The Inheritance Clause

By Derek Warner

Published on Jun 8, 2024


This story contains descriptions of graphic sex between males. If that kind of thing does not appeal to you, stop reading now.

This story is pure fiction. If this resembles something that happened to you, it must have been an incredible experience. But it's simply a coincidence.

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The Inheritance Clause - 29

Niven and Dawson followed the screaming to the terrace. Krantz also heard the screams. He emerged from the house through another doorway and they all stepped out onto the terrace at the same time.

"Get away!" Vickie screeched again.

They saw Vickie up on one of the chairs. She was crouched down, tenuously hanging onto the back of the chair. Her knees were bent and all askew as she wasn't able to stabilize herself on the seat of the chair with her thin three-inch heels. Colby was standing about ten feet away, growling at her.

"Get that rabid animal away from me!" she screeched as she swatted in Colby's direction with her clutch bag.

Colby was clearly too far away for her to reach him with her clutch bag, but she swung it toward him anyway.

"Colby!" Dawson commanded, "Stay! Sit, boy!"

Colby turned when he heard Dawson. He sat down where he was standing. He licked his lips and looked toward Dawson.

A security guard came onto the terrace from the patio area. Cassie peered over the railing of her balcony. Adam and Joan came running out onto the terrace.

"Colby, come here, boy!" Dawson said firmly as he pointed to the ground in front of him.

Colby turned and looked at Vickie. He looked like he was contemplating whether he should continue growling at her. Then he stood and came toward Dawson. He jauntily walked while panting and wagging his tail. Colby came to Dawson and nuzzled between his legs.

"Sit, Colby," Dawson said calmly.

Colby turned so he could keep an eye on Vickie. He sat with his butt partially on Dawson's foot. Dawson rubbed the top of his head.

"Adam... Adam..." Vickie said breathily, "He attacked me!"

Adam didn't argue with her.

"It's over now," Adam said as he went to her and offered his hand.

She took his hand and gingerly came off of the chair. She got behind Adam, to keep him between her and Colby. Vickie straightened her tight skirt and adjusted her skimpy top. She brushed her hair back to try to fix it as best she could. She held onto Adam's shoulders and kept her eyes on the dog the whole time.

"I really hate this place, Adam," Vickie said, "One of the first things we need to do is to sell it."

She kept her voice low but everyone heard her. Adam looked at Dawson and Colby. He assumed Dawson would get to the bottom of why Colby was there.

"Let's go in to the living room," Adam said as he guided her toward the doorway.

Vickie clutched Adam's arm and watched Colby as they moved into the house. Niven and Joan followed. Cassie looked down from her balcony at Dawson and then retreated to her room. Krantz looked at Dawson and the dog.

"Where did he come from?" Krantz said.

"He's from the Santos farm. I'm not sure why he's here. He was supposed to be going to his new family today," Dawson explained.

Just then, Rosa came up from the patio all out of breath. She was with another security guard. She stopped and leaned on her knees, holding a leash in her hand.

"Colby..." Rosa gasped as she tried to catch her breath, "Dawson, I'm so sorry. He got away from me as I was getting ready to leave."

Krantz stepped inside the house and almost immediately came out with a bottle of water. He held out a chair for Rosa. After she took it, he handed her the bottle. She began drinking it.

"Are you all right?" Krantz asked her.

She nodded with the water bottle still on her lips. There was a smacking sound as the bottle separated from her mouth.

"Yeah," she said and then inhaled loudly, "I'm ok."

"It's ok," Krantz gestured with his hands out toward the security guards, "It's just the dog from next door. He startled one of our guests."

The security guards nodded at Krantz and left the terrace.

"What happened?" Dawson asked.

Colby was contentedly sitting there next to Dawson like nothing had happened. Dawson was gently petting his head. Rosa took a few breaths and then spoke.

"I put Colby's gear in the car and then when I was going back in to get him, he somehow managed to open the door and he ran by me," Rosa explained, "I must not have pulled the door completely closed."

"Can I get you anything, Ms. Torres?" Krantz asked.

"No," Rosa said, "I'll be fine."

Dawson looked at Krantz. His face slowly registered skepticism.

"Krantz, why did you leave Vickie out here alone?" Dawson asked, "You must have known she doesn't like being outside."

"Oh, she doesn't?" Krantz said in a light tone.

He paused and there was a hint of a grin on his face. Dawson could read the mischievous look on Krantz's face. It was obvious Krantz had brought Vickie out to the terrace on purpose.

"You might want to work on your excuse for when Adam asks," Dawson said.

"Yes, sir," Krantz simply said and then he cleared his throat.

Dawson looked at Rosa.

"I'll walk back with you, Rosa," Dawson said.

She put the half empty water bottle down on the table. She got up and came toward Dawson and Colby.

"No need," Rosa said, "Once he's on the leash, he follows my commands."

Rosa bent down and rubbed Colby's head. She clipped the leash onto Colby.

"Um... Rosa..." Dawson said, "Before you go, let me run something by you..."

As Adam escorted Vickie into the living room, Joan and Niven trailed behind them.

"Can I get you something?" Niven offered.

"Coconut water..." Vickie said with desperation as she continued into the room.

"I'm sorry, we don't have coconut water," Niven said, "Can I offer tea, coffee, juice, water, or coke perhaps?"

Vickie scrunched up her face as if she couldn't believe they didn't have coconut water.

"Ugh..." Vickie said with exasperation, "Then give me fresh turmeric and cinnamon in hot water... but only if it's fresh turmeric."

Niven pursed her lips.

"I'm terribly sorry," Niven said, "we only have ground turmeric, not fresh."

"Hhhh," Vickie sighed.

She stopped in front of the sectional. She brushed her hair back, which was still mussed up from the ordeal with Colby.

"Do you have a lemon?" Vickie said with attitude, "An actual lemon?"

