The Inheritance Clause

By Derek Warner

Published on Aug 17, 2024


This story contains descriptions of graphic sex between males. If that kind of thing does not appeal to you, stop reading now.

This story is pure fiction. If this resembles something that happened to you, it must have been an incredible experience. But it's simply a coincidence.

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The Inheritance Clause - 38

When the video finished playing for the second time, the only sound was the crackling of the fire. The boys looked at each other and smiled with tears in their eyes. Adam kept petting Colby's head.

Dawson moved the laptop, so it was on the edge of the coffee table. He took his hand and pulled Adam's head toward him. Adam leaned his head onto Dawson's shoulder. Adam began to sob softly as the emotions of all that had happened - the death of his grandfather... his father's downward spiral... Krantz's terminal diagnosis... discovering his true sexual orientation... falling in love with Dawson... breaking up with Vickie... getting engaged... - finally caught up to him. Colby sighed loudly and tilted his head more toward Adam's chest as Adam rested his hand on his head. Dawson caressed the side of Adam's face as Adam let his emotions consume him.

"Let it out, babe," Dawson whispered softly.

The three of them stayed on the couch for a while, with Dawson and Colby comforting Adam. Finally, Adam moved to lift his head.

"Can we go to bed?" Adam said and then he sniffled, "I need my big spoon to hold me."

Dawson turned and kissed Adam's forehead. Adam patted Colby's back to signal he was getting up. Colby lifted his head and the boys began to stand up. Dawson closed the laptop and pushed it so it was fully on the coffee table. Adam made his way to the bathroom. Colby followed him.

"I'm ok, boy," Adam said to Colby as he slowly closed the door.

Colby lay down on the floor facing the bathroom door, waiting for Adam to come out.

Dawson picked up the creme liqueur glasses, which had a few sips still left in them. He moved them to the kitchen. He went to the wood bin and grabbed a couple logs.

Adam came out of the bathroom and Colby stood to greet him. His tail was wagging slowly as he nuzzled against Adam's leg.

"I'm ok, Colby," Adam said as he slipped his hand across Colby's head.

Adam began changing for bed while Dawson added the logs to the fire. Dawson blew out the candles and came into the bedroom. Adam was in just his boxer briefs as he pulled back the covers. Dawson went into the bathroom.

When Dawson came out, Adam was already in bed. In the low light cast by the fire, he could see Colby was standing next to the bed. He was resting his head next to Adam. Adam was looking at Colby and petting him softly.

Dawson made his way to the bureau and changed into shorts and a t-shirt. He lifted the covers and slipped into bed behind Adam. Dawson wrapped his arms around Adam and moved in as close to him as he could. He looked over and could still see Colby at the side of the bed.

"Do you want me to make him lay down?" Dawson asked.

Adam sighed and pressed himself into Dawson.

"No..." Adam said, "I just want to stay like this..."

"Ok," Dawson whispered.

Dawson began gently caressing Adam's chest as he held him. He nestled his cheek closer to Adam's. Adam kept softly petting Colby until he slipped off to sleep.

Adam woke up. Dawson was still holding him. He could feel Dawson's soft exhales against his cheek. Adam's hand was extended toward the side of the bed but he didn't see Colby. Adam pulled his hand in and covered Dawson's hand with it. Dawson moved a little but kept sleeping. Adam lay still. He took comfort in Dawson's embrace and inhaled Dawson's manly aroma. He began to get an erection.

Suddenly, Colby's head popped up toward the corner near the foot of the bed. Adam surmised that Colby had moved in the middle of the night to sleep on the rug in front of the fire. Colby came over and put his head on the bed near Adam. Adam reached out and pet Colby. Colby stayed for a while, letting Adam pet him. Then he slowly pulled away and started toward the living room. Adam lifted his head and realized there was pre-dawn light peeking through the edge of the window curtain.

Adam gently extracted himself from Dawson's embrace and slipped off the bed. Dawson didn't move and continued sleeping. Adam adjusted his boner so it was pointing upward in his briefs and went into the living room. Colby was sitting expectantly at the door. Adam opened the door and Colby slipped outside.

Adam stepped out onto the porch. He hugged himself when he felt the morning chill. Adam watched Colby for a few minutes as he absentmindedly rubbed his hard penis through his boxer briefs. Adam picked up Colby's water dish and dumped it. He went inside to refill it.

