both Cassio and, especially, super-stud Othello. For his paper, he focused on how he would stage two scenes, in particular.

First, when Iago recounted Cassio's dream to Othello in Act 3, Remy would have a scrim behind them, playing a scene of Iago and the hot, young, seriously jacked Florentine captain having seriously steamy, hard-core sex, the night when Iago took Cassio back to the barracks after the drinking scene. Casting would be crucial, Remy claimed -- both actors had to be seriously hot, and perform the scrim sex-scene naked.

His idea was that the video projection on the scrim would be Iago's fantasy of what he'd wanted to happen after the drunken crawl that night, to show how it was Iago's repressed same-sex desire that sets this tragedy into motion.

And for Act 4, Scene 1, when Othello falls unconscious during his epileptic rage, Remy's staging would have Iago fish out that big, black cock from under Othello's Venetian robes, and suck him off.

He finished in about thirty-five minutes, and had just started idly looking at his Twitter feed when Niece Franklin got up and walked by Remy's table, on his way over to a small row of books on stagecraft and the history of Shakesperean theatre, which Ms. Beam had set out on top of one of the bookshelves the day they started reading the play, for students to browse.

As the stud passed in back of Remy, he stopped and bent down for a second. When he rose up, he placed a folded-up piece of paper on Remy's desk.

"You musta dropped this, dawg."

After a cursory look in one of the books, he strode out of the room.

Remy hadn't dropped anything, he knew, so he was curious to have a look at that paper. It was a note. From Niece, he hoped.

"You hot as fuck. Bathroom?"

A tingle began immediately. Remy wasted no time in heading down the hall to the john.

Sure enough, when he got there, Aeneas, standing by the urinal trough, had his jeans open and was stroking the longest, thickest cock Remy had seen so far on a black boy at No Hope.

Niece's usually stern face broke into a smile when he saw Remy walk through the swinging door to the john.

"Hoped you was down, dude!"

"Oh, hell yes!"

Remy was on his knees immediately, worshipping the boy's huge cock, a couple shades darker than Neice's milk chocolate body, wrist-thick, and easily over nine inches. Remy knew he had to be efficient on their class-break, so he got right to it, with relish, stroking and kissing and licking, getting it spit-slick, swirling his tongue up and down, and around the head, quickly churning up a foamy mouth of drool.

When that gleaming dark thickness was well-coated, Remy started bobbing and sucking and humming. He savored not just the dude's long, luscious length, but Niece's deep, straining grunts and the sexy feel of his large, sensuous hands playing over Remy's blonde buzz-cut as he encouraged his cock-sucker.

"You so damn hot, Remy! Can't keep my eyes off you in class. Been wonderin all week you be into this, after you say that shit `bout my shirt. Couldn't stand any longer, how the fuck hard you get me. Hadda drop that damn note."

Remy just purred in acknowledgement, loving the feeling of such a huge piece of boy-meat filling his throat.

Knowing how pressed they were for time, Remy began fondling Niece's big, plum-dark nutsac while he sucked.

"Fuck yeah! Play with them balls! Damn, you sure as fuck can suck cock, dawg!"

In about a minute and a half, Remy's fingers felt the black boy's nut-sac shrivel. A few seconds later the dude started shouting he was going to cum. Remy just kept sucking, anxious to take the boy's load. Which he did a few seconds later, when spurt after spurt of hot spunk shot out of Niece's cock. Remy had it far enough into his throat, he didn't miss a drop.

When the squirting stopped, Remy slowly eased his lips up and down the shaft and all over the head, expertly tonguing clean every inch of that stupendous dick.

He stood up, and the two boys kissed ravenously, sharing what was left in Remy's mouth of Niece's load, smearing his cream all over their lips.

Aeneas apologized that there was no time to return the favor, as much as he wanted. Remy invited the boy over after school, an invitation that made the black boy's eyes light, but one which he had to decline.

"Work for my pops a few hours every day after school, Rem. Sorry, dawg."

"Damn, bro, was hoping we could take this a little further, as soon as possible."

"Naw. But, hey, gimme your number. We be hookin up soon, no doubt."

They exchanged cell phones and headed back to class.

After English, Trey gave Remy the bad news that he had to cancel their planned week-end sleep-over.

"Goin to St. Cloud this weekend with the big bossman. Be gone til Sunday morning. Sorry, Rem, can't get out of it. I be home for the Vikes game, though -- be cool watchin that shit together."

"Love to, man. Just let me know."

Remy was pissed fate had fucked up his sleepover with Trey. He asked Willy after Math class if he was still up for getting together this weekend. Willy said `hell yes,' but told Remy he couldn't quite commit because it was all dependent on his mom's work schedule, which was hard to predict (when she worked, Willy had to take care of his younger brothers). He'd let Remy know later, probably in gym class.

Gym class that day was an off-day from weights, so Coach divided the boys into two teams, and they spent most of the session playing half-court basketball on one side of the gym.

The black boys in class were surprised at how good Remy was -- incredibly fast, made steals, hustled down court, and either drove the lane or hit an open team-mate with a crisp, precise pass. He even got his outside shot going, eliciting whoops and fist-bumps from Trey and Willy, who were on his team.

The best part of sixth hour PE that day for Remy, though, was being able to watch the girls, on the other side of the gym, being led, by their teacher, in yoga.

Remy had to actively will himself during the basketball game not to keep looking over at Wren, dressed in what looked like a low-cut one-piece swimsuit but was probably some kind of dance leotard. She'd give a little wave or a big smile whenever their eyes locked.

The boys took a break before their second game. Remy spent his sipping from his water bottle and watching Wren's toned, slender body on the mat, gliding elegantly, with superb body-control, from one yoga position to another. In his mind, Remy was watching the two of them, naked together in bed, her strong, young body lithe and responsive next to his, as they went through every sexual position possible.

Remy savored the steady pulsatitions that throbbed through his engorged cock as their fantasy-sex unspooled in his mind.

The worst part of gym class was when Willy told him his mom needed him to babysit his brothers tomorrow because she'd been scheduled to work Saturday as well as tonight. So no hanging out with Willy -- or apparently anyone -- for Remy this weekend.

Resigned to his bud-less state, Remy figured this might be a good afternoon to do a long run, fix an early dinner for Ava and him, then spend the last few hours of daylight getting started on a landscaping project he wanted to tackle.

As soon as he got home from school, then, Remy stretched, put on his running gear, and did a five-mile run, being sure to cover all four blocks of the `Gay Ghetto' on both legs of his run, out and back, in order to scope out the action.