Niven clasped her hands in front of her and pursed her lips.

"Yes," Niven said tersely.

"Then bring me fresh lemon slices in ice-cold water," Vickie said, "You do have ice cubes, don't you?" she added snidely.

"Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am," Niven said in a submissive way.

Niven then curtsied toward Vickie. She nodded at Adam, turned, and walked out of the room. Adam stood there, stunned by Niven's curtsy.

Joan watched the entire exchange with Vickie. It was then that she realized that Vickie was very much like Artie.

"Honey," Joan said to Adam, "I'll leave you two to talk."

She turned toward Vickie. Joan assumed after Adam spoke with her, she would never see her again.

"It was nice to see you, Vickie. Goodbye," Joan said.

She turned and walked out of the room. Vickie sensed something weird about the way Joan said 'goodbye' but was so shaken from the incident with Colby that it didn't quite register.

"Oh, Pookie," Vickie said when they were finally alone.

She came toward Adam. Adam subtly avoided her by moving behind the bar. He pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Adam, what is going on here?" Vickie said.

She stopped at the edge of the sectional and put her hands on her hips.

"First, you make me wait... Then, I get here and it's like a circus. The media... The wild animals... And that maid. I don't like her," Vickie said with a scowl on her face.

"Vickie, have a seat," Adam said, ignoring her comments.

Adam left the bottle of water on the bar and came around. He gestured to her to sit on the sectional. He stood a couple steps away from her and clasped his hands in front of himself. After she sat down, she crossed her legs, adjusted her tight skirt, and brushed back her hair. It was still a mess, despite her continuing to brush it back.

"I'm sorry to be blunt about this, but our relationship is over. We both need to move on," Adam said.

"What?!?!" Vickie exhorted in shock. She checked her composure and put on her sickly-sweet voice, "C'mon, Pookie, you know I didn't mean what I said during the trial... that judge got me all riled up."

She tried to reach for Adam's hand. He took a half step back and moved his hands behind him so she couldn't reach him.

"It's not that," Adam said, "I don't love you. I'm in love with someone else."

Vickie tilted her head and opened her jaw.

"Huh," Vickie said, "You expect me to believe that? You've been alone here. It's not possible. Wait... Are you telling me that you're in love with that maid?"

She looked at Adam with skepticism.

"No, I'm telling you that I'm in love with Dawson," Adam calmly said with determination.

"Excuse me?" Vickie said as she looked at him with skepticism.

"You heard me," Adam said, "I'm in love with Dawson. I'm sorry Vickie, but it was never going to work between us."

Vickie began to chuckle and then she started shaking her head.

"Oh no," Vickie said, "No, no, no... You're telling me you're gay?!?! I don't believe it!"

Vickie steeled her face and challenged Adam by staring right at him. Adam was about to tell her it didn't matter if she believed him or not. Then he got an idea.

Adam put up a single finger toward Vickie, indicating that he wanted her to wait a moment. He went to the sliding door and looked out onto the terrace. He could see Dawson talking with Rosa. He opened the sliding door.

"Rosa... Dawson..." Adam called out, "Sorry to interrupt. Dawson, can you step in here for a moment? It will be quick."

Adam stepped back into the room, putting himself halfway between Vickie and the sliding door.

After excusing himself and asking Rosa to wait for him, Dawson came in and slid the door closed.

"What's up?" Dawson said casually, even though he was pretty sure he knew what Adam needed.

"I just told Vickie that I was in love with someone else and she doesn't believe me," Adam said, "I think she needs convincing."

Dawson smiled. He came closer to Adam. He turned Adam so he was facing Vickie. He got behind Adam and encircled his arms around him. He rested his chin on Adam's shoulder as his hands hugged Adam's torso. The boys both looked right at Vickie.

"Did you tell her it was me? ... And that you like it when I hold you from behind like this? ... And how you like it when I nibble on your neck..." Dawson said seductively.

Dawson began gently kissing Adam's neck. Adam winced his shoulders and smiled when he felt Dawson's lips make contact. Dawson's hands roamed across Adam's front. One hand settled on Adam's pec. The other found his crotch. Dawson squeezed Adam's package.

"Hhhh," Adam sighed as he looked right at Vickie.

Vickie's mouth was slightly open and her eyebrows were furrowed. She was still looking at them skeptically. Adam leaned his head back and turned. Dawson tilted his head and their lips met. They began to kiss.

"Ok, stop..." Vickie said as she put her hand up, squinted her eyes, and turned her head so she didn't have to look at the boys making out.

The boys stopped kissing. Dawson moved his hands to Adam's hips. He stayed where he was and held Adam from behind. Vickie crossed her arms and looked at the boys.

"You're not getting off that easy," Vickie said.

Adam looked at her with confusion. Vickie adjusted her tight skirt. Then she brushed back her still disheveled hair.

"You are going to give me $50,000 a month or I will walk out to all of the cameras at the end of the street and tell the media that you are gay lovers," Vickie said with a scheming grin.

Adam tilted his head in surprise. Dawson did too. Dawson moved back slightly and Adam turned so the boys could look at each other. They both knew exactly what to do next.

"What should we do?" Adam said with nervousness in his voice.

Dawson looked at Vickie with disdain. Then he turned to Adam.

"Adam, you're going to have to pay her," Dawson said.

"I know," Adam said dejectedly.

Vickie started to smile.

"But Vickie," Adam said as he turned to her, "We don't control the money yet. Only Krantz can write a check."

"Well, then..." Vickie said and then paused.

She raised her eyebrows and sighed.

"Get Krantz in here and tell him to write me a fucking check," Vickie said as if she were in charge.

"I'll find him," Dawson said to Adam.

Dawson left the room urgently. Vickie had a shit-eating grin on her face as she adjusted her skirt and brushed her hair back. Adam went to the bar and grabbed the water bottle he had taken out before. He took a drink and then held onto it as he moved back to where he was standing before.

