69 with Jeff Timmons

By Zackary

Published on Nov 12, 1999


Disclaimer: This story is fantasy and not meant for anyone under 18 as it includes pornographic material. This is not meant to imply that neither Jeff Timmons or any other member of 98 Degrees, LFO, or any other celebrity involved are gay. If Jeff Timmons just so happens to read this story, please drop me a line. If you enjoy this story, or even if you don't please feel free to E~Mail me and let me know what you thought about my story. I can be reached at: Zackary_Scott@HotMail.Com (E~Mail)

ZackaryScott (My AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name)

I looked in the water, and saw of the most gorgeous men swimming nude, in my pool. I quickly shed my clothes, and dove into the pool. I swam underwater, till I reached Jeff, and then surfaced, after giving that beautiful cock of his a tug. As I surfaced, I gave him a big kiss.

"Hey, you can't do that in front of the guys, I might get excited, and I don't know what I would do," Jeff said to me.

"OK, I promise that I will try to keep my hands to myself, but I am not a good person to keep promises," I told him as I smirked.

I then dove underwater, and swam to the other end of the pool, got out and then got into the hot tub, with Jeff following soon there after. I got in the hot tub, and closed my eyes, just enjoying the hot sensual water, which I thought was amazingly relaxing. I opened my eyes, to see Jeff walking towards the hot tub, that beautiful cock of his just bouncing, as he did a 'Baywatch' type of jog towards me. I just got the biggest grin on my face, one that matched the big hard on that I was getting from this beautiful man, walking my way. I glanced around the pool, and saw that all the couples were making out, and Devin and Brad, we getting out of the pool, I suppose because they were filling a bit uncomfortable, knowing that they were skinny dipping with 8 gay guys. (Jeff, Nick, Drew, Rich, Justin, Ricky, John, and myself) Jeff mad it over to the hot tub.

"Hey there beautiful, what are you doing in here all along?" He asked me with that killer smile, and that cock of his right at eye level. I wanted to just grab for it and stick it in my mouth, but I needed just take my time, thought it was hard knowing that they would be leaving Monday, and it was Saturday night.

"Oh, just admiring the view," I said, as I looked right at his crotch.

"You like what you see?" he asked me.

"More than you know," I said, as I got out of the hot tub, and walked over to the linen closet of the pool, and got 2 very large towels. "Lets go get something to eat in the kitchen, we can cook, or I can have George whip us something up for all the guys," I told him.

"Well, let's just go and we can whip something up real quick," Jeff said.

"First, we need to get some clothes on, all I need is for Ceci or Max to see you naked, Ceci would not let you go, and Max would get extremely embarrassed," I explained.

"What about you, they can't see my man without any clothes on either," he said.

"Well, I am not the one that makes it a habit of running around without my clothes," I said as I smacked him on his butt, which like everything else on him is perfect.

"Hey, stop that, you agreed to keep your hands to yourself, save it for later," he said as he kissed me and began to get dressed. He put on his boxers and a pair of sweat pants, but left his shoes, socks, and shirt off.

"Lets go," I said.

"Lets go, because it will probably takes us 20 minutes to find the kitchen in this place," he joked. "This place is bigger than the 'White House,' exactly how big is it?" he questioned.

"Well, smart ass...it takes 10 minutes to get to the kitchen from here, and this place is about 60,000 sq. foot, that is not including the guest house, the basement, or the attic. It is pretty big, but you get used to it after a while, I love this place," I explained. "I have grown up in this place, it is a very old house, and there is a lot of stuff to see on the grounds. There is an underground escape route I guess you could call it, that goes from the basement to the guest house, Ceci and Max's living quarters, and the barn which you can't see right now, but it is over the hill. The guesthouse, Ceci and Max's place, and the barn were all places where the slaves lived. This at one time was a slave plantation, they grew Peaches, and I believe for a short period they grew cotton, but it didn't last. Over the hill, by the barn, there is a bunch of peach trees, which now should have some, peaches left. Ok, enough with the history lesson, lets see what we have in here," I said as we entered the kitchen.

"A walk in refrigerator?" Jeff questioned.

"Enough about this house, what do you want to eat mister," I scolded him.

"Well, lets fix some of this shrimp, and some pesto bread, with the pesto sauce right here," he said, as I grabbed the shrimp and he grabbed the bread and sauce from he pantry.

"We can roast some tomatoes and have it with the pesto bread, and the shrimp only needs to be boiled and we can have shrimp cocktail," I told him as I got out 6 large tomatoes, a knife, and the olive oil from the pantry, which was also walk in.