Which did not disappoint -- a couple of seriously hot lesbians, barely dressed, looking super-sexy with lots of tats and cool, dyed hair on Cecil, plus lots of hot college boys -- some bare-chested, some in wife-beaters or tight T's -- on Warwick.

The Warlock Café, when Remy slowed his roll as he ran past its huge store-front window, was full of good-looking dudes. He took a lot of mental snapshots en route, which he savored while doing his calisthenics and stretches afterwards.

Ava texted, around 4 PM, to tell Remy not to make dinner -- there'd been a staff luncheon that day, to celebrate the end of a great first week of school, and there was lots of leftover pizza and salad. Excellent! It meant Remy had some time to do a little on-line shopping, checking for the best prices on the plants he'd need to spruce up his front yard -- currently a nine-foot by fifteen-foot postage stamp of burnt-out grass with a cedar tree plunked down in the center.

Remy loved yard work. He'd sort of taken over the duty at his old house -- good thing, too, because his father didn't give a shit about trying to make their property beautiful, and his mom was always exhausted from work. Remy didn't mind the chore falling to him at all -- long hours of hard, sweaty physical labor in the fresh air was sort of like a day at a spa for him.

Plus, as his relationship with Larry deteriorated during those last two years in Milwaukee, yard-work became therapeutic, allowing him to forget for a while how unhappy he was living with his bullshit failure of a father.

Remy already figured out his landscaping plan -- three pink hydrangea along the driveway side of the lawn (he preferred lilacs, but they took years to get big); in front, along the sidewalk, he'd plant a border of forsythia (they, too, grew quickly, and he loved the yellow flowers that appeared as a kind of first sign of spring); a few giant elephant ear hosta to form a border by the front porch; then he planned to fill in the remaining space around the cedar tree with a mix of white and orange and yellow and cream-colored day lilies, which would thicken out nicely in a couple of years.

As Remy munched on a post-run snack of peanut butter toast and a banana protein shake, he searched online until he found a nursery which had every plant he wanted, at ridiculously low prices (and which had received a lot of positive reviews). He tabulated the total cost ($86.95), texted Ava at work to get her OK, then used her card to place his order. Everything would arrive in about a week, which was more than enough time to get things planted before the first hard frost.

Ava wasn't due home from work until after 6, which gave Remy almost two hours to start work on ripping out the dead lawn. Once that was done, he planned to add some topsoil to enrich the ground before he put in his plants.

He dashed upstairs, changed into a jock and the old pair of army surplus cut-offs he used for yard-work, put on an old ball cap, then headed outside by way of the garage, where he got the garden spade and wheelbarrow from among the tools left behind by their house's previous owner, the minister of the church next door.

The work was hard and tediously repetitive, exactly what Remy wanted. He used the blade of the spade to cut through the grass in rectangular strips, which he then pried lose and peeled up off the ground. Once the excess dirt was shaken off the sod, he piled the strips in his wheelbarrow, and dug up more burnt-out lawn.

After about a half-hour, he was drenched in sweat, but he had almost a third of the lawn removed. His wheelbarrow was pretty full, so he wheeled it over to the side of the garage, where the yard waste bin was, unloaded it, and went back to ripping out more lawn. Once all the old lawn was removed, he'd ask Ava to pick up a few bags of good dirt, which he'd work into the soil, but that was work for next weekend.

He'd been laboring for another twenty minutes or so when he heard someone call his name. It was Wren Damson and Njeri Dare, walking up the sidewalk, coming from the train station a couple blocks away. He let his shovel drop and took out his bandana to wipe the dripping sweat from his face and chest. The girls had excited smiles as they walked up his driveway. Wren's eyes were wide.

"Remy, you look absolutely amazing working without your shirt. I don't think there's a boy at school with a better build than yours. I wish my uncle would hire you to be our gardener. I'd just sit out in a lounge chair and swoon while I watched you work."

Njeri laughed and shook her head.

Wren took out her phone.

"Please, Remy, can I take your picture? Please please please? You look like you should be Mr. September for the Handyman Teen Hunks calendar."

Remy laughed.

"Sure, Wren. Go nuts."

Wren took a few photos. Then she asked Remy to flex his muscles, which he did gladly. She squealed as she snapped more pictures. Even Njeri had to comment on how hot Remy looked.

As Remy posed, he suddenly got a crazy/sexy urge to ask the girls to come around back with him, to the patio, where it was private, and he'd strip off his shorts and pose for Wren in just his jockstrap. He knew what his jock would look like after an hour of so of strenuous yard-work -- sweat-drenched to the point of translucency, looking shrunk-wrapped around his thick dick, like the luscious-looking rind covering some huge, bulging-ripe piece of fruit.

If Wren wanted sexy photos of him -- and fuck, did he ever want her to have them -- he knew some of the hottest beefcake featured a muscle-stud in just a jock, preferably soaked through like his. Remy would love to pose like that for Wren. Then, after she took a bunch of photos, from the front and back, of him posing in his jock, he could do a sexy strip-tease. The two girls could play with his cock and ass until they all ended up naked and fucking on the old picnic table on the back patio.

Remy shook off his latest attack of Wren-Fever as Wren finished her photo shoot.

"Oh my God, thank you thank you thank you, Remy! These are the most amazing photos ever! I'm going to look at them every day!"

Remy had started heavily perspiring again. He grabbed the bandana from his back pocket, but it was drenched. He held up the soaked piece of cloth and shrugged.

"Sorry to be such a mess. This is embarrassing, sweating like an oaf in front of two hot girls. I don't even have a T-shirt to wipe my face off."

Njeri laughed.

"Oh, we girls glad you don't have a T-shirt, Rem!"

Wren had a smile on her face that looked cocky and smug, like she knew something Remy didn't.

"I'll help you, Remy."

From the big tote bag she carried slung over her shoulder, Wren fished out an elegant lace handkerchief and daubed Remy's head gently all over. She let her hand drift down the side of his neck to wipe his chest, gliding across each nipple, then all over Remy's sexy abs.

She had an even slyer smile on her face when she was done.

"That's better, you awesomely gorgeous, sweat-gleaming god."

Remy looked sheepish at her gushing praise, but he was actually thrilled by the intimacy of Wren's gesture. Having her mop his face and forehead -- then even worship his upper body a little! holy fuck! -- was maybe one of the sexiest experiences he'd ever had. He felt himself hardening.

"Thanks, Wren. I can throw that hankie in the laundry for you."

"Nonsense! Happy to be able to help you, Mr. Lord. You look much better now."

There was an awkward pause. Remy didn't want them to leave yet, so he tried to make conversation.

"So what do you girls have goin' on this weekend?"

"Lavender's having a sleep-over tonight. Then, it's the first `Teen Town' of the new school year tomorrow! Which means back to our usual Saturday morning frolic!"