"And don't think I've forgotten about the engagement ring," Vickie said, "It's mine. I want it."

"I can't believe you're doing this to me, Vickie," Adam said.

"Yeah... well..." Vickie said, "Get over it."

There was a bit of uncomfortable silence. Then Vickie spoke.

"Where is that idiot with my lemon water?" Vickie said as she rolled her eyes and adjusted how she was sitting.

Dawson came back into the room. Krantz was behind him holding a leather-bound check register.

"Mr. Jameson... Mr. Stewart has informed me what is happening," Krantz said, "I must advise against doing this."

Dawson and Adam made eye contact. Dawson gave Adam a subtle nod.

"I understand, Krantz," Adam said, "But it must be done."

Krantz nodded and moved toward the table where the photo albums were. He opened the check register and began writing. When he finished he ripped the check from the book and closed it. He brought the check to Adam and handed it to him. Adam looked at the check. Dawson moved to stand next to Adam.

"Hhhh," Adam sighed, "Ok, Vickie. Here you go."

He went over, leaned down, and handed the check to Vickie. She looked at it. It was made out to Victoria Cartwright for $0.00.

"What is this? Some kind of a joke?" Vickie said as she looked at Adam with confusion.

"No, you're the joke, Vickie," Adam said, "Do you really think I care if people know I'm gay?"

"How dare you insult me like this!" Vickie said as she stood up.

She crumpled up the check and threw it at Adam. It grazed his arm and fell to the floor.

"I'm insulting you?!?!?" Adam said.

He reached out and took Dawson's hand. He began to speak very calmly.

"You insulted me by filing a claim against my grandfather's inheritance so you could get more of his money after we got married... You insulted me by throwing your engagement ring at me while having a childish tantrum... You insulted me by telling me we need to sell this incredible lake house, which, by the way, was designed and built by my grandparents... And then you insulted me by sitting there and trying to blackmail me..."

Vickie was stunned that her blackmail plan wasn't working, so she stood there with her mouth slightly open.

"And the best part is..." Adam said as he chuckled, "You tried to blackmail me with something that I'm proud of. I'm gay, Vickie. And I love Dawson... Get over it."

Just then, Niven came in carrying a tray holding Vickie's lemon water.

"Grrr!!!" Vickie shouted in frustration.

She grabbed her clutch purse and stormed toward the door. As she passed by Niven, she swiped at the tray with her clutch purse. Niven anticipated that Vickie might upend the tray. As the clutch purse came near the tray, Niven tilted it toward Vickie. The tray flew forward and the ice-cold lemon water spilled out, splashing all over Vickie's front. The lemon slices and ice cubes littered the carpet. The tray landed to the side with a thud. The glass skipped and rolled on the rug and ended up unbroken at Krantz's feet.

"Arrgghh!!" Vickie exhorted in a high-pitched voice as she dropped her clutch purse, "You idiot!!"

Her hands came up, her knees bent slightly, and her back hunched a bit.

"Hhhh! Hhhh!" Vickie kept exhaling loudly with her eyes wide open as she felt the ice-cold water seep into her clothes and wet the front of her body.

She looked down at her skirt and top, covered in ice water.

"You fucking idiot!!" Vickie screamed.

Niven pulled a cloth towel from her apron and started to reach out toward Vickie.

"Don't you touch me!" Vickie said angrily as she put her hand up in Niven's face.

"Hhhh," Vickie exhaled as she swiped at her skirt with her hands to try to remove some of the water.

When that did basically nothing, she bent down and picked up her clutch purse. She straightened herself. She adjusted her skirt and brushed her still mussed-up hair back. Without looking back at Adam, she left the room. They could all hear Vickie's high heel shoes as they click-click-clicked down the hallway. They heard the front door open and then it slammed shut.

"Hhhh," Adam sighed.

Niven knelt down and dabbed at the carpet with the hand towel where the water had spilled. Krantz winced as he bent down and picked up the glass. Krantz then went over to where the tray lay on the ground.

Dawson turned toward Adam. He put his hand on his bicep. Dawson comforted Adam by gently caressing his arm while Niven and Krantz cleaned up.

Krantz knelt down on one knee. He laid the empty glass on the tray. He then began picking up the lemon slices and ice cubes to put them on the tray. Niven joined him and they soon had all the slices and cubes on the tray. Krantz winced as he stood up holding the tray. Niven noticed but didn't say anything. They both stood and began to move toward the doorway.

"I would like a word with you two," Adam said in a commanding tone.

Krantz and Niven stopped and slowly turned toward Adam and Dawson.

"Krantz... Making Vickie wait on the terrace when you knew she hated it outside? ..." Adam said with disappointment in his voice, "Really?"

Krantz opened his mouth slightly to refute the implied accusation. But he then decided it was pointless. Instead, he closed his mouth and looked down with guilt on his face.

"And you..." Adam said with a reprimanding voice as he looked at Niven, "Spilling water all over her? ... And what was that curtsy?"

Krantz's head popped up and he looked at Niven with surprise.

"What?" Dawson said as he quickly looked at Niven.

Niven tilted her head and raised her eyebrows.

"Well..." Niven said softly.

There was quiet in the room while Adam paused.

"Ppffff," Adam exhorted and he started laughing.

Dawson started chuckling. Niven pursed her lips while she tried to grin at the same time. Krantz couldn't suppress a slight grin.

"Did you see her face when I handed her the check?" Adam said as he laughed.

"I can't believe Niven curtsied and I missed it," Dawson said as he smiled while shaking his head.

"It was pretty good," Adam said, still chuckling, "I don't know how I didn't burst out laughing."

Krantz and Niven regained their composure. They looked at each other.

"I know you were trying to help me," Adam said to the pair when he and Dawson stopped laughing, "but you really shouldn't have done that."