"I hope you know what you are doing, because I can't cook at all," Jeff

"I know what I am doing, I am a wonderful cook, I learned from George, he is an excellent chef, came from a hotel resort in West Virginia, called Greenbriar. I have been there a few times, it is a really nice place to go," I explained as I began to cut the tomatoes in slices.

"You are so cute," Jeff said as I was talking.

"Well, you are no dog yourself, you are just gorgeous, not cute, you are the most perfect thing that I have ever seen in my life, I knew from the moment that I laid my eyes on you that you were the one that I was after," I said.

As I finished my sentence, he grabbed my face and began to kiss me passionately, we continued to kiss for what seemed like an eternally, but in all actuality, we were only kissing for a few minutes. Soon the rest of the guys, who were looking for us, interrupted us. They all came into the kitchen, and we started to talk.

"Yo Zack, do you have a map of this place, I got lost a few times already, we found you in here because we could smell shrimp cooking," Justin said.

"Well, you should have had John lead the way, he can get around this place, he practically lives here," I explained.

"What are you fixing, we are starving," Nick said.

"I am fixing shrimp cocktail, pesto bread with roasted tomatoes, and pesto sauce to dip it in, it sounds nasty, but I promise you that it is something that you will love," I told them. "If you all want more, there is the fridge, and the pantry, you will not find much food here in the cabinets," I said, pointing to the refrigerator, and the pantry.

"I think that what you just said will be more than enough," Nick said.

"If you all want to watch some TV, play some video games, or get on the computer, you are more than welcome to do so, come with me and I will show you where everything is." I said as I led them down the hall to my entertainment room, which had a 60' TV which was hooked up to the satellite dish, which had access to all channels, a DVD player and a VCR, 4 additional TV's which were 27' that were hooked up to video games. Playstation, SEGA Saturn, SEGA Dream Cast, and Nintendo 64. A Sony stereo system, which had a 10 disk CD changer, a Mini Disk player, turn table, dual tape deck, and AM FM radio, and 2 computers, which stayed on at all times. "Ok here you have it, the video games are in this closet, the movies are in this closet, my music is mostly in here, but some of it is in my car, or in my bedroom, PC games are here in this closet." I said as I opened each closet door.

"My God child, what don't you have!?!?!?!?" Jeff teased.

"Can't get into that right now, I need to go get some food, I am very tired, it is near 1 AM, and we have not had anything to eat," I said as I exited the room, and Jeff followed me. "Jeff, you don't have to come back with me, you can stay and have some fun with the guys."

"I want to have fun with you, not them," he said as he took my hand, and I led him into the kitchen to find the tomatoes were finished roasting, and the shrimp was cooling off. All I had to do now was make the cocktail sauce, and mix the pesto sauce up.

"Well, everything is done babe, do you think this is enough?" I asked as I turned to him with a try of about 150 shrimp, 30 pieces of pesto bread and a huge try of tomatoes, with the pesto sauce.

"I hope it is, but these guys do have an appetite!" Jeff said.

I sent Jeff to go get the guys, hoping that he would not get lost on the way. I set some plates on the bar, and got glasses out of the cabinets for drinks. Surprisingly Jeff did not get lost, and soon all the guys were standing around the island getting their food, and drinks. We all sat in the couches there are in the kitchen. We talked about the day, and little things like that. We discussed what was on the agenda for the following day.

"Well, Zack, what was wonderful, I am full now. I must have ate 20 pieces of shrimp," Drew said.

"I agree, that bread stuff was really good, where did you buy that stuff?" Nick asked.

"I didn't buy it anywhere, I made it myself, the pesto sauce George made, but I made the bread," I told him.

"Well, it was all very good, but it is really late, and I think we all could use some rest," Justin said.

"Yes, I agree. Now, we have 10 people, who all will be sleeping together?" I asked.

Ricky and Justin together, Jeff and Rich together, Drew, Jeff, John and myself didn't know exactly what to do, but I figured Jeff and I, and Drew and John would manage to get in the same room.

"Well, there are 10 bedrooms that are open, not including my bedroom or my parents bedroom. You all are welcome to sleep in any of which you choose, all the doors have locks, and are fully furnished, and all are on the 2nd and 3rd floor," I explained. "So follow me, and we will get room assignments."