"Just what is 'Teen Town,' anyway?"

"The absolute coolest thing, Remy! The school building's open for sheer, total fun from 10 to 6 every Saturday."

Njeri piped in.

"No Hope be like this super-cool community center for the students on Saturdays, Remy. Way crowded and hella fun!"

Wren further explained.

"There's all sorts of stuff to do in the gym, library, art room, music room. There's a super lunch from 11 to 2:30, then snacks from 3 to 6. There are even teachers in the library to help kids with homework and studying. You should go tomorrow, Remy! You'd love it, I swear!"

"I was gonna go -- with Willy -- but he bailed on me, so I'm just gonna finish this yardwork tomorrow. Maybe I can go next week?"

"OK, next week. Promise?"

"Promise, Wren. I mean, if I'm free."

No way was Remy anxious to go to some rinky-dink bullshit called `Teen Town'! The name alone said it all -- it conjured up to Remy a silly-ass scene of kids with nothing going on in their lives, so lame they actually hung out back at school on the weekend! Probably listened to drippy campfire songs and played wiffle-ball or four-square. He bet there was square-dancing in the gym, and kids did spin art or some other silly-ass craft project, while drinking soda pop. Hard pass.

"OK, Remy. I'm gonna hold you to your promise! I hope you get all your work done this weekend. See you Monday, I guess."

Wren Damson had smiled so sweetly at him when he promised he'd tried to make it next Saturday, that Remy figured he'd most likely go to whetever the fuck `Teen Town' was if she were really going to be there.

Njeri said goodbye, too, and the girls headed off up the street. Remy could hear excited girl-talk and shrieking laughter trailing them up the street (all Njeri's, because Wren Damson's voice was way too soft to carry). He wondered if they were talking about him -- and, if so, whether the girls thought he was hot or not.

The party at Lavender Carpenter's was ostensibly to celebrate the end of the first week of school, but mainly it was so the girls could all get naked together and talk about any new hot boys or hot girls any of them had seen. The major topic of discussion, though, became Wren Damson, who was head over heels in love with a boy, for the first time ever.

Njeri Dare and Desiree Howard giggled and laughed and teased and made a big fuss over Wren's first big-time schoolgirl crush, kissing her all over and playing with her hair and stroking her small, perfect breasts, as they told her how gorgeous Remy Lord was.

Lavender, though, pooh-poohed her friend's passion.

"First, Remy Lord's white. Our school's absolutely dripping with the most gorgeous black boys in the world! You don't need to settle, darling! I'm sure you could get a seriously hot black boy if you tried! Second, Remy Lord's gay as fuck! He's always hugging or kissing Trey Washington! And you saw this morning! Remy and Niece clearly hooked up in the boys' bathroom during our in-class writing in Anna Beam's class! You could even see the cum smeared on those super-gorgeous lips of Niece's when he got back to class!"

Njeri felt she had to comment, had to defend her girl.

"Yeah, that surprise me, too. I ain't know Niece was into boys. Did you, Lav? I mean, you sooooo into Niece, right? Now it look like he gay, too!"

"That just makes him even hotter, Jeri! Knowing he has that secret, sexy, little DL bi side!"

Wren couldn't let that stand.

"Then that makes Remy Lord hotter, too!"

It actually made Remy perfect, Wren thought.

When she first discovered the boy she'd summoned to be her life-mate was gay, she realized that was exactly the kind of boyfriend she wanted -- a boy whose rawest, most insatiable needs were already more than met by all the hot boys he sucked and fucked, which meant she and her dream-boy could spend their time having the kind of sex Wren craved with a boy.

Besides, Wren knew that after just one time with her, Remy Lord would the kind of gay boy who seriously loved eating pussy and fucking girls -- especially her, because after their first time, Remy would always be horny as fuck for her.

Actually, though, she was pretty sure, given all the spells she'd already cast on him, he already was horny as fuck for her.

She even hoped Remy was one of those gay boys who was totally cherry when it came to girls. That way, she could teach him right -- groom him, turn him into the ideal jock-god pussy-slave for a horny young lesbian cock-slut like herself.

It wasn't just some fetish-kink, Wren HAD to be in control -- that was non-negotiable.

Wren wailed out her Lord-lust as she lay naked on Lavender's bed, fingering herself to the photos she'd taken earlier that afternoon of her boy-crush's sweaty upper body, all gorgeous and exposed by those sexy, drooping shorts he was wearing.

"Remy Lord, Remy Lord, Remy Lord! Remy Reemy Creamy-Dreamy! Remy IS my Lord! My Lord and Master! I'd sell my body on the front steps of No Hope to any boy who wanted me, even that disgustingly repellent, super-creepy white boy who was in our Social Studies class last year, if Remy asked me to! If it meant I could be his bottom bitch!"

Njeri and Desi howled in laughter, but Wren kept up her dreamy fantasy. She felt consumed by her desire now, in the zone, the way she was when she cast her spells.

"'Postcards from Paradise, delivered by mortal hand'! Remy's like a Messenger from the Gods! A demi-god himself! Delivering his perfect body and perfect sex to me! It's like I'm in love with Hermes! Or the Son of Hermes!

"That's going to be my new j/o fantasy! 'The Son of Hermes'! I'll be the beautiful emperor's daughter, a mortal girl the demi-god catches frolicking naked in a secret forest pool! Being bathed by her two beautiful young black handmaidens with insanely perfect bodies! Remy, the gorgeous jock-god son of Hermes, will quickly take off his tunic when he sees us and start jacking his big dick as he spies on us!"

Wren turned to her girlfriends excitedly.

"I actually felt a rub from Remy's cock on my thigh after drawing class Thursday, so I know my well-endowed Lord is fucking hung! I mean, super-long and super-thick! I almost fucking came! I think 'Son of Hermes Catching the Empress' Daughter Bathing with Her Handmaidens' is going to be my best Remy Lord j/o fantasy yet! He's going to ravish all three of us in it -- me and Jeri and Desi!"

Wren began to rub herself with both hands now, really getting herself off.

The other girls, as naked as she was, gathered around to kiss and fondle their sexy friend. Njeri and Wren shared a long, sensual open-mouthed kiss, softly caressing each other's breasts, while Desi slid her body down to lick Wren's ass and tease her pussy with the dildo she'd been using on herself.

Wren moaned softly and went on praising her boy-crush.

"Have any of you smelled him?"

Njeri cracked up again. Desi had to raise her head up off Wren to laugh out loud. Njeri looked sideways at her girlfriend.

"You crazy, you know?"