"Yes, sir," Niven and Krantz both said at the same time.

"Wait," Dawson said.

They all looked at him.

"I have a plan for when my parents get here," Dawson said, "I need everyone's help. And I'll need you to keep up the shenanigans for a bit longer."

They all looked at him with curiosity.

"What are you thinking?" Adam asked.

"I want to show them what they missed by disowning me," Dawson said, "before I throw them out on their asses."

"Count me in," Adam said as he looked at Dawson with pride.

"Krantz? Niven?" Dawson said as he looked at them.

"We serve at your pleasure, sir," Krantz said.

"Just tell us what you want us to do," Niven said eagerly, "and it's done."

They all looked at each other for a moment.

"Let me get Rosa," Dawson said excitedly, "Can you get Cassie and Adam's mom?" he said as he looked at Niven and Krantz.

"I will fetch Miss Stewart and Mrs. Jameson," Krantz said as he nodded once.

He turned toward Niven and handed her the tray with lemon slices and ice cubes on it.

Dawson smiled. Krantz and Niven started to leave. Dawson moved toward the sliding door leading out to the terrace. He opened the door and stuck his head out.

"Rosa, can you come inside for a few minutes?" Dawson said, "You can bring Colby."

The doorbell rang. Krantz made his way to the front door in a deliberate manner. He was impeccably dressed in the formal version of his butler's uniform. He had on a bright white, starchily pressed wing tip collar shirt. His black bowtie was perfectly tied and matched his black vest and black formal waist coat. His silver cuff links were very noticeable as they sparkled from the polished shine he put on them. His black pants and shiny black dress shoes complimented the bright white gloves he was wearing. He opened the front door. Standing in front of him was a man and a woman.

Teresa Stewart was wearing a spring dress with light colors. She wore a thin, button-down sweater that matched well with her dress. Her shoes were a muted peach color. She had makeup on, but still looked her age. Her hair was straight and about six inches in length. There were streaks of grey mixed in with her dark brown hair.

Raymond Stewart was wearing a dark blue sport coat, a light blue dress shirt, and a rose colored tie. His tan pants and dark brown loafers went well with his sport coat. His face was an older version of Dawson's and his hair was thick and parted on the side. He also had streaks of grey in his hair.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart," Krantz said in his most stately voice, "I am Krantz. Welcome to Jameson Manor. Won't you come in?"

Krantz stepped back, opening the door wider. He gestured with his white glove-covered hand for them to step inside. His movements were very slow and deliberate. Dawson's parents looked at each other and then stepped into the vestibule. They both began to look around. Krantz shut the door and came around in front of them.

"Mr. Stewart is occupied for the moment," Krantz informed them, "He has asked me to see to your needs until he is available."

"Oh," Teresa said as she looked at her husband.

"Can I take your... wrap?" Krantz said to Teresa, hesitating before he said 'wrap'.

"No, no," Teresa said pulling the sweater closer, "I'm fine."

"Very well," Krantz said, "Perhaps I can interest you in a refreshment while you wait?"

The couple looked at each other.

"That will be fine," Teresa said.

Krantz gestured to the hallway.

"Right this way," Krantz said.

He started toward the west wing. Dawson's parents followed, looking around with their mouths open. Raymond gawked at the grand staircase as they passed by it. He elbowed Teresa and pointed at a large vase adorning the passageway as they went down the hallway.

"This is the library," Krantz said as he opened the door and gestured to them to enter the room.

Raymond and Theresa stepped inside the library. They looked around at all of the traditional furniture, the artwork decorating the room, and shelf after shelf of books. The methodical ticking of the grandfather clock was interrupted by Krantz.

"Can I offer you a refreshment?" Krantz said as he spread his arms to show off the bar, "We have any type of libation you'd like."

Raymond looked at Teresa. She nodded at him.

"Um... Could I have a scotch?" Raymond asked.

Raymond scrunched his face a bit and pinched his fingers in the air to indicate he wanted just a taste.

"Of course," Krantz said with enthusiasm, "We have 25-year-old Macallan single malt scotch whisky. I hope that is to your liking."

Raymond inhaled a slight gasp. He stepped to the bar and leaned toward Krantz.

"Isn't that, like, $2500 a bottle?" he whispered.

"Ice?" Krantz said as he reached for the bottle, pretending he didn't hear him.

Teresa gave Raymond a disapproving look.

"Yes," Raymond replied, "Ice will be fine."

Krantz gently placed a square ice cube into a glass. He poured the scotch over the ice cube. He slid the glass on the bar toward Raymond who went to grab it. But Krantz didn't let go of it.

"Some advice?" Krantz said softly as he leaned in and his face became serious, "We don't ask how much things cost at Jameson Manor."

Krantz winked at him, let go of the glass, and smiled. Raymond looked at him apprehensively.

"Right..." Raymond replied as he started to chuckle.

Raymond pulled the glass toward himself and took a sip.

"Mmm," Raymond said, "This is smooth."

"Something for you, ma'am?" Krantz asked Teresa.

"Cranberry juice and sparkling water with ice," Teresa said as she looked at her husband with frustration.

Krantz fixed her a drink and handed it to her.

"Follow me," Krantz said, "I'll show you more of the mansion."

Dawson's parents followed Krantz as he took them through most of the rooms on the first floor. They gawked at the spacious rooms with all the elaborate furnishings and expensive decor as Krantz gave them a tour. When they reached the ballroom, Krantz opened the double doors with a flourish.

The Stewarts went in and moved to the center of the ballroom. Teresa immediately zeroed in on the portraits of Clayton and Sara Jameson. Her face muscles tightened when she looked at Clayton's portrait. Raymond was looking around when he settled on Sara's portrait.

"Wow," Raymond said, "Who is that? She's beautiful."