After Colby tinkled, he wandered around behind the cabin. Colby entered the woods behind the shed and sniffed around as he made his way. Colby could hear some birds tweeting their morning song. He wended his way through the woods until he came to a tree with a very wide trunk. He sniffed around the base of the tree for a few minutes. He didn't find anything interesting, so he continued through the woods. After about ten minutes, Colby's tail began to wag. He approached a portable canopy the security team had set up as a post. There was a security guard sitting in a folding chair at a folding table under the canopy.

"There you are," the security guard said to Colby, "I was wondering if we were going to see you today."

The guard was sitting at two open laptops on the table. The perimeter alarm statuses were displayed on one laptop and some camera feeds were broadcasting on the other.

"Post 32..." a voice over a radio sounded, "This is home base... Kelliher is on his way to relieve you... What's your status?"

"Home base..." the guard said into the radio, "This is Grady at post 32... status is all clear... no incidents to report..."

"Roger that, post 32..." the voice replied.

Colby sidled up to the guard who started petting him. After a few minutes, they both turned when they heard someone approaching.

"Morning Kyle," the approaching guard said.

"Morning Dean," the guard petting Colby replied.

"Hey Colby..." Dean said in a light voice as he crouched down.

Colby came to him and Dean began petting him.

"I heard you say no incidents over the radio," Dean said to Kyle, "Anything I need to know about?"

"Nope..." Kyle said as he wrote something in the log, "The boys cooked out at the fire pit and turned in pretty late... Uneventful night..."

"Good," Dean said as he stood up, but continued to run his hand through Colby's fur.

"They're supposed to head back to the main house after lunch today," Kyle reminded him.

"Yup," Dean said.

Kyle stood up and grabbed his jacket off the back of the chair. He draped it over his arm. Dean went to the table and sat in the chair. He reached for his radio.

"Home base..." Dean said into the radio, "This is Kelliher now on duty at post 32..."

"Roger that, post 32..." the voice on the radio replied.

"I'll do a sweep and check in with post 20 before I finish my shift," Kyle said.

"Have a good one," Dean said as he started writing something in the log.

"You coming, Colby?" Kyle said as he paused and looked at him.

Colby licked his lips and then started to follow Kyle. They walked through the woods a short way and came out to an open field. Kyle walked along the edge of the woods, scanning the area. Colby trailed behind him, sniffing around. They walked until Kyle turned into the woods. Colby followed. They came upon another post with a canopy set up just like the first one.

"Morning Shelly," Kyle said.

"Hi Kyle," the security guard standing under the canopy said, "Quiet night, huh?"

"Yeah," Kyle replied.

Colby went up to Shelly and sat in front of her. He panted softly as he looked at her expectantly.

"I told you not to spoil him," Kyle said, "See? Now he expects it."

Shelly put her hand into her jacket pocket. She pulled out a package of peanut butter crackers and gave one to Colby. He scoffed it down.

"It's just a couple crackers," Shelly said as she pet the side of Colby's head.

"I'm heading out," Kyle said as he shook his head and grinned.

"Are you on later?" Shelly said, "Or are you off tonight?"

"I'm off," Kyle said, "Steph's sister is throwing a St. Patrick's Day party."

"Have fun," Shelly said.

"Thanks," Kyle said, "See ya."

Kyle walked off. Shelly gave Colby another cracker. She pet Colby while he ate the cracker. Shelly turned to look at the laptops on the table. Colby sat expectantly watching her.

"You know you only get two crackers, Colby," Shelly said without looking away from the laptops.

Colby continued to sit and pant while he looked at her. Shelly turned and took Colby's head into her hands and pet him softly. She leaned down and kissed the top of his head. Shelly sat at the table and looked at the laptops. She continued to absentmindedly pet Colby under his chin. After a few minutes, Shelly pulled her hand away and began typing on one of the laptops. Colby shook his body and then yawned.

"You should head back to the cabin, now, Colby," Shelly said, "They'll be missing you."

Shelly swept her hand over Colby's head one last time. As if he understood her, Colby turned and slowly left the canopy. He headed back to the open field. He stayed in the open field as he made his way along the edge of the woods. He wandered into the woods and continued to sniff around as he investigated a fallen tree.