"I'm serious! He wears those wife-beaters all the time, and sitting so close to him in English class -- and especially in Chemistry! -- I don't just get to drool over his insanely sculpted muscle, but it's like `Smell-o-Vision' or Scratch-n-Sniff! I get to breathe in the incredibly intoxicating aroma of his musk! Oh my God! I just slowly inhale his amazing scent, savoring it, staring at every curve and groove and bulge in his upper body, and finger myself under the table! It's heavenly!

"If Hecate would grant me one wish, it would be that we could fuck right there in class, on the floor of the Chem Lab. In Life Drawing this week, his scent was so powerful, I almost blacked out with lust! All I could do to keep myself from ripping Remy's clothes off was to focus on drawing our college boy model's incredible cock! But I got to breathe in Remy's amazing sexy boy-smell for a whole hour, while I drew a naked, super-muscled, big-dicked hockey stud! It was, like, the single-best class ever, in my entire time at No Hope!"

The others whooped and couldn't resist teasing her -- hearing their heretofore hard-core lesbian girlfriend suddenly swooning over a boy.

Lavender, in particular, got a little too mean in her taunting, but she was only trying to spare Wren from the intense pain of what she knew would be Remy Lord's certain rejection of her sweet, silly, pitifully naive, love-struck friend.

"Wren, angel, you're setting yourself up for total heart-break, you know that, right? Remy Lord's not the kind of gay a bi-boy like Niece Franklin is. Besides, even if Niece is a teeny tiny bit into boys, he's just gay on the DL. And Niece is mostly into girls, anyway -- you've seen him at school the past two years, going through girls like he was trying for the school record!

"Remy Lord, on the other hand, is a hundred-proof gay. Out and proud and totally into boys and dick. And a totally gay boy can ONLY ever really love a boy -- that's why he's gay! Besides, sweetie, even though you're so, so gorgeous, Wrenny, you've got the smallest tits at No Hope! And boys -- ALL boys, gay or straight -- are majorly into breasts. Stick with girls, my sweet dove, and spare yourself the humiliation."

Wren knew her body's failings, but she would not be fazed. She laughed off Lavender's attempted buzz-kill.

"You're just jealous, Lavender! That I'm going to have one of the most superbly hot boys at school for my boyfriend! Remy's ALREADY crazy about me, I can tell! Once we're finally together, he'll be my slave! Just like I'll be his! And our sex, my dear hater, will be beyond heavenly!"

She kept fingering herself, getting deliciously wet. Desi moaned about how good Wren's tangy pussy-juices were.

Wren rubbed her snatch over her girlfriend's lips and cooed softly to her dream-lover.

"Oh Remy Reemy! My Remy, my Lord! If only you were here now, and could share me with Dez, taste how much you turn me on, lap up every ounce of my love for you!"

Wren suddenly felt bad, going on about her boy-crush in front of Njeri, who'd become her sister-lover. She got a little misty-eyed as she apologized to her gorgeous black girlfriend about suddenly being consumed by this raging new passion for a boy. Njeri reassured her.

"Shit, girl, I ain't jealous. You have all the fun with boys you want. I do. And you smart to get a gay boy. Fuck, I loved it when Willy and I were together, and he bein gay as fuck. Sharin him with other boys be so damn hot! You 'bout to have big fun, little girl. Happy for you, Wrenny."

"Thanks, Jer, dearest angel ever! Could you maybe help me, too? Like, do whatever you can to help make Remy mine?"

Njeri laughed.

"Don' know what the fuck I can do, Wren. If he can't see how fine you are, not sure how I gonna make him. But sure, baby, I'll try. Speaking of Remy, and gay boys, tell all y'all who I wanna get with -- Remy's fine-ass boyfriend!"

Desi, softly stroking and kissing Njeri's breasts with one hand, while she massaged the black girl's pussy, agreed excitedly.

"Hell, yes! Trey Washington! Oh my God!!! Every second-year girl I know is already crazy about him! That body! His hair! That sexy smile! Those gorgeous eyes! That sexy Jamaican accent! We need a three-way, girlfriend!"

Lavender reached for her phone and quickly brought up Remy Lord's social media page, which consisted of a bunch of photos of him and his boys back in Milwaukee. The whole feed was utterly homo-erotic, every photo full of beautifully built, smooth-muscled, bare-chested young boys, either posing sexy, flaunting their hot muscle, or clowning for the camera, with Remy always the only white dude in the picture.

She handed her phone to Wren, who squealed softly when she realized what she was looking at, then began to masturbate to it.

Wren grew light-headed at the stream of shirtless pictures of muscular boys, what was basically home-made, soft-core gay porn. She especially loved the adorably corny captions for his photos -- "Bro time, boyyeeee!" or "Hangin wif my boy Damon!" or "Holla at Ya Boy!!"

Soooo cute, she thought.

Remy came alive for Wren in those spectacularly boy-crazy photos he posted. How she looked forward to a threesome or foursome with Remy and some other hot boys! Trey Washington, of course, but also Remy and Willy Stevens and her, or Remy and her and Dewey Charles, her secret crush for most of last year.

Those will be awesome threesomes -- being able to watch the boys hungrily suck each other's big cocks, then fuck each other. Afterwards, Wren would take turns sucking their cocks while they ate her pussy! Then they'd trade off fucking her!

Njeri helped finger her, then began tonguing her, as Wren scrolled through photo after photo of sexy, bare-chested boys. Desi and Lavender sixty-nined on the bed next to them.

Finally, Njeri gently took the phone away from Wren, slid her lithe body on top of her girlfriend, and the two of them kissed and moaned in sheer longing.

Lavender and Desi left off pleasuring each other and joined them. Desi knelt in front, where Wren and Njeri were kissing, edging her pussy near their lips. Wren began licking Desi's snatch while Njeri fingered her clit.

Lavender crouched in back of Wren and Njeri. Njeri's cunt, from the backside, was lined up right over Wren's, so Lavender slowly slurped her tongue down Njeri's ass and pussy and continued right across Wren's -- back and forth, up and down, pleasuring her friends, who were pleasuring Desi.

As much fun as she was having with the girls, though, Wren had decided she'd leave in a bit, begging off the actual sleep-over later, because she had something she wanted to try at home, alone in her bedroom.

A block-and-a-half away from the Carpenter house, at about 6:30, Remy looked up from his yardwork to see Ava crossing the street from school and heading for home, carrying a box of leftover pizza and a plastic container of salad, so Remy knocked off work. He had almost the entire lawn ripped out.

He told Ava he'd need a little time to get cleaned up before dinner, but his mom told him to take as long as he wanted because she had to freshen up after work, too.

