69 with Jeff Timmons

By Zackary

Published on Oct 26, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fantasy and not meant for anyone under 18 as it includes pornographic material. This is not meant to imply that neither Jeff Timmons or any other member of 98 Degrees, LFO, or any other celebrity involved are gay. If Jeff Timmons just so happens to read this story, please drop me a line.

If you enjoy this story, or even if you don't please feel free to E~Mail me and let me know what you thought about my story. I can be reached at:

Zackary_Scott@HotMail.Com (E~Mail)

ZackaryScott (My AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name)

Ring...Ring...Ring. As I am awoken from a deep sleep to answer the phone, "Hello" I say with a yawn.

"Zakcary~Scott, you are not going to believe what I just won." John screamed

"John what in the hell are you doing calling me at... shit what time is it anyway?" I say searching for a clock.

"Zack it is damn near 2:00 and you are still in the bed, get your ass up, I am in my car and on my way over to your place" John said with a sarcastic laugh.

"Ok John." I said as I tried to find the off button

"Be over in a minute" John said as he shut the phone off

"What ever". I say, finally after finding the off button.

Well, I would like to start out by telling you a little bit about myself. First of all, my name as Zackary~Scott if you didn't catch that from the conversation between me and my best friend John. I am 6'3", short blond hair with light brown highlights, very striking green eyes, and I am very well built. I work out about 5 times a week. Also, I am gay, not many people know about my sexuality other than myself, my best bud John, who is also gay, my nanny Ceci, and my butler Max. My mother believes that I am straight and my father was never really a big part of my life. I come from a family of a lot of wealth and esteem, my family lives here in Charleston, South Carolina, in the very historical part of the city. My family is very well known around Charleston. My family got rich in the stock market, and my grand father many generations back was a very famous architect, and designed most of the building here in historical Charleston. My family over many years have accumulated over 500 million dollars in real estate and stocks. In my 18 years of life, I have seen my father for a total of 10 hours a month, he is very wrapped up in his money to give a damn about me. My mother is most of the time traveling with him on his business ventures. For me, I am just a poor rich kid that has no family that really cares about him and doesn't even know the slightest thing about him. I have been home schooled my whole life, my family thought it would be best, not complaining or anything, but I would much enjoy the love and affection of my family. My grand mother has been the main care taker in my life, and I have had a nanny and my own butler/assistant my whole life, so I have very much been taken care of my whole life with or without my parents. I didn't know when I really I discovered my sexuality, I most of my life knew that I was sexually attracted to boys, and men. My first experience when I knew that I was gay is when I was taking scuba diving lessons and my instructor, was taking off his wet suit and he showed me hi! s tool, and asked to see mine. At the time I was only 12, but I knew from then on that I was gay, because I got the biggest hard on that I had ever experiences. Nothing happened between he and I, but I knew it from that day on. I have only had one gay experance in my whole life until this the day that John called me. Now back to the story.

When John arrived to my estate Max allowed him into my room. John comes running into my room screaming, and yelling.

"John calm the crap down, what is your problem, did you finally get the laid?" I as very sarcastically.

"Very funny smart ass, just for that I am not going to take you," John said as he starts walking out of my room.

"Take me where?" I ask as I jump out of the bed running after him, not realizing that I am totally nude.

"Think ya should put some clothes on before you come running out of your room?" John said as he was staring right at me.

"Oh crap," I yell as I run into my personal bathroom to get a rode to slip on.

As I come back out of my bathroom, now presentable. John is waving to little pieces of paper that look a lot like tickets to a concert.

"You gonna let me talk now?" he questions.

"What do you have? Are those tickets to the 98 Degrees and LFO concert?"

"YES!!!!!!" he jumps out of the seat and starts jumping up and down, as do I.

"How did you score tickets?" I ask.

"I have my sources," John says jokingly. "I was in the mall, and I ran into a guy that looked familiar, it was that guy Jonas from Electric 102.7, the guy that I had a fling with a few years ago. Anyway, we got to talking and he asked me if I was going to the show tomorrow, and I told him that I stood in line for 5 hours and didn't get tickets. He said, well I have 2 tickets that I got through the station and that he was going to St. Simon tomorrow and that he couldn't use them so he asked me if I wanted them. I told him that I was sure that they would be put to good use and he gave them to me."

"You mean to tell me that he is going to St. Simon and can't use the tickets and he gave them to you after that bitter break up that you two had?" I asked.

"Believe it or not yes," John said. "I knew that you would be thrilled to get to go see your man, Jeff, and I can't wait to get to see Drew." John said.

"Yeah, man we got to go out and celebrate tonight." I said.

"Like where do you want to go?" John asked curiously.

"Lets go clubbing, it has been a while sense I have been to dancing, lets go to the Sparks, that new Gay bar that opened up last week, I have been dying to go see what is going on at that place," I said.

"Sounds good."

"You can meet me back here and we will take my car, do you want to crash here sense my 'rents are out of town as usual and your 'rents flip when you stay out later than like 12...lol?"

"That is cool, let me go home and get my things ready, and I will meet you back here in two hours."

"Ok dude."

With that John left and I started getting ready. As I was undressing, I began to think about the concert and how I was finally going to get to meet the man of my dreams, the one that had brought me some of the best masturbation sessions in my life. Just thinking about him made my cock begin to stir and begin to harden, I knew then that I had to take care of that little problem or it would be acting up all night at the club. I began to think of Jeff's hard body up on stage and how he was sweating and shirtless, and I began to jack off laying in my bed thinking of the wonderful man, that I loved so dearly, but yet have never met. I began pumping my rock hard 8inchs cock and very soon, I was shooting loads of white cream all over my chest. I had to get my self cleaned up and in be ready for a night of fun filled dancing.