Krantz made his way to stand under the paintings.

"This is Sara Jameson," Krantz said gesturing with two fingers as he pointed, "She designed this mansion and Mr. Jameson there built it for her. They were very much in love before she passed away during childbirth."

"Oh," Raymond said sympathetically as he admired Sara's portrait.

Krantz saw Teresa's demeanor change as she tried to hide her feelings about Clayton. She turned so she wasn't looking at the paintings and took a sip of her drink.

Krantz made his way to the french doors. He opened them.

"Allow me to show you the grounds," Krantz said as he gestured to them to go out onto the terrace. When Dawson's parents came out onto the terrace, Krantz closed the french doors. They could see the pool, patio, and garden from the terrace as Krantz pointed them out. Then Dawson's parents stood in awe as they looked at the beauty of the lake and surrounding terrain.

"Wow," Raymond said, "The views from here are just incredible."

Krantz smiled and nodded. He guided them to the living room sliding door. Krantz slid the door open and gestured to them to enter. They all went inside.

"Make yourself comfortable," Krantz said, "I'm sure Mr. Stewart won't be much longer."

Krantz gestured to the sectional. Raymond took a seat and held his drink in his lap. But Teresa stayed standing.

"Mrs. Niven," Krantz said into his communicator, "We are in the living room."

Teresa looked at Raymond with curiosity.

"Who is Mrs. Niven?" Teresa asked as she turned toward Krantz.

"She runs the kitchen and the housekeeping staff," Krantz said.

Raymond raised his eyebrows at Teresa when he heard there were more staff maintaining the house.

Krantz began to move to the entryway. He stopped when he reached the threshold. He turned and stood erect in the doorway with his back up against the frame. He turned and looked at Dawson's parents. "I shall remain here at the ready. If there is anything you need, simply ask," Krantz said slowly.

Krantz then turned to stare directly at the frame of the entryway on the opposite side of the doorjamb. Teresa and Raymond looked at each other. She raised her eyebrows at her husband. Raymond looked at Krantz who appeared to be oblivious to their movements. He took a sip of the scotch. He sighed after he swallowed and held the glass up to look at the liquid with appreciation.

Teresa casually walked around the room, looking at everything. The ice in her drink clinked as she moved around. She meandered over to the table where the boys had put the albums. They were no longer there. In their place was a very expensive looking set of different sized vases. She looked to see if Krantz was watching. She tilted one of the vases and looked at the bottom, to determine how expensive it might be. She circled the room and made her way over to the wall with the paintings of Sara and Camilla. A look of recognition came over her face as she realized the painting she was looking at was painted by her grandfather, Alejandro Santos. She turned to see if Raymond or Krantz saw her reaction. They did not.

It was only a minute when Dawson's parents heard some noise in the hallway. Niven appeared at the entryway to the room pushing a cart. She was wearing a formal housekeeping uniform complete with a white head piece. Krantz moved into the room so Niven could enter. Niven brought the cart into the room and moved it to the side. Krantz picked up the tray on top of the cart and brought it to the coffee table. He laid the tray down.

"Please enjoy this freshly prepared charcuterie board. We have several selections," Krantz said, and then he began to point at each thing on the tray, "For cheeses we have Argentinian goat cheese, Creamy Coppinger, Peppadew Pepper White Cheddar, Aged Yellow Cheddar, and Blueberry Wensleydale. For meat selections we have Soppressata, Peppered Salami, Chorizo, and Prosciutto di Parma. A variety of crackers, Rosemary & Olive Oil, Tart Cherry & Cacao, and Everything Spice. And finally, your accompaniments, Salted Caramel Walnuts, Seasoned Cashews, Dried Cherries, Turkish Figs, Pepperoncini, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Chili Marinated Green Olives, and Chocolate Truffles."

When Krantz finished, he turned to accept the next tray which Niven had brought over. It had fine china appetizer dishes, small forks fanned out in a pattern, small knives fanned out in a pattern, and cloth napkins folded and laid out in an overlapping pattern.

Niven turned to go back toward the cart. Krantz placed the tray with the dishes, silverware, and napkins onto the coffee table. Niven opened a panel on the underside of the cart, which you could now see was a warming drawer. She took a tray with empty serving dishes on it and began using tongs to place two of each hot food selection onto the serving dishes. When she was done, she walked over to where Teresa was standing. She held up the tray in front of her.

"Crab stuffed mushrooms, jalapeno poppers, and buffalo chicken eggrolls," Niven offered.

She held out an empty appetizer plate for Teresa to take. Teresa looked at the tray with her mouth open.

"This really isn't necessary," Teresa said, "You didn't need to make all this food just for us."

"Oh, it was no bother," Krantz said, "This is standard fare for the afternoon at Jameson Manor. If this is not to your liking, we can prepare something else..."

Krantz and Niven looked at them as if they didn't understand what they could have done wrong.

"No... no..." Teresa responded, "We are just not used to this. And, quite frankly, I wasn't expecting this kind of... reception."

"We understand," Krantz said, "That shouldn't stop you from enjoying a taste while you wait."

Raymond glanced at Teresa. He didn't wait for her permission.

"In that case," Raymond said, "I wouldn't mind trying one of those poppers."

"Of course," Niven said as she came over with the tray.

Raymond began making himself a plate with one of each hot food and a few things from the charcutterie board. Teresa gave in and came over to the sectional and sat down next to Raymond. She put a couple slices of cheese, some crackers, and some meat onto one of the plates.

Niven placed the tray with the hot food onto the table and went to the cart. She stood next to it. She grasped her hands in front of her, pursed her lips, and stood tall where she was. Krantz took his position in the doorjamb, standing as erect as he could.

"I could get used to this," Raymond whispered to Teresa under his breath, so Niven and Krantz couldn't hear him.

"Quiet..." Teresa whispered softly back to her husband, "Just clam up. Let me do all the talking."