So Remy put on some porn in his bedroom, stripped off his work-clothes, smoked a couple of bowls and took a nice hot soak in the big claw-foot tub in the second-floor bathroom for about a half hour, lazily (but highly satisfyingly) stroking himself to the 'Wren & the Mer-Boy' fantasy.

When he got downstairs for dinner, Ava -- whose nude body looked more svelte and toned every day, Remy thought admiringly -- had opened a bottle of wine for them. The salad she'd brought home was quite good and the pizza was a fun change of pace from their scrupulously healthy, Remy-prepared, home-cooked meals.

Afterwards mother and son curled up on the living room couch together and watched an old movie Ava had out from the library, RANDOM HARVEST. For much of the movie Remy was a little bummed because it seemed sort of lame to be sitting home on a Friday night, watching a movie with his mom, instead of hanging with some of his new hot-boy friends. As it turned out, though, he was glad he saw the movie because he enjoyed it immensely.

It was about a dude who fell in love with a girl, but lost his memory and got spearated from her. He became a business tycoon and ended up hiring his old sweetheart as his secretary -- but because of his amnesia he didn't remember her any more, but she, of course, remembered the man of her dreams.

In fact, once she realized her lover had lost his memory and was now some big shot she'd read about in the newspapers, she set out to land that secretary job with him, just so she could be near him a lot, whether he remembered her or not.

Remy cried his damn eyes out at the ending (hiding his tears from his mom, of course, who was seriously crying, too), when the dude finally got his memory back and his lover was right there waiting for him, at their old cottage, calling him once more by her old nick-name for him.

Remy headed upstairs afterwards to smoke another bowl and chill. After the first side of SKULL FUCK, a couple `Cocky Boys' clips, and two bowls, he flipped the album over and got out his sketchbook to see if he could draw Wren Damson from memory again.

As he worked on his drawing and grooved to the Dead, he daydreamed that he had a taken a bad fall in gym class, playing basketball, and lost his memory. He somehow got a new identity and became the best white point guard in the NBA, who also had a hugely successful side-hustle as a seriously dope, white, hip-hop star.

A beautiful girl showed up at his penthouse office one day, applying for a job as his press agent, and it was Wren Damson! Except Remy didn't remember her at all, of course, but she still utterly loved him. His business manager hired her, and she spent a day every week taking incredibly sexy pictures of him -- sometimes in just a pair of basketball shorts and his chains, but more often in either just a jock or tastefully nude. She released her sexy photos on social media, which made him an even huger mega-star.

Wren kept working for him, loving him secretly, carrying her torch, until one day he was in the NBA Championship Game, and, after doing an incredible rap version of the National Anthem to open the game, Remy set a record, midway through the third quarter, for most points ever scored by a point guard in history.

Right at the end of the game, LeBron James, jealous as hell, did a flagrant foul on Remy, bashing him onto the hardwood just as he was about to score the game-winning basket, because LeBron realized he'd definitely lost a step or two and there was no other way he could beat the great 'Renny Ford' (which is what the amnesiac Remy Lord thought his name was).

Remy blacked out as soon as his head slammed against the court. He came to in the hospital, and Wren Damson was at his bedside, of course. Remy immediately recognized her and wondered just what the hell was going on.

"Wren, my darling! The girl I always secretly loved in high school, but was too shy too tell her! Plus, I'd always assumed I was totally gay and didn't like girls. What are you doing here, my dearest angel? Where the fuck are we anyway? Jesus Fuck, how old are we?"

And Wren just smiled that totally sweet smile of hers, quietly delirious that her lover had finally regained his memory, then hugged him tightly.

"Never mind, Remy, my darling, my love, my beautiful boy! You're here -- and alive! That's all that counts! And we'll be together forever now!"

She stripped off the incredibly short skirt (no panties) and super-sheer, seriously revealing, sleeveless T-shirt she was wearing, then ripped off Remy's hospital gown, and they had incredible sex right there in his hospital bed.

She sucked his cock so damn fine, he screamed loud enough that a seriously hot black male nurse came in (he looked exactly like Dewey Charles), to yell at them to keep it down, but when he saw the sizzling sex going on, he stripped off his clothes (dude was ripped, with a super-huge cock) and joined them on the bed.

The drawing he worked on while he daydreamed turned out gorgeous -- the resemblance uncanny and the composition superb -- but it just got him saturated again with lust for his virtual model.

Remy tacked the new sketch up over his bed, next to the drawing he did the other night. He kissed both his renderings of Wren all over and let his fingers play softly over the nipples on each picture, as he jacked himself and imagined them naked together in his bed.

Remy thought about getting dressed and walking past her house a few times, on the off chance that maybe she'd see him from her window and invite him in, but he remembered she was at Lavender Carpenter's house that night.

He wished he had Wren's number so he could text her and ask how the girls' sleep-over party was going. It would seem random as hell, texting her out of nowhere like that for the first time, but he bet she would like it. He could even add in the text that she could call him, if she felt like it, if maybe the party had hit a boring stretch or something.

Remy loved talking with Wren, he realized, loved just being around her when they were together at school, beyond just wanting to ravish every inch of her. She was so charming, so smart, and so interested in him.

Remy rarely felt like he could bare his soul with other boys, that they ultimately didn't really care about him as anything but a bro to hang with and have sexy fun together -- which was cool as hell, obviously. With Wren, though, it was different. Just chatting casually with the girl, before and after classes all week, his deepest thoughts seemed to flow right out of him.

But fuck it, he thought, it was no doubt just the novelty of really conversing with a girl for the first time, in any depth, beyond just the small-talk he made all the time with the black girls at his school in Milwaukee.

He had to get a grip -- this Wren-thing was spinning out of control. Besides, he didn't have Wren's number, so how could he call her?

He decided to spend the rest of the evening finishing his drawing of Trey.

Remy sat at the work table in his small studio space, occasionally scanning through the photos he'd taken of Trey, as he concentrated on completing the pencil sketch. He used pastels next, to add color.

Trey was easily one of the best-looking boys Remy had ever known, and he got lost in the boy's extraordinarily beautiful body as he worked. He enjoyed trying to get the skin tone right, especially that long, thick, eggplant-cocoa cock. As he worked, he savored the constant, low-level hard-on he got from dwelling on the boy's sexiness.

At one point, he texted Trey a photo of it, adding that he wished he had the model right there, so he could suck that gorgeous cock. Trey replied immediately.

"That drawing beautiful as fuck, Rem. You amazing!"

Trey added a string of eggplant and flame emojis.

Remy spent another forty minutes on his drawing, but when he finally called it quits and jumped naked into bed, it was to thoughts of Wren Damson, in gym class, that he jacked himself that evening.