Two hours John arrived on time, as I as usual was running late, and was just getting my clothes on. Anytime I was getting ready to go out it took me the longest time to find out what I was going to wear, I am a clothes horse, and still can't find something to wear. After spending an hour in my closet, I had finally choose a very comfortable pair of Armani Black pants, a black see-through short sleeve shirt that showed off my well defined ab's and pec's, and a black leather jacket that came just past my waste. John was wearing a pair of American Eagle Carpenter Jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and a fleece vest. For some reason, I felt as though I was a bit over dressed for the occasion. We hopped into my 4~Runner and headed for "Sparks". On the way I got into the 98 Degrees spirit and put in their CD. We started singing along with all the songs, my favorite of which is 'I Do'. After listing to 1/2 of the CD, we arrived at your destination.

We parked, and walked towards the door, we flashed the door man our ID's and they let us in, this week there was no cover charge, because it was opening week. So, we go in and immediately find a table to sit at and order some drinks, I am not yet 21, nor is John, so we had to settle for non-alcoholic stuff. I ordered a Diet Coke with a lemon and John ordered a Shirley Temple. We get our drinks and decide to go out on the floor and dance around for a lil bit. As, we are dancing, I see a very familiar figure, one that I would know from anywhere, the one of the man of my dreams Jeffrey Brandon Timmons, and it appeared as though Drew Lachey was with him, but Nick Lackey and Justin Jefre were no where to be seen. I got back to our table, just as Jeff and Drew pass looking for a table. Jeff began to speak, but I don't know what he said, because I was too busy drooling over him. He had on a tight pair of black jeans with a see-through top that looked like mine, but his showed off more of hit hotttttt body. Finally I snap back into it when Jeff bends down and speaks into my ear because the music was so loud,

"Do you mind if we share this table with you, it does not look as though we will be able to find one of our won", he asked with the most adorable smile.

"Um sure, no problem," I say very nervously.

"I would like to introduce myself and my friend, I am Jeff, and this is Drew," he said as if I didn't know who he was.

"You are from 98 Degrees I know who both of you are, nice to meet you, where are the other guys?" I ask as if I was not the bit intimidated by the hottest man in the world.

"Oh, they didn't feel like coming out, they stayed back at the hotel with Rich, Dev, and Brad for the night."

"That is right LFO is touring with you aren't they," I ask.

"Yeah, they are," Drew finally entered the conversation. Just as Drew finished his comment, John came to the table,

"Holy Shit, you are..." John blurted out when he sat down at the table.

"Drew Lachey, and this is Jeff Timmons, you are..."

"JJJJJJJJ", John said very nervously.

"This is John, my best friend," I interrupt.

"Oh, and by the way my name is Zack, but you can call me Zack if you would like" I say extending my hand.

I get a very firm hand shake from Jeff and he seemed not to want to let go. And then Drew grabbed my hand shook. John finally snapped out of his shock and began go converse with us. We all four go out on the dance floor and Jeff and I dance together and John and Drew also dance. I realize that Jeff is so much better looking in person than I could have ever imagined, as the hours go by and we continue to dance, I realized that I am getting a very good vibe from this man that I have dreamed about for many years. We finally go sit back down at the table and I look at my watch and realize that it is 5am.

"Damn guys, it is 5am, and I think that we should be heading back." I say.

"You are kiddin me, Drew they guys are gonna kill us, we have to get ready for the show, I totally lost track of time," Jeff said, "We need to call a limo to come and get us."

"Nonsense, I will take you back to your hotel, I have room in my 4~Runner," I tell them.

"Yeah, Jeff lets just ride with them, and maybe John here can come up to my room for a lil while," Drew said very slyly.

"Ok Zack, if you don't mind we you can give us a ride back," Jeff said to me with that killer smile, that no one could resist.

So, we all head out to my car. I let them all in, Jeff hops in the front seat and Drew and John hop in the back, and are sitting very close. I was driving a long and almost ran into a tree, because I could not keep my eyes off of the most incredible creature on earth that was sitting beside me.

We arrive to their hotel, and there is a mob if girl out side of the front, waiting for the guys.

"Shit, do those damn girl ever leave?" he questioned. "Zack, do you care to go around the back way to the service elevator, that way we don't have to go through this pack of screaming 12 year olds?"

"Not at all, just show me how to get there." I tell him.

We arrive to the back door of the hotel, and Jeff asks John and I if we would like to come up to their suit. We all hop out of my car and head up stairs. On the elevator ride up, I notice that John and Drew were holding hands. As the elevator dings for the selected floor, Jeff holds open the door and allows us all to exit. I wait for him, as Drew and John walk to Drew's suit. Jeff takes me by the hand, and said my room is this way. I felt as though I was going to die when to touched my hand. It was a feeling that no one in this world could ever imagine. We arrive to his door and Jeff opens it and allows me to inter first. We sit down and talk for a while, him sitting next to me, and the next thing I know is he is rhythmically breathing, as I realize that he is sleeping. I soon fall asleep in his lap. In the next room, Drew is stepping out of his bathroom after slipping into something a little more comfortable, wearing a pair of boxers and a T-shirt. John is sitting on the bed, and Drew comes in and sits next to him, they lay down and talk for a while. Soon enough they both fall into a deep sleep after a very exhausting night of dancing, John sleeping soundly in Drew's arms.

Next: Chapter 2

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