Adam came out onto the porch holding Colby's water bowl after he refilled it. He stood on the porch for a moment and looked for Colby but didn't see him. He put the bowl down on the ground. He scanned one last time and then he went back into the cabin. He pushed the door so it was almost closed, but not latched.

Adam reached down and squeezed his boner through his boxer briefs. Somehow, the purging of his emotions the night before heightened his senses, which made him incredibly horny. He quietly made his way to the bedroom. He stopped in the entryway and looked at Dawson. He was still on his side. He had pulled his arms into his body and was snuggled into the pillow. Adam came around to Dawson's side of the bed. He slowly slipped his boxer briefs down, exposing his erection. He lifted the covers quietly and moved under them.

Adam slowly slid his arm under the crook of Dawson's neck. He gently pressed his body into Dawson's back. Adam could smell Dawson's musky scent. Adam's cock flexed its hardness in response. Dawson stirred. Adam wrapped his other arm over Dawson. Dawson began to move. He took in a deep breath and exhaled.

"Mmm," Dawson hummed when he felt Adam tighten his embrace.

"Good morning, fiance," Adam whispered softly into Dawson's ear.

"Mmm," Dawson hummed again, "Good morning, fiance," Dawson repeated back.

Adam began nibbling on Dawson's ear lobe. Dawson could feel Adam's erection pushing against him.

"Ooh," Dawson said playfully, "Someone's wide awake."

Adam moved his hand to Dawson's shorts and began to tug at the waistband.

"I want you..." Adam whispered, "right now..." he added.

He went back to nibbling on Dawson's ear as he tried to remove Dawson's shorts. Dawson helped him. When the shorts were at his ankles, Dawson turned toward Adam. They began kissing, sensually caressing their tongues together. Adam began humping Dawson's side with his erection. After a few moments, Dawson broke the kiss. He rolled away from Adam and opened the side table drawer. He reached in and blindly grabbed one of the lubricant containers as he slipped his shorts off with his feet. He pulled out one of the unopened ones. He ripped the safety seal with his teeth and spit it out onto the floor.

Dawson rolled onto his back while Adam lifted himself. They were both single-minded in their mission. Dawson spread his legs while Adam crawled between them. Dawson poured some lube onto his hand and slathered it into his ass crack. Adam watched Dawson's asshole being prepped as he gently tugged at his boner. When Dawson was done, he held out his slick hand between his legs. Adam moved forward until Dawson could reach his cock.

The boys looked into each other's eyes as Dawson encircled Adam's hard penis. He began to stroke him, getting his penis slicked up. When Dawson felt Adam's cock was lubed up enough, he pulled his hand back. Dawson swiped his wet hand on the bed linens. He put a hand behind each knee and pulled his legs back. Adam looked down at his wet, hard cock and Dawson's slick hole. He reached for one of the loose pillows and lifted Dawson's ass. He wedged the pillow underneath him.

Adam grabbed Dawson's ankles while Dawson pulled back on his legs. Adam looked down as he lined up his cock. When his cock head was nestled against Dawson's puckering asshole, he looked at Dawson. They both had lust in their eyes.

"Go slow," Dawson whispered softly.

Adam grinned. He pushed forward gently. His cock head penetrated Dawson's hole as it spread open to receive him.

"Ohhhhh," Dawson gasped with his mouth in an O shape.

Adam closed his eyes momentarily as he felt the tightness surround his cock head. The boys stared at each other when Adam opened his eyes again as Adam slowly pushed more of himself inside Dawson.

"Ohhhhh," Dawson whispered.

Dawson regripped one of his hands on the back of his leg and then he regripped the other. Adam slowly withdrew a little and then pushed forward again. This time he slid slowly all the way in. Dawson's eyes widened as Adam's body came forward with his thrust.

"Hhhhha," Dawson gasped as he looked at Adam in surprise.

Adam couldn't help but hold himself deep inside Dawson as he enjoyed the sensation. Adam let go of Dawson's ankles. They fell to lean against Adam's shoulders as Adam's upper body came down further. Adam pressed his hands into the bed on either side of Dawson. Adam withdrew about halfway and then he pushed back in with a purpose until he hit Dawson's prostate.