In his fantasy, Wren was wearing her sexy yoga outfit, stretching her sleek, toned body suggestively, tempting Remy over to her yoga mat, slowly stripping off her skimpy, low-cut outfit to fully reveal her incredibly perfect body, getting Remy's cock hard and dripping.

The two of them began exploring each other in a series of outrageously hot, seriously sexual yoga positions.

Remy realized he was becoming consumed with another overpowering bout of Wren Fever. He lay in bed, wonderfully hard, jacking to visions of Wren and him sixty-nining on a yoga mat.

Suddenly he and Wren were joined by Njeri and another gorgeous young black girl, both of whom stripped off their gym clothes and joined them on the mat. Remy's cock started throbbing, and he felt his nuts start churning, as Njeri began kissing him and the other black girl began licking and tonguing and seriously rimming his ass, while Wren kept sucking his cock.

The black girl working his hole let her tongue drift over to wash his balls. Wren's tongue and the black girl's tongue began dancing together over his cock, their lips kissing each other all sensuous and slutty, with Remy's hard, wet cock between them.

The third black girl began fingering his ass -- exactly like Remy was fingering his own hole as his fantasy played through him.

Njeri eased her naked body next to Wren's, and suddenly Remy had two gorgeous pussies to lick and pleasure, while the other black girl -- who was absolutely gorgeous, and younger, with insanely perfect tits -- went back to tonguing and fingering his hole.

Wren's velvety soft voice, coated with boy-lust, panted out her desire.

"Get our pussies fucking soaked, Remy! Make us each cum ten times! Then fuck us over and over with this big-ass dick!"

Remy's cock exploded. He came so hard it actually hurt his balls.

The force of his climax kept his nuts pained and throbbing for quite a while afterwards, so much so that he thought maybe he would lay off jacking for a while.

But Remy knew that was impossible because all he could do lately, throughout the entire day, was think of how much he wanted to have sex with Wren Damson, which got him hard as fuck, desperate to stroke out a load.

Wren-fucking-Fever had taken over Remy's life, saturating his mind and body with Wren-lust. It was as if he'd suddenly started receiving a constant flood of some powerful alien entity's lust-transmissions, beamed incessantly over cosmic rays, from Planet Wren, controlling his mind and muscles and cock and ass, juicing his libido at will with the most spectacular scenarios of sex with the gorgeous girl, using Remy like a sex-doll for its own fiendish satisfaction.

He scooped up as much cum as he could and licked his fingers clean, then closed his eyes and tried some centering breaths to calm him down and ease him into sleep.

It started to work. He felt totally peaceful. He could even feel a dream begin to steal over his brain and pull him into unconsciousness, pleasant and soothing. It felt like his young muscular body was lying in a quiet, serene, dreamily beautiful woodland glade. Remy felt himself sink into sleep.

Suddenly, he heard a noise, like running water. He looked over to where the noise was coming from. He saw Wren Damson naked, in a pool, splashing with Njeri and that other black girl, both of them naked as well. He could feel himself start to get hard. Their bodies were spectacular -- smooth asses; shapely legs; firm, succulent breasts on the black girls, and those small, insanely luscious demi-tits of Wren's.

Damn, Remy thought, girls are like so bewitchingly gorgeous, supremely sexy, unreal hot -- how did he never know this before? He seriously needed to start getting with girls.

Suddenly, Remy sat up in bed, his heart pounding now with worry.

He set his feet on the floor and realized he had a problem -- what if something actually does happen, sexually, with Wren Damson and him? Maybe with other girls, too -- as that certainly seems to be the direction in which all signs (along with his constant hard-on for Wren Damson) are pointing? He didn't know a damn thing about being with a girl, about how to pleasure a girl.

He could, of course, do things that seemed sexy to him -- the stuff, for example, he thought about doing in his j/o fantasies of Wren. Those were things he knew a boy would feel were hot as fuck, but would a girl?

Plus, from the times this week, before or after class, they talked flirty together about sex and stuff, Wren seemed pretty heavy into girls, so what exactly do lesbians do?

Remy had to figure this out immediately, he realized. Shit could start popping with Wren tomorrow, the way he felt, his cock bursting apart at the seams whenever he thought about her, let alone got close to her. And he'd definitely gotten the vibe that Wren was into him.

Things might even pop tonight! He ran over, opened the French doors, and stepped out on his small third-floor porch, to see if maybe Wren was walking back and forth in front of his house. Nope. But still, it was only midnight.

So he loaded and sparked a bowl, put on EUROPE '72, and scrolled until he found a porn site featuring all kinds of lesbian porn, which he figured might give him an idea of how to eat pussy and finger a girl.

He played his phone through his flat-screen and took hits of pot as he watched achingly gorgeous lesbians strip off each other's bras and panties and finger and lick each other.

At first, he was overwhelemed -- and immediately hard -- at how insanely sensual and utterly erotic girl/girl porn was. Again -- how had he never fucking known about this?

He had to stop himself from getting carried away and jacking off to the two beautiful, svelte, small-breasted girls, naked in bed and seriously going at it. He needed to focus on their moves.

Eating pussy seemed sort of straightforward, Remy thought, a lot like licking a teasing a boy's hole, only a pussy was longer, narrower, had those sexy skin-folds -- and that clit, which seemed to function sort of like a boy's prostate, only it was on the outside and sometimes seemed to get hard and look like a super-tiny penis.

Like himself, and a lot of the boys Remy knew, girls were shaved down there. Unlike boys -- or at least the boys Remy had known -- sometimes they shaved their pubic hair into a thin strip or a triangle or some other design, which didn't look nearly as sexy as totally shaved (Remy felt certain Wren would be shaved).

Girls got wild as fuck with each other, he saw, licking each other's snatch with as much gusto as boys brought to sucking cock or rimming. It got him hard as fuck to see how into it they were. He would love to be a third in the scenes he watched. He wondered if Wren Damson's pussy looked like any of those he was seeing.

He started trying to memorize what seemed to be (because girls did them the most) the preferred lesbian moves. In terms of actual pussy-play, there was tongue -- or tongue and finger -- on the clit; tongue and/or finger in the cunt; or tongue/finger the clit while at the same time messing with the cunt.

Dildos (of all sorts) seemed to be widely popular. At first, seeing them used as such a standard part of girl-sex, Remy wondered if he was supposed to have one available to use on girls, too. Then he immediately felt like an idiot for wondering that, realizing he sort of always had a dildo of sorts with him.

Ultimately, the whole girl-sex thing didn't seem all that complicated, but Remy was still nervous as hell he'd do something wrong.

Some girls adored ass-play, others didn't seem to bother with it. He hoped Wren was on Team Anal because he seriously wanted them to have ass-play.