They all followed me up stairs after putting all the dishes in the dishwasher. I gave a tour and showed all the bedrooms, and then allowed them decide. John had a room that he usually stayed in, and we called it his room, so of course Drew and him got that room, Jeff and I got my bedroom, Rich and Nick got the bedroom on the 3rd floor, the only ones staying on the 3rd floor, probably so they could make as much noise as wanted. The rest of they guys split up, Ricky and Justin together, Devin and Brad alone in different rooms.

"So, Jeff. Would you like to get a shower before we turn in for bed, or do you just want to sleep as you are?" I asked him.

"Well, I would like to get a shower, would you care to join me?" he asked with that cute smile of his.

"Did you really have to ask me?" I smirked as I grabbed his hand and led him into the bathroom.

I began to take his pants off, because he had left his shirt off from the swim that we had indulged in earlier. I lowered the waistband of his sweat pants to find his blue boxers. I then stuck my hand in the slit in the front of his boxers, only to find that beautiful cock of his. It was still soft, but was so warm. I took my hand out of his boxers, to look up at his eyes, which were staring me straight in the eye. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up to his face, and gave me a passionate kiss, and whispered into my ear.

"Zackary~Scott, you do not have to do this, I just want to let you know that I will love you even if you don't do a thing, but just stand by me for the rest of my life. I have never felt this way about someone in my whole life. Zackary~Scott, we have known each other for only a day, yet I love you more than words can describe. I want to be with you, I am not in it for the fun, I am in this for you. If you have a single doubt in your mind, and want to wait, I will only respect your wishes, and I will hold you all night long."

"Jeffrey Brandon Timmons, I love you. I am ready for this. I want to be with you. I usually take things slowly, but I feel as though I have known you for much longer than a day, and I want to give you all the pleasure in the world, and knowing that you feel the same way, lets me know that I'm ready for this. I love you so much," I said with tears running down my face.

"Don't cry babe, please don't cry," Jeff said as he began to hug me and kiss me on my neck.

"I am crying because I love you so much, and I know that you love me too," I said as I tightened my embrace on his muscular chest.

"Calm down, lets forget about the shower, lets go lay down, and calm down," Jeff said.

"No, Jeff I am fine, If you want us to get a shower, we can," I said, as I stopped him.

"Well, I think that I should take one, because I have not has one sense before the show, and we have both been swimming, so lets just take a quick shower, no messin around till after we are all scrubbed up, OK?" he said.

"That is fine, I would lay with you in bed regardless of what you smelled like, but this shower would make things a little better," I joked.

"Well, I am ready, but you have way too much clothes on for a shower," he said pointing to my clothed body.

"I think that you can take care of that," I said to him.

"I am sure that I can too," he said as he began to lift my shirt from over my head.

He then very seductively ran his finger down my chest and over my 6 pack and in to the top of my jeans. He knelt down and unbuttoned my jeans, and unzipped them, and very slowly took them off my body, leaving he and I both in our boxers. In one motion, he took down my boxers, revealing my semi hard on, that was just waiting for some hand's on attention. Jeff looked at me for a signal of approval. I just gave him a wink, and the knew that I was ready. He then very lightly took my cock, which was now at it's full 8 inches, into his hands. He began to stroke it, and then he kissed the head of it, very gently, until I let out a moan. He ten began to take my cock into his mouth, very slowly, and very softly. He soon had all 8 inches of my cock in his mouth, and was sucking very easily, not too hard, and not too slow. Just enjoying the moment, it was not a wild sex scene, it was love taking place. He let off of my cock, and I then knelt in front of him, and pulled down his boxers exposing his rock hard hung cock, which was at full length, and was about 9 1/2 inches. I was once again amazed by his beautiful cock. The head of his cock was shaped like a mushroom and was just the right size, and a perfect color. I was just amazed by the size of his cock, but my amazement went away soon, because I could not wait to taste his cock. I was very nervous, but I lightly licked the pre-cum which was coating the head of his cock. When my thong touched his head, he let out a moan of pleasure. I slowly began to take the rest of his beautiful dick into my mouth. I was in heaven, as was he. He tasted so good, so clean, so pure. I could have just stayed down there for ever. I looked up at Jeff, and he was starting right back at me, with a look of love and pleasure in his eyes. I knew that I wanted this, and he did to. I began to pick up the pace on his cock, and he began to talk.

"Slow down babe, I want this to last, and I have not masturbated for a week now, so it will not take much," he said as he pull me form his cock, and began to passionately kiss me.

"OK, lets get a real quick shower, and then get to bed, I think that we are going to be extremely tired tomorrow," I told him

"If all you want to do it get a shower and go to bed, I will be happy with that, what ever you want is what I want, I only want you happy," he whispered into my ear.