Dawson's head came forward and his mouth opened. He let go of his legs and his hands immediately grabbed Adam's biceps. Adam was breathing rapidly in Dawson's face. Dawson was gasping as he felt Adam's cock pressing against his prostate.

"Oh, god..." Dawson managed to gasp as he looked drunkenly at Adam.

Adam smiled. He withdrew halfway again. He then pushed all the way back in, once again pressing into Dawson's prostate.

"Fuck..." Dawson gasped as a slight grin formed on his face.

Adam smiled again. As he withdrew this time, Dawson squeezed Adam's biceps.

"Give it to me, babe," Dawson managed to gasp.

Adam clenched his jaw and repositioned his knees. He pressed his body further against Dawson and then he thrust, hard, into Dawson. Dawson didn't expect it and his hands gripped at Adam's back as his mouth opened but no sound came out.

Adam didn't pause like before. He began to pull out and then quickly thrust in. He began thrusting in and out of Dawson like he'd never had sex before, driving with tremendous force.

"Ahhhhhh," Dawson began a sustained groan as Adam fucked him with rapid thrusts.

Dawson's eyes closed as he felt the pleasure of his prostate being pounded. Adam was looking at Dawson, but his eyes weren't focused. He was lost in the feelings of making love to his fiance. Dawson kept clutching at Adam's back. He continued his long, sustained groan punctuated by slight hiccups each time Adam hit bottom with his cock.

"I'm close," Adam gasped as he kept up his thrusting.

Dawson heard him, but he couldn't respond. After another minute of thrusting, Adam lifted his torso, threw back his head, and thrust one last time.

"Hhha! Hhha! Hhha! Hhha! Hhha! Hhha! Hhha!" Adam gasped as he came, holding his cock deep inside Dawson.

When Adam finished cumming, he hung his head forward and was breathing heavily. Dawson suddenly gripped the back of Adam's neck with one hand.

"Don't move," Dawson gasped.

With his other hand, Dawson reached between them. There was very little room for his hand to fit, but he managed to stroke his cock. Dawson stroked maybe six times. His head came forward and he scrunched his face.

"Ugghh! Ugghh! Ugghh! Ugghh! Ugghh! Ugghh! Ugghh!" Dawson grunted as he came onto his t-shirt.

"Oh!" Adam emitted a surprised sound as he felt Dawson's insides spasm around his spent cock with each contraction.

When Dawson was done, he lay his head back, gasping for breath. Adam leaned down and kissed the whiskers of Dawson's goatee on his chin. He slowly withdrew his cock.

"Ohhh," Dawson softly moaned as he felt Adam's cock pulling out.

Dawson brought his legs down. Adam lay next to Dawson and nudged him to roll. Dawson pulled the front of his shirt up, to trap his spent load, so it wouldn't get everywhere. He then rolled to his side. Adam pulled out the pillow he had wedged under Dawson and tossed it behind him. Then Adam embraced Dawson from behind. The boys caught their breath while Adam held him.

"Wow," Dawson finally said, "If that's how fiances wake up in the morning, I'm glad I said yes."

Adam chuckled and squeezed Dawson tighter. The boys lay quietly for a few minutes. Dawson reached back with his free hand and touched Adam's hair as he let it sift through his fingers. Adam began caressing Dawson's cheek. After a few more minutes, Dawson moved so he could look at Adam.

"Where's Colby?" Dawson asked, "I would have thought he'd interrupt us."

"He's outside somewhere," Adam said.

Adam leaned over and kissed Dawson with a quick peck on the lips. Dawson rolled to face Adam more directly. He leaned up and they began kissing, letting their tongues explore each other's mouths. When they broke the kiss, Adam shimmied down a bit and leaned his head on Dawson's shoulder. They lay like that for a few minutes, still trying to catch their breath.

"We don't need to pack anything, do we?" Dawson said.

"No, Niven and Krantz will send someone out to collect everything," Adam said.

They were quiet for a few moments.

"Let's go to Rawley Ridge and have lunch before we go back," Dawson said.

"What about Colby?" Adam said, his voice echoing against Dawson's chest, "We'll have to hike over to get there."

"I'm ok with that, if you are," Dawson said.

Adam lifted his head and looked at Dawson.