The girls who were into anal, from what he'd seen clicking through about twenty clips, were apparently way into anal, which surprised him. Just like boys, they liked a lot of rimming and fingering from their partners before taking a nice, hard dildo-dick up the ass. A lot of girls ate out an ass with the same sort of gusto as boys.

One clip showed a seriously hot move he wanted to try -- pleasure the pussy with a finger or two while also pleasuring a girl's butt-hole with a thumb. Damn, did that look hot!

Remy's mind was suddenly flooded with a wondrous blur of insanely arousing images of anal with Wren.

He searched online for `anal with hot blonde girl' and started finding a ton of clips -- but they were all of huge-dicked, mostly black dudes doing anal with small-breasted blonde girls vaguely resembling Wren. Remy excitedly bookmarked those for later and regained his focus because, currently, pussy was his priority.

After an hour more of lesbian porn (and another bowl), Remy was high, hard, and horny as fuck for Wren Damson. Thinking of her through the lens of all those incredibly hot girl-on-girl clips had him aching to blow another load.

He set his phone down, his mind whirling with thoughts of him and his goddess and her gorgeous black girlfriends. He put the needle down on one of his favorite late-night chill albums, Miles's IN A SILENT WAY, played super-soft because Ava had gone to bed two hours ago. Before hopping into bed, he flexed and posed his beautifully defined body in front of the large mirror over his file-cabinet dresser.

Wren has to like this, he felt, as he studied his seriously hot muscle and long, fulsome cock. He didn't want to seem stuck up or full of himself, but he was a seriously hot-looking boy, with a seriously big dick and a seriously jacked body.

Plus, damn it, he thought he was a seriously nice dude -- somewhat smart, excellent sense of humor, very kind, with a kind of happy-go-lucky, punk-jock, hippie-surfer air.

Although he wasn't male-model handsome (like Trey or Willy or Dewey Charles), he was definitely nice-looking -- blue-eyes, square jaw, subtly dramatic cheekbones, straw-blonde hair, which looked very hot buzzed. He was actually thinking of letting his chinstache grow, finding black boys so damn sexy with theirs.

Plus, he was like stalker-level insane with lust for Wren Damson -- that had to count for something with her, his utterly devoted obsession with her beauty.

He was aiming to capture a goddess, he was aware of that, but for a mere mortal he was definitely ninetieth percentile. If a goddess gets wet for a boy, Wren surely got wet for him.

He could just picture Wren naked, seductively alluring, those bewitchingly sexy tits which he CAN NOT WAIT to see revealed in all their resplendent lusciousness, awaiting his sensuous fondlement.

Staring at himself in the mirror, he laughed -- not just because his dick was rock-hard from the mere thought of Wren Damson nude, but when the hell did he start using words like resplendent' and fondlement'?

Wren looked sort of like him, he realized -- smooth, white-skinned, blonde, smilarly lean body type, and they both had (well, she really had) a sexy style. She could be his twin sister, his long-lost Viola, restored to him now after all his gay wanderings with boys.

Remy laughed again, realizing he was seriously high -- there'd been the wine at dinner, then all those bowls of pot, as well as tonight's particularly heavy flare-up of Wren Fever.

He was so damn stoned -- in fact, he swore he could actually see Wren Damson! Right there! Naked, in the mirror next to him! Hilarious! What a trip!

He laughed and blinked his eyes shut, a little sad because he knew his crazy-high Wren-vision would be gone when he opened them again.

Except she wasn't! Remy started giggling, all excited now. This was the craziest high he'd ever had! How much fucking dope had he smoked?

Nope. Not the dope. It was the girl -- she was the drug. No fucking doubt. Giving him the highest damn highs he'd ever had.

Remy closed his eyes and opened them again, and gave out with a loud `WHOA!' because Wren Damson was even more vividly right there in the mirror again, naked and twin-like next to him!

Awesome! Fuck, this was amazing!

She really was his twin, he thought, as he studied her gorgeous reflection. Yep, same color hair; not just white-skinned, but the same whitish-pink tinge; same lean, toned build (except not ripped like he was). She was maybe just two inches shorter than him, if that.

He stared at her reflection. She was so gorgeous he couldn't stand it. Her body was like pure arousal.

Remy's desire overmastered him, and he tried to reach out to the Wren-vision in the mirror, to hold her and pull her close to him, but he couldn't.

Then he felt a steelly cold shiver through him because suddenly, amazingly, Remy could actually feel her hands on him! She was fondling him, worshipping his muscle, then -- Holy Fuck! she started playing with his dick, stroking his hardness! It felt incredible!

He closed his eyes and felt Wren make love to him! It was unreal!

Remy didn't care now what was causing this halluninatory trip, whether it was the pot or the girl -- or maybe he was having a brain aneurysm -- all he knew was that he needed to speak to her. To call to her, to tell her, to plead with her mirror-self to come to him now, to be there with him, forever. He had to call out to her, from his bedroom out to wherever his goddess was. To cry out to her, as far across the cosmos as he had to.

He closed his eyes. In his mind, he called out to her -- `Jesus Fuck, Wren! I want you so damn bad! Please, honey, please be mine! Forever, Wren! Please, darling! Come to me now! Please, goddess!'

Nothing. Damn.

Maybe he needed to say it aloud, for his mystic incantation to work. He opened his eyes and she was still there in the mirror. He called out to her gorgeous vision.

"Wren, darling! Wren Damson! Come to me, honey! Please, Wren! Make me yours! God, I want you so bad!"

Fuck! He blew it! The spell was broken. Wren Damson suddenly vanished from the mirror.

The only thing he saw in the mirror now was him and his bedroom. Remy almost wanted to cry at this sudden, unbearable loss, the exact opposite of what he'd prayed for.

Immediately, though, his mind was alive with another vision of her! It was his latest `Wren Fever' j/o fantasy.

He was in that secret forest glade again, and he knew any minute he'd hear rippling water, which meant that soon he would see the naked Wren Damson bathing in that pool with Njeri and that other gorgeous black girl.

Sure enough, there it was, the sound of water! Like light, bubbling music! He could actually hear it!

Remy jumped into bed, hard and excited to have the next best thing to actual sex with Wren Damson.

He closed his eyes and saw himself as a glorious young god! Or the son of a god, maybe, like a demi-god. Or maybe like Achilles, he wasn't sure. Anyway, he was super-ripped, handsome as Adonis, and his cock was fucking huge -- long and thick and straining and luscious! He could feel it throbbing under his thin white tunic, the only thing he was wearing, as he stood there, having reached the babbling mountain pool.