Raymond and Teresa sampled the food they had put on their plates and sipped their drinks. Raymond kept looking around the room at all of the artwork. After another couple minutes, they could hear movement outside in the hallway. Krantz turned, took one step into the room and then moved to his left, so he wasn't blocking the entryway.

"Miss Cassidy Stewart," Krantz announced, "and Mr. Adam Jameson."

When they heard Krantz's announcement, Teresa and Raymond acted on instinct with the formality of their surroundings. They both put their plates down and stood up in front of the sectional.

Cassie and Adam appeared together in the entryway. She looked stunning. She was wearing a business formal outfit. It was green tweed and it came down to just above the knee. It had three quarter sleeves and a thin gold belt. Cassie made eye contact with Teresa and Raymond.

Adam was wearing one of his tailored suits. He looked very handsome. His hand was under Cassie's elbow, as if he were escorting her, and they moved together toward the sectional.

"Mr. Dawson Stewart," Krantz announced.

Dawson entered the room at a regular gait. He looked dashing in his dark blue suit.

"Forgive the wait," Dawson said with a take-charge tone, looking only at his father, "It couldn't be avoided."

Teresa didn't say anything. Raymond smiled at the sight of his son. He gestured his glass toward Dawson as if he were going to say something, but then remembered Teresa told him to stay quiet. So, he simply took a sip of his scotch.

"Anything to drink, miss?" Krantz asked Cassie.

Cassie and Adam took seats next to each other on the sectional, on the far side of where Dawson's parents were sitting.

"My usual, Krantz," Cassie said, then she gestured to Niven, "And two eggrolls, please Niven... You know how I love them."

"Yes, miss," Niven replied.

Niven came to the front of the cart. She opened the warming tray and retrieved two eggrolls. She put them onto a plate.

"Would you like something to drink Mr. Stewart, sir?" Krantz said to Dawson once he was behind the bar.

Raymond and Teresa were impressed by the level of respect Dawson was receiving. They subtly looked at each other to see the other's reaction.

"I think I'm going to have a manhattan," Dawson said.

Dawson left plenty of space between him and his lover as he sat down near him on the sectional.

"Oh, that sounds good," Adam chimed in, "I will have one as well, Krantz."

Dawson's parents were not sure how to react. They had not expected their initial interaction to be so formal. So, they simply sat down.

Cassie sat very close to Adam, with their thighs touching. She turned slightly in her seat so her elbow was on the back of the couch, draping her forearm over Adam's shoulder. She patted Adam's chest a couple times with her hand once she settled. Teresa and Raymond both noticed and assumed they were a couple.

Niven came over and handed the plate with the eggrolls to Cassie. Cassie turned so she was facing forward, but still very close to Adam. Niven took a napkin and snapped it in the air to unfold it. She placed the napkin over Cassie's lap.

"Thank you, Niven," Cassie said as she picked up one of the eggrolls to take a bite.

Krantz came over and placed a drink on a coaster in front of Cassie.

Teresa wanted to control the situation, so she tried to start a casual conversation with Cassie.

"You look very pretty in that dress, Cassie," Teresa said.

"Mmm," Cassie sounded as she swallowed a bite of the eggroll, "Thank you. And I go by Cassidy now."

She turned and looked at Adam. They smiled at each other. There were a few moments of awkward silence. Krantz came over with the boys' drinks. He handed them to Dawson and Adam. The boys both took a sip. Krantz and Niven took their positions from before, standing rigidly in their spots.

"Introductions... This is Adam Jameson," Dawson spoke as he gestured toward Adam, "His grandparents built this place. And his granddad left it to the two of us in his will. Adam, this is Teresa and Raymond Stewart. They used to be my parents. And, of course, you know Cassidy."

Raymond looked down with disappointment when he heard Dawson say they used to be his parents.

"Welcome to Jameson Manor," Adam said.

Adam looked back and forth between Dawson's parents. His eyes settled on Raymond, who looked like an older version of Dawson. Adam wondered if Dawson would look so handsome when he aged.

"Thank you for meeting with us," Teresa said to Adam, pretending Dawson hadn't made the comment about them no longer being his parents.

She looked at how close Cassie was to Adam.

"He left the house to both of you? What does that mean?" Teresa asked.

"It means they own it fifty-fifty," Cassie said as she finished off the second eggroll, "And it's not just the house, but all the land you can see when you look out from the terrace."

She leaned forward and put her empty plate on the coffee table. Cassie began wiping her mouth and hands with the napkin. Dawson reached for a cracker and a slice of cheese. Cassie crumpled the napkin on her lap and looked right at Teresa.

"So why are you here? What do you want?" Cassie said as she sat back with her drink.

Cassie put her hand on Adam's thigh. Adam put his hand over Cassie's.

"Cassidy," Adam admonished her bluntness under his breath as he patted her hand.

Both Raymond and Teresa noticed. Teresa smiled.

"I suppose we should expect you and Dawson to be angry with us," Teresa said.

Teresa paused as she looked at Dawson.

"You look good, Dawson," Teresa said, "And we can see that you're doing well."

Cassie made a not-so-subtle noise of disdain. Adam patted Cassidy's hand again.

"Cassidy, honey," Adam said as he turned to look at her, "Dawson wants to hear them out. Let's not interfere."

"Ok," Cassidy said as she turned slightly, removed her hand from Adam's thigh, and rested her elbow on the back of the couch again, "I'll be quiet."

"I was expecting to talk with you alone, Dawson," Teresa said to him and then turned toward Cassidy and Adam, "Please don't take offense."

"Oh, I'm not offended," Adam said.

Neither Adam nor Cassie gave any indication they were going to leave.

"Oh... see," Dawson said as he held up his drink, "They are here at my request."