"I'm game," Adam said.

He leaned over and gave Dawson a quick peck on the lips.

"Do you still want to swim laps?" Adam said.

"Mmmm," Dawson said, "Although, I feel like we just worked out."

Adam smiled. He lifted himself and sat up. He reached over and cupped Dawson's face before he rolled to the side and got off the bed. Adam looked down at his flaccid cock. There were remnants of his cum on it. He found his boxer briefs on the floor and picked them up. He wiped at his cock with the briefs and then tossed them into the laundry bin.

Dawson got off the bed and carefully removed his t-shirt so he didn't spread the cum on himself. He tossed that into the laundry bin. Dawson grabbed a couple towels and the body wash. Then the boys headed outside.

The sun was just above the horizon. It was going to be another nice day. The boys waded into the water and began swimming their laps. After about fifteen laps, Colby appeared near the tire swing. He looked at the boys and went out onto the dock. He sniffed at the towels and then looked at the boys again. He made his way into the cabin.

When the boys were finished swimming their laps, they stayed crouched in the water next to each other for a few minutes as they caught their breath. Dawson came over to Adam and got behind him. He gently pulled him backward, toward the shore. Adam let him. When the water was shallow enough, Dawson stopped. He turned the two of them to face the cabin. Dawson sat with Adam sitting in front of him, between his legs. The water came up to their necks. Dawson wrapped his arms around Adam's torso. He leaned his chin against Adam's shoulder. Adam braced his hands on Dawson's knees. The boys sat like that for a few minutes, simply enjoying being together.

Colby poked his head out of the cabin door. Adam spotted him.

"Look who's back," Adam said softly.

"I think he's telling us he wants breakfast," Dawson chuckled as he watched only Colby's head sticking out of the door.

"Well, I'm hungry, too," Adam said as he rubbed Dawson's knee under the water. "Very hungry, now that I think about it."

"Gee, I wonder why?" Dawson said as he nudged Adam.

Adam chuckled.

"I'll go feed Colby," Adam said, "I think I'm going to make some ham and eggs. Do you want some?"

"Mmm," Dawson said as he held Adam closer, "That sounds good."

Dawson leaned down and kissed Adam on the shoulder. Adam leaned forward and rubbed Dawson's leg again. He got up and made his way to the dock. Dawson got up and followed him. Colby saw the boys moving. He came out of the door and sat in front of the doorway, looking at the boys expectantly.

"I'm gonna feed him now and put on the coffee," Adam said, "I'll wash up after."

"Ok," Dawson said as they reached the dock.

Adam took his towel and made his way toward the cabin. Colby stood up and watched Adam as he came toward him. His tail started wagging. The two of them went inside. Dawson used the body wash to clean himself. He was wrapping the towel around himself when Adam came out with his towel wrapped around his waist.

"Colby's fed. Coffee's brewing," Adam said.

Dawson met Adam halfway between the lake and the cabin. He leaned in and kissed him.

"How do you want your eggs?" Dawson asked.

"Oh, I'll make breakfast," Adam said as he put his hand on Dawson's pec.

"Let me," Dawson said as he put his arms around Adam.

Dawson tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. Adam smiled at him.

"Ok," Adam said.

The boys kissed and then separated.

"Scrambled," Adam said, looking back as he walked toward the water.

Adam began to wade into the lake. He turned to make sure Dawson wasn't looking. He pulled a packet from one of the clause D boxes out from under the towel. He put the packet on the dock and covered it with his towel. After he washed and dried himself off, he found a rock about the size of a softball. He disappeared behind the side of the cabin where Dawson wouldn't be able to see him from the cabin windows.

When Dawson left Adam and went into the cabin, he found Colby on the rug in front of the fireplace casually gnawing on his chew bone.

After getting dressed and styling his hair, Dawson went into the kitchen. He scrambled the eggs while he waited for the coffee to finish. Once it was done peculating, he moved the coffee pot to the side and began cooking the ham.

Adam came into the cabin and breezed by the kitchen doorway. Dawson poured the coffee into two mugs. He prepared them with cream and sugar.

"Your coffee is made when you're ready," Dawson stuck his head into the living room and yelled.

"Be right there," Adam called out.