And there she was! His beautiful blonde goddess was bathing in the hidden pool with her two insanely gorgeous, naked young black attendants -- Njeri Dare and that other young black girl, whom Remy now remembered seeing around a couple of times this week in the halls at school, talking with Wren, during passing times -- hard to miss, she dressed in that sexy thrift-shop slut-style Wren favored, and her petite body was mind-numbingly gorgeous.

Remy Achilles slipped off his tunic, exposing a jacked torso that was surely the envy of the other gods, and started stroking his huge, pulsating hardness, creeping ever so silently closer to the hidden pool, and the absolutely hands-down hottest lesbian threesome scene Remy had seen so far tonight.

The young stud-god strode unseen until he got to the edge of the pool, then Njeri and the other beautiful black girl saw him, and instead of screaming, they gave him a wild-eyed, leering look that said, Damn, this is gonna be hot as fuck!

They stopped bathing Wren and turned to Remy Achilles, running their tongues sensually over their lips and teasing their luscious chocolate-drop nipples with one hand, while they fingered their pussies, getting themselves slicked up for Remy's cock.

Goddess Wren suddenly wondered what happened to that lovely stream of bathing water her attendants were pouring. She turned her gloriously nude body unsuspectingly, then froze, seeing a young, insanely jacked demi-god stroking a big-ass dick with precum dripping from it like a badly leaking faucet.

Goddess Wren at first pretended to gaze away in shock and horror, but her lust was too strong for any silly games. She eagerly offered herself to the primal phallic godhead that was Remy Achilles, teasing her nipples and fingering herself in mad anticipation, as cock-crazed as her two lusty attendants.

Achilles felt like he was going to shoot any second because watching Wren Damson play with the huge red juicy nipples on those otherwise almost invisible tits, the sexiest breasts imaginable, while working her fingers in her pussy -- like Remy himself wanted to -- with such a raw, carnal hunger, was utterly cum-inducing.

As he jerked to his sylvan j/o scenario, Real Remy was steel-hard. His cock throbbed with a deep, painful jolt, coursing right through his ball-sac and boy-hole.

Suddenly Goddess Wren stood up -- so fucking beautiful! -- and imperiously raised one of her smooth, elegant arms. She reached for him. Her delicate fingers grabbed onto his huge, glistening-wet dick -- yes! -- and pulled Remy Achilles right into the crystalline pool, which landed him on his ass with a splash, causing her black attendants to collapse in laughter.

Achilles Remy looked up. The Goddess smirked sexily and, in a flash, her mystically beautiful body had Remy's head straddled. She clasped the back of his buzzed blonde head and began wriggling her hips, smearing her wet cunt all over his mouth, forcing him to eat her out. Oh hell yes!

Njeri and the other girl attacked his cock and ass -- Njeri rode her pussy back and forth over his pulsating hardness, while the other girl tongued and fingered his balls and boy-hole.

As Remy feverishly tongued Wren's cunt, his hands slid up her naked body until they reached the longed-for prize of her nipples. He played with Wren's awesome tits, as she and Njeri kissed and sighed in delight.

As he lay on his bed, consumed by his fantasy, the thought of fingering Wren Damson's big, succulent, ruby-red nipples sent an excited jolt pulsating through Remy's cock. He began breathing hard, and his heart began hammering, as he felt his orgasm rise in him, totally captivated at the thought of Wren and her gorgeous girlfriends using him for their sex toy.

His climax felt like ecstasy. He shot so hard and so thick, with such force and velocity, that a couple of drops of cum splashed high enough to land on one of his fantasy-nude memory drawings of Wren, tacked up on the wall above his bed.

Not thinking twice, he sat up on his floor mattress, turned to the wall, knelt, and licked the cum off his drawing. He even spent a little time delicately licking the area in the drawing that showed Wren's nipple, pretending he was licking the real, luscious thing right there in his bedroom.

He caught his breath, got up off his mattress, and walked over to switch off the record on his turntable. He decided to skip a shower, even though his chest and thighs and groin were coated with semen, because he didn't want to risk waking Ava.

He slid back into bed, his mind pleasantly drifting off as he tried to estimate the exact date, time, and circumstances (including place) of his first-time sex with Wren Damson.

He was pretty sure it would be one day this week some time, at No Hope, when he'd sneak Wren into the boy's third floor bathroom. Before gym class, he finally figured it, after they'd been flirting super-heavy while doing an experiment together in Chemistry.

Wren would be rubbing his cock through his jeans while the two of them bent over the lab table, watching for some chemical reaction, and he'd have slipped his hands under the boy's wife-beater she'd be wearing that day, softly massaging her breathtaking breasts, cooing to her, kissing and licking around her ear, while she entered reaction-time data in their lab notebook.

After a Chem Lab full of foreplay, they'd be so giddy and horny with lust for each other, he could hopefully convince her they had time before gym class for a quick, satisfying coupling of some sort, to tamp down the fire that raged constantly in them both.

They'd just about drag each other into the boy's bathroom, conveniently located right next to their science classroom.

Remy's sleepy mind was hazily wondering what would happen there in the john -- would it be Wren giving him a blow job or him eating her pussy? -- when his phone pinged.


He grabbed his phone.


But it was maybe the next best thing -- a text from Willy Stevens! Telling him his Grandma was coming over tomorrow morning, and she'd be glad to watch his brothers, so he wondered if Remy still wanted to hang out on Saturday?

Remy texted back `HELL YASSSS!!'

Willy replied that he'd text back in the morning, and they could make plans. Lots of hot boy-sex emojis back and forth, then Remy set down his phone blissfully. A Saturday morning (maybe even afternoon, too!) with Willy! Hot fucking damn!

He lay in bed, naked, dick pulsating again with sexy thoughts, this time about sucking his gorgeous black friend's long, thick, super-succulent, dark-chocolate dick.

All at once he thought about sucking Willy, while Wren sucked him -- THAT would be insanely hot sex!

OK, back to his private betting pool on his first-time with Wren. So, the guess would be -- 3rd floor bathroom, before gym, some day this week, and let's say earlier rather than later. In fact, ;et's definitely say this Tuesday!

Or why the hell couldn't it be any sooner, Remy wondered -- his cock pinging like crazy at the thought of sex with his goddess. Why not tomorrow, say? Tomorrow night! That whole `walking-by-her-house idea'? Making some noise or singing loudly or something when he went by, so maybe she'd hear it and invite him in? Why the fuck not?

OK, he'd try that! That's his bet, then! Hell yes! He and Wren Damson would be fucking tomorrow (hopefully)!

Remy drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face, trying to decide on the outfit he'd wear for creeping on Wren's house tomorrow night.

Next: Chapter 9

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