Dawson took a sip of his manhattan when he was done talking. He looked right at his mother, waiting for her to tell them what she wanted. Teresa maintained eye contact with Dawson the whole time, her face unchanging.

"Perhaps I should get to the reason why we're here, then," Teresa said and put her drink down on the coffee table.

Dawson took a bite of his cheese and cracker and waited for Teresa to continue.

"There's no easy way to say it," Teresa said as she looked down toward the charcuterie board, "Your father and I have hit some hard times. We started our own consulting business a few years ago. We sunk everything into it. We've hit a rough patch. We are going to have to close our business and declare personal bankruptcy. We've already spent our retirement and we will probably lose the house."

Dawson leaned forward. He popped the rest of the cracker into his mouth and cupped his drink in front of him. He chewed for a few moments and then swallowed.

"So, you want money," Dawson said.

"Well, no..." Teresa said, "I mean, yes... but it's not like that."

Teresa adjusted her sweater and looked at Dawson.

"We were at the end of our rope. And then we heard about you and the inheritance," Teresa explained, "It was a sign from God that we should reconcile with you."

Dawson sat back on the sectional. He took a generous sip of his manhattan.

"What do you have to say about this?" Dawson asked as he gestured his drink toward his father, "Do you think this is a sign from God?"

Raymond looked at Teresa and then at Dawson.

"Of course," was all Raymond said.

He quickly took a sip of his scotch.

"Hmmm," Dawson sounded as he sat there looking at his parents.

"I can already guess what you think, Cassidy..." Dawson said.

He paused. Cassidy looked with daggers at Teresa.

"It's bullshit..." Cassie said.

Dawson didn't respond.

"What do you think, Adam?" Dawson said, still looking at his mother.

"Well," Adam said as he smiled at Teresa, "Maybe she's right and it is God's plan."

Teresa smiled at Adam when she heard him say that. Dawson leaned forward and put his drink on the coffee table.

"Hmmm," Dawson said, "I'll have to think about it."

Raymond sighed with relief. Teresa tried to look unphased, but she was surprised Dawson didn't dismiss the idea of reconciliation immediately. Dawson picked up a napkin and rubbed his hands on it to remove the condensation they picked up from his drink.

"But first," Dawson said, "I will need an apology."

Raymond looked hopeful. Teresa looked at the floor. There was quiet for a few moments as Raymond looked at Teresa. She took in a deep breath and sighed. She avoided looking at Dawson.

"I'm sorry..." Teresa said softly, "I never should have said those things to you. And I regret making you leave."

Dawson was nodding as she spoke. He looked at his father when Teresa finished her apology.

"Well, I am truly sorry, Dawson," Raymond said, "I should have interceded," Raymond paused and then choked up as he continued, "I've missed you."

Dawson leaned forward and picked up his manhattan. He let the silence linger as he took a sip. He leaned back in his seat holding his drink.

"Now, see?" Dawson said, "How do I know if you're both sincere?" Dawson paused as he watched his parents' reaction, "Perhaps I should ask my boyfriend..."

Dawson leaned forward again and put his drink down on the table.

"Your boyfriend?" Teresa said with a mixture of disgust and curiosity.

"Yes," Dawson said, "I trust him."

He turned toward Adam.

"Babe, what do you think?" Dawson said to Adam.

Adam turned toward Dawson. He grabbed Dawson's hand and they interlaced their fingers. Adam leaned over and kissed Dawson on the cheek. Teresa made a sound of disapproval as she looked at the two of them with surprise.

"But I thought..." Raymond exclaimed as he looked at Cassie and then the two boys.

"What..." Cassie said, pretending to be surprised, "Me and Adam?" she added as she pointed back and forth between the two of them, "Adam's gay. You couldn't tell? Teresa could probably tell. They have that certain look about them, don't they, Teresa?"

Raymond and Teresa looked at Cassie and the boys with confusion. Teresa didn't respond. She realized the genial nature in the room had shifted toward confrontational.

"So, should I believe they're sincere?" Dawson said looking at Adam.

"Well, let's see..." Adam said, "Krantz?"

Krantz moved to the cart. He picked up a manilla folder and walked with it behind where Adam was sitting. Adam reached up and Krantz handed the folder to him over his shoulder.

"Thank you, Krantz," Adam said.

Krantz started back to his position standing in the doorway. Adam opened the folder.

"Well, it says here Raymond and Teresa Stewart started their consulting business in 2007. Since then, it has brought in a handsome profit for the both of them. Last year, they paid off their mortgage and, get this, they bought a vacation condo in San Diego," Adam read.

He closed the folder and leaned toward Dawson.

"So, they started a business a few years ago. That part's true. The rest of it? Well..." Adam said.

Adam raised his eyebrows and shrugged as he left the fact that they lied linger in the air.

"Where did you get that?" Teresa said with anger in her voice.

"You can find all of this out with a financial background check," Adam said.

He tossed the folder onto the table.

"So," Teresa said, "It's clear to me now, that you never had any intention of helping us."

"Why should I?" Dawson said calmly, "I was your son, your family, and you cast me aside because I'm gay. And now you come here and lie to me? Not because you have any regrets... but because you want money."

Raymond looked at the floor ashamed. Teresa looked uncomfortable sitting there listening to her son berate her.

"If you believe that gay people should be rejected because they are a sin against God, and that's your rock-solid belief," Dawson said, "then I would understand that logic. I don't agree with it, but I would understand it. But you've just shown me that you can reject me because I'm gay... unless there's money involved. Then, apparently, being gay isn't an abomination. That makes you, not only a liar, but a hypocrite, too."

"We should go now," Teresa said as she started to get up.

"Sit down," Dawson said angrily as he stood up and pointed at the sectional where Teresa was sitting, "I have something I want to say. You came here asking for me to listen to you. I did. Now you're going to listen to me."

Raymond reached out his hand and grabbed Teresa's arm. Teresa glared at Raymond and slowly sat back down.