Dawson cut up the ham into small cubes while it was still cooking in the pan. He poured the scrambled eggs into the frying pan and tended to them as they cooked. When the eggs and ham were just about finished, Dawson went to the ice box and pulled out a block of cheese.

"Hey, babe?" Dawson yelled.

"What..." Adam said softly from the doorway almost immediately.

"Oh..." Dawson said as he jumped slightly from being startled, "I thought you were in the bedroom still."

Adam was dressed. He picked up his coffee mug.

"I was going to add some cheese," Dawson said, "Do you want some?"

"Oooh," Adam said, "Yeah, that sounds good."

Dawson found a cheese grater and began to grate the cheese onto the ham and eggs scramble. Adam took a sip of his coffee and then put his mug down. He came up behind Dawson and put his arms around his waist. He began kissing the back of Dawson's neck.

"You're all revved up today," Dawson said as he chuckled.

"Mmmm," Adam said as he nuzzled Dawson's neck, "I just love my fiance."

Dawson lifted his arms and held the cheese in one hand and the grater in the other while he turned until he was facing Adam. He kissed Adam softly on the lips.

"Your fiance loves you, too," Dawson said, "But your fiance is also about to burn breakfast."

Adam smiled and gave Dawson a quick peck on the lips. He pulled away from Dawson. Dawson put the cheese and the grater on the counter.

"Can you grab two plates?" Dawson said as he folded the eggs and ham over the cheese.

Adam handed two plates to Dawson. Adam then wrapped up the block of cheese and put it into the ice box. Dawson plated the eggs and pulled the frying pan off the stove. He moved the coffee pot back to the center of the stovetop, so it would stay warm. Dawson handed a plate to Adam. Adam put a fork on it and added a fork to Dawson's plate. The boys grabbed their coffee mugs and headed outside.

Colby followed the boys as they made their way to the chairs they left out near the fire pit the night before. They sat and began eating. Colby wandered around within eyesight of the boys.

"Mmm," Adam said after his first taste, "This is really good. Thank you."

"Mmm," Dawson hummed in acknowledgment as he was eating a mouthful.

Adam finished first. He picked up his coffee mug from the table and put his empty plate down. He nursed his coffee as he watched Colby disappear behind the cabin.

"I wonder where Colby keeps wandering off to," Adam said.

"Who knows," Dawson said after he swallowed his last mouthful, "I just hope he likes the area near the lake house as much as he seems to like it out here."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Adam said.

Dawson put his empty plate on top of Adam's. He sipped his coffee.

"Good call on the ham and eggs," Dawson said.

Adam lifted his coffee mug toward Dawson in acknowledgement. The boys sat for a while looking out toward Rawley Ridge. Eventually, they finished their coffees.

"Do you want more coffee?" Adam said.

"Yeah," Dawson said, "I can get it."

"I'll get it," Adam said, "I'm going to get myself some juice."

Adam reached for Dawson's coffee mug. He got up and went into the cabin. Dawson sighed. He touched his engagement bracelet as he looked at it and smiled. When Adam came back out, he handed Dawson his coffee before he sat down.

"You know," Dawson said, "I was thinking. Should we tell everyone together about our engagement?"

Dawson paused to look at Adam.

"Or did you want to tell everyone separately?" Dawson said, "I mean, do you want to break the news to your mom in private?"

"Hmm," Adam said.

He took a sip of his juice.

"I guess we should just tell everybody at the same time," Adam said.

Dawson nodded.

"Oh, but..." Adam added, "Krantz... He knows about the bracelets. He knows I was planning to pop the question."

Dawson was sipping his coffee when Adam spoke.

"I figured we were going to need to tell him separately anyway," Dawson said, "Because we'll need to talk to him about having the wedding soon. And we should have that conversation with him before we tell everyone else."

Dawson paused.

"Plus, I figured you would want to have some time alone to talk with him," Dawson added.

"Mmm," Adam said softly, "Yeah..."

The boys were quiet for a couple minutes. Finally, Adam turned in his seat to look at Dawson.

"Can we get married at the lake house?" Adam said.

Dawson smiled.

"You mean like... hold the ceremony in the garden..." Dawson said, "have cocktails on the terrace... and the reception in the ballroom?"

Adam smiled. He reached out his hand and Dawson took it.