"You know what I mente babe, I want you tonight, I don't want to way any longer, lets get this shower out of the way, so we will be all clean for each other," I told him, as I kissed him all over his neck.

"Oh, you know how to please someone you know that, you are so awesome," he said.

"I can never please someone as you have please me, Jeff, I think that I love you, I am not just saying that, I know that we have not know each other very long, but I really think that I have fallen for you in the day that I have known you," I said.

"I feel the same way Zackary~Scott, I have never felt like I do right at this moment," he said, as he led both of our nude body's to my walk in shower.

We quickly showered. He washed my body, and I washed his perfect body also. We didn't do anything sexually at all. Just us being together was all that we needed. We knew that we loved each other, and that is all that mattered to us. We got out of the shower, and we dried off each other also, and then both completely nude walked out of the bathroom, and went to my bed. I have a king size bed. Jeff turned down the sheets, and lifted me into the bed, and he climbed in right after me. He got on top of my body and began to kiss me, our tong exploring each others mouths. He broke the kiss, and began to kiss down my body, he sucked some on my pecks, and right on down to my rock hard 6 pack. He then licked down my treasure trail that starts in the middle of my 6 pack. He found the bush of my blond pubic hair, with my cock resting in it, not full erect, but not for long. His hands were roaming all over my upper body, and his mouth was teasing my cock, which began to grow. My cock was now at it's full 8 inches and was resting on my 6 pack. He licked up the length of my cock to reach the head of it. He began to suck my cock ever so delicately. His tong swirling around the head of my cock. I was about to shoot my load. He began to speed up his pace. He sucked harder and harder, and faster. My hands began to play with his hair, as he was giving me so much peasure. I was in pure ecstasy.

"Jeff babe, I am goooooonnnnnnnnna cccccc....." I screamed, as I shot my load into his waiting mouth.

"Oh Zackary~Scott, you uuuummmmmm taste soooooo good," he said as he drank my cum.

"Oh Jeffrey, you are so good, you mean so much to me, you are so good," I said, "come up here."

I pulled him up from my cock, which he licked before coming up, making sure that all the cum was off of it. I pulled him into a kiss, I tasted my cum which he had saved in his mouth, and I must agree it tasted good. We kissed very passionately for what seemed for the longest time, until, I moved Jeff from on top of my to under me and I began to kiss my way down his torso. I licked my way from his pecks to his 6 pack that is very defined to his treasure trail. I love to lick the treasure trail in a man, and I licked my way down to find his rock hard 9 1/2 inch cock resting above his belly button which was beginning to fill with his pre cum which was dripping form the tip of his large cock head. I began to play with is cock with my tong, licking the length of it, giving his nice size balls a good licking. I then took the head of his cock in my mouth, and began suck on it, very lightly. Jeff's hands found my head, and began to play with my hair, making me take more of him in my mouth. I very quickly gave him a very expert deep throat which sent Jeff into fits of screaming and moaning. He took all 9 1/2 inches of his cock, in at one time, and began to suck him very quickly. He began to scream and moan very loudly, but I didn't care, it only made me work faster. Moments later, Jeff began to speak..........

"Zack I am very close, ohhh gosh you are so good. I have never felt like this before, oh hereeeeee ittttttttttttt cuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmsssssssss!!!!!!!" He screamed.

At that time, he began to cum loads and loads of warm white cream into my mouth, I moved off his cock some, so I could taste him more. He shot about 7 shots of cum into my mouth, and I took all of it. I sucked his cock till it was dry and he then pulled me up into an embrace.

"I love you Zackary, I love you more than you will ever know," He said as he kissed me.

"Jeff, I love you too. I enjoyed that so much, I will do it any time for you, because I love you," I said as I returned the kiss.

We laid in bed for a short time, in total silence, just holding each other's warm bodies, feeling our hearts beat as one.

"Jeff will you make love to me?" I asked as I broke the silence.

I want to thank you very much for reading my story, I have asked you to E~Mail me when you read this story, just to let me know how you liked it, or disliked it.

--- I want to thank Justin, John, Jayson, and Matt, you guys have been a great deal of help and support. I can't thank you enough. Jason, your story is great, and Jayson, I can't wait to get to read your latest edition. Everyone please read 'Justin and Jason' written by Jason and also read 'Nick and Brian' written by Jayson. They are both exceptional writers. And to John, you need to finish your story for your best friend...ME***---***

Next: Chapter 5

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