"Before you go," Dawson said, "I want you to know who my real family is."

Dawson pointed at Cassie and said, "My cousin."

Cassie stood up.

Dawson gestured toward Adam and said, "My boyfriend."

Adam stood up and buttoned his suit coat.

Dawson turned toward Krantz. He gestured toward the doorway.

"My boyfriend's mother," Dawson said.

Krantz moved into the room and to the side.

"Mrs. Joan Jameson," Krantz announced.

Joan strode into the room with her head held up high. She went right up to the coffee table and stood across from Dawson's parents.

"My cousin and her partner," Dawson said as he gestured toward the doorway again.

"Ms. Margherita Santos and Ms. Rosa Torres," Krantz announced.

When she heard her cousin's name, Teresa braced herself in her seat and visibly shook. Rosa and Margherita appeared in the entryway, holding hands. They entered the room and came up to the edge of the coffee table, standing next to Joan, facing Teresa and Raymond. Teresa lost her breath as she looked at her cousin.

"Hello, Teresa," Margherita said with a self-satisfied smile.

Teresa looked at her cousin in shock. Raymond looked confused.

"My grandmother," Dawson said proudly as he held his hand out again toward the doorway.

"Mrs. Helena Navarro," Krantz announced.

Helena appeared in the doorway. Teresa gasped as her eyes widened. She held her breath and looked absolutely dumbfounded as her mouth opened slightly. Helena made her way into the room and stood next to Rosa, looking right at Teresa.

"Teresa," Helena said as she shook her head, "You haven't changed. You've just gotten older and more pathetic."

Teresa was frozen. She simply sat there with surprise written all over her face. Raymond looked at the women standing there. He looked at his wife who was clearly in shock.

"What is this?" Raymond asked, "Who are these people?"

He was looking at Teresa when he asked, but then he looked at Dawson for an explanation.

"Teresa, do you know these people?" Raymond asked as he looked back at her.

"Of course, she knows them," Dawson said, "They were her family. This was your wife's cousin, Margherita and her partner Rosa."

Dawson then leaned toward his father and put his hand up to the side of his mouth, like he was telling him a secret.

"They're lesbians," Dawson whispered loudly in a mocking way.

He then removed his hand and stood up straight again. Dawson put his arm around Helena's shoulder.

"And this amazing woman was your wife's mother," Dawson said.

Raymond almost spilled his drink. His mouth dropped as he looked at Teresa with confusion. He slowly put his drink onto the coffee table.

"Is this true?" Raymond asked Teresa as he turned to confront her, "I thought your parents died when you were a teenager."

Teresa sat there, still in shock. She didn't know what to do.

"Oh," Dawson said, "You didn't know?"

Dawson removed his arm from Helena's shoulder as he looked at his father.

"That was what she wanted you to think. She didn't want anyone to know the ugly person she was inside. So, she lied about it," Dawson explained.

"What is he talking about?" Raymond asked.

"Should I tell him?" Dawson offered, "Or do you want to do it."

Dawson stared at his mother who simply sat there looking defeated.

"Fine..." Dawson said, "Your bigoted wife ran away from her family after she berated her uncle for being gay... to the point where his heart gave out and he died."

"That's not what happened," Teresa said defiantly.

"Which part did I get wrong?" Dawson asked.

Teresa took in a deep breath and sighed. She didn't say anything.

"Teresa?" Raymond said as he looked at his wife in confusion.

Raymond looked at Dawson.

"You have to believe, I didn't know," Raymond said.

"Why should I care?" Dawson said, "You're just as bad as she is."

Raymond sat with his mouth open, not sure what to say next.

"Before you leave here and never set foot on our doorstep again," Dawson said, "I want you to take a good look at the people in front of you. They are kind, generous, and loving... everything a good Christian should be. And because you are closed minded and selfish, you will never be a true Christian."

Helena put her hand on Dawson's shoulder as her eyes welled up.

"Dawson, I'm sorry..." Raymond said, "Son, I..."

"No," Dawson said putting his hand up, "You don't get the privilege of calling me that. At every turn, you've chosen her side. So now you can live with the consequences of that."

"You faggots are all alike," Teresa said with venom in her voice as she finally recovered from the shock of seeing her family.

Cassie gasped at Teresa's shocking words. Adam's mouth opened and he blinked his eyes, trying to absorb what he just heard. Raymond winced when he heard his wife speak like that. Dawson stood up taller.

"You bigoted, homophobic, so-called Christians are all alike," Dawson said with a steely demeanor.

Raymond's shoulders slumped. His face showed disappointment.

"Now, get out of my house," Dawson said as he pointed at the doorway, "I don't ever want to see you again."

"Dawson..." Raymond tried to say.

"No," Dawson said, not looking at his father, "I don't want to hear it. Get out."

Teresa readjusted her sweater, pulling both sides of it against her body. She stood up and started toward the doorway. Raymond tried to look at Dawson, but Dawson avoided making eye contact. Raymond jumped up and followed Teresa. Before Teresa reached the doorway, Dawson spoke.

"Krantz, can you escort them, please?" he said, "Make sure they don't steal anything on the way out."

Teresa stopped in the doorway and turned toward the room. Raymond had reached her side.

"You're all going to hell," Teresa said with disdain as she pointed her finger at them and swept it slowly across the room.

"Doubtful," Margherita couldn't help blurting out.

Raymond looked pleadingly at the group, like he wanted to say something. His eyes looked at the ground and then he looked up, with a hopeful look at Dawson. Dawson's jaw was clenched and he was slowly shaking his head in disappointment. Raymond simply followed Teresa as she walked into the hallway. Krantz then followed right behind them.

"Wow," Adam said softly.

There were a few quiet sighs from others in the room, but otherwise the room was silent.


The Inheritance Clause - 29

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