"Amazing..." Adam said, "That's exactly what I was thinking..."

Dawson smiled and looked at Adam.

"But I'm not wearing white," Dawson joked, "No one would believe that I'm a virgin..."

Adam chuckled. The boys sat for a while, holding hands, enjoying the morning sun. When the boys were nearly finished with their coffee and juice, Colby reappeared. He drank some water from the water bowl and then he wandered over to where the boys were sitting. He came near Dawson, who reached out and pet him. Colby sat next to Dawson and panted as Dawson continued to run his fingers through his fur. After a while, Dawson leaned forward in his chair and turned to look at Adam.

"You want to head over now?" Dawson asked.

"Yeah, I think so," Adam said.

"Ok," Dawson said, "C'mon Colby."

"I'll pack some food and drinks," Adam said.

The boys got up and Colby followed the boys into the cabin. Adam went into the kitchen with Colby right behind him. Dawson retrieved the sunglasses. He grabbed his bucket hat and put it on the couch with the sunglasses and a baseball cap for Adam. When he was done, he stood in the kitchen entryway.

"All set?" Dawson asked.

"Yup," Adam said.

Adam turned around and was holding the backpack.

"I didn't want to carry a cooler," Adam said, "so I improvised."

Dawson grabbed the backpack and put it on. Dawson grabbed the hats and tossed the cap to Adam. After Adam caught it and put it on, Dawson handed him a pair of sunglasses.

"C'mon, Colby," Dawson said in a light tone.

The boys left the cabin and began to hike to Rawley Ridge. Colby had extra excitement in his gait. He hadn't explored this area yet, so he was sniffing around, running ahead, and enjoying the new territory. The boys held hands and didn't say much as they simply enjoyed each other's company on the hike over.

When the boys reached the base of the hill, they started up the trail. Colby kept lingering in some spots as he explored, so it took them a while to reach the summit. Once they emerged from the trees, Colby got excited as he ran around the relatively flat surface, sniffing around.

The boys made their way over to the huge boulder. They decided not to climb it, because Colby wouldn't be able to get up there. They still had an amazing view of the landscape. Dawson removed the backpack and put it against the boulder.

"Hang on," Dawson said, "I want to get a picture... Did you bring treats for Colby?"

"Yeah," Adam said as he crouched down and went into the backpack.

He handed a dog treat to Dawson.

"C'mere Colby," Dawson called to him.

Colby jauntily came up to the boys with his tail wagging. Dawson turned Colby, so their backs were to the beautiful view of the lake.

"Sit, Colby," Dawson said.

Colby sat. Dawson held out the treat. Colby took it and began eating it.

"Stay," Dawson said.

Dawson crouched down and put his arm around Colby. Adam zipped up the backpack and scurried to the other side of Colby. He put his arm around Colby and grabbed Dawson's shoulder. Dawson held up his phone.

"Say cheese," Dawson said before he snapped a couple pictures.

"Ok, boy," Dawson said as he ruffled Colby's fur.

Colby looked expectantly for another treat.

"No more, boy," Dawson said as he held his hands out, "I'll give you some granola in a little while."

Adam went to the backpack and took out a bowl and a water bottle. He put the bowl down in the shade of the boulder and poured water into it. Colby came over and drank some water. When he had his fill, he lifted his head, licked his lips, looked at the boys, and then wandered off to explore.

Adam went over to stand where Dawson was. He put his arm around Dawson's waist as they both looked out over the expansive view.

"It's so beautiful up here," Dawson said softly.

"Mmm," Adam said.

He turned and wrapped both his arms around Dawson's waist. He leaned his head into Dawson's chest and shoulder. He sighed. Dawson rubbed Adam's forearm with one hand as he wrapped the other around Adam's back. The boys stood there like that for several minutes, enjoying the light breeze. Every once in a while, Dawson leaned his head down and lightly kissed the top of Adam's head. Adam finally lifted his head and the boys separated. They reached out and held hands.

"Where do you want to go on our honeymoon?" Adam asked.

The boys started walking slowly on the loose dirt that covered the top of the hill.

"Oh gosh," Dawson said, "I hadn't even thought of that."

"Is there some place you've always wanted to go?" Adam asked.

"I don't know..." Dawson said, "Should we go to a tropical island? the mountains? a city somewhere? Do we want to be by ourselves? Or where there are other people?"

