A Love Eternal

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jul 31, 2019


This is a fictional tale about Vampires and love. The tale of a mortal in love with a Vampire and all the trials he and the Vampire face for their love. The Vampire character is based off the utter perfect man in the "All for Terry" story I have in the nifty site. This is a story I ahd been wanting to write for ages. But was always blocked when trying to wrote it like a regular fiction novel. But now it seems I can by adding sex to the mix. It is told at diffrent points if view. I hope you all enjoy it...


A Love Eternal (1) What I have been lead to (Prologue)...

Oscar was afraid. Deathly afraid of the circumstances he had been lead to. This crazed and twisted journey to get to where he qas at this very moment. But for Terry it was all worth it. For this gorgeous man that had stolen his heart from that first moment, it was all worth it. The pain. Both emotional and physical he endured to find this awesome love. This love eternal he had found. He would not lose him, his Terry. Not for anything or any person. He wpuld do what ever he needed to to protect his love. So this is why here near death. The death of he and his beloved that Oscar lunged between Terry and his old friend Damon.

"Nooo!" He screamed "Leave him alone you bastard" "Noo!"

Oscar threw himself into Terry. His magnificent body pierced with a steely bladed sword. Driven into him by Terry's oldest friend Damon. A friendship that was broken by their love. Oscars live for Terry would destroy that friendship and all that there was left was death. Someone would die today. But Oscar was damned if he would let it be his Terry.

"Move. You tiny vermin!" Damon growled "I will end him. Then you"

Damon reached down to pull Oscar from Terry's bleeding body. The near black blood still pouring from Terry's wounds. Oscar cried. His tears blasted from his eyes and he crawled up on Terry's body. Moving up to his beautiful face. A face drawn in pain as Terry's agony was apparent. His magnificent face pulled tightly in pain.

"No, no, no" he cried "I won't lose you my love" "I will save you" "Even if I have to die"

Terry's eyes fell on his love. The softness in those piercing balls of green. Those eyes that he was lost into so quickly. He saw the love from his man in them. Even now as death crept closer to Terry

"Feed my love" he cried "Feed. And live. Feed"

Oscar pulled back his head to offer Terry his neck. He could see in thise eyea a deaire not to do this. He didn't want to bring Oscar into the darkness. But Oscar persisted. Offering up his neck tonthe vampire he loved more than life itself. Sacrificing his body to his lover. "Go. Bite my love. Bite" Oscar pleaded

Terry did. Oscar then felt the fangs as they sunk into his flesh. Piercing the viena that held the precious food of the creature he adored. There was almost no pain. Just the fast prick of penetration. Followed by a rush of coolness inside him. A coolness that became colder and colder as the blood drained from him. But as Oscar passed into unconsciousness, he knew he had done what he could to save his love.

"Stopp!" He heard Damon shout

And as he fell under hus felt Terry's body lurch.his chest heaved in a gasp. Ans then Oscar was under. He floated into a valley of dark. Was he dead now. Of this he did not know. But he lay peaceful in what ever and wherever he was. Thoughts of Terry swirled around in his deep sleep. His face, his body. Those lips that were somehow softer than any mans lips could dare to be. The feeling of Terry inside him that first wonderful time.

"I love you Terry" he called out to the dark "You are my love, my all" "My reason..."

His heart seemed to aigh in his chest. Somehow still feeling the ache he always had for this man. Knowing that what ever moments he had had with Terry were the greatest moments in his lonely life. That what ever lead him to this place amd this death was worth it. So he was fine where his last few year had lead him to. For it leas his to his love eternal.

"I love you my darling". He chimed echoed in the dark. .....

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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