"Maybe we go to a bunch of places," Adam said, "Take some time... see the world."

"Mmm," Dawson said, "I like that..."

The boys continued walking as they discussed some places they might like to go. Adam stopped in front of a rock which was about three feet high. The boys climbed up and sat on it. They leaned against each other and looked out at the view.

"Adam..." Dawson said quietly as he slipped his hand onto Adam's thigh.

"Yeah?" Adam said as he put his hand on Dawson's.

"I just want you to know," Dawson said, "I've never been happier."

Adam leaned his head into Dawson. Dawson cupped the back of Adam's neck with his free hand. He kissed the top of Adam's head.

"I can't wait to call you my husband," Dawson whispered.

Adam lifted his head and the boys looked at each other and smiled. They kissed softly and then went back to leaning against each other, holding hands between them. They sat like that for a while. Eventually, Colby came over and was looking up at them.

"Let's eat lunch and then head back to the cabin," Adam said.

"Ok," Dawson said.

The boys slipped off the rock. Dawson pet Colby as the three of them went toward the backpack. Adam took out a sandwich and handed it to Dawson. Adam grabbed the other sandwich and took out a granola bar for Colby. Dawson grabbed a couple drinks. They found a spot in the sun and the boys sat down. Colby saw the granola bar and started wagging his tail with excitement. Adam opened the granola bar and began feeding pieces to Colby as the boys munched on their sandwiches.

When Colby finished the granola bar, he waited to see if the boys were going to give him any of their sandwiches. When they finished eating, Colby wandered off. The boys sat for a while sipping their drinks as they enjoyed the sun and the light breeze. Eventually, Adam sighed loudly.

"We should get going," Adam said.

"Mmm," Dawson replied.

They collected the remnants of lunch. Adam dumped the water bowl and Dawson grabbed the backpack. Dawson stood and took one last look at the view. Adam came up next to him.

"Rawley Ridge..." Adam said softly, "I love that name..."

Dawson smiled and embraced Adam from the side. He kissed Adam on the cheek.

"C'mon," Dawson said as he stepped back and reached for Adam's hand.

The boys turned and scanned the area for Colby. Adam spotted his butt sticking out of some bushes.

"Colby..." Adam called, "We're leaving..."

Colby didn't seem to hear him.

"Colby," Dawson said in a commanding voice, "Come."

Colby froze and then backed out of the bushes. He popped his head up and looked at the boys. Adam gestured with his free hand to follow them. Colby trotted over toward them and they started down the trail.

The boys took their time on the hike back. Colby didn't mind. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he explored the area on the way back to the cabin.

When they returned to the cabin, Dawson made sure Colby came inside with them, so he wouldn't wander off. Dawson added some water to Colby's bowl and he began to drink from it. Adam put the laptop into the boxes in the corner and checked to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything. He grabbed the notebook and put it on the back of the couch.

Adam checked and tidied up the bedroom. Dawson checked and cleaned up the kitchen. It appeared there wasn't anything else they needed. Dawson hugged Adam when he came out of the bedroom. Colby sidled up to them, nuzzling at their legs. The boys chuckled and separated.

"Oh! Did you grab your grandad's video?" Dawson reminded him.

"Yup," Adam said, "It's all taken care of."

Dawson scanned the living room one last time. Then he picked up the notebook.

"C'mon, boy," Dawson said to Colby as they opened the door.

Colby stayed with them as they headed for the dock. Adam got on the boat first. Colby didn't hesitate as he followed on right behind him. When Adam put his captain's hat on and signaled to Dawson that he was ready, Dawson unmoored the boat and they pulled away from the dock.

Colby took his position right next to Adam as he piloted the boat. Dawson took a seat and began going over their notes in the notebook. The hum of the boat engine was all Dawson heard as he mused over what could be missing from their plans.

When they were in the middle of the lake, about halfway between the lake house and the cabin, the engine started to slow. And then it stopped. Dawson came out of his thoughts and looked up. The boat slowed. It began to rock slightly. Adam stood up from the pilot's seat. He had a serious look on his face as he turned to look at Dawson.

"What happened?" Dawson said with concern, "Is something wrong?"


The Inheritance Clause - 38

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